Useful tips on how to iron a leatherette jacket at home

If a leatherette jacket is stored folded for a long time, folds will form on it, which spoil the appearance of the product.

These folds are often smoothed out after hanging the jacket on hangers.

But sometimes, to get rid of them, you need to make an effort. Read the article on how to iron a leatherette jacket at home.

Features of preparing and ironing different types of artificial leather

The entire process of ironing leatherette clothing, including preparation, depends on the specific type of material.

The following can be used as leatherette for sewing a jacket:

  1. Polyester is a very practical material.
    It can be tidied up by smoothing it with an iron (at temperatures up to 40 degrees). To understand whether it is possible to iron a jacket made of a material such as polyester, you need to try it on a small sample of fabric sewn into one of the internal seams of the product.

    If there is no sample, you should carefully iron a small area of ​​fabric on the jacket, in an inconspicuous place.

  2. Polyurethane is more capricious. It wrinkles more often and is recommended to be treated with hot steam or an iron. At the same time, polyurethane items are often smoothed out simply by hanging on hangers.
    If this does not happen, a gentle steam treatment method should be used. One such method is to hang your jacket on hangers over the bathtub, turn on the hot water and wait until the room is filled with steam.

    After this, you can close the bathroom doors and leave the jacket to hang in a steamy state.

  3. Microfiber products can be ironed, but only at a minimum temperature. It is best to choose the “silk” mode. Steam treatment is strictly prohibited. Only completely dry items can be ironed. But the most important thing is to check at the preliminary stage using the icons on the tag whether the manufacturer allows the jacket fabric to be exposed to a warm iron.
  4. Eco-leather is a modern substitute for natural leather, made from woven fabric and polymer.
    An eco-leather jacket can be ironed. The temperature should be low. The steam function should be turned off. You need to iron from the wrong side, and preferably through gauze or chintz fabric folded in half.


Before starting to process the product, you need to test the chosen method on a small area of ​​leatherette. It is worth starting further work only if the method does not cause damage to the material.

Most leatherette products have a tag indicating the permissibility of a particular thermal or chemical treatment. If the use of an iron is not prohibited, you can try ironing the folds with it. To do this, you need to set the device to the minimum temperature for delicate ironing and turn off the steam function. You will also need four terry towels.

First, the towels are placed on the back of the product, and then the leatherette is smoothed until the folds completely disappear.

Leatherette products can be steamed with a special device. It is great for straightening items with a large number of seams, as they are quite difficult to iron. It is best to perform this procedure by hanging clothes - a jacket, coat or skirt - on a mannequin. This way, when dry, they will immediately take the desired shape.

First you need to turn the product inside out. Then set the steamer to medium temperature. If this is outerwear, then work begins with the sleeves. The device should be at a distance of about 10 cm. Each part of the product is processed within 3-5 minutes. After its completion, the clothes are turned right side out and hung again on the mannequin (hanger).

In the absence of a steamer, this procedure can be carried out using improvised means. A steam bath can be a good alternative. For this you will need a hanger and newspapers if the product is a bag.

Fill the bathtub with the hottest water possible and hang the item on a hook directly above the steam. If the bag is leveled, then it is first tightly stuffed with newspapers to give it shape. The door to the bathroom must be tightly closed from the beginning to the end of the procedure. This treatment lasts for 3 hours. Then the product is hung in a dry room with good ventilation until completely dry. It is worth mentioning that a loggia or balcony is not suitable for this, since prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on wet leatherette can lead to excessive drying and cracking.

Small wrinkles can be smoothed out simply with water. To do this, you need to fill a regular spray bottle with liquid and spray the product generously. If the item is made of soft material, then it is enough to spray water once on the wrong side and hang it to dry. When the folds are deep, old or the material is stiffer, this procedure should be carried out on the front side of the product. In this case, spraying is repeated several times over the course of an hour, as if the product (backpack or dress) were wet in the rain. Then the item is completely dried.

Shoe cream is also considered an effective remedy for smoothing out wrinkles, as it makes the skin soft and elastic. It is best to use a colorless transparent product. The clothes are hung on a hanger or mannequin and the cream is applied using a sponge. After complete absorption (up to 3 hours), the remaining excess cream is simply wiped off with a napkin.

In cases where regular steaming and ironing do not bring the desired result, you can use a chemical composition prepared at home. To do this you will need regular table vinegar 9% in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. and laundry conditioner - 1 tsp. The composition must be mixed well and poured into a spray bottle. Then spray the product onto the front side of the product and hang it to dry. Don't worry about the strong smell; it quickly disappears when exposed to air.

How to iron?

If the material allows the use of an iron, and there is information about this on the tag, and the folds are very deep, it is worth using this option. It is more efficient and faster.

But its use requires care and caution. As already mentioned, the temperature of the iron should be minimal (30-40 degrees) .

Before you start ironing large parts of the product, you need to test ironing on an inconspicuous area of ​​the underside of the sleeve or back.

If, as a result of such a test, the material retains its original color and texture, and there are no melted or scorched spots left on it, you can begin ironing the entire jacket.

Before you start ironing your sleeves, you need to put a towel or piece of fabric inside . This is necessary so that during the heat treatment the leatherette parts do not come into contact. Otherwise, they may be soldered together and the product will be damaged.

The iron should not be held in one place of the jacket. They need to be continuously moved over the surface of the product, without pressure, ensuring minimal impact from the iron.

The smoothed jacket should be hung on hangers, with bulky towels placed in the sleeves so that new folds do not form as the leatherette cools.

After ironing, the item should cool in natural conditions and at a uniform temperature . At this time, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight or be near a heating device.

The video will show you how to smooth leatherette with an iron:

What kind of leatherette can be ironed?

Faux leather items come in several types. The features of caring for them depend on this indicator. The necessary instructions are on the label. If a crossed out iron is drawn there, it means that such material cannot be processed with heat, so ironing is prohibited. But it is better to choose ironing methods depending on the type of substitute. There are several of them:

  • Leatherette. The cheapest option and therefore it creates a lot of bends. You can iron it, but it is difficult to do.
  • Vinyl. Very dense and in most cases even fabric. It can be smoothed out using the usual method.
  • Stretch. Very elastic, but thin matter, so it does not tolerate high temperatures. Be sure to use a protective cloth and operate the iron carefully.
  • Kirza. Super thick fabric, cannot be ironed. In most cases it remains level.

Exposure to steam

Exposure to steam is not allowed for all types of leatherette. If the manufacturer allows wet ironing, this can be done using an iron with a steam function or a steam generator.

First of all, the jacket is hung on hangers. All its details are carefully straightened out. After this, the steaming mode is turned on and the ironing procedure begins.

The iron or generator must be kept at a great distance from the product . If the leatherette is dense enough, a distance of 10-15 cm should be maintained. When working with thin leatherette, the distance should be increased to 20-25 cm.

The processing process should last until the folds are completely smoothed out. But you need to ensure that the material does not overheat. Once steaming is complete, leave the jacket until it cools and dries completely.

It is better not to touch leatherette while it is hot and wet, as traces may remain after touching.

Smoothing with water

As a rule, things made of leatherette straighten out a little on their own after a certain time. But if you need to speed up the process, you can use plain water. How to do it?

  1. Lightly warm the water to room temperature and pour into a container with a spray bottle.
  2. Turn the jacket inside out and hang it by the shoulders. The hanger must be exactly the right size, otherwise the product may become deformed.
  3. Spray the lining with water from a spray bottle. The material should be damp, but not wet, and water should not flow in a stream.
  4. Leave the product to dry for 12 hours at room temperature.


Avoid drafts in the room and do not use electrical appliances to dry your jacket faster. Wet leatherette is very sensitive to temperature changes.

Traditional methods

Ironing and steam ironing are quite effective, but can be risky . Therefore, especially careful owners of leatherette products prefer safer traditional methods of smoothing out caked clothes.

One such method has already been described above, in which the effect of a steam bath in the bathroom is created for the jacket. But there are other folk methods.

Vinegar and laundry conditioner

To use this method, you need to mix clean water, 9% vinegar and conditioner in equal proportions for regular machine wash .

The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and the jacket is generously sprayed with it. It must first be hung on hangers in the bathroom or on the balcony.

Next, the jacket is left to dry completely. After 30-40 minutes it becomes much smoother . The soap solution will leave whitish stains on it that need to be removed with a damp cloth.


You can try to smooth thin leatherette using glycerin. It is applied with a cloth or cotton pad to the wrinkled areas, which should smooth out as a result. If necessary, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

Here you need to remember that the material coated with glycerin acquires a noticeable shine. Therefore, for uniformity when smoothing, it is advisable to apply a little glycerin to those areas of the jacket that were initially smooth.


To make sure you don’t damage the item, you can smooth it out using your own body and rain . In rainy weather, you need to wear a jacket and take a walk under an umbrella, lasting at least 2 hours.

As a result, the material may not be completely smoothed out, but it will take on a more presentable appearance.

Shoe polish

Transparent shoe cream allows you not only to smooth out small wrinkles, but also to make the jacket more durable:

  1. It is applied in a thin layer to the entire product, treating creases and folds with special care.
  2. Next, the jacket should hang a little (about an hour).
  3. After that, you can put it on and go outside.

Smooth out wrinkles using a special solution

What should I do if, during trial processing, the material reacted negatively to a hot iron or steamer? Do not despair! Try the effects of a special aqueous solution. You need to prepare it yourself.

This is not difficult to do; in addition to water, you will need ordinary table vinegar (9%) and fabric softener, usually used for washing, and a spray bottle. For the mixture, you need to take all 3 components in equal proportions, for example, mix 5 tbsp. l. each substance.

Having thoroughly mixed all the components, fill a spray bottle with the resulting solution and spray it on the problem area. Many housewives use this method even if they have the necessary household appliances: they like the instant transformation of leatherette and the safety of the solution, which leaves no traces.

Removing creases and folds after purchase

When you bring a new jacket from the store, you should pay attention to smoothing it out to remove creases formed during transportation and storage of the item.

The first step is to hang the jacket on hangers and leave it there for a couple of days. If it has not been in storage for a long time, it will smooth out on its own under its own weight. To increase efficiency, the item can be slightly moistened with water.

If after a few days the jacket has not smoothed out, you should turn it inside out and wet it more generously. You can make a water bath for her in the bathroom . It is not advisable to use an iron or hot steam for new things.

comparison table

MethodTime (in days)Number of materials and tools usedSpecial conditionsSafety (5th scale)Efficiency (on a 5th scale)
1Expectation3 — 14No needAvailability of time55
2Cold moisture1 — 33 (water, hangers, spray bottle)Room temperature55
3Hot steam No. 11 — 24 (water, hangers, pan, stove)Room temperature45
4Hot steam No. 213 (water, hanger, steamer)Room temperature45
5Natural moisture0,5No needFavorable weather conditions55
6Ironing0,13 (ironing board, iron, roller)Suitable material type35

Tips and prohibitions

Before ironing or other care procedures for leatherette clothing, be sure to read the information on the tag. Some items can only be dry cleaned.

The thinner the material, the easier it is to damage . This needs to be taken into account. For light, thin jackets, it is better to use gentle ironing methods or very careful treatment with a barely warm iron.

The surest way to eliminate small creases is to wear the item as often as possible in rainy or foggy weather.

And the folds formed on the leatherette during wear should not be smoothed out at all - they do not spoil the appearance of the thing, and moreover, they will appear again and again.

How to smooth a leatherette bag

Similar accessories made of leatherette also tend to lose their geometric shape and neat appearance due to the formation of unaesthetic folds and bends. To eliminate them, you will need a sheet moistened with warm water. A leatherette bag is stuffed with fabric, soft toys or other items that can give it volume. The soaked sheet is carefully twisted and wrung out. All folds are lubricated with hand or face cream. The bag is wrapped tightly in a sheet. After drying, the accessory should become smooth.

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