How to properly store the prepared protargol solution after opening

A silver solution, which has a particularly pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and is actively used to treat sinusitis and runny nose, is called “Protargol”. This is a unique drug, since it is impossible to buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. It is sold in powder form, which the pharmacist dilutes with water immediately before selling it to the client. It would seem that everything is extremely simple, but without knowing how to store Protargol, you can deprive the medicine of its basic medicinal properties.

general characteristics

As a rule, the product is pre-ordered at a pharmacy that has a laboratory. You can prepare the medicine in 10-30 minutes, depending on the pharmacist’s workload. The pharmacist assigns the client a day and time when he needs to come in for ready-made Protargol. Storage after opening is also discussed as this is a very important point that cannot be ignored. Since the silver solution completely loses its healing properties and becomes completely unsuitable for use, preparing it in advance is simply pointless.

The mechanism of operation of protargol is simple. The drug envelops the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and constricts blood vessels. The active substance has a detrimental effect on fungi and pathogens.

The medicine has been used to treat the common cold for several decades. Its popularity is due to its low price and high efficiency.

After opening, the drug can be stored for no more than 2 weeks, despite the fact that some doctors give protargol for a whole month. After two weeks, the product loses most of its beneficial substances and gradually becomes useless, regardless of where protargol is stored. After opening, the medicine must be placed in a cool, dark place. A refrigerator is ideal.

Today, Protargol is often prescribed when purulent processes are detected, despite the fact that pharmaceutical companies have filled pharmacy counters to capacity with modern drugs.

How to properly store at home

At home, you should store the finished drug only in the refrigerator, in a closed container, preferably made of material that does not allow light to pass through.

  • The bottle must be tightly closed during storage;
  • After opening, you must write the date of opening on the label so that you can count the shelf life;
  • The storage temperature of the medicine should be in the range of +4 ... +8 ° C.

The medicine can only be kept outside the refrigerator for a few minutes while the medicine is instilled. Then you immediately need to put it back. If all conditions are met, the bottle can only be opened for 2 weeks.

What does Protargol treat?

Most often the medicine is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Otitis media. Most often, this disease is treated with antibiotics, and protargol is prescribed as an additional therapy to quickly eliminate inflammation. Doctors prescribe this remedy for purulent otitis, as the medicine prevents the further spread of infection.
  • Conjunctivitis. An infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease manifests itself in increased tearing, pain and burning. If the patient’s condition is severely advanced and pus appears in the eyes, then ophthalmologists recommend Protargol in this case to wash the mucous membrane and reduce inflammation.
  • Sinusitis. The pathology often occurs with the release of purulent mucus from the nasal ducts. The medicine effectively eliminates fungi and bacteria, which significantly speeds up recovery.
  • Cystitis. In this case, Protargol is used for periodic lavage of the ureter.

Release forms

The product is available in the form of powder (200 mg) and tablets for preparing a solution, as a ready-made 2% solution and spray. Along with the powder and tablet, the product includes purified water in an ampoule (volume 10 ml) as a solvent, as well as a bottle with a pipette cap. The powder is packaged in a bottle, and the tablet is packaged in a contour cellular plate . Both forms are in a cardboard box. Protargol spray with a concentration of 2% is presented in a polymer bottle that contains 10 ml of the drug.

The tablet and powder, as well as the spray of the medicine, contain:

  • Silver proteinate (up to 8.3% silver).
  • Povidone.

The composition of the prepared 2% protargol solution includes:

  • Silver proteinate (2%).
  • Water (up to 100%).

Rules for use and storage

Under no circumstances should the product be diluted at home, since this manipulation requires special measuring instruments, pharmaceutical education and skills. When diluting, it is very important to maintain the correct concentration of the powder, since a weak solution will not give the expected result, and a strong solution will lead to burns on the mucous membrane.

It is also not recommended to purchase the drug without a doctor’s prescription when trying to treat yourself. In each case of the disease, the concentration of the drug and the frequency of administration may differ. That is why most pharmacies do not risk selling the product without a medical prescription. Making the solution will not take much time from the pharmacist; in just 20-30 minutes you can pick up your order.

Since Protargol is an unstable drug and decomposes quickly, it is important to store it correctly and use it rationally:

  • Drops are stored in a cool place, protected from light.
  • The prepared solution should be kept in its original packaging - a bottle made of thick dark glass.
  • The bottle should not be left in the light, and after each use it should be hidden in the ideal place to store most medications - the refrigerator.

If professional experience allows you to prepare the solution at home, then you need to have on hand glassware with thick walls and a spoon made of the same material. The water must be distilled, purchased at a pharmacy. The finished solution is poured into a dark glass bottle and tightly closed with a lid. In order not to get confused about the shelf life, a label should be affixed to the packaging with the date of manufacture, time and percentage of concentration of silver powder.

Shelf life of the solution

Protargol has a short shelf life, therefore it is classified as an extemporaneous drug. These dosage forms are prepared as needed by pharmacies with a manufacturing department. Factory analogues of the drug have already appeared.

The patient is asked to prepare the product himself from the active substance and water for injection included in the kit. There are pharmaceutical companies that produce the drug in liquid form on an industrial scale. Various forms of release of the drug have features in storage modes .

In a closed package

  • The product prepared in a pharmacy can be stored for no more than 30 days.
  • Pharmaceutical companies produce Protargol with a period of use of two years. This long shelf life is due to the presence in the formulation of a number of auxiliary ingredients that ensure the stability of the drug.
  • Medicine prepared from Protargol tablets or powder at home can be used for one month.

After opening

Opening the primary packaging causes a violation of the sterility of the substance, the occurrence of oxidation processes of the ingredients, and the gradual destruction of the active substance. This results in a change in storage time. After opening the bottle for the first time, the medicine can be used for 15 days.

A drug prepared by the patient independently, taking into account the specifics of the formulation and storage conditions, is acceptable for use for 30 days.

Dosage calculation

Before administering the drug, it should be thoroughly shaken and warmed in the palms of your hands to room temperature. Protargol is used only topically. Under no circumstances should you drink this medicine. Silver is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance, so you need to instill it into your eyes, ears or nose very carefully, observing the dosage. The wrong amount of the drug can settle on internal organs and cause serious harm to the body.


  • The drug, diluted in the required concentration, must be instilled 1-2 drops 3 times a day.
  • When treating purulent otitis or sinusitis, doctors use a 2% solution. It is important to observe the dosage, since such a concentration is effective, but very dangerous.
  • For problems of the genitourinary system, Protargol 2% solution is also prescribed. Flushing the ureter and bladder is difficult and dangerous at home. First, a catheter is inserted into the urinary canal to remove accumulated urine. Then, using a special wide syringe, the solution is injected until the urge begins. The procedure ends with disconnecting the tube and syringe and removing the fluid. This not the most pleasant, but very effective manipulation is carried out 10 times in one day. If there is inflammation, pain may occur. If rinsing is performed incorrectly, the patient may feel pain, blood and fever.

Buy Protargol-Lor tablets for solution 200 mg No. 1 in pharmacies

Trade name:

Protargol – ENT

International nonproprietary or generic name:

silver proteinate

Dosage form:

tablets for solution for topical use


Composition per tablet

Active substance:

silver proteinate (protargol) – 200.0 mg.


hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – 10.0 mg.


round flat-cylindrical tablets from brown to dark brown or almost black in color with a bluish tint with uneven surface coloring.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


Pharmacological properties


When ingested, silver proteinate dissociates to form silver ions, which have an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Silver ions actively suppress the reproduction of infectious agents by binding their DNA. The mechanism of action of protargol is based on the fact that silver ions precipitate proteins on the damaged mucous membrane and form a protective film. At the same time, sensitivity decreases, blood vessels narrow (this leads to a decrease in swelling) and the inflammatory process is suppressed. Silver ions also inhibit the proliferation of various bacteria. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: B.cereus, C.albicans, E.coli, P.aeruginosa. C.aureus, A.niger, S.abony, etc.


When applied topically, it is practically not absorbed.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose), sinusitis.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, atrophic rhinitis, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 3 years of age (for this dosage).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Directions for use and doses

Locally in the form of a 2% solution.

Method for preparing a 2% solution:

1. Place one Protargol - ENT tablet in a dark glass bottle. 2. Pour 10 ml into the bottle (to the level of the “shoulders” - the narrowing of the Protargol-ENT bottle) of boiled water (pre-cooled to room temperature) or water for injection. To avoid incorrect dosing of the drug, it is recommended to use a dark glass bottle and a pipette cap for the drug Protargol - ENT. Protargol - ENT can be produced without a bottle and a pipette cap. 3. Close the bottle with a pipette cap, shake vigorously for 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes and then shake vigorously again for 5 minutes. The tablet should dissolve completely.

When using the drug Protargol - ENT without a bottle and a pipette cap in the package, to prepare a 2% solution you will additionally need a dark glass bottle and a pipette cap.

Store the prepared solution for no more than 30 days in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

The bottle and dropper cap can be reused.

When reusing, clean the bottle and pipette cap: rinse thoroughly with hot running water for 2-3 minutes until the pipette cap and water are visually clean after rinsing, then rinse with boiled water.

Before using the drug Protargol - ENT, it is recommended to rinse and clean the nasal passages.

Adults and children over 6 years old: 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day

Children from 3 to 6 years old: 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day for 5-7 days

The main effect of the drug will appear only 2-3 days after the first use.

If symptoms persist or worsen for more than 5–7 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Use the drug only according to the method of use and in the doses indicated in the instructions for use.

If necessary, please consult your doctor before using the medicine.

Side effect

- Allergic reactions: skin itching, irritation of the mucous membrane, urticaria, - burning sensation and numbness, - dry mouth, - redness of the eyes, - anaphylactic shock, - Quincke's edema, - atopic dermatitis.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions worsen, the drug should be discontinued. If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: with the recommended method of use, an overdose is unlikely. Possible increased side effects. If a large amount of the drug is accidentally swallowed, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. With prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, it is theoretically possible for a very rare disease to appear - argyrosis (gray or bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes). If the recommended dosage regimen is followed, the risk of argyrosis is unlikely.

Treatment. In case of severe irritation, burning, itching of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Treatment is symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

Pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic interaction: not studied.

Pharmaceutical interaction: salts of zinc, copper, lead, silver, mercury, iron, aluminum form insoluble precipitates with a solution of silver proteinate; silver proteinate solution is inactivated by alkaloid salts and organic bases (epinephrine).

If you are using the above or other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before using Protargol - ENT.

special instructions

Nasal discharge may turn gray or blue.

Read the instructions for use carefully before you start using the drug. Save the instructions, you may need them again. If you have any questions, consult your doctor.

The medicine you are using is intended for you personally and should not be given to others as it may cause harm to them even if they have the same symptoms as you.

The effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form

Tablets for solution for topical use, 200 mg.

1 or 2 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride or PVC/PVDC film and printed varnished aluminum foil.

1 contour blister pack, 1 dark glass bottle, sealed with a polyethylene cap with first opening control, 1 pipette cap and instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Best before date

2 years.

Ready solution - 30 days.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25C.

Prepare the solution in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Side effects and contraindications

Protargol is a fairly toxic drug that can provoke serious allergic reactions. When treated with a solution, itching, skin rash and swelling of the mucous membranes often appear. That is why it is better for patients with a history of allergies to refuse this method of treatment. Drops are also not prescribed for breastfeeding and pregnant women.

What are the dangers of overdose:

  • mild headache;
  • dizziness;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • slight local swelling.

If symptoms of overdose are detected, therapy should be carried out to eliminate them.

Most often, Protargol is used to treat a runny nose or sinusitis that is caused by an infection. The medicine has proven itself well over several decades, and despite the abundance of such drugs on pharmacy shelves, it is protargol that is recommended by experts for adults and children.


In case of overdose, which is associated with the accumulation of high concentrations of silver ions in the blood plasma, the skin may become discolored and slurred speech may occur. The accumulation of silver in the skin, mucous membranes, membranes and in the eyes, which is associated with long-term use of the drug, can cause allergies, a characteristic feature of which is the coloring of the skin in color from gray to dark blue, which is caused by the interaction of silver with various proteins and, as a result, , production of pigments. In addition, systemic symptoms may occur, such as hepatotoxicity, cardiomyopathy, amnesia, which are a consequence of the neurotoxicity process.


Description of the drug Protargol drops. nasal/ear solution 2% fl. 10ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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