How to wash a soft toy from dust and dirt without a washing machine at home

Soft toys are faithful companions for children. But they are not just for children. Many adults become passionate and collect teddy bears, dogs, and other animals. They are pleasant and create a relaxing atmosphere in the home. But... This is a trap for dust and other troubles such as mites. Fortunately, there is a way to take care of them.

Expert opinion

Natalya Osadchaya

Maintenance should be carried out depending on use, approximately once every 3 months. There are many ways to clean a stuffed toy. But it is important to clean it correctly. First, read the label - it will provide basic information about cleaning options.

Cleaning without washing

Read the label on the product to see if washing is an appropriate cleaning option. If not, try the following tips.

Do not wash a plush toy if it:

  • contains a gaming mechanism;
  • too old, fragile;
  • filled with small foam balls;
  • Contains glitter and other solid parts.

If washing is prohibited, be sure to follow this rule. Otherwise, after cleansing, you risk getting irreparably damaged plush. Your soft pet will look like Mr. Bean's bear. You can clean a soft toy that cannot be washed using the dry method or by wiping it with a damp sponge.

Removing dust without washing is done with a sponge and soap foam. Soak a sponge in water with a cleaning agent, wipe the dirty area or the entire surface, and leave for half an hour. Clean with a damp sponge. Dry.


This method is suitable for cleaning old, fragile soft toys that can be damaged in the wash.

For cleaning, use any absorbent powder, such as soda.

Sprinkle a large amount of baking soda onto the stain, leave for an hour, and rinse with warm water. If you want to clean the entire toy, put it in a bag along with baking soda, leave for 1 hour, and vacuum well to remove any remaining powder. You can also simply shake the bag vigorously without letting the soda act - during shaking it will absorb all the dirt.

Important! In addition to its cleansing properties, soda is considered a natural deodorant that can remove all odors.

If the product cannot be washed, or it is simply not dirty, but you are afraid of bacteria or mites that can cause allergies, simply freeze it for 24 hours. Frost kills most pathogens, similar to boiling. First, clean your favorite bear with a vacuum cleaner and pack it in a bag. Then place in the freezer. In winter, a large soft toy can be frozen on the balcony.


A good method for cleaning items that cannot be washed is using potato starch. The cleansing procedure is similar to cleaning with soda:

  • Place the product in a bag or trash bag.
  • Sprinkle with starch (½ cup for 2-3 medium or 1 large bear).
  • Tie it, shake it.
  • Remove the toy (it is advisable to do this in the bath), remove the starch with a vacuum cleaner.

When using a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to use the minimum intensity of the device so as not to unnecessarily “injure” the eyes, nose, and other parts of the stuffed animal. It is also a good idea to replace the regular wide brush used on carpets with a smaller brush head designed for upholstery.

Precautionary measures

The issue of washing soft toys becomes especially relevant during the period of the spread of acute respiratory infections. They can carry bacteria on themselves. If washing the product is contraindicated, the child will have to stop playing with it for a while. Other toys need to be processed and cleaned at least every other day or two.

The use of chlorine-containing disinfectants is not recommended. It is better to wash at the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer or hold over steam (you can also iron thoroughly).

A soft toy for a child is a faithful friend, so you should not be lazy and clean them thoroughly. Otherwise, they will pose a danger to the baby's health.

With proper care, his favorite toys will delight him for a long time and remain a pleasant childhood memory.

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Cleaning stains

If stains appear on a soft surface (this is a common occurrence in homes with small children), do not rush to wash it. A cleaning agent for upholstered furniture, preferably foam, is a good choice as a cleaner.

If you need to clean an expensive item, first try using the product on an inconspicuous area, checking to see if it disturbs the color, surface texture, etc.

First, remove dust and surface dirt with a vacuum cleaner, then apply cleaning foam to the stains with a brush or sponge, leave to act for about 15 minutes (read the instructions), vacuum again, and brush. Instead of special foam, you can use foam from baby soap.

A good stain remover is vinegar diluted in water 1:1. The effect of the solution also needs to be tested on a hidden area, since the acid can change the shade of a soft surface.

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The most important and truly exciting process. You will have to remember that the baby will not eat the offered cake or ice cream that you love so much. He is too young to understand such goodies and will start crying, demanding his share of the porridge. You'll have to learn how to prepare the mixture, prepare the bottle, and how to persuade the little prankster to eat. After a good meal, the little mischievous child will most likely get dirty, so here too he will need the hand of a caring mother.


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Plush cleaning

Probably the worst kind of toys. Not only do they collect dust, but their “soft coats” are good for wiping a child’s sticky hands... Small children bite them, and when they are sick, they cough and sneeze, ensuring the colonization of their pets with bacteria.

Experts, based on the latest data, warn that up to 80% of soft toys contain bacteria that can cause food poisoning and many other problems. Tests even revealed a very unpleasant and dangerous fact: ¼ of soft pets have traces of stool! Every 5th bear has never been cleaned. Research recently conducted by an antibacterial soap company showed that 90% of children regularly throw toys on the floor, where they collect various contaminants and bacteria. 75% of parents' teddy bears are not cleaned after a child's illness. Of course, in families where great attention is paid to caring for the health of children and the cleanliness of the home, toys of this type are also cleaned more often.

So what to do? Ideally, clean every 2-3 months according to the instructions.

Teddy bears can be cleaned by washing. To do this, it is preferable to use a delicate program (temperature range 30 °C). Many mothers successfully wash plush toys even at 40°C.

Important! If the manufacturer has indicated on the label a ban on automatic or hand washing, or other restrictions regarding cleaning (for example, temperature conditions), it is better to follow the recommendations. Otherwise, you risk damaging the surface or filler. This rule applies in particular to toys with batteries.

After washing, it is necessary to dry the teddy bears thoroughly. Most mothers recommend doing this process in the dryer.

Another way to clean a soft toy at home is to clean it with a mild soap solution. This option is especially suitable for products with a mechanism inside. Prepare a solution using neutral-colored baby soap, soak a sponge in it, and clean the bear or dog.

If your stuffed animal has balls inside, prepare a solution of water and shampoo. Create a lot of foam to clean away dirt. Try to wet the soft surface as little as possible. Wipe with a damp cloth, dry with a dry cloth or towel, comb with a brush. If there are stains, apply lemon juice to them and dry them in the sun - the sun's rays will help remove the dirt.

Getting rid of ticks from soft toys using frost

If your toys are so old that they still remember your graduation party, then you can be sure that dust mites live in them. Don't panic, don't rush to throw them out of the window - the cold will help deal with ticks!

  • We wash small toys at temperatures above 60 degrees.
  • If you can’t wash it, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer overnight. Or even two – just to be sure.
  • We take the large toy out onto the balcony, vacuum it thoroughly and leave it in the cold for a night or two. If winter is far away, put the toy in the closet - a child should absolutely not play with a toy infested with dust mites.

Don't "launch" toys. Regular cleaning and washing of toys will preserve not only their appearance, but also, most importantly, the health of your child.

Cleaning felt

For regular felt products:

  • prepare a solution of water and soap;
  • squeeze the toy, carefully clean all dirty areas;
  • moisten the cloth in water, squeeze again, clean off any remaining soap suds;
  • Dry completely (e.g. on a windowsill).

For products with glued parts:

  • create a foam from shampoo and water;
  • Clean the toy with a sponge and foam, wetting it minimally;
  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • wipe with a dry towel;
  • If the product gets wet, dry it in the dryer.

Important! It is recommended to comb long piles with a brush before or after cleaning. Lemon juice is suitable for removing stains.

How to clean toys if they cannot be washed

Above we have listed categories of toys that are strictly prohibited from getting deeply wet, but this does not mean a complete ban on contact with water. Here we will tell you how to wash a large soft toy if it does not fit into the washing machine due to its dimensions.

Wash the fabric toys with water

You will need a mild detergent, water and a clean cloth. Soak a napkin in the solution and walk over the “fur” of the toy. Rub if necessary. Don't be afraid to use the brush on particularly stained areas. Then rinse the cloth with clean water and wash off any remaining powder from the plush. Then everything is as usual - dry it and return it to service.

Dry cleaning method for toys

Some toys, for example, with glued parts, cannot be treated with water at all. In this case, an old proven remedy - baking soda - will come to the rescue.

You will need:

  • vacuum cleaner – 1 pc.;
  • soda - depends on the size of the toy;
  • plastic bag – 1 pc.;
  • clean cloth napkin – 2 pcs.

For a medium-sized toy, you need about a cup, or a little less, of soda. But in general, a lot is not a little, nothing bad will happen if you overdo it with the quantity.

Vacuum your stuffed toy. Take a bag, pour baking soda into it and place the toy in it. Squeeze the bag with your hands to remove excess air and tie a knot. Now vigorously shake the bag with its contents several times so that the soda gets into all the nooks and crannies of the toy. Leave for about an hour. During this time, the soda will absorb odors and greasy marks on the fabric.

The second stage - take out the toy, take the prepared cloth, barely wet it, and start rubbing the dirt. If necessary, add baking soda to areas that are heavily stained. Then you will need a second cloth that is dry. Run it over the fur of the toy. Then take the wet one again. And so on, alternating between a dry and slightly damp cloth, completely clean the toy.

This concludes the options for how to clean a soft toy at home. All that remains is dry cleaning

Treat this last resort with caution: harsh chemicals on children's toys are not the best solution.

Washing rules

Before cleaning a soft toy, especially before washing it, read the information on the label regarding cleaning options. Check to see if some parts need to be removed. If you are concerned about individual parts, wash the toy in a laundry bag. The mesh bag provides sufficient protection against pinching and damage in the drum.

Hand washing small, quick-drying items:

  • Lather up the shampoo in a sink full of water.
  • Wet the toy for 10 minutes.
  • Wipe the surface with a brush (if the texture allows).
  • Rinse, squeeze lightly, hang to dry.

Remember a few tips:

  • Anti-stressors and interactive toys are cleaned with a damp sponge. Washing is not recommended due to the risk of damaging even strong seams and, therefore, destroying the item.
  • If there are batteries (music boxes), carefully open the seam and remove the batteries. Sew up the torn area (with a large stitch so that the filler does not show through), clean using the recommended method, and dry. Then insert the batteries into place (pay attention to whether you insert them correctly).
  • Clean any existing stains with a sponge soaked in alcohol. Only then wash it.
  • Products made of knitwear and velvet (without accessories, batteries) can be washed in a laundry bag. Clothes removed from a bear or dog can also be placed in this bag.
  • Do not clean with chemicals. Use only mild products.
  • After washing, rinse the toy to remove any remaining soap.

Machine washable:

  • Be sure to read the label. The automatic machine may damage some surfaces or fillers.
  • Check for batteries, balls, tightness of seams. Remove or remove parts that require this.
  • Wash on delicate cycle (30 ºС); remember - high temperature can destroy the product.
  • Lightly squeeze out the water.
  • Hang to dry.

How to disinfect

Regular cleaning of toys only removes dirt, but does not destroy germs and pathological organisms. There are several ways to disinfect things:

  • Steam generator. Treating a toy with hot steam allows you to destroy types of bacteria and viruses such as tuberculosis, influenza A, staphylococci, E. coli, and fungal organisms.
  • The ultraviolet radiation of the lamp will provide protection against dust mites, various viruses, and bacteria. When the lamp is working in the room (the duration of operation is no more than an hour), there should be no one in it.
  • Cold treatment. To do this, just put the toy in the freezer for a couple of days - the pathological formations will be destroyed.

Without paying attention to the cleanliness of your home, the risk of contracting infectious diseases increases, since its sources remain on toys.
Even if they are clean at first glance, these products are “dust collectors,” especially if they sit without cleaning for several months or years. To protect against diseases and keep your home clean, it is enough to wash all toys once every three to four months, then they will bring only positive emotions. Rate this post


Proper drying will help prevent the toy from smelling musty and damp.

  1. It is better to wring out a soft toy by hand after washing. Having pulled it out of the basin or drum, run your hands over it from top to bottom.
  2. Place on a horizontal surface and, pressing lightly, remove any remaining water.
  3. Wrap it in a non-fading thick fabric or terry towel. Moisture will quickly be absorbed into it.
  4. Remove the towel and leave the toy in a horizontal position, for example, on a clothes dryer, in a well-ventilated room. When drying indoors, the filler may develop a musty odor.
  5. Comb the toy's pile with a wide-toothed comb until it is completely dry.
  6. Periodically turn the product over and shake it to dry all sides evenly, and then the filler will not form clumps.

Drying in a vertical position, such as hanging on a clothesline, may cause warping.

You can reduce drying time by placing the product next to radiators or a heater. But you can't dry it near an open fire. This is a fire hazard.

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