Soaked lingonberries. Recipe for a 3 liter jar for the winter

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Soaking is an ancient preservation recipe for long-term storage of food. Fruits, vegetables and berries are suitable for the process. You can try to prepare lingonberries for future use at home, using one of the descriptions. This harvesting method will not only allow you to keep all the beneficial properties intact, but also increase them.

Traditional recipe in a 3 liter jar

You should start preparing pickled lingonberries with the classic version, which is used by most housewives.

Product set:

  • lingonberries – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 300 g;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp.

If desired, you are allowed to add your favorite spices to the preparation.

Detailed Guide:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to sort out the berries, since only ripe, firm fruits are allowed to be soaked.
  2. They should be rinsed well with tap water, then allowed to drain off all the liquid and placed on a kitchen towel to dry the lingonberries.
  3. Next, distribute the fruits among the jars in equal proportions.
  4. At this time, you need to put an enamel pan with purified or well water on the fire.
  5. When the contents of the dish boil, you need to add salt and sugar and stir until all the crystals are completely dissolved.
  6. Now you need to remove the pan from the stove and set it aside, and when the syrup reaches room temperature, pour it over the berries.
  7. In this state, you need to keep the lingonberries for 7 days, and then put them in a cold place.

In this form, the berry can be consumed as an independent dish or added to salads and sauces.

How to choose?

Lingonberries must be ripe. Externally, such fruits have a crimson-red hue, thick skin and elastic consistency. It is these berries that will contain the maximum amount of quinic, malic and lactic acids.

The ripening period occurs at the end of summer or beginning of autumn. It all depends on the region where the shrubs grow. To prevent the berries from getting crushed, it is best to collect them in a wicker basket. Be sure to remove the stems and leaves. And then rinse the berries under running water and dry on a cloth.

With sugar

Soaked lingonberries (a recipe at home adapted to modern harvesting methods) with sugar is an excellent option if you want to get more healthy berry juice. The berries can be used both fresh and frozen.

Soaked lingonberries, recipe with sugar.


  • sugar – 200 g;
  • berry – 1.5 kg;
  • spring or purified water – 2 l.

You can add cloves and cinnamon to the composition, and replace sugar with honey.

Cooking process:

  1. An enamel pan needs to be filled with purified water, set over high heat and brought to a boil.
  2. Pour all the granulated sugar into the bowl, mix thoroughly until it dissolves, and turn off the stove.
  3. The syrup must be set aside and wait until it cools completely.
  4. During this time, you need to sort through all the lingonberries, putting aside all the crumpled, rotten fruits, but a few leaves that come across can also be used.
  5. Now you should transfer the berries to a colander, rinse well and dry, spreading them on kitchen napkins.

  6. When the lingonberries dry, they should be poured into a sterilized 3-liter jar and poured with cooled syrup so that it completely covers all the fruits.
  7. Cover the neck of the dish with a piece of parchment paper, tie it and make a small hole.
  8. The urination time will be 1 week.

Ready berries can be used for snack dishes or simply consumed in the required quantity. You can also express the juice, which has no less beneficial properties.

Why is the drink dangerous?

Not everyone can drink lingonberry water. It is not recommended to use it during treatment with any medications, as it may conflict with chemicals. Lingonberry significantly lowers blood pressure and is therefore not recommended for use by people with hypotension. Due to the large amount of acid in the berries, the drink is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems, especially gastritis. It is also prohibited to give lingonberries to children under 12 months. In addition, berries can provoke an allergic reaction.

With sugar without cooking

The cold method of soaking lingonberries is best done under pressure. To do this, it is better to carry out the preparation process in a large container, and for storage, transfer the berries to jars along with all the juice.

Product set:

  • prepared fruits – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • chilled water (purified) – 3 l.

The amount of granulated sugar can be adjusted independently, but by reducing the volume, the shelf life of the product will decrease.

Step by step guide:

  1. Carefully sorted and washed lingonberries need to be placed on the bottom of an enamel pan in an even layer.
  2. Now you need to sprinkle them with granulated sugar so that it evenly covers the fruits.
  3. It is necessary to install oppression on top. To do this, just put a plastic plate first, and place a filled liter jar on it. You need to be careful not to crush the berries.
  4. For this recipe, only clean drinking water (ideally spring or well) that has been purified through a filter or cooled after boiling is suitable.

  5. Pour the prepared liquid into a saucepan, cover with a lid and leave on the table at room temperature for 1 month.
  6. Now it's time to transfer the berries to a jar, tie them with parchment and send them to the cellar.

The juice can be expressed and drunk as needed, and the fruits can be added to desserts, salads or baked goods.


Pickled lingonberries, the homemade recipe for which is described below, are more suitable for people with diabetes. You cannot add fruit to such a berry and fill it with plain tap water.


  • ripe fruits – 1 l;
  • water – 2.5 l.

In this recipe, the composition should remain unchanged.

Step by step instructions:

  1. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of liquid used. If it is well or spring water, then you do not need to boil it. Tap water must be passed through a filter (or left for 24 hours), and then boiled and cooled.
  2. Lingonberries are suitable fresh or frozen. The berries must be carefully sorted so that there is no debris, wrinkled or overripe fruit left.
  3. Now the fruits should be washed, drained in a colander, dried and placed in a 3-liter sterilized jar.
  4. All that remains is to pour the prepared water over the lingonberries, close with a plastic lid with small holes and cover with a piece of gauze.
  5. The dishes must be placed in a dark place for a week, and then put into the refrigerator or cellar.

This is a universal way to prepare healthy berries, since you can use the juice as medicine or make compotes from it. And unsweetened fruits will add a sweet, sour, spicy taste to hot meat and game dishes.

Soaked lingonberries in weight loss diets

Due to the beneficial qualities of this berry, its inclusion in the diet provides ideal conditions for losing excess weight. After all, lingonberries are also a low-calorie berry. The body is saturated with essential substances and vitamins, which significantly reduces the process of converting carbohydrates into fat deposits.

Lingonberries can be used to prepare many delicious dishes and drinks: fruit drinks, jam, preserves, baked goods, meat products and even soups. But if you want to reduce your weight and improve your health, use this berry only fresh or frozen without sugar. Otherwise, you will gain weight.

With honey

If you replace granulated sugar with honey, you can simply get a storehouse of vitamins for the winter. But in order not to lose them during cooking, you should exactly repeat all the steps in the description, because the bee product loses its beneficial properties during heat treatment.


  • sorted lingonberries – 1.6 kg;
  • drinking water – 2.5 l;
  • honey – 0.15 l.

You can enhance the warming and flavoring effect by adding a little cloves and cinnamon.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. It is necessary to put the berries in a colander, rinse under the tap, allow all the liquid to drain and spread on a kitchen towel, allowing to dry.
  2. Next, you need to boil the water, after passing it through a filter, and let it cool quite a bit.
  3. When the liquid reaches 60°C (approximately), honey should be completely dissolved in it.
  4. Carefully pour all the berries into a sterilized 3-liter jar and fill it with sweet syrup. The water should cover the fruit by about 3 fingers.
  5. The neck of the container needs to be rewound with a piece of gauze and the contents allowed to brew for 5 days.
  6. Now you need to close it with a plastic lid and store the product in a cool place (cellar, refrigerator).

The preparation can be served as a healthy dessert with hot tea, the liquid can be strained, and the berries can be used as a filling for dumplings or open pastries. The remaining juice is best consumed to boost immunity during the cold season.

User reviews

In their reviews, users talk a lot about the benefits of lingonberry water and the dangers of its use. She helped some, but vice versa for others. To avoid being one of the unlucky ones, you need to carefully read the contraindications.

Most people recommend using lingonberry water to maintain immunity and treat colds. The best effect, judging by the reviews, is given by a drink with the addition of honey and cinnamon. Thanks to honey, the beneficial properties of lingonberries are enhanced, and cinnamon fights pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Parents of young children recommend making a lingonberry drink from the juice of squeezed berries and boiled water. The concentration should be weak. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar or honey. This remedy perfectly reduces the temperature of a cold and speeds up the healing process. According to parents, the very next day the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced. In children, a runny nose goes away and a sore throat decreases.

With salt

A recipe with added salt at home is suitable if the housewife decided to prepare pickled lingonberries only for adding to various dishes.

Product set:

  • water – 1.5 l;
  • lingonberries – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cloves – 1 pc.

You can exclude cloves from the composition and add a little more sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The washed and dried berries should be poured into a 3-liter jar, which has been sterilized in advance by any means.
  2. Now you need to pour water into an enamel container, pour sugar, cloves and salt into it.
  3. Place the pan over high heat, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove to cool to room temperature.

  4. You need to pour the cooled syrup over the lingonberries so that the liquid does not reach only 4 cm from the neck.
  5. Covering the jar with gauze, place it in a dark, cool place and leave for 7 days.
  6. After the allotted time, you need to close the jar with a plastic lid with a small hole and send it to the cellar for storage.

It is customary to add berries strained from the juice to cold snack dishes to prepare hot meat.

Lingonberry mono-diet

Only lingonberries and kefir are consumed, other products are excluded from the diet. The duration of the mono-diet cannot exceed 3 days. The ideal day to start a diet is Friday. On the first day you should drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 3 cups of berries.

It is better to make a cocktail from kefir and lingonberries, since the acid contained in lingonberries will not irritate the walls of the stomach. It is recommended to drink this cocktail not in 1-2 doses, but in portions 7-8 times. Naturally, on fasting days you should drink water regularly, and overweight people need it even more than thin people.

With pears

The recipe for soaking lingonberries with pears will differ significantly from the previously described options. Here, instead of brine or syrup, the products will be filled with wort, which will give them a unique taste. It is necessary to select small, strong fruits that will easily pass through the neck of the jar and remain intact after cooking.


  • pears – 1.5 kg;
  • lingonberries – 400 g;
  • curdled milk – 1 l;
  • drinking water – 1 l;
  • dry mustard – 1/4 tsp;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • black currant (leaves only) – 20 pcs.

Step by step instructions:

  1. The first step is to prepare the wort, for which you pour water and yogurt into a convenient enamel container.
  2. After bringing the mixture to a boil, add salt and mustard to the bowl and leave over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  3. Now you should set the composition aside to cool completely.
  4. At this time, you need to first deal with the berries, sort them out, wash them, and while they are drying, rinse the pears, wipe them and remove the core.

  5. Next, starting with the fruits, place a row of fruits close to each other in a jar, sprinkle it with berries and cover with blackcurrant leaves. Repeat the process all the way to the neck.
  6. This recipe requires a press, which can be made from 2 sticks by crossing them and inserting them into the jar.
  7. All that remains is to pour the cooled wort over everything and cover with a rubber lid. First, you need to keep the dishes at room temperature for 10 days, and then put them in the refrigerator.
  8. The pears and lingonberries will be fully prepared in 1 month.

In this form, it is recommended to eat fruits and berries as an independent dish or make a sweet filling from them or decorate ready-made desserts.

With apples

Pickled lingonberries (homemade recipes often contain apples) are included in the diet as a healthy dessert or used to decorate homemade baked goods.

Product set:

  • berries (pre-sorted and washed) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 1 l;
  • apples – 0.5 kg.

More often, Antonov or Chinese apples are used for the recipe, but you cannot use a store-bought product treated with paraffin. The preparation will be more aromatic if you add a little cinnamon to the syrup.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Since the lingonberries should already be prepared by this point, you need to start cooking with apples, which you rinse thoroughly and cut large fruits in half. Whether to remove the core or not is up to you to decide.
  2. Now, alternating rows, you should put the apples with the stem up and the berries in the jar. Instead of a press, it is better to insert 2 small sticks through the neck and secure them in a cross-shaped position.
  3. Next, you need to boil water in an enamel container, pour all the granulated sugar into it, stir until it is completely dissolved and cool.
  4. Pour cold syrup over the prepared apples and lingonberries, tie a piece of parchment on top and keep in a dark place for 1 week.
  5. All that remains is to send the soaked products to a cold place, but you can try the contents of the jar only after a month.

You should put the required amount of food from the jar for self-consumption or for preparing a sweet filling.

From frozen berries

This option is useful if you run out of pickled lingonberries in the middle of the winter season or this shrub does not grow in the immediate area and you have to buy the berries frozen.


  • frozen fruits – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

You can use any recipe for frozen berries described above, you just need to follow the preparation rules.

Detailed description:

  1. First, you need to remove the lingonberries from the freezer, pour them into a colander, which is placed over a deep plate, and leave overnight at room temperature, covering with gauze to prevent insects.
  2. In the morning, pour the juice collected during thawing into an enamel pan. Add water there so that the total volume is 2 liters.
  3. Now you need to boil the contents, add sugar or any chosen composition, and then cool completely.
  4. You need to pour the syrup over the fruits, which at this point have been transferred to a clean, sterilized jar, and place in a dark place, covering the neck with a piece of parchment.
  5. After 3 weeks, the container should be stored in the refrigerator.

The finished product is suitable for restoring immunity in winter or as an additional ingredient in hot dishes and cold snacks.

Storage rules

It is necessary to store pickled lingonberries in a dark, cool place where the temperature does not rise above 6°C. A refrigerator or cellar is suitable for this. In this case, the neck of the jar must be covered with parchment paper, a plastic or rubber lid. Under such conditions, the taste and quality of the product will remain at a high level for about a year.

If the recipe uses additional preservatives in the form of sugar and salt, then it is possible to enjoy the taste and aroma of the berry for up to 2 years. Fruits harvested in small quantities and will be consumed in a short period of time, it is permissible to leave them in a jar in a dark place at room temperature for up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that without yeast it does not have the ability to ferment.

The main condition for the established deadlines will be complete coverage of the berries with syrup or water. To do this, if you only need juice from the jar, you need to return the same amount of liquid (cooled syrup or boiled water) to the bowl.

Benefits of the composition

The berries contain a fairly large amount of acetylsalicylic acid, which is a preservative. Thanks to it, lingonberry products are stored quite well and do not lose their appearance. In addition, this substance can thin the blood and fight the first manifestations of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Lingonberries are rich in vitamins C, E and A. They are indispensable for colds, as well as for any inflammatory processes. Vitamin C helps fight illnesses and strengthens the immune system, while vitamins A and E act directly on the source of inflammation and regenerate the tissue of the damaged organ.

Useful tips and tricks

Pickled lingonberries, a recipe for which can be easily spoiled by incorrect actions at home, require care.

You can avoid mistakes by reading the recommendations of experienced housewives:

  • Berries should be used, collected only at the end of August-September, carefully sorted. Rotten, soft, overripe fruits are not suitable for harvesting.
  • A few lingonberry leaves that come across will only add additional vitamins to the soaked product.
  • Utensils play an important role during cooking. For heat treatment and drying of products, only an enameled or stainless steel pan is suitable. For storage, it is imperative to sterilize glass jars and lids.

Almost every recipe for pickled lingonberries can be modified at home. So you can add spices and lemon zest to the syrup, and strain it before pouring it into the berry. Also, many chefs add several pieces of Antonov apples to the fruit, which reveal new notes of taste and aroma.

Cooking features

Before choosing a recipe for preparing pickled lingonberries for the winter, it won’t hurt to study a few recommendations:

  • Wash and sort the berries you are going to soak well. It is necessary to inspect each berry, since rotten and bruised ones are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Do not throw away lingonberry leaves if you have them. If you add them to the berries when soaking, they will become even more beneficial.
  • Do not use aluminum cookware for cooking berries: upon contact with the acid contained in the berries, it releases toxic substances. It is better to give preference to enameled stainless steel containers, but you can also use food-grade plastic. Glass jars also work.
  • Antonov apples will help highlight the aroma of lingonberries. Cut them into pieces and place soaked lingonberries on top. It will be saturated with their smell and become even more appetizing.

By following these simple tips, you can prepare soaked lingonberries for the winter according to one or more of your favorite recipes.

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