Service life of water meters: period of operation of a water meter for cold and hot water supply in an apartment and private house

Water supply tariffs are steadily increasing, which is why the issue of saving is becoming increasingly urgent. After all, many homeowners actually spend much less water resources than they pay for. To avoid unnecessary costs, it is necessary to install special water meters. And before purchasing devices, you should inquire about the service life (shelf life) of hot and cold water meters in the apartment.

Types of measuring devices

Based on the mechanism of operation, all water meters are divided into several types:

  • Tachometer, which, in turn, are divided into vane and turbine. They belong to the category of mechanical water measuring units. The main functional part of such structures is the impeller or turbine, located directly in the water environment. The volume of fluid consumed is calculated by the number of revolutions produced by the rotating element. Due to this action, the counter mechanism is activated. Devices of this type are capable of working with H2O of any quality (hard, ferrous, etc.).

However, the accuracy of the readings obtained often leaves much to be desired. In addition, over time, plaque appears on the blades and they begin to rotate much more slowly or, conversely, accelerate under certain circumstances. Nevertheless, this is the most budget-friendly and common type of water meters used in houses and apartments.

  • Induction. They are also often called electromagnetic. To carry out measurements, such devices require electricity. The mechanism of their operation is based on the unique property of H2O to conduct electricity. Such water meters are classified as expensive. The service life (operation) of water meters exposed to hot and cold water is 10 years or more. If the tap liquid does not contain foreign impurities, they can last quite a long time. At the same time, they guarantee high measurement accuracy. However, a clean water environment and good condition of centralized water supply pipes are a rarity for Russian regions. Therefore, such water meters are used extremely rarely in our country.
  • Ultrasonic. These units also need electricity to operate. The measurement process is based on comparing the characteristics of ultrasound “for” and “against” the flow of H2O. Again, only suitable for ideal plumbing and clean liquid.
  • Vortex. Designed to analyze the path of a water vortex formed behind an obstacle of a certain shape. The analytical moment is carried out by an electronic device, which also requires electricity. These water meters are capable of analyzing the state of a liquid medium only in the absence of foreign impurities.

Thus, by studying the service life of water meters for cold and hot water in apartments, it is easy to understand that tachometer devices are the best option for our regions.

Where to complain about a regulatory organization

Controlling organizations do not always fulfill their obligations in good faith.
They may violate the timing of meter verification, the replacement procedure, fail to comply with the inspection interval, or commit other disciplinary offenses (the foreman could be rude, arrive drunk, etc.).

You can complain about a controlling organization that is performing its obligations poorly to the state housing inspectorate.

The main purpose of the existence of this body is to regulate legal relations between residents and the structures that help them manage the house. If the verification of meters is carried out with violations, or if they are used incorrectly, then the claim is submitted to the State Housing Inspectorate.

If the Inspectorate was unable to proceed with the case, the citizen can complain to a magistrate’s court, a court of general jurisdiction, or an administrative court , depending on who performed the control function. The hearing of the case will take a total of one to two months.

During the case, the plaintiff may demand compensation from the regulatory body for all legal and other costs, as well as payment of moral compensation.

Legislative system

Water meters are the main means of measuring H2O supplied to citizens' living quarters. Based on the indicators displayed on the instrument panel, payment receipts for public utility services in the water supply sector are generated.

If units of this type are not installed in the house, this primarily has a negative impact on the wallet of the owner of the living space. Indeed, in this case, he has to pay according to the average data established in the Russian Federation. Most often, they significantly exceed the actual amount of liquid consumed.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a number of federal laws and GOST parameters, the homeowner is obliged to maintain water meters in proper condition and regularly check them. Metering devices need to be checked for stability and changed if necessary, based on how many years the water meter for hot and cold water has been in service.

There are no mandatory established standards for replacement and inspection activities. All legislative provisions in this regard are advisory in nature. That is, the owner of an apartment or private house has the right to refuse a paid device check. And representatives of the inspection organization, in turn, may label water meters as faulty and not take into account the issued indicators when calculating housing and communal services bills for water supply.

Thus, water meters can be checked or replaced only at the request of the direct owners of the property at their expense. In exceptional cases (in a number of regions of Russia), management companies carry out verification free of charge.

Answers to pressing questions on the topic

How to change the water meter after the expiration date?

Summarizing today's article, our resource decided to present answers to the questions most interesting to citizens on today's topic. You can find the information below.

“Why is verification needed and what does it involve?”

This activity is necessary to evaluate the device for correct operation.

If everything is in order with the meter, then it can continue to be used to determine the cost of utilities. Otherwise, you will need to replace the device with a working one.

“Is it possible to avoid inspection?”

As noted earlier, yes, it is possible. However, it is important to understand that, having discovered an unverified meter, the management company will no longer take its readings into account when determining the cost of utility services, which can lead to some overpayments for water.

“What to do when the meter reaches the end of its service life?”

Change or check for stability of operation, nothing else. Ignoring replacement or inspection is fraught with the consequences described earlier.

“In what cases is a water meter replaced early?”

This procedure is necessary if:

  • the meter is out of order;
  • the check determined that it was faulty;
  • the device has manufacturing defects and incorrectly displays the amount of water consumed by residents;
  • The homeowner himself decided to change the device ahead of schedule solely for his own reasons.

“How much does it cost to check the meter and is it possible to extend its service life?”

Let's start with the cost of services. It was previously noted that replacement and inspection cost no more than 500 rubles, but this also includes the cost of purchasing a new device, of course, if necessary. In this case, the cost of the procedure may increase to 1,500-2,000 rubles.

Regarding extending the service life of the water meter, everything is clear here. If it has expired and a check shows the need for replacement, then it will not be possible to extend the service life.

During operation, this is also impossible, because the long “life” of the device is affected by the water flowing through the pipelines in your area, and changing its composition or pressure certainly cannot be done.

This is probably where all the important information about water meters ends. We hope the material presented today was useful to you. Good luck in legal relations in the housing and communal services sector!

What is the service life of hot and cold water meters? You can find out how to determine the replacement date for your water meter by watching the video:

See also Phone numbers for consultation 05 Aug 2022 kasjanenko 1486

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Discussion: 10 comments

  1. Inga says:
    09/01/2017 at 12:55

    I have a question. I have been renting an apartment for 5 years, in which the owner remodeled and renovated it, installed water meters, rented the apartment to me and moved to another city. Comes about once a year. There is no certificate for putting the meter into operation. The receipts show astronomical amounts, since I pay at the general rate. Can I contact the management company, not being the owner of this residential premises, and resolve the issue of checking or replacing the meter?


  2. Daniel says:

    09.24.2017 at 13:31

    This device really pisses me off! It’s as if we live in a desert, where water is a luxury for which you have to pay in gold and every drop counts. These damn authorities are mocking us. We live in a country in whose depths there is the entire periodic table, and we pay taxes as if water, gas and electricity were supplied to us from another galaxy.


  3. Daniel says:

    10/15/2017 at 00:50

    Just a mocking device, like many other things in our country. Although I know that you can refuse the meter, but then you will have to pay for water in full, regardless of whether I use it or not, for example, when I leave for several days. So, for now, you have to take these rules into account, and once every five years, take it off and take it for inspection.


    Guest says:

    03/24/2019 at 00:25

    Why film? An employee comes to your home


  • vlad.curbatov says:

    05.11.2017 at 10:10

    in 12 years, the meter has accumulated 500 cubic meters (cold water in the yard).. If you change the meter every 500 cubic meters, then the real cost of water for a real consumer increases by 2-3 times. Guys, you've done well!


  • Olga Nikolaevna Bril says:

    03/07/2018 at 11:34

    That's right, you give deadlines for checking meters! Right! Our doorbell is constantly ringing from scammers who force counters on us, but the deadline hasn’t come yet! In the Manager, but the scammers walk and walk and walk and walk around the apartments. What should I do? What to do?


  • Dudarev Fedor Vladimirovich says:

    03/28/2018 at 11:57

    When we calculated the costs of purchasing, installing and checking meters, we decided to pay according to the “average”, since it turned out to be absolutely unprofitable; the cost of water with meters was several times more expensive!


  • Roman says:

    09/08/2018 at 09:56

    Why do they require mandatory checks after 4 and 6 years\ when((((The user should know about this. Thus, according to the law, the previously established verification intervals for meters for hot (4 years) and cold (6 years) water have been canceled since 2012


  • Nikolay says:

    06/07/2019 at 08:30

    Roman, regarding the requirements for 4 and 6 years, everything is relative. For example, a manufacturer made a water meter of a certain model and, according to technical standards, set an interval testing period for it of four years or three. Therefore, you need to rely primarily on what is written in the passport of this meter.


  • Dmitry says:

    25.11.2019 at 10:59

    There is a concept of “meter verification”, “Interval verification interval” (for example, for the Itelma WFW24.D080 meter it is 6 years - both cold and hot). These data must be indicated in the meter’s passport.


  • Characteristics of water meters: service life of water meters according to law

    Inspections are carried out once every four years for DHW measuring instruments and every 6 years for cold water meters. The units are replaced in strict accordance with the technical documentation supplied with the water meters. If there is no technical passport, replacement is made based on the results of the inspection or after operating the water measuring devices for a twelve-year period.

    If we consider certain types of water meters, then according to the law:

    1.5 m3/h For process water

    1.5 m3/h For process water

    MBFT-75 Membrane for 75GPD

    • for winged models it is 12 years;
    • for everyone else from 12 to 20.

    However, information taken from GOST does not remove the obligation to inspect meters. If regular verification measures established in accordance with the law are not carried out, the readings of the accounting means will not be recorded when calculating utility services.

    A separate warranty period for the validity (use) of water meters for cold and hot water in the apartment is established, which is at least one and a half years. In a situation where the manufacturer determines its own warranty period, it is necessary to build on it.

    Warranty period for water meters

    The manufacturer of water meters provides a guarantee for its products. But the warranty is only valid if the consumer has stored, installed and operated the product correctly.

    The warranty period of service, according to GOST, is 1.5 years from the start of operation. Some manufacturers provide a longer warranty period for their water meters. The deadlines are indicated in the technical data sheet.

    In this case, the volume of liquid measured during this period should not exceed the value indicated in the table.

    Nominal diameter, DN, mm810152025324050
    Maximum volume measured during the warranty period, m381001350020250337504725081000135000202500

    These restrictions for refusing warranty repairs or replacements are used very rarely, since the volume value is unattainable for residential water meters.

    Checking and replacing measuring devices after installation

    Both of these procedures are the concern of the owners of the living space. Of course, sometimes service provider companies independently offer owners to perform the relevant work. But this is practiced quite rarely.

    To determine whether the device needs to be checked or replaced, the available data must be analyzed:

    • First of all, find out what quality of liquid is supplied through the pipeline. If the quality characteristics of H2O are not too high, the period of use of metering devices is significantly reduced. Approximately 2-4 years.
    • Remember exactly when the last inspections were carried out. Based on the information reflected in the inspection documentation, you can find out the time of the upcoming inspection.
    • Consider other reasons that may lead to early replacement of appliances.

    If it is still necessary to check or replace the unit due to the expiring validity (use) of the water meter for cold and hot water in the apartment, the following must be done:

    • Contact the management organization and inform its representatives that you want to invite a specialist to perform certain work. Of course, the services are not free. You will have to pay about 200 - 500 rubles for the call.
    • After contacting, you will have to wait for a specialist. While waiting, you should prepare the work area for his arrival. Free up access to metering devices and purchase a new water meter in advance (when needed).
    • After carrying out the replacement or scheduled inspection of water meters, the invited employee will draw up and give you the appropriate documentation with the entered data on the work.

    It should be noted that the owner only has to pay for the purchase of the necessary equipment and the services of a specialist. Direct registration steps are performed free of charge. Demanding additional funds from the owner is illegal.

    Installation procedure

    Meter installation steps:

    • An application for installation is submitted to a company that manages an apartment building.
    • An agreement is concluded with the organization involved in the installation and maintenance of meters.
    • The water meter itself is purchased, and then it is installed. The costs of purchasing the device and its installation are borne by the user, respectively, and although he chooses the model himself, it is only from those approved and contained in the Gosstandart register. However, there are practically no meters on sale that are not included in the register - you only need to pay attention to this when standards change, after which some old models no longer comply with them.
    • The meter is sealed, after which it will be ready for use.

    Please note that during operation the owner will bear a number of responsibilities, namely:

    • If it breaks down or expires, repair or replace the meter.
    • Carry out verifications within the time limits specified by the manufacturer and established by law.
    • Provide access to the apartment for inspectors so that they can verify the device readings.

    Submitting an application

    The first step is to submit an application for installation or replacement of the meter to your management company (or HOA). The document should indicate from whom and where it is sent, the essence of the request, the meter model and the form of payment for the work. Of course, it must also contain the date and signature, and from the documents, a copy of the certificate of ownership or, if the apartment is rented, a rental agreement should be attached to the application. There is nothing complicated in drawing up an application, and a sample of its execution is attached to the article. You can also find out the filling details yourself directly in your Criminal Code.


    Installation is usually carried out by specialists, and not by the user himself, so we will explain only some of the nuances regarding the placement location. It is necessary that the meter be located on a straight section of pipe in the bathroom or toilet. It is advisable to install it not far away, but as close as possible to the exit of the pipeline from the home; if the house is private, then a mandatory requirement is that the meter should be located closer than 20 centimeters from it.

    You should also leave space for maintenance and ensure that the meter is illuminated and the numbers are readable. If there are two risers in the apartment, you will need two sets of meters.


    If the installation was carried out by a third-party company, a representative of the supplier checks the device, and then draws up a commissioning report, and as a final touch, a seal is placed on the water meter, guaranteeing that it will not be opened and reconfigured. Payment for water based on meter readings will begin immediately after sealing.

    Capabilities of a cold water supply water meter

    Such devices, as approved by state standards, can operate continuously for up to 16 years.

    A number of factors directly influence the duration of use:

    SF-mix Clack up to 0.8 m3/h

    SF-mix Runxin up to 0.8 m3/h

    SF-mix manual up to 0.8 m3/h

    • level of assembly of the structure;
    • quality of materials used in production;
    • technological features;
    • operating conditions under which the water meter operates.

    Expertise in case of detected violations

    If, when replacing the water meter, the procedure was followed unquestioningly, then there will be no problems during testing.

    There are situations when the water meter shows a malfunction, then it needs to be replaced. Before this, an examination takes place - the inspector checks the installed device and issues his conclusion.

    Where can I check the meter?

    In each city there are a number of accredited organizations that have the right to conduct such examinations. If you don’t want to deal with private owners, you can contact the water utility – they also provide this service. The owner does not need to remove the product and take it to the organization: the master himself comes to the place and takes measurements. The entire procedure takes no more than 1 hour.

    Leave the meter or install a new one

    If the water meter installed by the management organization or the owner of the apartment has passed the examination, then there is no point in replacing it. It is enough to observe the service life and carry out verification with the relevant authorities once in a certain period. If the device requires replacement, the user receives a notification that it is unsuitable for use.

    Then you need to call a specialist, sign a contract for the work, or install a new product yourself.

    We recommend! Some plumbing stores run promotions. The client returns the old meter, which is found unsuitable, and can receive a new one at a discount.

    What is the usage time and the interval between checks?

    When understanding how long hot and cold water water meters are designed for and how many years they last after installation, you should know that their functional period is determined according to technical parameters. Thus, in accordance with established standards, winged models can operate for 12 years. Other types of accounting tools can last up to 20. However, you need to understand:

    • The water meter may well fail much sooner under certain circumstances. The main reasons for untimely breakdowns, as a rule, are: inadequate quality of tap fluid, lack of pressure, cleaning filters, etc.
    • The deadlines prescribed by the manufacturer do not remove the obligation to conduct a systematic inspection. In the absence of regular inspection, organizations providing water supply services will not take into account instrument readings at the time of generating invoices for payment.

    So, if verification is not carried out for 4-6 years (DHW or cold water), the water meter will be removed from the official register. It does not matter what time period has passed since the installation of the device. Even when, according to the documents, the operational period has not yet ended, but deviations are detected at the time of inspection, the water meter must be replaced with a new one.

    How is the replacement performed?

    To replace water appliances as soon as their service life has expired, it is enough to contact a company specializing in installation, testing and replacement. As a rule, the service can be ordered in two ways: online, by leaving a request on the company’s website or by calling the operator directly and agreeing verbally. The day and time to replace an old hot or cold water meter is chosen by the tenant. The master appears at the appointed hour, removes the old IPU and installs a new one in accordance with GOST. After being secured to the pipeline, a test run of the liquid is carried out to check the functionality of the water meter. A specialist may suggest immediately sealing the device so that there is no need to call a person from the management company, who will not come right away. According to the law, an unsealed PU is not subject to registration. This means that this month a fee will be charged according to the standard for a period of several days. After sealing, the PU will be put into operation. A specialist can fix a seal only if he has seals and a sealer that comply with GOST standards.

    The service life of the water meter after installation is indicated in the device passport, which the technician hands over to the resident along with other documents. According to the law, the papers must be submitted to the management company as soon as possible so that the meter is registered and measurements begin to be taken into account.

    The consumer must immediately report on any further work that will be carried out on the metering device (whether it be verification, dismantling, damage, accidental breaking of the seal, expiration date, etc.).

    By receiving data from the papers, the management company becomes aware of all the procedures that must be carried out. Failure to provide paperwork for a scheduled test will be perceived as a disregard for the obligation. Next, a transfer to standard payment is made.

    Reference point

    How long water meters last and what service life (operation) the metering devices are designed for is determined from the moment the products are released by the manufacturer. The installation date does not affect the duration of use. When planning to purchase a water measuring unit, first carefully study its technical characteristics. Please pay special attention to when the product was manufactured. If an accounting tool has been lying on the shelf for 2-3 years, it is not worth buying it even with a good discount.

    When you decide to make a purchase, consider not only the various offers from water meter manufacturers, but also purchase a modern device for purifying your water supply with H2O. Indeed, in a clean water environment, water meters work better and much longer. A suitable model can be selected from ours. We offer high-quality and reliable products in the field of water treatment equipment.

    Nuances of purchasing a new device

    At first glance, buying a meter seems like a piece of cake.

    Note! Some nuances that will help you avoid additional costs:

    • It is necessary to purchase a water meter from specialized companies. This will help you avoid purchasing a defective product. In addition, when concluding a purchase and sale agreement, you should make sure that the accompanying documentation is available. Without them, water utility employees will refuse to seal the new device;
    • Under no circumstances should you lose the technical passport for the water consumption measuring device. The date and results of the inspection are entered there. If the document is lost, the device should be replaced;
    • You need to purchase a device that was manufactured as early as possible. In this case, the period for its replacement increases. The production date can be found on the product body or in the technical data sheet.

    There is no need to chase cheapness. It is possible that the device is sold with hidden faults.

    Where is the time of use of water meters stated, the service life of water meters

    For information about when the device was manufactured and at what time it was calibrated at the factory, you should refer to the product data sheet. In it you can also find the rules for using the unit, its maintenance and other necessary data.

    If the technical documentation was lost, it can be obtained again from the manufacturer or at the office of the management organization that provides water supply services. This provision applies to sealed equipment. If there is no seal, the issuance of the relevant documents will be refused. You will have to purchase a new device and register it officially.

    Removing the meter

    As a rule, the check in most cases is carried out by removing the water meter. To do this, it is enough to call an appropriate specialist who will dismantle it in order to check the water meter. In this case, the master, in return, must provide the owner of the property (apartment or other dwelling) with a document in writing, which will indicate the following data:

    • Number, brand and date of readings taken from the device.
    • Details of the specialist who dismantled the meter.
    • Date of work.

    After the check is completed, the device is returned to its rightful owner. And if a malfunction is detected, the meter must be replaced.

    How to extend the operating period

    Poor quality of tap fluid, lack of pressure and high temperature significantly reduce the time of use of water meters. In order to reduce the impact of negative factors as much as possible, accounting equipment manufacturing companies recommend that owners install special protective add-ons:

    • deep cleaning filters;
    • compensators.

    With the help of these devices, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of H2O supplied to residential premises. Accordingly, the duration of uninterrupted operation of water meters increases.

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    Factors influencing the shelf life of devices

    By periodically checking the device, both the user and the organization that takes into account its readings for calculating the required payments for the consumed number of cubic meters of water can verify the technically sound condition of the meter or deviations that will not allow its readings to be accepted as valid in the future.


    If the water meter is working properly, there is no need to buy a new device in advance to keep at home in case you need to replace it.

    Not everyone knows (or forgets) that the period for calibrating meters is set not from the day it is installed, but from the date, month, year of manufacture by the manufacturer, indicated in the technical passport. Therefore, if you do not pay attention to this nuance when purchasing, if the device, for example, has been lying in a warehouse for several years or you put it at home for a long time, then, without having time to install it, you will have to soon have it checked out.

    Care when purchasing a measuring device will help you avoid premature costs and wasted time going through the authorities.

    There are a number of reasons that directly affect the service life of the water meter, regardless of the operating period provided by the manufacturer. The device fails before the expiration date:

    • · due to the negative influence of water containing solid impurities and particles, which lead to rapid wear of the internal parts of the device, and subsequently to damage to the meter;
    • · if the water supply system in the residential area has not been changed for a long time and blockages have appeared in the pipes;
    • · due to interruptions in the supply of water, as well as drying out of mechanisms during the shutdown of the hot water supply system in the summer;
    • · when the consumer himself, trying to reduce the actual readings of the water used, disrupts the operation of the meter, using, for example, special magnets.

    To carry out verification, you can contact:

    • · to the water utility, having previously submitted an application, dismantling the device;
    • · to a special organization that has the appropriate license, documents confirming the certification passed and the issuance of a permit to conduct laboratory tests, equipment.


    Verification by specialized organizations is convenient because the company’s specialists go to the specified address where the meter is installed and perform all the necessary measurements at the owner’s home. If the device is sent to a laboratory for testing, you will have to pay at the established rates before it is installed and sealed.

    List of faults leading to replacement

    When a water measuring device fails, it begins to incorrectly display the actual volume of liquid. In addition, the numbers on the scoreboard periodically or completely stop.

    Among the breakdowns that occur most often, it should be noted:

    • lack of tightness (in this case the glass usually fogs up);
    • incorrect installation;
    • manufacturing defect;
    • high temperature of the treated aquatic environment, due to which plastic elements begin to melt;
    • increased pressure in the water supply system;
    • pipeline blockage;
    • unauthorized violation of the structure by the owner.

    What to do when the period of use has expired

    In the last month, the water meter must be replaced with a new one, regardless of the results of the testing activities. If the owner, for some reason, has delayed the end of the operating period, he will pay for consumption not according to the water meter, but according to the standards prescribed in the region.

    During the final 30 days of use, you must do the following:

    • formulate and send an application to the management company;
    • conclude an agreement with her for the installation of a new device;
    • purchase a metering device;
    • call a specialist to carry out installation work, be sure to keep the relevant documentation;
    • seal the water meter with the help of a specialist from an organization providing water supply services.

    Below you can see a sample application:

    Basis for verification of measuring instruments

    Employees of the housing and communal services management company have the right to check the integrity and safety of measuring instruments, as well as take meter readings.

    This right is regulated in several regulatory legal acts:

    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 (as amended on March 27, 2018) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings houses");
    • Federal Law “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ;
    • Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” dated June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ.

    Situations when early replacement may be required

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace a measuring device before the end of its operating period. This happens for a number of reasons:

    • due to malfunctions, the device can no longer be used;
    • at the time of verification, the water meter had not passed the test;
    • the unit was damaged due to mechanical impact (for example, during repairs);
    • the owner of a private house or apartment, on his own initiative, decided to install a new accounting tool.

    What verification options exist?

    Checking water consumption meters occurs in two ways. Every option exists.

    The company's specialists go to the site. They carry special testers with them, which are used to examine the device. The results of the inspection are recorded in the act, one copy is given to the owner, the second is sent to the housing and communal services, homeowners association. This method is very convenient. However, the cost of the study increases.

    The company’s specialists take readings, seals and take the device to the laboratory. This method is used most often, since the inspection is usually initiated by the HOA. However, it is inconvenient because you will have to pay according to average calculations for the entire verification period.

    Important! To ensure that the results of the inspection do not raise doubts among the HOA, it is necessary to check whether the inspection company has a license.

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