Storing honey at home: period, how to store it?

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  • Requirements and storage conditions for honey
  • Hygroscopicity of honey
  • How to choose the right honey storage container
  • Rules for storing comb honey at home
  • Shelf life of honey
  • Basic rules for storing honey at home

It is no coincidence that this unique natural product is called the “gift of bees” - amazing with a pleasant taste and countless vitamins and microelements. We are talking about honey, the irreplaceable and healing properties of which have been known since ancient times. It strengthens the immune system, helping the body cope with various infections and diseases. To get the maximum benefit from it, you must follow a certain regimen. In the article we will analyze in detail and learn the secrets, consider the basic rules for storing natural honey.

Requirements and storage conditions for honey

All varieties, even those with the optimal composition, retain all their nutritional properties, but are still prone to inactivation of biological components. In this case, aging occurs at an increased rate, especially when a suitable regimen is not followed. In order to preserve its beneficial characteristics, it is advisable to ensure that honey is stored at a constant temperature (for example, in the refrigerator).

Honey should be stored in a dry place, protected from light. Closed cabinets or cardboard boxes are ideal for this purpose. Being hygroscopic, it has the ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors from the environment. It is important to pay attention to the drawer locking system. It is not permissible to leave it near strong-smelling food or building materials. This option is suitable for cottage residents. Residents of megacities can choose a balcony or window sill as a place to store honey (just not in the light, of course!), the optimal humidity is about 60-80%.

Which places are suitable for storage: selection criteria

To figure out how to store honey at home, it’s worth thinking about what conditions nature created for it in a bee hive. For the winter, bees insulate their home, so even in severe frost, the temperature inside does not drop below +10 ℃. Accordingly, similar conditions need to be created at home. The room temperature should be approximately +5…10 ℃. You cannot keep honey in the cold (for example, on a cold balcony or in a hallway), otherwise it will become sugary and quickly harden. And if you leave the product for a long time in a city apartment at room temperature (+20 ℃ and above), it will lose most of the nutrients, taste and change color.

When choosing a temperature regime for preserving beekeeping products, focus on the natural conditions of their storage

Another important criterion for choosing a storage location is lighting . You should not leave honey in an unshaded place, especially in direct sunlight (for example, on a windowsill). If this rule is not followed, light will quickly destroy all components valuable to health. Be sure to choose dark places for honey. The properties of the product are also affected by the humidity in the room. Keep natural sweetness at a moisture level no higher than 75% (i.e., a darkened room like a bathroom is definitely not suitable for storage). When choosing a location, consider the type of honey. For storage of honeydew varieties, the recommended air humidity is less than 60%, while acacia nectar tolerates moisture well.

Choose dry, dark places to store honey.

Many lovers of healthy treats are concerned with the question: can honey be stored in the refrigerator ? If the refrigeration unit meets the above criteria, it is certainly possible. The temperature inside should not be lower than +5 ℃, which most often corresponds to the cold level on the appliance doors. It is advisable to ensure the correct degree of humidity. If your refrigerator is not equipped with a dry freeze function, regularly wipe the walls to remove excess moisture. Never allow honey to freeze, otherwise it will lose most of its beneficial qualities. Although it has been proven that short-term exposure to sub-zero temperatures (not lower than −5 ℃) cannot significantly deteriorate the composition, prolonged exposure to cold, according to experts, will gradually kill some of the vitamins.

In an apartment, it is best to store honey on the refrigerator door

Residents of private houses usually store honey in the cellar, considering basement conditions to be optimal. But this is not always correct. In old cellars, the temperature and humidity levels may differ significantly from the required values. In addition, in such rooms it is not recommended to contain honey in ordinary containers, for example, in a glass jar. For storage in a cellar, special wooden barrels are best suited. In rural areas, in addition to the basement, it is convenient to store honey in the pantry.

Video: How to properly store honey at home

Where to store honey, you need to choose one where the climate is cold and stable. A pantry or wooden cabinet in the kitchen is suitable for these purposes. The temperature should be around ten to twenty degrees Celsius. When a treat is exposed to changes in conditions, it may darken and lose taste. If the ambient temperature briefly reaches a high value - above 20C, it should be understood that such changes are not dangerous for sweetness. However, this can contribute to rapid decomposition, loss or deterioration of color, aroma and rare ingredients important to human health. If the weather changes, it is still recommended to place it in the refrigerator.

Hygroscopicity of honey

When storing purchased honey, you should remember: it has some hygroscopicity, as a result, it easily absorbs various odors and moisture from the outside and retains them. Honey is easily fermented, and this process may be accompanied by the appearance of bubbles. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully close the lid of the jar. The fermentation of sugars and the subsequent appearance of spherical formations is a sign of the beginning of the loss of the taste of honey and its unique quality characteristics.

Even in ancient times, attention was paid to the hygroscopicity of honey. It was noted that honey should never be stored in barrels made from fresh, raw wood. Due to its hygroscopicity, honey dried out (took up moisture), after which significant cracks appeared in the walls. With the appearance of cracks, the question of the tightness of such barrels was no longer raised - honey simply flowed out of them.


There is no need to worry in advance if the structure of the honey has changed over time. More often, such changes do not affect the taste and benefits of the product.

How to keep honey liquid?

Most of us mistakenly believe that liquid honey is the healthiest and most delicious. Of course, a freshly harvested product is always a liquid, light and transparent substance that has the maximum number of healing properties. However, over time, a natural process begins to occur in the structure of natural honey - crystallization. Any quality honey becomes hard and candied after about 4-6 months of storage.

To enjoy the aromatic delicacy in liquid form in winter, do not try to preserve its original texture. It is better to melt the required portion in a water bath. At the same time, do not neglect the heating temperature. Honey will become liquid even at a temperature of +40 degrees. If this indicator is exceeded, the product will lose its properties or even turn into poison.

Why does honey separate during storage?

If the honey separates during storage, it means that it was collected too early and its composition is dominated by water molecules. The quality and taste of the product remains unchanged after this.

Why is honey not candied?

If honey remains liquid for a long time and the crystallization process does not begin, then this means that this is an unnatural product. Impurities and additives were included in the composition of such honey during the production process. If you want to buy a quality product in winter, pay attention only to the candied varieties.

Why does honey foam?

If you notice foam on the surface of the honey, it means the product has fermented. If a substance that closely resembles soap suds appears on the surface, do not consume it, as you may be poisoned. Of course, foam can appear without consequences, for example, it consists of pollen or air that got into the liquid during transfusion. Unlike fermented delicacies, honey with such foam will not change its taste and smell, and will also retain its beneficial properties.

Honey remains at its most beneficial for one year. Under correctly selected conditions, during this time the product will not lose its beneficial properties and will retain its original taste and aroma. If you have had the delicacy for more than two years, most likely the product no longer contains the necessary enzymes and microelements, and the honey itself is just a thick, sweet mass.

How to choose the right honey storage container

To keep the “gift of bees” fresh and healthy for a long time, you need to choose a special container.

  • Clay pots
    or any other container are great for storing honey for a long time. A distinctive advantage is that it does not allow sunlight to enter, and prevents the penetration of third-party aromas and moisture. It is no coincidence that our ancestors chose and preferred clay utensils for these purposes.

  • Plastic box
    . Most manufacturers choose plastic only because it is lightweight and easy to transport. However, if it has an unpleasant odor, it is better to avoid using it at home. The container must be marked with special signs: PP, PP or “5”, which confirm their safety and stability.
  • Glass jars
    are convenient and safe for storing fresh honey. The glass material itself does not react with the substances contained in them, and therefore does not emit unpleasant and dangerous substances and toxins. The only negative is the ability to transmit sunlight. A dark-colored container will do. The disadvantage of such dishes is fragility and high cost.
  • Wooden utensils
    can influence the organoleptic properties, give it a truly excellent aroma, while preserving all the microelements and features. However, you need to take a close look at the choice of container. The best option is dishes made of birch, linden, and beech. You should not take containers made from wood species that emit essential oils (conifers, for example).
  • A metal container
    is not a very suitable alternative. The thing is that the metal oxidizes over time, which negatively affects the properties, and after consumption, the health and well-being of people who can become poisoned. In this case, you need to choose the right metal utensils. An excellent option is containers that do not contain zinc, copper and lead.

Rules for storing comb honey at home

If you managed to buy this amazing product, you will have to comply with certain storage conditions.

  • The first is the humidity level, we recommend no higher than 60%. In this case, the room must be ventilated. Residents of big cities can put it in the refrigerator.
  • Secondly, the honey storage temperature is about 3-10 °C.
  • The third is a dark closet. You should not leave vegetables or fruits that have a pronounced pungent aroma nearby. We do not recommend leaving them in close proximity to comb honey.

To do this, the honeycombs are cut into pieces and placed side by side in clean containers. Cover tightly with lids. Please note that not all of them may be suitable for this purpose. You should not choose metal - copper, lead, zinc. When coming into contact with treats, substances are formed that can cause serious poisoning. It is best to choose a glass jar or ceramic pot.

By following all the above recommendations, you can preserve honeycombs for many years. They will not lose their valuable qualities.

How long can honey be stored at home?

First you need to decide on the honey consistency :

  1. In honeycombs.
  2. Thick.
  3. Liquid.

Fresh honey has a transparent appearance and liquid consistency. It has a specific spicy pungent aroma. It is this product that contains the largest amount of useful substances of organic origin and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Over time, even a long-term product loses its beneficial properties , even if all storage conditions are met correctly. It is recommended to store the beekeeping product at home for no more than 12 months.

After removal, the product begins to thicken and crystallize over several weeks. It is by these qualities that one can determine its organicness and naturalness. Thick honey can also be stored for one year if all conditions are met. At room temperatures, shelf life is reduced to six months.

Shelf life of honey

Under the influence of external factors, the organoleptic characteristics of honey change. Healing characteristics may be lost even if a number of recommendations are followed. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it at home for no more than two years. When exposed to light and humidity, the beneficial qualities can quickly evaporate. It begins to darken, crystallize and thicken just a couple of weeks after pumping out of the frames.

In apartment conditions, when the temperature constantly reaches more than 22C, spoilage can occur much faster. At high temperatures, honey begins to deteriorate and darken within six to nine months.

Correct temperature

It is best to store bee nectar where it is between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius.

It should not be exposed to high temperatures so as not to lose its beneficial properties and pleasant taste.

This is why experts do not recommend adding it to hot drinks - it simply won’t do any good. It is better to wait until the liquid has cooled a little, or there is a sweetness to taste.

Cold has a negative effect on the consistency of the product rather than on its healing characteristics. At relatively low temperatures (but not colder than -20 degrees), honey brightens and hardens.

Basic rules for storing honey at home

In order for healthy food to last as long as possible, it is necessary to comply with the established standards:

  • The ideal ambient temperature is no more than 20 °C. Keep in a cool, dry place. The container should be tightly closed.
  • Away from the light. Excessive sunlight can negatively affect its quality. In particular, this leads to the transformation and activation of negative factors, especially the enzyme that responds to antibiotic activity.
  • A pantry or cellar is an ideal place to store high-quality honey, which will help preserve the taste and unique properties of sweetness. However, you need to make sure that these places are far enough away from the oven, stove, boilers and heating lines of the house.

Common mistakes

It is very important to avoid some common mistakes that can dramatically reduce the value of honey.

  1. Should not be left in open places, especially on the windowsill. It must be protected from direct sunlight.
  2. Do not keep near batteries.
  3. It is undesirable to mix this product with hot tea and especially use it as part of baked goods; its beneficial properties are lost after heat treatment.
  4. It is permissible to freeze only once. Repeated freezing is highly undesirable.
  5. Different varieties should be stored separately, each in its own container. Mixing will spoil the taste and aroma of the product.
  6. The storage container must be treated with boiling water before pouring honey into it. Simply washing will not be enough.

First of all, two conditions are important for the preservation of honey: suitable temperature and correctly selected container. The temperature, ideally, should be positive, but close to zero, and the container should be suitable for the material and be as airtight as possible. The best of the most accessible storage methods is in the refrigerator, in a glass jar tightly closed and wrapped in a bag.

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