How to wash washed colored bed linen?

Things that have lost their attractive appearance are a misfortune for housewives. With daily washing, the laundry loses its color intensity, becomes faded and untidy. But without it, it is impossible to remove dirt, dust, and sweat. You have to put up with the state of affairs and go to the store for new things or look for effective ways to “reanimate” fabrics. How to wash washed clothes and restore their aesthetic appearance?

How to get rid of yellow stains on bed linen?

Both products work well in the fight against yellow sweat stains. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar or alcohol and one glass of water, apply the solution to the fabric and let it soak for 15-20 minutes, and then wash the item as usual.

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Is it possible to bleach washed clothes?

Did your formal trousers or knitted blouse stain neighboring items in the washing machine or fade after washing? Did multiple treatments have a negative impact? Don’t despair, try to restore your clothes with the help of popular advice.

Rules for choosing a machine wash mode

A simple way to restore freshness and color to things is to wash them again. It is effective when an item has taken on colors from another item. Repeat washing on a mode with a temperature range from 40 to 60 degrees. It is recommended to add 2 times more powder than indicated on the package.

It is important to choose the right type of detergent. Advertising for environmentally friendly products is silent about their insufficient power. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. If it contains bleaching components, then the option is optimal for white and light-colored clothes. Washing with ordinary powders will not remove yellowness or remove the washed-out appearance, but they are well suited for colored items.

Do not overload the machine! If you need to revive a large volume bedding set, wash in parts.

Be sure to observe the temperature conditions for different types of fabrics:

  • synthetics – +60 0C;
  • delicate materials, wool – +40 0C;
  • linen, cotton items – +95 0С.


The main task when working with washed items is to revive them without spoiling them even more.

To restore the cleanliness of the laundry, it is necessary to pre-soak it. Fill a container with warm water and add the powder. For snow-white items, you can add a little bleach to the solution. Soaking lasts 4-5 hours.

Bleaching should be carried out strictly after testing the selected product on an inconspicuous area - the bottom edge on the back side is perfect.

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Boiling efficiency

An effective home method for washing soiled and washed items is boiling. Using high temperature water, you can achieve an amazing cleansing effect. Items made of linen and cotton are allowed to boil.

Use a pan or bucket (zinc or enamel). A light cloth is placed on the bottom. Then thoroughly dissolve soap shavings or a suitable washing powder in water, and separately soap stubborn stains. Place the laundry in the container until it is completely submerged. Ammonia in the amount of 1 tbsp will help enhance the effectiveness. After the water boils, let the laundry sit for 30 minutes, stirring with a stick or large wooden tongs.

Soda ash and laundry soap will help whiten white items of clothing. You need to combine the components in a 1:1 ratio, place them in water instead of powder. In critical cases, stir 1 tsp. bleach per 1 liter of water, then leave and pour into boiling water. The product can ruin delicate fabric!

Review of effective means for restoring things

When an item turns gray or loses its brightness, there is only one solution - throw it away. But in the collection of folk recipes there are many interesting ways to return clothes and linen to their original appearance. You can rely on technological progress and use modern means.

Household chemicals

Nowadays it’s difficult not to use household chemicals. If you are not worried about environmental safety and naturalness, try the following products:

  • An effective way to return whiteness to things and eliminate contaminated yellow color. It is enough to soak the product in water with a few drops of the product and leave for 10-20 minutes. Add to the machine before washing.
  • White. An aggressive substance that can destroy the material and shorten the service life of clothing. It will help in hopeless situations. Add it in a small amount to the drum before adding laundry.
  • Dish liquid. An ideal product for combating grease stains and sweat marks. Pours into the powder loading compartment.

Bleach will help solve the problem of washed clothes. Products are divided into 2 categories: chlorine-based and oxygen. The first group is unsafe and can damage the fabric - with prolonged use, the structure and color of the fabric deteriorate and cannot be resuscitated. To avoid unpleasant consequences, use oxygen agents.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers and mothers have been accumulating secrets of dealing with washed and dirty laundry for decades. Many of them have a better effect than expensive bleaches and stain removers. Products cost pennies, most of them are present in the medicine cabinet and on the kitchen shelf.

  • Boric acid. Used to restore light colored items. Product in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. must be diluted in water taken in a volume of 3 liters. It should be warm enough, but not hot - the temperature is about 60 degrees. Rinse for 3-10 minutes and then rinse in clean water. After treatment, the clothes will be snow-white.
  • Starch. Helps remove yellowness and gray plaque. Added to the washing machine drum in small quantities or used for final rinsing. In the latter option, a solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. starch per 5 liters of water.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite. When an item has lost its appearance from numerous washes, hydrogen will refresh it. It is used during the pre-soaking process: dissolve 200 ml of peroxide or 10 hydroperite tablets in 3 liters of clean water. You can enhance the effect with 1 tsp. salt or soda.
  • Mustard and vegetable oil. The solution perfectly cleans kitchen towels. Bleach in powder form (1 tbsp) must be combined with vegetable oil (2.5 tbsp), washing powder (100 g). Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl of hot water (5 liters) and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Aspirin or salicylic alcohol. Fights yellow sweat stains on T-shirts and white shirts. You need to dissolve 2 tablets. or 20 ml in a glass of heated water, pour onto the stain. Then leave to react for 2 hours, wash after a couple of hours. Not suitable for colored fabric - it may fade!
  • For light cotton items, turpentine is used. The active component is diluted in the amount of 5 tbsp. in a container with 5 liters of warm water. The product is soaked for three hours. You can wash it in the usual way - in a machine or by hand.
  • Wash lace underwear by hand. To restore color, use hydrogen peroxide (5 tbsp) and water (2 liters). Soak in the solution for 30 minutes and rinse.
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If you need to restore a small child’s clothes, be sure to replace regular powder and bleach with baby bleach in recipes. Treat and remove heavy soiling using a suitable method, and then wash and rinse thoroughly to remove all remnants of aggressive compounds from the fibers.


This method is suitable for bedding made of cotton or linen, as they tolerate high temperatures.

Boiling will not only whiten, but also eliminate the unpleasant smell of laundry.


  1. Prepare an enameled or galvanized tank (pan, bucket).
  2. Place a towel on the bottom.
  3. Dissolve powder or laundry soap.
  4. Place the bedding in the pan, straightening it out.
  5. To fill with water.
  6. Add 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  7. Boil for 30–60 minutes.

Procedure for washing

After loading things, add bleach. For a small wash, one capful of solution is enough. You should not add too much, because the product is potent and has a specific smell. Do not mix formulations with and without chlorine - this will lead to mutual neutralization.

For wardrobe items that have at least a slight color tint, regular bleach cannot be used, otherwise not only will the washed areas disappear, but the product will also become discolored. In this situation, use suitable cleaning products.

Having loaded the laundry, you should set the cycle to full - this way the bleach will have time to do the necessary work and will be washed off on its own. After the end of the cycle, you need to check whether traces remain. If there are marks, you should simply repeat the described manipulations. Dry things by hanging them on a line.

You can use machine drying only when the old marks have been washed off for sure. Otherwise, machine drying will cause the unwanted color to be ingrained deep into the material. If the color fails to set, it will fade a little with each wash.

Removal from clothes: traditional methods

Depending on the type of textile, use different cleaning practices and types of stain removers. But in their absence, home remedies and solutions will help. These include: soda, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing detergent, starch (white things), borax, ammonia.

Taking care of your home textiles, being careful in use, cleaning and chemically treating your belongings on time is a method to avoid problems with the fabric. The utensils will last a long time, will not deteriorate and will retain their original appearance when using distilled water and gentle methods for removing dirt.

How to restore the color of a faded colored item from several colors

How to restore the color of a faded colored item from several colors
To remove stains on black items with white stripes or patterns, you will need salt and green tea. To prepare, brew 2 liters of tea, not very strong, filter and soak the laundry for 15 minutes. Then take out the product, squeeze it a little, apply salt to the white areas, leaving for the same time. Wash, rinse.

Why does laundry turn gray?

You love to use white bed linen, but over time the linen becomes yellow or gray. Most often this occurs due to the use of powders, which color the fabric when interacting with water salts, as well as due to the hardness of the water. Especially in cities, water is hard and contains a huge amount of salts.

If your room is damp, then you are guaranteed to get sheets with mold and an unpleasant odor during storage, especially if you do not completely dry the bed linen after washing.

If you threw some colored laundry during washing, you may find unsightly gray or yellow spots on the laundry after washing.

Household chemicals

The first step is to resort to the simplest method - wash things in an automatic machine . Which product to add depends on the origin of the stains and the degree of contamination. You should not trust everything that is written on the packaging; the powder is called only for lip service. Unfortunately, there is no composition that will help remove absolutely any dirt. Therefore, you will have to stock up on different active agents - both dry and liquid.

Washing powders are designed for various degrees and types of dirt. One should be used if a fresh wine stain cannot be removed, the other for old stains from grease. Without extensive knowledge of chemistry, it is unlikely that you will be able to figure out the composition on your own, but you can always study information about the main ingredients.

Biopowders are very effective, but their cost is quite high. When using this product, it is worth remembering that enzymes do not work in hot water. They will simply stop performing their task.

You also cannot mix different dry laundry compositions in the hope of getting a “universal soldier.” This only reduces the effectiveness of each of them.

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