Is it possible to stretch sneakers in length or width?

Sneakers that pinch are a real punishment, but you won’t have to suffer if you use one of the life hacks on how to stretch sneakers or sneakers to fit the size and fullness of your feet. You just need to choose a method for the material from which the pair is made, and reserve time. And then in a couple of days you will be able to wear shoes with comfort and pleasure.

Everyone has encountered the situation when, when trying on sneakers or sneakers, it seemed that this was the ideal pair of shoes for you. Just like with the fact that when you come home or put on new clothes for training, you feel that your legs are shackled in pads that squeeze everywhere.

That’s when you have to look for ways to “plant” the couple on their feet. This can be done, but!

  • lengthening sneakers or sneakers by one size is unrealistic, maximum by half a size;
  • fabric shoes stretch faster, but are also deformed more easily, so you should not experiment with methods of expanding or lengthening shoes for leather, setting out to adjust the size of suede sneakers.

You can buy a care product for sneakers and other shoes using the link in the Lamoda store.

Returning sneakers

The best option to stop tormenting yourself with uncomfortable shoes is to return them under warranty. In our country, there is a “14-day right” - this is the period during which you can return the purchased pair by presenting a cash receipt (or a copy thereof), a warranty card and your passport.

To be returned, shoes must be complete

  • have no signs of being worn outdoors or indoors;
  • be free from scuffs or creases;
  • be in the original configuration (with insoles, inlays, etc.).

Features of stretching leather products

A person should know the following:

  1. If the heels need softening, there is no need to completely lubricate the shoes. Some products can contribute to its deformation.
  2. For stretching, products of natural origin are chosen - vegetable oils or Vaseline.
  3. Oil treatment allows you to get rid of the squeaking of the sole.

Be careful with castor oil. An excessively large amount changes the shade of the shoe, and it is impossible to correct it later.

Give your sneakers to a workshop

This is the best way to adjust sports shoes to your feet if you can’t return a pair. The master, firstly, will choose the most appropriate option for widening the sneakers or sneakers, and secondly, he will be able to vouch for the result. If the problem is increasing the length of a pair, then a special design is usually used - something like a last with screws, which can move apart and stretch the material from which the shoes are made.

Now there is a simplified version of a professional shoe spacer on sale.

The same method is also suitable for expanding models - only the nozzle changes. In addition, craftsmen use professional sprays, creams or powders, which, by acting on the fibers of the material, can solve the problem of tight and uncomfortable shoes.

When choosing a way to adjust shoes to size, you should rely on the material from which the pair is made - we have already mentioned this. In addition, an important role is played

  • what raw material the sole is made of (for example, you should not pour boiling water on shoes with rubber soles or toes);
  • shape (for example, if the sneakers are high and cover the ankles, then when working with a pair it is important not to break the heel).

Thus, only after carefully weighing all the subtleties of the issue can one begin to make corrections.

If you rub your heel

Heels that are rubbed until they bleed are a fairly common sign of recently purchased shoes. In order not to carry around a pack of adhesive plasters to cover abrasions, you need to solve the problem as soon as the problem arises. To do this, you can use the following tips:

  1. Special silicone stickers on the heels of shoes prevent the appearance of calluses;
  2. To soften hard heels, use a hammer to lightly tap the back of leather shoes from the inside;
  3. Place a towel soaked in warm water in the shoes and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, apply pharmaceutical glycerin to the water-softened backdrops and leave until the morning. If this procedure does not help the first time, it is recommended to repeat it;
  4. If shoes have been left for a long time without proper care, the leather can dry out and rub the heels. To cope with this problem, you need to lubricate the back with baby cream, fat or soap and leave it overnight;
  5. If your sneakers are rubbing at the back due to the seam running along the heel, you should contact a shoe repair shop. The master will install a patch made of soft material in this place. In addition, the workshop offers a service for stretching shoes to length, which will also help achieve wearing comfort.

How to stretch sneakers at home

Of course, it is impossible even for higher powers to guarantee that your fingers bent in half after using one or another option for increasing the pair’s length will be able to fully straighten and feel comfortable. But it’s quite possible to make sure your nails don’t catch on the top of the sock. Next, we will look at options for how to fit shoes to your feet if discomfort occurs in the toe area.

Please note that only leather sneakers can be lengthened with a predictable result. Suede needs to be worn for some time so that it “lengthens”, but it is better to give leatherette sneakers to someone who will fit them in size, since you can do anything with such material, but it is impossible to foresee how it will end.

Using steam and paper

This is the most successful and least expensive option for stretching leather sneakers. You need to be very careful when holding sneakers over steam to avoid getting burned.


  1. We hold the sneakers above the steam.
  2. We stuff it with crumpled newspapers without deforming the model.
  3. Dry at room temperature until the paper is dry.

Drying near heating devices, a hairdryer or in the sun is strictly prohibited: the sports pair will become deformed and lose its presentation.

Acetic acid

A cotton pad should be soaked generously in vinegar, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

If you moisten a cotton pad with vinegar, apply it to the inside of the sneakers, put on a pair and walk for 1-2 hours, then the shoes can be lengthened by 1-2 millimeters.

You can buy a care product for sneakers and other shoes using the link in the Lamoda store.

Mechanical spacers

Shoe stores sell lasts to widen or lengthen a pair. Before using them, the inner surface of the shoe must be moistened with alcohol or stretching spray. Then you can set the desired length with a screw and place the last inside the sneaker.

Shoe extension pads

Precautionary measures

At home, you can increase leather sneakers by a maximum of 1 size in length, that is, by about 0.3-0.5 cm. With suede models, the result will be the same. It is quite difficult to predict the outcome with artificial materials; many experts recommend not resorting to independent manipulation. The increase in width can reach 0.5-1 cm.

Before stretching your sneakers to size, you need to find out what material they are made of. Other factors also influence the final result. The following points need to be taken into account:

  • fastening seams on shoes do not stretch;
  • usually sneakers expand by no more than half a size, for leather products an increase of 1 size is possible;
  • artificial and dense materials are difficult to change and are often deformed during the stretching process.

Increasing the size of shoes made from synthetic materials is much more difficult compared to natural ones. Leatherette and membrane are almost impossible to stretch. The gentle effect gives almost no positive results. Under strong mechanical pressure, models can become deformed and become unusable. It's better to return the sneakers to the store. If this is not possible, you should try to sell or give away a close pair.

The fastening seams on the shoes do not stretch



Sometimes shoes become deformed after stretching

How to stretch sneakers

Putting wet sneakers on your socks is a sure way to stretch the fabric.

By water


  1. We put wet sneakers on our socks.
  2. We lace tightly.
  3. We actively move (run, jump) until the pair dries completely.

As the foot dries, it may become hot. In this case, you can carefully pour cold water over the rubber sole.

If your butt presses

It's time to talk about what to do if unpleasant sensations arise in the heel area, that is, pinching in the heel.

Last for extending sneakers

For sneakers and sneakers, the methods for solving the problem will be the same. In sneakers, not only the heel can be tight, but also the inner side edging. In this case, you need to process it too

Hammer to the rescue

An old, but no less effective option, it will require you to have minimal experience with a hammer.


  1. Wet a soft cloth with water.
  2. We apply it to the backdrop from the inside.
  3. We position the sneaker so that the heel area is on a hard surface.
  4. Lightly tap it with the flat side of the hammer.


If the backdrop is made of rubber or hard leather, then you can soften it using... your own fingers. You need to gently knead the problem area until it becomes softer.

The hard back of the sneaker can be easily kneaded with your fingers, as it is usually made of thick cardboard

To save time in both cases, the backdrop can be held over steam for a couple of minutes - this will make the material more pliable for further manipulation.

Back softening

There are several methods that are suitable for softening an overly hard or tight backdrop. To decide how to break in your sneakers, you need to determine the type of material. Each of them requires a different approach.

If the boots are small, the heel is rubbed with paraffin. Candles can be used for these purposes. After completing the procedure, the couple is left overnight. Such manipulations allow you to wear sneakers without feeling discomfort.

The skin is softened with alcohol, glycerin and castor oil, vinegar, as well as wearing thick socks, stuffing with newspapers and rags. Another effective method is mechanical action, which is carried out with pliers or a hammer. Tools with rubberized striking parts or replaceable nylon heads are suitable.

To soften the leatherette, use vegetable oil, diluted vodka or cologne. Alcohol-containing compounds are not recommended for use on shoes with cardboard inserts, which will lose their shape after being moistened. Glycerin is less effective for artificial material, so it is better to replace it with liquid soap.

Wearing tight sports shoes has a negative impact on the health of the feet and leads to pain. Simple tools at hand will help you break in sneakers and sneakers faster. If the material is delicate or you are not sure of a positive result, you can use the services of specialists. In the workshop, products undergo professional processing that is absolutely safe for materials.

How to stretch shoes

To widen suede sneakers, you just need to walk around in them, putting them on with thick socks

The most important thing is the use of special sprays, creams, and impregnations to expand the leather, which are produced by leading brands associated with the production of shoe care products. You can purchase these products at household chemical stores or retail outlets that sell slippers.

Before you begin to expand leather shoes, the pair must be lubricated with a special compound for natural material, for example, castor oil (or any other leather protectant).

Replacing the insole to increase the size

Resourceful lovers of sports shoes have come up with a very effective option for increasing the free space for your feet: you just need to pull out the insole.

If you remove the insoles from the sneakers, you will have more space for your feet. If you really can’t live without it, then you can replace the standard “sneaker” (thick) one with a regular thin one.

Alcohol and soap for expansion

For a leather pair, a combination of alcohol and fat will be effective. Laundry soap and alcohol will help expand sneakers


  1. Pour alcohol into sneakers.
  2. Rub the inside with slightly melted laundry soap.
  3. Let it dry.

If the lining fabric is made of poor quality material, then the sneakers may develop an odor that will be difficult to get rid of.


Kerosene can be an alternative to alcohol and grease, but after treating with kerosene, the shoes will smell for a short time. We wet the shoes from the inside and walk around the house for about 40 minutes.

Glass cleaner

You can widen your sneakers without any consequences by using an alcohol-containing glass cleaner. The smell from the glass washing liquid disappears quickly.


  1. Spray the steam generously outside and inside.
  2. We put on thick woolen socks and walk in treated shoes for 2 hours.

This unusual method has been tested by not a single sports shoe lover. Moreover, it is suitable for both a leather pair and leatherette sneakers.


This method can only be used for leather shoes. You can expand the sports pair by holding it over a pan of boiling water. After steaming, we put sneakers on our feet and walk around the house for 2-3 hours.

Boiling water

Genuine leather can withstand exposure to boiling water up to 300 degrees.

The sneakers should not only be moistened with water on the outside, but also boiling water should be poured inside. This option will require some courage from you, because you need to pour boiling water into the sneakers, leave for 10 minutes, and then patiently wait until they dry completely at room temperature.

You can buy a care product for sneakers and other shoes using the link in the Lamoda store.

A few words about suede and fabric

To stretch durable, thick suede sneakers, many methods used for leather shoes are suitable: steaming plus subsequent breaking-in, freezing, treatment with alcohol. Is it even possible to stretch sneakers made of delicate thin suede? Yes! Do this: lightly moisten it with water, put it on, walk until it “sits” on your leg.

Fabric sneakers or sneakers increase the size in the same way. The algorithm is simple: wet, put on, lace up, wear until dry, actively moving all this time.

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