Is it possible to freeze jellied meat, and how to do it correctly?

AnyutaN — Oct 30th, 2016 Categories: Freezing

Tags: Frozen jellied meat, Freezing meat

Jellied meat is a very tasty dish! Due to the fact that it takes a lot of time to prepare, jellied meat is not prepared at home very often. In this regard, homemade jellied meat is considered a festive dish. Today I propose to talk about whether it is possible to freeze jellied meat in the freezer.

Ingredients: water, meat, chicken, spices, garlic Time to add: All year

Shelf life of jellied meat

According to the standards of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the shelf life of jellied meat prepared at home is:

  • at room temperature – up to 24 hours;
  • in a refrigerator with a temperature range from 0 to +4 degrees Celsius - no more than 5 days.

After 5-7 days, the protein in the jellied meat begins to oxidize, as a result of which the dish becomes unsuitable for consumption.

The shelf life of industrially produced jelly is indicated on the product packaging. Depending on the cooking technology, which differs from one manufacturer to another, the recommended storage time for the dish is 7-10 days at a temperature of 0...+5 °C.

Bottom line

Jellied meat, like all meat dishes, is a perishable product. It can only be stored if the temperature is kept fairly low. But you shouldn’t keep it in the refrigerator for more than five, maximum seven days.

The possibilities for increasing the shelf life of jellied meat are very limited. After a week, the natural process of protein oxidation begins in the meat, and eating the dish becomes unsafe.

Due to the special structure of jellied meat, the possibilities of its preservation are limited. Basically, this means removing from those portions that will be stored longer all products except meat, and maintaining the highest possible purity.

It is better to prepare as many servings of jellied meat as there are expected eaters, and a little more in reserve, than to try to preserve a perishable product, risking your health.




Is it possible to freeze jellied meat?

If you have prepared a large amount of jellied meat and you think that it will not be possible to eat it before the expiration date, you can take the advice of experienced housewives - place part of the dish in the freezer. This trick will help keep the product usable for a long time. However, there is one important nuance - the method of preparing the dish.

It is recommended to freeze jellied meat cooked without the use of gelatin. With this processing option, the product can be returned to its original consistency after defrosting. The taste will be slightly different from a freshly prepared dish, but all the beneficial substances will be preserved.

Jelly and aspic, which are prepared using gelatin or agar-agar, should not be frozen. Once removed from the freezer, the product cannot be returned to its original form - it will remain semi-liquid.

Important! Repeated freezing of meat products is unacceptable. For this reason, when placing jellied meat in the freezer, it is necessary to distribute it into small containers in order to consume the defrosted portion at a time.

What does composition matter?

To decorate meat jelly, women resort to fresh herbs, boiled carrots, green peas, eggs, etc. Thanks to this, the dish will look beautiful, but at the same time the period during which it can be consumed will be shortened. If you use ingredients that are not thermally processed, the treat will begin to spoil within a maximum of 48 hours.

In this case the following will not help:

  • spices, onions, garlic;
  • Horseradish root, which contains large quantities of phytoncides, will also be powerless.

Attention! These components will only enhance the taste, but will not affect the safety of the dish.

To increase the time during which jellied meat is suitable for consumption, table salt, a natural preservative, can be used. If there is little of it, damage will occur faster. But the main thing here is to adhere to one rule - do not oversalt.

From meat

There is an assumption that the knuckle, pork legs and head are ideal for making meat jelly. Thanks to these products, a natural protective layer of fat is obtained, which allows you to cook the dish without gelatin. This layer does not need to be removed until consumption. Despite this, the appetizer, the main ingredient of which is beef or beef tongue, is also popular.

How to properly freeze jellied meat

In order to preserve the benefits and taste of jellied meat for a long time, it is advisable to put a dish in the freezer that was prepared no more than 2-3 days ago. The ideal option is to immediately separate the part that will not be eaten in the near future after the product has hardened and place it in a chamber with a sub-zero temperature.

Freezing jellied meat should be done as follows:

  1. Divide the jelly into small portions and place it in clean, tightly sealed containers. This will help prevent odors from being absorbed from other foods stored in the freezer.
  2. If you plan to freeze a freshly prepared dish, when pouring it into containers, you should not fill them to the brim, since the liquid may increase in volume.
  3. If there are no closing containers, the containers with the dish should be carefully wrapped in cling film and placed in a tight bag.
  4. Place containers with jellied meat in the freezer on a flat surface.

Important! Before putting the jelly in the freezer, you must first cool it in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of jellied meat in the freezer is 2 months, provided there are no temperature changes. If deep freezing was used, the shelf life of the dish increases to 6 months.

Freezing secrets

Experienced housewives who have gone through the procedure of freezing jellied meat more than once know several tricks with which you can extend the shelf life and keep the dish tasty after removing it from the freezer:

  • Use quick freezing. When the jelly is placed in a freezer with a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius, it freezes evenly, without crystallization.
  • Avoid adding additional ingredients. When planning to place part of the jellied meat in the freezer for long-term storage, you should not add vegetables, spices, or garlic that have not been heat-treated.
  • Freeze the preparations. Place the boiled meat and prepared broth into separate containers and place in the freezer. Subsequently, the defrosted ingredients are combined in a pan of suitable size, boiled over low heat and poured into containers to harden.

Thawed jellied meat can be used not only as an independent dish, but also used as a basis for creating soups and other first courses.

About cooking

Jelly (the second name of this dish) is meat divided into small pieces, filled with gelled concentrated broth.

  • When the liquid hardens, it acquires a jelly structure without special thickening additives. This is achieved by long (8 - 12 hours) boiling of meat with a certain amount of cartilage (pig ears, legs, tails, etc.).
  • Any type of meat can be used to prepare jelly. The base of the dish can be pork, beef, or any type of poultry.
  • Jelly, which combines several types of meat, has more interesting taste qualities.

To speed up the hardening, the jelly is placed in the cold. The broth spilled in the evening in a cold place will harden until the morning. When storing in the refrigerator, you need to remember: the further the dish is from the freezer, the longer it will take to harden.

Defrosting rules

Defrosting jellied meat also has some peculiarities. This is explained by the fact that as a result of freezing, the structure of the dish changes and to restore it, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Thaw the product in the refrigerator. The dish will acquire a thinner consistency than when initially cooled.
  2. Transfer the jellied meat into an enamel bowl and bring to a boil, but do not boil to avoid the broth becoming cloudy.
  3. Add salt and spices if they are not in the broth.
  4. Pour the resulting dish into clean, dry containers, cool at room temperature and place in the refrigerator.

If you follow the defrosting and warming technology, the jellied meat will retain not only its taste and aroma, but also all its nutrients.

Another important point is how long the jelly can be stored after defrosting. It is recommended to store the reprocessed product for no more than two days at temperatures up to +5 degrees Celsius.

Video: jellied meat from the freezer

Watch this video on YouTube

How to properly freeze brawn and saltison

Experienced housewives share advice - there is no point in freezing store-bought brawn and saltison. Products often contain water and gelatin, as a result of which they completely lose their structure after thawing.

But delicacies prepared for future use with your own hands can be stored for about six months in the freezer. The only peculiarity of such storage is compliance with defrosting technology to avoid loss of taste and shape.

If it is necessary to freeze homemade brawn or saltison, they should be divided into portions that can be consumed within 1-2 days and placed in thick plastic bags or cling film. Carefully tied packages can be stored in the freezer.

Saltison and brawn must be defrosted as follows. Place a portion of the dish in the refrigerator to completely thaw. This may take up to two days. If the structure of the product has not changed compared to the original, saltison is ready for use.

If the meat delicacy looks loose, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Place the thawed piece of product in a container with hot water and leave for several hours to warm up and melt the gelatin.
  2. Place the brawn under slight pressure.
  3. Place the meat dish in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Thawed saltison and brawn should be consumed within 2-3 days. Products cannot be re-frozen.

Storing jellied meat, aspic or brawn in the freezer is a good way to keep cooked foods for a long time with minimal loss of taste. Important nuances of organizing this process are the naturalness of all the ingredients of the dish, compliance with the rules of freezing and subsequent defrosting of meat products.

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What is better to cook from?

The main component of jellied meat is meat. It should only be used fresh. The defrosted product has worse taste.

  • The broth will be tastier if you use fattier types of meat. After the broth hardens, a protective fat layer forms on top, which will make the jellied meat stored longer. Fat should be removed immediately before serving.
  • Chopped horseradish root also helps to increase the shelf life of this dish. It is distributed in the upper part of the jellied meat even before it hardens.
  • Salt is, like horseradish, a natural preservative. The dish should be salted in sufficient quantities; if it is under-salted, it will have less shelf life.

In a sterile container, the jelly can be stored for 1 to 2 days longer. To sterilize, metal containers can be kept in a hot oven. Food-grade plastic containers are placed in the microwave.

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