How to properly and quickly clean the house, where to start and what stages to divide into

It happens that you urgently need to get your house in decent shape. For example, when guests are about to arrive. Or if you need to finish cleaning as quickly as possible, because there are much more important and interesting things to do.

To get a lot done in 1-2 hours and not get so overwhelmed that you fall off your feet, you just need to:

  1. clean in the right mood,
  2. make preliminary preparations and
  3. act according to a well-thought-out plan (more details in this article)

Why you need to clean the house

Most people don't like to clean their apartment and come up with a lot of excuses not to do it. The main reason for such laziness is lack of motivation and lack of understanding of the importance of this process. If you belong to this category, here are a few reasons that will help you overcome laziness:

  1. Dirt and dust in the apartment lead to various diseases. This could be allergies, runny nose and even infectious diseases. Regular cleaning prevents the appearance of bacteria, maintaining a healthy indoor environment.
  2. A clean, well-kept room looks more attractive and comfortable.
  3. Cleaning is a kind of exercise that allows you to keep your body in good shape.
  4. Cleaning the room distracts you from unnecessary thoughts. While cleaning, the brain takes a break from the daily routine.

Chemical pollution

The most dangerous is chemical pollution. It is formed as a result of the use of environmentally harmful materials during the construction of a building. Harmful products include aerosols, disinfectants, and household chemicals, which are usually stored in the kitchen or bathroom. When working with these substances, methane, carbon monoxide, sulfur, and nitrogen enter the air. All these gases have the ability to displace oxygen, reducing its concentration in the apartment.

Apartment run down by dirt

Important! The smoke released during smoking is also a type of chemical pollution. The soot remains on all surfaces: furniture, walls, carpets. Getting rid of the persistent tobacco smell is very difficult.

Anthropotoxins pose an equally serious threat to health.

These substances accumulate indoors during human activity. Their sources are sweat, feces, urine.


In addition to daily cleaning, which takes 10-15 minutes a day, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the room once every 6 months. It allows you to remove dust and dirt accumulated in hard-to-reach places. How to properly carry out general cleaning, and what is necessary for this, we will figure out below.


Before you start spring cleaning, you need to carefully prepare for it. Where to start preparing:

  • We collect the necessary equipment;
  • prepare detergents;
  • mentally tune in to the positive.


To clean the room you will need:

  • broom;
  • mop;
  • rags for cleaning dust;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • basin;
  • bucket;
  • protective gloves;
  • garbage bags.


To properly clean the room, you will need to use detergents. Prepare:

  • washing powder;
  • cleaner for tiles, stoves, dishes, floors and glass;
  • carpet and furniture cleaner.


It’s better not to start large-scale projects without a good mood, and general cleaning refers specifically to such events. The following will help you get into the right frame of mind:

  • good, not loud music;
  • scented candles will relax and calm the nerves;
  • Involve other household members in the cleaning process by giving them small but useful tasks. Working as a team puts you in a more positive mood.


The general cleaning plan looks like this step by step:

  • We prepare the necessary equipment and cleaning products;
  • getting rid of unnecessary junk. This includes old or unused items;
  • we knock dust out of carpets, blankets and pillows;
  • wipe dust from all surfaces;
  • wash windows;
  • wipe lamps and lamps;
  • wash the floors thoroughly, removing dirt even in hard-to-reach places.

Note! It is best to remove dust from carpets outside so that it does not re-settle in the house.


Cleaning Tips:

  • tidy up your closets and nightstands before wet cleaning;
  • Leave floor cleaning to the last stage;
  • It’s best to start with washing, placing curtains or bed linen in the machine;
  • Divide the house into several zones and clean in stages. Each zone can be assigned to a different family member as head.

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Safe products and tools

There are many types of equipment and devices for cleaning premises on the market. Separate equipment must be allocated for cleaning sanitary facilities.

A typical cleaning kit includes: mops, rags, buckets, brooms, brushes, scrapers. When choosing a device, it is necessary to determine its purpose. Storage areas for technical room inventory should be separated from the storage area for regular inventory.

On a note! All cleaning equipment has special requirements. All of them must be safe for health and easy to clean from dirt and render harmless. Most often, plastic is used in the production of equipment; it should not contain dangerous impurities.

Quick apartment cleaning

Sometimes cleaning needs to be done quickly, in 1 hour, and there is no time left for unnecessary actions. In this case, everything must be done clearly and according to a pre-constructed plan, without wasting time on trifles. Let's figure out what the action plan is for each room so that the end result is a quickly but cleanly cleaned room.


One of the most cluttered places, in which there is always something in need of the owner’s attention. Procedure for cleaning the kitchen:

  • we restore general order;
  • wash the dishes;
  • clean the stove;
  • removing dust from kitchen appliances;
  • wash the floor;
  • remove problem spots.

This sequence of actions will allow you to clean the kitchen quickly and efficiently.

General procedure

First of all, we establish general order, putting everything in its place. Food and kitchen utensils scattered everywhere will make it difficult to quickly clean the room. If everything is in its place, putting things in order will become much easier.

Washing the dishes

One of the main sources of dirt in the kitchen that immediately catches your eye is dirty dishes. It looks untidy and takes up a lot of space in the sink. By washing all the dishes and putting them in their proper place, you have already done 70% of the dirty work. If you have a dishwasher in your kitchen, the process of putting things in order will speed up significantly. If such equipment is not available, a regular detergent will come to the rescue.

Cleaning surfaces

Work surfaces such as the stove and countertop are the second biggest source of dirt in the kitchen. They are constantly used in the process of cooking, becoming very dirty because of this. When cleaning work surfaces in the kitchen, keep the following points in mind:

  • The stain remover is applied in advance, as it needs at least 30 minutes to penetrate the structure of the stain;
  • It is necessary to remove dirt carefully, but without unnecessary tenderness. Stubborn stains of grease or other dirt can be rubbed with a special steel wool.

Wipe down kitchen appliances

Kitchen appliances need cleaning not only inside, but also outside. Dust, splashes of water and food particles settle on it. This stage is the fastest and you will complete it in 5 minutes. To implement it, just take a damp cloth and wipe the surface of the devices with it.

Note! For safety reasons, it is recommended to unplug kitchen utensils from the outlet before cleaning.

Sweeping and mopping the floor

A lot of debris accumulates on the floor, since during cooking, pieces of food often fly past the frying pan or pan. When tidying up the kitchen floor, first sweep it thoroughly and then wash it using special products. This is not a labor-intensive task, and at worst it will take you 10 minutes of time.

Cleaning stubborn stains

Hard-to-remove stains in the kitchen that cannot be removed with conventional cleaning products are treated using a steam generator. They can be processed:

  • scale formed on kitchen utensils;
  • remove burnt food;
  • treat kitchen work surfaces, household appliances and walls. When working with equipment, do not forget to unplug it from the outlet;
  • grooves between the tiles in which fungus and other dirt accumulate.

If a steam generator is not available, look for strong detergents and try to remove dirt with them.


The bedroom is usually much less dirty than the kitchen, but there is plenty of work to do here too. To speed up cleaning in the bedroom, we highlight the main points that require the attention of a housewife:

  • getting rid of small debris;
  • making the bed;
  • dust removal;
  • cleaning the floor.

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We sweep away everything unnecessary

To clean the room, you need to get rid of small debris scattered throughout the room. These could be pen caps, old socks, candy wrappers and other things. They accumulate gradually and in small quantities do not attract attention. However, over time, there are more and more of them, which begins to catch your eye.

Making the bed

A neatly made bed is half the success when cleaning your room. Even if some things are scattered haphazardly, a clean bed with fresh linens will greatly enhance the appeal of the room. You need to monitor this constantly, and it is advisable to develop the habit of making the bed immediately after getting up. Don’t put it off until later, as guests may arrive at the most unexpected moment.

Fighting dust

Removing dust in a room is considered a pressing problem that should be taken seriously. Due to the fact that a person spends a significant amount of time in the bedroom, large amounts of dust can cause serious damage to health. Be sure to wipe the surface of the furniture with a damp cloth and ventilate the room.

In summer, you should take blankets and pillows out into the fresh air, knocking dust out of them using a cracker or a regular stick.

Vacuuming the floor surface

A huge amount of debris and dust accumulates on the floor, especially under the bed. During sleep, it enters the respiratory system, causing harm to the human body. Systematic vacuuming of the floor will help maintain order in the bedroom, preventing bacteria from accumulating in hard-to-reach places.

Note! After vacuuming the floor, it is a good idea to wipe the surface with a damp cloth. It won't take much time.

Bathroom and toilet

The bathroom and toilet are the dirtiest rooms in the house, where the most dangerous bacteria accumulate. If you leave them unattended for a long time, there is a risk of contracting a serious disease. Cleaning the bathtub and toilet consists of the following steps:

  • applying a cleaning agent to contaminated surfaces;
  • cleaning the shower and bathroom;
  • toilet disinfection;
  • removing plaque from mirrors;
  • sink treatment;
  • washing the floor.

Apply cleaning agent

It is necessary to apply the cleaning agent to the walls of the bathroom and toilet, since during use they become covered with plaque. The walls can be treated with a solution of citric acid, which does not have a strong chemical odor. Procedure:

  • put on rubber gloves;
  • dilute 2 packs of citric acid in one liter of water;
  • take a sponge and soak it in the solution;
  • use the rough side of the sponge to hit the stains that have become embedded in the tile;
  • wipe the walls with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the shower stall and bathtub

When cleaning baths and showers, consider the following nuances:

  1. Enameled bathtubs must not be treated with substances containing acids. Such products are suitable for ceramic products.
  2. You can remove lime deposits from glass surfaces using a solution of washing powder, water and vinegar.
  3. Acrylic surfaces react negatively to substances that contain ammonia, alkali or acetone.

Cleaning the mirror

Cleaning the mirror is not particularly difficult. To do this you need:

  • wipe the surface with a soft cloth;
  • apply cleaning agent;
  • remove it with a paper towel or regular rag.

If these actions are performed systematically, there is no need for additional procedures.

Cleaning the toilet

You should start cleaning the toilet by washing the toilet bowl. Do not forget about protective equipment, as there are many harmful bacteria on the surface of the toilet. After cleaning, rags and gloves are soaked in a disinfectant solution for some time, after which they are washed with clean water. It's best to just throw them away and use new ones next time.

Vinegar will help get rid of brown stains. Pour it over the surface of the toilet before going to bed, and in the morning simply rinse with water from the tank.

Cleaning the sink

The cleaning method and detergents for the sink are selected depending on the material from which it is made:

  1. Ceramics can be cleaned with substances containing alkali and acid.
  2. Stainless steel sinks are treated with dish soap. With their help, soap smudges, which are especially noticeable on metal surfaces, are removed.
  3. Cast iron products require special care, and detergents should contain a minimum amount of alkali. The use of acid-containing substances is prohibited.
  4. Acrylic surfaces are the easiest to care for. There are many products for cleaning them that can be purchased at any store.

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Mopping the floor

Any specialized product is suitable for properly cleaning the bathroom floor. It is available in stores, and there should be no problems purchasing it. Remember to wear rubber gloves, as the restroom floor is dirtier than usual.

Living room

The living room is the face of the apartment, because all festive events and friendly gatherings are held there. To put things in order in the living room you need to:

  • put things in their places;
  • wipe the dust;
  • vacuum;
  • wipe glass surfaces.

Eliminate the clutter

First of all, we put things on shelves if they are in the wrong place. In the living room, unnecessary trash often accumulates that requires sorting. As soon as things are laid out, the room will noticeably transform.

Cleaning the dust

The absence of dust on things in the room is the first sign of a housewife's skill. This means that the premises are monitored and maintained in order. You can wipe off the dust with a slightly damp cloth or a special napkin.

Cleaning mirrors and glass surfaces

This process is no different from cleaning similar surfaces in other rooms. There are no special recommendations here.


The final step in cleaning the living room is to clean the carpets and floors with a vacuum cleaner. Try to treat even hard-to-reach areas, because this is where the most dust and dirt usually accumulate.

Less dust

Clean each room using the “top-down” principle: start with the top shelves (in the process, some of the dust will settle on the floor) and finish by mopping the floor. This way you will collect the maximum amount of dirt.

The most convenient way to remove dust from furniture is with a cloth soaked in water and fabric softener. To clean the TV screen and computer monitor, a soft cloth pre-treated with an antistatic agent is suitable. After this treatment, much less dust will settle on them.

Cleaning according to Marie Kondo's system

Marie Kondo is a famous Japanese woman who is a fan of cleanliness and has devoted her entire life to this activity. She developed her own method and even wrote a book in which she described in detail the principles of cleaning any room. The essence of Marie Kondo's system is as follows:

  1. Dividing things into separate categories and allocating a personal storage space for each of them.
  2. Things that do not evoke positive emotions in their owners should be given to those in need or thrown away.
  3. Expired products must also be destroyed.
  4. Items that are hidden for special occasions should be kept in a visible place and used on a regular basis.
  5. It is recommended to clean daily, but selectively, choosing a specific location to restore order.

Safe chemistry

The main requirement for household chemicals is that they should not be toxic. But even with safe chemicals it is necessary to work with gloves. It is necessary to avoid products containing sodium hypochlorite, anionic surfactants (A-surfactants), chlorine, phosphates, petrochemical products, nitrobenzene, formaldehydes.

Each product is intended for a specific type of cleaning, so you must strictly follow the instructions provided. When working with chemicals, do not approach open flame sources. Also, you should not use products whose expiration date has long expired. Chemicals must be stored closed. Household chemicals should not be stored with food.

Psychological techniques

If you can't bring yourself to start cleaning, try:

  • turn on your favorite music;
  • if you like to read, download an audiobook. Turn it on while cleaning and enjoy an interesting story;
  • ask your household for help by distributing minor responsibilities among them;
  • light scented candles;
  • Promise to treat yourself to some treat or item when you finish cleaning.

How and with what to properly wash different surfaces in the room and kitchen

For general cleaning, you need different products: cleaning, washing, polishing, etc. As part of general cleaning of the bathroom, many housewives start the “idle” operating mode of automatic washing machines. The purpose of the procedure is to cleanse the insides of scale and dirt.

It is better to wash glass surfaces and mirrors with compounds developed specifically for these purposes. It is also recommended to clean floors with the addition of specialized solutions, and their choice is based on the type of surface being cleaned.

Before using any detergent, carefully read the instructions for use.

Products designed to eliminate grease are indispensable assistants in kitchen cleaning. This includes cleaners for gas stoves, ovens and microwave ovens, powders and pastes. They can be used to wash tiles, metal and glass surfaces.

Many housewives use improvised means during general cleaning. These are old, time-tested recipes based on soda, ammonia, lemon juice, vinegar, mustard powder, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

  1. It is better to clean glass surfaces with a napkin soaked in the following composition: 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  2. A microfiber cloth moistened with vodka can easily remove dirt from old mirrors.
  3. Scratches on dark furniture are treated with a cloth soaked in iodine solution (5-10 drops per 1 liter of water), and cracks in wood are well masked with beeswax.
  4. Polished surfaces are perfectly cleaned by milk.
  5. Salt or soda, generously scattered over the carpet, collects all the dust and dirt. The products are left for half an hour, then the surface is vacuumed.

Methods of cleaning using improvised means have been known for a long time and successfully cope with their task to this day.

DIY helpers for general cleaning - gallery

Vinegar diluted with water cleans glass surfaces well.

Mirrors wiped with vodka become clean and shiny

Milk is suitable for cleaning polished furniture

Iodine solution masks scratches on dark furniture

To clean your carpet, use coarse salt.


How to make your house clean? Follow the cleaning procedure and tips for maintaining cleanliness, then your home will always shine.

In a private house with several bathrooms, it is difficult to clean in one day, even if they help.

If you want everything to sparkle in your bathroom, don’t trust it to anyone but yourself. Here, as in the kitchen, you always need to keep it clean.

How to properly clean an apartment when it’s the bathroom’s turn - principles and sequence:

  1. It all starts with underwear. Collect dirty things and put them in a basket. Take out the piles one at a time and wash them.
  2. Review your cosmetics. Throw away empty jars and keep only what you use. Put the rest in the closet.
  3. Go to the lockers. Throw away expired products, fold towels, wipe down shelves.
  4. Wash the tiles well; soap scum will accumulate on them. If there is mold, use special compounds or home remedies.
  5. Clean the bathtub and taps. Use gel compounds, they do not scratch the surface.

Quick apartment cleaning is possible. The main thing is to do everything in order.

Cleaning up your apartment is not as problematic as it seems at first glance. Comprehensive bathroom cleaning will delight all residents and create a pleasant impression of the owner of the house.

How often should you clean your bathroom? It is advisable to do this twice a month, and the rest of the time just keep it clean and tidy.

Knowing how to clean an apartment and where to start, you can do everything quickly if you divide it into zones.

Keep your work equipment handy

This is another important rule of a professional housekeeper. Your work package for a specific facility will depend on the schedule and type of cleaning agreed upon with the employer.

Buy a special multifunctional cart - it is convenient to move it around rooms and use it for storing tools and cleaning products. This way, you will have all the necessary items at hand and will not have to waste precious time looking for equipment left in another room.

To store small items, purchase a special belt. Gradually you will remember where the right thing is, and you will find it with your eyes closed.

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