How long do champignons last in the refrigerator - raw and cooked?

Harvesting mushrooms is a great way to diversify your family’s winter diet. This product is used for preparing first courses, baking and all kinds of snacks, without which not a single holiday is complete. Today we will touch on a narrower topic. And let's talk about how to store fried mushrooms for the winter, and what conditions are required for this.

What to do with mushrooms after picking them?

Having brought home the mushrooms collected in the forest, you need to carry out the following manipulations without delay:

  1. Go through them, removing dirt, stuck leaves, twigs, needles, and get rid of damaged specimens.
  2. Sort and lay out on the table to dry.
  3. The latter is important because wet mushrooms will not last long.
  4. It is best to pick mushrooms in dry, sunny weather, since mushrooms collected in the rain will take longer to dry.
  5. Dried mushrooms should be placed in containers for refrigeration.

Often, after picking mushrooms, the owners are so tired that they do not have the strength to immediately process them; in this case, as well as in the case of too many collected mushrooms, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day.

But there is not much time to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, so it is advisable to immediately process and store them. The easiest way is to preserve it in jars or at least boil it.

How to properly fry mushrooms

The sorted, cleaned and washed mushrooms are soaked in cool water with added salt.

Before frying, the product must be dried on disposable towels. You can pour any oil or internal animal fat into the pan.

It is more correct to salt the workpiece at the end of frying, when the mushrooms are well browned.

Edible mushrooms (these are the ones most often prepared for the winter) do not require pre-boiling before frying. They can be placed raw in hot oil and fried until fully cooked.

For frying and subsequent storage, the following are best suited:

  • White mushrooms,
  • boletus,
  • russula,
  • boletus,
  • honey mushrooms,
  • chanterelles,
  • boletus.

Winter preparations from oyster mushrooms and champignons are made less frequently. These mushrooms are on sale all year round, so they are bought fresh as needed.

If desired, it is permissible to boil the listed types of mushrooms before frying. But this can harm the taste of the product.

It is recommended to boil conditionally edible mushrooms before frying. These are volushki, certain types of pigs, some russula, milk mushrooms, etc.

During the process of boiling in salted water, the bitter taste and harmful substances that are present in some types disappear. To further guarantee safety, the water can be replaced several times. Subsequent frying occurs according to the same principle in a well-heated frying pan after drying from residual moisture.


Basic recommendations to extend the shelf life of inventories:

  1. Initially, you should prepare the raw materials. Check for insects and worms. To do this, immerse the workpieces in a container with salt water for several hours. If there are worms inside, a saline solution will help get rid of them.
  2. After rinsing, dry the product by placing it on a paper towel.
  3. Place the dried raw materials in appropriate containers that do not impede air circulation. It is better to avoid plastic bags due to the risk of mold formation.
  4. There is no need to wash it before drying. Just carefully remove dirt with a cloth made from natural fabrics or a knife.
  5. Choose the largest and strongest specimens - they will last longer and can be cut for convenience.
  6. The storage place should be cool and dark (not higher than 20°C, avoid penetration of direct sunlight and temperature changes).
  7. Aluminum cookware is not suitable for storing supplies, as it accelerates the oxidation process.
  8. When freezing, label the package and note the date and time.
  9. Periodically sort through dried items and throw away those that are unusable.
  10. You should not place products with a strong odor next to the mushrooms; they can absorb it.

Freezer storage

You can save fried mushrooms by placing them in the freezer. With this method there is no need to fill them with fat, lard or oil. If your freezer maintains a temperature of -18ºС, then the shelf life of the product is from 6 to 12 months. There is also shock freezing (-20 ºС), in which case the mushrooms will last up to 2 years.

Containers for the freezer can be airtight containers or food bags with a zipper. Pack in portions and be sure to sign the date of preparation. Never refreeze food after defrosting. Repeated freezing will negatively affect the quality and properties of the dish.

Thawed mushrooms are perfect for making julienne, casseroles, pizza, and kulebyaki.

Shelf life of pickled mushrooms

Let's consider the shelf life of homemade mushrooms under different storage conditions for containers with products, lids used and preservation methods.

In a refrigerator

The best conditions for storing canned mushrooms are in the refrigerator or cellar. In this case, the optimal temperature range for preserving nutrients is 0-4 degrees. The shelf life of the blanks in this case depends on the type of lid:

  • preservation under polyethylene covers – 6 months;
  • under metal covers – 1 year;
  • under glass covers – 2 years.

When metal lids come into contact with a solution of salt, sugar and vinegar, they begin to oxidize. If you are not sure that the tin lid reliably resists oxidative processes, do not store such a jar in the refrigerator for more than 3-4 months.

Preserved mushrooms are an integral attribute of a festive feast, and pickling these forest inhabitants is a special pleasure. Mushrooms are difficult for the body to digest and are contraindicated for children under 7 years of age, so they should be consumed in moderation. The main thing is to make sure that the twist is done well, and the question of how long you can store homemade salted and pickled mushrooms depends on the type of lid used and the preservation method.


Most often, champignons are fried, stewed or baked. It is best to consume such dishes immediately after preparation or within a day at most. Mushrooms prepared with the addition of mayonnaise or sour cream can be stored for the same amount of time, but only if they are kept in the refrigerator.

It is advisable to transfer champignons fried in vegetable oil into a glass jar, and use cling film instead of a lid. The shelf life of this product will be 72 hours (at 0C-+3C) or 24 hours (at +4C-+5C). Exceeding this period becomes unsafe for health.

Storage tips

To keep mushrooms longer, you should:

  • Keep fresh mushrooms packaged and not washed, otherwise they will begin to darken.
  • Ventilate the mushrooms periodically and check for condensation.
  • It is recommended to store champignons in a paper bag rather than a plastic bag.
  • To freeze, arrange mushrooms in portions. Small ones are frozen whole, large ones are cut.

With proper storage organization, mushrooms will not begin to rot and deteriorate ahead of time.

It’s very nice to open a jar of prepared fried mushrooms in winter and then cook a delicious dinner for your family. The indescribable mushroom aroma, which was preserved in jars along with fried mushrooms, spreads throughout the house. During the mushroom season, many housewives massively stock up on fried mushrooms for the winter. We will discuss below how to preserve such preparations and the shelf life in refrigerators and freezers.

In banks

The shelf life of fried mushrooms that have been previously preserved in sterile jars is 1 year at temperatures from +5°C to +20°C. If the product is under nylon covers, its storage time does not exceed 4 - 6 months.

The conservation process itself occurs as follows. Fried mushrooms in still boiling oil are placed as tightly as possible in sterile containers. Then fill it to the top with hot sunflower oil (another type of fat) so that its layer is at least 1 cm.

Sealing with metal lids allows you to store fried mushrooms in jars longer. When the product needs to be preserved for 3–4 months, polyethylene lids are suitable.

Places for storing workpieces in winter can be:

  • glazed frost-free loggia;
  • refrigerator shelf;
  • cool pantry;
  • cellar.

Should you boil mushrooms before frying or not?

If you have just decided to master the preparation of such a preparation, you may be faced with the question of whether it is worth boiling the mushrooms before frying. Many housewives do not neglect double heat treatment. Let's look at which mushrooms must be subjected to this process and which ones should not.

Boil mushrooms before frying

How long can you store fried?

The rules according to which potatoes and other vegetables must be stored in one place or another are prescribed in a special SanPin. Other storage periods are provided for fried potatoes if, after cooking, they are not placed in a cold place.

In a refrigerator

SanPin specifies the exact period during which it is allowed to store fried potatoes in the refrigerator. The product can be kept there for 18 hours.

An 18-hour shelf life of fried vegetables in a refrigeration device is only possible at a temperature of 2-4°C.

Also, the product must be wrapped in cling film or kept under a lid. This way it will not absorb foreign odors.

It is not recommended to put fried vegetables in the freezer . Blast freezing can prolong its shelf life for a long time, but will negatively affect its taste. Also, after defrosting, the structure of the dish will be disrupted. It will taste bad.

At room temperature

Outside the refrigerator, fried potatoes can be stored for about 12 hours. But the conditions of its storage play a role. If you keep it in a dark and ventilated place at a temperature no higher than +20°C, it will be suitable for consumption within 12 hours.

The higher the air temperature in the room where the finished product is stored, the shorter its shelf life. It is recommended to immediately put it in the refrigerator after cooling.

Delicious recipes

We bring to your attention several recipes for mushroom appetizers that will not leave you indifferent. Fried chanterelles


  • fresh chanterelles 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil 120 ml;
  • bay leaf several leaves;
  • salt.

Start cooking:

  1. Wash the chanterelles and cut them into pieces. You can fry them in either vegetable or butter. You can use lard or a mixture of fats for this. Roast them for 40 minutes. Don't turn up the heat. Be sure to cover with a lid.
  2. Remove the lids, add salt and bay leaf. Continue frying over low heat until the juice has evaporated and the mushrooms themselves have turned golden brown.
  3. Place them in hot jars, add oil to the top so that it covers them by 1 cm.
  4. Sterilize jars in salt water for 1 hour). Roll up and turn over onto lids. Wrap it in a blanket or blanket and leave it like that until it cools completely.
  5. After 48 hours, you can move the container to a dark place.

Why is mushroom overstay dangerous?

During long-term storage, especially at temperatures above 20 degrees, bacteria and viruses can begin to multiply intensively in jars with preparations, causing poisoning of the body - from banal diarrhea and vomiting to convulsions and loss of consciousness. The first signs of poisoning occur between 2 and 12 hours after ingestion of the product. If this happens, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Other unpleasant consequences of storing mushrooms for too long are the oxidation of metal lids with the development of rust, and the growth of mold inside the jar. Such preparations cannot be eaten.

Do you use expired food for cooking at home?

Yes, the main thing is to process it if it is meat or expired kefir for pancakes.


No, it is very dangerous and not useful.


If the products have fungus or mold, then we throw them away; if they are a couple of days past their expiration date, we use them for food, even without heat or other treatment.


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How to extend the shelf life?

The shelf life of a fried product can be extended in the following ways:

  1. Leave it in the pan and seal the top with cling film, then put it in the refrigerator.

  2. Keep the cooked vegetable in a cool place at all times at the set temperature of 2°C.
  3. Ensure good ventilation in the refrigerator compartment so that air can reach the ingredient (cover with a lid with a hole).
  4. Store only in a dark place.

You can greatly increase the shelf life by placing everything in a vacuum bag, after pumping out the air from there. After this, the potatoes can be placed in the freezer. There she can lie from a couple of months to six months. But after defrosting, the dish may lose taste. This option is best used to preserve cooked French fries.

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