How much water does an automatic washing machine consume in one wash: indicators for different models

The water consumption of a washing machine is one of the technical indicators that affects the efficiency of washing and the efficiency of equipment. According to experts, the device wastes up to 25% of the total volume of cold water consumed by a family of 3 people. The level of water consumption depends on the degree of loading of the drum, the technical condition of the machine and the selected washing and rinsing modes.

Maximum and minimum flow

The technical data sheet of any washing machine contains test results.
They are carried out in laboratory conditions, with various loads on household appliances.

Testing allows you to set minimum and maximum water flow rates. The smallest volume is 38 liters, the largest is 80 liters.

Based on these data, it is possible to calculate the average amount of water resources consumed. It is equal to 59 liters. Many manufacturers cite these numbers in their documents.

You can check their accuracy on your own. To do this you need:

  1. Record the readings of the meter that is connected to the cold water pipe.
  2. Turn on the machine on the longest mode.
  3. Check the meter again by calculating the cold water consumption. The resulting figure is the maximum water consumption of the washing machine.
  4. Wash the clothes again on the fastest cycle.
  5. Note the counter indicator. This is the minimum cost.
  6. Calculate the average value and compare it with the numbers given in the washing machine data sheet.

Conclusion! The coincidence of actual consumption with the data in the passport, as well as a discrepancy of 15 liters or less are considered normal.

How can I find out the exact data?

When purchasing household appliances, the buyer receives a technical passport. The manufacturer is obliged to indicate the characteristics of the product in it. For washing machines, one of the points necessarily concerns average water consumption.

Advice! If the actual water consumption significantly exceeds the figures given in the technical passport, this is a reason to contact a specialist to diagnose the equipment for a malfunction.

Breakdowns often lead to overuse of resources:

  • fill valve;
  • water level sensor;
  • relay;
  • water flow regulator.

To control the water supply in the washing machine yourself, you can focus on the average consumption when loading 2-3 kg of laundry into the tank:

Wash12 l
I rinse12 l
II rinse15 l
III rinse15 l

Siemens WS 10G240 OE

Another “masterpiece” of German mechanical engineering is the Siemens WS series washing machine. A relatively inexpensive and economical model, consuming an average of 40 liters of water per wash cycle. By washing clothes using the “quick wash” program, you can further reduce water consumption to 37 liters.

Under normal conditions, unless there is a malfunction, any of the above machines, even with record low water consumption, washes clothes perfectly and the fact of saving water does not in any way affect the quality of the wash. It’s another matter if the user, in pursuit of savings, chooses unjustified washing modes for a certain type of laundry or loads more laundry into the drum than the maximum drum load indicators allow.

When preparing to wash your items, read the instructions that came with your washing machine. Act in strict accordance with the recommendations of the instructions, and then the quality of washing and water consumption of the washing machine will satisfy you. In order to solve the problem of excessive water consumption by a washing machine, you first need to identify it.

In other words, you need to find out whether your machine really spends too much water or if it just seems so to you. What should be done?

  1. Take a look at the passport of your washing machine and see how much water your machine should draw and consume in 1 wash cycle.
  2. Select the most economical washing program that your machine has in its “arsenal” (usually “quick wash”, “accelerated wash”, “quick 30”, etc.) and record the volume of water consumed using the water meter.
  3. Select the most water-intensive washing program (usually programs associated with washing cotton or bulky items) and also track how much water was used using the water meter.
  4. Based on the resulting indicators, calculate how much water your washing machine uses on average.

Note! When you measure the water consumption of the washing machine, do not forget to turn off all the taps in the house, as well as the toilet tank, for the duration of the wash, otherwise the calculations will be incorrect. If, as a result of the measurements and calculations, you received a value close to what the manufacturer indicates in the passport (+- 15 liters), this is normal

This means that everything is fine with your washing machine and there is no need to take any measures. But if the actual water consumption is much higher, say 30 or even 50 liters more than the value declared by the manufacturer, urgent measures need to be taken. If you do not violate the instructions for using the washing machine, most likely there is a malfunction and you need to contact a specialist

If, as a result of the measurements and calculations, you received a value close to what the manufacturer indicates in the passport (+- 15 liters), this is normal. This means that everything is fine with your washing machine and there is no need to take any measures. But if the actual water consumption is much higher, say 30 or even 50 liters more than the value declared by the manufacturer, urgent measures need to be taken. If you do not violate the instructions for using the washing machine, most likely there is a malfunction and you need to contact a specialist.

For our part, we advise you not to climb into the car body yourself. Troubleshooting on your own may well be fatal for your washing machine. It is better not to skimp on a specialist, but later save on water when the machine malfunction is professionally repaired. If you decide to find and correct the defect yourself, read about how to properly disassemble a washing machine.

To summarize, we note that everyone who uses an automatic washing machine needs to know how much water it consumes. This is necessary not only to save on utility bills. Increased water consumption is an indirect sign of a serious malfunction that can lead to the failure of the home assistant.

When the owners of their household appliances find out how much water an automatic washing machine consumes in one wash, an emergency economic council is convened in the house. The agenda is how to avoid excess fluid consumption.

What to do if quick wash doesn't work

If this program does not work in your machine or there is no mode with this name at all, pay attention to other cycles. For different manufacturers, this mode may be called “Quick Wash”, “Accelerated”, “Express Mode”, “Quick 30” and so on. All programs that last less than 40 minutes are suitable for you.

If you don’t know how to install and enable a quick program, special icons on the control panel will tell you about it. Turn the toggle switch so that it points to the mode designation and start the program.

This also applies to top-loading machines.

It happens that the mode does not start at all, the light blinks. Then check whether the hatch door is tightly closed. If everything is fine, reboot the washer by doing this:

  • Unplug the machine.
  • Wait 15-20 minutes.
  • Turn the washer back on. If the program starts normally, it means there is an error in the system.

How much H2O is lost in one wash?

Water consumption directly depends on the capacity of the device.

Regular (narrow, full-size)

These are middle-class machines, where a narrow one can wash 9 sets of dishes in 1 cycle, and a full-size one can wash 10-14.

The average consumption for such equipment ranges from 9 to 14 liters. In this case, we are talking about cold water, since PMMs are often connected to cold water supply in order to save resources. That is, to wash 9 sets of dishes, the machine needs only 9 liters of water - this is quite economical.

The peculiarity is how this technique works. The PMM collects water once and uses it to wash dishes. In this case, the water passes through the cleaning filter during the cycle. Towards the end of the procedure, the technician again takes water to rinse the dishes and completes the cycle with a final rinse.

The cost-effectiveness of popular PMMs priced up to 40,000 rubles is presented in the table:


Dishwashers are produced that spend only 7 liters per cycle. Usually these are premium segment models or compact PMMs. Low water consumption does not always mean low capacity of equipment.

There are models with a large load but minimal consumption, but they are expensive. Example - Siemens SN 236100 ME, whose water consumption is 6.5 liters.

This is a full-size appliance, designed for 13 sets of dishes, with an energy consumption class of A++. As a rule, economical models require 40% less water than conventional ones.

Compact PMMs with a small capacity, designed for 6 to 8 sets of dishes, are also called economical. They consume the same amount of water as the narrow versions - 6.5 - 9 liters. It turns out that their level of water consumption is similar to large dishwashers, but they are capable of washing much less dishes.

Comparison with hand washing

When washing by hand, in order to wash the amount of dishes that would fit in the PMM, you will need 70 - 100 liters of water, both hot and cold.
That is, a machine with a flow rate of 7 - 14 liters requires 10 times less water.

Approximate calculation:

  • Dishwasher. 14 l x 360 (days) = 5040 l (cold water);
  • hand wash. 70 l x 360 = 25200 l (12000 – cold, 13200 – hot).

The price of 1 cubic meter of water depends on the region of residence. For example, a cold one costs 30 rubles, a hot one – 100.

It turns out:

  • PMM. 5040 x 30 = 151.2 rubles;
  • manual. 12 x 30 + 13.2 x 100 = 1680 rubles.

If you take into account water consumption, then a dishwasher is much more economical than washing by hand

How to reduce water consumption?

To understand whether a washing machine really consumes an excessive amount of water, the owner should look at the documents that are issued with the equipment and see how much the device should drain and fill.

Then you need to find an option designed for accelerated washing and measure the readings that the meter gives. This will help you calculate how much volume the machine consumes. The same manipulations should be done by choosing the most “greedy” program.

Important: to avoid making mistakes in your calculations, turn off the taps and disconnect the toilet tank while the washing machine is running. Then calculate the average water flow

If the indicators carried out by the user exceed those declared by the manufacturer several times, contact a specialist: most likely the unit is broken

Then calculate the average water flow. If the indicators carried out by the user exceed those declared by the manufacturer several times, contact a specialist: most likely the unit is broken.

If the device is in order, it consumes a little more/less (15 liters) than stated, then try to wash in a high-speed program or choose an intelligent mode - which automatically calculates the required volume based on the weight and type of fabric.

To summarize, we will say that a working washing machine does not consume much more water than indicated by the manufacturer. To save money, it is better to choose modes designed for an accelerated washing process. And before purchasing an economical option, you should compare the maximum weight of laundry and the average water consumption of several options, take a closer look at devices that recognize half loads and are equipped with an intelligent function.

Watch the video to learn how to wash economically.

Water supply

The most convenient in this regard is an automatic car.

. Only cold water is supplied through the water supply system, but it is heated inside. This is very convenient if hot water is often turned off in your home.

Now semi-automatic

They are mainly connected to the water supply, but require connection to both cold and hot water. There are also semi-automatic models that you need to fill with water yourself, but they are now considered obsolete.


The washing machine is not stationary, so it requires a container of water at the temperature required for the laundry. You should collect water yourself in any way convenient for you.

Indicators for different models

As already noted, each manufacturer has its own limits that allow you to regulate the filling of water in the tank of the models produced. To see this, let’s look at washing machines from the most popular companies.


The range of water consumption for LG brand machines is quite wide - from 7.5 liters to 56 liters. This data spread corresponds to eight levels of filling the tanks with liquid.

The amount of water collected depends on the programs. LG equipment attaches great importance to sorting laundry, since different fabrics have their own absorption properties. Modes are designed for cotton, synthetics, wool, tulle. However, there may be different recommended loads (2, 3 and 5 kg), and therefore the machine draws water unevenly, using a low, medium or high level.

To save money, you can select the “Steam Wash” mode, in which water containing detergent is sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the laundry. And it is better to refuse the soaking options, pre-wash function and additional rinses.


All Indesit machines are equipped with the Eco Time function, with which the equipment uses water resources sparingly. The level of fluid consumption depends on the selected program. The maximum - per 5 kg load - corresponds to water consumption in the range of 42-52 liters.

Simple steps will help you save: keeping the drum as full as possible, using high-quality powders, eliminating additional functions related to water consumption.

For Indesit brand machines, all options are clearly marked both on the equipment itself and in the instructions. Each mode is numbered, fabrics are separated, temperature conditions and load weight are marked. In such conditions, it is easy to cope with the task of selecting an economical program.


It produces its equipment with a high degree of economy. But the consumer should try and not make a mistake with the choice. For example, for a single person it is enough to purchase a narrow model with a depth of 35 cm. With the most expensive washing, it consumes a maximum of 39 liters of water. But for a family of 3 or more people, such a technique can become unprofitable. To satisfy the need for washing, you will have to run the machine several times, and this will double the consumption of water and electricity.

The company produces the SAMSUNG WF60F1R2F2W model, which is considered full-size, but even when loading 5 kg of laundry, it consumes no more than 39 liters of liquid. Unfortunately (as consumers note), the quality of washing while saving water resources is quite low.


Dosed water consumption, taking into account the amount of laundry, significantly saves the liquid consumption of Bosch machines. The most active programs consume from 40 to 50 liters per wash.

When choosing washing equipment, you should consider the method of loading laundry of a particular model.

To summarize, I would like to note the opportunity to save water during washing in normal household conditions, without changing your existing machine to a less water-consuming one. You just need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • try to start the tank with a full load of laundry;
  • if the clothes are not too dirty, do not pre-soak;
  • use high-quality powders produced for automatic machines so that you don’t have to rewash;
  • do not use household chemicals intended for hand washing, as they have increased foaming and will require water for additional rinsing;
  • Preliminary manual removal of stains will help protect against repeated washing;
  • A quick wash program will significantly save water.

Using the recommendations given, you can achieve a significant reduction in water consumption at home.

See below for water consumption per wash.

Review of narrow washing machine Bosch WLW24K4HOE

It’s good when technology takes on at least some decisions in everyday life. For example, this is what the Bosch WLW24K4HOE washing machine does - it determines what concentration of detergent will be best for specific items and how long to rotate them in the drum.

We do the same: so that users can wash their clothes in peace, and not ask global questions: “How much does she eat?” or “How can I save money on laundry?”, we test this model strictly according to plan.


Model WLW24K4HOE
Typenarrow washing machine
Country of OriginRussia
Guarantee1 year
Life time*10 years
Washing classA
Spin classB
Maximum load8 kg
Maximum spin speed1200 rpm
Noise level during washing51 dB
Spin noise level73 dB
Auto-dosing system for detergentsi-DOS
Door canopyleft
Leak protection systemAquaStop
Imbalance controlYes
Foam controlYes
Hot water connectionNo
Drum lightThere is
Remote controlWi-Fi, Home Connect
List of programsDelicate wash program, Gentle care program, Hand wash wool program, White and colored wash program
Additional washing programs and optionsi-DOS 1, i-DOS 2, SpeedPerfect, Auto, Outerwear, Spin speed selection, Temperature selection, Jeans, Extra rinse, Finish in, Easy iron, Rinse, Prewash, Down jackets, Mix/Quick, Start/ Pause/Reload, Super 30′/15′, Sensitive
Annual electricity consumption (2010/30/EC)156 kWh
Weight79 kg
Dimensions (W×H×D)598×848×496 mm
Depth with door open978 mm
Network cable length1.6 m
Water supply hose length1.2 m
Drain hose length1.5 m
Retail offers find out the price

* Contrary to popular belief, this is not the time limit after which the device will necessarily break down. However, after this period, the manufacturer ceases to bear any responsibility for its performance and has the right to refuse to repair it, even for a fee.


The machine is supplied in technological packaging made of polystyrene foam, covered with polyethylene film. Shipping information is printed on the top cardboard cover. There is also a sticker with the model index, serial number, information about the manufacturer and machine-readable data.

In addition to the machine itself with already attached hoses - inlet and drain - the packaging contains decorative plugs for the holes from the transport bolts and a package with documentation: a user manual, quick start instructions and a mandatory sticker with information about energy efficiency.

At first sight

The layout of the machine is traditional: the tray for loading detergents is located on the left, the display with touch buttons is on the right, and the round program selector is in the center of the top panel.

The drum cover is finished in silver metal and black plastic. The outer glazing is made of plastic and decorated with an engraved manufacturer's logo, the inner part is glass. The cover protrudes noticeably, almost three centimeters, beyond the front dimensions of the car - this should be taken into account when planning to move the device through narrow doorways.

The metal side walls are decorated with stamping and look very nice.

The drain and inlet hoses are already installed: the first comes from the upper left corner of the rear wall, the second, equipped with an AquaStop valve, from the upper right. Four transport bolts that hold the drum in the stowed position are combined with plastic holders that secure the hoses.

There are three compartments in the detergent tray: the left one is designed for manual supply of gel, powder or bleach, and the two containers on the right are reserved for the auto-dosing system and are filled through holes closed by folding hatches.

If necessary, the tray can be completely removed by pressing the blue button. By default, the left i-DOS container is intended for conditioner; the right one should be filled with washing gel. But if there is no need for a softener, you can fill both containers with washing gel. This will require additional setup via the mobile app, which we'll cover below.

The pump unit that supplies detergent to the tank is located on the top cover of the tray; it can be removed for cleaning and maintenance.

If you need to change detergents, you can drain them by removing the top cover of the cuvette.

The manufacturer is especially proud of the drum design. It is produced using SoftCare drum technology: seamless, with a unique relief and asymmetrical grips, so the effect on the fabric is selective and delicate. The inner surface of the container is covered with a sinusoidal pattern of round protrusions and paired rows of holes.

The drum is equipped with a backlight that turns on when the door is opened and goes out half a minute after the program starts. Silumin hinges are located on the left; this model does not have the ability to hang the door.

The filter hatch, located in the lower right corner of the front panel, is secured with a latch and opens easily. Behind it are a compartment plug and an emergency drain hose.

According to an established tradition, we partially disassemble the washing machine to demonstrate its rich inner world.


The washing machine user manual is a thick, 64-page A5 brochure. The paper is thick, the printing is excellent, there are a lot of drawings.

Unlike the vast majority of manufacturers of large household appliances, which compose a single manual for several product lines at once, Bosh has released its own instructions for this model. Very user friendly.

The document contains detailed and comprehensive information about connecting the machine, preparing it for operation, operation and maintenance. You don’t have to refer to the documentation often: operating the washing machine is intuitive and uncomplicated.


The central part of the program selector is one large black button that turns the machine on and off. Along the perimeter of the selector there is an LED ring that highlights the selected washing program. The handle rotates smoothly, without clicks or resistance.

In the center of the black display, before the wash starts, the water temperature, spin speed and maximum load for the selected mode are displayed. When the machine is running, the display shows the expected cycle time.

The bright white numbers are highly contrasting and easy to read from any angle. Above them are two scales of comparative efficiency of the installed program: the blue one tells about water consumption, and the red one tells about electricity consumption.

At the top of the display there are buttons that include prewash, extra rinse and anti-crease modes (the latter option activates a wash with reduced wrinkle formation - the machine automatically reduces the time and spin speed). The far right button in the top row enables remote control via the mobile app.

In the bottom row we see buttons:

  • SpeedPerfect : control of accelerated washing modes. When you select the appropriate program, by pressing the button you can select a thirty- and fifteen-minute cycle.
  • Temperature selection : depending on the set mode, values ​​from 20 to 90 °C are available. If desired, water heating can be turned off completely - then a snowflake symbol appears on the display instead of the temperature.
  • Selecting the spin speed . Available values ​​are 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 rpm, as well as completely turning off the spin.
  • Launch delays . Unlike most washing machines we are familiar with, the Bosch WLW24K4HOE does not set the interval after which the machine will start working, but the time at which the wash should be completed. By successive clicks on the sensor, the value is set from 1 to 24 hours in one-hour increments. A long press of more than 3 seconds on the sensor turns the child lock .

In the table below we show the default values ​​for each wash program and the possible range of manual settings.

ProgramDefault water temperature, °CPossibility of temperature change, °CDuration of the programDefault spin, rpmPossibility of changing the spin speed, rpm
Cotton Eco400—902:5112000—1200
Cleaning the drum1:1012001200
Super 30′/15′300—400:35/0:208000—1200
Down jackets400—601:3710000—1200

Two buttons on the left side of the display control the automatic dispensing of liquid detergents: by pressing them you can turn on or off the automatic dosing of washing gel and conditioner. Red indicators next to the sensors light up when the i-DOS option is turned on and blink if the liquid level in the corresponding container is below the minimum.

The button on the right side of the display starts the selected washing scenario. If necessary, you can pause work and open the drum to reload laundry (the latter option is not available in all programs).

Smartphone control

To remotely control the washing machine, the Home Connect (Russia) application is used. At the time of this review, it has about 50 thousand downloads and a very good rating: 4.3 out of 5 possible.

The program is compatible with a large number of household appliances, which is explained when you first launch it.

After a brief introduction, we see the first screen of the application. In addition to the “add appliance” button, the long page contains a fair amount of recommendations on the use of various household and kitchen appliances: recipes, tips and advertising for a healthy lifestyle - unfortunately, exclusively in English.

To add our washing machine to the app, Home Connect requires you to create an account with a verified email address.

The registration procedure is simple. After it is completed, you can proceed to the process of synchronizing the device - to do this you will have to remember the password for the Wi-Fi network.

To sync, the app requires access to the device's location. This permission is reportedly only needed for automatic washing machine detection. After synchronization, you can revoke it - but everyone, of course, forgets to do this.

Despite the permission being issued, we were unable to detect the car automatically. It’s good that the application allows you to select a device in another way: by scanning the QR code from the booklet or by entering the serial number of the device manually.

After identifying the machine, the application provides simple connection instructions and is ready for use in a minute: you can see our device on the Home Connect main page.

The “Control” section almost completely duplicates the functions of the washing machine control panel, providing the user with the same set of built-in programs and washing options.

The list of programs is almost the same as those selected using the selector, except that instead of the “Jeans” mode, the application offers a scenario called “Dark Linen/Synthetics +” with the same temperature mode and the same spin speed.

The names of the options have also been slightly changed: “Anti-crease” is called “Less ironing time.”

The “Easy Start” section offers the same functionality, but in “advisor” mode: the application asks the user questions about the type of laundry being washed, its color, material and degree of soiling, allowing you to select additional options.

Having received answers to five questions, the application recommends launching one of the washing programs already known to us - this can be done with one button.

In the settings section, you can cancel remote control of the washing machine, configure a certain “energy saving manager” (we could not find information about it - it remains disabled), adjust the volume of sound signals and check the network connection configuration.

The most useful section, in our opinion, is managing the iDOS system. Here you can adjust the consumption of washing gel and conditioner, and also choose what will be poured into the second tray of the system: conditioner or washing gel.

The minimum portion of both liquids is 5 ml, the maximum is 200 ml. Note that in this case we are talking about the amount of liquids consumed during washing with a maximum load and the maximum amount of dirt on fabrics: the actual consumption depends on water consumption and the level of its contamination.

When the wash is finished, the application will send a push notification, regardless of how the script is launched: from a smartphone or through the control panel.

The application not only controls washing, but also offers an electronic version of the instruction manual, allows you to read service information about the device, including the full model index, serial and production number of the product, and also provides contact information for technical support.


Before installing the washing machine, unscrew the shipping bolts holding the drum in the “stowed position” (a 13-size wrench is required), remove them along with the fasteners and insert decorative plugs into the bolt holes (included in the kit).

The Bosch WLW24K4HOE connection to communications is standard and does not cause difficulties: the drain hose is connected to the sewer system, and the inlet hose, equipped with an AquaStop valve, is connected to the cold water system.

Once in place, the washing machine should be leveled horizontally by turning the adjustable front feet. To do this, you may need a level and a 17mm wrench.

Before the first use, you must clean the drum from factory contaminants and drain the remaining water used during technical control. It is most convenient to use the program of the same name for this. In the cuvette for manual loading, you need to pour half the standard portion of regular detergent (it is not recommended to use gel or powder for wool or delicate fabrics for cleaning), pour a liter of tap water into it and start the program. After seventy minutes the machine is ready for use.

Operating the device is intuitive and does not require frequent reference to the user manual.

After the program starts, the drum rotates for about a minute without water: this allows the device to distribute the loaded laundry more evenly and eliminate possible imbalances.

The duration of the programs indicated in the documentation corresponds to the maximum load. Like most modern washing machines, it may decrease after the weight is determined. The estimated time is adjusted approximately 15-20 minutes after the start of the scenario. If the laundry is very dirty, the water purity sensor can command the device to top up or rinse additionally. Just below, in the measurements section, we provide a wash cycle timing that illustrates this function.

The iDOS system, which automatically controls the supply of detergents, works only with liquid washing gels and conditioners. Those who are accustomed to using powders for washing will have to change them to products compatible with the system.

The manufacturer's default dosage turned out to be quite sufficient for most of the scenarios that we tested during test operation. It only needs to be adjusted when changing the main detergent. Residents of regions with a high level of mineralization of tap water will probably need to adjust the consumption of washing gel and conditioner at the beginning of operation, but for soft Neva water the factory settings of the machine are ideal.

Detergents are poured from the tank before the water supply to the tank is turned on. The sound of the iDOS system pumps is clearly audible: it is slightly louder than the noise level during washing and is comparable to the volume of an intermediate spin. The dosage of washing gel and conditioner is constant and does not depend on the degree of load or soiling of the laundry: the machine regulates the concentration of detergents, adding water if necessary.

Before testing the autodosing system, we measured the volume of detergent that was added manually, and then compared it with the programmed flow rate. It turned out that the amount usual in our washing scenarios can easily be reduced by almost a quarter. This reduction saves money and is less harmful to the environment. Well, you can finally forget about measuring containers and “my hand trembled - I poured half a bottle.” The iDOS system will take care of the exact dosage.

The automatic detergent dispensing function does not work with all modes. Programs for wool or delicate fabrics that require a special gel or powder do not use the product from the iDOS reservoir - they will have to be loaded into the manual feed compartment.

Where autofeed is set by default, it can be disabled by clicking on the appropriate button. This may be required for sportswear made from membrane fabrics if it is washed on normal cycles, but with special gels and conditioners.


To avoid unpleasant odors coming from the drum, you should regularly run a wash cycle with all-purpose detergent without any laundry. If you frequently wash at a temperature of 60 °C or higher, you have to do this less often, but for those who wash primarily in cold water, the machine itself will remind you of this procedure: for this there is a special indicator on the control panel.

When the mobile app is connected, the machine will notify you when cleaning is required using a push notification.

It is recommended to wash the detergent cuvette when changing gel or conditioner or when it becomes dirty. To do this, remove the tray, remove the pump unit, rinse the container and wipe dry.

The dispenser pump must not be washed in a dishwasher or immersed in water.

Our measurements

For several reviews in a row, we have been evaluating the drum capacity of washing machines to the best of our ability. Of course, in many cases you cannot call it a regular cylinder, but for approximate calculations it is enough to imagine it as such.

The Bosch WLW24K4HOE tank is a cylinder with a radius of 25 cm and a depth of 30 cm. Its volume is 58905 cm³, that is, approximately 58.9 liters.

Traditionally, we monitor the work of the main program with a stopwatch in our hands (Clap mode with default settings) and summarize the data in a table.

Time until the end of the washTime on displayActionTotal water consumption, l
1:483:09Start of rotation
1:473:08Detergent is poured in, water supply is turned on7:0
1:463:07Add water, start washing8,5
1:261:08The expected duration of the wash cycle has been adjusted, the time on the display has changed
1:080:50Adding water10,7
0:460:29Drain, spin
0:350:16Filling with water, rinsing12,8
0:310:28The time on the display has changed again: an additional rinse is required. Drain, spin
0:270:24Filling with water, rinsing24
0:220:19Drain, spin
0:170:14Filling with water, rinsing35,2
0:110:08Drain, final spin at maximum speed
0:000:00Spin completion, drum unlock, beep

Energy and water consumption

The manufacturer provides information on water and electricity consumption for the main modes in the documentation.

ProgramAmount of water, lElectricity consumption, kWh
Cotton 20 °C780,350
Cotton 40 °C781,100
Cotton 60 °C781,180
Cotton Eco501,040

He warns: actual data may differ from the given values ​​depending on water parameters, room temperature, type, amount and degree of soiling of laundry, voltage fluctuations in the electrical network and selected additional functions. In the course of practical tests, we were convinced that the actual consumption parameters were noticeably lower than the passport ones: we will present the measurement results below.


We were also interested in the real spin efficiency, which we measure in grams of water per gram of cotton using the formula: (weight of pressed material - dry weight) / dry weight. 10 terry white towels from Ikea with a total weight of about 2 kg were used as reference linen.

Spin speed, rpmRemaining water per gram of dry laundry, g


We measured the volume level in a room where washing machines are often located - the bathroom. The sound level meter was located at a level of 1 m from the floor and at a distance of 1 m from the device, in the center of the front side. We measured not only standard sounds, but also noise when operating the i-DOS system

Operating modeNoise level, dBA
General noise level in the room31
Intermediate spin56
Final spin 1200 rpm59

The maximum power consumption of the machine, recorded during practical tests, was 2045 W. In standby mode, the washing machine consumes 0.8 W, and in the off state it consumes about 0.2 W.

Practice tests

To evaluate the main function of the washing machine, we soiled a set of the already mentioned white terry towels, and we used substances that are both common and do not wash well. Washing was carried out using standard programs.

Standard program for cotton, 40 °C

We poured red wine, soy sauce, ketchup, blood and cocoa (each with its own substance) onto a set of five towels.



Soy sauce

Red wine


After washing on a standard cotton program with default settings, the stains from ketchup and soy sauce disappeared completely, and the stains from red wine, cocoa and blood lightened considerably, but did not completely disappear.

Soy sauce

Red wine


A wash cycle in the Cotton mode at 40°C required 35.2 liters of water and 0.765 kWh of electricity. The program execution time was 1 hour and 48 minutes.

Result: excellent.

Automatic program

The manufacturer claims that the automatic program of the Bosch WLW24K4HOE is suitable for careful and effective removal of dirt from any fabric. Of course, we did not miss the opportunity to test whether it could cope with stubborn organic stains on white cotton and repeated the experiment with cotton towels and stains from blood, wine, soy sauce, ketchup and cocoa.



Soy sauce

Red wine


Frankly, we were initially very skeptical. Without even imagining that the relatively short and fully automatic mode would be comparable in efficiency to the long standard cotton program, we loaded up the laundry and prepared for the worst.

The result impressed us. See for yourself:

Red wine


As in the previous test, ketchup and cocoa stains were removed from white cotton towels without a trace. The traces of soy sauce that the machine failed to cope with in the special mode for cotton last time also disappeared as if they had not been there, and the traces of red wine and blood stains turned out to be much less noticeable.

The automatic program took 1 hour and 12 minutes to complete, requiring 36.6 liters of water and 0.422 kWh of electricity.

Thus, almost half the electricity, a little less water and one and a half times less time were spent on washing in automatic mode.

Result: excellent.

Wool washing mode

There are times when you need to wash furiously, and there are times when you need to wash carefully. So we carried out the next experiment with a woolen blanket weighing a little less than a kilogram. Mode - wool, settings - default (30 °C, spin 800 rpm). Of course, for washing we took a special detergent for wool, which was poured into the removable bath of the manual feed compartment.

Although it was written that the blanket can only be washed by hand, the Bosch WLW24K4HOE did not spoil it: it treated it with care and washed the rather dirty item efficiently. The wool did not mat during the washing process.

During this cycle, 0.239 kWh of electricity and 40.8 liters of water were consumed.

Result: excellent.

Washing a down jacket

In the list of standard programs, we found a mode for washing down jackets: 40 °C and spin at a maximum of 1200 rpm - for such delicate products this speed seemed too high to us. But we decided to trust the manufacturer and wash a rather heavily soiled men's sports jacket filled with natural down, which, judging by the label, is intended exclusively for hand washing.

Miracles, alas, do not happen as often as we would like: we were not too pleased with the results of the wash. The stains were washed off perfectly, but the filler matted and gathered in clumps when the spin cycle was too fast. 1200 rpm may be suitable for synthetic materials, but for natural ones it can be fatal. To save the product, it was necessary not only to dry it in a special machine, but also to sort out the matted clumps of fluff manually

During this wash cycle, 0.447 kWh of electricity and 47.9 liters of water were consumed.

Result: OK, but the default spin speed is too high.


We liked the Bosch WLW24K4HOE washing machine due to its high efficiency, resource savings, and convenient and uncomplicated operation. The set of built-in washing scenarios covers, in our opinion, the entire range of needs of the average user, and additional options make the device almost universal.

The “highlights” of the model were the convenient iDOS auto-dosing system for detergents and a very effective automatic washing program, superior in quality even to specialized scenarios.

The disadvantages of the device include the not too high maximum spin speed, the loud operation of the auto-dosing system, and the rather controversial script settings for washing down jackets.


  • convenient function of automatic dosing of detergents and conditioner
  • efficient automatic program
  • good economy and high efficiency
  • possibility of control from a smartphone


  • spin speed no higher than 1200 rpm
  • The auto-dosing system for detergents is quite loud
  • The program for washing down jackets is not gentle enough with clothes

Which devices consume the most electricity - comparison

There are many factors that influence the average electricity consumption of a single-family home or apartment, and the percentage contribution of individual devices to energy bills is as follows:

  • 30% of energy is consumed by the refrigerator,
  • 21% of energy is consumed by lighting.
  • 20% of electricity is consumed by an electric stove,
  • 10% of the energy is consumed by the washing machine,
  • 6% of energy is consumed by the TV,
  • 5% of energy is consumed by an electric kettle,
  • 3% of energy is consumed by the computer,
  • The rest of the electricity bill is generated by other electronic devices such as the radio, dishwasher and so on.

What determines the amount of water consumed by a machine?

Automatic washing machines are valuable because they save the housewife’s time and effort by washing, rinsing and spinning large volumes of laundry without her participation. These freed up hours can be spent on activities with your child or on yourself, but the joy is somewhat darkened when utility bills arrive at the end of the month. Saving energy turns into unnecessary financial expenses.

It should be understood that any automatic washing machine will consume a fairly large amount of water and it is difficult to do anything about it. But in some cases, for some reason, the machine consumes a lot of water, straining the family budget. Let’s find out what determines the volume of water consumed by a washing machine.

From the washing machine model. New models of washing machines have programs and implemented developments that allow you to save some water

When buying a new machine, pay attention to these nuances. From loading laundry. Here we mean two components at once: the maximum possible load of laundry into the drum and the washing method

If you wash the maximum amount of laundry each time, the average water consumption will be less (except for the most modern washing machines) than if you wash more often, but in small quantities. From the presence or absence of a malfunction. A faulty washing machine or improper connection may increase water consumption. For example, if the inlet valve malfunctions, the machine will constantly pump water into the tank, even when it is turned off. From user-selectable washing programs. For each washing program, the manufacturer has its own algorithm, including the volume of water pumped into the tank. If you always choose “water-intensive” washing programs, then your average water consumption will increase. From user requirements to the quality of washing and rinsing. Some housewives, often taking things out of the drum, are dissatisfied with how the machine washed or rinsed them. This may have happened due to an incorrectly selected washing program or due to persistent stains that the owner did not wash by hand first. There are many reasons, but the result is the same: needing to wash or rinse again means wasting more water.

The average water consumption of a washing machine is usually indicated by the manufacturer in the product data sheet. If you compare several models of cars from different manufacturers, it turns out that these indicators are different for everyone, but the average value can still be calculated. Experts, having studied several dozen models of washing machines, came to the conclusion that the minimum volume of water spent on 1 wash is 38 liters, and the maximum volume is about 80 liters.

We do some simple calculations and come to the conclusion that the average volume of water consumed per wash in an automatic washing machine today is about 59 liters. It is clear that if your automatic machine spends much more than this value, it means either you are doing something wrong, or the equipment is faulty

In any case, this is worth paying special attention to


The average water consumption is indicated by the manufacturer in the washing machine data sheet. If you compare different products from different manufacturers, the indicator will be different, but some average figures can be derived. How much water does a washing machine use per wash?

According to data published by experts, the volume spent in 1 washing cycle ranges from 38 to 80 liters. Using simple calculations, you can calculate that the average water consumption per wash is 59 liters.

Important! If an automatic machine uses more water, it means either the equipment is faulty or you are choosing too water-intensive modes. In any case, you need to pay attention to this, as well as to.

Consumption depending on the type of SM

How much water does a washing machine use? It is difficult to determine the exact indicator. Each model of equipment consumes liquid depending on:

  • cycle duration;
  • downloads;
  • additional programs (for example, additional rinse);
  • selected mode.

Engineers have prepared a list that clearly shows how much is spent when operating different types of SM. He will help you choose a unit that suits the needs of a particular person.

Type of machine Amount of water

They differ from slot machines in a small set of built-in options.

There is no rinse function, so after the machine stops washing, things need to be rinsed in a basin or bathtub. Afterwards, the clothes are loaded back into the device. Semi-automatic machines are divided into two types.

Activator. The process takes place in a completely stationary tank, into which an activator is built (blades mounted on a shaft). It is he who sets in motion what the owner puts into the drum. During the work, dirt is washed out of clothes and dissolved.

Due to the fact that many actions must be performed manually, such a model is rarely seen in houses and apartments.

Drums. Already from the name it becomes clear that the model is distinguished by the presence of a rotating drum. In addition, the device collects and drains liquid automatically, and it is heated using a heating element.

Experts say that this technique is quite economical. A maximum load of 3.5 kg takes approximately 30-40 liters (excluding manual rinsing).
Air bubble CM

In terms of design, they are compared with activator-type devices. Only instead of blades there is a compressor installed here that produces air bubbles.

A boiling effect occurs: the bubbles burst upon contact with the fabric and literally push out particles of dirt and dust from it.

There is a “Spin” function: it works due to the rapid rotation of the drum.

This indicator is influenced by two factors:
  • manufacturer;
  • permissible amount of laundry.

If we talk about average values, equipment of this type can consume from 43 to 88 liters.

SM with tank

Almost identical to an automatic machine. The only difference is that after loading the laundry, you still need to fill the plastic or metal tank. They are in demand due to their cost-effectiveness: owners usually buy them for installation in dachas or country houses.

Depends on capacity. It can range from 50 to 100 liters. This amount of liquid will be enough for 2-3 cycles (with a load of up to 6 kg).

Such devices cannot be called a washing machine in the full sense. This is a small device with a printed circuit board installed inside. Its function is to create an ultrasonic signal that removes dirt.

They are not popular among users because they have little functionality and do not remove stains well.

The quantity will depend on the container. On average, this is 5-10 liters per wash (excluding rinsing).

If you want to know the average volume of fluid that your specific model requires, look at the technical data sheet. Manufacturers include this information in the “Characteristics” section. We will only note that the choice of the optimal option depends on the user.

Samsung WW65K42E08W

A place of honor in the ranking is occupied by the full-size, freestanding washing machine Samsung WW65K42E08W, which can hold up to 6.5 kg of dry items. With an impressive permissible load, the machine consumes only 39 liters of water in a standard cycle. This is a very low value for washing machines of this size.

Distinctive features of the model:

  • AddWash technology. Thanks to the additional door, the housewife can load things into the drum after the cycle has started;
  • 12 washing programs for gentle cleaning of any fabrics;
  • ceramic heating element;
  • drum self-cleaning function;
  • EcoBubble technology. When washing with bubbles, the soap solution is enriched with oxygen, which helps remove the most difficult stains;
  • timer for setting the end time of the cycle;
  • drum imbalance control;
  • spin at speeds up to 1200 rpm.

The washing machine has a high level of energy saving and washing efficiency. Users note that the machine copes with the most difficult stains with a bang. The reloading hatch allows you to throw forgotten things into the drum after the cycle has started, which is simply necessary.

The washing machine can be controlled remotely from a mobile phone. The machine body is protected from leaks, and there is a function to lock the control panel against child intervention. The cost of the model is approximately 24-26 thousand rubles.

Ways to reduce water consumption

Before experimenting and trying to reduce water consumption, you need to make sure whether the machine really spends more than normal. Maybe it works flawlessly, but the problem is hidden in a completely different place. What do I need to do? So, you need to do the following:

  1. Read the passport data, check how much water the automatic washing machine consumes in one wash.
  2. Select the most economical program from all available, for example, “Quick wash”, “Accelerated wash”, “30 minutes” or another similar one. Then, based on the meter data, determine the volume of water spent.
  3. Select the program with the highest water consumption, for example, “Cotton”, record the meter readings, and at the end of the wash, determine the amount of water consumed.
  4. We add up the resulting indicators, determine the average value, and compare it with the passport data.

Before measuring water consumption, you need to make sure that all taps are closed and do not use water for a while.

If the result obtained coincides with the value stated in the passport, and the error may be 15 liters, then everything is in order with the washing machine. Well, if the consumption is increased by 30-50 liters, then you need to think about possible ways out of the current situation. First of all, you need to make sure that the machine is operated correctly and that you select the appropriate mode when washing. If all washing requirements are met, then the cause may be a malfunction of the equipment and this cannot be done without consulting a qualified specialist.

It is highly not recommended to repair the washing machine yourself, since one mistaken action can lead to complete breakdown of the product. A professional in his field will perform certain work, after which water consumption will be significantly reduced.

Summarizing all that has been said, it can be noted that if the amount of utility bills has unreasonably increased, then you should call a technician to check the household appliance, this will prevent its final failure.

How to save money on laundry?

The simplest ways to save water based on working with washing modes:

  • Some modern machines are equipped with a partial loading function. By choosing it when washing, you can significantly reduce consumption.
  • Nowadays there is a tendency to build a microcomputer and scales into the washing machine, this allows you to calculate the volume of water required for high-quality washing and rinsing. Even budget models have such functions: the Beko WKB 61021 washing machine spends about 30 liters for 5 kg of laundry.
  • You should not choose a mode with additional rinsing, as this is an unreasonably high consumption of funds.

Little tricks to save water:

  • It is worth purchasing several boxes for dirty laundry (for white, black and colored ones) and collecting clothes by color, filling the drum until it is full. This will pay for the purchase of boxes within a month.
  • To give freshness to everyday items or lightly soiled clothes, you should use accelerated wash programs, as they use a minimal amount of water.
  • If your washing machine does not wash well on accelerated wash programs, you can do the following to improve the quality of washing. To begin with, the most complex and difficult to remove stains on clothes need to be soaked and washed by hand using simple laundry soap. It is worth trying to use concentrated liquid detergent instead of washing powder. After these simple manipulations, the cleanliness of the linen should be at its best.

Before purchasing an automatic washing machine, many people pay attention to such a criterion as water consumption per wash. It’s not superfluous to think about this, since the costs are sometimes more than decent. It is calculated that a washing machine uses about a quarter of the water consumption for a family of 3 people. In this regard, it is necessary to think about ways to save water and choose an economical washing unit. So, let’s figure out how much water an automatic washing machine consumes in one wash, based on its functionality, the volume of the loading tank and other characteristics.

Ways to reduce consumption

Before moving on to radical measures regarding savings, you need to decide whether there is a problem in the washing machine itself? To do this, it is recommended to take the device passport and look at the nominal value written there. Further, to reduce consumption they act according to the following principle:

  1. Read the information about how much water is consumed and collected by the product in 1 washing cycle.
  2. Select the most economical mode. You also need to familiarize yourself with the values ​​of water meters and record water consumption.
  3. Decide on the washing program.

If, after performing all the necessary manipulations, the result is a figure close to the water consumption indicated in the passport (plus or minus 10-20 liters), then the machine is in good working order and is fully operational. When it happens that the actual average value is several times higher than the nominal value, it is necessary to take a number of measures and contact professional craftsmen. Attempts to repair the equipment described above often end in failure.


Thus, every person who uses an automatic washing machine should know how much it consumes. As you know, excessively high water consumption is considered one of the signs of a malfunction, due to which the household assistant will soon fail.

What affects water consumption?

To save on utilities, you need to explore the capabilities of the largest household consumer of liquid - the washing machine.

So, the reasons for overspending can be determined by the following factors:

  • machine malfunction;
  • wrong choice of program;
  • irrational loading of laundry into the drum;
  • unsuitable brand of car;
  • unreasonably regularly resorting to additional rinsing.

Let's take a closer look at the most important points.

Selected programs

Each program performs its own functions, consuming different amounts of liquid during washing. Fast modes use the resource the least. The most wasteful program can be considered a program with a high temperature load, a long cycle and additional rinsing. Water savings may depend on:

  • type of fabric;
  • degree of filling of the drum (at full load, less water is used to wash each item);
  • time of the entire process;
  • number of rinses.

Several programs can be called economical.

Quick wash. It is performed at a temperature of 30ºC and lasts from 15 to 40 minutes (depending on the type of machine). It is not intense, so it is suitable for lightly soiled laundry.

Delicate. The whole process lasts 25-40 minutes

This mode is designed for washing fabrics that require special care.

Manual. Has short cycles with periodic stops.


The program is used to maintain synthetic fabrics that are easy to wash. The whole process takes no more than 40 minutes.

Economical. Some machines have such a program. It contains a mechanism for minimal consumption of water and electricity resources, but at the same time the complete washing process takes a long time, during which it is possible to wash the laundry well with minimal resource costs.

As an opposite example, programs with increased fluid intake can be cited.

  • “Baby clothes” involves prolonged, repeated rinsing.
  • “Health care” also requires a large consumption of water during intensive rinsing.
  • The “Cotton” mode involves prolonged washing at high temperatures.

Car make

The more modern the car, the more economically resources are used, since designers are constantly working to improve models. For example, today many washing machines have a laundry weighing function, which helps to automatically calculate the required liquid consumption in each specific case. Many car brands are trying to provide economical modes.

Each brand has its own water consumption for washing in a tank with a capacity of, for example, 5 liters. When purchasing, you can study the technical data sheet of each model you are interested in to find out which one consumes less fluid.

Drum loading

If your family consists of up to 4 people, you should not take a car with a large-capacity tank, because it will require an impressive volume of water.

When a full load is loaded, a little liquid is used to wash each item. If you wash small amounts of laundry, but often, your water consumption will increase noticeably.

Equipment malfunction

Various types of breakdowns can lead to improper filling of the tank.

  • Failure of the liquid level sensor.
  • If the fill valve breaks down, water flows continuously even with the engine turned off.
  • If the fluid flow regulator is faulty.
  • If the car was transported lying down (horizontally), then even at the first connection problems may arise due to a malfunction of the relay.
  • Incorrect connection of the machine also often causes underfilling or overflowing of liquid into the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages of quick wash

It would seem that the “Quick Wash” function can always be used, because it is convenient and economical. But that's not true.

The fact is that the program takes place at low temperatures. In such conditions, you can wash lightly soiled items that you change every day: T-shirts, socks, shirts, blouses. At the same time, there should be no complex or old stains on the fabric. A quick cycle only allows you to freshen your laundry and rid it of unpleasant odors.

  • It is not effective to wash heavily soiled and worn items in this mode.
  • Also, towels and bed linen are not washed properly.
  • This is an intensive program and is therefore not suitable for thin, delicate fabrics or items that require hand washing.
  • The maximum effect can be obtained with half the drum load. You also need to use less detergent. At low temperatures, powder granules do not dissolve well, so the laundry will not be rinsed when fully loaded.

At what degrees does the fast mode work? The water temperature is 30-40 degrees. You cannot always use the program, since to remove dust mites and stubborn dirt you need to run a full wash cycle at 60 degrees.

If you smell a musty smell from your laundry or drum, it's time to run a hot water cycle. Constantly running the washing machine in cold water leads to the formation of mold and mildew on the hatch cuff, which then ends up on your clothes.

How long does a quick wash last?

How many minutes does Quick Wash last? Depending on the washing machine model, the cycle duration ranges from 30 to 40 minutes. There is a “Super Quick Wash” program that will take 15 minutes.

Despite the short cycle time, the machine carries out the cycle completely: washing, rinsing, spinning.

How to use the mode correctly

Sort your laundry before loading. Separate items from each other by type of fabric, separate white clothes from colored ones. Set aside heavily soiled and stained laundry for a full wash cycle.

Energy consumption classes (energy efficiency)

The energy efficiency class determines the amount of energy that the device uses. The higher it is, the more effective the costs are. This parameter is considered one of the main indicators of the quality of the device. On average, the power of a washing machine can reach 4 kW. Today, many are trying to save resources, so they tend to use household appliances that belong to class A or B.

The presence of the letters F or G characterizes the quality of energy saving as poor and very poor, D and E – normal and satisfactory. Before assigning an energy saving class for parameters such as washing, spinning, and energy efficiency, a comparison is made with the standard. They have a special installation with constant performance indicators. The technique under study is compared with it.

Energy efficiency class table

ClassPower consumption, kW/h per 1 kg of laundryEnergy efficiency index, %
A, A+, A++, A+++0.13-0.1730-55%
Gmore than 0.39from 125%

Nowadays it’s difficult to find a washing machine with a class below B on sale.

Another energy consumption criterion is programmable mode optimization. The less time the machine takes to wash, the less electricity is consumed. For example, a device with energy efficiency C washes very dirty clothes in 2 hours 40 minutes, and a more economical unit of class A washes them in 2 hours.

Just 10 years ago, manufacturers produced equipment only with efficiency A; today, thanks to the latest technologies, there are devices of class A+, A++ and A+++. They consume less electricity by 10, 30 and 50%, respectively. The service life of budget models is at least 5 years, more energy efficient - from 15 to 20 years. During this time, it is possible to save a large amount of electricity.

What features do modern washing machines have?

Most modern cars have their own personal characteristics. You can find a variety of models on sale. They will differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in terms of power (affects how much electrical energy the device will consume) and other characteristics.

Depending on which class the machine belongs to, the amount of energy consumed by the device is determined. Each modern model has its own individual washing machine energy consumption class. This indicator should be taken into account during the purchase in order to choose the device that is ideal for you. For example, you can choose a washing machine that will work every day, but will consume minimal electrical energy.

The most economical models

If we talk about manufacturers, the most economical household appliances are produced in Germany.

For example, the small-sized Bosch WLG20265OE model (up to 5 kg), thanks to the use of the latest engineering solutions, has an average water consumption of 40 liters. The minimum wage here is 36 liters when using the quick wash mode. Of course, the price of such a unit is higher than the average position.

Cheaper, but no less economical, are automatic cars made in South Korea. The same Samsung WF60F1R2F2W at 6 kg also consumes almost 40 liters (according to the manufacturer’s technical information). But note that the download volume here will be larger.

The German model Siemens WS 10G240 OE from the same price category also uses up to 40 liters of water per average wash cycle.

Well, let’s add to this list another premium model Hotpoint/Ariston AQS1D29. Here, too, the average is 40 liters. But the Italian manufacturer has also introduced a laundry weighing function. Depending on the weight of the items, the washing machine independently determines the volume of water.

Today, almost everyone has a modern washing machine. She has long become a faithful assistant who can quickly and, most importantly, efficiently cope with washing a wide variety of things and linen. This allows you to keep the skin of housewives’ hands in order and always have clean things.

An indispensable assistant in any home

The question of installing a washing machine has long ceased to be relevant, because every woman understands that washing a huge amount of clothes by hand is not only very difficult, but also almost impossible. A device of this type has long since left the list of equipment that is considered a luxury item. It’s impossible to imagine a home without it.

Just like many other modern equipment, the washing machine runs exclusively on electrical energy. If you use it regularly, then the bills will be slightly higher. This comes as no surprise to anyone. Comfortable conditions and such useful amenities require a certain amount of expenditure. In this situation we are talking about finances.

The device will save time and effort

The most economical brands of cars

This information is for those who are just planning to purchase a washing machine. Let's consider the most economical models in terms of water consumption from different manufacturers.

Bosch WLG20265OE

A reliable narrow automatic machine, manufactured with true German quality, using innovative technologies. It features a rather ascetic design and a simple control panel. At the same time, the software allows you to achieve quite significant water savings.

Important! Another alternative option for equipment from this brand with economical consumption is.

Here are just some indicators:

  • The machine consumes on average 40 liters of water per cycle with different washing programs and with a 5-kg drum load.
  • You can further reduce water consumption by using the “express wash” mode. In this case, water consumption will be almost record low - only about 36 liters. And this is not at all to the detriment of the quality of washing.

Important! The unique varioPerfect option, which was introduced by BOSCH engineers, allows you to decide for yourself whether your priority at the moment is a 20% lower water consumption of the washing machine per wash or a halving of the operating time of the device.

Samsung WF60F1R2F2W

A wonderful, reliable, inexpensive unit from a well-known Korean company. Among the many advantages of the machine is its efficiency. When loading 6 kg of laundry into the drum, the machine consumes 39 liters for washing. Like the previous model from the German company, this equipment is equipped with an express wash function. In this case, water consumption will be 35 liters per cycle.

Important! Korean-made machines also save energy. The above model has energy consumption class “A”.

Hotpoint/Ariston AQS1D29

Compared to the two models above, this is a slightly more expensive option. This is a reliable, easy-to-use and functional washing machine from Italian manufacturers.

How much water does an automatic washing machine consume per wash? Its average water consumption is slightly higher - 40 liters. But the modes for weighing clothes in automatic mode and express washing allow you to save money. For example, if you use this mode, the machine sets a real savings record: 34 liters per cycle.

Important! Please note that consumption, power and other parameters may vary. But first of all, in order to conveniently integrate equipment into the existing interior of a bathroom or kitchen, you still need to determine the appropriate ones.

Siemens WS 10G240 OE

A functional, convenient product from German manufacturers. The model is economical and relatively inexpensive:

  • The amount of water consumption per cycle is 40 liters.
  • Using the quick wash mode makes it possible to reduce this figure to 37 liters.

If the unit functions normally, it washes things well in the “fast” mode. Another thing is that the quality of washing things and the machine itself can suffer greatly if you load too much laundry into the drum and thoughtlessly select “economical” modes.

Important! Before loading laundry into the washing machine drum, read the instructions for the appliance again. If you act exactly according to the instructions, the quality of washing and savings will satisfy you.

Also, recently, so-called “eco” machines with a time-saving mode have become popular due to the fact that the list of their operations includes exclusively quick washes. Examples of such a model are the Indesit Eco Time washing machine, which is equipped with 26 cycles from 9 to 60 minutes. It is quite convenient despite the fact that the quality of washing remains unchanged, and as a result, the time spent is reduced by up to 30%, and the volume of electricity consumption by more than 15% and water by up to 40%. In addition, the machine contains an exclusive set of washing programs: from a special technology for washing jeans, preserving the structure of the fabric; to a balanced selection of temperatures for washing outerwear. Such “eco” washing machines are becoming more and more popular every year due to the opportunity not only to save time, but also the financial resources of the family. Therefore, if when choosing equipment one of the important factors is maintaining the quality of washing while minimizing costs, then we advise you to pay attention to new generation washing machines.

Water consumption per cycle

Despite the fact that the designs of all washing machines are of the same type, the water consumption in the washing machine differs among manufacturers and varies between 38–80 liters per cycle. For each brand of device, the amount of resource consumption is determined in laboratory conditions on average for the modes and is included in the characteristics.

But these figures do not always correspond to actual consumption: with the correct selection of the washing mode, the figures will be identical or slightly less. More often, the opposite happens - the actual water intake exceeds the standard specified in the document, which indicates a possible malfunction and the need to think about this issue.

To determine the actual consumption, do a test wash:

Before turning on the device, the water meter readings are noted and the SMA is run in several modes, taking measurements each time. During the period of monitoring the consumption of the washing machine, there should be no water use for other purposes. Upon completion of the tests, calculations are made and the average flow rate is determined. If deviations from the standard are small (5–10%), there is no reason to worry

But exceeding the standard by 15–20 liters is abnormal - you need to select more economical modes, and if that doesn’t work, pay attention to the technical condition of the machine and the correct connection to the water supply network.

The influence of some factors on water intake

There are many reasons why the SMA wastes an increased amount of water. List of determining factors:

Washing machine modelThe latest developments use new technologies, thanks to which water consumption per wash has already been reduced to 30 liters. The quality remains at the same high level
Drum volumeThe more capacious it is, the more liquid is consumed to fill the tank. You should not buy a machine with an excessive capacity: for an average family of three people, a load of 5 kg would be optimal
Operating regulationsIf a housewife uses the full capacity of the drum, then the average water consumption will decrease. And, conversely, when the machine is constantly underloaded, the SMA takes 1 kg of washed laundry more liquid than in the first case
Damage to the inlet valve or incorrect connection of the washing machineThese reasons cause constant pumping of water and discharge into the sewer, thereby increasing the average flow rate several times
Washing programEach of them has its own algorithm, including the volume of water that is poured into the tank. Accordingly, this directly affects the increase in consumption
User's demand for cleanliness of linenBy increasing the number of rinses, the owner inevitably condemns the machine to additional water consumption. There are several reasons for poor cleaning: incorrectly selected program, failure to pre-soak, and stains not washed by hand.

Based on the identified reasons for the increased water consumption in the washing machine, appropriate actions are taken to solve the problem. If it is not possible to reduce water consumption through organizational measures, you need to invite a service technician to troubleshoot the problem.

Bosch brand cars

Water consumption per wash for a Bosch washing unit averages 40-50 liters per 5 kg of laundry. In Bosch washing machines, water is saved by dosed consumption, depending on the load of the drum.

Regardless of the brand of washing machine, you can significantly reduce water consumption by following these rules:

  • ensure that the laundry is fully loaded into the drum;
  • use stain remover;
  • use special powder intended for automatic washing machines;
  • Use the pre-wash function only for heavily soiled laundry;
  • use special functions installed in various models;
  • Don’t forget that for machines with horizontal loading, the amount of water used is three times lower than for machines with vertical loading.
  • When making a serious purchase, you should always consider the price and quality that suits you. Some people prefer Samsung household appliances, others prefer Indesit, and others prefer Bosch. But we must not forget that price and quality do not always depend on each other. You can buy an inexpensive brand that will serve you for a long time and will delight you with high-quality washing. You can buy an expensive machine that will wash poorly, but at the same time “eat up” a huge amount of water and electricity. When purchasing a washing machine, it is important to review as much information as possible about the brands and models of this household appliance.

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