The best means to remove dust in an apartment - how to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling

The modern pace of life rarely allows housewives to fully clean their apartment. Therefore, every homemaker needs to know a few life hacks about high-quality and quick cleaning.

To achieve perfect cleanliness, it is necessary to allocate time to combat dust. From this article you can learn useful tips on how to wipe furniture so that a layer of dirt does not form, and what is the best anti-dust product in the apartment. Recommendations will help beginners and experienced housewives keep their “nest” clean and tidy.

Why you need to remove dust on time

Surely every housewife had a question: where do these small particles come from, but only yesterday wet cleaning was carried out. In fact, there are many sources of white film on furniture: carpets - a storehouse of germs and various bacteria, books, upholstered items, children's toys, pets.

Important : the process of appearance does not end even for a minute, so there is no way to get rid of it forever.

You can use some secrets to prevent dust from settling for several days. It is imperative to do wet cleaning at least twice a week, and preferably three. Someone will deny it and will not believe that almost invisible dirt is very dangerous to health. But this is a fact proven by scientists.

Small particles can easily penetrate into the lungs and settle in them. After which a person may develop chronic respiratory diseases. To avoid this, you need to ventilate the room every day and use a furniture dust remover.

The litter that covers household items contains many pathogenic bacteria, viral pathogens, and parasites. In particular, the scabies mite can live in household dirt for several days, and the dangerous tuberculosis bacillus can live for years.

Dust causes chronic dermatitis, conjunctivitis or allergic rhinitis. In severe cases, asthma can occur due to the accumulation of debris.

Various methods can be used to kill harmful germs, particles and parasites. How to wipe the dust so that the sterility in the house remains longer, read below.

What is dust made of and where does it come from in the apartment?

Even after thorough cleaning, when you open the curtain on a sunny day, you can notice tiny particles of dust in the air, shining in the ultraviolet light. This does not mean that the housewife is unclean, it’s just that this microscopic contamination can appear from almost nowhere. What is dust?

According to scientific research, “volatile” pollution can appear from a wide variety of sources:

  • from the soil - its smallest dried particles can be carried by the wind in any direction,
  • after forest fires and burning of any fuel, grains of ash are crushed into dust,
  • even an inactive volcano can become a source of huge amounts of dust,
  • during the evaporation of water from the seas and oceans, salt particles are released, which are then carried everywhere with the help of the wind,
  • about 2.5 million tons of dust per year come from the Sahara Desert alone, not to mention other massive accumulations of sand,
  • The bulk of house dust is tiny particles of exfoliated human skin.

Dust can appear in the home along with the air that enters the room during ventilation, and is also often brought by household members on outdoor shoes. Fluffy plaque that appears in the house without the participation of external sources may contain the already mentioned fragments of skin, pet hair or fur from clothing. And even in a small dust ball, up to a thousand dust mites can live and, as a result, their excrement will be found there. It is the last “ingredient” that often provokes dust allergies.

Types of products from the store

First of all, you need to know how to properly remove dust so that the process is effective. Cleaning starts from the top. First, the plaque is wiped off from the ceilings, chandeliers, walls, then the furniture is washed, and finally the carpet and floor.

Tip : Initially you need to vacuum and then wipe off the dust. The air from the equipment raises hidden and deep-seated dirt, so if you wipe it off in advance, it will settle again.

Anti-dust product is a necessary thing in every home. However, it is necessary to pay special attention to its choice. Today there are a lot of detergents in household chemical stores. The assortment is huge and varied. We will tell you about each method in more detail.

Polishes . An excellent option for quick, convenient wet cleaning. The product contains special components that cover the furniture with an additional protective layer, so that debris does not settle on objects for 2-3 days, since the surface becomes more resistant to plaque for a long time.

Antistatic agents. They are better for washing away layers of accumulated dirt from electronic items: TVs, music speakers, computers and laptops. The product does an excellent job not only of removing small particles, but also of dirt, handprints, and stains.

If you don’t trust store-bought products, you can easily prepare antistatic dust at home. Anyone can master the recipe, because the composition includes ordinary folk ingredients. To prepare the dust cleaner you will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • Eucalyptus essential oil - 10 drops.

You can wipe off dust or wipe off stains with this product using an empty glass liquid container. It will help the homemade antistatic particles to disperse evenly, and the essential oil with eucalyptus has antibacterial properties and a pleasant aroma.

Tip : for the best effect when working with antistatic agents, it is recommended to use special wipes for equipment.

Spray. If you are wondering what is the best way to wipe off dust, then the answer is clear - the most effective option for combating allergens and mites is sprays. The composition includes substances that will not allow a layer of dry dirt to settle for a long period of time.

Impregnations. They are specially designed for wiping dust from upholstered furniture. The effect will be obvious if you use them regularly: at least 3 times a month.

Cleaning process

To avoid spending a lot of time on cleaning and to simplify the process, proceed in stages.


Start small. Shake off dust from things, interior items and decor, remove them from the room. This way you will free up the surfaces of the furniture and be able to clean hard-to-reach places where dust, hair, pet skin flakes and other debris can accumulate in “clubs”. Prepare a broom, vacuum cleaner, mop, bucket of water, rags and sponges.

Operating principle

Don't walk around the room in a chaotic manner. Set a direction: select one object and move clockwise away from it. Then you will be able to clean all surfaces of dirt and not leave dusty areas. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places where you look least often. If it is impossible to move heavy furniture, then use a thin mop or dust brush.

Furniture cleaning

To clean upholstered furniture, use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. Do not wipe the backs and armrests of sofas and armchairs with wet wipes: this will only worsen the contamination.

Cleaning floors and carpets

Vacuum the carpeting to remove large debris. If your vacuum cleaner has a wet cleaning function, dry the carpet thoroughly after cleaning. After this, start washing the floor - depending on the type of coating, you can add special detergents to the water.

Handy methods

Wet wipes. Conventional products designed for skin care do not cope well with dust, knocking it into a lump. In addition, the next day there will be a transparent layer in this place again. There are special wet wipes designed for this purpose, but they are extremely difficult to find in the store.

This method of wiping should be used for wooden furniture. Do not use wet wipes to clean ceilings, walls, or glass surfaces. They leave stains that will require additional time and attention to remove.

Washing conditioner. This product for things will come in handy in everyday life. It will become an indispensable alternative if the special anti-dust solution suddenly runs out. Making the solution at home is not difficult. Pour 20 ml of fragrant conditioner into a liter of water and stir. Wet a clean cloth and wipe the surface where it is dirty.

Fabric gloves. Very convenient and practical to use, especially for furniture items. You can sweep away dust from both dark and light surfaces.

Important : gloves must be changed after each use, that is, they must be disposable or well washed.

Soft brushes are practical for cleaning hard-to-reach places such as keyboards, embossed figurines, etc. However, it is necessary to change the item to a new one at least once a month.

An unnecessary sock. A budget-friendly and simple option for getting rid of the dust layer. Can be used once or repeatedly after washing according to the principle of fabric gloves - pull on your hand and wipe contaminated surfaces. By putting the item on the mop, you can easily wipe the floor under the bed or closet.

Toilet paper roll. Almost all modern vacuum cleaners are equipped with replaceable attachments. In particular, from dust - thin in the form of a pipe. However, it may get lost or not fit into narrow places. A great alternative would be a toilet paper roll. Cardboard crumples remarkably well, this will allow the homemade device to remove dust from cabinet rails, chandeliers or blinds.

Cleaning roller for clothes. Easily replaces rags or dust sprays. It is best to wipe off dirt using a cleaning roller from sofas, armchairs, and upholstery. You need to clean the item from top to bottom, changing the dirty tape from time to time.

Alcohol for light bulbs. Often a lot of debris accumulates on the glass. The layer is so thick and difficult to wipe off that ordinary products are unlikely to cope with such dust. It is better to clean the light bulbs with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and dry. By the way, less dirt will settle after treatment with alcohol.

Microfiber. The traditional and most common way to get rid of dust is to use a microfiber cloth. With its help, the litter is collected thoroughly and efficiently. For best results, use additional store-bought products. In particular, spray the spray around the perimeter, and then rub with a microfiber cloth.

Saline solution. An excellent folk remedy, but it can only be used on light-colored surfaces. It is not recommended to wipe dark areas - marks will remain. To prepare the solution yourself, take a glass of warm purified water and a teaspoon of rock salt. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved and treat the surfaces. Afterwards it is recommended to wash and dry with a clean towel.

There is no more attraction

An antistatic agent is a substance that prevents the long-term retention of static electrical charges on the surface of objects. It retains moisture and thereby increases the concentration of ions. When applied to the floor, clothing, furniture, and bedspreads, the antistatic agent prevents surfaces from sticking to each other, as well as dust from adhering.

There are different types of antistatic agents. Some are produced separately for the treatment of clothing, others are included in detergents and fabric softeners. Substances with an antistatic effect are often added to household chemicals for cleaning floors and glass.

List of detergents with antistatic agents for cleaning the house:

  • Mebelux furniture polish;
  • furniture care product “Chirton Anti-dust”;
  • Emsal furniture cleaner with antistatic agent;
  • universal antistatic agent “Every day”;
  • carpet and upholstery cleaner “Cinderella” with antistatic effect;
  • Prosept Multipower Neutral cleaner for all types of floors with antistatic effect;
  • Carpet cleaner “Carpet + antistatic”.

Antistatic agents for furniture are added drop by drop onto a paper towel or rag, and then the surface to be treated is intensively rubbed. Cleaning products for carpets and furniture are carried out directly, after diluting them with water. Universal antistatic agents can be used to treat curtains, bedspreads, plastic windows, and other items in the house. By choosing special household chemicals, you can significantly reduce the concentration of dust in the house and the rate at which it settles.

How to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling

Preventive measures will help rid your furnishings of a layer of dirt for a long time. The answer to the question: how to wipe furniture to prevent dust from settling, consists of several points. You can purchase a humidifier. The device will allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate in the apartment, therefore, there will be much less germs and bacteria. If it is not possible to buy a unit, use the means at hand.

The lemon solution easily removes plaque and also does not leave streaks. To prepare the liquid, cut the lemon into slices, add 30 milliliters of vegetable oil and leave the mixture for at least 7 days. Pour a glass of hot water into the resulting mixture and strain using a sieve or cheesecloth. Then soak a rag in the mixture, wring it out, dry it and use it to wipe furniture.

Use antistatic agent, shampoo and water in equal quantities, mix the ingredients and wipe off the dust. Wipe polished and decorative surfaces with glycerin solution. The proportion for the mixture is 1:10. Mix the ingredients and wash the dusty areas.

Efficient devices and special equipment

Special cleaning supplies and household appliances help combat dust in your apartment. Let's list the most effective ones:

  • Wipes with antistatic effect. First of all, they are designed to eliminate dust and static electricity from screens and various types of equipment. But they can also be used to wipe cabinets, shelves, mirrors and other surfaces.
  • Microfiber cloths. It is best to collect dust and prevent it from flying around the room.
  • Vacuum cleaner. A universal device for dust control. Devices with various attachments, washing devices, and a steam generator help eliminate it especially effectively. They are able to clean hard-to-reach places, deep layers of fabric, upholstered furniture, carpets, toys.
  • Washers and air purifiers. Devices designed to filter air also collect dust. They trap harmful particles inside themselves, as a result of which you have to clean the apartment less often. Some varieties even have a dust sensor, in particular Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2.

It is important to regularly clean your vacuum cleaner and change the air purifier filter. Otherwise, dirt will fly out of the device.

How to protect upholstered furniture

Several rules will allow you to preserve your favorite furnishings for a long time:

  1. Do wet cleaning regularly or use the services of cleaning companies.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Once a month, knock the dust out of pillows, blankets, and rugs.
  5. Brush your pets regularly. A sticky roller will help get rid of their hair on a soft surface.
  6. If you sweep away small debris with a broom, lightly moisten it in water or strong tea in advance.

It's up to you to decide what's best for dusting. In any case, wet cleaning must be carried out regularly and efficiently, otherwise germs, debris and dirt will harm your health. Useful tips on our website will help you keep your home clean, comfortable and in order.

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If it is not possible to wipe the dust from the light bulbs, since it has covered them with a thick, dense layer, then soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the glass. After such cleaning, the paws will shine brighter, and dirt will settle on their surface much more slowly. Just don't turn on the light until they are completely dry after processing!


Baking soda can be used to clean carpets from dust to the maximum, and with any length of pile. Take these ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g soda;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 3–5 clove inflorescences.

After mixing baking soda with water and adding cinnamon and cloves, you can apply the product to the carpet, then leave it for 2 hours so that the mixture saturates it well. Then you will need to vacuum the carpet.

Bay leaf

You can kill pathogenic microorganisms and clean the carpet using the following solution:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 5–6 bay leaves;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray over the surface of the carpet. Vacuum after 10-15 minutes.

Vacuum cleaner

You can refresh the upholstery of upholstered furniture and drive away mites using a vacuum cleaner. Prepare the solution:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.

Soak a piece of gauze in it (about 10 minutes), and then, after squeezing it thoroughly, wrap it around the vacuum cleaner attachment and vacuum the sofa.

Old sock

You can easily get rid of dust by putting an old terry sock on your hand like a glove and walking over surfaces where dust likes to collect: cabinets, tables, cornices, chandeliers, blinds. If after cleaning you do not throw away the sock, but wash it, then this product will become reusable for you.

Other flowers

Other indoor plants can also combat air purity in the apartment, for example, ficus or aloe. And spathiphyllum will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of plastic from household appliances.

  1. Geranium and laurel can fight mold and can also neutralize harmful substances that make up wood.
  2. Pathogenic organisms in the room will destroy gerbera or dracaena.
  3. Begonia is able to saturate the room with oxygen.
  4. If you need to humidify the air, then no one can do it better than Dieffenbachia. By the way, it can also prevent the appearance of fungi.
  5. Schefflera will help fight the smell of paint or varnish.
  6. And heavy smokers should definitely place a bokarna on the windowsill in the kitchen, which will absorb the unpleasant odors of tobacco.

Now you know that you can maintain cleanliness and comfort in your apartment without resorting to buying expensive chemicals, which themselves can harm the residents’ bodies. So fight dust with folk remedies and do it as often as possible so that your family gets sick less.


One damp cloth will not be enough to remove dust; it will quickly settle to the surface. The easiest option is to use polish. You can buy it in any department with household chemicals. Polish comes in the form of an aerosol and cream. It consists of the following components:

  1. Wax – when applied to the surface, it hides microdamages, giving it shine.
  2. Silicone - allows the product to dry quickly without leaving marks, and also improves the appearance of furniture, making its color more saturated.
  3. Antistatic agents – prevent the rapid accumulation of dust.
  4. Oils moisturize the surface, which extends the life of the wood.
  5. Surfactants - effectively remove impurities, but can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

The polish is applied to a clean and dry surface. The product in the form of an aerosol is sprayed at a distance of 30 cm from the object, and the cream is rubbed in until shiny. After applying the polish, the furniture shines, does not attract dust and smells pleasant.

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