Safety rules, or how many days eggs can be stored in the refrigerator

The shelf life of eggs depends on the type of product and its consistency. Chicken and quail eggs can remain on the refrigerator shelves for different amounts of time.

The shelf life of raw and boiled products also differs. If stored correctly and refrigerated, eggs can remain fresh for several weeks or longer.

We'll tell you how long eggs last in the refrigerator below.

What is the shelf life of chicken, at what temperature?

Chicken eggs are most often used for eating and preparing dishes. They are divided into table and dietary. If stored properly, the former can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 25 days, the latter can be stored for no longer than a week.

Fresh poultry products in brown shells last longer because they are more durable than white shells.

One of the most important factors in storing eggs is temperature . The lower it is, the longer the product can be stored. The optimal temperature for storing eggs on refrigerator shelves is 14 C°.

The shelf life is also affected by the type and condition of the egg:

Product StatusShelf life (in days)
Raw chicken30
Raw broken2
Hard Boiled10-14
Welded cracked3
Cooked peeled3
Easter, dyed with natural dyes15
Easter, painted with dyes with chemical components2-3

This publication will tell you about the shelf life of dietary eggs.

What does the date on an egg package mean?

In the Russian Federation, there are two categories of eggs: “D” - dietary and “C” - table.

Category differences:

  • Diet egg is recommended for diet and children's diet. These are products that are no more than a week old from the day they were produced. A red stamp “D” is placed indicating the date of sorting. They count from it.
  • The category of table eggs is marked with a blue stamp, the letter “C” and is sold 25 days after production. Indicating the date on the shell is not required. But in this case it must be marked on the packaging. Counted from the day of production (laying by the chicken).

7 days after this point (not counting the first day), dietary products are transferred to the table category through an act.

In addition to category and freshness information, labeling stamps may include additional information.

Temperature changes significantly reduce the shelf life of eggs

For example, this is the date of sorting, which differs from the moment the hen laid eggs by no more than a day. They also indicate the expiration date, the name of the manufacturer and its product logo.

There are also 5 weight categories, which are marked with numbers from 1 to 3 or with the letters “O”, “B”:

CategoryWeight, in grams
B - highestFrom 75 and more
O - selected65-74,9
C1 - first55-64,9
C2 - second45-54,9
C3 - third35-44,9

For example, C3 is a table egg of category 3, and “DO” is a selected dietary product.

Advice! When purchasing eggs, be sure to check the packaging date!

How long do other species last?

In addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs can also be used for cooking and eating. Raw they can be stored on refrigerator shelves for up to 60 days, and boiled for 5 days.

The contents of quail eggshells do not deteriorate and do not rot . The white and yolk gradually dry out until they disappear completely.

Products laid by a duck or goose can be stored at a temperature of 12 C°. The maximum storage period under such conditions is 14 days.

Before placing goose or duck eggs in the refrigerator, the shells must be thoroughly washed with soapy water or soda. The shell of these products is more porous compared to chicken eggs, and therefore microbes penetrate here much faster.

“Bathing” in a soapy solution will shorten the shelf life of the egg, but at the same time reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases after using such a product.

Fresh turkey eggs can be stored for 2.5-3 months. After cooking, they should be consumed no later than 2 days later. Read about the shelf life of quail eggs here, and goose eggs here.

Composition and positive properties

Ingredients of a hard-boiled egg:

  1. Lecithin. Useful for the functioning of important organs (brain, liver). Restores the nervous system. Experts recommend eating testicles every day for older people and growing children.
  2. Biotin. Brings blood sugar to normal levels.
  3. Calcium. Strengthens bones, has a positive effect on teeth and hair.
  4. Selenium. Increases immunity, metabolic processes return to normal with regular use.
  5. Magnesium. Produces a calming effect. The substance is useful for people who are stressed and cannot sleep at night. Additionally, it eliminates headaches and stabilizes intestinal balance.
  6. Manganese. Forms blood cells.
  7. Zinc. Increases men's health.
  8. Iron. Thanks to the substance, oxygen exchange in the tissues of internal organs will increase.
  9. Chlorine. Helps improve digestion, removes fats, removes salt and excess liquid.
  10. Cobalt. It has a positive effect on liver function and stabilizes the nervous system.
  11. Molybdenum. The mineral is good for teeth and improves male sexual performance. It is important in carrying out preventive measures against diabetes.
  12. Sodium. The macronutrient is necessary to stabilize intestinal function.
  13. Phosphorus. Speeds up metabolism, strengthens teeth.
  14. A nicotinic acid. Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.


  • A;
  • group B – 2, 5, 6, 9, 12;
  • D.

Even many types of meat do not contain such a quantity of nutrients. The fats contained in the composition are polyunsaturated, supporting the entire body system in normal condition.

How to store it correctly?

In order for poultry products to remain fresh longer, you need to take into account several subtleties of their storage .

Where to keep it?

Housewives often store eggs in special cells located in compartments on the refrigerator door. But since the door of an electrical appliance constantly opens and closes, a temperature difference occurs and humidity levels change, especially in hot weather. As a result, poultry products spoil.

It is permissible to store eggs in the refrigerator door only if they are planned to be consumed within the next 7-10 days.

In other cases, it is better to store them in a separate container:

  • trays or stands with dividers;
  • tall bowls or buckets (do not cover with lids);
  • cardboard boxes with cells.

Plastic bags, plastic dishes, or airtight containers are not suitable for storing eggs.

Do not cover the storage container with film or tightly place the eggs in a low bowl. It is necessary to ensure free access of air to the products.

It is better to store the container with poultry products on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the vegetable garden. The temperatures here are ideal for keeping these products.

Does it need to be washed?

It is not recommended to wash eggs that are planned to be stored for a long time. Otherwise, their shelf life will be shortened. After washing, the natural protective layer of the shell is destroyed. This means that it will be easier for germs to penetrate into the product.

Which side should I lay it on?

To keep eggs fresh longer, they need to be placed in a container with the pointed end down . Then the yolk under the shell will be located exactly in the center. There are more pores at the blunt end of the natural shell than at the sharp end.

Through these holes, oxygen enters the product and carbon dioxide exits. Pathogenic bacteria can also get here.

Many housewives store eggs on their side and from time to time turn them over to the other. This way, the yolk will not stick to the inside of the shell and will not be damaged when the shell is broken before cooking.

To determine which of the two listed methods is better, you can place one copy in the refrigerator with the sharp end down, and the other on its side. After 7-14 days, you need to eat the eggs and compare the results. For experimental purposes, it is advisable to use products from one tray purchased at the same time.

Additional benefit

You can get a sufficient amount of protein from boiled eggs, so athletes use them to gain weight and build a beautiful figure. The composition also contains a large amount of vitamin D. It is necessary for people who work in offices and lack daylight.

By eating 2-3 eggs regularly, you can increase blood formation, liver function, brain function, improve memory, and remove toxins from the body.

Hard-boiled chicken eggs are often used by people who want to lose weight quickly. Many people believe that if you eat a few eggs instead of breakfast, then after about 10 days your weight will begin to decrease. But this is a radical method, since there are other ways to combine fats and proteins in products as a diet.

There is a Hollywood, high-protein method of losing weight, as well as special fasting days using the product. By applying the principles, you can lose fat tissue, but at the same time maintain muscle mass and not harm the body.

Shelf life of specimens intended for placement in the incubator

Specimens intended for further hatching of chicks are not recommended to be stored at relatively low temperatures. When exposed to cold, biochemical processes in the space under the shell may stop.

You can keep eggs in the refrigerator only if the temperature on its shelves is 8-12 C°. Such indicators should remain stable, without sudden temperature changes. The specimens, which are then sent to the incubator, are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Features of freezing

It is not recommended to freeze the egg entirely - the shell will crack due to exposure to cold. If such a specimen is cleaned, only an ice ball will be found under the shell. If the raw white is separated from the yolk, such products can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. After defrosting, they can be used as fresh.

You can store raw whites and yolks in the freezer in special ice or baking trays . For boiled eggs, only the yolk is used for freezing. When exposed to cold, the protein becomes watery and not very pleasant to the taste. This article will tell you about freezing eggs.

Is it possible to increase product safety?

The fresh product will last longer if the contents of the shell are isolated from the environment. To do this, you can create a special natural protective film. To work, you will need medical paraffin or lard.

Stages of work:

  1. Melt fat or paraffin in a water bath.
  2. Wash the eggs and place in a frying net or colander.
  3. Lower the container into the melted mixture until the shells are completely covered.
  4. Wait 20 seconds.
  5. Dry without wiping.

Eggs covered with this natural film can be stored in the refrigerator or cool rooms for up to 6 months.

You can also increase the shelf life of eggs using a vacuum . Fresh specimens must be placed in a bag and the air pumped out of it using a special device. In such packaging, products will remain fresh on the refrigerator shelves for up to 5 months.

...with the help of light

The candling method, or candling, is widely popular among farmers who use a special ovoscope device for this purpose. To test at home, you will need very bright light and a dark room. If in the old days this was done with a candle, today you can use a strong lamp or a powerful flashlight.

To assess the presence or size of an air “cushion” inside the egg, you will need to do a little tinkering, because the diameter of the light beam should be less than the diameter of the egg itself. To do this, cover a 60-75 W lamp or a very bright flashlight with a piece of cardboard with a hole 2.5 cm in diameter. Then you need to “put” an egg on the beam of light and begin to study its contents. The larger the air gap at the blunt end, the older the egg.

At first glance, this method seems complicated, but with a little practice you can easily determine the freshness of the eggs, as well as see the contours of the yolk and the presence of blood clots (signs of fertilization).

How can you tell if the eggs have started to disappear?

When the shell is broken, a fresh specimen has a neutral odor, otherwise it is better not to eat it. You can check the freshness of a raw product by placing it in water. If it floats up, air has probably accumulated under the shell and the specimen is not fresh.

A fresh egg has a jelly-like white, and the yolk rises above it. There should be no blood clots or drops in the mass. If the boiled egg white is bluish, gray or has an unpleasant odor, it is better to throw away the product.

Useful tips

Micropores covering the egg shell quickly absorb odors in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is not recommended to store poultry products near the following products:

  • smoked meats;
  • medicines;
  • fish, meat;
  • semi-finished products;
  • dairy products.

You can extend the shelf life of poultry products if you wrap them in a napkin or food parchment before putting them in the refrigerator. This coating will protect the product from contact with the external environment and air.

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