How and how to remove an orange stain, remedies and methods

Who doesn't love oranges? Unless they have allergies, and, in general, their position is understandable. However, everyone else has no obvious reason to dislike these citrus fruits. Juicy, sweet and healthy too! How can you not love this?

However, there is another category of people who are very wary of oranges. These are business women. They know firsthand how difficult it is to remove orange juice stains from clothes, tablecloths or carpets.

But should we give up our favorite treat now? Not at all necessary! You can simply learn how to effectively get rid of orange stains.

First actions

If your clothes get splashed with orange juice, don't panic. If you quickly and accurately treat a fresh stain, there is a high chance of removing it without a trace. This will help you:

  • cold water;
  • salt;
  • talc;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar;
  • boiling water;
  • lemon acid.

Cold water jet

The most affordable and budget option for removing an orange stain is a stream of cold water. Place the contaminated area under it and wait 15 minutes. The liquid will wash away the bulk of the juice, preventing it from attaching to the fabric, and the final step will be regular machine washing.


Salt, used as a seasoning in the kitchen, is great for removing orange stains. It's all about the ability of salt to actively absorb excess moisture. It will draw all the juice onto itself, preventing it from penetrating into the tissue structure. It is enough to sprinkle fresh dirt generously and wait 25 minutes. To consolidate the effect, hand or machine wash is suitable.

Talc or flour

Talc or flour has a similar effect to salt. Particles of the substance draw the liquid towards themselves, preventing them from firmly attaching to clothing. Of course, talc is not always within walking distance, but flour is available in almost every kitchen and there shouldn’t be any problems. Treat the stain with any available product, and then simply wash the item.

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Glycerin works well on fresh orange stains. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • treat the stain with glycerin;
  • we give it some time to interact with the pollution;
  • rinse the fabric thoroughly;
  • We put the item in the washing machine.

Cool boiling water

Treating the stain with boiling water is considered an extremely effective remedy. It breaks down the bonds between fabric fibers and organic compounds, quickly washing them out of clothes. Only the area contaminated with orange juice should be treated with boiling water, after which the item is sent for washing.

Note! The method is not suitable for all fabrics. Before using it, read the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the label.


Vinegar is actively used by housewives to remove stains from citrus fruits, having proven itself as an effective and reliable remedy. Simply moisten the orange stain with vinegar and then rinse the fabric with plenty of cold tap water.

Lemon acid

Unlike vinegar, citric acid is not as effective and is only suitable for fresh orange marks. Old stains that have managed to penetrate the fabric fibers properly will be extremely difficult to remove with citric acid.

The algorithm of actions is similar to using homemade vinegar:

  • treat the stain with citric acid;
  • give some time for interaction;
  • rinse the item;
  • send it to the wash.

Sour milk, kefir or fermented baked milk

If you are afraid to remove stains with aggressive compounds from children's clothing or delicate fabrics, then you can use more gentle products. For example, dairy products.

How to remove stains using dairy products:

  1. Dip the part of the product that you stained in orange juice into kefir, milk or whey for 1 hour.
  2. If the composition of the item allows it, then you can add a little more citric acid to the dairy product (works especially well on white clothes).
  3. After the soak time has expired, wash your clothes in the washing machine as usual.

How to remove old stains

In advanced situations, when the stain has had time to dry thoroughly, the above methods will help little or will not have any visible effect at all.

The following will help in the fight against old stains:

  • stain removers, which can be purchased at any household chemicals department;
  • steam;
  • dishwashing liquid mixed with baking soda.

Stain removers

Special household chemicals, the main purpose of which is to remove difficult stains from the surface of the fabric. They differ in:

  • price;
  • functionality;
  • quality.

There are budget products that can cope with a limited number of contaminants, and there are universal products suitable for almost any situation. Among the popular brands of bleaches that have the largest number of positive reviews among housewives are:

  • Antipyatin;
  • Ecover;
  • Vanish;
  • Sarma Active;
  • Frau Schmidt.

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Sarma Active

A stain remover designed to enhance the cleaning properties of the powder. Among the positive properties of the product are:

  1. Effective effect on stains when washed at temperatures of 30°C or higher.
  2. Suitable for washing white and colored fabrics.
  3. The bleach does not contain chlorine.
  4. Keeps the fabric looking fresh even after numerous washes.
  5. Has an antibacterial effect.

The reasonable price adds even more attractiveness to the product.

Frau Schmidt

A German detergent that allows you to maintain cleanliness and order in your home at the highest level. Housewives who use this brand on a regular basis note the following advantages of bleach:

  • does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • copes equally well with stains on white and colored fabrics;
  • does not irritate hands during contact, which is especially appreciated by people with sensitive, delicate skin;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.


It is considered a leader in the Russian detergent market due to the following competitive advantages:

  • Vanish bleach needs 30 seconds to remove most types of stains;
  • the product not only removes stains, but also makes the fabric crystal white;
  • does not contain chlorine;
  • universal to use.


A quality bleach used to remove stains from white fabrics. Manufacturers position the product as an environmentally friendly product that does not harm the environment. He copes well with the assigned tasks, fully fulfilling the amount requested for him.


A domestic product that is in demand both among the local population and abroad. This effect is achieved thanks to:

  • hypoallergenic. According to the manufacturers, the product can be used to wash any clothes, including children's items;
  • pleasant smell;
  • low price. Costs 3 times less than any other “competitor” on the market;
  • efficiency.


If you have a steam cleaner, orange stains can be removed without household chemicals. A powerful jet of hot steam will quickly remove stains from any type of fabric, leaving no traces of contamination. Steam cleaners are convenient to use not only for cleaning clothes; they can also be used on furniture and carpets.

Soda and dishwashing liquid

Baking soda, in combination with dishwashing liquid, shows excellent results that can compete with bleach and steam cleaner. To use the method you must:

  1. Mix soda with detergent in such a proportion that you get a liquid slurry similar in consistency to sour cream.
  2. Apply the paste to the contaminated area and give it some time to interact with the orange juice. 25-30 minutes is enough.
  3. Remove the paste and rinse with plenty of warm water.

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Cleaning the sofa from blood stains

Removing blood from a sofa is much more difficult than cleaning it from wardrobe items. The upholstery cannot be removed and washed. But it is possible to deal with bloody stains on furniture.

Universal soap solution

This method will be relevant if the dirt appeared quite recently. It is universal because it is suitable for all types of upholstery. Cleaning steps:

  1. Fresh drops of blood are blotted with a paper napkin.
  2. Then wipe off the blood with a small piece of damp cloth, moving from the edges to the center.
  3. Shavings are prepared from laundry soap and diluted with water.
  4. The solution is used to treat stains.
  5. The remaining foam is removed with a clean, damp cotton pad.

Rub the stains with a soap solution until traces of blood disappear.

With fabric upholstery

In order to wash dried blood from the upholstery, you will need aspirin. Moreover, the dose is quite small - one tablet. The drug is crushed and dissolved in a glass of clean water. Using a cloth, the areas are wiped with the prepared solution.

With leather furniture

In this case, the means for removing blood stains is unusual - shaving foam. Due to its delicate action it is used for cleaning natural leather. To remove old stains, you have to additionally use a soft brush.

Shaving foam is applied to areas with blood and left for 25-30 minutes. Remains of the product are removed gradually using a cotton pad soaked in water. Old stains are rubbed with a brush.

You can also clean a leather sofa with another homemade product. To do this, use ammonia and dishwashing detergent. Another effective method is a mixture of lemon juice, water and wine.

Rules for using stain remover

Stain remover is considered an aggressive substance and is not suitable for all types of fabric. Before using it you must:

  • read the instructions and make sure that it is allowed to be used for this type of fabric;
  • To avoid unpleasant moments, apply the stain remover to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item and wait 5-10 minutes. If nothing happens to the fabric, use the product for its intended purpose.

Note! When using aggressive chemicals, try to protect the skin of your hands from direct contact.


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Features of breeding

When removing stains from clothes, it is worth considering some features characteristic of white and colored items. If this is not done, the result may not meet your expectations.

With white clothes

When removing stains from a white T-shirt or other clothing, it is not recommended:

  • use substances that contain chlorine;
  • use hydrogen peroxide.

Both components can give the fabric an unpleasant yellowish tint, which no housewife will like.

With color

Colored items are easier to process than white ones, but you also need to be careful when working with them. Keep in mind that:

  • colored items react poorly to high temperatures;
  • colored items can be damaged by strong physical impact.

In addition, some components included in detergents can adversely affect the dyes used on fabrics. This should also be taken into account when choosing a cleaning method.

Traditional methods

In addition to specialized stain removers, you can use traditional methods to remove plum stains. Let's look at several popular and effective methods with which you can easily and quickly eliminate the consequences of interaction between clothing fabrics and berry juice.

Laundry soap and sugar

Laundry soap will help remove a new stain if it has not yet been absorbed into the fabric. There are several ways to clean clothes from dirt using laundry soap. The first method is to thoroughly lather the area of ​​contamination with soap with a concentration of at least 72 percent. Then you need to leave the clothes soaped for twelve hours for the soap to take effect. It is recommended to wrap the soaped part with polyethylene. After the specified time has passed, wash the item using washing powder.

The second method of removing berry stains is distinguished by its speed. It only takes fifteen minutes to remove the dirt. Lather the stain with soap and sprinkle with sugar. Scrub the stained area with a brush. Leave the clothes for fifteen minutes and wash them.

Uses of lemon

Lemon juice can easily remove stains from fabric. However, it is worth remembering that lemon juice acts as a bleach, so this method is more suitable for removing plum stains from white things. Apply a solution of lemon juice and salt to the stain. Leave the item for fifteen minutes, then wash.

Vodka and glycerin

Stains from plum juice can be easily removed from fabric using a solution made from vodka and glycerin. Dilute the ingredients in equal proportions and rub it into the fabric. Then wash the item.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide is an easy and affordable folk way to get rid of plum juice on fabric. There are several ways. The first method is to simply pour hydrogen peroxide onto the stained area of ​​the fabric. Then you need to rub the fabric with your hands and leave for a while until the stain begins to disappear. If necessary, you can add a little more peroxide if the contamination is not removed.

After all manipulations, wash the item with washing powder. There is also the option of hanging the treated item of clothing on the balcony. The scorching sun will enhance the cleansing effect.

You can mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia and water. We will need one teaspoon of ammonia and peroxide per two hundred milliliters of water. The water should be hot. Soak the item in the solution until the stain disappears from the fabric, then wash. You can also apply a mixture of ammonia and peroxide pointwise to the contaminated area and leave for half an hour, and then wash the item.

With milk

Fruit stains can be removed from clothes using regular cow's milk. Place the soiled item in hot milk for thirty minutes. After half an hour, remove the item and wash it by hand or in the washing machine.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is an excellent way to eliminate tangerine stains:

1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of acid in 200 ml of water and apply the mixture to the stain. Wait 15-20 minutes and rinse the item.

2. Use when soaking to achieve a more pronounced result and remove old stains.

Packaged citric acid and fresh lemon juice are suitable.

Fabric cleaners

Not every stain remover will cope with orange stains. The packaging of the product should indicate that it copes with this kind of trouble. Another point is to make sure that the stain remover is suitable for a particular fabric. Most of them are effective on white fabrics, but can ruin colored items.

Preference should be given to plant-based formulations without chlorine and other aggressive components in the composition. Stubborn stains can be removed from white using bleach. You don’t need to pour it directly onto the stain; you should moisten the sponge with the mixture, or even better, dilute it a little with water.

Whitening pencils are also becoming quite popular. They are easy to use and almost all of them cope with orange marks on fabric.

Enjoy oranges and other citrus fruits because they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential for supporting the body during winter cold and little sun. Eat citrus fruits for your health and don’t think about stains - you already know how to remove them.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Before you buy any stain remover, study the composition. The label should indicate which fabric it is suitable for. If you wash colored items, be sure to check the color fastness of the stain remover.
  2. Apply the product you will use to remove stains to a small and inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. Check the reaction of the product so as not to spoil it even more.
  3. After removing the stains, wash the item as usual.
  4. Bleach is used specifically for white fabrics. Before using such a product, find out whether it contains chlorine, as it is not suitable for many types of fabrics.
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