How to remove water-based, enamel and oil paint from pants

To remove dried stains, use available products: glycerin, alcohol (medicinal, ethyl, ammonia), vinegar. Solvents will also help: white spirit, acetone, gasoline, turpentine. Apply the product to the fabric, rub in, let the product soak and wash thoroughly. Use aggressive agents only as a last resort. Even though they remove stains well, they damage the fabric itself.

Paint is a durable material. It can irrevocably damage home or formal clothes during a walk or when performing major or cosmetic repairs. To deal with the resulting stains and remove paint from pants, you need to rely on the type of contamination.

First aid for removing stains

First of all, carefully examine the fabric. Remember how long ago the stain appeared, whether it is fresh or not. It is important to understand what kind of paint is on your trousers: acrylic, oil, watercolor or water-based.

It is very important to adhere to the following rules when detecting stains:

  1. If the paint is still fresh, you must immediately wash your trousers or jeans with laundry soap or concentrated powder.
  2. Fold the item carefully so as not to inadvertently stain it somewhere else with remaining paint.
  3. If you want to try removing stain remover, try it on the inside of your pants first. Be sure to place some paper underneath so that the paint doesn't stick out.
  4. To avoid rubbing the stain further, remove it by moving toward the center from the edges.

Assess the severity of the stain and the freshness of the stain on your trousers

Fresh stains are easier to remove than old and dried ones. If a stain appears, you should begin cleaning immediately. Stains that are more than a day old have already dried out and will require some tinkering to restore. It is easier to remove paint from pants made of thick fabric than from thin fabric.

Pay attention to the size of the stain - if the stain is huge, then removing paint from your pants will be an unrealistic process. It's better to take the item to the dry cleaner. Small stains are easier to clean. It is necessary to consider the type of paint you want to get rid of. Gouache, watercolor and others, water-based, are easier to remove than oil-based ones.

Ways to clean oil paint and alkyd enamel

Oil paint is one of the most common types of stains on jeans, which is very easy to acquire by sitting on a painted bench. One effective way to remove oil paint from trousers at home is to use butter and washing powder. To do this you need:

  • melt the butter and add powder to it (about 1 teaspoon);
  • Apply the mixture to the stain, rubbing thoroughly, and leave for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the solution will be absorbed and begin to act;
  • then wash the trousers by hand and let them dry thoroughly.

This method is only suitable for fresh stains. Dry paint will be much more difficult to remove.

Another proven method is to wipe the stain with a solvent (naturally, first try it somewhere on the inside of the trousers near the seam). A good solvent is acetone.

  1. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad and dampen the stain.
  2. Set the jeans aside until the solvent is absorbed.
  3. Then wash in cold water.

It is also worth noting turpentine ointment and white alcohol. They do an excellent job of removing oil stains and alkyd enamel. The algorithm of action is similar: moisten a cotton pad or sponge, wipe off the paint, rinse. If there is a small greasy stain left from turpentine, ammonia can easily and very quickly remove it.

Special means

You can get rid of paint using special stain removers. They are sold in stores in the departments with household chemicals.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Release form . Liquid formulations are universal, and powder detergents are not used for washing delicate items.

  2. Purpose of the product . There are stain removers only for white and only for colored items.
  3. Compound. It may include surfactants, enzymes, and active oxygen. These components carefully remove dirt without harming the fabric fibers. Aggressive substances include: chlorine, bile, acids.

Be sure to pay attention to the price of the cleaning product. Often it is overestimated not because of the effectiveness of the stain remover, but because of the brand under which it is produced.

  • apply the composition to the stain (if powder is used, the fabric must first be moistened);
  • leave for impact;
  • rub the contaminated area;
  • Wash your pants using stain remover.

Top 3 best products

You can deal with paint using the following stain removers:

    Vanish Oxi action Gold gel . Apply the product to the stain, leave for 1-4 hours, then wash as usual. The cost of a 0.45 liter bottle is 210 rubles.

Advantages of the stain remover: convenient release form, activation at low temperatures, ability to use for white and colored items, absence of aggressive components in the composition.

Gel Antipyatin with natural bile . Apply the product to the stain, rub in gently, leave for 15 minutes, then wash by hand or in a machine.

The cost of a 250 ml package is 230 rubles. Advantages: activation at a temperature of 30 degrees, the ability to use for washing delicate items, the presence of natural ingredients. Udalix Ultra liquid stain remover . The spray is sprayed onto the stain, left to act for 10-15 minutes, rubbed lightly with your hands, and washed as usual.

The cost of a 150 ml spray is 260 rubles. Advantages: convenient bottle that allows you to accurately dose the product, can be used for all types of fabrics.

How to remove paint from corduroy and knitted trousers?

Corduroy trousers are very good at removing paint stains from gasoline and kerosene: apply a little, rub and wash. True, the smell will completely go away only after the 2-3rd wash.

Please note that this product is not suitable for knitted trousers as it may corrode the fabric. To clean them, you can use vegetable oil:

  1. You need to apply it to a cotton pad and slowly wipe the stain from the edge to the center.
  2. Then wash the clothes.
  3. If the knitted trousers are plain, you can use ammonia to remove the stain.

Tips for removing stains

Before removing stains from white clothes, you need to learn a few important rules:

  1. Don't put off processing your clothes. The faster you clean things from dirt, the better the product you use will work. First, the item can be washed as usual with the addition of stain remover.
  2. Do not use chlorinated bleach as it will cause the fabric to turn yellow. It is best to use peroxide-based products.
  3. Do not soak contaminated items. This will cause the stain to become embedded in the fabric fibers.
  4. Keep dirty items away from warm places. Do not place it in direct sunlight or on a battery. Do not dry food marks with a hairdryer or iron.
  5. As a preliminary cleansing, you can use dishwashing gel. Apply it to the stain and rub lightly.
  6. You can mix hydrogen peroxide with liquid products and apply the resulting solution to the mark. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse off.
  7. Do not use colored or thick products to remove marks from white items. This group includes laundry soap, mustard, kerosene, and turpentine.
  8. If suddenly one method does not help remove the stain, then try another. But you should not use them at the same time, as an unexpected chemical reaction may occur. It is better to repeat the procedure the next day, when the product is dry.

In some situations, to remove stains from white items, you need to dry clean them. This procedure may be required if traces of greasy food appear, delicate fabrics (wool, silk, cashmere) are dirty, old or stubborn stains.

Dried paint on pants

Unfortunately, if you notice the paint on your pants too late, it dries and a film forms that is quite difficult to dissolve. But still, there are effective ways to do this. However, before you start removing dried paint stains, you need to try to remove it. This can be done using a plastic card, a blade or a wooden stick. Carefully, so as not to tear or spoil the material, you should scrape off the resulting film.

Paint from a bench

If your trousers get dirty while sitting on a bench, it is most likely oil paint. Dish detergent can remove it:

  • apply, rub, set aside for four hours;
  • Now you can try just cleaning it with a brush.

Also, substances with fat-dissolving components will help get rid of stains.

  1. You need to mix vinegar, kefir and borax (sodium tetraborate) in equal quantities.
  2. Wipe the paint inside and out, wait a little and clean with a brush.
  3. Then be sure to wash it.

Water-based paint

But the methods for removing water-based paint differ significantly. It’s a little easier to remove than oil, even if it’s dried out. Sometimes one wash is enough and the stain disappears. If this does not help, you need to wipe the paint with alcohol (necessarily from the inside of the trousers), wait about half an hour and wipe with paper. You can also make a solution:

  • vinegar (2 tbsp);
  • ammonia (2 tbsp.);
  • salt (1 tbsp).

Apply and leave for 5-7 minutes, no more. Then clean it and put it in the wash.

Features of removing paint from colored pants

If the dirty trousers are light in color , it is recommended to remove paint stains with chlorine.

  1. You need to add a liter of chlorine to six liters of water.
  2. Dissolve completely, put the pan on gas, put the jeans in there and boil for about half an hour, not forgetting to stir.
  3. Then you can rinse in water or wash.

If the trousers are black , window and mirror cleaner will help. It will corrode the paint and will not leave any streaks. To be effective, you can mix it with small pieces of laundry soap and rub the stain thoroughly.

Brightly colored jeans that are terribly damaged can be saved from paint by hydrogen peroxide and lemon:

  • Wipe the stain with peroxide and put lemon pulp on it;
  • After 20 minutes, peel and wash.

Never rush to throw away jeans and trousers if they are stained with paint. Remember that there are many ways to return things to their original appearance.

Types of painting materials

The main factor that allows you to quickly remove paint from your pants is timeliness. Fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones. If trousers have been left dirty for more than 5 days, some of them cannot be removed at all.

To be sure that the clothes can be “saved,” we determine the type of paint.

The type of cleaning products depends on the type of paint that stained the clothes.

Painting materials can be:

  1. Oily . Made from metal pigment powder diluted in synthetic oil. There can be 2 subtypes: ready-to-use - liquid and paste, requiring dilution with drying oil. They are not resistant to alkali, therefore, when cleaning clothes from such paint, it is rational to use alkaline products.
  2. Alkyd . Made from alkyd (pentaphthalic/glypthalic) varnish and solvent. The composition contains antifungal and antiseptic substances, thanks to which the paint has gained popularity.
  3. Water-based . Consist of pigment and water. They are fast-drying polymer films that allow the surface to “breathe.”
  4. Acrylic/latex (dispersions). Used for painting various surfaces, including metals. Manufactured on the basis of acrylic resins.
  5. Enamel . They perform a protective function because they cover the treated surface with a durable glass-like layer. The material for creating enamel is glass powder, which forms a durable film and melts when fired.

The most difficult to remove are enamel and oil stains. If you do not wash them in the next few hours, then washing your clothes in the future will be problematic, even with the most powerful methods.

How to properly remove paint from pants

To remove paint from a black tracksuit or blue jeans that you stained while sitting on a freshly painted bench, use products that can affect the structure of the paint itself. Then the fabric from which the clothes are made will not be damaged, and the stains will be removed.

Remember 4 rules

How to remove paint stains from clothes? You need to know four basic rules that will help you cope with the task.

  1. The fight cannot be delayed. Got paint on your pants? Don't put them away, hoping that someday you'll get around to cleaning them. The sooner you notice traces of paint, the higher the likelihood that the item will be saved. Always inspect clothes after a walk in the park, check your baby’s things after drawing.
  2. Determining the type of paint is half the battle. It is important to know what kind of paint the clothes were stained with. This will help you choose a product that will effectively and quickly remove the “blot”.
  3. We save, but do not spoil. Before using traditional methods, you need to check the composition of the fabric. There are not many universal solvents at hand. The product must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the material. This is the only way to clean the item without ruining the fabric.
  4. A test drive is required. Any solvent must be tested first. It is applied to the seam from the wrong side. This simple method allows you to find out how a material reacts to a particular substance. This reduces the risk of hopelessly damaging the item.
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