Is it possible to wash suede shoes in the washing machine?

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Suede shoes have always been considered prestigious, fashionable and beautiful. But despite the fact that every fashionista has at least one pair of suede shoes, not many know how to properly care for them, whether it is possible to wash suede shoes with water, or how to remove dirt without spoiling the material. Illiteracy in this matter leads to a rapid loss of appearance, as a result of which you have to buy a new pair of shoes. To prevent this from happening to you, read this article carefully.

Can suede shoes be washed?

Suede material does not withstand moisture well. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid frequent contact of the product with water. But in some cases you can’t do without washing. The dirt can be so severe that a standard brush alone will not cope. Washing can be done by hand or in a washing machine. Products made from artificial material are not too fancy, so the delicate mode in the machine is suitable for them. It is better not to wash shoes made of natural suede on automatic mode.

Models made of soft fleecy leather require proper care.

But unless absolutely necessary, you should not use washing or large amounts of water on suede.

Features of suede

Suede fabric on a natural basis is obtained by tanning and impregnating the skin of calves, sheep, goats or deer with a special composition. This is a thin and elastic material with a fleecy and delicate surface, but at the same time suede is characterized by wear resistance and durability. This fabric allows air to pass through well, retains heat for a long time, and is lightweight and soft. This material never gets wet through.

However, natural suede has disadvantages:

  • it costs expensive;
  • quickly becomes dirty and dusty;
  • shoes made of such material cannot be worn in rainy weather, since exposure to moisture negatively affects its appearance;
  • special care products are required.

Artificial suede is a fabric with fibers, imitation of natural leather. It is characterized by less durability and strength, but with good care it can have an attractive appearance for a long time. This material repels dust well, is easy to clean from dirt, but does not allow air to pass through and does not tolerate moisture well.

Cleaning products for suede (artificial and natural)

There are many ways to clean suede shoes at home. They are divided into specialized and folk. The choice of the appropriate product depends on the nature of the dirt and the condition of the shoes as a whole.

Neglect of preventive maintenance and improper removal of dirt can quickly render even a high-quality product unusable.

Foam cleaner

The foam cleaner is suitable not only for natural materials, but also artificial ones. It not only allows you to deal with difficult stains, but also restores the color of the product and raises the pile. When using, you need to take a bottle of cleaner and shake it. Then the product is evenly applied to the surface of the shoe and left for several minutes. Remove any remaining cleaner with a brush. The simple steps listed above are enough to give your shoes a presentable look.

Foam, aerosol, and spray are actively used in dry cleaning to effectively clean shoes.

Note! Foam cleaners are expensive. But their consumption is economical. Therefore, one bottle will last a long time.

The advantages of the product are the ability to remove persistent traces of dirt, remove unpleasant odors, gently acting on the pile without harming it. If it was not possible to obtain the desired result the first time, the procedure is repeated. It is important to carefully follow the instructions for use. If you leave the foam on the surface for half an hour, it will simply dry out and there will be more problems with your shoes.

Foam shampoo removes dirt, salt and water stains, deepens the color of products and cares for them.

Folk remedies

Various available tools can help deal with stains. Among the popular ones it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Vinegar. The product copes well with wax marks on the pile. 9% vinegar will do. It is combined with water in a ratio of 1:5. After mixing in the resulting solution, moisten a clean rag and use it to treat problem areas;
  2. Starch. Suitable for removing greasy marks on surfaces. Starch is poured onto problem areas of shoes and left for an hour. Remove the powder with a brush. Starch can be replaced with baby powder;
  3. Eraser. This is a special product that allows you to literally erase traces of dirt from the surface. You can purchase such a product at a shoe store.

Other chemicals

Stores offer a wide range of different shoe care compounds. The main thing is to choose the right product correctly. It is not recommended to save much on such products. Alcohol and acetone can easily remove stains, but they easily damage the surface of the product. After this procedure, shoes become unusable.

The main disadvantages of suede are its high maintenance requirements and sensitivity to moisture.

Before using the selected composition, it is important to carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions and act strictly according to them.

Note! Do not use fabric stain remover. Such products are not suitable for suede material.

To improve the properties of the material, special sprays, impregnations that protect against water, dyes and reducing agents are used.

Cleaning Brushes

The key difference between suede brushes is the material they are made from. They can be divided into the following types:

  1. Crepe. Consists of steel fibers at the bottom and rubber strips at the top. The lower part allows you to get rid of stains and dust. The upper, softer part removes abrasions. The brush also has a nylon insert necessary for aligning the bristles;
  2. Double made of metal. Quite coarse and often used to get rid of soil from the surface of a product;
  3. Universal. The product may have natural or artificial bristles. Allows you to remove dirt, even if the stains are serious;
  4. Combined. Has several working surfaces. In addition to suede, it is suitable for cleaning nubuck or velor;
  5. Triangular. The sides are made of rubber, the main surface is made of nylon pile. The reverse side is made of rubber. Allows you to get rid of heavy stains, dust and soil residues;
  6. Eraser. It has already been noted that such a brush is made in the form of an eraser and allows you to erase dirt;
  7. Sponge. Not only does it allow you to get rid of dirt, but it is also convenient for removing residual cleaning products from the surface and applying paint.

The quality of cleaning depends not only on the correct type of brush, but also on its skillful use. The following recommendations should be followed:
  1. The chamois and brush must be dry;
  2. A rubber brush with rubberized inserts copes well with dirt;
  3. If the dirt is not completely removed with the soft part, you should treat the area with the hard side of the brush;
  4. A stiff brush should be used as carefully as possible. The surface must be carried out carefully, without injuring the suede;
  5. For areas where the seam is located, it is recommended to use a special roller brush.

Immediately after purchase, suede shoes are cleaned with a special brush and treated with a water-repellent aerosol.

Washing rules

Products made from suede are the most capricious among all other materials, and in order to preserve the structure of the fabric and not spoil the fibers, you should select the most gentle methods for removing stains from your favorite item. This rule applies not only to the use of strong chemicals, but also to the temperature of the water or the mechanical method of cleaning the fabric.

Faux suede

Artificial material is even more difficult to care for than natural suede and the best option would be to completely refuse any type of washing. Under the influence of water, this material loses its shape and changes color. However, the worst-case scenario that can appear with washing is large shiny areas that will be almost impossible to return to their original appearance.

The best solution in this situation is to treat directly on the contaminated areas themselves, without completely getting the whole thing wet. If the dirt is too extensive, you can briefly soak the jacket in a soapy solution, and then go over the entire surface with a special brush. After treatment, the item should be hung on hangers and allowed to drain. Under no circumstances should you wring out artificial suede.

Natural suede

When treating natural suede, it is recommended to use liquid cleaners rather than powder ones. However, even in this case, you need to make sure that the cleaning composition does not contain chlorine; it is strictly not recommended to use any types of bleaches and caustic stain removers for suede. A suede jacket should not be washed in hot water, only in slightly warm water. When exposed to elevated temperatures, the item usually shrinks significantly. Also, when working with suede, mechanical repetitive movements should be minimized; when rubbing any area, it is possible to obtain a shiny surface. Spinning both in a washing machine and during hand washing should also be avoided.

How to clean suede shoes at home

Cleaning methods may vary depending on the color of the suede and the nature of the dirt. Therefore, it is worth understanding all the nuances of the procedure.

Dry cleaning is optimal, as well as minimal spot wetting with a damp sponge.

Light suede

Light-colored shoes suffer more from outdoor pollution. Therefore, it is first recommended to remove all traces of dirt that have dried. Then add a few drops of ammonia and a teaspoon of soda to a glass of skim milk. After thoroughly mixing, the composition is applied to the contaminated areas using a sponge. After wiping everything, remove any remaining product. Leave the shoes to dry and use a brush to lift the pile. It is recommended to first test the resulting composition on a small area of ​​suede.

The fleecy surface is easily painted, so you should purchase separate tools for dark and light shoes.


Shoes can be easily cleaned of dirt using specialized products and shampoos. But if you don’t have such compositions at hand, you can use a folk recipe. It is enough to combine ammonia with soap solution in a ratio of 1:4. After mixing, treat stains on suede sneakers with the resulting solution. Then gently wipe the area with clean water. Be sure to dry your sneakers. This should be done naturally; suede does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures and sunlight. This recipe is perfect for light suede.

Splashes and any other contaminants are removed only after the shoes are completely dry.


If your boots are heavily soiled, you should entrust the cleaning process to professionals. Such dry cleaning can restore the presentable appearance of boots. But you can try to cope on your own. The above recipes are suitable for processing suede. You can also use a brush and treat the entire surface of the boots with it.

It is necessary to regularly treat with special means and clean the pile.


If your suede shoes get dirty, it is recommended to dry the shoes first. Then you should try to remove traces of dirt using a suitable brush. It is recommended to move in the direction of the natural position of the pile to maintain its smoothness. Then you can use one of the folk recipes. In addition to dissolving ammonia in a soap solution, you can add it to dishwashing detergent.

Suede shoes, shoes and boots should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight.

After mixing, foam forms, which is applied to problem areas. After removal, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Then add a teaspoon of vinegar to a liter of water and treat the surface of the shoes with the resulting solution using a rag. The prepared composition allows you to make the damaged parts smoother. At the end of the procedure, the shoes are dried.

Drying suede boots correctly

If you had to wash your suede shoes with water, you need to dry them properly. Natural drying is extremely important for such material. If you try to speed up this process, the suede will become rough and hard.

To ensure your shoes dry properly, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. It is forbidden to dry suede products with a hairdryer, near an open fire source or near a radiator.
  2. Wet boots should be dried in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight.
  3. Shoes should also be dried from the inside. For this purpose, crumpled newspaper is placed in it, which is changed as needed. This method will be effective if the boots are wet through.

The suede product needs to be dried for about 20 hours. As a last resort, you should use a hairdryer. In this case, the lowest power is used, and the device itself must be kept at a distance of 20-25 cm from the surface of the shoe.

How to remove white stains

You can often notice white stains on suede shoes. This problem is especially relevant for dark colors, where this nuisance is more pronounced. Among the effective remedies against white marks it is worth noting:

  1. Eraser. A special brush in the form of an eraser allows you to get rid of stains. First, the surface is treated with the smooth side of the brush. Then a soft part is used to sand away the dirt, eliminating streaks. If you don't have a shoe eraser at hand, you can try replacing it with a school eraser. It's better to choose a light one. You need to rub the product with it, and then hold the shoes over hot steam for several minutes. Do not lower the product too low. Hot steam allows you to lift the pile;
  2. Rye bread. First, it is dried in the oven and the resulting product is used to treat shoes. Finally, the product is treated with a brush to remove bread crumbs.

Processing is carried out with gentle movements, against the pile.
The recipes described above with vinegar and ammonia also allow you to get rid of light stains.

Drying rules

The process of drying a suede jacket at home is considered no less difficult than washing itself. During drying, the product is also subject to serious deformation and there is a high probability of creases.

It is best to dry the product on a hanger over a bathtub, since you cannot wring out natural suede; the jacket can drip almost all night. It is not recommended to throw the product over a clothesline; in this case, unevenness will appear at the fold, which will be noticeable after drying. Drying must take place only naturally, without the help of a hair dryer and away from heating devices. At normal room temperatures, as well as with proper air circulation, even a long suede jacket should dry in 1 to 2 days.

IMPORTANT: If small creases do form during the drying process, do not worry, you can get rid of them with the help of steam. If it is not possible to use a steamer, then the damaged area can be held over a boiling kettle or pan of boiling water.

How to remove salt

In winter, suede shoes often suffer from the effects of salt. You can remove traces of it with a brush. But if this does not help, it is recommended to hold the shoes over hot steam for several minutes, avoiding getting too wet. Then the suede is wiped with a dry cloth. Using a brush, lift the pile. Then the sponge is soaked in vinegar and the surface is wiped. Finally, the product is dried.

A special toothbrush can be replaced with a toothbrush that has been better used, since it will become sufficiently soft.

You can also get rid of traces of salt using a special eraser. It is enough to treat the surface with it and remove its remains. This will remove traces of salt from the surface.

Washing methods

Washing a suede jacket is an extremely undesirable process, but it can still be used if necessary. There is an opinion that washing in an automatic machine contributes to serious deformation of the product and the best solution is to process the product manually. But in most cases, using a washing machine and the most delicate washing modes harms the product less than hand washing.


When washing a suede product by hand, you should try to carry out this procedure as quickly as possible, without further exposing the clean areas to wetness.

For some stains, hand washing will be the most gentle and to achieve the desired result, you should strictly follow the general recommendations:

  • Warm water no more than 35 degrees is drawn into a bathtub or large deep container
  • Dilute the chosen product in water and beat it to a thick foam; it will be the safest way to clean your favorite item.
  • The foam should first be applied to the areas most susceptible to contamination: cuffs, sleeves and the bottom edge of the jacket. It is best to apply the product using a soft sponge.
  • Rinsing after washing is best done in a sufficient amount of cool water, or you can change the water several times.
  • To remove excess water, you should let the jacket drain for the first 5-10 minutes, and then dip the fabric with highly absorbent materials: a terry towel or paper napkins.


The latest models of washing machines have more functions and modes, and even for suede you can find a suitable combination. It is necessary to set the mode to delicate or hand wash, and the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. You should also turn off automatic spinning and additional drying, if provided in the cycle, and leave rinsing to a minimum. As a cleaning agent, you can use baby laundry gel or any other liquid product without bleach. It is best to wash a suede jacket alone, without additional loading into the drum.

How to properly care for suede shoes

To make it easier to get rid of dirty marks, shoes must be carefully and regularly looked after. This way you can prevent the formation of stubborn, complex stains. Before storing the product until the next season, be sure to dry it and remove all stains. Then special protective agents are applied to the surface. If there are abrasions, they are painted over. To maintain the shape of the shoes, lasts are placed inside. Do not place shoes in a plastic bag. It is better to choose fabric.

Professional products for removing dirt from suede are sold in shoe stores.

Special protective impregnation can be used not only when shoes are put away for storage. The composition will not be able to completely protect the surface from contamination, but it will prevent serious contamination. It is recommended to apply the product before leaving home.

Suede is a rather capricious material and requires careful care.

It is important that there is no complete protection of suede from dirt. But steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of serious deterioration in product quality. It is also recommended to purchase a small brush and carry it with you. If you find a stain, you can carefully clean it so that the dirt does not soak into the deeper layers of the fabric. Regular and careful care of suede products will extend their service life, maintaining quality and attractive appearance.

Silica gel and cat litter

Don't know how to dry your suede boots or shoes? You may be interested in a special product called silica gel. It is sold in two forms: in special bags and in bags. Place the product inside wet ankle boots and leave for 1-2 hours. It should be noted that such a mini-dryer has other advantages: it can be carried with you and used many times.

If you cannot find special silica gel for shoes anywhere, then replace it with cat litter, which contains similar miracle balls. Pour some filler into the sock and use it in the same way as the product described above.

Care Tips

In order not to have to spend a long time and tediously cleaning off the dirt, steaming them and doing other annoying things, you just need to regularly care for the item. Proper and regular care will help it last for a very long time.

Are you unplugging your washing machine?

Oh yes! No


To treat clothes, use a special brush.
It is ideal for both clothing and shoes, bags, gloves and other accessories. With its help, your suede jacket will never fall off and will always look like a new thing. And also, it is necessary to use special sprays to restore and maintain color, and water-repellent ones. How to restore suede after washing? Using the methods described above.


Shoe care is also important.
You should also use special sprays, varnishes and paints to maintain and care for your boots or shoes to prevent them from becoming rough. If your shoes get wet, dry them immediately. At the same time, do not forget to put the paper inside. This technique will help maintain the shape of the shoes and speed up drying from the inside.

Removing greasy

To remove greasy areas, you can use the following methods:

  • Steam treatment. Allows you to remove grease, and also effectively removes creases, folds, and abrasions by raising the pile.
  • Eraser. Even the most ordinary one will do. First, the suede is steamed a little.
  • Table vinegar. Dissolve 15 ml of product in a liter of warm water. Soak a cotton pad or napkin in the solution and wipe the problem area. Spray the remaining product onto the suede to make it softer.

For the most problematic areas in terms of grease - sleeves, collar, elbows - use talc. The sebaceous area is covered with it and cleaned off after an hour.

You can use fresh orange peels to clean dark-colored suede hats and gloves. They simply wipe the surface of the product.

Specialized means

Correctly selected care products play a decisive role in the service life of shoes. Suede models are especially intolerant of dirt. Therefore, take care of them regularly using specialized products. In your arsenal you will need:

  • stain remover;
  • water-repellent impregnation with coloring pigments;
  • special brush.

Stain remover is one of the most necessary products. It removes even stubborn stains. The product has a foamy structure, so it is easy to apply and remove with a napkin. Water-repellent impregnation protects shoes from the accumulation of dirt and dust, and exposure to moisture. Sometimes the composition contains dyes that will refresh the material and cope well with abrasions.

There are different brushes used for suede. It is best to take a universal one, which has hard bristles with metal hairs on one side and rubber on the other. There is also an eraser on the side that can easily deal with scratches.

The nuances of cleaning suede of different colors

Beige, white, gray and light-colored shoes made of this material or nubuck are cleaned a little differently than black ones. For suede in neutral shades, super methods using baking soda and milk, hydrogen peroxide, a slurry of crushed chalk and tooth powder, and egg white are suitable. You need to clean white items carefully, first checking the effect of the products on an inconspicuous area.

To clean colored, red shoes, use gentle methods. Aggressive acids and ammonia are not suitable. It is allowed to use soap solution, talc and soda, and a steamer. Brown suede can be easily cleaned with coffee grounds, and black suede can be easily cleaned with dry black bread, sulfur from matchboxes or carbon paper. An eraser is perfect for any color of suede.

Rice. 2 – School eraser for cleaning suede shoes

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