7 effective ways to help wash white socks

Rules and recommendations for washing

Before proceeding directly to washing, it is necessary to mechanically clean your item of clothing from dust, sand or other visible contaminants. This will greatly simplify subsequent work and allow you to wash the material efficiently.

It is also recommended to take into account the following nuances:

  • You should wear a pair of socks for no more than one day, since the dirt has not yet had time to eat into the fabric and is much easier to get rid of.
  • White socks should be washed separately from other laundry, especially colored ones.
  • Before putting socks into the machine drum or washing them by hand, it is recommended to thoroughly rub them with soap and leave them in water for several hours.
  • Heavily soiled laundry should not be washed in very hot water, because in this case the dirt will eat into the fabric even more.
  • Turn your socks inside out before putting them in the washing machine.

Preparing for washing

Simple preparation before washing will restore the whiteness of the products and protect them from possible troubles. Here's what to do:

  1. Separate from colored laundry so that it does not fade during washing and does not stain white socks.
  2. Clean the socks from any debris, turn them inside out and shake out.
  3. Prepare detergents.
  4. You can pre-soak it, which will make it easier to remove dirt.

The water for soaking should be no higher than 30°C so that the dirt does not stick to the fabric more strongly.

What tools to use

To clean white socks, stockings or tights, you can use both special products and improvised materials that are present in the arsenal of every housewife.

The first include such bleaches as the budget Bos Plus Maximum or the more expensive Astonish OXY PLUS. Laundry soap with a whitening effect copes well with stubborn stains.

If you don’t have a branded stain remover on hand, you can make your own at home. To do this you will need substances such as:

  • lemon juice;
  • boric acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia.

However, before choosing the appropriate composition, you will need to determine what material your product is made of. The washing method will directly depend on this.

Special car wash

You decided to remember this washing method at the very end, but you still can’t ignore it, because this washing method is suitable for most men. You need to put your socks in a regular water bottle, pour washing powder and other bleaching agents into it, pour water, but leave a small amount of air. Cork and throw in the trunk for the whole day of travel. Within a day of dangling in the bottle, your socks will be the perfect white color. And you don't have to put in a lot of effort to get these results.

How to wash white socks from different types of fabric at home


To bleach cotton socks at home, you are allowed to resort to boiling, which is strictly prohibited from doing with things made of synthetics or wool.

Soaking cotton products can be done using the following components:

  • Table vinegar. Take 1 teaspoon of vinegar and dilute it in 1 liter of plain water. Soak in the resulting liquid for 30 minutes, then wash by hand or in a washing machine. To enhance the effect, the liquid can be heated to 40 degrees, and you can also add a small spoon of citric acid or a drop of detergent to it.
  • Boric acid. This medicine is well known for its whitening properties. For proper use, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of acid in 1 liter of warm water. After 2 hours, clothes must be washed by hand or machine.
  • Ammonia. Pour two tablespoons of ammonia into a container containing 1 liter of water. Soak the item of clothing in it for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly and wash in a machine or by hand.


Synthetics require more delicate handling. It is recommended to remove stains with the following substances:

  • Laundry soap. Rub the stained areas thoroughly with soap and a small amount of water. Products can be left in a soap solution from half an hour to a day, depending on the degree of contamination. After soaking, rinse and dry them.
  • Lemon juice. To prepare the cleansing mixture, you need to squeeze one tablespoon of juice from a ripe fruit, add it to warm water and place the laundry there for 30-60 minutes. After this, you will need to rinse them and wash them in any convenient way. If this procedure does not help to completely clean the laundry, you need to apply lemon juice, sprinkle the powder on the contaminated areas and rub them. After this, you need to wash your clothes again.


Wool socks also require special care. They should not be washed in hot water or rubbed vigorously. This may cause the product to lose shape and stretch.

To wash white wool socks, you can use the following substances:

  • Baking soda. Add a pinch of baking soda to a basin of slightly warm water. Soak the products in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, then wash them with your hands. When using a washing machine, you can also pour one tablespoon of soda into the rinse aid compartment. It is worth remembering that when express washing wool in a machine, you need to choose a mode with a low temperature of up to 40 degrees.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This gentle product does an excellent job of bleaching woolen items. When preparing the solution, the following proportions must be taken into account: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Leave the socks in the solution for several hours and then wash them.

Important. When using special equipment. It is recommended to protect your hands from their negative effects with gloves.

Tricks for automatic washing

Some life hacks will help you solve the problem of washing white socks more efficiently. These are “lazy” washing methods.

  • For washing in an automatic machine, you can put several tennis balls in the drum cavity. They will increase friction, which will not harm the thing. Wash on daily wash cycle. You can add any of the above bleaching solutions to the compartment and then the result will be guaranteed.

  • Another very interesting life hack that will be simply irreplaceable if you are on the road. To do this you will need a plastic bottle with a wide neck. You can take a five-liter container of drinking water. Pour warm water into the container, add detergent or washing powder, place the item in it and screw the lid tightly. Place the bottle in the trunk and continue on your way. Due to the shaking in the car, the effect of an automatic machine will be created and by the end of the trip the socks will be washed. True, you will have to wring out and dry it yourself.

These methods will help extend the life of white socks. It’s better if you treat such a delicate item with more care from the first days, and if you can’t save them, then buy new ones and take care of them using our advice.

Removing paint from shoes

Often, the main problem that lovers of light-colored clothing encounter is the dyeing insole of their shoes.

Even after several hours of wearing, we are saddened to admit the fact that our favorite socks have turned dark due to low-quality shoe dyes. In this case, do not despair, because there are a number of effective methods on how to wash white socks from dirt.

For cotton items, bleach containing chlorine is ideal. For these purposes, you can safely use Domestos or any other similar special product containing chlorine.

Dilute Domestos with water in proportions of 1 to 1 and apply the resulting solution using a cotton swab to problem areas.

It is worth remembering that chlorine is a potent substance, and therefore it is forbidden to leave it on things for a long time.

After soaking, it must be thoroughly rinsed and washed.

For woolen and synthetic products, you can use pure juice obtained from lemon. It is enough to squeeze a few drops onto the contaminated material and wait 10-15 minutes, then wash it.

If the result is not satisfactory, you can use peroxide.

To effectively wash white socks from black soles, the concentration of peroxide can be doubled.

Thus, you will need to dilute 2 tablespoons of the product per 1 liter of water and keep the items in it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in warm water.

To remove stubborn dirt from the soles, you can use a combination of sodium percarbonate and dishwashing detergent.

After mixing these mixtures in equal proportions, add a little water and apply the resulting mixture to areas that cannot be washed. After about an hour, wash the socks by hand. This method usually does a great job of restoring clothes to their original appearance.

Useful tips

Knowing the rules for handling such things will help rid white socks of dirty stains and ensure that the process of cleaning them is not difficult.

  1. Before putting on white socks, you need to check the condition of your feet. It is important. Especially if the fabric gets dirty quickly. When dirt is present on the soles of your feet, your socks will quickly lose their cleanliness. As you walk, dirt will get into the inside of your socks. It will be difficult to bring things back to their original state.
  2. When wearing white socks, use only light-colored insoles. If you take a dark sole, it can stain the fabric very strongly, and it will be very difficult to wash off such dirt. With a white sole, such an incident will not occur.
  3. White socks are washed often, as they become dirty literally on the first day of wearing. For fresh stains on fabric, no special effort is required when washing. If socks are not washed for a long time, the dirt can become so deeply embedded in the white fabric that it can be removed with great difficulty, using strong special products.

Removing gray spots and yellowness

As a result of frequent washing, light-colored items tend to darken and lose their former appearance. In this case, do not rush to throw away your socks.

There are several miraculous ways to help restore your snow-white appearance:

  • Severely grayed items can be bleached using turpentine. Take 3 tablespoons of liquid with a pungent odor and dilute it in a 10-liter bucket of water, adding a few tablespoons of regular washing powder. After thoroughly stirring, leave the items in the resulting mixture overnight, then wash as usual.
  • Chlorine-containing products also do an excellent job of removing gray spots and yellow discoloration. However, they can only be used on clothing items made of cotton. Pour 2 tablespoons of liquid into 2 liters of water and add 100 grams of washing powder. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, leave the clothes in it for one night, then wash them.
  • You can make a stain remover at home using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To do this, mix the ingredients in proportions of 1 to 2 and apply the mixture to problem areas.
  • Another bleaching method is to use a mixture of laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out a few drops of washing liquid into one tablespoon of powder and foam it. Apply the solution directly to stubborn stains and wash with your hands after 10-15 minutes.
  • An equally effective way to return things to a presentable appearance is to use special stain removers. A wide range of store-bought products offer many different ingredients for whitening items. When using stain removers, it is recommended to follow the instructions exactly to avoid unforeseen situations.

Please note that it is advisable to dry things away from sunlight. Otherwise, the yellowness may return and it will no longer be possible to remove it.

The best option would be to dry it outside in the shade, which will also help rid things of a specific smell.

Important. When using special chemicals, it is recommended to limit the time they remain on the fabric to a minimum. Otherwise, damage to the fiber structure may occur.

Ready-made stain removers

The stain remover is added to the washing machine or the product is soaked in it for an hour, preparing the solution according to the instructions.

  • Domestos (Domestos) . Not exactly a target product, so I’ll immediately give you the recipe for the solution. Dilute the product with warm water 1:1. Soak the socks for 5 minutes and wash. Domestos contains chlorine and can leave white stains on colored clothes.
  • Aquarius (Aquarius) . Italian oxygen stain remover. Confidently and effectively removes stains from white or colored items. Not suitable for wool, silk, delicate fabrics.
  • Vanish Oxi Action (Vanish) . Removes fresh stains and disinfects clothes. Add to the powder when washing in a basin or machine, as well as when soaking things. Doesn't remove old stains well, but is very effective at removing fresh dirt.
  • "Bos" . Oxygen bleach, in the product line for white and colored laundry. Gently removes stains during soaking and during the main wash. Disinfects textiles. A good budget product.
  • "Myth" . Washing powder for white and colored clothes. Acts as a washing powder activator and as a stain remover. Removes dirt quite well. Easily rinsed out of fibers.
  • "Sarma" . Bleach works even in cool water and is used for both hand and machine washing. Safe for all types of fabrics.
  • Dosia (Dosya) . Effective at temperatures 30-60℃. It also easily removes stubborn stains.
  • "Eared Nanny" . The product contains only non-aggressive components, so the product is suitable for any fabric. Effective against stains and stubborn odors.
  • Ase (Ace) . Also suitable for hand and machine wash. It not only whitens stains, but also refreshes the entire item. Removes gray plaque that has appeared over time.
  • Synergetic (Synergetic) . Suitable for wool, silk or cotton. Removes dirt stains and traces of faded paint. A line of safe, environmentally friendly products.


Once upon a time, boiling was almost the only way for housewives to clean light-colored clothes from stubborn dirt.

Currently, it is one of the methods that is resorted to in the most extreme cases. In order for boiling to give the desired result, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Only cotton clothing items are allowed to be boiled.
  2. It is recommended to boil in enamel containers or stainless steel vessels.
  3. For every kilogram of things you will need about 10 liters of liquid.
  4. The detergent component must be thoroughly dissolved.
  5. The container should only be heated after loading laundry.
  6. Before boiling, it is advisable to soak in a similar solution to enhance the effect.

Boil especially dirty socks

When machine washing is unsuccessful, housewives try to wash the stains by hand. If you cannot bleach the fabric on your hands, you can resort to traditional boiling. This method has long proven its effectiveness. With its help you can remove the most stubborn stains.

After soaking the socks in water with the addition of laundry soap, you need to proceed as follows:

  • fill a saucepan or enamel bucket with water;
  • pour an “auxiliary” cleaning agent into the container, for example, 15 ml of ammonia, 2 tbsp. spoons of bleach, grated laundry soap or 60 grams of baking soda;
  • put socks in the solution, wait until the water boils;
  • “boil” the products for 20 minutes, while constantly stirring them with a wooden stick;
  • Let the pan cool, take out the socks and rinse them in clean water several times.

By boiling you can wash the very black soles of your socks and return them to their former whiteness. Boiling will also help remove yellow spots and streaks from old stockings and eliminate the unsightly gray tint.

Although boiling gives excellent results in the fight against pollution, it is not worth resorting to this method often. Hot water negatively affects the fabric and disrupts the strength of the fibers.

How to wash white socks by hand

To wash light-colored socks at home, many housewives prefer hand washing. This method is often effective and helps get rid of contaminants.

It is recommended to clean cotton material in hot water, while for synthetics and wool the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

To clean cotton and wool fabrics, you can use soap products and washing powders. It is better to wash synthetics using BIO powders with enzymes and special gels.

Which method to choose: manual or machine

Methods that allow you to wash white socks from dirt are divided into two main categories.

  1. The first category includes white items for which an automatic washing machine is suitable. The socks are placed in the machine and the program is adjusted to suit the type of fabric. A certain temperature and time are set.
  2. The second category includes things that include such small items of clothing as socks, which are best washed by hand to control the process yourself.

An additional category involves returning socks to whiteness by boiling. Classic washing is not carried out in this case. The essence of this method is that the fabric is exposed to extremely hot water.

An additional category involves returning socks to whiteness by boiling.

How to machine wash white socks

Often, a washing machine cannot guarantee a 100% result in cleaning clothes from stubborn dirt.

Even a special “white” mode does not always help with high-quality washing. But don’t get upset ahead of time, because in this situation there are several secrets that will make the task easier.

  • Before throwing your socks into the drum of the washing machine, soak them for a certain time using the method described above. If your machine has a pre-wash option or a soak mode, use them.
  • Turn your socks inside out. This will help remove dirt from the fabric structure faster.
  • To enhance the effect, place special balls or regular tennis balls in the drum of the machine, which will knock out stubborn dirt.
  • When washing cotton and synthetic linen, you can use conventional automatic washing powders. For wool, it is recommended to choose special powders that do not disturb the wool fibers.
  • Pour the previously prepared soda solution into the rinse aid compartment. You can prepare it by stirring 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. This way you can return the white color to faded items.

Do you know why you dream of doing laundry in a dream?

"Lazy" solutions

In addition to the standard methods of “reanimating” light-colored hosiery, there are also unusual solutions. They are usually practiced by avid bachelors themselves and recommended to others.

Tennis balls

Peculiarities. It is enough to add a few balls to the drum of the washing machine along with the clothes, which will make it possible to create a good mechanical effect and quickly “beat” dirt from the fibers. However, first make sure that the balls themselves do not shed by keeping them in warm water.


  1. Place socks in the washing machine drum.
  2. Place two or three tennis balls there.
  3. Turn on normal wash cycle.

How to keep socks white

In order for them to always be white, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Make sure your feet are clean before putting them on. A dirty foot can stain the fabric no less than external influences in the form of dirt or sand.
  • Avoid wearing socks with dark shoe insoles. When exposed to moisture, it colors the fibers, and the paint settles firmly inside.
  • Try not to wear underwear for more than one day, and wash them immediately afterwards.
  • Before washing, soak your laundry using one of the tips above. Pre-soaking often eliminates further manipulation.
  • Pay attention to the label and composition of the material. Wool, synthetics, and cotton require different care methods.
  • Wash light-colored fabrics separately from colored ones. Even faded colors can leave pigment on light-colored fabrics.
  • Follow the washing schedule. Cotton and synthetic fabrics are washed at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees.
  • Products treated with acid for bleaching must be dried in fresh air, avoiding exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The sun's rays leave bright yellow spots, which are almost impossible to get rid of in the future.

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A few rules for washing socks

Follow these simple rules, and you will have much fewer problems with the whiteness of your socks.

  1. Socks should be worn no longer than one day, after which you should soak them - the dirt will come off faster.
  2. When buying socks, give preference to natural, strong fabrics.
  3. When washing, sort your socks by color; do not wash all colors at once. This will help avoid shedding and dyeing of products in other colors.
  4. When hand washing, wash your socks on both sides - front and back.

The last and most important rule: black and white looks very nice, but if you wear white socks with black insoles or shoes, the black color will remain on the socks. And don’t wear light-colored socks under shoes that make your feet sweat a lot.

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