How long does chicken broth last in the refrigerator or at room temperature?

The broth can act as an independent dish or serve as the basis for soup, sauce, or jellied meat. Housewives prefer to cook this semi-finished product ahead of time in order to please their household with a delicious lunch in the coming days. What if your plans for the coming day change and you want to cook something else? We invite you to find out how long the prepared broth can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its taste and beneficial qualities. And useful tips for freezing broth will save a lot of time on preparing other dishes.

Types of storage

Storing broth on the balcony or in the cellar for months will not work, like many types of vegetables.
It quickly loses its original quality and nutritional value due to bacterial growth. Storing broths is possible in several ways.

  • If it is a meat or vegetable broth, it can be stored in a thermos for 6 hours. It should be poured in while still hot, immediately after cooking.
  • Storing the broth in the refrigerator occurs after it has cooled completely. There the product will retain its quality for 3-4 days. Then it can be boiled again and stored for the same amount of time.
  • How long frozen broth can be stored depends on its quality and composition. The dish should be cooled as quickly as possible, poured into a container with a lid of a suitable size, placed in the freezer and stored for no more than 6 months.
  • The shelf life of broth in the freezer depends on whether it is meat or vegetable, as well as on the storage temperature.
  • Bacteria and microorganisms multiply faster in a warm dish. Therefore, in order to preserve it as long as possible, the product must be quickly cooled by all available means. In winter, it can be taken out to the open balcony. And in the summer, put it in a larger container with water, to which ice cubes have been added.

The container in which the broth is to be stored must be sterile. Therefore, it should be boiled first.

What to do with the remaining broth

The remaining broth can be brought to a concentrated state, that is, let the water boil away (about an hour) and pour the remaining broth at the bottom of the pan into an ice container and put it in the freezer.

At any time and for any dish, first or second, for vegetables or just fried meat, you will always have a cube of frozen broth on hand, which will significantly improve the taste of your dish.

Why clutter your freezer? Just evaporate the water to a minimum and use a convenient ice container that will take up minimal space in the freezer. And for soup, just throw the cube into boiling water and you will have the broth ready within 2 minutes.

Not only do I make broth this way, but I also make rendered fat with rosemary. A very convenient option.

20 Jun 2022 edypravilno 82


  1. Fresh chicken broth stored at room temperature can spoil within a day; beef or pork broth will last a little longer, literally by a few hours. It is better to put fish in the refrigerator immediately after it has cooled down.
  2. How long can chicken broth last in the refrigerator? There it will sit quietly for two days, after which it will have to be boiled and consumed within the next 48 hours. Meat bases for soups stored in the refrigerator must be heat treated on the third day, then they will last another three to four days without signs of spoilage. The life of fish broth or fish soup is limited to two days, and boiling will no longer save the product; you will have to get rid of it.
  3. It is better not to store vegetable infusions at room temperature, but before placing the pan in the refrigerator, it would be good to strain the infusion, bring it back to a boil and cool.
  4. In the refrigerator, vegetable broth feels great for three to five days at a temperature of +4–8˚C above zero. The same temperature regime will completely suit the chicken and meat base for the soup, but the fish broth is more capricious - it is comfortable at a temperature of +4 to +6 ˚C.

Many experienced housewives freeze ready-made broth to make cooking easier and faster in the future. This is a good solution for quickly preparing many dishes.

The fish broth is more delicate than others and requires a slightly lower temperature.

Fish broth.

To prepare fish broth, you will also need bones; hake, flounder, and halibut work well. Also used for fish broth are heads (you must first remove the gills and eyes), fins, trimmings, and the heads and shells of shrimp and other crustaceans. Usually, the heads of fish such as bream, roach, carp, and roach are not used, because the broths are bitter.

Vegetables and spices that work well include: onions, parsley stalks, celery, bay leaves, black pepper, lemon juice.

Water for fish bone broth is taken at the rate of approximately 1.7 liters per 1 kg of bones. 1 glass of water (~250 ml) can be replaced with 1 glass of dry white wine. Cooking time is no more than 20 minutes, since longer cooking will remove bitterness from the bones, which will have a bad effect on the broth.

In other recipes, the ratio of water and fish products (heads, fins, bones, skin) is 4-5 liters per 1 kg, and the cooking time is ~ 1 hour. Perhaps the heads are not boiled in 20 minutes, I can’t say for sure, since I prefer the first option.

The process of cooking fish broth is as follows:

  • Heat the butter in a deep saucepan, add vegetables, spices, fish bones, lemon juice, cover with a lid, and simmer for 5 minutes. The heat is not strong, the food should not be fried until the color changes.
  • Fill with cold water, bring to a boil, skimming off the foam, reduce the heat (the boil should be almost unnoticeable) and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Strain the finished broth.

to the beginning of the article

Soup base for chicken and other meats

Before storing chicken broth, pour it into a glass container, trying to keep as little air as possible, and cover with a lid. When the decoction interacts with oxygen, oxidative processes occur, which will affect the quality of the product.

  • Storage of chicken broth in the refrigerator can last for 2-3 days at a temperature of +4°C -+8°C.
  • The maximum shelf life of meat broth in the refrigerator is 7 days. But on the condition that it will be boiled every 2 days.
  • Turkey broth can be stored like chicken broth - 2-3 days.

Shelf life of main types of soups

Due to the diversity of taste preferences, many recipes for aromatic and rich soups have appeared. Depending on the amount of starting products, dishes can be complex or simple.


The shelf life of chicken broth is 3 days, with chicken giblets - up to 48 hours. Dietary broths made from the meat of young chickens and not too plump turkey should be consumed on the day of preparation. Dishes with fresh herbs and egg mixture spoil after a day.

It is not recommended to subject chicken soup with pasta, cereals and dumplings to long-term heat treatment, since the starch contained is gelatinized during cooking, and the volume of the products increases. Such soups are cooked one time at a time; after storage, the dish becomes thick and, when reheated, loses its appetizing appearance.

How many days do housewives keep soups in the refrigerator?

Type of first dish Shelf life of the first dish

Mushroom soupNo more than 24 hours (2 days)
BorschFrom 3 to 5 days
Sauerkraut cabbage soup2-3 days
Vegetable soupFrom 2 to 4 days
Pea soup2 days
Fish soup, fish soup1 day, maximum 2 days
Solyanka3-4 days
Cheese soup24 hours
Milk soupsNo more than 12 hours

Canned soups are popular among housewives who do not like to spend a lot of time at the stove. They prepare quickly enough and do not require expensive ingredients. Reviews about the shelf life of canned soups allow us to conclude that soups prepared in this way are stored on average longer than those prepared from fresh ingredients.

What determines the shelf life of broth?

Storing broth necessarily involves using a refrigerator, where the temperature is set to 2-6 °C. Any brew at room conditions will spoil in a matter of hours. What affects the shelf life of a dish? Let's consider several factors:

  • Components of the dish. Caring housewives can use not only different types of meat, but also fish, mushrooms, and vegetables for the broth base. Each of these products has a certain shelf life, so the “base” takes over.
  • Freshness of products. We usually purchase products in a store or market, where they have been stored for some time before being sold. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the potential broth base, and buy only fresh products.
  • Compliance with cooking rules. Everyone knows that the cooking time for different types of meat differs significantly. Insufficient cooking time can cause food poisoning. Violent boiling will also not benefit the broth - it will become cloudy.
  • Cleanliness in the kitchen area. Bacteria live literally everywhere. Once in the nutrient broth, they begin to actively multiply. You should protect the brew as much as possible from the penetration of microflora - thoroughly wash your hands and food, pour boiling water over the dishes.
  • Use of salt. Housewives prefer not to salt the broth. During the cooking process, the liquid evaporates and the salt concentration increases. But salt can prolong the life of the broth, since it is a preservative. We recommend salting the broth at the end of cooking.

Spices and roots do not in any way affect the safety of the finished broth; they only help to reveal and complement the taste of the dish.

Tip of the day

Change the table sponge often. The porous surface traps food particles and becomes a breeding ground for the active growth of bacteria. During the washing process, microorganisms enter the surface of the dishes, which can affect the shelf life of the products that will be stored in them. The same rule applies to kitchen towels.

Why did the boiled juicy chicken not please the crystal clear broth?

In general, this is “BUT!” - some digression from the topic, because the article is devoted to broths, and not to the process of cooking meat, and still I would like to say a few words about this.

If your goal is not a transparent, crystal clear broth, but juicy boiled young chicken or boiled beef, then the meat should be dipped not in cold, but in hot! Boiling water. This will help to “seal” the meat cells, and the juice, as well as all other substances, will predominantly remain in the product rather than being transferred to the broth. In particular, this is why classic broths are made from bones, as well as old, long-cooking, tough meat. At the same time, after you have lowered the meat into boiling water, cooked for several minutes, removed the foam, you need to reduce the heat. Meat does not like vigorous boiling.

to the beginning of the article

How and where to store chicken broth

Microorganisms multiply quickly in a warm environment. At room temperature, on a hot summer day, chicken broth should not be stored for long; it will turn sour in a few hours. At +18-20 degrees it will last up to 8 hours. But over time, the amount of nutrients in it decreases, the taste and aroma changes.

It is better to store meat broths in the refrigerator. It is important to place immediately after cooking and cooling. Every hour of delay shortens the shelf life.

Chicken broth will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. The lower the temperature, the longer. Stored at room conditions for up to 8 hours. In the freezer - up to 5 months.

How to store minced fish in the refrigerator

The optimal storage temperature for fish broth is from 4 to 6°C, so the refrigerator is the place for it. But as for the timing, you can store it for no more than two days and no amount of boiling will revive it, like meat or chicken broth. Therefore, if fish broth has not been used in two days, then you need to get rid of it.

All other types of minced fish, purchased in bulk without labeling or ready-made semi-finished products for preparing fish cutlets or stuffed fish, should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 7 ° C in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 hours.

How to store cucumbers - another selection of useful tips for housewives.

What affects shelf life

For a tasty and healthy broth, you should choose fresh chicken or immediately take a soup set. Perfect for poultry and farm poultry. First courses made from factory-processed chicken do not have a rich taste. If it is also stuffed with chemicals, even a fresh dish will have an unpleasant odor.

What shortens the shelf life:

  • dirty dishes, poultry. It is important to thoroughly wash pots, cutting boards, and food used;
  • raw ingredients. Greens, bay leaves, any spices, small pasta need to be boiled for at least a minute after adding. If you immediately turn off the stove, the chicken broth will quickly turn sour;
  • foam. Removing when boiling is an important rule. The foam collects small debris and blood clots; without it, the broth is better stored;
  • slow cooling. In a warm environment, microorganisms multiply intensively. It is necessary to cool chicken broth or soup based on it quickly.

A tasty and healthy dish cannot be obtained from a obviously bad carcass. Before cooking, we recommend smelling and inspecting the chicken. A musty and putrid smell, a slimy coating, and stickiness are reasons to refuse.

Soups with mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in protein, and therefore indispensable for those who fast.

This product has many fans because of its rich taste and aroma. Mushroom soup does not take long to prepare, but its shelf life is also short. It's all about the mushrooms themselves! They require quick processing after harvest and quick consumption.

Peeled and chopped mushrooms can be frozen, but in their finished form it is better not to leave them even in the cold for more than twelve hours.

Remarkable fact: porcini mushroom soup is mind-blowing when chilled!

Very high in calories and, frankly speaking, not the healthiest soup, but you can swallow your tongue!

Solyanka consists mainly of meat products, including smoked meats, as well as fried onions and pickled gherkins, capers and spices.

Thanks to its composition, the shelf life of this soup ranges from three to five days, with virtually no damage to quality.

By the way, some men admit that after a hearty feast, in the absence of cabbage brine, a plate of fiery hodgepodge in the morning is an excellent way to return to life.

A very tender and pleasant cheese soup, unfortunately, cannot stand in the refrigerator without losing its attractiveness.

Whatever it is: with the addition of mushrooms or onions, in chicken broth or potato broth, it is better to eat it right away and not leave it even until tomorrow.

The consistency will deteriorate irreparably. Therefore, as soon as it was cooked, it was immediately served on plates, to be eaten with golden brown croutons!

Cheese soup is one of the simplest, most delicious and short-lived

The traditional version is with smoked ribs. Variations with chicken, any other meat and even sausage are also possible. Children love it when white bread croutons are served with pea soup.

Pea soup can last refrigerated for two days.

It is better to pre-boil the peas, puree them in a blender until smooth and add them to the rest of the boiling ingredients.

The shelf life of soups prepared with vegetable broth is quite short.

It is not customary to keep them in reserve.

Freshly cooked vegetables are undoubtedly tasty in different combinations, but when reheated they lose their shape, change color and the dish is no longer the same!

Nevertheless, on fasting days you don’t need to neglect vegetable stews; you can simply cook a very small amount and pamper your body with light, healthy food.

Simply delicious! The unique aroma of bell peppers, spicy notes of garlic and, of course, pieces of meat that melt in your mouth. It is preferable to cook in a cauldron, but it is also possible in a saucepan. The noodles, of course, should be cooked separately so that they can be mixed together in the plate.

Despite the meat base, a large number of vegetables shortens the “life” of lagman to two, maximum three days.

The main thing in lagman is freshness!

If shurpa is prepared in the best traditions of Uzbek national cuisine, that is, from lamb and in a thick, rich broth, it will remain good for four, even five days.

True, nutritionists do not recommend abusing this dish, it’s too hard on the liver, and, in general, it’s a real calorie bomb!

Clear broth rules

We will discuss the preparation features and cooking time of meat, chicken, fish and vegetable broths a little later, but now general recommendations that apply to the preparation of any broth.


The broth requires fresh, cold water. When placing food in cold water, partial and sometimes complete digestion of nutrients from the food into the solution occurs. And gradual heating will help minimize the amount of protein that has coagulated into flakes, causing the broth to become cloudy.

During the entire cooking process, the food must be completely covered with water. If necessary, broths can be topped up with cold water.

Heating, scale and broth fat

The broth is simmered over very low heat to minimize the formation of coagulated proteins. These coagulated proteins form scale. The consistency of scale is similar to foam. It appears on the surface of not only meat/fish, but also vegetable broths, and must be removed to maintain transparency. And you need to remove scale not only at the beginning of cooking the broth, but throughout the entire cooking process. Foam adhering to the walls of the pan can also be removed with a damp cloth.

In addition, the broth should barely boil, so that the movement of the liquid is barely noticeable. If the broth boils, it will become cloudy very quickly.

Fat that floats to the surface is also recommended to be removed, because prolonged heat exposure breaks it down to form free fatty acids, which interact with the minerals that have passed into the broth. These acids and their salts make the broth cloudy and give a greasy taste. By the way, you can fry onions and other vegetables in broth fat.

As you can see, clear broth is a capricious dish that requires constant attention.

Vegetable seasoning and spices for broth

A vegetable mixture of onions, carrots and celery (in French cuisine it is called vegetable seasoning) is most often used to prepare all types of broths: vegetable, meat, and even fish. It is prepared like this: two parts of onion and one part of carrot are cut into approximately two-centimeter cubes, and one part of celery (stem) is cut into two-centimeter circles. At the same time, the task of vegetable seasoning is to emphasize and enrich the taste of the broth, and not to turn, say, chicken broth into vegetable broth. In practice, one large onion, a small carrot and 2-3 stalks of celery are enough for a two to three liter pan of meat broth.

Various spices are also added to the broth: bay leaf, peppercorns, various herbs. Spices not only make the broth more aromatic, but also significantly enrich its taste. Moreover, each type of herb brings its own unique notes. To prevent the herbs from scattering throughout the liquid and to make it convenient to remove them from the broth, the herbs are tied together. In this case, the harder stems are placed on the outside, and the tender ones on the inside. This is how a “bouquet garni” is prepared (the composition of the bouquet can be different, the most commonly used are: bay leaf, parsley stems, a sprig of thyme, in the middle - a few leeks and celery). Small seasonings and seeds that cannot be included in the bouquet are tied in a separate fabric bag. By the way, dried herbs give a more intense taste than fresh ones, so you need to use them in smaller quantities: the ratio is approximately 1:3; instead of a tablespoon of fresh herbs, take a teaspoon of dried herbs. Fresh herbs are healthier and more beautiful to add to a ready-made dish when serving.

Do I need to salt the broth?

The broth, especially if you plan to use it for making sauces, is not salted or salted very little, since a small addition of salt helps to reveal the taste of the ingredients included in the broth. If you decide to add salt to the broth, do it at the end of cooking to avoid over-salting due to evaporation of some of the liquid.

Do I need to strain the broth?

Ideally, to maintain transparency and for safety (so that small boiled bones do not fall on the tooth), the finished broth is filtered. To do this, carefully remove the solid part from the broth. Then a filter is placed on a clean dish (for example, a colander, on top of which several layers of folded gauze are placed) and the broth is poured with a ladle in small portions, trying not to stir up the liquid. When a small amount of broth remains in the pan, in which a suspension of small particles (bones, boiled vegetables, spices) predominates, straining is stopped. If you try to simply pour the broth from one pan to another, you risk raising a fine suspension from the day. In this case, the broth may turn out cloudy, despite filtering.

“Meat broth” VS dietary “second” broth.”

The broths, cooked mainly with meat bones, are really very appetizing, rich, and velvety. The French believe that half the success of a good sauce or gravy lies in such a magnificent broth, cooked according to all the rules. And many housewives cook very rich, rich soups using meat broths. True, most often the broth for such soups is not prepared separately, but they take the meat on the bones, boil it until tender, remove it from the pan so that it does not boil over, and season the liquid part with the necessary vegetables. This meat and bone broth is also called “meat broth.”

Both classic meat broths and meat decoctions contain a large amount of extractive substances. Thanks to these substances, broths stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite and general tone of the body. This is their main advantage, but such dishes cannot be called dietary.

There is no consensus among doctors and nutritionists about the benefits or harms of rich broths, soups and other dishes, but for some diseases (chronic gastritis, increased stomach acidity, ulcers, pancreatitis, gout, atherosclerosis, problems with the functions of the kidneys, liver and other digestive organs) excess extractive substances are contraindicated. Therefore, the consumption of such dishes should be limited or completely excluded from the diet. But the meat that gave all the fat to the broth is a dietary dish)).

Also, due to the aggressiveness of extractive substances for the digestive system, rich broths are often recommended to be limited to elderly people and young children. And for those who want to lose weight, rich broths are not helpful, as they increase appetite.

However, there is an option for preparing a less rich broth. This is the so-called “ second broth” . It is less concentrated, but at the same time very nutritious, appetizing and aromatic. The most popular of the “second broths” is chicken, so using its example I will describe the general preparation scheme.

  • Fill the pre-washed chicken (or meat on the bone) with water. The water should cover the food.
  • Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cook over moderate heat for 10-15 minutes and – the culmination of the process – drain the first broth (the lion’s share of the extractive substances that nutritionists argue about will “leave” from the product).
  • Cover the chicken with water again. Take as much water as you need, say, for soup (approximate calculation is 2-2.5 ladles per serving, but the water should cover the meat, for this you can cut it into pieces). Add vegetable seasoning and spices and cook over low heat until the chicken is done, remembering to periodically skim off the foam. To know when the chicken is done, you need to pierce it in the thickest part of the leg. A knife (if any, a chef's needle) should easily penetrate the meat, and at the puncture site, clear juice without any blood impurities should be released.

The “second broth” always turns out to be quite clean, but in order to preserve the result until the end of cooking, refill the meat with cold water, simmer over low heat and skim off foam and fat regularly.

And again BUT!

How to store chicken broth so it doesn't go sour

Those who often cook meat should remember that pork or beef broth retains freshness longer than similar ones based on poultry or fish. Adding vegetables and spices only reduces the shelf life of a flavorful dish.

To avoid mistakes, you can make a laconic reminder on how to preserve chicken broth:

  • without a refrigerator - no more than a day;
  • in the refrigerator - from 2 to 4 days;
  • in the freezer - up to 5 months.

The shelf life increases provided that the container is sterile, the composition is strained and there are no additional components. It decreases if the broth is saturated with spices and chopped vegetables and is not placed in a special storage container. How long chicken broth is stored depends on the housewife’s desire to use it for preparing other dishes. Some people like fresh broth straight from the stove, while others, saving cooking time, stock up for future use.

No matter how much you love this healing dish, you need to be careful with the perishable product, since it is no longer worth storing chicken broth that is cloudy and darkened. Treat yourself not to a sour composition, but to a fresh and appetizing one, so that you will never be disappointed in the tradition of healing with a universal decoction of chicken meat. Be healthy!

How long does chicken broth last in the refrigerator?2-4 days
Shelf life of chicken broth in the freezer5-6 months
Shelf life of chicken broth at room temperature12-18 hours

Home — Cooking — Shelf life of chicken broth

Options for storing broth in the refrigerator

If you need to keep it at room temperature, it is recommended to pour the chicken broth into a thermos. It will save temperature and will not require additional heating. The product will be better stored in the refrigerator if it is cooled quickly and removed immediately. To do this, take it outside, onto the balcony, and put it in cold water. Under no circumstances should it be diluted with liquid.

How broth is stored well:

  • in a saucepan. The container in which the bird was boiled will do. You just need a tight lid. We recommend additional wrapping with cling film;
  • in a glass jar. Cover with a nylon lid;
  • containers, bottles. You can leave it in plastic, but it is better suited for freezing.

The chicken must be removed before storing. The bird is placed in a separate container, covered, and also put in a cool place. Any product, be it boiled buckwheat, vegetables, rice, must be kept separately.

Storing chicken broth in the refrigerator and freezer

Shelf life of broth

The broth cannot stand in the refrigerator for too long; its maximum shelf life when cooled to +4...+8˚С is 7 days. The exact period depends on the composition of the product and the conditions in which it is stored. Vegetable, mushroom, fish and poultry broths are less suitable for consumption when compared with pork or beef broth. There are several ways to store the product: 1. It is permissible to pour the still hot (immediately after cooking) dish into a thermos, where it will remain fresh for 6 hours. 2. You can store the broth in the refrigerator, where the product is sent after it has completely cooled to room temperature. 3. In the freezer, the shelf life of the base for first and second courses and sauces is 6 months. The freshness of the broth depends on the chosen method and compliance with additional conditions (sterility of dishes, composition of the product). But such a dish loses its taste characteristics relatively quickly and can no longer be eaten. This is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, if the broth is not frozen, multiply rapidly and lead to spoilage of the product.


Broth at room temperature (+18...+25˚C) will become unsuitable for consumption after 12-18 hours. It is imperative to cover the base for first courses and sauces with a lid, since due to constant contact with air, the broth begins to oxidize, which negatively affects the quality of this product. At the same time, cooks need to take into account that chicken broth should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 days. But only if the temperature in the compartment is +4...+8˚C. If stored in the freezer (-18˚C or less), the shelf life of chicken broth reaches 5-6 months.

On a note! A decoction from other types of poultry - turkey, quail and others - is good for the same amount of time as chicken


The shelf life of meat broth in the refrigerator reaches 7 days. To make it edible, the product must be re-boiled every couple of days. If it contains vegetables or some spices, it retains freshness for less for 2-3 days. It is recommended to store beef and pork broth in the refrigerator in the container where it was cooked - this helps extend shelf life.


The shelf life of such broth depends on whether the vegetables have been removed from it or not. To prolong the freshness of the dish, you need to strain it before putting it in the refrigerator - the liquid should be clear and without even small pieces of vegetables. If this is not done, then the storage period does not exceed 1-2 days. When it is necessary for the product to be fresh longer than this time, the broth is immediately sent to the freezer. However, it is recommended not to store the vegetable base, as its taste characteristics rapidly decline.


Even in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4...+6˚C, this broth cannot be kept for longer than 2 days. Repeated boiling does not extend the freshness of fish broth, as is the case with meat species. If it is kept at room temperature, then you cannot eat such a dish or use it for preparing other food after 6-10 hours. Frozen fish broth can be stored by cooks for up to 2-3 months, after which the dish is unfit for consumption.


Dietary cuisine is unthinkable without turkey meat. It is used to start complementary feeding for babies and is recommended for those with an allergy to chicken protein. The cooking principle is similar to cooking chicken. Select parts of the bird that are rich in collagen, then the broth will be tasty.

Turkey broth can be stored for the same amount of time as chicken broth - two days.


In the case of such a broth, its storage time is shorter than in the case of decoctions of fish and other seafood. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are a perishable product in which pathogenic microorganisms rapidly develop. The shelf life of mushroom broth is no more than 24 hours if stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4...+6˚C. When frozen, such a product can last for up to 2-3 months, maintaining its taste and freshness. You should not keep mushroom broth at room temperature for more than 6 hours, as it may turn sour.

Attention! In the case of mushroom decoction, it must be refrigerated as quickly as possible. To do this, force cool the pan by removing it from the stove and immediately lowering it into a large container with cold water.

Features of storage in the freezer

Properly frozen chicken broth can be stored in the freezer for up to 5 months. This is a great way to stock up. In addition, broth is often left over after cooking poultry for salads, appetizers, and other dishes. It’s no good for something good to disappear.

How to freeze correctly:

  1. Boil the chicken. It is allowed to cook immediately with spices. Strain the liquid.
  2. Cool quickly. We recommend placing the pan in a bathtub or basin with cold water.
  3. Pour into plastic containers or bottles.
  4. Place in the freezer.
  5. After hardening, additionally pack in film or bags and leave to be stored in the chamber.

To thaw, the broth is left in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Next, it remains to be heated. If you plan to make soup or sauce from it, you can immediately put the ice on the stove, just turn the heat down to low.

What can you freeze in:

  • plastic containers;
  • nylon bottles;
  • bags for freezing.

What should not be frozen in:

  • glass jars, bottles;
  • metal containers;
  • thin plastic bags.

Liquids expand when they freeze. Therefore, you should not fill containers and bottles to the top; it is advisable to leave 15% empty.

How to store chicken broth

The storage conditions for chicken broth must be carefully observed so that it does not turn from a medicinal product into a product unfit for consumption. The perishable composition, unlike boiled meat, is useful only for a short period of time to strengthen the immune system and restore strength. Storing chicken broth for a patient requires special attention.

You can distinguish fresh broth from spoiled broth by a number of signs:

  • discoloration of liquid;
  • the appearance of traces of mold;
  • an unpleasant odor reminiscent of the “aroma” of rotten eggs or sour bread;
  • the appearance of cloudiness and stains on the surface;
  • release of gases that burst the packaging: container, jar with a lid, bag.

There are simple rules on how to store chicken broth so that it is clear and healthy. The most important details need to be taken into account:

  1. The right dishes. Meat broth should not be left in a container subject to oxidation. This could be an aluminum pan, a stainless steel container, or an enamel cup with cracks and chips on the surface. Contact of the contents of the cookware with metal leads to the formation of toxic salts. The most suitable container material for chicken broth is glass or ceramics.
  2. Hermetically sealed container. A tight lid will protect the contents from the penetration of bacteria, and the smell will not spread very strongly in the room.
  3. Cleanliness of dishes. If the intention to preserve the product is known, it is recommended to boil the container in advance. The presence of bacteria on the walls of the pan means they will inevitably end up in the broth.
  4. Rapid cooling of meat broth. Natural cooling leads to accelerated souring of the liquid. To pause the process, you need to place the dishes with the contents in cold water. It doesn’t matter how you plan to store chicken broth in the future: in the refrigerator or in the freezer, rapid cooling will eliminate the accumulation of bacteria. It is the concentration of harmful organisms that affects the shelf life of the product. The proliferation of bacteria in a warm environment leads to the accumulation of a critical mass, when the mechanism of decomposition and spoilage is triggered.

Storing chicken broth, fatty and rich, will help on holidays, when long table gatherings end with a morning hangover and the search for life-saving remedies.

The broth is kept hot the next morning if you pour it boiling the day before into a clean thermos. But storing longer after cooling is not recommended, since a warm environment leads to souring of the product. Before use, the cooled broth must be boiled and refreshed with herbs: dill, parsley, etc.

In containers

The most convenient utensils are plastic containers. They are inexpensive, come in different sizes, and can be found in any home. If necessary, cover with film to remove. If you have a tight lid, this is not necessary.

Freezing instructions:

  1. Pour the cooled broth into containers. Leave approximately 1-2 cm of air gap.
  2. Close. Check for leaks.
  3. Place in a chamber and freeze.

It is more convenient for storage to use square or rectangular containers with flat lids. They fit compactly on shelves and take up less space.


Sometimes a small amount of broth is needed for sauce or soup for a child. We suggest freezing in ice cube trays. It is advisable to use concentrated decoctions. Leftover broth from aspic is great.

Freezing instructions:

  1. Cool the broth.
  2. Pour ice cube trays into each cell.
  3. Now you need to carefully put it in the chamber and freeze it.
  4. After a few hours, we take it out, shake the cubes into a bag, and tie them up.
  5. Return to the freezer.

If the size of the cells is not satisfactory, we recommend using silicone molds for muffins and portioned cupcakes. Technology doesn't change.

In packages

We came to the most popular method - how to freeze chicken and beef broth in bags at home. Not all bags are suitable. We choose only durable polyethylene. It is advisable to play it safe - insert two pieces into each other. This method is convenient for freezing milk and other liquids.

How to freeze correctly, instructions:

  1. We place the bags in any bowls.
  2. Pour the broth.
  3. We tie the bags.
  4. It remains to be placed in the freezer.

You can freeze the bags placed in a bowl. Then carefully remove the container. The advantage of this method is that nothing will accidentally spill. The bag will not stick. Disadvantage - the workpiece will take the shape of a bowl.

It is convenient to use special freezing bags. They are made of dense food-grade polyethylene and are highly durable.

Preparation and storage of broth

How and how long to store chicken broth in the refrigerator

After cooling, it is not enough to simply place chicken broth in a cool, dark place as a long-term storage product. He needs to create special conditions for the safety of subsequent use. Storing chicken broth in the refrigerator extends the shelf life of the product, but requires compliance with the following rules:

  • the broth must be filtered, without containing meat particles or vegetables, spices;
  • the broth is placed in a clean glass or ceramic container with a tight lid;
  • the temperature in the chamber should not exceed 4-7°C. This is the “microclimate” of the middle shelf in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of chicken broth in the refrigerator is approximately 2 to 4 days. The lifespan of a semi-finished product is affected by the time and method of its preparation. The following factors play a role:

  • freshness of meat;
  • water purity;
  • removing foam after boiling;
  • changing water during cooking;
  • presence of spices;
  • adding egg white.

After 2 days of storage, it is recommended to boil the chicken broth for prevention, cool, and place it in the refrigerator again. This way you can safely use your stock of valuable product. But it’s a rare housewife who will spend time preserving broth like this. Knowing how to store chicken broth in the refrigerator, it is advisable to use the product within 1-2 days after preparation. The longer the decoction is stored, the less beneficial properties and taste remain in it. Only fresh, rich broth does not burden the stomach and brings you back to life after ailments and fatigue.

How to store chicken broth in the freezer

The longest storage period for a decoction of chicken carcasses or breasts is several months, up to six months. Housewives have adapted to preparing the broth frozen. Storing chicken broth in the freezer ensures daily availability of the dietary product in the preparation of many first and second courses.

The process of preparing a decoction for freezing includes several main steps:

  1. After the broth is ready, you need to cool it as quickly as possible.
  2. Skim any accumulated fat from the surface of the broth
  3. Free the liquid from particles of the ingredients from which it was prepared (meat, vegetables, spices, lemon, etc.).
  4. Strain through layers of cheesecloth or canvas.
  5. Prepare clean containers treated with boiling water.
  6. Pour the broth into prepared molds or bags.
  7. Label each container with the date of preparation.
  8. Place in the freezer.

Simple wisdom tells you how to store chicken broth in the freezer, but does not guarantee the preservation of its qualities for a period of more than 4-5 months.

The freezing method is one of the proven methods. At the same time, we must remember that rotting bacteria multiply even in low temperatures, only very slowly. Even knowing the rules for storing chicken broth from breast or whole poultry does not guarantee that the semi-finished product will be suitable for consumption after defrosting. Paying close attention to external signs of spoilage will prevent food poisoning.

How to Store Chicken Broth at Room Temperature

Fresh chicken broth, stored indoors at room temperature, can be used for 12 to 18 hours after cooling. Before use, it is recommended to bring the composition to a boil. If you notice an unpleasant odor or cloudy spots appear on the surface, then it is better not to risk your health by consuming a stale product. Reliable storage of chicken broth from chicken breast is possible only in the refrigerator compartment.

How to freeze

To properly freeze broth, consider the following:

  • the finished broth must be filtered; there should be no meat or vegetables added during cooking to improve the taste and aroma, or scale;
  • After straining, it is quickly brought to a boil again and poured into special containers with tight-fitting lids;
  • It’s time to safely put the cooled broth in the freezer;
  • You can pour it into containers for freezing already cold, but for this the container will have to be sterilized.
  • The shelf life of chicken broth stored frozen is from three months to six months, just like beef or any other meat. Other decoctions are less durable and, even if frozen, can spoil after just a few weeks.

Important: it would be a good idea to leave a note on each container with a product about what exactly is inside and when the stock was made.

Freezing broth in containers

The finished, cooled broth is poured into containers. The size of the container depends on how you plan to use it in the future. Large containers are suitable for cooking soup, and small ones are suitable for various sauces.

TIP: Line the bottom of the container with cling film, leaving long ends at the edges. After freezing, pull the edges of the film - the briquette with frozen broth will be easily removed. All that remains is to wrap the “brick” in film and store it in the freezer. This freezing option significantly saves freezer space.

How to freeze broth in bags

For this freezing option, it is better to use hermetically sealed bags, then the broth poured into them can be given a flat shape, which will have a positive effect on the rational use of freezer space.

If there are no such bags, then you can freeze the broth in regular packaging bags.

How to freeze meat broth

For this method, the meat is removed from the bones and cut into small slices. Then it is laid out in containers (it is convenient to use liter mayonnaise buckets) and filled with strained broth.

The buckets are tightly sealed with a lid and sent to the freezer.

How to make bouillon cubes at home

To prepare bouillon cubes, the meat broth must be concentrated. To do this, 2 liters of broth are boiled until approximately 300 - 400 milliliters are obtained. The concentrate is cooled by placing it in the refrigerator for several hours. After which, a fatty layer will form on the surface of the broth, and the broth itself will acquire the consistency of jelly. The fat is removed from the surface, but not thrown away (it can be used to fry vegetables for other dishes). The jelly is placed in ice trays and frozen.

How can you tell if the broth is spoiled?

Even if the storage conditions are observed, the broth may deteriorate. Determining signs of spoilage is especially important if the shelf life is coming to an end:

  • If you find a puddle under a plastic container or jar, inspect the container. The bacteria feed, producing gas. If the lid is swollen and liquid “leaks”, it’s time to dispose of the dish.
  • External changes are expressed by cloudiness of the liquid, the appearance of individual bubbles or an entire head of foam. Mold may grow on the surface.
  • Your sense of smell will tell you whether to use a soup base. Even a subtle unpleasant smell indicates spoilage of the product. And if it intensifies during boiling, it means the broth has become unusable.

Broth is an excellent environment for the development of microflora. Our sense of smell cannot always detect the development of E. coli, which is why the shelf life is strictly limited. Be very careful.

Broth is indispensable in the kitchen as an independent dish or a basis for cooking. Each type of broth base has certain storage nuances. To avoid becoming a victim of food poisoning, do not neglect the tips described in the article and, at the slightest suspicion of spoilage of the product, discard it immediately.

The shelf life of food products is established and secured by sanitary standards and rules SanPiN The requirements of this document are mandatory for legal entities and entrepreneurs producing and selling food products.

The shelf life of food, during which it can be safely consumed, is determined from the very beginning of production, including storage in a warehouse, transportation, storage in a store and from the buyer who purchased this product in the store.

The expiration date printed on the label must indicate:

  • for perishable products, dietary and baby food - hour, day, month, year of manufacture;
  • for non-perishable items, indicate the month and year of manufacture;
  • The packaging also indicates the conditions for storage and use of the product.

Vegetable broth.

A wonderful dish. It is easy to prepare, goes well with many dishes, and perfectly enriches the taste of soups, stews, risotto, and cereals. Doesn’t cause as much controversy as rich meat broths. It very well improves and complements the taste of dietary, vegetarian and lenten dishes when you cook them in vegetable broth instead of water. In addition, it is perfectly stored and frozen.

Vegetable broth is very flexible in terms of its composition. You can use those vegetables that you have on hand: onions, carrots, celery stalks and roots, parsley root, fennel, turnips, peppers, daikon, leeks (leeks are very delicate in taste and do not have the sharpness of onions, so they are great can be used in children's dishes) and of course all kinds of herbs. But in all things moderation is good, too many ingredients will make the broth cloying, and vegetables such as Brussels sprouts or cauliflower or other spicy vegetables will add a very specific taste, so they are not usually used for vegetable broth.

The ratio of vegetables to water is ~450-500 g per two liters of water. If the vegetables are pre-fried, the color of the broth will be darker and the taste will be richer. And then according to the scheme already described more than once:

  • Pour the washed vegetables with cold water; first, you can simmer them in butter or vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
  • Add herbs and spices.
  • Bring to a boil, remembering to remove the foam. There is usually not a lot of it in vegetable broths, but enough to make your broth dirty, and simmer on very low heat for ~45 minutes.
  • If you need a dense base for any dishes, then the broth can be rubbed through a fine sieve, you will get something like a soft puree.

to the beginning of the article

Phew, it seems that's it. How to correct cloudy or over-salted broth will be discussed in the second part of the article, which is still in development, give it time.


Elena 02/11/2012 15:47 Excellent article!
Many thanks to the author or the team of authors, if this is a joint work, it would seem that you know everything about cooking broth, but in your article I found many interesting nuances. Thanks again. Good luck! Sincerely, Elena. Reply Pavel 05/17/2012 23:48 Regarding the section “Meat broth” VS dietary “second” broth.” It’s not clear, what’s the point of skimming the foam from the broth, which we’ll then pour out anyway? And thank you - a lot of interesting things!


Maria, blog author 05/21/2012 00:48 Pavel, good afternoon! Thank you for your positive feedback. Of course, you are right, if the “first broth” is drained, then the foam does not need to be removed. However, flakes of foam that appear on the surface of the broth, during the cooking process, quite quickly settle on the bottom and sides of the pan, as well as on the meat. If you drain the first broth and add fresh water to the meat in the same container without washing it, some particles may remain, which will spoil the crystal transparency of the broth. Nitpicking of course, but still. Best regards, Maria


Julia 08.11.2012 20:49 Very interesting article. So much useful information. I will become your regular reader. Thanks a lot.)))))


Maria, blog author November 8, 2012 10:50 pm Julia, hello! Thank you very much! It is very important for me! Best regards, Maria, blog author


Venus 11/17/2012 23:50 Hello! But if the taste of the meat itself is important, and not the richness of the broth, should the first broth be drained after boiling?


Maria, blog author November 18, 2012 10:51 pm Venus, hello! If the taste of the meat is important to you, and not the broth, then immerse the meat in already hot, boiling water, then reduce the heat and cook the product until cooked (it is important not to overcook the meat), while the liquid in which you cook the meat may already be broth, or You can add vegetables, spices, bouquet garni to the water. It is not necessary to drain the first broth; if you carefully remove the foam, then the transparency of the liquid can be quite good. Another thing is that sometimes you want the meat to be cooked in a completely transparent liquid, or you want to “pre-boil the meat” in order to get rid of unwanted substances that are the first to be released into the broth. In this case, the first broth can be drained. That is, you immerse the meat in hot water, reduce the heat, boil for 10-15 minutes and drain the liquid. And again pour a fresh portion of liquid (water or broth) over the meat, but it should already be hot. In this case, you add all the vegetables and spices to improve the taste of the meat in the second broth. Best regards, Maria


Yuri 07/22/2015 18:51 Thank you! Very good article. Please add about mushroom broth, then it will be super


Maria, blog author 07/23/2015 11:52 Yuri, hello! Thank you! I will try to fulfill your wishes. Best regards, Maria


Lyudmila 08/12/2016 15:23 Thank you for the article. Please tell me if the 2nd broth is important, and fill it with cold water the first and second time? Thank you.


Maria, blog author 08/18/2016 23:43 Lyudmila, hello! If you are preparing broth (as an independent dish or base for a sauce), use cold water the first and second time. I usually cook light chicken soup with the second broth, but it is important for me to get tasty meat, and the richness of the broth recedes into the background. In this case, I pour hot water over the chicken, boil it over moderate heat for about 10 minutes, drain it and fill it again with hot water, in which the onion, carrots, spices are already boiled (essentially a vegetable broth), cook until the chicken is done, take out the boiled vegetables, add dressing - it turns out very tasty. Best regards, Maria


Georg 10/20/2016 11:25 How long should you cook beef bone broth in a pressure cooker at 120 degrees?


Maria, blog author 10/21/2010 12:58 Georg, hello! In my opinion, in a pressure cooker it makes sense to cook beef in a large piece, the time depends on the size, type, “age” of the meat and the model of your pressure cooker, but in this case the broth is secondary. If you just need broth, then the cooking process in this case should not be quick; it is important to boil collagen from bones and cartilage (you don’t even need a piece of meat for broth). So to make a strong beef broth, I would use a traditional stockpot. Best regards, Maria


Georg 10/22/2016 1:27 pm Have you repeatedly tried to make broth in a pressure cooker and each time it turned out worse than in a simple saucepan?


Maria, blog author 10/22/2016 4:10 pm I’m not saying that you can’t cook broth in a pressure cooker, I just shared my opinion on why I do it in a regular saucepan (note, it’s the broth as an end in itself). And again, broth is different from broth. Many people do not like strong broths at all, and for some they are even contraindicated. If you boil meat (no matter in what vessel), you will always end up with broth. Another thing is that the rules for cooking juicy, uncooked meat are directly opposite to the rules for cooking a classic, rich broth (consommé). In one case, you need to cook the meat as quickly as possible with minimal loss of flavor, in the other, you need all the juices to turn into liquid. At the same time, no one forbids you to use the liquid from cooking meat as a broth base for soup or other dishes. Best regards, Maria


Georg 10/23/2016 1:40 pm My goal is collagen broth made from sugar bones. I have no doubt that it will turn out faster and better in a pressure cooker at 120°C. The only question is the cooking time, there are three stages: heating to 120°C, the main cooking stage at 120°C, slow cooling until the pressure drops to normal. What is interesting is the duration of the main stage for different types of meat. See the link for a comparison of a slow cooker, a regular saucepan and a pressure cooker - the worst result in the slow cooker, the best in the pressure cooker, and there is no evaporation and oxidation by oxygen in the pressure cooker - lab-can-i-make-stock-in-a-pressure-cooker-slow-cooker.html


Maria, blog author 04/13/2017 09:26 Georg, hello! I will not argue that you can get good results in a pressure cooker. However, I conservatively prefer the traditional method, which gives an excellent result: an aromatic, tasty, rich broth, the cooking of which can be completely controlled, because the time will largely depend on the weight of the meat and bones, and on its “old age” (and, by the way, In this we agree with the author of the link you suggested). Unfortunately, I cannot help you with your question, but I will be very grateful if you share the results of your experiments. Best regards, Maria


Update list of comments

How to extend the life of broth

An excellent way to not only extend the life of the base for first courses, but also speed up their preparation time later is to freeze the finished, strained broth in the freezer. Good housewives often do just that.

The method for freezing an aromatic decoction is simple. First thing to do is cook. Strain the finished product and bring to a boil. Pour into containers with tight-fitting lids. Allow the liquid to harden before placing it in the freezer. If you plan to pour an already cooled dish into a container, then the containers need to be sterilized.

The great news is that frozen chicken broth will keep for up to six months. In principle, this period is the same for all types of meat broth. It would be a good idea to indicate the date and name of the contents on the container. Otherwise, it will be difficult to figure it out over time.

How long do different types of broths last?

How long broth can be stored and how to ensure the right conditions for its storage is something every housewife who is not lazy about pampering her household with hot homemade food needs to know. The golden, aromatic, tasty broth is good not only on its own, served with a boiled egg, fresh herbs and crispy crouton. It is indispensable in preparing a wide variety of soups, gravies or delicious risotto.

Chicken broth is the basis for many dishes.

Chicken broth was and remains the most popular; it is very nutritious, and children eat it with great pleasure. The benefits of chicken broth have been known for a long time; it is not for nothing that it is included in therapeutic diets when the patient’s body is weakened and needs the right food.

How long does chicken broth last? The answer largely depends on storage conditions. To prevent this wonderful product from going to waste, you need to remember a few simple rules for storing it.


The recipe for the final dish depends on the method of preparing its base - chicken broth. The fatty, rich “first” broth remains good for up to 48 hours, the leaner “second” broth (prepared after draining the “first” broth) is stored for up to 24 hours. Since chicken broth is the base for many soups and sauces, it can be frozen and significantly extend its shelf life. Freezing must be correct. It consists of sequential actions:

  • quick cooling;
  • degreasing (the film that appears after cooling is removed);
  • straining to separate suspensions of meat and vegetables;
  • distribution into pre-prepared packages;
  • indication of packing date on the packages;
  • freezing at a temperature of about -18 ˚С.

Non-standard storage method

The original option is to save the broth in a thermos. We are talking about those cases when caring relatives carry broth to the hospital on the advice of a doctor. A reasonable question: how long can you store delicious meat broth in a thermos? Of course, not for long. The problem is that the liquid remains warm for a long time, and it is in such an environment that pathogenic microorganisms develop faster. It is harmful bacteria that accelerate the spoilage of the product.

It’s just right to increase the shelf life in a thermos if you pour the prepared dish into it immediately. It is important to wash and dry the container before doing this. An interesting detail: it is best to pour healing food while it is still boiling. This way you can store the broth for about 6 hours.

You can tell that the first dish has gone bad even by looking at it. If there is no foam yet, but small bubbles are already noticeable, the irreversible fermentation process has begun. Another option is the appearance of a cloudy film on top, a change in color and texture. Gnawing with opinions? It's time to smell the product. It is difficult to deceive the nose, and if sour notes are present, it means that the broth is no longer suitable for food.

Memo for the hostess

Save for yourself the step-by-step steps of preparing chicken broth in photos or notes. At first, you can attach a note with a magnet to the refrigerator door or stove lid. Be sure to indicate the shelf life of the finished product depending on the method of storage.

To keep the broth fresher, use all the seasonings as you use them, not while you cook them.

So, how long can you store chicken broth:

  • The prepared broth should be stored on the table for only 1 day.
  • In the refrigerator - should be kept for no more than 4 days.
  • It is not recommended to store frozen product for more than 4-5 months.

If you detect an unpleasant odor or other characteristics of the decoction, it is better to simply pour it out.

When we all come to a cafe, we want to have a tasty and safe lunch, we don’t think about what requirements apply to the distribution of dishes and culinary products in catering establishments.

What should be the temperature for serving ready-made dishes to a visitor, and their shelf life?

When served, hot dishes (soups, sauces, drinks) must have a temperature of no lower than 75 °C, main courses and side dishes - no lower than 65 °C, cold soups, drinks - no higher than 14 °C.

Ready-made first and second courses can be on a steam table or hot plate for no more than 2 - 3 hours from the moment of production.

Salads, vinaigrettes, gastronomic products, and other cold dishes and drinks must be displayed in portioned form in a refrigerated display counter and sold within one hour.

When selling hot catering products at a temperature not lower than 65 °C on a food warmer, hot plate, thermoses, gastronomic containers, heated containers for a buffet, the shelf life of dishes and culinary products should not exceed three hours from the moment of their production and packaging.

In exceptional cases, with a mandatory note, the remaining food can be cooled and stored at a temperature of 4 ± 2 ° C for no more than 18 hours. Before sale, cooled food must be tasted and again subjected to heat treatment (boiling, frying on a stove or in an oven) with repeated tasting. The period for selling food after secondary heat treatment should not exceed 1 hour. Freshly prepared food should not be mixed with leftovers from the previous day.

In accordance with hygienic requirements (SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products”), shelf life for ready-made culinary dishes has been established, subject to which safe food will be guaranteed:

Storage tips

  • To minimize the possibility of oxidation of the decoction, it is better to choose glass or ceramic containers for storing it.
  • To keep the soup base longer, it needs to be cooled very quickly.
  • There should be no metal cutlery left in the container with the broth, and part of it should be poured exclusively with a clean, dry ladle.
  • The container must close tightly. This will protect the contents from bacteria and foreign odors.
  • You can tell that the broth has expired by a sour taste, an unpleasant odor, the formation of dark spots on the surface and cloudy clots at the bottom. It will no longer be possible to use such a product.

Helpful tips for freezing broth

To save time, experienced housewives prepare broth for future use. The best assistant in this matter is the freezer. The prepared base for various dishes just needs to be defrosted and cooked.

How to freeze broth in the freezer? Useful tips to help you create a convenient semi-finished product:

  • To freeze the broth, use food containers or silicone molds. The latter option is convenient for preparing various sauces.
  • After cooling, pour the soup base into the prepared container and put it in the freezer.
  • When the liquid has set, remove it from the molds and place it in a ziplock bag. The container must be airtight to avoid absorption of foreign odors.
  • Label the broth containers and store them. The optimal temperature is minus 18 °C and below. With this background, the semi-finished product can be stored until the first defrosting. This cannot be done again.




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