How to wash sunflower oil: 7 ways to remove fresh and dried stains from clothes, pants, towels, fabric

Vegetable oil is used in the preparation of many dishes, so housewives have bottles and jugs of different sizes. The product is irreplaceable, but washing dishes after it is a great challenge.

You can, of course, find a suitable product in the store, but not everyone wants to use harmful “chemicals”, and the price is often high. Meanwhile, there are many effective ways to wash sunflower oil from dishes, which require simple products. Take a couple of these and your kitchen utensils will shine like new!

Immediate cleaning actions

Let's use what we have, first checking the affected fabric for tolerance to certain cleaning substances. Table salt – sprinkle generously on the stain, gently rub it into the clothes and leave for 5-10 minutes. You can use paper napkins.

Laundry soap works well. To do this you need:

  • Pour hot or warm (depending on the composition of the fabric) water into the basin;
  • Gently soap the contaminated area;
  • Leave to unlock for 2-3 hours;
  • Wash in a washing machine.

It will be more difficult if you find yourself visiting, traveling or in a public place. The experience accumulated by more than one generation will help here. Let's try to look at some effective folk methods for removing oil stains.

Using table vinegar

You can also wash glass bottles after vegetable oil using table vinegar. This method takes a little longer than the previous one, but is also quite effective and does not require any costs.

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Its essence is as follows:

  1. You need to prepare a solution of 1 liter of warm water and 3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
  2. The composition is poured into the bottle not to the very neck, but to 2/3 of the volume.
  3. Now you need to vigorously shake the container so that the liquid inside actively washes the walls.
  4. The used vinegar solution must be drained, and then the entire procedure must be repeated 2-3 more times.
  5. I do not drain the last portion of the solution, but leave it inside the bottle for 3 hours.

At the final stage, the bottle is washed with soapy water as usual. What are the advantages of vinegar over other means? Well, actually, acetic acid is an excellent disinfectant. After such treatment, you can be sure that there is not a single harmful bacteria left inside. This method cannot be used every time, but from time to time for the purpose of disinfection.

Table salt for purifying sunflower oil

An easily accessible product that no housewife or catering establishment can do without. It is best to use finely ground “Extra” salt. It easily penetrates the pores of soiled clothing, absorbing oily substances.

The effect may be even better if you place a paper napkin or towel on top of the small crystals and iron it. Salt is chemically neutral, so it will not damage your item upon contact.

Baking soda for cleaning sunflower oil

It has a weak alkaline reaction, breaking down and adsorbing sunflower oil. To remove stains, sprinkle the powder onto the surface and rub thoroughly into the fabric with a brush. 20-30 minutes is enough to clean the material.

Natural suede is subjected to this procedure, and bulky pile carpets are washed perfectly. A similar result will be obtained when using tooth powder containing chalk instead of soda.

How can I wash oil?

Dishwashing detergent is one of the most trouble-free ways to remove oil from fabric. The detergent removes grease well, and it is enough to make a strong solution or pour the detergent directly onto the stain and wash the clothes. Detergents can get rid of even the oldest stains that are deeply ingrained into the fabric.

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Mustard for sunflower oil purification

During the difficult times of the mid-20th century, this substance was widely used to wash clothes. Modern scented cleaning products have replaced natural powders. Although mustard is still used to effectively remove food stains from kitchen towels. It copes well with oil stains.

You need to take water and mustard powder in equal proportions, mix until a thick paste is obtained and apply to a dirty surface. Wait 20-30 minutes, then clean with a soft brush. Wash clothes as usual.

Cleaning oil from a bottle or jar

If you want to reuse an oil can or bottle, you need to clean it. Otherwise, the old smell will spoil the fresh product. There are several ways to do this.


If you need to wash off the oil from the walls of the jars, leave them filled with soda solution (100 g per 1 liter of water) for 24 hours. Pour out the solution. If contaminants are still present, pour 2 tbsp into the jar. l. sawdust (or bran) and 1 tsp. ground coffee. Add some warm water and shake well. These components will eliminate not only oil residues from the walls of the jar, but also old odors.

Rinse the jar with water several times to remove all abrasive components. Dry.

Another way to wash a bottle of sunflower or other vegetable oil is by heating it with a soda solution:

  • Prepare a solution (1 tbsp per 1 water).
  • Heat the solution (do not boil - the bottle may burst if poured).
  • Pour into a bottle.
  • Leave for 12 hours.
  • Drain.
  • Wash the bottle.

Important! Soda solution is a good option for removing oil residues from the deep fryer.


Mustard powder will help clean a glass bottle or flask from frozen, old oil. For a 0.5-liter container you will need 1 tbsp. l. powder and ¼ of the total volume of warm water. Mix the ingredients and shake well for 5–10 minutes. Pour it out. Rinse.

Dishwashing detergent

Fairy, AOC, Drop, Sorti - this is an incomplete list of washing shampoos developed by modern chemists to make work easier in the household.

Their main purpose is the breakdown of organic compounds even in cold water. These products are suitable not only for their intended purpose, but also for removing many fatty deposits.

To clean an oil stain you need:

  • Apply washing shampoo to the dirty area and rub into the fabric. The measure of acidity - pH - of such preparations is neutral or slightly alkaline, so there will be no harm to clothing. If the material is still delicate, then try first on the wrong side of the seam;
  • Pour water into a small container and wash the item;
  • Rinse and dry.

Important! Do not use special grease cleaners for ovens and grills. The nature of the action of the drugs is very aggressive and dangerous for the integrity of even the most resistant paints and fabrics.

Gasoline, benzene, turpentine

To use these solvents, you first need to make a test on the lining or back of the garment. Cotton, linen items or those containing a small percentage of synthetics must be cleaned. The most effective work will be done when potato starch is added to the solvents.

Important! Do not use motor gasoline to remove contaminants. Numerous toxic additives make the fuel itself difficult to remove from any fabric.

For this purpose, you should purchase well-refined gasoline, kerosene or turpentine at hardware stores. Cleaning algorithm:

place a piece of cotton textile or paper towel under the stain;

  • Moisten a clean cloth with solvent;
  • Wipe the dirty area with a damp cloth from the edges to the center;
  • Treat the rim that has formed as it dries with a swab dipped in gasoline.

How to remove a label

The manufacturer leaves its own branded labels and logos on some bottles. As a rule, they are glued with glue, which is easily destroyed under the influence of a hot jet. Place the container with the label under running hot water for a few minutes, and then remove the paper backing. Glue residues can be easily removed using an abrasive sponge and a small amount of any detergent.

If hot water does not help get rid of the label, then you can try another method. Pour water into the pan and add 2 tbsp. crushed laundry soap per liter of water. Place the bottle in the pan and turn on the heat. Boil the bottle for half an hour - during this time the label will come off the glass.

Varieties of technical oils leave significant stains on overalls and everyday clothes.

  • The motor oil that has penetrated the fibers is soaked in acetone for 20 minutes. This method is used in the fight against fresh prints.
  • Wipe off transformer or hydraulic oil with a textile rag soaked in gasoline.
  • Toothpaste removes fresh used car oil. It is distributed over the left marks until completely dry. Then a brush soaked in warm water removes the remaining oily substance.
  • Having noticed splashes on a thin silk shirt, pour 3 liters of cool water into an enamel basin. Stir table vinegar (9%). Keep the item soaked for 50 minutes. For washing, use regular detergent. This technique will allow you to safely tidy up colored fabric, refreshing its shades.

The fir analog helps remove old deposits and the characteristic aroma of machine oil. Moisten the cotton wool and hold for 30 minutes. Then wipe off the dirt with dish gel.

Turpentine works well on absorbed old stains. A cotton pad is moistened in it and the marks are carefully removed without much friction. If the fabric is dyed, then check the effect on the inside. An unstable pigment may dissolve, leaving a whitish bald spot on the clothing.

Stain removers

When using products specially designed for cleaning clothes and household items, you should strictly follow the instructions to avoid damage.

A variety of household gels, powders, and rollers contain fat breakers, active oxygen, surfactants, flavors and other additives.

An excellent grease remover can be prepared at home.

  1. To do this, you need to take equal parts of purified gasoline, ammonia and ethyl alcohol or vodka.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the oil stain and wait 15-30 minutes.
  3. If the contamination is old, the time increases to one and a half hours.
  4. Then you should rinse the item in cold water.

How to remove vegetable oil stains from clothes and upholstered furniture

Unfortunately, sometimes careless handling of oil can lead to stains on clothing or upholstery. This problem can be easily fixed if you use old proven methods:

  1. sprinkle starch or salt onto the stain, cover with a clean cotton rag and iron;
  2. use a solution consisting of dishwashing liquid and ammonia. Moisten the stain well on both sides, then cover the stain with paper or rags and iron with a hot iron;
  3. Apply a solution of turpentine with laundry soap and ammonia. The product is applied generously to the contaminated area, left for a short time (10-15 minutes) and carefully removed with soft sponges, constantly wetting them in water.

Important! Before starting work, you need to take care of personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, personal respirators, etc.

If you listen to our recommendations and follow the advice, then you will not have any problems with how to quickly and efficiently remove oil from surfaces and remove stains.

Hello Irina! Indeed, it is impossible to deal with such a stain using conventional methods. Sunflower oil has a greasy consistency and is difficult to remove from any surface, especially fabric. We advise you to start cleaning as soon as possible, as over time the oil thickens and becomes increasingly difficult to remove. But we will offer you several effective options for any cases:


One of these substances will help to remove sunflower oil:

Apply it thickly to the dirty area, leave for half an hour, and then rinse with household products. But not all fabrics will survive this easily, so try on a small, inconspicuous area first;


The following method can be used when you are already tired of looking for the answer to the question “How to wash old sunflower oil.” Take:

  • a teaspoon of ammonia
  • three tablespoons of alcohol
  • half a teaspoon of gasoline

Mix the products and generously lubricate the stain. If it is fresh, then it is enough to wait half an hour, and if it has been dirty for a long time, then at least an hour. Then rinse the area under cold water. If the stain is still there after drying, repeat the procedure;


Another option for old stains is a paste of turpentine, a few drops of ammonia and grated laundry soap. It needs to be rubbed into the stain and washed off after 20 minutes;

Carpet cleaning

What to do if insidious oil spills on your favorite piece of furniture? First, blot the excess product dry with paper towels.

Next, laundry soap and washing powder will be used:

  • Place a piece of polyethylene under the carpet, and then any clean cloth to avoid damage to the floor covering;
  • Moisten the surface of the dirty layer and a little around it with water so that the stain does not increase;
  • Take a stiff brush, soap it or add a little powder;
  • Rub the detergent into the pile;
  • Rinse and blot the clean item with a dry cloth.

How to clean bottles with an old oil film inside?

This method was described by housewives who managed to find old beautiful glass bottles in which vegetable oil was once stored “in the bins” of their kitchen. You don’t have to throw away such containers, but give them a second life by reusing them for their intended purpose.

But what about the oil film that coats the walls of the bottle from the inside and exudes a rancid smell? In this case, there is also an effective cleaning method, after which not a trace of sunflower oil will remain. You will need the same soda, rice cereal and flour. All components are needed in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. Next you need to proceed like this:

  1. Pour the flour into the bottle and twist the container in different directions so that the flour is distributed evenly over the inner surface.
  2. Now pour rice grains into the bottle, cover the neck with your palm and shake vigorously for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Without pouring out the rice, pour a glass of hot water with some detergent into the bottle, close the lid and simmer.
  4. Then the bottle must be rinsed, pour soda into it and fill it to the top with hot soapy water. Shake again and leave overnight.

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In the morning, the solution must be drained and the bottle rinsed. Usually this is enough to make the walls perfectly clean. If any remaining dirt is still visible in the light, pour rice and baking soda back into the glass container, add hot water, and shake vigorously. Having put in so much effort, you will get the cleanest bottle, and next time you simply won’t want to let it get to that state and will be limited to the easy cleaning option. By the way, if your nose still detects an unpleasant odor coming from the bottle, you can place a spoonful of ground coffee or water with lemon juice in it for several hours. The problem will disappear.

Using glass bottles is especially convenient if you buy oil in large containers. Such containers look more aesthetically pleasing and do not take up much space. If a small bottle is accidentally knocked over, it will not have time to leak much oil. Glass is safe in an environmental sense, since this material is inert and does not interact with the product. In general, there are only advantages to using such containers; all that remains is to keep them clean. As you already understand, this is not at all difficult to do.

Some Caveats

It is much easier to remove fresh dirt from the surface than dried and crusted dirt.

When working with any fabric, do a test test on the wrong side of the seam or hem of the fabric. Be careful with delicate material.

Do not use plumbing cleaners. They are too aggressive.

When using stain removers, carefully read the instructions - the chlorine they contain will permanently ruin any item.

When working with solvents - gasoline, turpentine, ammonia, use hand protection and do not forget to open the windows.

Industrial cleaners

In the assortment of household chemicals aimed at cleaning marks of various nature from items of clothing, you can choose an effective option.


An important criterion is the type of textile. The type of pollutant and the degree of stain resistance are taken into account. Types of recommended cleaners:

  1. AXEL-6. Aerosol Oil amp; Grease Remover with a universal spectrum of action against oil stains. Spray onto a soft piece of cloth and rub off the oily print towards the center. After treatment, the sponge is moistened with detergent and the surface is wiped.
  2. Oil Stain Remover. Refers to environmentally friendly products with a citrus base. Effectively cleans technical oily types. After applying to the stain, leave the composition until completely dry for about 8 hours. The resulting powder is removed with a brush.
  3. Beckmann. This series of stain removers offers a special type for oil stains. It is recommended to use it for products that can be washed after treatment. It is also practiced to clean items from the group of outerwear that are undesirable to wash frequently. Suitable for colored items. Not for use on skin.
  4. Gold Oxi from the line Thanks to its thick consistency, it is easily distributed over the fabric. Does not require a long time, removing even large oil deposits in a few minutes. Safely cleans colored and white textiles.

When working, ensure ventilation of the room, protect hands with gloves.

Oily stains appear quite often on different types of textiles. It is easier to deal with them in the first moments after their appearance, since many available substances absorb the oil.

Do not despair if you notice already dried marks or traces from varieties that are difficult to breed. Among the proven methods, it is possible to select the most effective and safe ones.

Photo instructions on how to wash sunflower oil

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