How to store cheese at home: methods, expiration date

How nice it is to cook truly tasty and healthy homemade products: butter, ham or cheese. But in crafting it is important not only to produce it correctly, but also to preserve the results of painstaking efforts. Today at the Craft School we are learning how to store cheese correctly. I will tell you everything you need to know about the rules and features of storing various types of cheese at home.

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Different types of cheese are stored differently

General rules for storing cheese

Craft cheese is distinguished by the absence of artificial preservatives, therefore, like all natural products, it has a short shelf life. Cheese does not tolerate sudden changes in storage conditions. It must be protected from moisture and dryness, open sun and temperature changes.

In a city apartment, cheese will have to be stored in the refrigerator, but the ideal place to store the product is a separate ventilated cellar with a low temperature of −4 to 0 degrees and a humidity of about 90%.

Soft, semi-hard and hard cheese in whole heads can be stored for a long time even in a household refrigerator (up to 2–4 months). The cheese is protected from drying out and spoilage by a natural crust or a wax (latex) protective coating. Today we will talk about the features of storing cheese not in whole heads, but cut into pieces.

There are several general storage rules.

  • Store different types of cheese separately to prevent flavors from mixing.
  • Cling film is not the best material for storing cheese. It creates conditions for high humidity and can provoke the development of pathogenic microflora, especially during long-term storage. But if you have no other options but to wrap the cheese in cellophane, then wrap the cheese with a piece of refined sugar. It will absorb excess moisture.
  • The optimal temperature for storing cheese is from −2 to +6 degrees. Any home refrigerator can easily provide a temperature of 3–5 degrees; this is quite enough for storing most types.
  • The larger the piece of cheese, the longer it will last.
  • The main problem with a conventional household refrigerator is changes in humidity and temperature, which can damage the taste of cheese. Therefore, it is best to have a separate drawer for cheese, just like for vegetables and fruits. He'll be safer there.
  • The place for cheese is in the lower section of the refrigerator. If the refrigerator has a “cellar” compartment, then store the cheese in it.

Each type of cheese has its own storage rules and features, and I will talk about them further.

Can cheese be frozen?

I do not recommend using blast freezing for homemade cheese. Only for very dense varieties with a perfectly uniform structure, and then only as a last resort. The remaining types are guaranteed to lose texture and aroma, since when frozen, microcrystals of ice are formed, which disrupt the structure of the cheese, and when defrosted, impart excess moisture to it.

These experts know exactly how and where to store cheese!

Can it be frozen?

The answer to the question whether it is possible to freeze cheese in the freezer is positive. When frozen, it can be stored for up to 6 months, but there are a number of factors to consider:

  1. Only hard and semi-hard varieties can be sent to the freezer.
  2. Freezing is a last resort measure that should be used if the product cannot be eaten before the expiration date.
  3. The taste of the product after defrosting will change dramatically for the worse. You will no longer want to eat it in its pure form.

The exception is Parmesan. During the cooking process it became resistant to cold.

When freezing, follow the instructions:

  • Freeze each piece separately, pre-packing it in foil, parchment paper or cling film.
  • It is allowed to cut a large piece into slices, carefully place in a container, sprinkle with flour. Suitable as a preparation for sandwiches.
  • You can store cheese in crushed form. To do this, grate it with fine shavings, sprinkle a little flour or starch, and transfer it to a glass jar. It is recommended to remove the container and shake it during the freezing process so that the contents do not freeze together.

Remember that the semi-finished product must be eaten within 6 months, and the recommended period is 3 months. The product then dries out.

Note to the hostess

During the freezing process, soft cheese acquires a crumbly consistency and loses its taste. Low temperatures kill beneficial bacteria. Some varieties become rubbery after defrosting.

In addition to the beneficial properties of milk, cheese also concentrates its fat, cholesterol, and casein, which causes a narcotic effect and addiction. This is the insidiousness of the product

How to store fresh cheeses

Fresh spreadable cheeses are mascarpone, ricotta, mozzarella, Philadelphia and other soft cheeses. They are easiest to prepare at home; you don’t even need a cheese press.

They are stored for 3 to 5 days. The easiest way is to put fresh cheese in a glass jar with a tight lid. During storage, the cheese will likely release some liquid. There is no need to drain it, it moisturizes the cheese and preserves its delicate texture. Place the jar on the bottom shelf and make sure it is sealed. Fresh cheese instantly absorbs all odors.

The storage temperature for spreadable cheeses is no higher than 5 degrees Celsius; it is best to keep them at a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees.

Store fresh cheeses in a glass jar with a tightly sealed lid.

The cheese is dried out or moldy, can it be used?

Even in cool conditions, mold can form. This is the result of the activity of fungi. On hard varieties, spoiled areas are cut off, the remaining part can be safely eaten.

If mold appears on any of the other types, it is better to throw away the entire piece because it is completely contaminated.

A dried product can be easily saved. The product is placed in a bowl and filled with milk. Warm up if necessary. After an hour, the product will become soft again.

How to store pickled cheeses

Brine cheeses are prepared in salt brine. The most famous are mozzarella, suluguni, feta cheese. They have different shelf life.

  • Mozzarella can be stored for 3 to 5 days, just like fresh cheeses.
  • Cheese cheese can be stored for up to 2 months in the refrigerator.
  • Suluguni – up to 3 weeks.

Their storage temperature should not exceed 8 degrees.

It is best to store brined cheeses in salt brine. Its salinity should be from 16 to 18%.

Pickled cheeses are stored in enamel containers or in the same wooden barrels or kegs in which the pickling took place. The brine needs to be changed to fresh one every two to three weeks, this will extend the shelf life of the cheese.

Mozzarella and other brine cheeses are stored in brine

How long can you store without refrigeration?

There are methods that allow you to preserve food without refrigeration. By the way, they are applicable if you are interested in how to store cheese in the refrigerator so that it does not mold or dry out. To do this you need to create the right conditions:

  1. A piece of cheese should be wrapped in a cotton cloth, slightly moistened with a concentrated salt solution, and placed in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Once every 24 hours it is necessary to re-soak the fabric in the solution. Salt is a natural preservative that will prevent the growth of bacteria, and a damp cloth will prevent drying. But each variety must be wrapped separately.
  2. The second method is to store it in parchment paper. The product must be wrapped in parchment and placed in an airtight container. Place the container in a container with ice water, for example, in a bucket, and press it down with a weight on top.

Only dry cheeses can withstand high temperatures. If the recommendations are strictly followed, they can be stored for 3-7 days without loss of taste. Products with a high level of humidity will quickly become unusable.

Note to the hostess

You cannot use plastic packaging to store cheese without a refrigerator, as this material does not allow the product to “breathe,” impairs the taste, and provokes the formation of mold.

How to store soft cheeses

Soft cheeses include Camembert, Brie, and Limburg cheese. They usually have a soft crust, and in some varieties it has a moldy crust. For long-term storage, whole, uncut soft cheeses are left in the same forms in which they matured.

To store in the refrigerator, such cheeses are wrapped in special cheese paper and placed in a ceramic or glass container larger in volume than the portion of the product. This is necessary in order to ensure that the desired level of humidity is maintained.

Modern refrigerators have good ventilation systems to combat odors, but multi-channel ventilation reduces air humidity, which is harmful to cheese. A large container provides the cheese with a more stable microclimate than a cramped piece-sized package.

You can use parchment or wax paper instead of cheese paper.

There is another way - wrap the cheese in several layers of gauze and place it in an enamel bowl with a lid. The lid should not be airtight so that natural ventilation does not stop.

During storage, turn cheese with a white and washed rind twice a week. These cheeses may still be undergoing the ripening process, and turning them over will help ensure that the ripening process occurs evenly.

In the refrigerator at a temperature of 3–5 degrees, freshly prepared soft cheese with a white or washed rind can be stored for up to 4 weeks.

Soft cheeses with rind are stored in gauze or paper

Which varieties are not advisable to store together?

It is not advisable to store cheeses of different categories in close proximity to each other. Due to their porous structure, fermented milk products quickly absorb odors. Therefore, the ideal option is to store each variety in a separate package.

Advice! Mixed storage of hard and soft cheeses is unacceptable. Products will quickly lose their original aroma and taste.

In addition, it is not recommended to store such products together with dishes that have a strong odor.

Before putting the dairy product in the refrigerator after each use, it is advisable to carefully package it, since it not only quickly absorbs odors, but also actively shares its amber with products located in close proximity to it.

Storing hard cheeses

The name speaks for itself. Hard cheeses have a dense body that breaks easily. Examples of hard cheeses: Parmesan, cheddar, Kostroma, Swiss.

They are stored wrapped on the cut side with natural cloth, slightly moistened in lightly salted brine. The cheese is wrapped in foil or wax paper over the fabric. The cheese is then placed in a glass or ceramic container, which is placed on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator.

You can also use a lightweight storage option: wrap the cheese in a regular paper napkin and put it in a container. Each time after using cheese, the napkin must be changed and the container wiped dry.

A compromise packaging option could be a glass or enamel bowl covered with foil or a thick linen napkin. Place the cheese in it in parchment or cloth.

Hard cheeses are stored at temperatures from 0 to 5 degrees. If all requirements are met, this product will easily withstand storage for 4-5 weeks.

Hard cheeses are wrapped in parchment, cloth or wax paper for storage.

How to extend shelf life

The original snack retains its properties longer if the following rules are observed:

  1. Store in one piece, not in sliced ​​pieces.
  2. Several pieces of refined sugar are placed in a container with hard and semi-solid delicacy, which removes excess moisture.
  3. The best thing is to wrap the dairy product in linen or cotton material soaked in salt.
  4. Place in a tightly closed container.

It is better to eat soft fermented milk products as quickly as possible.

Storing semi-hard cheeses

Examples of semi-hard cheeses: Gouda, Colby, aged cachota. They are best wrapped in parchment or wax paper and placed in a container. A glass or ceramic mold is suitable; you can use a cheese pan with a glass domed lid. The container should not be sealed hermetically, otherwise the natural processes that continue in cheeses, especially homemade ones, are disrupted.

Store semi-hard cheeses at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees for 2–3 weeks. If you can maintain the temperature at 0–1 degrees, then the period can be increased to 4 weeks.

Pros and cons of freezing cheese

Freezing is considered one of the most common options for long-term storage of this category of fermented milk products. However, experts are categorically against this approach, supporting their decision with the following arguments:

  1. Freezing leads to a significant destruction of the consistency of the dairy product, and it is not possible to restore it after defrosting the product.
  2. After the freezing/thawing procedure, the cheese becomes brittle. In this form it can only be used as a topping for a dish. But cutting it into beautiful portioned slices will no longer work.
  3. During the freezing process, cheese partially loses its taste and aroma.

If we talk about the advantages of freezing, then thanks to this heat treatment it is possible to preserve the fermented milk product for a long time. This method of storing cheese is used in pizzerias and restaurants, and this does not at all affect the taste of the finished dish.

Therefore, in extreme cases, cheese can still be frozen in order to extend its shelf life. By the way, freezing the product does not affect the beneficial properties of the fermented milk product in question.

Be sure to read:

Master cheesemaker with international experience - Denis Pomiluiko!

Storing blue cheeses

These types of cheeses owe their mold veins to special fungi. In the refrigerator, these cultures will readily try to spread to other dairy products, so blue cheese should be packaged with special care. Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Dor Blue are stored in tightly closed containers, first wrapped in parchment. Glass jars with tightly sealed, airtight lids or containers are suitable for storage.

Every 2-3 days the cheese should be allowed to breathe. To do this, take it out, unwrap it and place it on a plate, leave it in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes, then wrap it again in fresh parchment and put it in a container.

Blue cheeses cannot be stored for long. They require a storage temperature of −4 to +2 degrees and are stored for up to 3 weeks.

Blue cheeses are stored in tightly closed containers, periodically allowing the cheese to “breathe”

How to properly store in the refrigerator

Most often, a refrigerator is chosen to store cheese. To ensure that the product does not lose its beneficial qualities, it is worth remembering the rules and regulations.

See also

How long can raw and cooked chicken be stored in the freezer, terms and rules

Optimal conditions

There are places in the refrigerator that are best suited for cheese.


The door is not the best place for a snack. The combination of cooling and warming will lead to a deterioration in its taste. If the delicacy is placed close to the freezer, it may freeze and will only be suitable for baking.

Many types of cheese are better preserved on shelves located in the middle.


For an original snack, a humidity of 70-90% is suitable.


The best temperature for dairy products is +3…+5 °C. This is what is created in the refrigerator on the middle shelves.

Storage in closed containers

The original snack is placed in a special container, which is considered the best place for cheese. If it is not available, then use glass or plastic containers.


When opened, the delicacy is kept for only a few hours. For example, before a feast.

Cut into portions

If a product is purchased that has already been cut by sellers and packaged in film, it is eaten as soon as possible. Such cheese lies without access to air and quickly loses its taste. If you remove the film, the delicacy will harden and become unsuitable for food.


White suluguni is placed in the refrigerator, immersed entirely in brine, in a glass container. It is sealed with cling film. It is stored for 2-3 weeks. A smoked product in vacuum packaging – 2 months. It is better to eat the delicacy quickly, while it is fresh and tasty. The original snack is stored indoors for no longer than a day. And if they are placed in brine, then for 3-4 days.

Common Mistakes

Even true cheese lovers and those who always have it in their refrigerator often encounter premature spoilage of the product or loss of its rich taste and aroma, even when fresh.

This is due to a number of mistakes:

  • Storing cheese in open store packaging, cling film or plastic bag. Such placement of the product can only lead to faster spoilage and loss of properties and taste.
  • Storing in sliced ​​form. The product should be cut immediately before serving, so it will retain its appearance and taste, and will be stored longer.
  • Combined storage of different varieties. They must be packaged in separate containers and packages to avoid mixing of aromas, tastes and premature spoilage.

Taking into account such mistakes, you can make the storage of cheese more reasonable and correct, which will help avoid its spoilage and preserve its taste and aroma longer.

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