How to quickly wash and clean difficult stains in the house

To clean the case, it is not advisable to use concentrated detergents and active solvents, as they can damage the silicone structure and permanently damage the product. Available agents include food acids, toothpastes, soap solutions, alcoholic liquids, and warm liquid oils. If they cannot cope with severe stains, chemical solvents and special products designed to remove stains from silicone products can help.

The case is designed to protect your phone body from unwanted dirt. This is the one who takes the first hit, diving into food, drinks, grease stains and paint.

How to clean kitchen hood filters

Kitchen hood filters are a headache for any housewife - accumulating grease, dust sticking to it, unpleasant odor. You can clean the filters as follows. We will need:

  • 1/2 cup ammonia
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and gradually add baking soda. It is not recommended to pour everything into the cut; add a teaspoon at a time.
  2. Place the filters in boiling water and let sit for a few minutes. The fat will begin to dissolve. Remove the pan from the heat.
  3. If it doesn’t work the first time, change the water and repeat the whole procedure again.
  4. For very heavy soiling, or if previous procedures did not give a positive result. Pour 3.5 liters of water into a saucepan and heat it. Add ammonia there and lower the filters into the resulting solution.
  5. Open the windows first and wear a mask. The entire procedure should be carried out with rubber gloves.

Tips and prohibitions

In order for the carpet to retain its presentable appearance for as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. To do this, you need to vacuum the surface 1-2 times a week, having previously treated it with an antistatic agent.

General recommendations:

  • Before using a new cleaning product, it should be tested on an inconspicuous small area;
  • If possible, remove stains immediately, without waiting for them to be absorbed into the pile;
  • regularly wet-clean the carpet – once a week;
  • Before wet cleaning, get rid of debris, dust and pet hair;
  • do not walk around the palace wearing shoes (sneakers, shoes).

What not to do:

  • clean the carpet against the direction of the pile;
  • treat with hot water;
  • clean with plenty of moisture.

Eliminating traces of cement or whitewash

Even plastic film will not protect the floor from whitewash and cement dust. The coating becomes dull, untidy, and covered with stains after washing. Conventional detergents will not cope with this kind of contamination.

It is still possible to restore linoleum; to do this, follow these steps:

  • Add 3 tbsp to a bucket of warm water. spoons of kitchen salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of soap shavings. Stir the ingredients until they dissolve, then wash the linoleum thoroughly. Hot water is not suitable for this purpose as it will make the floor dull.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used to remove stains and plaque. Add a few crystals to a bucket of water to create a light pink solution. Then the floor is washed with a clean cloth.
  • If potassium permanganate and salt do not help get rid of the whitewash, then it is recommended to use kerosene. Add 2 tbsp to the bucket. spoons of kerosene and clean the floor covering. The only negative is that after such cleaning, a strong smell of combustible mixture remains in the room. To eliminate the annoying aroma, wash the floor with a weak vinegar solution (2 tablespoons of vinegar per bucket of water). Then the room is ventilated for at least 30 minutes.

Then you can renew the linoleum that has dried out. To do this, a piece of woolen fabric is dipped in linseed oil or drying oil and the surface is polished. After this treatment, the floor becomes shiny.

↑ Cleaning the connectors

When the USB and headphone jacks become dirty, users begin to encounter many unpleasant problems: in particular, difficult synchronization with the headset and slow charging.
It is very important to be able to prevent this, especially since it is never too late to do so. Let's get started: Method 1. Take an old or unused toothbrush (it is important that it is clean, without any food residue from your teeth). Stick a few fibers inside the nest and begin to make progressive circular movements. After some time, the fibers will collect both the smallest particles of dust and large pieces of dirt. Repeat this operation 2-3 times. Antistatic brushes designed for cleaning electronics do an excellent job. They also prevent electricity from being generated when the fibers rub.

Method 2. Use a thin needle, or, as a last resort, a paper clip to open the SIM card slot.

Insert it into the USB-C or mini-Jack 3.5 connector and move it along the edges of the recess, as if trying to shake out all the dirt. Under no circumstances try to insert the needle the full length - this may permanently damage the connector. It is enough to insert it one or two centimeters.

Method 3: Creative users will love this tip. Take a regular piece of paper and roll it into a funnel. Insert the corner into the funnel into the connector and twist it inside. If the corner is too large for the nest, try trimming the paper.

To prevent blockages, miniature plugs for each of the above connectors are sold on the Internet, and much less often in regular electrical goods stores. They allow you to protect vulnerable areas of your smartphone from dust, and can be removed with one easy movement of your finger.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of which method you choose to remove dirt from your nails, it is important to follow a number of precautions. This will help prevent finger injuries:

  1. Don't make your nails too short. This can cause wounds, which in turn increase the likelihood of infection.
  2. All tools must be used with extreme caution, especially if they are sharp. Cuts are fraught with discomfort and risk of infection.
  3. When using chemical and plant-based products, try to avoid contacting them directly with your skin.
  4. Tools must be disinfected after each use. Moreover, disinfection is important, even if you use the devices only for yourself.
  5. The duration of cleansing procedures should be no more than 15 minutes.
  6. If there is an increased risk of contracting an infectious disease, it is recommended to trim the stratum corneum short.

Clean nails are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Regular cleaning will not only keep your manicure looking attractive, but will also prevent infections and inflammation. You can use both professional tools and folk remedies. In any case, it is important not to forget about this hygiene measure.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent scratches on the phone case you need to:

  • Buy protective film. For several months it will reliably protect your mobile screen from various mechanical damages and reduce the risk of minor scratches.
  • Clean the screen as often as possible. If there is no accumulation of dust particles, then scratches and microscopic cracks are much less likely to form.

Important! Wipe with special wipes. Otherwise, you yourself may scratch the screen with your own actions.

  • Carry in special pockets or use protective covers. You shouldn’t let your smartphone just lie around in a bag where there are many small items at the same time.
  • Buy a phone with a recoverable display. This device is equipped with a plastic coating that can smooth out minor damage. But this option does not always solve this problem. If used carelessly, more or less significant cracks will be visible even on such a display.

The best way to prevent it if you lead a very active lifestyle is to choose a phone with a durable case from the ratings we offer.

What to do to avoid getting dirty?

To prevent dirt from getting under your nails when planning gardening work or contact with the ground, use the following protection methods:

  1. Wear gloves. If you work in the garden, use latex products.
  2. There are special liquid gloves that reliably protect against contamination. They are a special product that needs to be applied liberally to your hands and allowed to dry. This forms a protective film on the skin, preventing dirt particles from getting under the nails. You can use simple liquid soap in a similar way.
  3. Regular soap is also useful. Before starting “dirty” work, scrape it so that the space under your nails is completely filled. If the surface becomes hard, moisten it with water. A protective crust will form, which you can easily wash off later.
  4. Another way to prevent dirt from getting in is to apply silicone cream to your hands.

How to clean a refrigerator and get rid of an unpleasant odor

If frozen fat drops from sour cream, mayonnaise, or milk appear in the refrigerator, it can be difficult to wash them off. In addition, every housewife has more than once encountered the fact that a persistent unpleasant odor appears in the refrigerator. And washing doesn’t always help. What to do in such cases? We will need:

  • soda - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 1 liter
  1. Dissolve baking soda in water and wipe all the walls and shelves of your refrigerator with this solution. Then rinse with clean water and wipe with a clean cloth.
  2. To get rid of unpleasant odor, place in the refrigerator.
  • a piece of black bread
  • lemon slices
  • soda in a cup
  • water with lemon juice
  • Activated carbon

It's that simple, and also quick and easy!

UV lamp

This method will help clean the device from bacteria. Place your smartphone in PhoneSoap's special germicidal UV lamp, close the lid, and in four minutes your device will be cleansed of dirt, bacteria, dust and other contaminants.

Hard-to-reach places, such parts of the phone that are under the removable cover, connectors for the charger, headphones, camera and speaker can be wiped with a cotton swab. Do not clean your smartphone with alcohol-containing solutions or paper napkins.

The importance of hand hygiene

A lot of dirt accumulates under our nails , which contains pathogenic microorganisms.
Reference. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that the number of germs on the tip of one finger is similar to that on the entire palm.

The area between the growing nail and the skin is the habitat, growth and reproduction of harmful microbes. A favorable environment for them is created thanks to a warm, humid environment and protection from external influences.

It has been experimentally proven that hand washing does not affect microorganisms under the nails, and artificial manicure only increases their content. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to cleaning this area. Regular hygiene measures can not only provide your hands with a well-groomed appearance, but also prevent many pathologies caused by bacteria.

How to get rid of odor and clean microfiber sofa upholstery

Sofas with light upholstery always look more attractive, but people still try to buy a more practical sofa with darker upholstery. Especially those with small children or pets. The kids don’t care what color the sofa is, they played, drew, ate, didn’t wash their hands, and went to the sofa.

Animals, as you know, also love to relax on the sofa. And we took a walk on the street, came back with dirty paws, and immediately rested. And how many cases have there been, when you walk into a room, your beloved pet sits on the window and throws a flower onto the white sofa. Well, let's clean it up, we need:

  • bottle of isopropyl alcohol
  • soda
  • water
  • brush
  • sponge
  1. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. Apply a small amount of time to the sponge, apply the product to the upholstery, leave for 5 minutes, then wipe with a cloth dampened in clean water. Take a brush and use it to brush all the fibers and microfibers in the right direction.
  2. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, simply add baking soda. Then clean it too.

Service center

If your mobile phone is still under warranty, then if you have a similar problem, you can visit a service center. They can replace the screen and return you an updated device. If the warranty has expired, the screen replacement procedure will be very expensive.

Important! But the service center does not always meet you halfway, and may find you to blame for the damage that occurs. In this case, repairs become a paid service. Therefore, this method is not effective. But it's always worth a try.

If you were unable to resolve this problem when visiting a service center, then it is advisable to read all the information about the structure of your phone screen. This recommendation allows you to use the safest polishing option. Without preliminary theoretical preparation, you may not be able to save the gadget, but will only aggravate the situation.

Or maybe this is a reason to update your smartphone, change it to a newer and more reliable model? A rating of smartphones from different manufacturers with practical tips on choosing the best one based on its characteristics will help you get real pleasure from your purchase!

Rules for regular care

To avoid the need to thoroughly clean the silicone case, you should follow a few simple care rules:

  • Direct sunlight and prolonged overheating of a silicone product negatively affect its transparency and geometry. Even high-quality silicone becomes cloudy from excessive temperature, which spoils it very quickly. Also, its proportions are violated, it shrinks or “melts” - such damage is irreparable.
  • Try not to carry the phone in places where the cover can get dirty - near food, drinks, in a pencil case (it is quite difficult to wash the handle). Do not handle the phone with dirty hands - try to avoid direct contact with silicone.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use aggressive detergents and solvents; they quickly react with silicone and destroy it irrevocably.
  • Use only for its intended purpose - do not place it on a phone model for which it is not intended. Try to remove and insert the case as little as possible - there is no need to carry it additionally.
  • Keep wet wipes handy to wipe away fresh stains. Clean it at least once a month with a soft cloth dampened in a mild detergent.

Advice! It is advisable to observe the above points from the first day of purchase - this will significantly extend its service life.

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