How to sleep on a pillow correctly and incorrectly: an example

What types of pillows are most optimal for sound and healthy sleep?

Sleep is one of the natural pleasures given to us. A person cannot live without sleep; our body requires at least 8 hours of night rest. And on weekends it’s better to add another 90-minute hug with Morpheus to minimize the “lack of sleep” on weekdays. Doctors believe that the most correct “organization” of your bed should begin with the choice of pillow. This is where the main secret of healthy sleep lies.

Many people like to build “babylons” in their sleeping place the old fashioned way, stacking several pillows on top of each other. Bad news for you, friends: sleeping like this is harmful!


Ecological fillers are short-lived, so when a pillow becomes softer or changes shape, it’s time to change it.

According to doctors, orthopedic sleep accessories are only suitable for healthy people.

Items made from synthetic filler require frequent ventilation and dry cleaning.

An orthopedic sleep accessory is filled with elastic, elastic, hard or crumbly material.

Sometimes external cleaning is required; specialized products are sold for this.

Choosing the right orthopedic pillow is the first step to a healthy spine

"Pillow Law"

photo: Alice Yoo/BuzzFeed

Regardless of your preferred sleeping style - on your back, side or stomach - the function of a pillow is to support your neck. It must align the body so as not to cause problems with the spine. Elevating your head too much while you sleep can cause pain and muscle strain. The Law of the Pillow states that it should keep your neck parallel to the mattress. This position is otherwise called neutral, not rising or falling too high.

photo: Alice Yoo/BuzzFeed

Many of us sleep by turning from back to side from time to time. For this case, it is preferable to choose a thin and hard pillow. It optimally aligns the line of the neck and spine and fits comfortably in its lower part, filling the space between the ear and shoulder when we lie on our side.

Experts from the University of Rochester Medical Center suggest using multiple pillows. But not just under the head.

Those who are used to sleeping on their back can place a pillow under their knees to ease the load on the spine.

And for those who prefer to sleep on their side, it will be convenient to place a pillow between your legs: this will reduce tension on the hips and lower back.

For stomach sleepers, you can skip the head pillow altogether. Following the “law of the pillow”, to keep the spine even, it is more appropriate to place it under the stomach and hips. And a very flat pad will suffice for the head if you insist on having one.

Which pillow is best for different sleeping habits: expert advice

You prefer to sleep on your back: choose thinner pillows to prevent your head from rising up. It is optimal to find a pillow with a small hollow in the lower third - this will be a bed for your neck.

For side sleepers, a firmer pillow is recommended to fill the space between the ear and shoulder.

For primarily stomach sleepers: Look for a very thin, almost flat pillow. It will equally well find its place not only under the head, but rather under the stomach - to avoid lower back pain.

Engine of evolution

Scientists whisper on the sidelines that it was not work that made a man out of a monkey, but... a pillow. And there is logic in this. In the process of evolution, primates learned to build shelters for rest in trees. Their main attribute was the wooden “pillows” that they placed under their heads.

The quality of sleep improved and its duration increased. This led to longer periods of REM sleep, which increased the brain's cognitive abilities. Even many modern monkeys put their hand under their heads to make it more comfortable to sleep. Why are we worse?

Pillow filling options

Today, manufacturers offer many options, the most popular being down feather, polystyrene foam or polyester fiber. Pillows filled with memory foam or latex have become popular in recent years, especially among those who need additional cervical support.

Which ones are better, where to focus your attention and choice? Experts believe that it is safer to have several pillows to choose from. Why? Let's say your neck isn't feeling great today and you want to ease the strain on it by getting a neck support pillow for the night. And the next day the tension has subsided, and yesterday’s pillow will get in the way, and sleep will be uncomfortable.

Each type of filling serves a different purpose.

Foam. The higher the density, the more durable the product and you will get more support.

Memory foam. The popularity of these pillows is largely due to the fact that they relieve pressure points by constantly conforming to the curves of your body. Memory foam pillows come in a variety of shapes, and many people like the S-shaped contour that is specifically designed for cervical support. The disadvantage of the material is that it can sometimes emit an unpleasant chemical odor.

Latex. The hardest filler, it is not susceptible to mold and dust mites. Latex pillows can help with back and neck alignment and are contoured specifically for cervical support.

Wool-cotton. The filling is hypoallergenic and resistant to mold and dust mites. These pillows feel quite dense, and if you prefer soft pillows, this may not be your choice.

Feather. Most sleep experts are unanimous: this type of filling is one of the most suitable for a good night's rest. The undeniable advantage of natural filler over artificial filler is variability. You can move the padding around to get optimal support where you need it most. Another plus is that these pillows are soft, but at the same time dense enough to provide the necessary support. Reason: Feathers act like springs.

How to sew a pillowcase for bed linen: master class + video

Sewing a classic pillowcase with a flap with your own hands is quite simple. Follow the steps of the master class - and in half an hour the pillowcase will be ready.

This is the traditional, most common and fairly easy-to-make option, perfect for bed linen: a pillowcase with a one-piece flap. The pillowcase is the same on both sides, there are no extra seams, the edges of the fabric are neatly tucked into the side seams, and the flap securely holds the pillow inside. This pillowcase is easy to put on and take off, convenient to use, and quick to sew.

How to easily sew a pillowcase with a zipper

You will need:

- fabric for a pillowcase (to find out the approximate amount of fabric needed, wrap it around your pillow - the fabric should be enough for 1.3-1.5 turns, that is, a turn plus an overlap);

- pencil or felt-tip pen for fabric;

How to sew a pillowcase with ears

Sequence of work:

1. Measure your pillow for length and width using a measuring tape. Add 5 cm to each measurement for loose fit. If the pillow is not very fluffy or you want the pillowcase to fit very tightly, add not 5 cm, but a little less, for example, 3-4 cm. However, keep in mind that after washing, fabric, such as cotton, may slightly sit down, and don’t add too little.

2. Lay the fabric on the work surface and mark the future pillowcase directly on the fabric:

a - allowance for processing the entrance of the pillowcase = 3−4 cm

b - valve width = 20−25 cm

c - double the length of the pillowcase = (pillow length + 5 cm) x 2

g - pillowcase width = pillow width + 5 cm + 4 cm for allowances (2 cm on each side)

The grain thread can run both along and across the pillowcase.

3. Cut out the resulting rectangle.

4. Finish both short sides of the rectangle by folding the edge of the fabric inward twice and stitching into the edge (hem).

5. Lay out the pillowcase piece on your work surface. Fold the part in half with the wrong side inward and tuck the future flap inside. Check the length of the resulting pillowcase with a centimeter: it should be the length of the pillow + 5 cm for a loose fit. Tuck all excess into the valve.

The best pillow is not the most expensive: how to choose a pillow in a store

Don't chase the steepest price tag and don't buy a pillow online. You trust this product not only with your dreams, but also spend a third of your time on it. Therefore, you should definitely try this pillow before purchasing.

If possible, it is better to lie down and put your head on the pillow to understand how comfortable you feel. If it is not possible to take a horizontal position, place a pillow against the wall and lean your head against it. In addition to checking your sensations, ask others about the position of the cervical spine in relation to the spine. The neck should be in one line with the spine, without deviating to one side or another.

Header image: Alice Yoo/BuzzFeed

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