How to remove foundation: 10 effective remedies

The vast majority of women use cosmetics every day. In particular, foundation helps even out complexion and hide some imperfections and minor imperfections. However, not a single woman has yet managed to avoid getting foundation on the collar of her favorite blouse, on a white T-shirt, sweater, dress, jeans or jacket.

Removing foundation stains from any clothing can be very difficult, especially if you have been putting off the procedure for a long time, and the stain has already become firmly embedded in the fabric. But “difficult” does not mean “impossible.” Here are a few ways to help remove foundation from clothes at home.

Wet alcohol wipes

The first and easiest way is to use alcohol wipes. Alcohol is generally a very effective remedy in the fight against makeup stains on clothes, so it will cope perfectly with foundation stains.

The method is suitable for removing stains from both white clothes and colored items. It is better not to use on delicate fabrics (silk, wool, etc.).

What do we have to do:

  1. Take a napkin well soaked in liquid.
  2. Blot the dirt with it (do not rub or spread the dirt across the fabric, as this will only worsen the situation).
  3. If the stain has had time to “sit” on the item for a little while, then you can gently rub the stain from the edges to the center.
  4. Once you have removed most of the foundation stain, change the napkin to a fresh one and go over the stained area again.
  5. Remember that this method will only help deal with relatively fresh stains from a cosmetic product. Old contaminants will have to be removed in other ways.

Tips and tricks

When starting to fight a stain, it will be useful to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Regardless of the product chosen to remove traces of cream, the stained area of ​​clothing should be wetted with warm water before using it. Do not rub the stain, just dampen the cloth. This way, the risk of damage to the clothing material will be minimized.
  2. Always go from simple to complex. First try to wipe off the foundation with laundry soap or wet wipes, only after that try “chemicals” and special products.
  3. Zippers, buttons, hooks and other accessories on clothing can oxidize, change color, and stain the fabric. Do not apply stain remover to decorative parts.

The main principle is to do no harm. Foundation itself does not pose a serious threat to any type of fabric. But clothes can easily be ruined by choosing the wrong method for removing traces of cosmetics.

Micellar water

Another effective method that helps to quickly remove foundation from clothes. The method perfectly removes stains from jackets, down jackets, cotton and synthetic fabrics. It is suitable for both white and colored items.

To remove stains, you should only choose products that do not contain oils or dyes.

This method is great for black clothes, as it does not leave white streaks.

How to clean:

  1. Soak a cotton swab or pad in the cosmetic product.
  2. Blot any traces of dirt.
  3. You can lightly rub the stain, moving from the edge to the center.
  4. Leave the item for 30 minutes so that the micellar water has time to dissolve all the dirt.
  5. Wash the product in the standard way in a washing machine or by hand.

Traditional methods

Almost every kitchen has several commonly available and inexpensive products that can break down greasy marks that have been absorbed into the fabric. The advantage is in price - it can differ several times from professional products. However, some of the products proposed below are very chemically active, so you should strictly follow the rules for preparing stain removal solutions so that the color and structure of the fabric remain unharmed.

Using folk remedies, you can conveniently clean the collar and other elements of the down jacket that have a greasy stain.

A mixture of salt, starch and lemon juice

Salt has the ability to absorb liquid well. If a greasy stain has just landed on a down jacket, the smeared area should be generously sprinkled with salt. It will absorb grease very quickly, and the stain will be much easier to remove in the future.

If the stain is old, has already been well absorbed and dried, salt should be applied in the form of a prepared slurry. One tablespoon of kitchen salt is gradually diluted with water and mixed until a porridge-like consistency is formed. The prepared mixture is generously applied to the old stain, after which the item is put aside until the mixture dries completely. This usually takes 1-2 hours. After this, the dried solution is carefully removed with a regular brush. Next, you need to prepare a solution of soda (one teaspoon per glass of water), and wet the stained area well. After these operations, the down jacket should be washed well.

Salt itself effectively fights shine, but starch and lemon juice can be used to enhance its effect. To prepare such a mixture, you need to mix salt and starch in a 1:1 ratio and dilute with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The final consistency should resemble very thick sour cream. Next, the scheme is similar to that described above: apply the mixture to the stain, wait for it to dry completely, clean it with a brush and wash it. To ensure that there are no streaks left on the jacket and the fluff does not get lost, you need.

Vinegar and salt solution

Vinegar can also enhance the properties of salt. To remove grease stains, prepare a solution consisting of half a liter of clean water, a tablespoon of salt and vinegar. The liquid is thoroughly mixed, a cotton pad or a regular piece of cotton wool is soaked in it. From the edge to the center, the stain is wiped and soaked with the prepared solution. As the cotton wool becomes dirty, it must be replaced with a clean one. You need to continue until the fat is completely cleared and turns into cotton wool.

After the fabric is cleaned, the down jacket should either be wiped with a damp, warm cloth or washed.

Soap solution

Laundry soap perfectly dissolves greasy stains of any complexity.

To treat the down jacket, you need to prepare a soap solution. A bar of laundry soap is grated on a medium grater, about two tablespoons. The shavings are dissolved in ordinary water to the state of liquid viscous sour cream. Using the soft side of a dish sponge, wipe the stain with the prepared solution.

The stain must be wiped from the edge to the middle so that the dissolved fat does not stain more fabric.
After the soap dissolves the stain, the treated area is washed generously with clean water. If necessary, repeat the procedure, periodically removing the old soap and replacing it with a fresh solution.

If you don't have laundry soap on hand, regular liquid hand soap will do. It already has the necessary consistency and is most often contained in an easy-to-apply container with a dispenser. The stain treatment scheme is similar.

Dish detergent

Dishwashing detergent is designed to actively and effectively break down not only fresh grease, but also old, dried grease.

Table 1. Use of detergent to remove stains from down jackets

Description of the stageProcess image
For processing, you must use a liquid or gel detergent. Choose a quality manufacturer; if possible, the product should be as concentrated as possible.
To foam, the product must be diluted in a small amount of warm water. A clean, soft sponge for washing dishes is useful for cleaning clothes.
After saturating the sponge with the prepared solution, you need to wipe the stain from edge to center until the soap begins to act. Usually, the stain dissolves quite quickly under the influence of the detergent and begins to be absorbed into the sponge. It can be periodically washed under clean water, re-soaked with the solution and continued wiping the down jacket.
Depending on the area of ​​contamination, the item can either be wiped with a clean damp cloth to remove soap residue, or washed entirely if the detergent was concentrated and is difficult to wash out.

The prepared soap solution should be warm - at elevated temperatures there is a significant increase in the activity of the dishwashing detergent, it foams better and more effectively breaks down fat of any origin.
It is better to wash the jacket in the machine with.


To remove stains, you can use highly purified gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores under the name “Galosha”. It is colorless, completely transparent and has grease-dissolving properties, allowing you to wash a greasy sleeve or collar.

You should use Galosh gasoline only as a last resort, if no other method helps.
It has active chemical properties and a persistent specific odor. You can use a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth to wipe the stained area. Apply gasoline to the selected material, then soak the stain so that it is thoroughly saturated with gasoline.

The reaction requires 10–20 minutes, after which the down jacket is thoroughly washed using the method indicated on the tag.

White Spirit solvent can be used in a similar way.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

To dissolve old greasy stains, use ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Table 2. Technology for using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to remove stains

Description of the stageProcess image
Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in equal proportions.
Soak a cotton pad or clean cloth with the mixture. In this way, it is transferred to the dried greasy stain. To break down fat, it is recommended to leave the item for an hour to an hour and a half.
To remove residual grease and the persistent smell of ammonia, the down jacket must be washed.

If the result is unsatisfactory the first time, the procedure is repeated until the grease stain is completely dissolved in the applied mixture.

When fresh and shallow stains or greasy shine appear, peroxide and alcohol can be used as independent cleaning agents.


Soap foam very actively breaks down many contaminants, including greasy stains.

The foam is transferred to the contaminated area of ​​clothing and thoroughly rubbed with a hard bristle brush. The procedure continues until the mark “floats”, after which this area of ​​​​clothing should be wiped with a clean damp cloth. The method is especially effective if the down jacket has just become shiny.

“Newspaper and iron” method

In addition to the chemical effect on fat, you can apply temperature. To do this you will need a newspaper and a heated iron. You can clean greasy and greasy areas on a down jacket by ironing the dirty area of ​​clothing through newspapers placed on top and bottom of the fabric. The temperature of the heated iron will very quickly melt the fat, and it will begin to be absorbed into the underlying paper. Regularly monitor how the newspaper gets dirty and always add fresh one.

On a light down jacket there may be traces of printing ink; on green or black fabric the ink is almost invisible. The down jacket must be washed immediately after removing grease stains.
Below is a video that clearly shows interesting ways to remove greasy stains of varying complexity from a down jacket.

Larisa, February 11, 2022.

To remove foundation from white, multi-colored clothes, use cosmetic removers, stain removers, special pencils, Antipyatin soap or available ingredients: starch, alcohol, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, soda. The latter are especially popular because they are gentle on the fabric and are suitable for repeated use.

Using foundation, you can create high-quality makeup. Therefore, almost every beauty has a product in her purse that can not only hide skin defects, but also leave imprints on T-shirts, blouses, and collars. To remove stains, it is important to know how to remove foundation from white (and colored) clothes while preserving the fabric or color.


Toothpaste can be used for more than just brushing your teeth. It also does a great job removing makeup stains left on clothes. The product can be used on both white and colored items, but it is better not to clean delicate fabrics in this way (the paste may contain abrasives that can easily damage fabric fibers).

How to clean:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton pad.
  2. Lightly rub the paste into the dirt left by the foundation.
  3. If the stain has already become embedded in the fabric, then leave the paste on the product for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse the item under running water to remove any remaining product.

It is important to know the composition

Before you begin the procedure for removing “tonal” stains, you need to understand the composition of the cosmetic product. If the cream has a liquid base without animal and vegetable fats, it will be much easier to remove it from the surface of things. However, high-quality professional products are presented in most cases with a dense texture, which, in addition to fats, includes a persistent coloring pigment. Accordingly, the darker the shade of the cream, the more difficult it is to get rid of the stain.

Advice! While the stain is fresh, you should not try to wipe it off with your hands or wash it with water. This way it will penetrate more deeply into the fabric structure. For removal it is necessary to use special folk or industrial methods.


This is an old and time-tested method. You can remove foundation stains from your favorite T-shirt, shirt, jeans, sweater or down jacket with ammonia:

  1. Mix 10% ammonia with water in equal parts.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the foundation stain. Wet the cloth generously to cover the entire stain.
  3. Rub the stain with a cotton swab.
  4. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine normally or by hand.


It has already been said that alcohol is an indispensable fighter against stains from various cosmetics on clothes. It also copes “excellently” with foundation stains left on any type and color of fabric.

Alcohol-containing compounds can even be used on outerwear with fur inserts. However, in this case, it is best to treat the stain with alcohol immediately after you place it on the product. Delay may result in the cosmetic product simply ingraining itself into the tissue and not wanting to come out without the use of heavy chemicals.

How to clean:

  1. Soak a cotton pad or swab in alcohol.
  2. Lightly rub the product into the stained area, moving from the edges to the center.
  3. Try to remove the bulk of the stain from clothing with an alcohol swab during the first use.
  4. If you were unable to remove makeup residue from your clothes with one use of alcohol, repeat the procedure.
  5. There is no need to wash or rinse the item after the procedure.

What will you need?

Depending on the quality of the fabric and color of the clothing, the following materials and available tools may be useful:

  • ammonia;
  • washing powder;
  • refined gasoline;
  • stain removers;
  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • potato starch;
  • children's talc;
  • detergent gels or other dishwashing detergents;
  • medical alcohol;
  • cotton pads, sponges or pieces of cotton wool;
  • container for soaking things;
  • automatic machine

Dishwashing liquid

Since many foundation products are based on fats, it is not surprising that dishwashing liquid works great for removing stains from these cosmetics. The beauty of these cleaning products is that they can be used on clothes of any color (even black), as well as on all fabrics (including delicate ones).

What do we have to do:

  1. Wet the stained area with warm water.
  2. Apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid to the stain.
  3. Lightly rub the product into the fiber and leave for half an hour.
  4. Gently rub away any traces of foundation with your hands and rinse the item under running water.
  5. If there are still traces of cosmetics on the product, repeat the procedure until the stain is completely removed.
  6. Wash the item by hand or in the washing machine as usual.

Which tone is more dangerous?

All foundations are based on a fat composition and a special dye, which determines the shade of the cream. Grease itself is very difficult to remove from clothes, and its combination with dye makes the task of cleaning the item much more difficult. It is best to start removing foundation immediately after the stain has been placed, because this way the chances of getting rid of it significantly increase. If for some reason it was not possible to do this in time, you should seek the help of special cleaning products or proven folk methods. With a water-based tinting cream the situation is much simpler, because sometimes to remove a trace of it it is enough to simply wash the item. To do this, you can use bleach powder, dishwashing detergent, or regular soap.

Some manufacturers promise that their product will not leave stains on clothes, as it has increased durability. Among these are:

  • Miracle Cushion from Lancome;
  • Teint Haute Tenue by Clarins;
  • The Foundation Perfect Luminous Liquid from Dolce & Gabbana;
  • DermaBlend from Vichy;
  • Vitalumiere Aqua from Chanel.

All these foundations have an airy texture, are easy to apply to the skin, do not clog pores and do not cause discomfort to the girl. Using such cosmetics, you can safely wear white sweaters without fear of staining them with yellow spots. However, it is worth highlighting one significant drawback of such products, namely their cost, because the products of Chanel, Lancome and D&G are premium class and may not be affordable for some buyers.

Laundry soap

Here is another trouble-free and reliable method. Laundry soap will help remove traces of foundation from natural and cotton fabrics, from which such traces are especially difficult to remove.

How to clean:

  1. Treat the area of ​​contamination with laundry soap.
  2. Wash your clothes.
  3. Repeat the soap treatment until the stain is completely gone.
  4. Rinse the product in a machine or by hand.

Problem #2: Foundation stain on denim jacket

What I like about denim is its tolerance for mechanical stress. To remove foundation, it is recommended to use soap (baby soap, laundry soap) or dishwashing gel. I have an excellent attitude towards laundry soap, I know its wonderful properties, so my choice fell on it.

Step No. 1 in the history of washing denim is applying an active cleaning agent. I didn't soak the jacket completely. I moistened the stain, treated it well with soap and forgot about it for forty minutes. Then I rinsed it, rubbed it with soap again and put it in the machine.

I’ll tell you from my own experience - it’s better to use liquid laundry detergent. It dissolves better and is washed out completely.

Step No. 2 - washing. Normal mode, no soaking or pre-wash. Just in case, I added stain remover.

Shaving foam

This is an unusual but very effective method. Shaving foam perfectly removes marks left by foundation from synthetic fabrics. Use foam in combination with a toothbrush to wash, for example, the collar of a winter down jacket or jacket, a ski suit, a windbreaker, etc.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Apply shaving foam liberally to dirt.
  2. Using a toothbrush, begin scrubbing away foundation stains, moving from the edges of the stain to its center.
  3. Leave the item for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Use a damp microfiber cloth to remove any foam.
  5. If after the first procedure the spots are still visible, then repeat the procedure.
  6. If necessary, wash the product in a washing machine or rinse it under running warm water.

Melamine sponge

This product can be used on leather and synthetic products. It is not advisable to clean delicate fabrics and baby items with a sponge, since it still contains toxic compounds.

Before use, protect your hands with gloves so that pieces of the sponge do not remain under your nails after use.

How to clean:

  1. Soak the melamine sponge in water and squeeze it out (without twisting!).
  2. Now start scrubbing the foundation stain from the product, moving from the edge of the stain to its center.
  3. Wash off the stain until it is completely gone.
  4. After the procedure, rinse the product under running water if necessary to remove any remaining sponge.

Stain removers

Oxygen stain removers work best with traces of cosmetics on clothes. There are several forms of release of such products on the market:

  • sprays;
  • cleaning pens (pencils);
  • liquid;
  • powders (granular).

When choosing a stain remover, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer’s notes. Not all products are universal and suitable for removing stains from children's clothing, delicate fabrics, white or colored items.

Soap Antipyatin

Already from the name of this product it is clear what it is supposed to do - remove stains. Antipyatin has long been popular among housewives because it is capable of removing even the most complex types of dirt from various fabrics (including delicate ones).

The product copes well with any stains on delicate, colored, white fabrics, as well as on children's clothing.

Liquid Vanish

The Vanish product line is the first thing most people think of when they look at a foundation stain on their favorite shirt or jacket in the mirror. To remove stains from cosmetic products from different types of fabrics, it is better to use a liquid (gel) form of the product.

Usually one treatment with Vanish gel is enough, but if you were unable to remove the stain the first time, try a second procedure. After it, even the most stubborn marks will definitely disappear.

Dr.Beckmann Expert: nature and cosmetics

This is a narrow profile cleaner with high efficiency. The products of the Dr. Beckmann Expert line attract many people because they help remove various types of stains from clothes made of any fabric and color. The range of stain removers includes several types of products, each of which is designed to remove a specific type of stain.

In the case of marks left by foundation, “Nature and Cosmetics” is suitable. It can also be used to remove lipstick or lip gloss stains from clothes. The formula of the drug is designed specifically to remove pigments, fats, and talc from tissue fibers. The composition is universal and suitable for all colors and types of fabrics.

Udalix Ultra pencil

For local treatment of stains, you can choose a convenient stain remover in a stick. This product is best not used on delicate fabrics. If you still decide, try the drug first on a small area of ​​the product.

A fairly powerful composition helps to cope even with old stains on colored and white products. The product is used very sparingly, but requires the use of protective gloves when working.

Sano Oxygen Stain Remover

Another liquid universal composition that helps cope with even stubborn stains. The spray is convenient to apply locally to the fabric, avoiding contact with uncontaminated areas.

The product not only removes stains from colored and white fabrics, but also returns items to their original shine. However, before using on items with unstable dyes, it is better to test on a small area of ​​fabric.

Foundation stains on clothes are a headache for every makeup lover. No matter how carefully you apply the product, it still imprints on collars, the neck of a sweater, and drips on jeans. It can be difficult to remove a pigmented cosmetic product with regular laundry detergents, so it is best to immediately use one of the stain removal methods above.

We remove stains depending on the type of fabric

Follow the general rules:

  • Determine the type of fabric by touch or read the composition on the tag.
  • Start cleaning immediately without waiting for the stain to dry.
  • For colored and delicate fabrics, choose gentle folk remedies or special store-bought ones. Read the instructions on the stain remover packaging carefully.

White things.

For light-colored cotton and linen items, any stain removers are suitable, even aggressive ones: bleach, peroxide, acetone. It is better to wash synthetics, silk and wool with special products for delicate fabrics.

Kids' things.

Caustic chemicals can cause irritation and allergies in a child. Acetone, makeup or nail polish remover, and dishwashing detergent are also not suitable for children's clothes. Choose special hypoallergenic stain removers for children's linen: for example, CLEAN HOME, Mepsi, Synergetic, BIO Nanny.

Black, colored clothes.

Do not wash such items with chlorine-containing products, peroxide, soda, alcohol, or acetone. It is better to choose a high-quality stain remover that will not spoil the color of the fabric. Suitable for bright things: Clean Home Active oxygen, Dr. Beckmann Pre Wash, Vanish Gold Oxi Action, Lotta Oxi.

Delicate fabrics.

Use gels for colored fabrics for washing - they do not harm even capricious materials. When treating tissue locally, you can use micellar water and makeup remover foam. Dry sprays work effectively with corduroy, velvet, velor and wool.


may fade from the use of aggressive substances. Choose stain removers for colored clothing. Makeup removers are also suitable.

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