Capsules or powder: pros and cons of laundry detergents

Another safety issue is the ingestion of products into the respiratory tract. When powder is poured or added to the washing machine compartment, tiny particles of substances rise into the air, which can enter the nose, causing dermatitis, allergies, irritation, cough, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms. This problem does not exist with liquid products.

And a few more advantages of gels over powders:

  1. Ease of use.

    Liquid products are easier to dose: just put one capsule in the drum of the washing machine or pour the required amount of gel into a special measuring cup. At the same time, the respiratory system remains safe.

  2. Convenient storage.

    Gels and capsules are sold in plastic packaging that snaps securely or screws on the lid. They are difficult to break or spill, even if accidentally knocked over. While powders can spill out, and when stored in the bathroom or on the balcony, they can also become damp.

  3. Economical.

    Despite the fact that liquid products usually cost more than powders, they are used quite economically: one capsule or an average of 75 ml of gel is enough for a large amount of laundry. In addition, they are gentle on the fabric itself: which means they extend the life of things.

  4. Speed ​​of impact.

    The gel is added directly to the drum, which means it is quickly distributed throughout the volume of water and begins to act at the very “epicenter” of the wash. The powder may become damp and not be completely washed out of the special compartment, which will negatively affect the quality of the wash.

  5. Suitable for delicate fabrics.

    Thanks to their gentle action, gels can be used to wash underwear, silk and woolen items. The fabric is practically not deformed and does not lose color.

  6. They don't leave streaks.

    Since the gels do not contain solids, they instantly dissolve in water, do not linger in the fabric fibers and do not leave streaks.

  7. You can add natural extracts or additional products.

    You can drop a couple of drops of essential oil into the gel, add mineral salts or various extracts and agents to disinfect, improve the appearance and smell of things.

Washing powder

Among the huge number of detergents, the most common is washing powder. Our mothers and grandmothers used it. That is why more than 90% of Russians choose it. Today, the composition of powders is supplemented with fragrance, antisorbents, water softeners, bleaches, enzymes, agents that prevent scale formation, and alkaline additives.

Its indisputable advantages are:

  • high efficiency in removing complex and old stains;
  • effectiveness when working at high temperatures (90 degrees), which is important when getting rid of dust mites;
  • democratic price.


  • Contains phosphates that eliminate water hardness. On the one hand, they increase efficiency, on the other hand, they cause irreparable damage to the environment.

Reference! Since 1983, the use of phosphates in the production of powdered products has been prohibited in most European countries. Phosphate-free powders have appeared on the market, which are not inferior in quality to phosphate ones.

  • When dispensing powder, small particles enter the respiratory tract. This is harmful to health.
  • Solid fractions take a long time to dissolve during washing. They often get stuck in the folds of clothing. A cycle of additional rinses is required to get rid of undissolved particles. This leads to additional waste of water and electricity.

Important! If the laundry is not rinsed well, white streaks will appear on it, and the released chemicals will affect the skin. Long-term exposure will lead to allergies and weakened immunity.

  • Powders in soft pouches are difficult to seal tightly once opened. There is a chemical smell in the apartment.
  • It is more economical to buy packages weighing from 4 to 12 kg, but they take up a lot of space in bathrooms.
  • Cardboard containers quickly absorb moisture, lumps form in the powder and it is difficult to dose it correctly.

Main differences from the usual

Liquid detergents are traditionally used for hand washing delicate fabrics, silk and wool. Recently, liquid detergents have appeared for washing other types of fabrics, including cotton. Liquid detergents are intended for both automatic washing machines and manual washing.

Powdered detergents today still remain the most popular group on the Russian market - their share is about 95%. Conventionally, they can be divided into three price categories: low, medium and high.

Among powdered products, there are granular powders that produce less dust and are more convenient to use. Granulation increases the cost of the powder, so few manufacturers use this method. Powdered detergents can be concentrated, that is, they contain a higher dose of active substances.

Despite the fact that all products are used for washing clothes, they have certain differences:

  1. Compound. Unlike powders, cationic and nonionic surfactants predominate in the composition of gels. Bulk laundry detergents contain more anionic surfactants. Therefore, it is easier to refresh the fabric with gel and it is softer.
  2. Release form. Unlike gels, powders generate dust when poured into the detergent compartment.
  3. Various additives. Due to their liquid formula, manufacturers add various extracts, peroxide salts and water softening components to washing gels. It is impossible to use some of them in the process of making washing powders.
  4. Best before date. It is higher for powder than for liquid detergents.
  5. Price. Gels are more expensive.
  6. Rinse quality. After using the powder, white stains often remain on things.
  7. Washing temperature. For gels, the maximum threshold is limited to 60 degrees, and for powder – 90 degrees.

Many housewives prefer liquid detergents, as they consider them more convenient to use. They are satisfied that they are rinsed well and there are no white stains left after them.

Liquid washing gels

Gels have become commonplace. Replace powder and classic laundry soap. Liquid products with a narrow focus (for delicate fabrics, wool, cashmere, dark-colored clothing, children's and sportswear) are popular among Russian consumers, but universal ones are used less often. In European countries, half of housewives prefer gel-like universal products.

The best qualities of gels are:

  • convenient packaging that is easy to store even in a small bathroom;
  • safety for the respiratory tract when opening the packaging and dosage of the gel;
  • the product does not change consistency during storage;
  • does not deform things, acting delicately on the fabric;
  • no white spots on clothes after washing;
  • the cap closing the container serves as a dispenser, which allows you to save product;
  • does not contain phosphates.

A number of significant disadvantages prevent gels from completely replacing dry powder:

  • high temperatures lead to destruction of the structure of the product, which reduces the cleaning ability of gels;
  • soapy liquids do not cope well with difficult stains (oily stains) and are completely ineffective when working with old stains.

So which is better to choose?

Let's summarize: the table shows the main qualities of gels and powders.

IndexWashing powderGel
CompoundA large number of synthetic surfactants, phosphatesLess amount of surfactants, enzymes
StructureGranularHomogeneous, liquid, the product easily penetrates into the fabric
Temperature and washing modeWide range - from 20 to 90⁰C, machine and hand washActive at t 30-40⁰C, machine washable
Effect on textilesAggressive, may change fabric colorSoft, gentle
Cleansing powerIntensiveLightweight
ApplicationAll types of fabrics, removal of complex stainsDaily wash, delicate fabrics
Features of useMay leave streaks, requires vigorous rinsingCleans well
Bactericidal, disinfectant propertiesHighWeak
Health safetyLowHigh

So, having analyzed all the features, positive and negative aspects of washing powder and gels, we came to the question: what is better to choose for washing? Gels choose:

  • for everyday washing, if you need to refresh the item or remove easily removable dirt;
  • machine washable only;
  • if there is a danger of allergies;
  • for delicate fabrics: silk, wool, satin, lace, tulle, children's items;
  • for washing expensive items, outerwear, so that there are no streaks.

Washing powder is used:

  • if you need to remove complex (blood, chocolate, wine, juices, etc.) and old contaminants;
  • when there is no allergy to detergents;
  • if necessary, disinfect the item, remove the smell (for washing shoes, heavily soiled clothes);
  • for washing clothes at high temperatures, cotton, linen fabrics;
  • for hand washing.


Gels are not used for hand washing, since only automatic mode is needed to activate biologically active substances that dissolve dirt.

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The new product that appeared on the shelves immediately attracted attention. Bright, pleasant-to-touch capsules are packaged in convenient boxes. You can purchase packs of 12 to try. The innovation costs much more than its dry and gel-like colleagues. However, discounts are often offered on products, which makes it possible for customers of any income to try them out.

The capsule is a bag filled with washing gel, which dissolves in water at a temperature of 30 degrees and the contents end up in the drum of the machine. It also contains fragrance, stain removers, conditioner, bleaches, and chemical compounds that improve the quality of washing. The pads are available for white and colored laundry. In terms of its effect on contaminants, the capsule is 2-2.5 times stronger than powder.

Benefits of gel pads:

  • convenient dosage (1 capsule = 1 wash);
  • does not require pre-soaking;
  • compactness;
  • buying one product instead of several (when buying a dry product, you need to spend money on purchasing conditioner);
  • the ability to wash products made from any type of fabric;
  • high-quality washing at low temperatures;
  • fast and high-quality rinsing.

Main disadvantages:

  • cannot be used for hand washing;
  • do not divide into parts, therefore, if you frequently wash small amounts of laundry, using the tablet form will significantly impact your budget;
  • after use, laundry acquires a strong smell, which many people do not like;
  • Bright pillows attract children's attention. A child may bite through or crush the capsule, which can lead to serious health problems;
  • high price for the product.

Customer Reviews

The opinions of people posted on the forums were divided. Some people prefer to use one option, others prefer another, while others always have both powder and gel in stock. An example would be the following reviews:

Alena, 32 years old: “I completely switched to gels not too long ago, during pregnancy. Before this I used regular powder, but an allergic reaction began to appear. I decided to try it. I was satisfied; after washing with gel, the laundry becomes pleasant to the body and more comfortable. Does not cause any allergies"

Oksana, 29 years old: “My husband works as a driver at a woodworking plant. Spends time not only driving, but also repairing the car. Therefore, only washing powder helps. Nothing else can deal with stains like these."

Maria, 31 years old: “I try to buy both. In order to wash hard fabrics with heavy stains, as well as for washing bed linen, I use the powder. It turns out more profitable. I wash delicate items with gel, liquid or capsules.”

What is more profitable and better for effective washing?

Having familiarized ourselves with the advantages and disadvantages of laundry detergents existing today, we can conclude that a universal tool has not yet been created. Gels and capsules are not a marketing ploy, but the desire of manufacturers to make the work of housewives easier and protect the natural environment from pollution. The best way is a combination.

The detergent should also be selected for a specific task. Dry mixtures are needed for everyday items and for washing in small volumes. Gels work well with delicate fabrics. Soft capsules remove stubborn stains.

Reference! When choosing a product, pay attention to allergy sufferers in your family. The use of powder in this case is unacceptable.

What is best for children's clothes?

To wash delicate products, which include children's clothes, you need to choose household chemicals with the safest composition for health. On the one hand, gels are environmentally friendly, have a gentle effect on fabric, and therefore are more suitable for washing children's clothes. On the other hand, there are often severe stains on children’s clothes that a liquid product cannot deal with: only a powder can deal with them. What should I do?

When washing delicate and not too soiled children's clothes, you can use gels. If you need to remove stubborn stains, you need to turn to washing powder, checking its composition on the packaging.


To wash children's clothes, special powders are used that are safe for health and do not cause allergies. The packaging of such products must indicate the purpose (for children's things) and the age of the child from which the powder can be used on his clothes.

The best powders and gels

When purchasing detergent, it is better to give preference to well-known brands.

  • Frosh . The composition consists of natural substances that are safe for humans and the environment.
  • Persil . Removes stains without pre-soaking.
  • Gel Ariel. Adds softness and aroma to washed clothes.
  • Tide. Suitable for washing all fabrics using any modes
  • SARMA Active. An inexpensive product that removes difficult stains.
  • Faberlic . Premium phosphate-free powder for hand and machine wash, hypoallergenic, biodegradable. Copes well with difficult stains.
  • Eared nanny . Hypoallergenic series for washing baby clothes from the first days of life.
  • Vizir washing gel . Makes laundry soft and has an antistatic effect. Works great on blood, coffee and wine stains

The modern market of synthetic detergents will satisfy the wishes of the most demanding customer, facilitate the washing process, and save personal time and money. The main thing is to approach the choice carefully and wisely.

Household appliances Washing machine

Interchange of components

And now, in conclusion, let’s talk about the compositions and consistencies of products that can be used in this or that case. As we know, powders of the same brand can be produced in the form of gels, capsules and even balls. This manufacturer foresaw the demand for such a product so that the buyer would not give preference to other companies that have in their product line special gels for membrane fabrics, while their favorite brand only has powders with fragrances and for hand washing.

For white and black items

Use a liquid powder that is designed for monochrome shades. If things have a gray tint, then it is better to take loose powder.

For shoes

Preference is given to powders in liquid form. They wash the fabric surface better without clogging into the pores. The same applies to laces and various small parts of clothing.


It is better to add softeners and rinses. Gels in the form of capsules, which are placed in the drum with underwear, are preferred to liquid powders. If there are lace inserts or push-up bra models, this is the best option.

Wool and linen

Wash with regular powder, which is intended for delicate washing. Sometimes liquid gels and powders are used for wool and linen.

Cotton and denim

As a rule, they wash with powders with active surfactants, which destroy dirty deposits and remove old stains. Can be combined with bleaches and stain removers.

Soft fabrics – velvet and corduroy

Hand wash or hand wash only. Use soap solutions and powders for hand washing. Gels are not suitable for washing in a basin, but can be used in a washing machine at low temperatures. However, it is not worth talking about complete dissolution in water.

Delicate items - tulle, chiffon

You can wash with different powders, but it is better to use gels in capsules. They penetrate the fiber structure faster and are washed out completely.

Kids' things

Wash with gels and powders for baby clothes. For white items, bleaches for children's items are used, and for colored items, powders from well-known manufacturers are used. They can also be used to wash adult colored clothes, as well as gels and liquid detergents.


Washable by hand using capsules. They are separately dissolved in water and then applied with brushes to dirty marks.

Winter jacket

Balls are intended for them, as well as for washing woolen products. Down balls have a non-uniform texture.

Synthetic items

Wash with regular liquid powders. Gels will not cope with cleaning, since they are not able to penetrate deeply into the filler. If you have a baby onesie with fleece, it can also be washed.

Overalls with membrane

If there are special liquid type powders for such clothes. They are expensive, but only 1/100 of the total volume is consumed per application.

Ski jackets with thermal layer

For washing membrane surfaces, there are gels and balls, capsules and slimes - they do not spoil the membrane layer, allowing it to “breathe” during wet cleaning.

Shoes with thermal layer

Cleaned manually using capsules with gel or liquid powder. Separately dissolve the detergent, after which the areas of contamination are spot-impregnated. The substance is removed in the same way as it is applied, with clean water.

Membrane shoes

It is not subject to any cleaning, except using products for water-repellent components. It is better to use substances to protect against water in advance, otherwise salt stains from snow will be impossible to remove. Some models of children's shoes are designed for deep snow, but the top layer (1 of 4) consists of 9 protective layers that do not get wet and do not absorb salt. Therefore, it’s not even worth talking about wiping off dust.

Tip: You can wash your shoes and clothes with these products. If you have a special jacket or trousers, multi-layer brushed sneakers, shoes with twelve layers that cannot be wet cleaned, use a steam cleaner or dry cleaner. This way you can take care of the surface without affecting the top and middle insulation.

So we learned what is better to use in our time - gel or powder, as well as about their diversity. Video in this article

will tell you why to replace conventional detergents with professional and modern detergents, and we hope that the material will be useful as a guide regarding the choice of consistency and detergent option



The most budget-friendly washing gels were from the brands Ariel , BiMax , Losk , Tide , Ushasty Nyan , and Synergetic . The latter is the cheapest in terms of the cost of one wash (12-15 rubles). The price for one serving of BioMio is 18 rubles, and Persil is 27.

The most expensive gel is Miene Liebe . The cost of one wash with it is over 50 rubles. And this despite the fact that this sample has become an outsider in the text on efficiency. The second most expensive brand is Amway - about 40 rubles per wash. And this gel also did not prove to be particularly effective. Therefore, such a high price is not justified.

We choose based on the composition of household chemicals

Despite the same purpose of cleaning products, their composition is noticeably different. To understand which product will serve better, you need to remember that:

  1. The gel contains much less surfactants than the powder. For this reason, after washing, liquid products are washed out faster than bulk products and do not leave any traces, but a significant part of the detergent composition is spent on softening the aqueous environment. The remaining components are not as active, so the result from using gels is not as obvious as from using powders.
  2. The gels contain active enzymes that help remove protein organic contaminants. Powders cannot boast of such properties (unless they are specialized). It is important to remember that enzymes only act during delicate washing; at high temperatures (above 60ºC) they are destroyed.
  3. It is rare to find a gel that contains phosphates, but the powder works precisely thanks to these components. Chemical compounds significantly increase the cleaning abilities of surfactants, and therefore help remove even the most stubborn stains. If you need to determine which product removes dirt better during the washing process, the answer is clear - washing powder. On the other hand, the harm of phosphates has long been proven, and if there is an opportunity to avoid their effects, you need to take advantage of it.
  4. Many gels intended for treating white items contain titanium dioxide and its analogues. Unique components are not completely washed out after washing and settle on the surface of the fabric in minute quantities. They reflect light, creating the effect of the highest possible whiteness up to a blue tint.
  5. It is customary to actively add aromatic additives to all modern household chemicals, but here too the gel has an advantage over the powder. Its liquid formula allows you to better combine plant extracts, balms, softening salts, and disinfectants that are beneficial for fabric and skin.

We recommend: All the details of proper washing of compression stockings

It is difficult for a person who does not have a chemical education to independently determine the strengths and weaknesses of each product in the field of household chemicals. Therefore, when choosing a suitable product, you can be guided by at least the given features of the products, their strengths and weaknesses.

Why should you choose one option or another?

Each product is intended for a specific purpose. Gels help maintain freshness and restore the original appearance of wool and silk. If you need to remove difficult to remove stains from linen and cotton, you should give preference to powder.

High-quality household chemicals and a correctly set machine mode help to tidy up any clothes, avoid deformation and maintain the shade. At the same time, housewives often make a choice based on cost.

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