Effective methods for removing coat pellets at home

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Published: 05/27/2021

Reading time: 2 min



The coat costs a lot of money and is bought with the expectation that it will be worn for a long time. And if pilling appears on it, as a sign of aging fabric, this does not mean at all that the outerwear should be “retired” and a replacement should be bought. There are many ways to remove pilling from a coat so that it remains presentable and performs its intended functions.

  • 1 On which coats do pills appear and why?
  • 2 Best Cleaning Methods
  • 3 What to pay attention to when working with different materials
  • 4 Conclusion

Why do pills appear on my coat?

A wool, cashmere or drape coat is one of the most beautiful and noble types of outerwear. Unfortunately, after some time, pills inevitably appear on things, and as their number increases, the clothes lose their attractiveness.

Small lumps appear because individual fibers of the fabric lose their smoothness and begin to fray. This does not affect the practical comfort of the clothing; the product remains just as warm, the threads do not break, and no holes appear on the item. But the microscopic frayed fibers gradually roll into small lumps, which are called pellets.

Small clumps of lint greatly spoil the appearance of clothes.

The appearance of pellets is provoked by several factors:

  1. Improper coat care. If you machine wash clothes intended for hand washing, use too caustic powder, or violate the recommendations for drying the item, then lumps will appear very quickly as the fibers begin to lose their integrity.
  2. Careless wearing. If certain places of the product, for example, elbows, floors or pockets, often rub against any surface, then the fabric in these places quickly begins to become shaggy and covered with pellets.
  3. Manufacturing defect in the manufacture of the item. If the threads of the fabric are twisted too loosely, then lumps will appear very quickly even when worn carefully.

Pills almost inevitably appear on coats of all types. But they become noticeable faster on woolen clothes, which, moreover, have undergone almost no chemical treatment during the production process. The fibers of such fabric are more sensitive to mechanical stress and changes in humidity.

Important! In autumn and winter, the coat often gets wet in the rain and snow. If you do not hang it out to dry, but simply leave it on a hanger in the hallway, this will negatively affect the condition of the fabric and lead to the rapid appearance of small lumps.

The main reasons for the appearance of pellets and their locations

  1. 1. Material

    . The more natural threads there are, the higher the likelihood of matted fibers.

  2. 2. Frequent wear

    . Pills form in places of friction: on the lapels, sleeves, back, at points of contact with the bag. Regular wear does not allow the fabric to rest, so the likelihood of matted threads and lint increases significantly.

  3. 3. Low quality material

    . If the thread is poorly twisted and there is not enough weaving density (which is typical for very inexpensive coats), pellets will form over time.

  4. 4. Improper care

    . Violation of washing, drying and other methods that keep the product clean are the most common causes of pilling. If you use the wrong powder or choose the wrong machine wash modes (for thin and light coats), the material will quickly begin to wear out and deteriorate.

How to clean a coat from pellets using traditional methods

If lumps of fabric become noticeable on the product, this does not mean that the item is hopelessly damaged. It is quite possible to restore a neat and presentable appearance to clothes. You can do this in several simple home ways.

How to quickly remove coat pellets with a toothbrush

You can easily remove pellets from a wool coat using an old toothbrush. This method works especially well if the pile of the product is long.

The toothbrush works well on small lumps

To remove pellets, you need to take a dry brush and run it along the fabric fibers several times with light pressure. As it moves, the brush will pick up lumps and carry them along with it, leaving only smooth and clean fabric.

The disadvantage of this method is that cleaning the product with a small brush can take a lot of time. It is better to use this method in cases where there are not too many lumps on the coat, and they are noticeable only in certain places.

How to remove pellets from a coat with tape

Another way to eliminate lumps on your coat is to apply tape to the frayed areas of the fabric. It is best to take wide tape, it will be more convenient to use and you will achieve results faster.

Apply adhesive tape as follows:

  • the adhesive tape is glued to the desired area of ​​the product;
  • smooth out several times so that the sticky surface is pressed more tightly against the fabric;
  • They tear off the tape with a sharp movement.

The principle of operation is the same as for hair removal - the pellets are securely glued to the sticky surface, and then come off the fabric when the tape is removed. This method works best if the pills on the coat have just formed and are not yet too noticeable; removing them with tape is quite simple.

An effective means for cleaning clothes from pellets - adhesive tape

Advice! If you don’t have tape on hand, you can use a sticky patch - the effect will be similar. But masking adhesive tape or electrical tape will not work for removing lumps; they do not stick well to the fabric surface.

How to remove pellets from a coat with scissors

A reliable option for removing lumps from the surface of the fabric is to use sharp scissors for this purpose. It is necessary to lay out the product on a flat surface, smooth out the necessary places and, if necessary, lightly comb the pile. After this, the lumps are simply cut off individually with scissors.

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Scissors are a very effective way to deal with lumps, but not very convenient. Cleaning a coat takes a long time, since each pellet has to be processed manually. In addition, there is a high risk of damaging the product if you move it carelessly. It is recommended to use this method if there are relatively few pellets on things, and they are quite large, so that other cleaning methods do not work.

How to remove pills from a coat with a razor

Using a razor is an effective, quick, but dangerous way to remove pellets from drape or wool fabric. The product is straightened out on a table or on an ironing board and the fabric is properly stretched, after which several quick but careful movements are made from bottom to top. The razor blade cuts off the pellets, leaving the coat fabric smooth and clean.

You can clean the fabric with a razor, but you need to do it carefully

Great care must be taken when using the razor to avoid damaging the fibers. It is not recommended to direct movements from top to bottom, as there is a much higher risk of accidentally cutting the coat. In addition, it is better to take a razor that is not new. For removing pellets, a blade that is slightly dull but still capable of cutting fabric fibers is ideal.

Attention! The razor can only be used on products with a smooth and even texture. Embossed fabrics and pilling on a cashmere coat cannot be processed in this way.

How to remove pellets from a coat with a comb

If a long-haired coat has become matted, you can use a regular comb; its teeth should be frequent and short. The fabric should be laid out on a level place and a comb should be combed along the fibers with slight pressure. The teeth of the comb will catch the pellets and remove them from the surface of the fabric, provided they are large enough to get stuck between the teeth.

The option is considered quick and safe for the coat, but most often does not give a 100% result. Therefore, after using the comb, it is recommended to additionally treat the clothing with adhesive tape or a toothbrush, this will remove and eliminate the remaining lumps.

How to clean pellets from a coat at home with breadcrumbs

If your new drape coat is covered in pellets, you don’t need to take a razor or scissors to remove small lumps. An excellent effect will come from ordinary bread crumbs, dried in the oven or in a frying pan without the use of oil.

Use a cracker in much the same way as a razor or tape. The rolled product is stretched on a convenient horizontal surface, after which a cracker is forcefully passed over the pellets in the direction from top to bottom. The effect is achieved due to the fact that dried bread has a hard, rough and porous surface - lumps cling to the cracker and come off the fabric.

Bread crumbs can replace sandpaper when cleaning clothes

It is almost impossible to damage a drape coat in this way, so using a cracker is considered safe. After cleaning, all that remains is to shake off the crumbs from the clothes.

Advice! It is better to cut the bread for making crackers into thicker slices, in which case the piece will crumble less when cleaning the fabric.

How to remove pellets from a coat with sandpaper

To clean clothes made of coarse fabric, you can use sandpaper - it removes the pills quite effectively and leaves behind a clean and smooth fabric. The rolled up coat needs to be laid out horizontally on the table, straightened out properly, and then rubbed with sandpaper several times over those places where lumps are noticeable.

When processing you need to adhere to several rules:

  • use only fine-grained sandpaper; coarse-grained sandpaper will be able to remove pellets, but will most likely damage the fabric itself;
  • do not rub the same place on the clothing with force - movements should be long, smooth and light so that the fibers of the fabric do not receive unnecessary damage;
  • Do not use sandpaper on coats made from sensitive, fine fabrics such as cashmere or wool.

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Emery is best suited for cleaning drape coats. If after treatment there are small weak lumps left on the surface of the fabric, it is better to remove them in other ways. Excessive use of sandpaper can damage entire fibers of the fabric, causing new lumps to appear very quickly.

To remove lumps from fabric, use fine-grained sandpaper

How to quickly get rid of pellets on a coat with a washcloth

You can remove pills from a polyester or cashmere coat using a stiff washcloth. Its structure is rough, but soft enough not to damage sensitive material.

As in all previous cases, the coat should be placed evenly on an ironing board or table, straightened and slightly stretched with your hands, and then rubbed with a dry washcloth. It is better to take a new, never used washcloth; its texture retains optimal rigidity. You need to make movements in the direction of the fibers.

Duct tape

If lumps have just begun to appear, regular tape or adhesive tape will help fight them. An important condition is that the device must be really very sticky, so if you only have very old tape lying around at home, it is better to go and buy a new and more durable one. The process itself is very similar to depilation: you stick a strip on the fabric, press it firmly with your hands, and then tear it off with a sharp movement from the bottom up.

Life hack: if you don’t have adhesive tape at hand, a wide patch or wool roller can help out.

How to remove coat pellets with a machine

One of the best methods for getting rid of pellets is to use a special machine. The compact device is equipped with numerous miniature blades with height adjustment, which allows you to adjust the machine so as not to damage the fabric during the cleaning process.

The machine must be used according to the instructions. Usually the device is placed parallel to the laid out fabric, the coat is stretched and, holding it with one hand, the machine is passed over problem areas. There is no need to press the device firmly against the fabric; a very light touch is enough for the machine to do its job.

The good thing about this method is that it allows you to remove lumps from clothes very quickly, cleanly and without extra effort. The disadvantages include the fact that, according to reviews, pellet removal machines are not suitable for thin, sensitive fabrics; they often leave not only snags, but also holes.

A cleaning machine is a useful purchase for caring for things

If you regularly roll up a drape coat or cashmere outerwear, then purchasing a machine will be justified, despite the expense. You will have to remove lumps from clothes one way or another, the device will allow you to do this as carefully and quickly as possible.

Subtleties of cleaning for different materials

Each type of fabric from which a coat is made requires its own precautions.


The thick drape retains its shape well and does not wrinkle during wear. You can rid a product made of such fabric from pellets using:

  • cars;
  • razors;
  • tape;
  • sticky tape.


Large lumps that appear on wool can be easily removed using nail scissors or a toothbrush. For small lumps it is better to use a special machine. During processing, it is important not to make movements against the pile, so as not to stretch the fabric.

How to remove pellets from a coat at the dry cleaner

If you need to remove pills from your outerwear, but you don’t have time to do it yourself, you can use dry cleaning services. Professional workers will not only make the clothes neat, but will also be able to clean the coat without violating the rules of care.

In dry cleaning conditions, lumps from outerwear are usually removed in several ways:

  • using machines;
  • using special brushes and combs to remove pellets;
  • using special sponges with an abrasive surface.

Dry cleaning services cost money, but they guarantee that lumps will be removed with truly high quality and without damage to clothing. Of course, you need to choose dry cleaning carefully and trust your clothes only to real professionals.

How to prevent pilling on your coat

Over time, lumps appear on almost any fabric; it is almost impossible to completely insure a coat against them. But it is quite possible to delay the appearance of pellets and make sure that they occur infrequently and in small quantities.

It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. When washing and drying, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions: wash the coat only at the specified temperatures, do not put it in the machine if this cannot be done, and do not dry it using heaters.
  2. To wash outerwear, you need to use not ordinary powder, but a washing gel with a soft composition; such a product will not harm the fabric and will help extend the life of the clothing.
  3. When hand washing wool or cashmere coats, do not rub too hard with your hands. Mechanical impact has a bad effect on the integrity of the tissue and leads to the appearance of pellets.

Proper care helps reduce the number of lumps on clothes

To make it easier to remove lumps from clothes, it is recommended to regularly inspect your coat in the area of ​​the elbows, collar, armpits and pockets, where pellets appear most often. Backpacks and bags should be worn so that they have minimal contact with the fabric and do not rub too much against its surface.

What does the word drap mean?

Drape (French drap “cloth”) is a heavy, dense woolen or wool blend fabric, plain-dyed, of complex weave, made from machine-spun (cloth) yarn with a smooth front side and a fleecy back side.

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