You need to know the enemy by sight - where the moth comes from, what it eats and what it is afraid of.

The moth is represented not only by an inconspicuous butterfly, which even children know about. In fact, this is a whole group of insects that differ in their characteristic appearance and biological characteristics. Among the representatives, if we consider the question of what a moth looks like, you can find large and small individuals. The insect lives on every continent and has the ability to adapt to any external conditions. Caterpillars eat wool and bark, wax and horns, leaves and even ant eggs. It is problematic to find objects in the organic world that are not associated with the life activity of these small butterflies.

Mole photo

Where do moths come from in an apartment?

These insects appear in homes in different ways. The method of their appearance depends on whether they infect food or clothing.

food moth

Insect larvae can feed on a variety of foods, including:

  • flour;
  • grains (oats, barley, wheat);
  • oat and corn flakes;
  • bakery products;
  • pasta;
  • sugar;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (buckwheat, corn, semolina, rice);
  • dried fruits, etc.

It is believed that different types of moths are able to absorb only one particular food. In practice, any insect eats any food. Food black moths are not capable of ruining clothes. This is due to the fact that its digestive juices contain enzymes that cannot digest tissue fibers.

Clothes parasites

Moth larvae and eggs can get into your closet even with new clothes purchased from large stores. The sources of damage are woolen products and upholstered furniture, the upholstery of which is made of natural materials. The risk of moths entering the closet increases if worn items are purchased. The insect destroys the following clothing:

  • knitwear;
  • fur-lined shoes;
  • cashmere, leather and cotton clothes;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • woolen products;
  • sheepskin coats and fur coats based on natural fur;
  • carpets;
  • felt boots;
  • bedding based on natural materials.

Moths can destroy any natural fabric. If the synthetic material contains a small amount of wool or cotton, the insect can damage it too. The pest prefers to eat clothes that have particles of epidermis or sweat on them. In order to save the fabric, people often wrap it in cellophane film, but the insect has no problem chewing through it.

What is

A moth is an insect belonging to the order of butterflies. The size and appearance of an individual depends on its species. House moths usually include clothes moths, furniture moths, grain moths and food moths. All of their adult representatives are small in size (up to 15 mm) and unsightly in color, for example, gray-green, dirty brown. The insect lives not only indoors, but also in nature. For example, there are cabbage, apple, and rye moths.

The feeding method of individuals also varies greatly. All larvae and caterpillars, thanks to their powerful mouthparts, can eat tough and hard food: stems and leaves, nuts, cereals, cabbage, beets. All moth species have their own favorite food, and it is often reflected in the name of the species. In addition, in some varieties, the adult does not have a mouthpart and cannot feed, and therefore lives no more than a week.

These pests live near or directly in a food source, for example, in cereals, cabbage, or on an apple tree. At first, a small nest always appears, where all the larvae live compactly. Nests are also within reach of food.

Life cycle of a moth

The points in the life cycle of this pest are in many ways similar to those of other insects. The moth goes through 4 stages in its development:

  • egg;
  • larva (caterpillar);
  • chrysalis;
  • imago (adult insect).

An adult female lays eggs, the number of which varies from 40 to 250. Their size is 0.3-0.5 mm. Eggs can either be concentrated at one point or distributed over the surface of any area.

After 1.5-2 weeks, translucent white larvae (caterpillars) 1 mm in length gradually hatch from the eggs. They begin to feed intensively and form a spindle-shaped cocoon. They use the nutrients located around them as material for this. Inside the cocoon their transformation into a pupa will take place. At this stage, the moth causes the most severe harm to humans.

After 35-50 days the larva begins to pupate. The pupa reaches a length of 4-7 mm. During its development, the pupa changes color. It starts out creamy white but gradually becomes more typical of a moth. This stage can last from a week to a month, after which the insect turns into a butterfly.

On the 3-4th day of life of an adult full-fledged individual, the female begins to lay eggs. Once this process is complete, she lives for about 1-4 weeks and then dies.

How long does he live?

Under normal conditions, in the absence of external factors, the duration of the full development cycle of a moth from the egg stage to the butterfly varies from 35 days to 2.5 years. At home, the insect often dies earlier if the owners use pesticides or folk remedies to combat it.

How does it reproduce?

Reproduction of moths occurs sexually with the participation of a male and a female. Egg laying is most often carried out in a place where future larvae will feed. The process of reproducing new insects most often begins immediately after the moth has taken the form of a butterfly.

At room temperature, moths reproduce year-round. In 1 year, 2-5 generations of the pest can develop.

How is it distributed?

The reasons for the appearance of moths in an apartment vary, but most often they involve improper storage of food in stores or warehouses. Food may be contaminated before it is even packaged. This can also happen if the seal of the package has been broken. When purchasing food at various sales, the risk of purchasing contaminated food becomes even higher.

Insects can enter the kitchen through ventilation ducts. Moths fly poorly in an apartment, but in order to get from one kitchen to another, they do not need to travel long distances. If there is a grocery store on the ground floor of the house, and the pest appeared in several kitchens at once, this place is the source of infection. If the kitchen constantly maintains high levels of humidity, the risk of infection increases.

Clothes moths often use long-haired dogs as temporary shelter. The insect can get into the apartment on this animal. Sometimes the pest can fly into an open window. However, most often it is males who do this. In the absence of a female, they will not be able to reproduce and cause severe damage to clothing.

What harm does the insect cause?

Groceries affected by food moths become unfit for consumption and must be thrown away. Large food warehouses often suffer losses due to this pest. Food stocks with moths cannot be sold. During their life and reproduction, insects leave scales, droppings and pieces of cobwebs in food. These substances are highly toxic. They can cause severe poisoning and therefore pose a danger to humans.

Clothes moths destroy clothing stocks in closets. In a short period of time, they can render most of the fabrics in the apartment unusable. In particularly advanced cases, they can begin to damage furniture. Clothing affected by the pest loses its aesthetic appearance and, most often, becomes impossible to wear.

General information

Moths are a household pest.

Moths in the house are not dangerous in themselves. But they are an indicator of a problem.

Depending on the species, there are clothes moths and food moths. In addition, there are grain, nut and potato varieties. But the first two individuals are frequent guests in human homes.

These names suggest where the moth nest can be found. Diet preferences also depend on this.

Clothes prefers to feed on natural furs and fabrics, and can migrate to furniture upholstery or carpets in a hungry year.

Accordingly, the food industry prefers groceries, tea or dried fruits.

Moreover, one type of moth does not change its taste preferences and does not switch to another type of food.

How to find a mole?

When the insect reaches normal size for an adult, its activity increases sharply. The pest begins to fly relatively long distances. Narrow openings and cracks do not become an obstacle for moths. Pregnant females fly poorly, so males most often do this.

To find moths, you should look in the folds of clothing where they lay their eggs. The moth prefers to lay eggs in a moist environment. You can find the insect in containers or bags filled with cereals. The risk of this increases if products are stored in basements. Moths often hide in rolled carpets, fur items and folded blankets.

Sense organs

Only mosquitoes and honey bees can boast of this type of receptor, developed to a unique state with a huge number of possibilities. But nature has not endowed moths with such a wide range of advantages.

The “fluff” on the body of the caterpillars provides the larva with a sense of touch. Insects sense touch very well using long tactile hairs that grow over almost the entire surface of their exoskeleton and are connected to nerve cells that transmit contact information to the insects' brain.

Sensory hairs on the body of adult individuals are located throughout the body, especially on the antennae. In addition to tactile and “culinary” sensitivity, they provide information about the speed and direction of the wind while the insect is in flight.

How to deal with moths in the house?

Countering the pest in question involves the use of both chemicals and folk remedies.


The most common means of killing moths. It is convenient to work with, and thanks to the increased concentration of the active substance, the result can be seen almost immediately. Most of these drugs contain insecticides from the category of synthetic drugs. They allow you to get rid of not only adult pests, but also their larvae. When working with aerosols, a number of precautions should be observed:

  • do not inhale sprayed pesticides;
  • after treating any room, immediately leave this place for a while;
  • use a mask, gloves and other protective equipment when working with the substance;
  • After processing the clothes, take them to the dry cleaner to avoid developing an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the aerosol;
  • Ventilate the treated area more often over the next 3 days.


In order to use this product, you must first remove the protective tape from its surface, and then install it in a closet or drawer with moth-damaged clothing.

The sections most often include essential oils with lavender scent, chamomile and citrus fruit aromas. There are products for delicate protection and children's clothing. 1 plate (container) can protect a space of 0.5 m². At home, if the room area does not exceed 15 m², it is often enough to use 2 pieces.

Sections are safe for health and environmentally friendly. They are positioned as a preventative agent, which can also be used immediately after using other control methods. The sections effectively repel adult butterflies, but they are not capable of causing any harm to the caterpillars.

It should be taken into account that if there is a strong spread of moths in the closet, the sections are ineffective. Also, after treatment with this product, caterpillars can hatch into butterflies that will be resistant to strong odors.

Tablets and plates

Tablets are a classic remedy for killing indoor moths. They often contain naphthalene. Its heavy chemical vapors come from top to bottom, so the tablets should be placed on the top shelves of cabinets. The product allows you to quickly repel pests. The advantages of such a substance include low cost and ease of use. The negative sides of the tablets are:

  • repelling pests instead of their desired destruction, which may lead to relapse in the future;
  • high concentration of naphthalene vapors, which can cause harm to humans;
  • short effect.

The plates are cardboards impregnated with a chemical. They look like the contents of fumigators. They need to be placed in places where many insects live. The plates are capable of destroying pest larvae, preventing its reproduction. This is a safe product that is inexpensive. When using, the plates should be placed at the top of cabinets and furniture, since the smell from them spreads from top to bottom.


Gel suspensions are a high-quality remedy against moths on clothes. These are cheap chemicals that are easy to store in a cabinet. They are 2 pendants made of plastic, inside of which there is transfluthrin in the form of a gel. It is the active ingredient of the drug. It is necessary to remove the protective film, and the pesticide is ready for use for its intended purpose.

Moth repellent gel is toxic and precautions must be taken when using it. The drug may provoke the development of an allergic reaction.


Special fumigators for the fight against moths are not produced, but in most mechanisms for killing mosquitoes and flies, empentrin (vaportrin) is used as an active substance. This ingredient is often found in anti-moth products.

The effect of the fumigator is based on the fact that under the influence of heating from an electric current, a plate or bottle soaked in a pesticide begins to evaporate the liquid. The content of toxic substances in this case is lower than when using sprays and aerosols, which makes this method more harmless to humans. This negatively affects its effectiveness. When using electric fumigators, you must always keep the window wide open. The device cannot be used for more than 8 hours at a time.

Electric fumigators allow you to get rid of butterflies, but a heat fumigator helps better in the fight against larvae in the closet. Its mechanism has a special heating pad that heats the active substance to +65°C in 5 minutes. It evaporates and destroys the larvae.


In the fight against moths, it is recommended to use crops that emit a powerful aroma that is toxic to insects. Most often dried flowers of herbs such as:

  • tansy;
  • lavender;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • sweet clover;
  • yarrow;
  • chestnut;
  • sage, etc.

Essential oils

To combat moths, these substances can be used both in their pure state and in the form of alcohol-based essences. The most commonly used oils are:

  • clove;
  • camphor;
  • orange;
  • lavender;
  • geranium;
  • cedar;
  • lemon, etc.

Folk remedies

If there are moths in the house, then, in addition to chemicals, substances such as:

  • naphthalene;
  • spices;
  • soap with a powerful aroma;
  • citrus fruits, etc.

Preventing the appearance of moths in the house

To prevent moths from appearing in your apartment, you must take the following measures:

  • Regularly wipe the inside of cabinets and wardrobes with a vinegar solution;
  • frequently clean the house and ventilate the living space;
  • wrap wool and fur products in newspaper or plastic bags;
  • place fur coats in sealed paper covers.

It is necessary to store groceries in hermetically sealed jars. This will prevent the moths from getting to them.

Signs of infection

At first, it is not so easy to determine that moths have appeared in the house. But over time, as the number of pests living in the apartment grows, traces of their presence appear more and more clearly. The presence of a moth is indicated by the following signs:

  • small holes with uneven edges appear on clothes;
  • larvae can be found in flour and cereals;
  • in cabinets where moths live, you can see cobwebs, remains of cocoons, and waste products.

If gray moths begin to appear in the room, moving chaotically in the air, this is a sign that there are already quite a lot of insects.

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