What is the best way to remove coffee stains from jeans and white clothes?

People who love and often drink coffee know only one drawback. Once on clothing, difficult-to-remove coffee stains can remain there for a long time if they are not removed using the correct and gentle method.

It is important to remember that regular washing will do little to remove the stain and will only make the situation worse. And dry cleaning of clothes is not always available. But to get rid of stains on popular clothes like jeans, you can use home remedies.


From it you can prepare a solution that copes well with this kind of pollution. Add about 12 drops of alcohol to a volume of cold water of 0.5 liters and mix. Then soak a cotton pad, cotton cloth or brush in the resulting solution.

Using these items, the solution is applied to the jeans and gently wiped until the stain disappears. To avoid smearing and increasing the area of ​​contamination, during the cleaning process it is recommended to move from the edges of the stain to the center. Then, the jeans can be washed in a regular automatic machine.

Lactic acid

If you mix distilled water and a little lactic acid, you get an excellent stain remover, the cost of which is much lower than dry cleaning jeans. To prepare the composition, you will need to add only 4 grams of lactic acid to 20 ml of purified water.

After this, apply the solution to the stained area using a sponge or cotton pad and allow it to soak into the fabric for 15-20 minutes. Then the stain is slightly moistened and washed as usual.

To avoid coffee getting onto other areas of the jeans, place napkins or cloth under the spot where the stain is treated.

Method 5: stain remover and liquid soap

Prepare stain remover and some liquid soap.
  • Read the instructions on the stain remover package before removing the coffee. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • Apply a little mixture to and around the stain
Leave the product on for the time indicated in the instructions.
Soak a sponge in liquid soap and rub the stained area.
The pressure depends on the fabric:
  • Rub strong fabrics vigorously;
  • delicate - neat
Rinse the item in warm water . Wash clothes as normal

Sodium hyposulfite

Removing stains on white jeans is more difficult because the contrast between the stain and the fabric will be noticeable even from afar. But there is a pharmaceutical product called hyposulfite, which is often used for whitening. If you mix 2 teaspoons of hyposulfite with a glass of water and apply it to the stain, and after 15-20 minutes put the jeans in the wash, you can get rid of coffee stains even on white denim.

But if you think that it is better to trust the professionals than to try to remove a stain from your favorite item yourself, without guarantees that it will not deteriorate, contact the Mobile Tailor dry cleaner.

Remember that the sooner you start the process of removing coffee stains from jeans, the easier it will be to deal with it. But what if it’s not possible to buy a stain remover, and you don’t have the necessary products in your medicine cabinet. In this case, we use folk remedies.

What to do?

First of all, if you have glycerin in your medicine cabinet, take it and mix it with regular table salt. Apply the resulting mixture (in the form of a paste) to the contaminated area. Then, when it dries, rinse this mixture with water, rinse the item itself and voila! – clothes and tablecloth were saved. Coffee can be removed from carpet in a similar way, but it is recommended to use a brush and more glycerin and salt, as well as plenty of water when cleaning it.

If there is no glycerin or soda ash in the house, you can follow the advice of housewives. According to surveys, people most often use ammonia, fine salt, bleaching soap, car cleaner, and even gasoline to quickly remove coffee stains!

The products described above are universal, but are mainly suitable for fresh stains. What to do with old stains?

Folk remedies

These are available in every home, the main thing is to know how to use them correctly.

Salt and soda

These products will help in an emergency when you accidentally spill coffee on your jeans. By pouring a little salt onto the stained area as soon as possible and rubbing it well, you can immediately begin the process of neutralizing the stain. Leaving the salt on for a while will help effectively remove coffee from the fabric.

After drying, all that remains is to wash the jeans in the washing machine. Also, if glycerin is present, you can add it to the salt and enhance the effect of neutralizing pollution. Soda, like salt, absorbs coffee, so you can use it too.

Laundry soap

This is one of the most popular stain removers that is known for being affordable and can be effective in dealing with coffee stains. After making a soap solution and applying it to the stained area, let the jeans sit for about 30 minutes and then wash them by hand.

Do not rub soap into the fabric, as there is a risk of damaging it or smearing the stain. This procedure should be repeated several times until the stain disappears or becomes barely noticeable. After this you can wash it in a washing machine.

It is not always possible to start fighting a coffee stain immediately after it appears, however, old coffee stains can be removed, but you need to know how and with what means.

Citric and oxalic acid

Depending on how much time has passed since the jeans were stained, the acid can be applied separately or together (in a 1 to 1 ratio). If the stain is old, then it is better to wait about 90 minutes for better penetration of the substance into the fabric.

The minimum time for which you need to leave the prepared solution is 30 minutes. After this, the jeans can be washed in a machine and allowed to dry. If the stain does not disappear, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Stain remover

Many people use standard stain removers for all types of fabrics. But you need to understand that the chemical composition of such substances is not always suitable for a particular type of clothing. It is strictly not recommended to use substances containing chlorine for jeans. It can not only remove the trace of a coffee stain, but also change the shade of the item at the site of application.

And the “Mobile Tailor” will help you cope with any stains, regardless of the statute of limitations, where you can order washing and ironing of any linen.

Is it possible to paint over stains on fabric and how to do it?

If neither a professional nor a folk method for removing yellowness helped, you can try to paint over the stain. Suitable for this:

  • dye;
  • permanent marker;
  • acrylic paint for fabric.

In the first and second cases, there is a high probability that the tone of the entire product and the stain itself will be different and, therefore, will be very noticeable. But as for acrylic paint, covering it in 2 layers will hide any flaw in the fabric. And if after 12 hours you iron the entire thing on the back side, the paint will set and will never wash out.

Finding the best way to remove yellow stains from white things can only be done through trial and error. In any case, it is worth choosing a product depending on its aggressiveness and type of fabric.

How to properly remove a stain from jeans?

Before you start washing your jeans if you have spilled or dripped coffee with milk on them, you should thoroughly degrease the stained area. To do this, you can use laundry soap, which does an excellent job of removing these stains.

A mixture of starch and glycerin that needs to be heated will also help. Next, using salt, soda or ammonia, clean the area of ​​contamination from a previously degreased surface. It is recommended to leave the jeans on for a short time for better absorption of the product and further removal of the stain.

After this, you can wash the jeans in a regular washing machine until any remaining dirt is completely removed.

Which washing powder cleans best?

You're probably wondering which works better on stains: dry powder or liquid laundry detergent. Let's compare the pros and cons of two cleaning products.



  • Great for removing stains, especially old ones;
  • Cheaper;
  • Cardboard packaging is more environmentally friendly.


  • Sometimes it does not dissolve properly, leaving marks on clothes;
  • Contains sodium sulfate, which may cause allergies;
  • Contains more chemicals than liquid detergent, which is harmful to the inside of the machine and the plumbing.

Liquid product


  • The detergent is pre-dissolved, so there is no sediment;
  • Liquid detergent contains fewer chemicals than powder and is therefore safer for the environment;
  • You can pre-treat stains by pouring the liquid directly onto the fabric.


  • Liquid detergents are generally more expensive than powder detergents;
  • Plastic packaging is not as environmentally friendly;
  • Liquid detergent is good for fresh stains, but does not cope well with dried stains;

It's hard to say which remedy is better. But we can say for sure which one is better suited in certain cases:

  • The powder is best suited for washing heavily soiled clothes.
  • The liquid is best suited for powerful washing machines and do-it-yourself dispensers such as Siemens iDos.

Advice from Mobile Tailor

When removing coffee stains from your jeans, be gentle and gentle. The best thing to do is to start removing the stain as quickly as possible before the coffee gets into the fabric.

Do not use substances containing: chlorine, hydrogen peroxide and other aggressive bleaching agents. They should be used with great care on light-colored jeans only. Because with strong exposure to chemicals, the fabric can become damaged and discolored.

Therefore, if you are not sure, then it is better to give the item to the professionals from Mobile Tailor.
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An old coffee stain on wool is perhaps the most problematic and requires more time and effort to remove. Place a tissue under the stain. Take a brush (soft) and dip it in a pre-prepared 1% ammonia solution. The napkin from below will absorb dirt, so it requires periodic replacement. After removing the stain, rinse the item with cold water; if it is white, you can additionally moisten the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Wool should be washed with care; all the nuances are discussed here.

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