How to properly wash a bra with wires in the washing machine and by hand

Let's look at how to properly wash a bra with wires in a washing machine at home. Every woman has a bra made of white material in her wardrobe, because it fits perfectly with transparent and white clothes.

However, as you wear it, the color may take on a gray or yellow tint. In order to return things to their original color, they can be bleached using both folk and industrial means.

  • What you need to know
  • Whitening with folk remedies
  • Whitening with household chemicals
  • Bra washing instructions
  • Whitening Tips
  • What to do if a bone falls out in the car

What you need to know

In order for underwear to wear out less, experts advise having several bras in your wardrobe. You can also maintain the original appearance of the product by giving up the habit of sleeping in a bra - this way the underwear does not lose its shape and gets dirty again.

Washing a bra at SMA

Before you wash your white bra at home, you need to remember that different materials react differently to high temperatures and chemicals. Natural silk linen should be washed in water whose temperature does not exceed 40° and only by hand. Synthetic bras also do not tolerate hot water and products containing chlorine.

Before washing, please read the product information (type of fabric and suitable washing method) indicated on the bra label.

Important: you cannot wash items of different colors at the same time, otherwise the fabric will fade.

Features of care for different models

Based on the purpose of the model, it is easy to determine how often you need to wash your bra. Elegant options that are worn from time to time for a short time, it is enough to wash them 1-2 times a month. Casual and sports models will need to be washed frequently.

An invisible silicone bra is rinsed from time to time in a soapy solution. Any air conditioners and bleaches are prohibited, as is the application of any deodorants and creams under the surface of Velcro. Bras with foam rubber should be straightened immediately after washing to restore their shape.

  • The washing machine door does not open after washing
  • Washing machine LGI 5 kg malfunction

Whitening with folk remedies

Bra whitening at home is often done using available products.

Do you wash by hand?

Oh yes! No

Soda and salt

One of the most accessible methods is soaking the product with the addition of salt and soda.


  1. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda and salt in 5 liters of cool water.
  2. A white bra is placed in the resulting composition and left for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Next, the product is washed in the usual way, lightly rubbing with a soft brush in case of heavy soiling.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

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Important: salt and soda are not suitable for washing lace bras.


The alcohol bleaching method is ideal for synthetic fibers. You can prepare a washing solution by mixing ammonia with water in a ratio of 30:1000 ml. Soak the bra in the resulting liquid for at least 3 hours. Next, the product is washed in the usual way and dried.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide 3% easily gives whiteness to darkened items. Soaking underwear is done in a solution prepared from 100 ml of pharmaceutical product and 3 liters of warm water. The item is placed in the composition for 2 hours. For the greatest effect for synthetic bras, it is recommended to add 2 teaspoons of ammonia to the solution. Next, the laundry is removed and rinsed with running water.

Drying your bra


Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

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One of the oldest, but very effective methods that can give underwear its original whiteness.


  1. For washing you will need 2 g of blue powder and 5 liters of water, the temperature of which does not exceed 25°.
  2. Stir the powder thoroughly so that no undissolved particles remain.
  3. An item of clothing is placed in the solution and kept in it for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Then the bra is rinsed in clean water.

Aspirin tablets

Acetylsalicylic acid is organic, and it perfectly bleaches cotton fabric. To do this, dissolve 5-6 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, previously crushed into powder, in 3 liters of warm water.

The laundry is left in this composition overnight. After soaking, the bra can be washed in a machine or by hand with regular laundry detergent.






Boiling is considered the easiest way to combat the yellowness of linen, which was used by our great-grandmothers. It is permissible to add any detergent with reduced foaming (laundry soap, laundry detergent, etc.) to the water.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • boil the liquid in an enameled or galvanized container;
  • place an item of clothing in boiling water and boil for 25-30 minutes.

After this, the cotton fabric acquires a bright white color.

Important: boiling is not suitable for silk and synthetic fabrics, as well as lace underwear.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will help restore your bra to its original whiteness. Linen is washed in a strong soap solution, for the preparation of which a third of a piece of laundry soap is diluted in 3-4 liters of warm water. Soak the bodice in the solution for half an hour, wash by hand and rinse well with running water.

Laundry soap

How to use your hands correctly?

Hand washing can be recommended for caring even for those items that can be processed by machine. Gentle exposure, absence of excessive stress, and control over the cleaning process extends the life of bras.

With this treatment, the temperature should not exceed +40ºС . It is advisable to use a liquid detergent that dissolves well in water and then also rinses well.

You can read more about the features of hand washing here.

Whitening with household chemicals


Restoring with white, which can be purchased at any hardware store, is considered an effective, but not particularly gentle method for fabric fibers. Chlorine, which is part of the household product, helps to loosen the threads, which leads to a rapid change in the appearance of the product. Experts advise resorting to the use of whiteness only when other methods do not work.

Important: whiteness is not used for washing synthetics. A nude bra is also not treated with it.

This product is used to whiten items of clothing in the following way:

  1. Add 15-20 g of whiteness to 3 liters of cool water and add washing powder. Thoroughly dissolve solids.
  2. Place the bra into the resulting mixture and leave for no more than 20 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, lightly rub heavily soiled areas and rinse in water at a temperature not exceeding 40°.

Oxygen bleach

Use oxygen bleach according to the following instructions:

  • Dissolve 1 cap of the chemical in warm water;
  • Place the item to be bleached into the solution and leave for at least 9 hours;
  • after the specified time, rinse the bra thoroughly;
  • If necessary, the bra can be additionally washed in a machine or by hand, adding any detergent.

Bra bag

Danger to the machine

Some users who ask the question: “Is it possible to wash bras in a machine?” are worried not so much about the safety of the item, but about their “home assistant”. There is a possibility that during the rotation of the drum, a bone may jump out of a bodice washed without a bag and fall into the tank of the automatic machine. Very rarely, but there are cases when sharp bones even break through the sacs and fall into the system. What is the danger of a foreign object getting into the cavity between the tank and the drum?

Once in the tank, the bone can pierce the plastic wall. How does this happen? After starting the wash, it is set in motion, and, with one tip stuck in the drum cavity, and the other resting against the plastic, it will cause a “wedge” of the system. So, the drum will spin, and the bone, furrowing the tank, over time can pierce its wall. This will cause a leak in the system, and the operation of the washing machine with such a breakdown will be impossible. Only expensive repairs can return the washing machine to working order.

Bra washing instructions

Before you start washing this underwear accessory, you need to clearly understand the rules of the procedure in order to extend its use without spoiling it. The most gentle option for a bra is hand washing. If you don’t want to do this, you need to know how to do it correctly in the washing machine.


The action algorithm is as follows:

  • dissolve the detergent in a container with warm (not hot!) water;
  • soak the bra for 20 minutes;
  • in places of heavy contamination, gently rub with a soft brush;
  • drain the water and rinse thoroughly.

Are you using citric acid?

Oh yes! No

Machine washable

Underwear can be washed in the SMA, but in order to avoid damaging the product, it is important to follow some tips:

  • before loading the bra into the drum, it is necessary to fasten all the fasteners on it - this will help to avoid damage to other things;
  • before washing a bra with wires in an automatic machine, it must be placed in a special linen bag (cover);
  • The bra is washed on the “delicate” cycle;
  • It is better to wash light items such as T-shirts, socks, etc. at the same time as the bra;
  • if there are foam pads in the bra cups, they must be removed and washed by hand;
  • The use of the “spin” mode is strictly prohibited.

Special containers for washing bras

Recommendation for drying your bra

After washing, bras, especially wire bras, should not be wrung out using the twisting method. It is better to place the washed item between two towels, which will absorb excess water. Next, the bra is hung on a clothesline.

Is it possible to wring out a bra?

If washing is carried out without using a special bag, then the spin cycle must be turned off and drying must be done manually. If you use protective devices, you should set the “Delicate” mode and wait until the cycle is completely finished.

Helpful advice! Spinning deforms the shape of the bra, so it is better to let the excess water drain on its own. To do this, the item must be laid out horizontally on a terry towel.

When using a machine spin, the item should be placed in a special bag to minimize the mechanical impact on it.

Whitening Tips


Cotton fibers are less capricious, so they can be bleached using all the methods indicated in the article.


Lace underwear requires delicate handling.
Do not use chlorine-based chemicals, salt and soda bleaching methods, or boiling. A lace bra can be restored with bluing, oxygen bleach, ammonia and laundry soap.


Whitening underwear made from synthetic fabrics is done in the same way as lace products, however, in some cases it is permissible to use salt and soda.

Video material

Beautiful underwear adds confidence to a woman, so you shouldn’t skimp on this part of the toilet, reassuring yourself that few people will see it. Proper care of expensive linen will prolong its life and ensure a great mood for its owner, and maybe not only her. Listen to the useful tips and recommendations in this article, purchase all the necessary equipment for washing bras, and problems with twisted elastic bands and loss of shape and color will not be a problem for your panties and bras.

What to do if a bone falls out in the car

When washing underwear in SMA, pressure may be put on the bra by other things, which often leads to the “bone” falling out of it. In this case, the equipment may break down and it will be difficult to repair it. A metal/plastic element of the product may get caught in the drum honeycomb, which is accompanied by a loud grinding noise.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

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If the machine begins to squeak or make other extraneous sounds, it is important to immediately stop the washing process by turning off the machine! Next, you should drain the water, wait for the door to unlock, disconnecting the equipment from the network. All laundry must be removed from the drum and inspected from the inside. As a rule, a bone can be found in one of the holes in the drum or in the cavity between it and the tank.

Proper drying of bras

In order for the product to retain its quality for a long time, it must be dried properly. At the end of the cleaning procedure, it should be wrapped or laid out on a towel in a horizontal position. When excess moisture is absorbed, it is recommended to hang the bra on a dryer so that its center is located on a support.

You cannot hang the product by the straps, because... this leads to their deformation and stretching.

It is recommended to dry in a well-ventilated area, then the clothes will acquire a pleasant smell of freshness and cleanliness.

Is it washable?

Automatic cleaning is very convenient, it gives good results and makes it easier to care for your bras. But this method is not available in all cases.

To make sure whether you can put your delicate item in the machine, you need to study the label on the product. On it, the manufacturer indicates possible types of washing and fabric composition.

Hand washing will come to the rescue in cases where machine washing cannot be used. Prohibiting factors include:

  • graceful lace model;

  • very complex cut, the shape of which can be lost during machine processing;
  • shedding material;
  • weariness of the product, which cannot be washed without soaking;
  • the dilapidation of the bra;
  • the presence of a large amount of decor (for example, glued rhinestones).

Hand washing should be preferred even in cases where the label is lost and the rules for caring for the product are unknown.

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