How to properly store an open package of coffee beans?

An ideal or simply delicious drink can be prepared only from high-quality grains. Not only a good variety and proper roasting are needed to feel the real taste. Careful storage is also of great importance. It must occur in compliance with certain rules, neglect of which can lead to loss of aroma and taste. We will tell you in today’s article how to store coffee beans and ground coffee, and how to do it correctly at home.

Storage rules

It would seem, why focus on such trivial things as storing coffee? Isn't a store-bought package or a jar in the kitchen cabinet enough for this?

Let's figure it out together.

Coffee storage can be long-term or short-term. Connoisseurs who prefer certain varieties or special roasting are sometimes forced to buy them for future use. It's not always possible to buy really good beans, and it's even harder to get high-quality roasted beans - especially if you're not a fan of the Italian version. So you have to stock up for a long time, purchasing on occasion or even ordering from far away. Naturally, such a reserve must be preserved with minimal loss of taste.

If you do not have any special preferences, and you are quite satisfied with the quality of the grains purchased at the nearest store, then you are concerned with issues of short-term storage.

No matter how much time coffee spends in your kitchen, you need to know exactly the basic laws of preservation of this natural product.

A number of factors have a destructive effect on volatile aromatic fractions and flavor bouquet. We have arranged them in descending order of their destructive influence.

  • Air
  • Moisture
  • Warm
  • Light

One or more factors can quickly spoil aromatic fruits or delicate grinding if storage rules are not followed.

What happens if stored incorrectly

  1. Grains oxidize in air, change and even lose their taste, since it is the oil fractions that are responsible for the taste characteristics that undergo oxidation first.
  2. The aroma weakens and then completely disappears, since aromatic compounds are very unstable and evaporate first.
  3. The grain structure becomes denser, this leads to the formation of a thin and unstable foam with an unpleasant sour odor.
  4. Coffee beans absorb moisture, which affects the taste characteristics. Mold quickly appears on wet beans.
  5. Humidification and oxidation together can lead to grain decomposition.
  6. Coffee absorbs all foreign odors, which affects its quality.

Before we move on to the specific rules for storing different types of coffee, we will formulate general principles that must be followed if you want to enjoy high-quality coffee.

Separate storage.

For coffee, you need to set aside a special container that will not be used for other products. If you are preparing a drink from different varieties, then they should be isolated from each other so that the grains do not lose their original aroma.

The storage location must be protected from the sun, drafts and temperature changes.
That is, a window sill, an open shelf near a stove or sink are contraindicated. You will have to choose a well-protected place with constant humidity and natural ventilation.

Optimal timing and temperature conditions

Proper storage of coffee depends on the temperature at which the beans are stored and their shelf life. Average shelf life of grains:

  • fried - 2 weeks;
  • fried in a vacuum pack - one and a half years;
  • fried in an airtight package - from six months to a year;
  • raw - one year;
  • raw in a sealed package - up to 5 years.

The main condition for the preservation of beans is the exclusion of ultraviolet rays, oxygen, and moisture.

To prevent coffee from losing its properties and aroma, you should keep it in a place with a stable temperature. The fewer temperature changes, the better. The optimal range is from 18 to 27 degrees, but minor deviations from this norm are possible. Experts recommend that during frequent temperature fluctuations, storing coffee beans only in containers with thick walls.

How to store ground coffee

The vulnerability of coffee increases after it is ground. Therefore, the rules for storing powder are somewhat specific.

Hermetically sealed packaging, from which the air has been evacuated, makes it possible to preserve the powder for a long time. It is in these packages that it is sold. This is very difficult to achieve at home, unless you have a home vacuum sealer in stock.

In everyday life, purchased ground powder is often stored in the same packages in which it was purchased. And there is a reason for this.

  • This pack provides optimal protection from moisture and light.
  • It eliminates the formation of condensation.
  • Provides good protection against odors.

Considering the very high hygroscopicity of ground coffee, this last point seems extremely important. Powder dampens much faster than grains, so moisture protection is an important factor.

The package must not be kept open. It needs to be twisted or tied to prevent air from getting inside. Many manufacturers provide them with special devices for tightly closing the neck after the packaging has been depressurized.

A variety of jars and containers with tight-fitting lids will be suitable containers for storage. It is best if it is equipped with a silicone or rubberized ring, which ensures good insulation of the contents.

How long does ground coffee last?

The answer depends on the chosen storage method.

  • In factory-closed packaging, from which all gases have been removed, it can retain most of its properties for 12 months.
  • In a tightly closed jar or in foil factory packaging - up to 7 days.
  • If opened, it will last a maximum of 1 day.

If you are the happy owner of a coffee grinder, then grind your coffee for one brew, and your favorite drink will always have an excellent aroma and the most intense taste.

IMPORTANT. Fresh grinding tastes best; any period of storage reduces its aromatic and taste qualities.

How to store coffee beans

The rules for careful storage of a grain product are not much different from ground ones.

  • Factory packaging . You need to open it by cutting off one corner, and not the entire upper part. Then you can pour out the amount needed for grinding, and wrap the rest of the bag tightly, releasing as much air as possible from it. This will extend the shelf life.
  • A jar with a tight-fitting lid . You can experiment with the material of the container, but not with its tightness. If you want to drink a good drink, then make sure that the lid closes as tightly as possible.

Where to store coffee?

We have already figured out that it is best to store coffee in a bag or a well-closed jar. It turns out that the choice of storage location also matters. By putting a transparent container with grains on public display, you risk losing not only the smell, but also the rich color. The light will be to blame. Where can you put the container in a regular kitchen?

  • Open shelf . Not a very good solution. There is open access to humidity, air and light. In addition, temperature changes, which are inevitable in our kitchen, also have an impact.
  • Closed kitchen cabinet . Everything ingenious is simple. This statement is true in this case as well. An ordinary kitchen cabinet is perfect for storing coffee at home. Protected from light, drafts, and has relatively constant humidity. It is good if it is located as far as possible from the stove and sink with water. Keep the jar or bag separate from other strong-smelling products: spices, scented candles, incense. If you choose neighbors, then let them be neutral pasta or cereals. Storing the aroma and taste of delicate grains next to dried herbs, fruits and vegetables will not benefit the aroma and taste. It's best if your kitchen furniture is made of wood, as it provides natural ventilation.

IMPORTANT. If the kitchen is not equipped with a hood, then we prepare a storage place at a medium height, so that moisture and excess heat do not accumulate here.

  • Fridge . This method is often recommended, citing the fact that at low temperatures “essential oils do not volatilize.” Let’s say right away that the flight of oils is hampered by their dense structure. Only the aromas evaporate quickly. But the main problem for the safety of coffee beans is not the evaporating aromatic fractions, but oxidation. Oxygen facilitates this process most quickly. Therefore, the main condition for preservation is not low temperature, but as little contact with oxygen as possible. The refrigerator compartment is basically not suitable. Too many odors, high humidity, constant temperature changes that occur when opening and closing the door are not the best conditions for preserving delicate beans.
  • Freezer . The freezer has a much lower temperature and, indeed, can ensure long-term preservation of coffee stock. This method can be used if you purchased for future use. When choosing such a place, there is one condition - after taking the product out of the freezer, you should not put it back. This shifting disrupts the structure of the grains. It is best to store hermetically sealed bags of coffee in the freezer, or portioned packages in cling film or foil. Having taken out such a portion, you can immediately use it without touching the main supply. Only modern freezers with dry freezing are suitable for storage. Coffee should be kept in a separate section or drawer of the freezer. If this is not possible, then first put it in a closed container. In this case, it is acceptable to use a regular plastic box.

Special package

When suggesting storing coffee beans in a bag, experts are not talking about thin plastic bags with handles. In stores specializing in the sale of tea and coffee drinks, you can purchase special bags for storing coffee beans. They are made of thick polyethylene with a foil layer. There is a ziplock (sealed fastener) at the top, and a special valve at the bottom.

The benefits of using packages are obvious.

  • No foreign odors penetrate into a zipped bag with grain or ground product. The grains have a porous structure, which facilitates the absorption of foreign aromas. Ziplock protects not only from air, but also from excess moisture.
  • Fresh coffee produces gases. To do this, the package is equipped with a special valve that releases air from the package and prevents it from penetrating inside.
  • The bag can be compressed, sealing the product and minimizing air penetration between the beans.
  • Due to the aluminum foil layer, the packaging prevents direct sunlight.

Coffee can be stored in a bag for up to 2 weeks without loss of taste and aroma.

Coffee storage jar

Coffee beans, like many other products of natural origin, require very careful selection of the containers in which they are stored. Negligence in this matter is fraught with damage to the aroma and taste.

We mentioned that the jar should have a tight-fitting lid with an O-ring. What material should the ideal coffee container be made of?

  • Metal . Tin or stainless steel cans are compact, lightweight and reliable. However, they can leave a slight metallic taste in the finished drink.
  • Plastic . The worst option. There may be a specific smell, and if the container is not equipped with a sealed, ground-in lid, it will not provide reliable protection from moisture and exposure to air.
  • Glass . One of the simplest, and at the same time, successful options. The contents are perfectly insulated from the negative effects of the environment, and the neutrality of the material will prevent the coffee from absorbing foreign odors.

  • Ceramics . An excellent option, but you will have to look for a tightly sealed container. Most options for ceramic containers are for decorative purposes, and their lids are not designed to seal tightly. However, the current variety of dishes will certainly allow you to find the right option.
  • Tree . Nice and stylish, but not quite suitable. These environmentally friendly boxes, chests and caskets can act as decorative items, however, they will not save you from moisture and foreign odors, and storage for 5-6 days is fraught with oxidative processes. In the case of ground coffee, this will happen even faster.

It is better to choose a jar so that it can hold a portion of coffee for a week. The shape of the container depends on personal preference, but just in case, keep in mind that square and rectangular ones will take up less space on the shelves, while round ones will require more space.

We hope the results of our little research will help you properly store beans and ground coffee so that your favorite drink always tastes great.


Preparing an aromatic drink from ground coffee beans also has its secrets. The main rule when preparing coffee in a Turk or by brewing in a coffee pot is to use suitable water in the recipe. For cooking, it is better to use bottled or filtered liquid - such water is softer, so it will reveal more of the aroma. Coffee lovers also recommend following a number of standards:

  1. It is better to choose brown sugar for the drink - it will only emphasize the taste of the drink. A separate advantage of this choice is the reduced calorie content.
  2. When adding spices during the coffee brewing process, it is recommended to add a small pinch of salt. This mineral will extinguish excess bitterness if the amount of cinnamon or pepper is exceeded.
  3. The drink must be prepared in small, strictly dosed quantities, since over time, brewed coffee loses its aroma and taste. You can fully enjoy its qualities for about 1 hour.

For reference! It is better to grind the grains immediately before preparing the drink, instead of storing them for a long time.

To reveal the aroma when brewing coffee according to the norms, the ground beans must be added first, and then filled with cold water. If sugar is added to the drink, then it is correct to add it to the cezve, along with the powder - this way the aroma and foam on the surface of the cup will be preserved to the utmost. You need to adjust the strength of the drink by the duration of cooking on the stove, and not by the amount of ground grain.

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