9 ways to remove rust from clothes from experienced housewives.

Removing rust stains from clothes.

Rust stains are, for any housewife, perhaps the most terrible enemies, and not everyone can fight them. These “gifts” usually appear suddenly, but they are extremely difficult to eliminate. Stereotypes about the impossibility of removing such stains sometimes push our housewives to extreme measures, but there is no need to rush.

Today we bring to your attention only the most effective and cost-effective methods for removing rust, which will definitely convince you of the possibility of “victory” over stains and will directly help remove them.

How and with what to remove rust from white and colored clothes and fabrics: tips and recommendations

Not so long ago, rust stains were considered a death sentence for things, however, today even such difficult-to-remove stains are not a problem.

Of course, you can remove rust from white and colored clothes using a special product, but many housewives prefer to start using improvised and, by the way, very budget options. We will talk about them in more detail a little later. But first, perhaps, let's talk a little about the rust itself and the advice of experts on how to eliminate it. It will be useful for novice housewives, and in principle, like all other people, to know where and how these terrible rust spots can appear.

  1. So, such stains can appear after simply drying clothes on a radiator. Of course, the battery must be metal. It would seem that this is a harmless battery, on which, by the way, most people dry their things, especially in the cold season, but no, it is not at all harmless. Old batteries, the paint on which falls off over time, can cause damage to the item.
  2. Iron objects. Before washing in the washing machine, and before washing by hand, you must carefully check all pockets for items. But sometimes it happens that a small torn iron button or some kind of nail goes unnoticed and goes into the wash along with the item. It is precisely after contact of iron with clothing that we can also get unsightly and difficult to remove stains.
  3. Decoration on things is very fashionable these days. Often this decor is metal and over time this fact can clearly not work in your favor.
  4. Well, the most common and also the most common reason for the appearance of rust stains is benches, benches, swings and fences. After you sit on metal benches, lean against a fence, or ride on a swing, stains are likely to appear.

Now that you know the most common reasons why things deteriorate due to rust, it will be much easier for you to prevent such situations.

Rust removal

Now let’s move on to expert advice on rust removal. In general, the process of removing such stains is extremely difficult. However, using all the tips and recommendations, it is quite possible to cope with this difficult task:

  • In principle, before removing stains of any kind, it is necessary to put the item in order. That is, clean it from dust
  • It is best to remove stains from the reverse side of the item, that is, from the wrong side.
  • If you are using untested methods or removing a stain this way for the first time, then take your time. First, try cleaning a small area of ​​the stain and only then move on.
  • Do not delay cleaning and washing soiled clothing. It is necessary to remove rust stains immediately, because by leaving a stain on clothes you give the iron the opportunity to eat into the fabric even more
  • Fabrics and clothing with rust stains do not need to be soaked. During the soaking process, the stain can “escape”, that is, spread even more throughout the item. You need to wash the item after you remove the stain itself.
  • Also remember, in order not to spread the rust even more throughout the fabric, you need to remove the stain starting from its edges and moving towards the center
  • Now let's move on directly to the remedies that will help you get rid of rust stains. To remove such stains from white clothes, lemon, citric acid, as well as vinegar and special products for removing stains of similar origin are perfect.
  • To clean rust from colored clothes, you can use a solution of glycerin and chalk, glycerin and detergent, as well as acetic acid and vinegar.

Helpful information

Tips for removing rust:

  1. If acids or compounds based on them are used for processing, the product must be washed with a soda solution and then with clean water.

  2. When using professional anti-corrosion compounds, you must read the instructions. It will differ depending on the chosen product.
  3. Mechanical cleaning requires careful control of the pressing force.
  4. Converters can be used both to get rid of existing corrosion and to prevent it.
  5. Regardless of the chosen method of combating corrosion, safety precautions must be observed. Protect hands with gloves, eyes with special goggles, and respiratory organs with a respirator.

Anti-rust products for fabrics: list, names

We will tell you exactly how to clean clothes with all the above-described means a little later, but now we’ll talk about no less important things - special products that remove rust stains.

  • Most people, before moving on to the “heavy artillery” and purchasing a professional stain remover, try all sorts of folk and home methods. However, there are those who initially prefer special stain removers. But as you know, they are different and you need to be able to choose them. This is exactly what we will look into now.
  • Most often, when you go to a household chemicals store, you will be advised of ordinary stain removers in the form of a gel or powder. You need to pay attention to their composition, and also carefully read the instructions in order to understand whether this product is suitable for removing rust stains.
  • By the way, a stain remover that can remove rust must contain acids, because they destroy the metal, thereby allowing the stain to be removed. But the presence of such a component as chlorine in the composition of the product does not in any way guarantee a good result.
  • According to reviews, on the contrary, bleaches and chlorine products can damage the fabric. In any case, when purchasing such products, consult the store’s employees.

Anti-rust products
So, let’s move directly to the products and methods of their use:

  1. Vanish Oxi Action is one of the most popular stain removers. This stain remover is great for both white and colored items. Thanks to the active oxygen contained in the product, even the most stubborn stains are easily removed. The manufacturer recommends strictly following the instructions, and also carefully studying the labels that are on the clothes.
  2. Sarma is a budget-friendly product for removing old stains. This product does not contain chlorine, which in our case is good news. Please note that this product enhances the effect of the powder.
  3. Belle - this bleach is oxygen-containing and is perfect for removing any stains; it also does not contain chlorine. The advantage of this product is that it copes well with unpleasant odors.

In order to choose a truly high-quality product and not “throw money away,” it is best to ask consultants for help in choosing a product.

Chemical solvents and corrosion converters

Many people don't want to wait for hours for a layer of rusty deposits to soak and move away from the metal. To reduce waiting time, you can buy a special cleaner at a hardware or hardware store. Special compounds quickly clean the metal from the effects of corrosion. They are used in auto repair shops, in production, and in metalworking.

Purchased formulations are divided into two groups:

  1. Converters - used to apply a protective layer to metal.
  2. Solvents - used to remove a layer of rust.


Converters are special solutions made from tannin or phosphoric acid. In the store you can find converters in the form of a liquid, suspension or emulsion. It is considered a chemical way to protect metal surfaces from the development of corrosion processes. Before applying the converter, the metal must be cleaned of crumbling deposits.


To quickly remove rust from metal, you can use a special solvent. A well-known effective remedy is the composition “BCH-1”. It is easy to apply to damaged areas.

The active components of solvents are phosphoric or oxalic acid. Instructions for use are indicated on the plastic container. Due to their low price, such compositions are popular in home workshops.

How to remove rust from clothes with vinegar: folk recipes

This method is considered the most effective. Thanks to vinegar and ordinary salt, you can remove not only new but also old stains. Vinegar can be used to remove stains from colored clothing.

  • Take a cotton pad or sponge and soak it in vinegar. If you want to use a rag, then give preference to soft fabrics.
  • Gently moisten the area where the stain is located with vinegar using a damp sponge or cloth.
  • Next, take salt and sprinkle it over the entire dirty stain. Now lightly rub the vinegar and salt onto the dirty area. Try not to “go beyond” the rusty spot.
  • Let the item dry and then wash it.

Rust removers

Important: do not forget about safety precautions. Even when using vinegar, which is not as dangerous to the skin of your hands as any other chemical, it is still better to use rubber gloves.

  • Another way to get rid of such stains is to soak things in a vinegar solution.
  • To make such a solution, you must proceed from the following calculation: for 1 liter of water you need 1 glass of vinegar essence (70%).
  • We take any enamel container in which we place our item and fill it with the prepared solution. We keep the clothes in the solution for 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse them in plain water and wash them either by hand or in a machine.


Perhaps the most “confused” and even slightly dangerous event. However, it also shows good results. Therefore, if you want to feel like a scientist in a laboratory doing an experiment, then go for it.

First, prepare everything you need: a plastic bucket that holds the entire part to be cleaned, baking soda, an oblong piece of steel, and a battery charger. So let's get started.

  1. Fill the bucket with water so that the item is completely immersed, and add soda there at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. powder per 4 liters of liquid. Mix well.
  2. Place the sacrificial anode (that same oblong piece of steel) in the liquid. It should be half in the water and the other half above the water. This element will attract particles of flaking rust.
  3. Attach the negative battery clamp (it is black) to a non-rusted area of ​​the object being cleaned. If the part is completely covered with a red coating, then scrape a small area down to the metal mechanically.
  4. Immerse the product in the bucket so that it does not touch the anode. This is extremely important! Otherwise, a short circuit may occur.
  5. Attach the clamp with the positive pole (red) to the part of the sacrificial anode protruding above the water.
  6. Turn on the battery and wait 12–20 hours.
  7. After this time, turn off the device and disconnect the wires.
  8. Take out an already clean object and, if necessary, wash off any remaining rust with a brush. Rinse and wipe dry.

How to remove rust from clothes with lemon: folk recipes

This method is perfect for removing rust stains from white clothes. However, when using this method you also need to be extremely careful, because if your fabric is not resistant to acids, then the item may simply deteriorate.

  • The easiest option is to take a slice of lemon and thoroughly moisten the rusty stain with it, and then sprinkle it with salt. Then we wait for the stain to dry completely and after that we erase it.
  • There is also another way. For it, in addition to lemon, we will need gauze and hydrogen peroxide.

Lemon for stains

  • A slice of lemon must be placed in gauze and in this state applied to the rust. After this, you need to thoroughly iron the area of ​​rust on which the lemon lies.
  • Now moisten a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the stain with it. After all manipulations, you can wash your clothes as usual.

Heat treatment

Heat breaks down rust and is easy to remove with regular cleaning. Therefore, to combat the scourge, you can use the following tricks:

  • if possible, pour boiling water over the object, wait for some time (until it cools down a little) and remove the loose layer;
  • You can heat the device over a gas burner, gradually removing the easily removable deposit. To make the process faster, first apply hydrogen peroxide to the part;
  • For those who have a steamer or steam mop at home, it's even easier: treat the rusty area with an intense stream of steam and scrub.

How to remove rust from clothes with citric acid: folk recipes

In principle, removing rust with citric acid is not much different from removing it with lemon. But if not everyone has lemon and not always, then any housewife will certainly have citric acid.

  • Take about 50 g of citric acid and pour it into any enamel container. Add 1.5-2 cups of water and heat the mixture thoroughly, almost bringing it to a boil.
  • After this, place the part of the item on which there is a rusty stain into the solution and leave it for about 7-10 minutes. If after such manipulations the stain does not disappear, you can repeat the procedure again. If the stain was removed, rinse the entire item under running water.

Removing rust with citric acid
There is also another option using citric acid.

  • The stain should be lightly moistened with water and sprinkled with citric acid. After that, take any thick paper napkin and cover the stain; it wouldn’t hurt to place the same napkin under the fabric itself.
  • We warm up the iron, and then iron the place where there is a stain. Make sure that the fabric does not get too hot. Iron for about 2-3 minutes, this should be more than enough.
  • Next, wash the item with powder or soap.

How to unscrew a rusty bolt?

To unscrew a rusty bolt, it must be treated with a special compound. The most commonly used is WD-40.

This lubricant will cope with even the oldest bolt, covered with a thick corrosive layer. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

Another option is to heat the bolt using a torch or soldering iron . Then you need to gently knock on it. You can try to remove rust using acids: acetic or phosphoric acid. Read more here.

How to remove rust from clothes with bath and toilet cleaner

When using this product you need to be extremely careful, because such a product is, in principle, not designed for use on fabric and clothing. However, using this method you can remove even the oldest stains.

  • We take a bath, toilet or any other plumbing fixture cleaner and apply it to the stain. Rub it with gentle, light movements until foam forms. Leave for 5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.
  • After all the manipulations, it is also necessary to wash the item using powder. Remember, this method is suitable for removing stains from white clothes.

How to remove rust from clothes with oxalic acid: folk recipes

By making a solution of oxalic acid and soda, you will get a real chemical bleach.

  • So, take one glass of water to which we add about 40 ml of acid. For those who don’t know where to buy it: flower shops are at your disposal.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of regular soda to this solution.
  • Apply the resulting product to the rust stain and wait 10-20 minutes. Then we wash it.

This option is perfect for high-quality and relatively quick removal of rust stains. When using this method, be careful and wear gloves.

Mechanical cleaning

A small amount of rusty deposits can be eliminated through mechanical action. Sandpaper, a sanding machine, a metal brush, sandblasting machines and other tools will help with this at home. They can also be used to remove a thick layer before applying any chemical solvent.

The disadvantages of the method are the possible incomplete removal of corrosive particles, especially in shaped objects. In addition, the method cannot be used for all surfaces. For example, cleaning plumbing fixtures in this way is a bad idea.

How to remove rust from clothes with toothpaste?

Another equally common method is to remove rust stains using toothpaste. Whether such a remedy is effective is a very interesting and open question. Many women who have tried the paste on their things claim that there really is an effect and it is quite good. However, there are those who claim that toothpaste does not help remove rust stains. However, “if there is no fish, there is cancer,” so in the absence of other options, you can try this one.

Removal with toothpaste

  • We take toothpaste, it is recommended to use toothpaste with a whitening effect.
  • Apply with a cotton swab or disk to the rust stain and lightly rub it. Leave for about one hour, and then wash the item with regular powder by hand or in a machine.
  • The advantage of this method is that the paste certainly will not spoil the product, and even if the rust stain cannot be “defeated,” the clothes will at least not be irrevocably damaged.

How and with what to remove rust stains from jeans?

Unfortunately, very often rust stains appear on denim products. Many people believe that it is simply impossible to get rid of rust on such fabric, but this is not so. An excellent way to remove a rust stain from jeans is the previously mentioned option with vinegar and acetic acid. You can also use a mixture of acids.

Removing rust from jeans

  • So, we take acetic and oxalic acid. You already know where to find them. We will need about 10 g of each.
  • Pour 2 glasses of water into a container and add our acid there. Heat the resulting solution thoroughly.
  • Place the piece of clothing with the stain in the solution and leave for at least 1 hour. Then we wash it in a machine or by hand.
  • This method is perfect for removing old, stubborn stains. However, it is worth understanding that to remove complex stains, the procedure time should be increased.

You can also use tartaric acid:

  • To prepare a mixture of tartaric acid, we need the acid itself and table salt. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and add a little water to end up with a porridge-like mixture.
  • We generously smear the stained area with this mixture and leave for about 1 hour. We wait until the mixture dries, and then wash the item.


Ways to prevent rust:

  1. To prevent rust from appearing on the metal, it must be in a dry place. Tools can be wrapped in paper.
  2. If the part will lie idle for a long time, it must be treated with a protective compound, for example, a converter.
  3. The best way to protect metal from rust is to paint it.
  4. Primer enamel prevents corrosion well.

Periodically, the item should be checked for rust. You need to get rid of it immediately.

Precautions against rust stains on clothing: recommendations

Unfortunately, it often happens that very frightening stains appear on the most beloved things. These can be stains of grease, grass, blood, coffee, but the most serious and difficult to remove are rust stains. Of course, most often the spots appear completely unnoticed, and the owner, in principle, does not even imagine where she could “catch” such a “problem”. However, there are some recommendations that will allow you to protect yourself from the most common causes of rust on things.

  • Do not sit on old metal benches, benches or swings. Before you sit down somewhere, make sure that it is safe for your clothes; this, by the way, applies not only to rust, but also to other stains. Do not lean against metal fences or fences. This is how, in most cases, rust stains appear on things.
  • When washing clothes, carefully check all pockets. Be sure to pull out various iron things like nails, screws, coins and other pieces of iron.
  • If your items are decorated with iron products, then care for them should be more careful and careful, as they can rust the fabric.
  • Dry things on a special clothesline, abandon the good old method of drying on a radiator, known to us all. If your battery has been in need of new painting and repair for a long time, then forget about this option once and for all. By hanging something on a radiator where the paint has fallen off, you are dooming yourself to get a rusty stain.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to avoid contamination of things, but if you notice a new “beautiful” spot, do not rush to throw away your favorite item. Today you have been able to see for yourself that there are more than enough options for removing even such heavy stains, and, in the end, there are dry cleaners.

We recommend that you use all our advice so that you don’t have to use any methods. However, if there is already a stain, do not despair, choose the most suitable method and go ahead to “save” the thing.

Preventive actions

To protect metal from corrosion, you can perform a number of preventive procedures:

  1. After moisture gets on a metal surface, wipe it dry with a cloth.
  2. Store metal products in areas with low humidity.
  3. If you need to paint a surface, first of all, it needs to be cleaned of the old decorative layer. Then remove dirt, degrease and apply primer. Only after the primer can a coat of paint be applied.

When removing rust, you can combine several methods.
This will increase the cleaning efficiency. People who do metalworking, repair cars, or work with metal tools need to know how to clean the material from corrosion. It is not necessary to use special equipment for this. It is enough to use available means.

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