How to restore and prepare old leather for work (19 photos)

We use glue

Glue is used to eliminate burrs and remove scratches. It is important to use glue that does not contain acetone, which can irreparably damage the material. Suitable adhesives based on rubber, shoe adhesives, BF-2.

When getting rid of the scuff, the damaged area is cleaned with a match wrapped in cotton wool, a small amount of glue is applied to the surface under the torn flap of material (this is usually how leatherette is damaged), the straightened flap is placed on top and pressed for a minute with your fingers through a piece of cotton fabric. After the glue has dried, apply and rub in a shoe polish of a matching color.

Glue will help disguise a deep scratch on a leather product - use a sharpened match or toothpick to fill the scratch with glue. After drying, treat the surface of the product with shoe polish.


There are many reasons for the appearance of defects on leather: it could be a manufacturing defect, damage that occurred during transportation or during improper storage. Shoes are easily scratched if you hit steps or curbs.

Scratches. The most insidious enemy of leather goods! They appear completely unnoticed, but once they appear, they attract a lot of attention. Needless to say, a small scratch can cause a huge feeling of annoyance.

What to do if you notice a scratch on your skin? Emergency method: If a scratch appears on your shoes, you can paint it over with a marker of a suitable color.

To more reliably eliminate scratches on shoes, we will choose another method. Fortunately, today you can easily buy products for professional restoration!
However, there are many subtleties here too, which means that you again cannot do without competent advice from shoemakers. Let's start the renovation. Repairing shallow scratches is not difficult; you need to know a few subtleties and strictly follow them. First, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned of large protruding pieces. For example, if the skin is damaged by the claws of a pet. To do this, use nail clippers. Secondly, properly smooth the surface of the scratch using a very fine and delicate abrasive. For example, sandpaper or manicure buffer. Be very careful, do not use excessive force![/td]

When you notice a scratch, assess the extent of the damage.
First you need to find out what exactly is scratched: only the paint layer or the skin itself is damaged. If you find it difficult to answer, use a simple but very valuable technique. Run your hand over the damaged surface in one direction, then in the other; if the roughness is felt only when you move your hand in one direction, then the skin itself is damaged. If there is roughness in both directions, most likely only the paint is scratched.
Next, properly clean the surface from dust and grease using alcohol or use a special cleaning agent. Now you can begin treating the scratch with a special compound. The so-called “liquid skin” is especially popular now. This is simply an irreplaceable tool! Use it and you won't even remember where you got the scratch. Attention! Choose a color as close as possible to the color of your product! If the desired color is not in our palette, you can easily obtain it by mixing several shades.

Apply a layer of liquid leather. After filling the scratch, try to evenly distribute the repair agent over the surface so that the transition boundary is not visible. Allow the product to dry thoroughly (leave for 10-15 minutes), then polish thoroughly.

If the surface has been very damaged, apply 2-3 layers of liquid leather in succession, allowing each layer to dry.

Treat the surface with nourishing milk or balm.

If you have successfully chosen the color and carefully prepared the surface of the skin, most likely you will be pleased with the result.

If the scratch is deep or self-repair is unsuccessful, contact a specialist for help.

Scuffs. They appear gradually, and therefore it seems that just yesterday the surface was like new, but today it’s scary to look at? Don't rush to get upset! Most scuffs can be successfully repaired on your own.

So, you again have to assess the extent of the damage. If the paint is damaged, the repair promises to be easy! Clean the leather with a fine abrasive. Be careful not to damage the deeper layers! Degrease the surface and apply a layer of paint to it, matched exactly to the tone. To do this, place a small amount of colorless shoe wax in a separate container, heat it slightly and add a few drops of oil paint of the desired shade. Advice! Be careful, as a rule, over time the paint becomes somewhat lighter than it was at the time of purchase of the product. Select the desired tone by mixing the original color with white. Apply the resulting mixture to the abrasions. Wait until completely dry. If necessary, apply several more coats of paint. Having obtained the desired result, dry the product and polish. Use a polishing brush first and then a soft cloth.

If your shoes are of a standard color, then you can purchase a ready-made colored mixture for them (note that you need wax, not cream paint). After you have returned your shoes to their original appearance, use a protective water-repellent agent and thoroughly polish the product. Advice! You need to take care of an item restored in this way a little differently. Clean the restored product with softer means - use delicate fabrics and care products. Nourishing and protective products will need to be applied to the restored skin somewhat more often than before.

Tear. If there is a small tear on the surface of a leather product, it can be repaired using superglue intended for repairing leather products. Regular nail polish will also work for the same purpose. Nail polish can be used to match the color of your shoes

Take a toothpick or a pointed match and apply a small amount of varnish or glue to the damaged area, as well as to the back of the torn leather film (that is, not only on the torn piece of leather itself, but also on the entire base under the tear.). Carefully place the torn piece in its original place and press it with your finger, after wrapping it with a clean piece of cloth. The leather film will firmly adhere to the product in just a few minutes.

A scratch on the leather can be filled with superglue or a small amount of collodion. Then apply several layers of paint that matches the shade to the damaged area of ​​skin. A match or a toothpick will also help you here.

Scratches on patent leather shoes are a little more challenging. Remember that ordinary black shoe polish will not help in any way, but black nail polish can be quite useful. It will be enough just to cover the scratch with a brush coated with black glossy varnish.

Of course, such a “camouflage” will not be able to last - it must be periodically updated.

Restoring the surface of polyurethane coated leather . Today, such leathers are used quite often: they are very beautiful, quite durable and easy to care for. However, they scratch easily. In this case, we will not be talking about restoring the skin, but about restoring the polyurethane coating. Doing this at home will not be easy, but there is one recommendation you can try... So, if the scratches are not very deep, you can try to heat the damaged surface with a hairdryer. When the temperature in the heating area reaches a certain value, the scratches can even out on their own! Important! There are two things to remember: First, the temperature must be very high! Be careful not to get burned! Secondly, there is a risk of completely ruining the surface. Therefore, before repairing damage in a visible area, try heating the polyurethane coating on an inconspicuous area. As you can see, mechanical damage to the skin is not a reason to throw away your favorite item. By following these simple tips, you can easily give your leather products a second life. By following these simple recommendations, you will return your items to their original appearance, and they will delight you for a long time!

And if you were unable to eliminate the defect yourself, do not despair! Give the product for repair to professionals from a shoe repair shop. Based on materials from

See also:

Shoes not like Cinderella or how to stretch new shoes

Harmful shoes or How to keep your feet healthy

How to wash suede gloves

Nail polish

The question of how to remove scratches on a patent leather bag is relevant, since all damage is clearly visible on the shiny surface. Regular nail polish, matched in tone or colorless, will come to the rescue. With the help of colorless varnish, abrasions and small scratches are made invisible.

Deep damage affecting the colored layer of the skin is painted over with a suitable colored varnish or a marker of the desired color is used, and the top is covered with colorless varnish. You will have to repeat the procedure once or twice a month with constant use of the item, since such repairs are not durable.

Please note: varnish is also used instead of glue when removing burrs on a bag. The repair technology is the same as with the adhesive method. Then the remaining defects on the surface of matte leather are filled with superglue or collodion and covered with paint for leather products in several layers with intermediate drying.

Removing damage from white skin

Before you start masking scratches on white shoes, they are thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, you can use nail polish remover. Wet a cotton pad and wipe the shoes with it. They will look like new (provided that a product without acetone was used, which spoils the surface of the product).

The next step is to apply a special cream. If the scratch is deep, the only correct solution is to use a restoring spray or deep penetration paint. Never use white nail polish or concealer for this purpose. An attempt to disguise the damage will be more obvious than the scratch itself.

Beeswax and analogues

This method will help remove damage on matte leather products and remove scratches on a patent leather handbag. For these purposes, use ordinary beeswax or special wax for shoes; colorless candle paraffin is also suitable.

Wax or paraffin is heated, carefully applied to the damaged area and rubbed with a soft cloth such as flannel. For a handbag made of colored leather, you may need to first paint over the scratch with paint or a marker matched exactly to the tone.

Products made from patent leather are restored using wax using standard technology, but after repair the handbag must be treated with a special product for varnish materials and polished to a shine with velvet cloth.

How to remove scratches on patent leather shoes

At home, only 1 method is used - applying nail polish. You need to understand that after repair, the restored area may look sloppy. This is due to the appearance of the boundaries of the varnished area. The product is difficult to apply without being visible. Shoe repair begins with cleaning. The varnish coating should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a soap solution. When the surface is dry, apply varnish in 1 layer.

Olive oil

If multiple small scratches appear on the surface of a genuine leather bag, they can be removed with olive oil. First make sure that this will not damage the appearance of the material by applying oil to an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

To remove a defect on the skin, a small amount of oil must be applied directly to the damage, and then rub it using a soft cloth in a circular motion into the surface of the product around the scratch. Then wait 5-60 minutes - the oil should be absorbed.

If there is no result, the procedure is repeated. To improve oil absorption, cover the damaged area with a slightly damp cotton cloth and iron with a warm, but not hot, iron. This method allows you to make scratches almost invisible.

Preparing shoes

Before getting rid of scratches, shoes are prepared for the future procedure. First of all, thoroughly clean the products from dirt and dust. A soft cloth soaked in a light solution of laundry soap will help you quickly remove them. A slightly damp, clean cloth will help remove soap residue.

Polymer dye

Professionals remove defects on leather products using special products. On sale you can find a water-soluble polymer, better known as “liquid skin”. Restoring a bag with its help will reliably hide various defects, including small tears.

The repair kit contains several basic colors of polymer dye, which allows you to obtain the desired shade by mixing. The consistency of the composition resembles gouache and is easy to apply to the surface.

Work progress:

  • The place of damage is inspected, protruding fragments and small nicks are removed.
  • The surface is lightly treated with manicure buff or other very fine abrasive.
  • The area to be painted is degreased with alcohol or a special compound without acetone.
  • Liquid leather is applied in a thin layer; it is important to ensure that there is no noticeable transition between the area being repaired and the rest of the surface. By applying pressure with a dry sponge, relief is created. After drying (15 minutes), polish with a soft cloth. If necessary, apply one or two more layers of polymer with intermediate drying.

The repaired surface is treated with balm or milk.

Liquid skin is a universal and effective means for masking defects

Liquid leather is a water-soluble polymer that creates a durable film on the skin. With its help you can get rid of scratches, abrasions, cracks and even tears on shoes, bags, and clothes. The set includes 7 colors that can be mixed together to obtain the desired shade.

Using a water-soluble polymer is quite simple. After cleaning, the surface of the shoe is degreased and a liquid product is applied to the scratch. The restorative agent is evenly distributed over the surface of the product so that the transition boundaries are not visible. Leave for 10-15 minutes, in accordance with the instructions, then polish. If the scratch is very deep, apply several layers of liquid. Each subsequent layer is applied to a dry surface.

After thorough polishing, the shoes are treated with a water-repellent agent, and the product acquires a presentable appearance.

Where do scratches come from and what to do before removing them?

They usually appear at the most inopportune moment. The causes are varied:

  • A manufacturing defect caused by the manufacturer;
  • Contact with various sharp objects when riding in vehicles or walking;
  • Exposure to natural phenomena such as snow, rain, hail, etc.
  • Poor quality of roads.

Once you see a scratch, you first need to assess the extent of its damage. This is very easy to do: you need to run your hand along it first in one direction and then in the other. If the roughness is felt only in one direction, this means that the leather of the shoe is damaged and the scratch is deeper. If roughness is felt in two directions at once, then in this case only the paint is scratched, which means the damage is not so significant.

Before you start removing scratches, you need to remove large protruding pieces of fabric using nail scissors or tweezers and carefully trim the surface. There is no need to throw them away.

Next, the shoes need to be thoroughly cleaned with a clean cloth, using alcohol or specialized cleaning agents.

After cleaning, the shoes should dry

Your favorite shoes or boots should not be affected by direct rays of the sun, batteries or electrical appliances. To make them dry faster from the inside, you can fill them with newspapers, replacing them with new ones as moisture is absorbed. Dry and clean shoes are additionally inspected; small pieces that stick out and do not fit back are cut off. For such precise manipulation, nail clippers or scissors are perfect. Now you can begin the procedure for eliminating defects.

Regular cleaning

All fabric items are washed when dirty. This happens quite often. Leather ones get dirty less. They have a protective layer against moisture, dust, and dirt. However, over time, without cleaning, the shiny areas become more and more noticeable.

  • To prevent this from happening, the skin can be washed with a soft cloth, soaking it in water and liquid soap.
  • The cloth needs to be wrung out so that the water does not spill too much onto the jacket.
  • Quickly cleans with a mixture of equal parts water, liquid soap and ammonia.
  • The following solution is also effective: 500 ml of water, 1 tbsp. ammonia and 3 teaspoons of baking soda.

It is good to use a ready-made foam cleaner “Twist”. Do not use aggressive substances such as thinner, acetone, or gasoline. Only in extreme cases, if the item is stained with paint or colored varnish. First check the reaction to the product by applying it with a cotton swab to an area of ​​skin from the wrong side of the product.

Color restoration

Natural leather retains its original shade for a long time, but over time its intensity decreases. Restoring the color of a product at home is not difficult, but you will need special tools for this. The easiest way to restore shine is to use spray paint. Processing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before starting work, you need to put your jacket in order - clean it from dirt and dust.
  2. When the product is dry, hang it on hangers.
  3. The paint must be sprayed carefully, but quickly enough, holding the can at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  4. After the manipulations, leave the jacket to dry (about 1.5-2 hours).

Clean the jacket from dirt and dust

Hang on hangers

Spray the paint, leave to dry.
It is worth considering that it is better to carry out the treatment outdoors, since the paint can get on interior items, and it will be difficult to remove its traces. If the procedure is carried out at home, you must first cover the furniture with film or newspapers. Powder paints can be used. In this case, you need to restore a leather jacket according to a different principle:

  1. Dilute the powder in hot water (the amount of liquid to dissolve it in is indicated in the instructions on the package) until lumps are eliminated.
  2. When the water temperature has cooled to 45 degrees, immerse your jacket in the solution and leave for 2-3 hours. In order for the coloring to be uniform and the restoration to be successful, the item is lowered into the liquid in a straightened state.
  3. After this time, the product must be rinsed thoroughly in running water.

To consolidate the result, the jacket can be rinsed in a special composition, which is prepared by mixing 250 ml of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt and a liter of water. After washing, the product should be rinsed and then hung on hangers. Drying is carried out under natural conditions.

If you need to update an old light-colored leather jacket, you need to select paint of the appropriate shade. Deviation in tone will damage the appearance of the product.

Dilute the powder, immerse the jacket in the solution, rinse in running water

Causes of scratches

There are a huge number of reasons for damage, and it is quite difficult to protect yourself from them. Thus, you can “injure” the skin or its artificial analogue when traveling on public transport, walking in the park, tripping over a curb or stone, doing gardening or other work.

Scratches on shoes not only spoil their appearance, but also accelerate physical wear and tear. This happens for the simple reason that moisture gets into cracks that are not protected by the surface layer, which is detrimental to any materials. Dirt also accumulates there, causing damage to neighboring areas. Preventing aging, restoring the original appearance and hiding scratches on shoes is quite possible, and there are many ways to do this.

How to remove and touch up scuffs on a black and brown leather jacket: step-by-step instructions

Over time, small abrasions appear on leather items, which spoil their appearance. However, these abrasions are not really a big problem. These problem areas can be removed quite simply; for this it is recommended to use cream, wax, paint, or “liquid skin.”

  • If the abrasions are small, use baby cream. Apply it to problem areas and leave until completely dry.
  • Restoring wax is used in the same way as cream.
  • Among traditional methods, you can use orange peel. It rubs minor abrasions and scratches
  • If the abrasions are quite noticeable, it is better to resort to paint. When choosing paint, be very careful, especially if the skin is not black, but brown. To get a good result, the paint must completely match the color of the product.
  • If you cannot choose the right color yourself, ask the sellers for advice by showing them the jacket. Before starting the procedure, try the paint somewhere on the most inconspicuous place of the jacket.

Using tinting cream

  • You can choose completely different paints. Today you can find cream paint, powder formulations and aerosols. If the amount of work is small, it is best to use cream. If you decide to paint the entire product, then give preference to water-soluble powders and sprays.
  • Another good option for eliminating abrasions is “liquid leather”. It is important to know that this option is appropriate to use for deeper abrasions and cracks. We will talk in more detail about this method of eliminating problem areas on leather items a little later.

On shoes made of artificial leather

Shoes made of leatherette, like genuine leather, require careful care.

The best method for faux leather shoes is using decoupage glue - Mod Podge. It combines the properties of glue, sealant and varnish.


  • special paint for shoes of a suitable color;
  • Mod Podge glue;
  • the smallest brush for painting;

Mode of application:

  • Having previously cleaned the shoes from dirt and removed all excess material, you need to carefully distribute the shoe paint in the right place.
  • Let it dry thoroughly and apply another coat if necessary.
  • Using a brush, apply a thin layer of glue to the entire painted area and smooth it gently.

This method does not eliminate scratches, but it does help disguise them.

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