How to force yourself to clean up your house? True methods and methods

Cleaning an apartment or room is an integral part of every person’s life, but not everyone likes it. Some find it difficult to find time to clean, others are too lazy to do it.

However, cleaning is necessary to keep your home clean and tidy. It is unlikely that anyone will like to live among garbage and chaos or breathe dust. You can take cleaning for granted, or you can turn it into a fun and interesting process.

This procedure will be facilitated by organizing the process and coordinated step-by-step implementation of the work, and the preliminary drawing up of an action plan. Motivation helps a lot. If you come up with a reward for yourself at the end of cleaning, the process will go more quickly. We offer easy and effective ways to force yourself to clean your apartment.

Get out when no one is home

Most people find it easier to put things in order when they are alone at home. Even if this makes it impossible to involve household members in a useful activity.

Don't try to start cleaning when you might be interrupted. Apart from unpleasant emotions like irritation, this will bring little.

It’s terribly infuriating when someone immediately makes a mess of everything that you just recently neatly tidied up. Or it interferes with wiping the floors, running from one room to another.

How to force yourself to clean up your house? True methods and methods

There are few housewives who are happy to think about the upcoming cleaning. For most, this activity is simply a burden. However, cleaning the house is an integral ritual in our lives that must be performed on an ongoing basis.


There are few housewives who are happy to think about the upcoming cleaning

For most, this activity is simply a burden. However, cleaning
is an integral ritual in our lives that must be performed on an ongoing basis.

Agree, sometimes you have to clean up

I don’t want to be in the house at all.
The modern pace of life requires a lot of effort and time, so
there is no energy, time or desire left
cleaning The prospect of cleaning
all day is not inspiring, but rather seems like something terrible that kills all initiative in the bud; as a result, we begin to procrastinate, procrastinate and come up with thousands of excuses. Meanwhile, the house becomes overgrown with dirt, dust, garbage and rubbish, and the mess remains a mess. And, by the way, no one has repealed the law of life - a constant mess in the space around will sooner or later lead to a mess in life itself.

Of course, there are people who are not at all bothered by the general chaos and confusion. For such people, “ creative disorder”

"is part of life. But even in this case, you have to periodically clean up so as not to completely drown in the rubble of papers, clothes and cups. There are people who cannot sleep if there is a speck of dust left somewhere that has not been wiped off or if the laundry is not laid out in even, neat piles in the closet. There is another category of people - those who clean regularly, but without much joy, sometimes even through force. Whatever category of people you belong to, I am sure that at least once you have had an attack of reluctance to begin this process.

To keep your home in a livable condition for the sake of your physical health and mental comfort, you need to clean

put things in order
. Sometimes it may seem that the mess has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that we no longer have the strength or desire to fight it. It seems that he is everywhere, and his hands just give up. And where, in this case, do you get the strength to fix everything? Let's not give in to panic, drink a cup of aromatic coffee, cheer up, remove the negative attitude and figure out what the real reason is. And then a rag in one hand, a mop in the other, and forward to a new life! Talk is talk, and sitting on the couch we won’t change anything.

Because I am sure that chaos and trash in the house does not allow positive energy to enter, and only cleanliness

will help attract clean positive energy into the home and life in general. So, don’t let your fate lead you into the abyss of a household mess! Don't wait for inspiration, but start acting right now!



First, decide why you don’t want to clean

at home. Maybe you are just looking for excuses and reasons for yourself not to do this?

In fact, you can come up with many excuses for yourself. For example, cleaning

– this is not my strong point; I am a creative person; I work a lot, but there’s simply no energy left for cleaning (tired); with my lifestyle there is no time, no time to clean; I'm not in the mood to clean; I’m going through a difficult period in my life right now and I have no time for cleaning; I rarely have guests, but I’m fine as is; I want to spend my free time with more benefit or more interesting activities; no one to clean for (lack of motivation); I have more important things to do than cleaning; it’s useless, everything will get dirty again anyway; We will be doing repairs soon, and after that we will clean up; There are children in the house, and they are always a mess, etc. But these are all justifications, and in most cases there is only one reason - banal laziness. Not always, of course, but mostly.

Find out what the real reason is for you. Maybe what’s stopping you is that your household doesn’t appreciate your work and constantly litters, while you are forced to clean

. Or the space is not organized correctly and the storage systems are not thought out. Or maybe your constant reluctance to clean your apartment is caused by the fact that you are not happy with something in the apartment itself or in your life. Or maybe the reason lies in something else: rejection of oneself, one’s place in life, unwillingness or fear to look inside oneself, fear of changing something in one’s life...

Try to convey to your loved ones that you are tired and need their understanding and help. Pull yourself together and put things in order (spring cleaning) by getting rid of everything old and unnecessary (throw away, donate, donate, sell), rearrange or reorganize storage areas, update decorative elements.

If this is still the usual reluctance, laziness, then you need to overcome yourself and find the time and energy to clean the apartment, and not look for thousands of excuses. As a last resort, invite a cleaning company that will do a thorough cleaning, and you will see how clean and tidy your home can be, then you will simply maintain this order.

When you have bouts of reluctance to clean, try the following::

1. Relax and turn on pleasant, inspiring music. First, you just need to relax and get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head that distract from this necessary, but not always pleasant process. Turn on the radio or fun, invigorating music that will inspire you to move instead of sitting sadly on the couch. Lively music will set your inner world on a positive wave and will maintain a working mood, and cleaning will only bring pleasure.

2. Tune in to the positive A positive psychological attitude is 50 percent of the success of a business. Try to think less about your reluctance to clean. You either need to want to clean, or forget that you don’t want to clean at all. Think about something pleasant and get down to business. You can imagine how cozy your apartment will be after cleaning. Or promise yourself a reward for the work done. Figure out how to please yourself and reward yourself after the process is completed. This will not only make you want to complete the task as quickly as possible, but will also remove the negative attitude.

3. Find for yourself some kind of incentive or motto with which you will start cleaning. Of course, there is no universal motto or incentive, but everyone can determine for themselves what can motivate them to put things in order.

The motto can be any phrase or idea that resonates in your heart:

- “If not me, then no one” ( the rubble will not be sorted out on its own, and the dust will not be wiped off


— “Cleanliness is the key to health and success” ( dust, dirt are potential sources of illness for you and your family members


— “Cleaning is cleansing not only the house, but also the soul and mind of a person” ( in a clean house you can relax, gain strength, it’s calm and easier to concentrate on important points


— “In a dusty room, interesting ideas and smart thoughts cannot be born” ( in a clean house, thoughts become cleaner and clearer, and the soul and body find peace


— “Home is your reflection, a reflection of your state of mind”;

— “Cleaning is good physical activity” ( during cleaning, over 400 Kcal are spent, that is, like a 10-minute jog


- “I am an example to my child” ( if you have children, then think about what kind of example you are setting for them, because you cannot explain to a child that you need to clean up after yourself if he sees you shirking putting things in order


- “Beautiful furniture, fresh renovation, thoughtful interior, simply not visible through mountains of garbage, scattered clothes and layers of dust.”

You can also invite friends to visit as an incentive: you will do the cleaning and have fun with your friends. Or just look around and imagine a picture of the end result, how clean your apartment is, everything is in its place, how cozy and bright it is. And go make it a reality!

4. Watch stimulating programs or videos If you can’t get into the mood, watching a program that shows what a house that is rarely cleaned can turn into can be an excellent incentive. For example, “Clean Freaks” or other similar programs. After seeing this, your hands will naturally reach for the rag, and your feet will run to the mop.

5. Divide the house into zones. If you need to clean (clean, wash, wipe

), then try to do this by zones (
) and simply determine their order. It's best to start with the easiest area, such as the bedroom or bathroom. Carefully look around each area (room) of your house as if you were seeing everything for the first time, meticulously, like an auditor who came with an inspection. What kind of room or apartment do you want to see?

If we are talking about putting things in order, then try doing it by category.

6. Make a step-by-step cleaning plan Make a clear plan of what needs to be cleaned, and it’s better to do it on paper point by point in order to carry out all the points step by step and give pluses for each completed task ( for each plus you can do something nice for yourself: do a small break with a cup of tea or coffee or a small gift

). A plan will help you not to be distracted by trifles and not to start several things at the same time. Also, with the help of a plan, you can determine what needs to be done urgently and what can wait. This can especially help if it is the amount of work ahead that is stopping you. In this case, you can do all household chores in parts. You will be able to systematize all your affairs, clean and free up space from what just lies idle, accumulates, is shifted with each cleaning, adding only dust.

7. Don't delay! Get to work! If you have a thought about cleaning or even the slightest desire to clean, then immediately get down to business. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the near future and don’t look for excuses not to start cleaning. Don't put it off until later

“and don’t “
” yourself “
”, otherwise the day called “
” will never come, turning out to be very busy.
In most cases, promises like “I’ll start on Monday...”, “ I’ll start on the first...
” remain just words, Monday comes, the first, the new year and absolutely nothing happens.
How many times in your life have things been put off until “ tomorrow
”? Is the starting point so important for starting a new life or just doing something? What's stopping you from starting right now? Nothing interferes! It doesn’t matter what day of the week or what date or time of day. If you have decided, then get down to business. Let right now be the starting point to take action.

Cleaning is not as scary as you think and does not take as much time if you set yourself up correctly and clearly plan your actions.



- Start cleaning as soon as such a thought comes to you, and if you have already started, then do not be distracted by extraneous matters, because then it will be difficult to continue.

— Start cleaning from easier areas, gradually “increasing the load.” Stick to your plan strictly.

— If you often get stuck in one area for a long time while cleaning, and simply have no energy left for the rest, try setting time limits for yourself for each area and for the entire cleaning as a whole.

— While cleaning, try to maintain a positive attitude.

— Objectively assess the amount of work and your capabilities. You shouldn’t clean everything all over the apartment at once. It is better to pay attention to those areas where dirt and dust accumulate the most and most often, i.e. from the most contaminated areas. And you don’t have to do everything in one day; if you don’t have any strength left, then postpone it until tomorrow. After all, having seen the result of your work, you will no longer want to stop at small things and you will have the strength and time to clean the whole house.

- Prepare a large basket to put all the things scattered around the room into. Vacuum, dust, wash the floor. Then return to the basket with things, sort through, organize and throw out what you don’t need.

- Make cleaning easier for yourself. If you have special devices designed for cleaning, this will greatly facilitate the beginning and the cleaning process itself. After all, you will know that with their help everything will be faster, easier and of better quality. Pay attention to the huge assortment of cleaning devices, maybe something you like and will become an indispensable assistant. It may also be worth purchasing new rags, sponges, brushes and washcloths. Along with the old equipment, throw away all the negativity that came with their use. And with the new one, you begin a new stage in housekeeping. Try using detergents and cleaning products that smell pleasant to you. This way, after cleaning, the house will be filled with freshness and a pleasant aroma, which will also not leave you indifferent.

— Don’t put everything on yourself, otherwise you will perceive cleaning as a “ test.”

" or "
". If it is possible to involve household members in the cleaning process, then do it. Maybe they just don’t know how hard it is for you or how exactly to help you. Assign each family member some responsibility, such as taking out the trash or clearing the table after meals.

— Find a system for putting things in order that suits you and follow it. There are many ready-made systems or adapt them for yourself. There are no hard and fast rules here, do what is most convenient for you. You can choose one day of the week to clean the entire apartment and always clean on that day, or set aside 20 minutes every day. This way you will systematize your schedule and the house will always be clean.

Maybe it will be more convenient for you to put things in order in each zone ( room

) or by category of items (
clothing, papers, kitchen utensils, cosmetics, and so on
). Also decide when to remove all contaminants: as they appear, or “clean cleanly”, without waiting for contaminants to appear.

Gradually, the method you choose will become a habit and what you didn’t like so much before will produce results, and you will change your attitude.

In order not to return to the terrifying thoughts of how to force yourself to clean, do not let your home become a complete mess.

rules into your life


follow them (it takes about 3 weeks to develop a new habit!) :
- Maintaining order is easier than creating it from scratch every time. After all, it’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.

- Don't accumulate trash in the trash can; if trash is slowly accumulating in your home, consider purchasing small trash bags.

— Do not accumulate laundry items for longer than 2–3 days. If you don’t have enough clothes, you can wash them more often, but in the “Quick Wash” or “Daily Wash” mode.

— Wipe down the stove immediately after cooking.

— Do not accumulate dishes in the sink. We ate and washed.

— Put things in the places where they belong. Undress - put things in their places, and not on chairs and armchairs; read a book - put it on the shelf, not on the floor, on the nightstand.

- Remove dirt as soon as you see it.

— Do not accumulate unnecessary things in the house. Don't pretend to be Plyushkin. These things simply collect dust and bacteria, take up space for really necessary things, and clutter up your vital space. If the things are good, then give them, donate them or sell them; there will always be those who need them more.

- Even in a clean house, you may not know what is where. Therefore, it is important not only to clean, but also to determine a specific place for each item so that it is convenient to return it there. If you don’t know how to organize storage, pay attention to where different things accumulate, maybe it’s better to arrange a place for them there.

Remember, the mess doesn’t come from nowhere, you create it around yourself and the longer you delay cleaning, the more difficult it will be to finally clean up. Look at cleaning not as a tedious routine, but as a kind of psychological relief. It’s hard to start, but then - order in the house and in the soul.

We hope our tips will help you keep your home tidy and clean.

Make a schedule

Think about how it’s easier for you to clean: once or twice a week for a couple of hours or every day for 20–30 minutes. If you're not sure, at least try the second method. This way, the work front will stop scaring you, and putting things in order will become something commonplace.

For example:

  • Monday: sort out clothes in the closet.
  • Tuesday: wipe off the dust, put things on the shelves.
  • Wednesday: wash the floor throughout the apartment.
  • Thursday: Clean the bathroom.
  • Friday: Clean the stove.
  • Saturday: sort out old things on the balcony.
  • Sunday: change bed linen, send things to the wash.

As a result, there are not many things to do around the house every day. And it will take no more than half an hour to complete them.

How to organize cleaning

First of all, prepare the necessary tools. These are rags and napkins, sponges and brushes, gloves, various detergents and more. It is important to have the necessary items at hand.

Use brightly colored sponges, cloths and gloves. Bright color lifts your spirits and energizes you, making cleaning more joyful. Use pleasantly scented cleaning products to leave your home smelling fresh.

Think about what needs to be done. Divide the apartment into zones and determine in what order you will clean the house. It is advisable to clean the entire room at once.

In addition, once you start the process, it is difficult to stop. But, if you don't have time, or you're doing it after work, pay attention to the dirty places first. You will return to the remaining zones on other days.

Write down the sequence of actions. The plan will reduce the duration and simplify the cleaning process. Choose comfortable and comfortable clothes that do not interfere or restrict movement. To make cleaning dynamic and fun, turn on your favorite energetic music. In addition, cleaning in silence is much more difficult.

Morning of a hard day

How is your morning going? Do you jump up half an hour after the 25th ringing of the alarm clock, turn on the kettle with your eyes closed and frantically wake up a child who needs to be in the garden in less than an hour? 5 minutes after collective washing, you simultaneously have breakfast, feed the baby and try to put on the first clothes you come across?

Obviously, you can't live like that. Therefore, the morning of a difficult day must begin...

Rule 4. Don’t forget about your colleagues and bosses

Bosses, like colleagues, are different. Someone is so passionate that they send you work emails at 3 a.m. and then call you at 7 a.m. wanting an answer. And someone cannot wake up at 10 am even after three cups of coffee. As everyone switches to remote work, these differences are only exacerbated.

What does this mean in practice? Divide your colleagues and bosses into those with families and singles, early risers and night owls, responsible and not so responsible. Unlike the office, from now on your effectiveness is directly dependent on your initiative. No, of course, colleagues and bosses will sometimes appear and check that deadlines are being met, but their participation will be minimal.

Psychological moment

As we noted at the beginning, the psychological attitude is very important in cleaning. A positive attitude towards yourself, towards home, and loved ones helps a lot. Do you remember what symbolic meaning in Germany they attach to cleaning old things on New Year’s Eve? For Germans, throwing trash out of the house is a symbol of cleansing, it is readiness for a new life, for change, for a new stage of the journey.

Cleaning an apartment is akin to this process. By cleaning, throwing out litter, trash, getting rid of old things, you put your life and your thoughts in order.

During mechanical work, it is useful to think about what is important. Creative people write poetry, think through the text of the next article for a magazine. Technical people think through solutions to complex engineering problems. Sometimes this leads to amazing discoveries and useful things.

There is another psychological technique that is often used when they don’t know how to force themselves to clean a house, apartment or room. This is a gift. Come up with a gift for yourself, a pleasant reward for your efforts. For example, a visit to a restaurant, a friend’s house, a movie or theater. Perhaps someone will be stimulated by a candlelit evening with wine and cheese. Everyone has their own joys. Don't skimp on them for yourself. And then your cleaning will fly by.

Video: how to motivate yourself to clean if you’re lazy?

On a hard day's evening

Remember your highchair by your bed, where your mother taught you to put everything you need in the morning? Take advantage of this pedagogical know-how. Prepare your baby’s clothes the night before, and he’ll pack his own backpack with toys for kindergarten “for tomorrow.” Get yourself a “chair” like this too, so you don’t have to look for complete tights and a blouse without a stain on the chest in the morning, like Bridget Jones. Pack your bag in the evening so you can just grab it and go in the morning. If you constantly lose your keys, create a cute hook or shelf especially for them in a prominent place in the hallway. And if the husband’s signature morning phrase is not “I love you, my precious”, but “Where the hell is my tie?”, then there is a strong feeling that the whole family needs their own “bedside chairs”.

Rule 5. Don't overload yourself

When an office worker, especially a programmer, switches to homework, he feels a surge of energy, excess time for work and self-development. This usually results in an excessive number of tasks, training courses and various portals for self-development. Some even unexpectedly start playing sports.

Perhaps working from home will give you all these delights, but at least at first, don’t take on more than usual. Take in the delights of isolation and think about whether you really want to spend extra time within four walls working and studying. Or is it much more useful to devote it to rest and leisure with loved ones? When you make a decision, take action.

Get up an hour earlier

Each of us faces the problem of lack of time. It can be very difficult to combine work, everyday life, and also pay attention to family and friends.

How to learn to do everything? If you are sorely short of time, especially in the morning, there is only one way out - to wake up an hour earlier. In these 60 minutes you will have time to:

  • Lounge in a warm bed for a few minutes instead of jumping at the first sound of the alarm clock.
  • Take a shower, wash your face, brush your teeth without haste.
  • Prepare breakfast for the family.
  • Drink a cup of coffee, tea or a glass of juice.

In just an hour you will be able to complete important household chores without stress and fuss. Getting up early has helped many people achieve success. Thus, Mike Tyson believed that by getting up at four in the morning, he had an advantage over his opponent, who was sleeping at that time.

Find time for yourself

Family, work, everyday life - it’s all very tiring and exhausting. Sometimes you want to escape to a place where there are no problems, endless cooking, ironing, and cleaning. Do not panic. Do this:

  1. Set aside half an hour in your work schedule for yourself. Not for eating or going to the toilet, but for proper rest. Make yourself a cup of tea, turn on some music and just sit or read your favorite book/magazine.
  2. Spend time with your friends. Dedicate one day a month to going with your friends to the cinema, theater or shopping. Let the husband do all the housework on this day.

It’s rare that anyone manages to get everything done. The hardest thing is for a woman who combines work and caring for her family. Plan your time correctly, don’t get distracted, accept help from loved ones and you will be able to achieve success in all your endeavors.

Original article:

Minimize time on social networks

The Internet era has given us many temptations that eat up our productive time. Social networks can be called a time killer. Has this ever happened to you: you go to Facebook or Instagram only for a few minutes, but manage to come to your senses after 2-3 hours? No wonder there is not enough time for anything.

Simple tips will help you optimize your time:

  1. When performing a difficult task, do not go to social networks under any pretext.
  2. Set aside a separate time block for communicating with friends and viewing news on social networks.
  3. Set an alarm so you don't miss a time when you should put your phone down and get things done.

Cleanliness of apartment premises is the concern of household members

Adults, children, and the elderly should know how to maintain cleanliness and order. Train family members to put things away. Wardrobe, table, mezzanine – storage of household goods. Periodically do a general cleaning, keep things clean: dust, vacuum the carpets, wash the floors. Entrusting hard work, cleaning an apartment, to a woman is an example of unworthy behavior of family members. Divide the responsibilities. Find feasible activities for adults, children, and the elderly. Children will get new entertainment. Old people will feel the attention. Cleaning becomes an interesting team activity that brings the family together.

Manage your time correctly

Another effective way to keep up with everything is the time block method. This unique way to optimize working time is used by the richest and busiest people - Elon Musk and Bill Gates. At the same time, they manage not only to manage a huge business, but also to find time for their family and children.

Wondering how to properly organize your time? Divide your day into time blocks:

  1. Dedicate the allotted time to performing similar tasks. For example, in the morning from 8:00 to 10:00, do cleaning: wash windows, wet clean the premises.
  2. When the time allotted for this task is up, put those tasks aside and complete the tasks from the next time block. So, the morning from 10:00 to 12:00 can be devoted to grocery shopping.
  3. Create not just a to-do list, but a specific action plan.
  4. Dedicate separate blocks to games and walks with children, relaxation and meals.

Tips for a woman with a baby

Young mothers are especially concerned about the question of how to manage everything with an infant? A baby requires a lot of attention. To feed him, change clothes, and bathe him, you need to spend a lot of time and effort.

Mom with newborn baby: Pixabay

Tips that will help you manage your household without serious energy losses:

  1. Get enough sleep. Poor sleep and stress will lead to physical and mental exhaustion.
  2. Do housework while your baby is sleeping.
  3. Use appliances that make housework easier (washing machine, multicooker).
  4. Prepare simple meals to save time.
  5. Ask your husband, relatives, and older children to sit with the baby while you clean.
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