Where does dust come from in the air in the house and how to deal with it

Dust is an eternal problem that cannot be eliminated. The general cleaning has just completed, and by the evening small particles again settle on the surfaces, giving the home an unkempt appearance. And again wet cleaning, and the next day everything again. Even if there are no pets in the house, and there was no one in the room all day and it was closed, this still does not guarantee perfect cleanliness, and all because dust will always find a way to get into the house. Neither winter nor summer will stop her. It always spreads through the air. It is useless to fight this, but there are ways to help keep your apartment in order.

How does she appear in the house?

Main factors of education:

  • biological;
  • technogenic.

The first includes: dead particles of human skin, hair, animal fur. This factor also includes wool blankets, socks, and feather pillows. Dead biological particles are a breeding ground for dust mites.

The technogenic factor appears under the following conditions:

  1. Repairs generate a lot of debris and, accordingly, dust.
  2. If the apartment is on the ground floor. Then small dust particles from soils and roads easily penetrate into the home with the help of the wind through open windows.
  3. If the house is located close to factories, factories, quarries.

More than half of the dust is of natural origin. Their sources are located in different parts of the planet.

These include:

  1. Salt of the World Ocean. Its particles are found everywhere, even in areas where there are no seas. What happens is that the surfaces on which the water leaves its mark dry out, leaving behind salt. It is carried by the wind over very long distances, where it settles as dust.
  2. Volcano particles. The wind carries them similarly.
  3. Cosmic dust. It comes to us along with meteor showers. An interesting fact is that because of this, the Earth becomes heavier by about ten tons per year!

How does a person change their skin?

We don't notice it, but in fact, all people shed, that is, shed their old skin like snakes. Only this happens not periodically, but constantly. And we don’t shed old skin completely at once, but gradually. Our wrists and other open areas of the body are the most active in getting rid of old skin particles, but the skin layer of the back and especially the abdomen is renewed much more slowly. Scientists learned about this during an experiment in which containers were leaned and glued to different parts of people’s bodies to collect fallen skin particles. After several days of wearing, the researchers examined the contents of the containers. The ones that were glued to their bellies were the least full.

This is what the containers for collecting dead skin looked like. This experiment can be done even at home.

Old human skin is shed because our bodies create about 20 million skin cells every hour. The human body is not rubber and has a limited amount of space, so new cells push out old ones to form an outer protective layer. Over time, dead cells begin to flake off one by one and become airborne. During the experiment described above, it was found that every hour about 1000 skin cells are shed from every square centimeter of the human body. If we consider that the skin area of ​​an adult is approximately 2 square meters, it turns out that every hour a person loses 20 million dead cells per hour.

Just imagine: a person sheds 480 million dead cells per day!

According to the calculations of the author of the Veritasium channel, in one day a person releases 1-2 grams of his skin into the air. It turns out that in a year we shed about half a kilogram of skin, which is about 180 billion dead cells. That's as many stars as there are in our Milky Way galaxy! But this does not mean at all that all our skin becomes dust and penetrates into the bodies of other people through the respiratory tract. Absolutely not, because we wash off most of the dead skin with water while taking a shower or bath, leave it outside while walking and rub it into our clothes, which are then washed in the washing machine.

We wash off some of the dead skin with water.

Impact on human health

House dust is a strong allergen. When a person inhales oxygen, tiny particles of dust enter the respiratory system. This is a huge harm to the body, which leads to a runny nose and cough. If you do not take any measures, then there is a high probability:

  • viral diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin reactions;
  • kidney diseases.

It is known that mites live in dust, which in themselves are harmless, but their waste products can cause asthma in some people!

Molds are also found in dust. Due to their low weight, their spores float in the air. A person can easily inhale them, which leads to allergic reactions.

Do not create favorable conditions for dust

Minimize the number of dust collectors in your home. Various figurines, vases, travel souvenirs, soft toys and other decor will certainly please the eye. But at the same time they collect a lot of dust, and fighting it takes time and effort. It is also worth removing from open surfaces things that you do not use daily: cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, dishes, stacks of papers. Carpets are considered one of the leaders in collecting dust. If you cannot refuse them, you will have to periodically give them a thorough cleaning.

Places where dust accumulates

She is driving, but there are places where dust is in large quantities.

Oddly enough, dangerous debris is found in hard-to-reach places: in corners, small crevices, behind cabinets, under baseboards, under the bed - where it is difficult to clean with a mop and rag. A huge amount of dirt accumulates in blankets, carpets, pillows, mattresses, children's toys, computer equipment, especially in the processor.

Few people remember the rug at the front door. Shoes are wiped on it several times a day, and it is cleaned very rarely. This should not happen, because it is the rug that accumulates dangerous pollution from the street.

However, things like blankets and carpets have a positive side - they prevent accumulated dust from rising into the air.

Scientists conducted an experiment, as a result of which it was revealed that there is much more dust in rural houses than in urban ones. Despite this, it is natural and is considered less dangerous. After all, the city has quite toxic air; it is polluted by emissions from factories and factories.

Another interesting fact is that dust accumulates much more in old buildings than in new ones.

Effective ways to remove dust in an apartment and house

Apartment “dust collectors”

Soft toys, figurines, decorative plants - such little things make our home more comfortable. At the same time, they accumulate dust. Of course, there is no need to throw away your favorite things - just store them correctly.

  • Cushioned furniture. Dust likes to settle and accumulate in textile fibers. Such furniture, as well as sofa cushions and thick curtains, need to be vacuumed regularly. Use special attachments to clean hard-to-reach areas.
  • Carpet covering. When walking, dust from it rises back into the air and is inhaled by the lungs. Carpets should be vacuumed every week and, if possible, shaken out.
  • A rug near the front door. Dangerous bacteria from the street remain on it, so do not forget to systematically clean it.
  • Bed sheets. Wash it regularly and steam it. An excellent solution would be to use mattress covers.
  • Old clothes, plush toys. Give away unused items, and wash used items more often. The less unnecessary textiles, the cleaner the house.
  • Decorative elements. It is better to store figurines, vases and other things in boxes or on closed shelves behind glass. Leave a few items for decoration, and the rest should be packed and put away in the closet.
  • Houseplants. Dirt from the leaves should be wiped regularly with a cloth. Green spaces ventilate the air well and help fight dust.
  • Pets. Brush cats and dogs weekly; this should be done in the bathroom so that the hair does not fly around the apartment.

Ways to combat dust

You will never be able to completely get rid of it, but you can always reduce the amount. The only way is cleaning.

Dry cleaning

It is suitable for those people who do not have small children or animals in their home and where the pollution is not very significant. It is carried out with a dry cloth or brushes.


  • wiping from horizontal surfaces;
  • from upholstered furniture;
  • from the floor.

It is recommended to do dry cleaning every two days.

Wet cleaning

This is a high-quality method of dealing with dirt. Includes:

  • wiping horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • cleaning carpets with wet brushes;
  • washing floors.

Dust can be removed easily and quickly using these methods. The main advantage is air humidification. Thanks to this method, cleanliness will be maintained for a long time.

It is worth noting that frequent wet cleaning can damage some furniture materials and floor coverings. Therefore, these two types of home cleaning should be combined. The best option would be to do it wet once a week, and dry it every two or three times.

Vertical cleaning method

This means cleaning from top to bottom. That is, dust is first removed from the surfaces of tall objects, gradually moving to low ones. For example, first of all you need to remove the surfaces of chandeliers, then cabinets, then tables, and so on. In rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom, you should start with the dirtiest items - the gas stove, range hood. This must be done to prevent dust from falling on already clean objects. This method can save time and keep things clean for much longer.

The same principle should be used during general cleaning. The furthest rooms are cleaned first so as not to carry dirt throughout the house.

Pet hair care

Those who keep pets in their apartments are familiar with the problem of excessive hair in the apartment. Surprisingly, it turns out that it is also present in the homes of people who do not have pets. Microparticles enter the apartment through an open window, clothing and shoes.

Everything would be fine, but allergies arise due to animal fur. It, like an allergen, strikes along with the dust particles that form from it. Its influence can be avoided by using air purifiers and high-quality ventilation systems.

Floor cleaning

Parquet and laminate flooring require careful and proper cleaning. The preservation of the color, properties and appearance of the material depends on it.

When wet cleaning, do not use hot water; water should not drain from the mop, otherwise the floor will swell. After each wash, be sure to wipe the coating with a dry cloth. For thorough cleaning, add fabric softener or shampoo to the water, this will reduce the amount of dust, remove it and reduce the occurrence of dirt for a while. Once every three days it is worth carrying out dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Household chemicals

To effectively restore order, it is recommended to use chemicals. Their use will improve the result of cleaning the apartment several times. They include the following tools:

  1. For cleaning floor coverings.
  2. For cleaning textiles.
  3. For dish washing.
  4. For cleaning glass.
  5. For cleaning furniture.

It is important to use gloves when applying products, because household chemicals can negatively affect the skin.

The composition must not contain:

  • Chlorine
  • Phosphates
  • Ammonium

If there is an alternative to using environmental products, then it is more rational to use them.

Processing of upholstered furniture, carpets, pillows

These pieces of furniture in the house require careful care, because over time they accumulate a huge number of dust mites, causing severe allergies and other health problems.

There are antistatic treatments for carpets. With its help you can get rid of a huge number of unpleasant things. Firstly, the carpet will stop electrifying and, accordingly, attracting dust. Secondly, antistatic treatment has water-repellent and dirt-proof properties.

Upholstered furniture can be treated to remove dust using special shampoos for washing vacuum cleaners and manual cleaning. It will remove not only dust, but also stains. Regular powders can also remove dust. It must be diluted in water to form foam. When washing, you can use a brush or cloth.

Dust mites. Find and win!

Feather pillows accumulate a lot of dust and mites; it is recommended to change them every two years. But there is a way to extend their service life. Pillows must be taken to a dry cleaner, where they will thoroughly remove dust.

Removing dust from chandeliers and ventilation grilles

With the help of ventilation, air enters the apartment. Keeping it clean is essential! To do this, you need to clean the ventilation duct and change the grille every six months.

Proper cleaning is carried out in several steps:

  1. Remove the old grille.
  2. Using a knife or spatula, remove plaque and dust from the canal walls. It is better to do this with gloves.
  3. Vacuum the channel with a hose without a nozzle.
  4. Install the grille.

Chandeliers require careful maintenance; they are located at the top, accumulating dust. An easy way to remove dirt from them is to use a spray bottle. It is important to turn off the electricity in the apartment before starting work!

The cleaning algorithm is simple:

  1. Lay newspapers on the floor so as not to spoil the coating.
  2. Prepare water and detergents.
  3. Spray the solution onto the chandelier, paying attention to hard-to-reach surfaces

Modern technologies for air purification from dust

Progress does not stand still. This also applies to cleaning the house. Modern methods will help keep your home clean.

  • Breezer is a supply ventilation system with built-in filters for air purification. It prevents street dirt from entering your apartment during ventilation.
  • Air washing humidifies the atmosphere and disperses air masses using a fan, which ensures quick ventilation and cleaning.
  • A smart microclimate system will help control air humidity and the level of air pollution.

Cleanliness in the house is the key to the success and well-being of your family. It is in your power to make cleaning a simple process that allows you to restore order and preserve the health of your household.

How to prevent dust in your home

Although it is impossible to get rid of dust forever, there are several ways to significantly reduce its accumulation in the room.

Unnecessary things

People, under the influence of impulse, tend to buy unnecessary things. It’s a shame to throw them away and useless things are stored at home, taking up a lot of space, accumulating layers of dust, which leads to health problems. The only successful way out of this state of affairs is to throw away the trash. The easiest way is to take it to a landfill, try to sell it, or offer it to friends.

Properly organized collecting

Collecting is a common hobby. Its subject is different things - stamps, toys, coins. A collection means collecting a large number of things. They cause inconvenience and harm the order of the apartment. To avoid this, you need to choose the right storage locations. Things should not get in the way, so as not to accumulate dust, and should not lie scattered, otherwise they may get lost. If a person collects large items, it is worth highlighting a closet or pantry. It’s easier with small things; they are put in boxes designated specifically for storage. For example, special albums are sold for collecting coins.

Replacing natural fabrics with synthetic ones

A lot of dust is generated in organic materials. These include pillows and mattresses filled with feathers and down. Over time, more and more dust mites appear in them, causing itching and other allergic reactions. For this reason, the use of synthetic materials is more rational. Holofiber or comfortel would be a good option. They are not able to repel dirt and do not attract dust. Thanks to them, cleanliness will remain for a long time.

The benefits and harms of dust

Atmospheric microaerosols play an important role in the life of our planet. Water vapor condenses on the dust particles, forming rain clouds. Small dust particles at high altitudes are the main element for crystallization, as a result of which the first “pebbles” are formed, from which in the future curly snowflakes are obtained, surprising with their dissimilarity from each other and the correctness of their geometry.

And the most important thing we should value dust for is that it is the basis for snow and rain clouds. Thus, with the participation of dust, all the diversity of nature on different continents was created. After all, thanks to dust, there is precipitation, which is the only carrier of water on land.

If the dust disappears, the snowfalls and rains will disappear at one moment, and on the same day the entire land will begin to turn into desert. Therefore, even if, after cleaning your house from dust, you cannot feel your arms or legs, do not forget that without the same dust we would not exist on this planet. But it’s not worth keeping our “savior” at home either.

Effective tools for dust control

There are special devices, the use of which will reduce the amount of pollution in the air, which will have a positive effect on people's health.


They cannot rid the air of dust, since they are designed to increase the level of humidity in the room, but they do have a cleanliness effect.

In dry air, tiny dust particles are in constant motion. A person in the room inhales this dust, causing harm to health. Humidifiers eliminate this problem. Dust particles in humid air settle faster on objects, while the air becomes many times cleaner. Humidifiers are recommended for people with respiratory problems.

Vacuum cleaners with aqua filters

They protect air from contaminants and have powerful suction. Their advantages:

  • greater efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • act quickly;
  • the effect remains long lasting.

Such vacuum cleaners have a flask with water (filter). The debris that falls into it is moistened and quickly sinks to the bottom of the container. At the same time, the quality of work increases by 100%. The only disadvantage of the device is its high cost.


They increase the volume of air due to the formation of oxygen and nitrogen ions, while the dust also receives a charge. The latter quickly settles on the surface of objects. This creates a feeling of fresh, clean air. The main disadvantage is that after ionization, the room must be cleaned due to the formation of dirt circles on the ionizer, because breathing with a dusty device is dangerous to health.

How to clean your laptop from dust

Membranes for windows

Most dust enters homes through windows. Polluted air will affect the human condition.

Membrane windows are suitable for those who:

  • has a respiratory tract disease;
  • prone to allergies;
  • lives in polluted areas, including near the road.

With membranes, dust will no longer enter the room, and the smell of exhaust gases and smog will disappear.

Air washing

Using devices that allow you to “wash” the air, you can achieve its humidification to a natural level. In this case, there will be no water oversaturation. The resulting effect is compared to the air after rain.

The device has a built-in fan for circulation. Contaminated particles pass through the built-in filter and settle to the bottom, and moist, clean air is distributed throughout the room. The only negative is the formation of bacteria in the filter.

Air purifier

They drive air through themselves, removing harmful dust particles. Most of these devices have an ionization function. The device must be purchased by allergy sufferers and people with asthma. Its important advantage is the absence of side effects.

Polishes with antistatic agents

Using these products you can easily and efficiently get rid of dust on furniture. There are polishes that can mask cracks and scratches on surfaces. After using these products, objects acquire shine, a “mirror” effect. Polish often contains an antistatic agent. It helps to consolidate the cleaning result; after using it, dust will stick to objects much less, which will reduce cleaning time in the future.

What is dust made of?

The amount of dust in the air depends on the pollution of the area and city in which the house is located, the presence of nearby construction sites, roads, and industrial enterprises.

Thus, dust consists of small particles: industrial waste, building materials, sand, earth, insects, home textiles and furniture.

House dust also contains tiny particles of dead skin, hair, pet hair, and mold spores. The size of these particles is extremely small: 0.01 to 10 microns.

Thus, dust is solid particles of mineral and organic origin.

Many people are concerned about the question of whether the harmless, at first glance, grayish “fluff” is dangerous.

The fact is that house dust contains invisible dust mites. They reproduce in bed, in upholstered furniture, carpets, feeding on organic remains of human and animal skin.

The tiny organisms are generally not dangerous, but their waste products can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, dust collects many harmful compounds and microbes. When breathing, all this diversity enters the body and causes respiratory diseases.

Of course, it is impossible to completely remove the smallest garbage, but we can reduce its amount in the apartment and reduce harmful factors.

How to improve the level of home ecology

An ecological apartment is the key to the health of its residents, because most people spend a lot of time in it. For this reason, maintaining a clean environment at home is essential. There are ways to help do this.


Fresh air is good for human health. People often sit in a closed, stuffy room, complaining of feeling unwell. Banal room ventilation can improve performance. To do this, you need to open the windows a couple of times a day, and if the weather outside is warm, then do not close them at all. In winter or autumn, only 15 minutes in the morning and evening are enough to ventilate the room.

The benefits of house plants

Indoor flowers are needed not only for beauty, but also to maintain the environment in the house. Plants have the ability to positively influence the environment. They are capable of absorbing toxic substances, radiation, and releasing materials for normal human respiration.

Those who care about their health should pay attention to the following types of plants:

  1. Chlorophytum. It has long green leaves that kill harmful bacteria. This plant is not even affected by pests.
  2. Cactus. Everyone knows about its ability to absorb strong electromagnetic radiation. The cactus should be placed next to computers and Wi-Fi routers.
  3. Geranium is a useful plant. It destroys pathogenic bacteria and deodorizes the air.
  4. Fern will perfectly purify the air.

However, it is worth considering that dirt accumulates on indoor flowers. They must be promptly cleaned of dust on the leaves. Thanks to this action, the plant will be able to clean the room several times better.

Recommendations for cleaning

Dust is a constant companion of humans. Contrary to the claims of manufacturers of cleaning products and gadgets, it is impossible to get rid of it. People can reduce the amount of dust a little. The following recommendations will help minimize its negative impact:

  • insulation of windows and doors is carried out using environmentally friendly materials;
  • carpet and carpets are removed from the house;
  • soft toys are regularly subjected to wet cleaning;
  • instead of fabric curtains I use blinds, which are easier to clean with wet cleaning;
  • they rely on microfiber textiles;
  • there should not be a lot of rags in the house;
  • clothes are stored in closed cabinets;
  • leather upholstery will reduce the level of dirt in the room;
  • an air humidifier is installed in the room;
  • Clean the filter in a vacuum cleaner once a week;
  • indoor plants reduce the concentration of particles in the air;
  • books and figurines are stored behind glass on a shelf.

Regular cleaning is the key to the health of home residents. It is carried out every day or at least once every 3 days.

Features of cleaning

After assessing the situation and understanding where the dust comes from, you can begin cleaning the room. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Start cleaning from the threshold - the door mat traps most of the dirt from the street. Clean the entrance mat regularly and don't forget about your shoes. Do not walk around the apartment in street shoes.
  2. Avoid extra rags. Remove carpets from walls; they are good dust collectors. Lay carpets or carpeting on the floor, which is easy to clean and does not have high pile. For irregular cleaning, carpets are preferable to smooth floors. They trap dust particles and prevent them from rising into the air in a draft.
  3. It is better to use microfiber for textile products; it does not cause allergic reactions and does not form numerous fibers. It is also better to use hypoallergenic fillings for mattresses and pillows. This will help solve the dust mite problem.
  4. Clothes should be stored in closed cabinets. It is necessary to reduce the number of vases, figurines and souvenirs; they complicate the cleaning process and accumulate dust. It is better to place such collections in closed glass display cases.
  5. It is better to wipe dust from surfaces with microfiber, and to prevent it from settling, use antistatic detergents.
  6. A vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter even removes dust deposits from carpets by almost 100%.
  7. Ventilate the room more often; a draft removes dust particles from the apartment that hang in the air. But you should open the windows if the environment near your home is favorable and there are no factories or highways nearby.

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Each cleaning removes a certain amount of dust and lightens the air in the room. This has a beneficial effect on the health of people in the room, so dust must be dealt with regularly and carefully.


Insufficient levels of air humidity negatively affect human health, lowering immunity, and also causing drying of the mucous membranes. It is especially important to monitor humidity in winter, during the heating period. The most effective assistant in this matter is an air humidifier, which has several varieties.

Classicaloperates using cold evaporation. The liquid is poured into a special container, after which it evaporates under the influence of a stream of cold air generated by a fan. Moreover, the lower the humidity, the faster evaporation occurs.
SteamThe poured water, under the influence of high temperatures, reaches a boil and steams. The design is quite safe; hot water will not spill out, even if the device turns over or falls. This type of humidifier is convenient to use because it is highly efficient and does not require periodic replacement of additional elements (cartridges, plates, etc.). However, there is also a drawback - a high level of electricity consumption.
UltrasonicUnder the influence of high-frequency vibrations, water is sprayed into microscopic particles. With the help of a fan, cold and moist fog enters the dry air of the room.

The optimal humidity level in residential premises is 45-60%.

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