Myrtle tree. Growing Myrtle at home (planting and care)

The plant, which came to us from ancient antiquity, brings peace, tranquility and comfort to the house. Myrtle is a resident of the Mediterranean, where in nature it reaches a height of 3-5 meters. In the cultivated version, it is a small tree up to 1 m high.

As an ornamental plant, it dates back more than 400 years. They can decorate your home, office and winter garden. Myrtle has amazing healing and disinfecting properties. Various infusions are prepared from it; its leaves have a great ability to purify the air. In a word, myrtle not only decorates the house, but also brings undoubted benefits.

Features of growing myrtle

The main feature of growing myrtle is the need for cold wintering. As a southern resident, he loves light and high humidity. Myrtle is a flowering plant. For good flowering it needs pinching. On the other hand, if you actively shape its crown, its ability to flower may suffer. Therefore, you need to know the basic rules of pruning and decide what you like more – a flowering tree or a plant with a beautifully formed crown.

Another feature of myrtle is its slow growth. Over the course of a year, the tree gains only 10-15 cm.

Myrtle is not very whimsical and not difficult to care for. It is enough to provide it with temperature, light and watering conditions.

Which pot to choose for myrtle

Which pot to choose for myrtle is a pressing question for many plant lovers. In garden stores, all indoor crops are sold in standard plastic containers. It is not recommended to keep any flower, including myrtle, in this container in the future. Therefore, when purchasing this new specimen for your flower garden, you must also purchase a pot for replanting.

Pots for plants

To develop a strong and healthy tree, you should choose a pot with drainage holes and a water tray for myrtle. This plant does not tolerate drought, but even when water stagnates, its root system begins to rot.

It is better to choose a flowerpot made of natural materials: white and red clay, fireclay, ceramics. Due to their structure, such containers help improve oxygen access to the soil substrate, prevent waterlogging of the soil and prevent overheating of the soil clod from sunlight.

It is also important to choose the right pot size. There is no need to buy a large flowerpot right away. With such planting, the plant spends all its energy on the formation of the root system.

The above-ground part does not develop. Therefore, the volume of the pot increases gradually, with each transplant by a couple of centimeters. The optimal volume of the pot will be half the volume of the crown.

In a suitable flowerpot, the myrtle tree takes root well, and multiple branches with richly colored leaves form on its crown. The correct pot for myrtle greatly simplifies plant care and prevents the development of diseases.

Expert opinion

Yulia Yurievna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of cultivating plants and mulching the soil, and I share my experience.

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After purchasing myrtle in a standard plastic pot, it is better not to replant this plant immediately. A change of habitat is a great stress for myrtle, therefore it is important to allow the culture to adapt. At the same time, it is better to place the new pet away from other house flowers. Although this crop is not often affected by infections, it is still better to keep it in quarantine for about a month. During the transplantation process, it is important to inspect the rhizome. If there are signs of disease or decay, it is worth sanitizing by removing the damaged areas. We recommend paying attention to this nuance, because if the myrtle was in a plastic pot for a long time and the watering conditions were violated, the root system could be damaged. The danger of a pot that is too large is not only that the above-ground part of the plant will not fully develop. In such conditions, moisture stagnation may form, because undeveloped roots will not be able to reach it in all parts of the pot. This can lead to diseases and mold formation on the soil surface. In addition, when choosing a new container, we recommend focusing on the size of the crown. The pot should be stable enough and look harmonious. If you are using a flowerpot in which house flowers have previously grown, you should wash it with baking soda and pour boiling water over it to destroy harmful spores and bacteria.

Planting an indoor myrtle flower

Planting this home flower has no special features. Transplantation is carried out as the plant grows. Each time they take a larger pot for a flower.

Planting methods

Myrtle propagates by cuttings or seeds.

Optimal time for planting

The best time to plant cuttings in winter is February, in summer – July. For propagation by seeds, the time of year does not matter.

Soil for the plant (Composition and selection of soil)

The following soil composition is suitable for myrtle:

  • A mixture of turf, humus, peat and sand in equal parts
  • Greenhouse land
  • Peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 1:1:0.5, respectively.

The soil should be slightly acidic.

Features of caring for your home myrtle flower at home

There is no difficulty in caring for myrtle if you follow the basic conditions for its cultivation.

Location and lighting for the plant

Myrtle grows well in bright light. However, in extreme heat, he needs openwork shade. If the myrtle lives in the country in the summer, it is better to place it in the shade of trees at midday; if on the balcony, you can shade it with a tulle curtain.

In accordance with this, you need to choose a place in the house. It is better if it is south, south-east or south-west. If you put it on the north side, it will, of course, survive, but it will bloom worse.

Air humidity

Myrtle loves moist air, especially in summer. The soil should not dry out, and the plant itself must be sprayed.

In winter, if it is not possible to keep the myrtle in the cold, it should be placed away from heating radiators and maintain high air humidity.

Temperature regime for the plant

The main difficulty in keeping myrtle in good shape is organizing proper wintering. Myrtle urgently needs a fairly low temperature in winter - optimally no higher than +7 degrees, in summer - +22 - +25 degrees.

How to water correctly

Overwatering and excessive dryness are equally harmful to myrtle. Intensified watering is carried out from spring to late summer. Then it is reduced to 1 time per week. It is unacceptable for the earthen clod to dry out. If there is water in the pan after watering, it must be drained.

Feeding and fertilizing the myrtle flower

You can feed myrtle all year round; only the frequency of fertilization changes.

In summer this can be done weekly, in winter - monthly. Fertilizers for flowering plants are ideal for feeding.

Common myrtle: rules for caring for a houseplant

Home myrtle is not a very fancy and ordinary plant; standard care allows you to get a healthy and highly decorative plant that will delight the gardener for many years.

Temperature and lighting

The culture prefers bright and diffused lighting, but can easily tolerate direct sunlight for not too long a time. In winter, myrtle should be placed in the most illuminated areas of the room. In summer, the plant can be moved to open ground, providing protection from prolonged exposure to direct midday sun.

Cultivation is carried out in moderate air temperatures, at 18-20°C in summer and approximately 6-8°C in winter. Only the correct temperature indicators and sufficient lighting allow you to obtain abundant and long-lasting flowering. In warm and too dry rooms, foliage may fall off en masse from a perennial.

Watering and fertilizing

In spring and summer, it is recommended to periodically spray the perennial with warm and well-settled water. Irrigation activities must be regular and plentiful. Overdrying of the soil clod provokes leaf fall, but you should also not allow water to stagnate in the trays after watering.

In winter, as well as in late autumn, the above-ground part of the plant does not need to be sprayed, and irrigation activities should be reduced to once a month. At this time, the decorative perennial does not need feeding at all.

Crown formation

Proper care of myrtle involves timely and competent formation of the crown. Many amateur gardeners prune the aboveground part of the perennial in order to obtain an attractive standard plant shape with a neat and fairly compact crown.

Common myrtle is characterized by fairly rapid growth and is able to easily recover even after severe pruning. However, you should not get carried away with this type of crown formation, since in this case the flowering of the perennial becomes less abundant and longer lasting. In any case, formation occurs in early spring or immediately after flowering.

Choosing a flowerpot and soil

When choosing a flower pot or flowerpot, it is recommended to give preference to fairly tall and wide plastic planting containers, which allows the root system to feel comfortable and develop well. However, a flowerpot that is too voluminous provokes moisture stagnation and is unsuitable for growing indoor myrtle. When cultivating under indoor floriculture conditions, it is best to use planting soil consisting of turf soil, medium-grained river sand and high-quality humus mixed in equal proportions.


Regular pruning of myrtle stimulates the growth of side shoots. If you do not do this, it is impossible to get a lush crown. Frequent pruning of young shoots can negatively affect flowering.

Trimming methods

To get a neat crown of the desired shape, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the plant will bloom less.

If you pinch the top, you get a neat bush; if you don’t touch the plant, the crown will be pyramidal; if you trim the side shoots, you get a crown like a tree.

Comments (4)

  • masmetall

    07/30/2018 at 01:27 pm |
    This is not the first time recently that I have heard and read about the usefulness of this plant. Once I ran into the store, and the saleswoman said that I was far from the first to be interested. On occasion, I will definitely buy a flower or ask for a gift.


    Andrey Expert Fruit Garden

    11/13/2018 at 5:43 pm |

    Good afternoon Since myrtle takes root well from cuttings, you can get one in the very near future. To do this, you should visit your city gardening club and look for the happy owner of this plant. From him, you can get recommendations for growing his particular variety of myrtle! If the information provided by the owner of the seedling (or cutting) is not enough for you, feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help you in this exciting process - growing Myrtle!))


  • Oksana

    07/28/2019 at 11:12 |

    Does myrtle bloom indoors or is it just an evergreen tree? I heard about its usefulness in that it purifies the air in the apartment, and I wanted to buy it or get a cutting. Another question: how fast does myrtle grow at home?


  • Transplanting myrtle

    Young plants are replanted once a year, adults - once every 2-3 years.

    Transplant methods

    Replanting is done by simply transferring the plant into a new, larger pot. Naturally, into new soil. In order for the plant to be easily removed from the pot, you need to dry the earthen ball a little, so you should stop watering a few days before replanting.

    Be sure to put drainage at the bottom of the pot, then plant the myrtle in soil of any composition indicated above. The soil needs to be well compacted around the plant. There is no need to bury the trunk into the ground.

    When to replant

    • The plant was just purchased in a store;
    • The age of myrtle is from one to three years;
    • Pests or diseases have appeared;
    • The plant has grown a lot, and the flower container has become too small.

    In the first three years, it is recommended to replant myrtle regularly once a year, as the crop grows very actively. For older plants, one transplant every three years will be enough. The procedure is carried out only by transshipment, preserving the earthen coma. Favorable time is the period from November to March, when the plant is at rest. The new flower container should not be much larger than the previous one. It is recommended to leave the root collar above the soil surface when planting.

    An indoor tree purchased in a store must be replanted, as it requires replacing the soil mixture with a better one that is appropriate for the given type of plant. This will help avoid possible problems with the growth and development of the flower due to the presence of harmful impurities in the purchased soil.

    When pests appear, myrtle must be replanted without preserving the earthen ball, but, on the contrary, with a complete replacement of the old soil mixture. It is recommended to handle the roots carefully so as not to damage them. This procedure is forced and is a chance to save the entire indoor plant from death.

    Another important reason for replanting myrtle is the increased size of the root system, which cannot develop in such a cramped area and helps to stop the growth and development of the crop. Loop-shaped and twisted roots entangle the entire earthen lump and fill the entire volume of the flower vessel. In this case, the transplant procedure cannot be postponed for a long time.

    Myrtle propagation

    Myrtle is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Both methods give good results and are not particularly difficult at home.

    Reproduction methods


    Cuttings can be taken both from a side shoot and from the main one, but not from the flowering one. From a side shoot you need to take a cutting no more than 10 cm, from the main shoot - 5-7 cm. Before planting, you need to remove the lower leaves from the cutting and trim the upper ones. Treat the cutting itself with root or heteroauxin. Plant in a flat tray in a mixture of leaf soil and coarse sand.

    It is better to place the tray with cuttings in a cool, shaded place and cover it with film. Just like an adult plant, seedlings need to be watered and sprayed. From time to time it is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse so that the soil does not become sour and the cuttings do not rot. Rooting occurs within a month. Then the grown plants are planted in separate pots in a regular myrtle substrate.

    Propagation by seeds

    To sow seeds, take peat soil mixed with sand. Before sowing seeds, the soil must be moistened, possibly with a fungicide solution. Seeds are distributed into a tray on a layer of soil, then they are sprinkled with another layer of soil and covered with film or glass. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated and the soil should always be kept slightly moist. Seeds germinate on the seventh or tenth day. After the first leaves appear, the seedlings need to be transplanted into pots. When the root system develops and entangles the earthen ball, the plants are replanted again by transferring them into larger containers. Next, they need to be cared for like adult plants.

    Myrtle - what is it?

    When choosing a new inhabitant for their flower garden, many gardeners give preference to plants that not only have visual appeal, but can also perform other functions.

    Myrtle is one of these ornamental crops. Its leaves and flowers contain a high concentration of essential oils, which help purify the air in the room. Homemade skin care products are often made from the petals of the plant.

    Pinching myrtle with scissors

    At home, myrtle is grown as a small tree or bush. Its crown is thick, so it can be easily shaped.

    The leaf blade has an elongated shape with a slight point at the end. The color is rich, green. The surface is smooth with a pronounced gloss.

    Blooms from early to mid-summer. The flowers are multiple, but small. They consist of five white petals and a large number of stamens. When they are pollinated, white or pink berries are formed on the plant. You can get seeds from them, but it will not be possible to grow a strong plant from such planting material.

    Berries, flowers, leaves and shoots of myrtle do not contain toxic substances. Therefore, this plant does not pose a danger to adults and children.


    If you want myrtle to bloom, you don't need to prune it in the spring.

    When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

    Flowering period is June and July. At this time, the flower requires increased watering and fresh air. Some gardeners take myrtle to the dacha and dig the pot into the garden bed so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, but has enough light.

    Myrtle flowers are small, delicate, white or pink. The main part of the flowers is located on the upper part of the crown. They come in regular and terry types.

    Plant care after flowering

    After flowering ends, watering and fertilizing are gradually reduced. In autumn the crown is pruned.

    Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

    If myrtle is cared for well, it will not face any trouble. It can only suffer from overwatering, then the roots begin to rot and the plant dies.

    If the indoor air is too dry, myrtle may become susceptible to pests. It is affected by aphids, scale insects and spider mites.

    • Scale insects or shield aphids attack leaves and stems. Measures to combat it are spraying with a soap and tobacco solution with the addition of kerosene. The pests themselves are removed with a damp swab, and spraying with an insecticide saves from the larvae.
    • Spider mites appear if the indoor air is too dry. You can get rid of it by washing the leaves (their lower side) with a soap solution or weak tobacco infusion. Insecticides can be used.
    • Aphids infect the leaves - they begin to curl and dry out. Treated with insecticides.

    What can myrtle cause?

    If the plant is not maintained correctly, there is a chance that it will get sick or be attacked by pests.

    Manifestations on leavesCauseHow to cure
    Darkening, sticky coating.Shield.Remove the pest with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. Treat with insecticide.
    Drying.Aphid.Use insecticide.
    A white cobweb appears at the bottom.Spider mite.Clean with soap or tobacco. Treat with insecticide.
    White plaque.Mealybug.Remove the pest and use Aktaroy.
    The upper part has light spots, the back side is dark.Thrips.Apply Actellik.
    They dry up.Root rot.Cut off diseased roots and replant in uninfected soil.

    Answers to readers' questions

    Plant lifespan

    Myrtle is a perennial plant; with good care it lives a long time.

    Is it possible to keep this plant at home?

    Myrtle in the house is a source of peace and good mood. Myrtle leaves contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on mood and health.

    Is this flower poisonous?

    Myrtle leaves are (slightly) poisonous. May cause nausea and headaches in allergy sufferers

    Why doesn't the flower bloom?

    There may be no flowering if the crown is formed. It will not bloom even if it is kept indoors in the summer.

    Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

    Myrtle leaves turn yellow if it is damaged by a pest. Dry air and lack of light can also be the reason for this.

    Why does myrtle shed its leaves?

    Leaves fall due to lack of light or too high temperature.

    Flower care in winter

    In winter, myrtle has a dormant period. It requires low temperatures, minimal watering and no feeding.

    Anyone can start a myrtle tree or bush - caring for it at home is not too difficult. Even a beginner can do it. The beauty and aroma of the leaves will be a reward for the time you spend on the plant.

    How to grow myrtle at home

    To prevent the bush from dying, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions.

    SpringMyrtle needs bright light, but the north side should be avoided.60-70%. Frequent moisturizing is required. When flowering, avoid getting water on the buds. Rinse in the shower, then dry the soil from excess moisture. Place the pot on a tray with pebbles filled with water. +20°C. The plant needs fresh air and ventilation.
    SummerMove into the shade during hot days.Up to +25°C.
    AutumnPlace in the most illuminated places and use artificial lighting. As the days get shorter, the myrtle sheds its leaves. Moderate - 50-60%, if the room temperature is low. In a warm place, at +20°C, humidity is 60-70%. You should also remove the wood from heating devices and moisten it in various ways: shower, spraying, etc. +20…+25°C. If the plant was outside or on the balcony, gradually accustom it to the new temperature.
    Winter+12…+15°C, below +6°C the bush will die. If the temperature is above +15°C, the leaves will begin to fall. Avoid drafts.

    What myrtles are grown at home?

    There are species cultivated as indoor potted flowers. All of them are compact and suitable for forming a standard tree or a lush bush.


    Common myrtle (Myrtus communis)Decorative flowering plant of bushy form, evergreen. The leaves reach a size of 5 cm, leathery, oval, slightly pointed, dark green. The fragrant flowers are large, 2 cm in diameter. They have 5 petals. The berries are dark green or deep blue.

    Variegata myrtle (Myrtus Variegata)Compact bush. The leaves are large, variegated, with a blurred light green edge and a sharp tip. Exudes a subtle and delicate aroma. It exists in a small-leaved variety, in which case some of the leaves grow white, and the bush seems to turn silver. In room conditions it grows up to 1 m.

    Small-leaved myrtle (Myrtus microphylla)This is a variety of common myrtle. The bush is compact, the leaves are small, narrow, densely planted. Characterized by abundant flowering. The crown is dense. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm to 1 m. In a greenhouse it grows up to 2.5 m. If you knead the leaves, you can clearly smell the characteristic smell of myrtle.


    In its natural environment, myrtle can grow up to three meters, but a houseplant will not be more than 60 cm. The leaves are dark green, round and pointed at the end.

    Myrtle can be identified by its characteristic branches. When flowering, single, small, round flowers bloom. They come in different shades depending on the type of shrub. In the common myrtles and Boeticus they are white in color. Lemon tree flowers darken to cream or yellow over time.

    In summer, at the end of flowering, dark blue berries with a diameter of no more than 1 cm appear. They have an alluring smell and are edible.

    Myrtle is a magical plant; in ancient times it was given special significance. He was a symbol of sincerity, mercy and generosity. It was often used as decoration for wedding celebrations and was used to make wreaths as it was believed to bring happiness.

    The origin of many legends and traditions is associated with myrtle; there are various signs and superstitions. For example, if you put a sprig of myrtle under your pillow, you will have a prophetic dream, and a tree grown from seeds will help conceive your daughter. According to Feng Shui, the myrtle tree is described as a plant with soft energy. According to Taoist practice, it symbolizes family well-being.

    In addition to decorating the house or bouquets, it is used in cooking, for example, it is added when frying meat and fish, or for making pickles. Dried berries are used in some types of sausages, and in France they are used to make jam. However, due to the bitter taste, their quantity must be controlled.

    Myrtle tree: how to care for it at home

    Caring for a plant is not only about creating optimal conditions. For the result, it is important to immediately decide what you want to get in the end. A neat myrtle tree with a scattering of fragrant flowers or a compact bush with a dense crown is formed in different ways.

    Depending on this, different fertilizers are used. There are subtleties in pruning and pinching. In general, care is simple; you should not be afraid to plant a myrtle flower at home.

    Where is it better to place: natural and artificial lighting

    The sunniest place in the house should be given to myrtle. At noon, it is recommended to shade the plant from direct rays. If possible, take the pot outside in the summer; a balcony or loggia is also suitable.

    In winter, for good development, you need to provide artificial illumination, so that in the end you get 12 hours. This is especially true if the pot is not on the windowsill, but in the back of the room.

    In the autumn-winter period, direct sunlight is not scary for myrtle. You can safely place it on the windowsill. Whether the myrtle will bloom or not depends on the illumination. If there is not enough light, you may not see flowers at all.


    Right up to the frost, the myrtle can be on a glassed-in loggia. Then it is carried into the house and placed in the coolest place. In winter, at high temperatures (+23 °C... +25 °C), leaves begin to fall.

    Myrtle prefers moderate air temperatures. In winter it should not fall below +6 °C (optimally from +8 to +10 °C); in summer the plant feels comfortable at +20 °C.

    Air humidity

    Particular attention is paid to the plant in winter. Dry air causes leaves to drop, they wither and turn yellow. Frequent spraying of the bush saves the situation. This applies to all varieties of indoor myrtle.

    Place the pot in a pan of water, but make sure the drainage holes are not submerged in it. The task is to moisten not the soil, but the air. When wintering in optimal (cool) conditions, the bush is not sprayed.

    How often to water myrtle in summer and winter

    Myrtle loves moisture, so from spring to autumn, frequent irrigation of the soil is required, but without stagnation of water. In hot weather, water every other day, or even daily. In winter, the amount of moisture supplied to the roots is reduced to once every 2-4 weeks.

    Overmoistening the earthen ball can lead to the death of the plant. It's better to underfill than overfill. Make sure that liquid does not stagnate in the pan, as this can lead to fungal diseases that are difficult to fight.

    Soil for planting and replanting

    It is better to give preference to neutral soil, since there is no consensus on whether to use slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil. In this case, it is recommended to water the soil with slightly acidified water.

    A store-bought mixture labeled “For flowering plants” is suitable. For reference, here is the composition: turf soil, coconut substrate, vermicompost, coal, sand. Be sure to put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom.

    Feeding and fertilizers

    From March to October, myrtle requires additional nutrition. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to feed it twice a month. With a break of 2 weeks, complex fertilizer and organic fertilizer are applied.

    Universal Kemira is diluted according to the instructions. Horse manure is considered the most suitable organic material. The fermented slurry is diluted in a ratio of 1:15 and poured under the bush. For a good winter, start applying potash fertilizers from mid-August.

    Myrtle tree. Growing Myrtle at home (planting and care)

    Myrtle tree. Growing Myrtle at home (planting and care)

    The myrtle tree is simply a unique house plant . Myrtle is very decorative, and its cultivation is not particularly difficult. With proper care, the myrtle tree will not only please your eyes, but will also bring many benefits...

    Unlike other indoor plants, Myrtle is distinguished not only by its decorative effect, but also by its invaluable benefits for humans. Myrtle in your home will help you maintain your health and overcome various viral diseases. By planting myrtle in a flowerpot for your home, you will always breathe clean, fresh air, because there is no better air cleaner in your home than myrtle.

    The myrtle tree will become for you not only a decoration for your home, but also an entire home medicine cabinet, as well as a real amulet for your home, which will bring prosperity and harmony in relationships to your home. You can also read about all these miraculous properties of the myrtle tree

    Botanical description of the myrtle tree

    The myrtle tree is an evergreen plant. In the wild, it grows as a tree or shrub. It belongs to the myrtle family.

    In the wild, you can find myrtle on the shores of the Azov Sea, North Africa, Western Asia, Florida, and the Caribbean Islands.

    In the wild, the height of a myrtle tree can reach 5 meters, but this, of course, is about a wild plant. At home, the trees are much smaller; the maximum height of an indoor myrtle tree reaches a maximum of 1 meter and that is extremely rare; it usually grows in a flowerpot up to 60 centimeters.

    Myrtle leaves cover the branches very abundantly. The color of the foliage is dark green, the leaves contain a lot of essential oil and exude a very pleasant aroma. They contain many phytoncides, which are responsible for air purification. The foliage looks polished. The leaves are even, oblong.

    Myrtle blooms with small flowers, they can be either single or collected in small short brushes, it depends on its type. The flowers are axillary in shape. The colors of the flowers are not rich; they come only in white and pink.

    After flowering, myrtle produces fruit. The fruits are round or ovoid in shape. Each fruit can form up to 15 seeds. The fruits are quite edible, but they cannot be called tasty. The taste of the fruit is quite specific, but they have found application. Myrtle fruits are dried, crushed and used as a seasoning for meat dishes and sauces for them. The fruits may be blue-black or white.

    The tree is very branched and forms a fairly dense crown. The bark is smooth without thorns.

    Myrtle planting methods

    Myrtle can appear in your home very simply and you can do this in three ways - buying, planting with seeds and planting with cuttings.

    Buying myrtle

    Of course, the easiest way to plant myrtle in your home is, of course, to simply buy it. I can tell you right away that the myrtle tree is not a cheap plant. For comparison and understanding of its price category, I will tell you that it stands on the same shelf as orchids, and this is even if the plant is not at all large. Therefore, in order not to throw money away, treat your purchase responsibly and carefully, buy it only in a well-trusted store. And if you buy it from a supplier who sells it at home, and you can always save money because it’s always cheaper at home and the Internet is simply replete with such sellers, then be sure to check this seller. It is best to choose a seller who has already been verified by your friends and has positive reviews from them.

    Planting myrtle from seeds

    Myrtle can be planted with seeds, which the tree will produce fruit from. Seeds can also be purchased at any specialized store, or you can take seeds from the tree of your friends.

    Seeds are planted directly into the ground without germination.

    Pour the soil into the planting container and water the soil well. Sprinkle the seeds on the ground; when planting, keep a distance of at least 3 centimeters between the seeds, this will make it easier to replant them later. Cover the seeds with soil on top, but do not sprinkle too much. Also pour water on top and cover the container with film to create a greenhouse effect. Place the container in a room with a temperature of 18-20°C, do not place it in direct sunlight, the light should be diffused. Periodically open the film for an hour, making sure that the soil is constantly moist.

    As soon as 2 leaves appear, remove the film. Shoots usually appear after 7-12 days. A week after removing the film, plant the sprouts in different small containers; small shipping pots with a maximum capacity of 200 ml are ideal. Transplantation is carried out by rolling over a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots. The plants remain in them until the entire container is filled with roots.

    Caring for seedlings is no different from caring for an adult plant.

    Planting myrtle with cuttings

    To plant myrtle using cuttings, you will of course need an adult tree to take planting material from it. This can be your tree or the tree of your friends who will share a couple of branches with you.

    The cut branches are placed in water; to be sure, you can add the root system stimulator “Kornevin” to the water according to the instructions. Wait until the cuttings develop good roots of at least 2 centimeters. Once the cutting has taken root and is ready for planting, plant it in a container with a volume of no more than 250 ml. Then take care of it as usual. Transplantation is carried out by transferring when the roots fill the entire container.

    Caring for a myrtle tree at home

    The myrtle plant is a little whimsical, no, don’t think that if you break the rules a little, it will immediately disappear, not at all. However, if not properly cared for, you will not get active growth, thick and lush foliage and crown, and you will not see flowering. Let's learn how to care for him together.

    Choosing a location for a myrtle tree

    Myrtle will not grow well just anywhere, it needs to find the right location that suits it. Myrtle loves well-lit places; it can grow in diffused light or bask in the sun, but this does not apply to the hot season, when the rays are burning.

    In summer, myrtle loves to be taken out into the open air, like a summer resort.

    If you have an irresistible desire to put your myrtle on the windowsill and show off its beauty to everyone, then you need to place it exclusively on windows facing west or east. In the south it will be too hot for him, but in the north, on the contrary, it will be very cold. In the south, even in winter, a tree can get burns, to which it is highly susceptible. But being in the north can lead to a lack of flowering.

    Also, north and south greatly influence the period of such necessary rest. This period is very important for flowering and growth. If you send myrtle south to him, then he will not have enough time for a period of rest, so he will not be able to fully rest. But in the north this period will be very long and this may slow down growth too much.

    If you suddenly need to change the place for the myrtle from one side to the other, never do it very abruptly. Myrtle may simply not survive a sudden change in its habitat. Therefore, if you really need to change sides, you need to do it gradually. Gradually remove it further from the window; adaptation should last at least 10 days. If you rush, you risk it! At a minimum, the myrtle will lose its leaves or, at maximum, you will lose the plant.

    Air temperature for myrtle growth

    The myrtle tree loves moderate heat and does not tolerate heat well. In summer, it prefers a temperature of 18-20°C, with a maximum of 24°C.

    For winter, a room with an air temperature of 6-8°C is ideal for him. Under such wintering conditions, it will give abundant spring flowering and an active growth spurt.

    Of course, we cannot give it a temperature lower in the summer than the weather gives us, in the absence of a cooling system in the house. And the same thing in winter, because you won’t freeze to give the flower the right temperature. Here the solution will be abundant spraying and watering.

    But if your house is very hot and it happens that too much heat leads to the shedding of leaves. Do not despair! In the spring it will turn green again, but unfortunately there will be no flowering at all.

    Air humidity for myrtle tree growth

    Myrtle does not tolerate dry warm air; it needs constant moisture. Therefore, it must be sprayed regularly. Particular attention to spraying should be paid in spring and autumn because this is the period of active growth for myrtle.

    If you were able to give the myrtle a proper wintering and it is kept cool, then it does not need spraying at all.

    Watering a myrtle tree

    The myrtle tree loves moisture very much. In spring and especially summer, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor its watering. During this period, under no circumstances should the soil dry out or even dry out; the soil in the pot should be constantly moist.

    In autumn, watering is slightly reduced and watering is carried out as soon as the soil surface dries out a little. In winter, watering becomes even less abundant, but under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out completely, otherwise it will wither.

    It is also impossible to allow water to stagnate in the flowerpot; the roots can very quickly begin to rot from excess moisture. The soil should be moist, but not wet.

    Soil for myrtle tree

    The myrtle tree should never be grown in plain soil from your garden or vegetable garden; it loves light, loose soil. For cultivation, turf, humus, peat and sand are usually used. All this is combined in equal proportions, precisely in equal proportions. You can also purchase special soil for myrtle in the store. Myrtle can also be grown safely in soil intended for growing begonias.

    Fertilizer and feeding of deciduous trees

    The myrtle tree definitely needs feeding. It is fed starting from April and ending in October once a week. For feeding, liquid fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants is selected. Also, if you want abundant flowering, then in March you need to start fertilizing with a high phosphorus content.

    Transplanting a myrtle tree

    For the first 4 years, the myrtle tree must be replanted every year until flowering occurs. The myrtle tree usually blooms after 3 years maximum, after 5 if planted with seeds.

    Further, after the myrtle has begun to bloom, it is replanted once every 3-4 years, no more often. It is transplanted exclusively by transshipment. When replanting, you need to be very careful with the root system, it is fragile and if the root is damaged, the plant can get sick. Drainage is always laid out at the bottom.

    How to choose the size of a new flowerpot? This question is asked by all myrtle owners. The wrong pot can hinder the growth of the plant that you work so hard to achieve. The size of the pot should be only slightly larger than the volume of the root system.

    And here a new question arises - how to find out the size of the root system before you throw it out of the previous flowerpot? Everything turns out to be quite simple here! Look at the size of the crown of your tree and buy a flowerpot half the diameter of the crown, this will be the volume of the root system and the required size of the flowerpot.

    To make your choice easier, we will give you one example: a 3-year-old tree needs a pot with a diameter of 12 centimeters.

    Pruning myrtle tree

    The myrtle tree is just a gift for those who love creating ornamental trees and shrubs. You don’t have to cut it at all, then it will grow like a beautiful pyramidal plant and have its own natural appearance.

    If you start trimming the top part, you will get the most beautiful shrub. But if you start pruning from the sides and lower branches, you can form an incredibly beautiful round tree.

    They begin to prune at the age of 3-4 years, not earlier. It lends itself perfectly to crown formation and quickly acquires the desired decorative appearance. However, with frequent pruning and pinching, you may lose the abundance of its flowering or flowering at all. But here everyone chooses their own: either abundant flowering or a beautifully formed crown.

    Problems that may arise when growing myrtle

    Myrtle rarely brings difficulties, but they may well arise.

    • If suddenly your beautiful myrtle began to shed its leaves, there may be two reasons: the first is that it does not have enough light, the second is a very warm and dry wintering.
    • If you see that your myrtle has literally begun to fade: its leaves have become lighter, began to turn yellow, and the edges of the leaves have gradually begun to curl. This means that there is too much lighting for him. This often happens if you place myrtle on the south side.
    • If suddenly your myrtle's foliage begins to thin out and becomes lighter, the leaves become smaller, and the branches become longer. This means that your myrtle is getting very little light, which is often the case when it is facing north.

    Well, that’s probably all the basic knowledge you’ll need to grow a myrtle tree at home. And do not forget that myrtle is a special plant with magical powers. In order for the tree to make you happy, treat it with love, take care of it only in a good mood and thank it for the fact that it grows in your home.

    Happy growing!

    Trimming and pinching

    The formation of a bush or tree is carried out if it does not matter whether the myrtle will bloom or not. Drastic pruning inhibits the formation of buds. Experienced flower growers recommend first forming a bush and then waiting for the flowers to appear.

    Shoots are trimmed to 1/3 of their length. Pinching is most often practiced; it is performed on the third leaves.

    To get a “ball”, the myrtle should not only be mercilessly plucked, but also the pot should be rotated around its axis (for uniform lighting). When growing myrtle from cuttings, immediately consider what shape you want to achieve.

    If you prefer a tree with one trunk, pinch a branch at a height of 15-20 cm. It will begin to branch, the growing shoots can be shaped in any way you like - a ball, a crowned tree. Myrtle makes a magnificent bonsai.

    Diseases and pests of myrtle

    • One of the most unpleasant pests is the scale insect. Due to the fact that the plant has many small leaves, manually getting rid of it is problematic. An effective option would be radical pruning. Such an event will remove most of the scale insects and provide access to difficult places for processing. Then the bush is treated with drugs.
    • Spider mites reveal themselves by yellowing and falling leaves.
    • Traditional methods or acaricides are used against ticks.

    An educational video will show you how to care for indoor myrtle.

    Planting and propagation

    Getting new myrtle is quite easy, unless you decide to do it with seeds, which germinate very poorly. If you still dare to experiment, keep in mind that the seeds need stratification.

    Cuttings, on the contrary, take root well - both in the ground and in water. It is best to take a woody twig, but you can also take the top shoot obtained as a result of pruning (about 10 cm high).

    Dip the cut in Kornevin, plant it in a cup with soil and place it in a greenhouse. It is done like this: cut off the top of a plastic bottle, place a glass with a handle in it, and cover it with a twisted lid.

    Cuttings root well in a mixture of vermiculite, universal soil and sand, and peat tablets. In the latter, roots appear within a month, which are not injured when transplanted into a permanent pot.

    Choosing a pot, soil composition, planting, replanting

    Until three years old, the myrtle tree is replanted annually in the spring. Depending on the growth, you need to change the size of the pot. In an adult, it is not intensive, so the transplant is carried out every four years.

    You should also monitor the size of the pot; it is changed only after the roots have occupied all the soil.

    Myrtle is picky about the soil, so it should be light, loose and moderately nutritious. You should also pay attention to drainage; preference is given to quality; fine expanded clay, perlite, brick chips are suitable.


    Experienced gardeners offer three types of soil mixtures for planting:

    • Universal soil for indoor plants, coarse sand is added, moss fertilizer can be used.
    • Turf soil, peat, organic fertilizers and sand in equal proportions.
    • A mixture consisting of 2 parts leaf and peat soil and 1 part each of turf soil and sand.

    When choosing pots, preference is given to those whose height and width are equal. They should have large holes to remove excess water.

    When growing a myrtle tree as a bonsai, the pot should be low.

    The material can be different; both plastic and ceramic are suitable. But myrtle will look more advantageous in the latter. Another advantage of the second type of pots is their stability, which is important when maintaining a tall tree.

    The main mistake when choosing a container is purchasing it for growth, which does not allow the plant to bloom in the future, which means that the pot should be chosen of the appropriate size.

    Step-by-step transplant scheme:

    1. Prepare a sterile container, soil and drainage.
    2. First, lay a drainage layer on the bottom and a little earth on top.
    3. Do not water the tree the day before so that the soil dries out and can be easily removed from the old pot.
    4. Carefully remove the plant.
    5. Inspect the roots and trim off any rotten ones.
    6. Shake the outer roots from the soil and treat with Kornevin.
    7. Carefully place the myrtle in a new container and straighten the roots.
    8. Fill the gaps between the tree and the walls of the container with soil.
    9. Compact the soil with your hands.
    10. Water the myrtle and spray the crown.
    11. Leave the pot with the plant in partial shade for a week.


    You should not replant myrtle immediately after radical pruning. Both are stressful for the plant. As soon as it moves away from the swift and begins to grow, it will be possible to replant.

    A pot that is too spacious will not work. Usually the same one in which the myrtle grew is enough. You need to shake off the old soil or soak it in water. If you prefer compact plants, provide a tight container. Trim overgrown roots if necessary.

    The soil is suitable for any commercial soil for decorative foliage plants. You can also use your own prepared from humus (1 part), garden soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part).

    How to replant myrtle correctly

    A high-quality nutrient soil mixture for myrtle should include the following components: 2 parts humus, 1 part vermicompost and a little vermiculite or other soil loosening agent.

    To make it easier to remove the plant from the flower container, it is recommended to stop watering 1-2 days before the procedure. The dried substrate will decrease in volume and the flower will be pulled out of the pot without any problems if you hold it by the lower part of the trunk. If the transplant is carried out due to root growth, then this method may not work

    Then it is better to use a flat, thin object (for example, a metal ruler, a table knife with a rounded end, or something similar) and try to carefully separate the soil from the walls of the container, running it along the inner walls

    Drainage is poured into a new pot, then the prepared substrate is placed and the plant is placed so that the root collar remains on the surface. Immediately carry out abundant watering, after which the water that has leaked into the flower tray after some time must be drained. The surface of the soil in a pot with a plant should be covered with a small layer of coconut fiber or vermiculite.

    When replanting due to the appearance of pests or diseases, the roots of the plant must be thoroughly washed and all damaged parts removed. Old soil should not remain on the plant, because harmful substances or small larvae of harmful insects may remain in it, which after replanting will again harm the flower. Since this procedure is a real stress for myrtle, you should not aggravate its condition by applying fertilizing and abundant watering. It is better to transplant the plant into moist soil and leave it for several days to adapt to the new location.

    When forming and growing a mini-tree (bonsai), during replanting, the excess part of the root system is trimmed, but not more than 30%. Its size should correspond to the size of the “tree” crown.

    At the end of the procedure, the container with myrtle should be placed in a cool, shaded room.

    Why does myrtle shed its leaves?

    When the heating is on and the air is dry, the myrtle begins to shed its leaves. In nature, it winters in open ground, where it is cool and quite damp. Try to bring the conditions closer to natural ones - place it where it is cool. Protect from the battery with a foam shield.

    If the myrtle leaves a little in winter, this is normal. Even if the tree has completely lost its leaves, do not rush to throw it away. Wait until spring and water occasionally.

    In most cases, the plant awakens and new leaves appear on it. If this does not happen, unfortunately, we have to admit that the flower is dead.

    How to care for myrtle in a pot

    The myrtle tree, which is cared for at home, is distinguished by the fact that the plant must be maintained differently in winter and summer, and requires special attention. Lighting, soil moisture, and temperature, depending on the time of year, have characteristics for this home flower.


    Indoor myrtle is photophilous. Ideally, you should provide the tree with a 12-hour day. This is easy to do in the summer. If you live in a private house, dig myrtle in your garden in the warm season, and if in an apartment, take the pot with the tree to the loggia or balcony. Thus, in addition to good lighting, which the flower so needs, it will also be in the fresh air.

    In such good conditions, myrtle will grow faster and will delight you with a lush crown. If it is not possible to take the flower to the balcony or plant it outside, simply place the pot on the windowsill in the part of the apartment where there is more light.

    In winter, myrtle remains dormant. How long the plant will remain in it depends on the amount of sunlight.

    If there is a lack of lighting in the cold season, it is recommended to use phytolamps. Even if the light is not too bright, it will be enough to maintain the normal functioning of the flower.

    Tip : Do not place myrtle on the north side of the room. Due to lack of light, growth will stop and it will lose leaves.


    How to water myrtle depends on the time of year. The soil should not dry out more than 1 cm. Therefore, in spring and summer, provide moisture up to 4-5 times a week. If stagnant water has formed in the pot, drain it and leave the flower until the soil begins to dry.

    If indoor myrtle begins to wither from lack of liquid, immerse the flower pot in a basin or bucket of water for 15 minutes. Strain the remaining liquid and continue watering as before.

    In winter, there is no need for frequent moisturizing; 1-2 times a week will be enough. The lower the temperature, the less the flower needs liquid. Water the tree only with settled, or even better, melted or filtered water.

    What should the humidity be?

    The myrtle flower is moisture-loving. For good growth in apartments where the air is dry, its humidity should be increased. In spring and summer, when it is very hot, spray the flower with water at room temperature from a spray bottle or take a warm shower.

    To do this, carefully wrap the pot with the tree in film and place it under the watering can. In winter, myrtle does not need spraying; moderate watering will be enough.

    Optimal temperature

    In the warm season, for a tree, the range from 20 to 27 degrees Celsius is sufficient for the high-quality development of myrtle and its further flowering. In winter, when the domestic tree is dormant, the optimal temperature is from 10 to 15 °C.

    What to do after buying myrtle

    When replanting a store-bought tree, do not bury it under any circumstances, otherwise the trunk will begin to rot and the plant will die. The stem should be at the same level as in the previous pot.

    The myrtle shrub or tree in European countries with mild climates grows in open ground, so it is provided with appropriate care at home. In summer it is protection from the scorching sun and abundant watering, and in winter it is a state of rest.

    Myrtle (Myrtus)

    Today it is the most unusual and unique plant, which is usually classified as a genus of evergreen woody flowers. Its unusual name comes from the Latin "Myrtus". At the moment, there are more than 40 varieties of this flower. When flowering, small white flowers appear on the plant. The leaves contain essential oils, which are often used for medical and cosmetic purposes. A small sprig of myrtle is considered the main symbol of calm, tranquility and peace!

    The native regions of the Mediterranean and the Azores, which are located in the northern part of Africa, are considered to be the birthplace of myrtle. In nature, the plant can reach from 3 to 5 meters in height. But for breeding at home, a special species has been bred, the size of which is 1 meter.

    Myrtle will not only be an excellent decoration for any interior, but will help bring an atmosphere of calm and comfort to your home. With proper care of the flower, it will become a faithful companion for many years, whose development is a pleasure to watch.

    So, what needs to be taken into account when growing myrtle at home?

    Useful videos about caring for myrtle

    From this video you can learn what features need to be taken into account when caring for a myrtle tree:
    This video shows how to properly propagate and prune the plant:

    The myrtle tree is a beautiful, pleasantly smelling plant that, when properly cared for, decorates the interior and creates a special microclimate in the room. Some nuances of its cultivation and maintenance may make beginners abandon this amazing plant. But in fact, it is not as complicated as it might immediately seem, and this is not a reason to abandon myrtle.


    Planting myrtle

    quite an easy procedure. It is best to use cuttings for this (a lot of troubles can arise with seeds).

    The cutting will be able to take root very quickly if it is placed in a container of water. As soon as the first shoots begin to appear, you can start planting the flower.

    If you pluck the branches in the middle or end of the spring season, you significantly increase the likelihood that after planting the plant, the myrtle will grow lush and healthy.

    Typically, plant growth can last from 3 to 5 years.

    Location and lighting

    After the myrtle has been planted, you need to think about where to place it in the house. The most suitable option may be window sills, which will be located from the west or east. If this is not possible, and you have to place the flower on the south side, then it is necessary to protect the plant from direct rays of the sun. Otherwise, the myrtle will not bloom, and its leaves will quickly fade.

    It is believed that myrtle tolerates natural light well. But still, you need to be careful. If exposed to the sun for a long time, the plant may get sick and die. It is for this reason that in the summer it is necessary to worry about a suitable location for the flower in the house.

    Pot size

    When carrying out the replanting procedure, you need to worry about a new pot for myrtle in advance. If the plant has reached its maximum size or is still growing, then it is best to purchase a pot that is 2-3 times larger than the original one. You need to pay attention to tall and wide plastic pots, because quite often the root system of a flower grows greatly and begins to extend beyond the edges of the pot. With the right choice of this accessory, such trouble should not happen.

    A pot that is too large is also dangerous. In this case, all the liquid will flow to the bottom, and the root system will absorb it. With prolonged exposure to moisture, the process of rotting may begin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor how often the flower is watered.

    The soil

    If you plan to grow myrtle in the house, then it would be best to prepare the soil, which will consist of turf soil, ordinary sand and humus. Before planting, all components are mixed together in a 1:1:1 ratio.

    When purchasing land from a flower shop, preference should be given to soil for palm trees.


    After the winter cold has passed, the plant must be replanted. Before this procedure, it is necessary to purchase a convenient and correct size pot and prepare the soil, which will promote the active growth of the Mediterranean plant. The soil can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Here everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

    First of all, drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. For this you can use ordinary pebbles or coarse sand. The drainage layer is standard and is at least 3 centimeters. After this, a little soil is poured into the pot and the plant itself is placed. If the roots are not crowded, they do not bend and do not look out of the pot, then you can continue to cover the plant with soil. Do not sprinkle the myrtle trunk too heavily. It should always be level with the top of the pot.

    Proper watering and fertilization

    The myrtle tree should be watered with settled water at room temperature, without chlorine.

    The frequency of watering depends on various factors: - temperature, air humidity and amount of light.

    One of the main ones is the condition of the soil. It should not be completely dry. Excessive watering can cause roots to rot and leaves to fall off.

    If the plant's leaves have drooped and faded, it is worth spraying it. A shower for myrtle is also necessary to combat pests and various diseases. You can moisten the tree by placing containers of water in close proximity to the plant. A humidifier will also make the task easier.

    Myrtle requires fresh air, so the room in which it is located must be constantly ventilated. But at this moment the plant should be moved to another room so that it does not freeze.

    The myrtle tree is fertilized, but it is done carefully. If you add humus to the soil when transplanting, then the next fertilizing can only be done in the summer. Usually the plant is fertilized in the spring with complex compounds, and after flowering - with nitrogen. Myrtle also accepts fertilizing in the form of spraying.

    Myrtle dries out after transplanting. What to do if leaves fall off?

    If your myrtle suddenly begins to lose leaves, which often happens with Lemon Myrtle, pay attention to the water you water it with. Settled water is best suited for irrigation, since it no longer contains chlorine, which harms the condition of the leaves. Also, falling leaves may be the result of overdrying; move it to a cooler place.

    ATTENTION! Myrtle reacts sharply to dry soil, do not forget to water the plant regularly.

    If it began to crumble immediately after purchase, then the reason is the stress experienced by the plant due to a change in living conditions. Provide the flower with sufficient air humidity.

    HELP: Small young plants can be kept under polyethylene until the condition of the crown improves. The health of the plant can deteriorate sharply after transplantation, as this is stress for the flower. Provide him with the most proper care, and he will soon recover.

    IMPORTANT: Myrtle is evergreen and does not experience seasonal leaf loss. Therefore, when answering the question why myrtle leaves fall off, look for the reason in improper care or insect pests (they are described in detail below).

    Beneficial properties and harm of myrtle

    Myrtus is a medicinal plant whose beneficial properties are used in medicine.

    • Essential oils exuded from the leaves are natural phytoncides that disinfect the surrounding air.
    • An astringent and bactericidal effect helps relieve inflammation and heal wounds.
    • Increases body tone, improves immunity.
    • Helps with skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis; cosmetology.
    • Stimulates the nervous system.

    In addition to its beneficial properties, the flower can cause harm to humans:

    • It is not recommended to place indoor myrtle in the bedroom - its pine aroma can cause insomnia and headaches.
    • Medicines based on myrtle have a tonic effect, so they are not used before bedtime.
    • The use of drugs in children and pregnant women is contraindicated.

    Pruning myrtle

    Myrtle easily tolerates both pruning and pinching. Both procedures are done in order to give the plant the required shape. Removing some of the shoots stimulates the growth of new branches and more luxuriant flowering. The main thing is not to get carried away and observe moderation. Removing a large number of shoots at once can have an adverse effect on the plant and will delay flowering.

    If some of the shoots are not removed from a young small-leaved myrtle or another species, then as a result it will have the traditional pyramidal shape. For those who want to have a somewhat unusual plant, pruning comes to the rescue. By pinching or cutting off the main shoot at the very beginning of growth, we get a fluffy bush. By removing side shoots, you can form the myrtle crown in the form of a ball, cube and other geometric shapes.

    Small-leaved varieties are perfect for forming myrtle into a bonsai or dwarf tree. The original bends of the trunk and branches are obtained by tightening them with rigid wire, and the crown is created by trimming the lower part of the shoots. They begin to create bonsai when the young shoots stretch up to 10 cm.

    Pruning is carried out at the very beginning of spring, when the plant has moved away from winter dormancy. After the procedure, it is worth stimulating the flower by adding fertilizer to the soil. Such extraordinary feeding does not replace, but complements the scheduled feeding schedule. In the year after spring pruning, the plant may not bloom. But if you want to see beautiful buds every year, then you can remove some of the shoots in the summer after flowering has ended.

    The most popular types and varieties of myrtle

    The following types of myrtle are kept indoors. Photo below.

    Common myrtle

    It has a short trunk covered with scaly, peeling bark. The leaves are brilliantly located opposite each other. The flowers are white with long yellow stamens protruding beyond the corolla.

    At home, both the botanical species and varieties of common myrtle are grown.

    The following varieties are most commonly found.


    A low-growing variety characterized by dwarf size and abundant flowering.


    The leaves differ in color; they are variegated, green and white.

    Chilean myrtle (Luma apiculata)

    This species is represented by slowly growing trees reaching 10 - 20 meters in height. The trunks are twisted, with smooth bark. The berries of Chilean myrtle are edible and have medicinal properties, which is why they are used in medicine.

    Dwarf forms are grown as indoor plants.

    Glanleam Gold

    Variegated form of Chilean myrtle. It is small in size.

    Plant diseases

    To prevent myrtle tree diseases, follow the care recommendations. Each plant needs a specific microclimate, and with the same content of different flowers nearby, one of them may require special attention.

    The most common problems are leaf falling, turning pale and curling. Read below on how to care for myrtle during such a period.

    Small and pale leaves

    Lack of indoor lighting contributes to slower growth, which causes small and pale leaves to form on the stems. Don't forget that myrtle loves light.

    If there is a lack of it, especially in winter, use fluorescent lamps, and in spring and summer during the growth spurt, do not place the flower in the far and dark corner of the room, no matter how good it looks there.

    Dull leaves, their curling

    Excessive lighting leads to yellowing of the leaves, the edges of which curl. This happens if the myrtle is exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause burns and yellowing of the green mass. In this case, move the flower to another windowsill, where it will be safest for it to be.

    Crown formation

    Without trimming, the crown grows loose and sparse. And regular pruning makes indoor myrtle even more attractive. Dwarf forms make beautiful bonsai.

    It must be borne in mind that buds appear on young shoots. Therefore, in order for myrtus to bloom, you should not cut off the branches of the current year. The haircut is carried out at the end of flowering.

    There are several ways to form a crown.


    When the trunk reaches the desired height, the lower branches are removed. The upper branches are carefully trimmed to achieve the desired shape.


    This option is convenient if the seedling for some reason has lost the crown and has 2 central branches. The branches are directed along a round support in different directions and secured with twine. The side branches are shortened, which promotes branching.

    Problems in growing myrtle and their solutions

    Among the problems that gardeners face when growing myrtle are the following:

    • The leaves are turning black . Most likely, the plant was flooded with water too often. It is worth changing the soil in the pot and strictly following the watering recommendations.
    • The leaves are turning yellow . Perhaps it's a lack of moisture. If the days are hot, water the flower more often, but wait until the top layer of soil dries.
    • Leaves become dull and curl . The location is poorly chosen; the flower is too hot here. There is a possibility of poor water quality. It is worth changing the place and watering the flower with filtered water.
    • The stems stretch out, and the leaves become smaller and paler . Myrtle does not have enough light; the place where it grows is too dark for it. We are looking for a suitable place with good lighting.
    • Has a sticky layer appeared on the leaves? This means that uninvited guests have appeared on the plant - scale insects. Insecticides will help get rid of them.
    • Is the tree drying out and weakening, although there seems to be no reason for this? Perhaps the process of root rotting has begun. This happens from constantly moist soil in the pot. There is only one way out: replant the tree and at the same time wash the roots in a solution of potassium permanganate, removing the diseased parts. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

    Many myrtle diseases occur due to improper plant care. Once you set up watering, organize good lighting and the right temperature, many problems will disappear on their own.

    Indoor myrtle - description

    Interesting fact: the word myrtle is of Greek origin. Translated as “incense.” This shrub actually has many uses, such as its leaves are used to make an essential oil with a pleasant, soothing scent.

    Interestingly, myrtle essential oil is used not only to enjoy its aroma, but also for treatment: for example, it calms the nerves and helps fight colds. Berries also help - they make tasty, aromatic decoctions for the sick.

    The plant that Europeans are accustomed to calling myrtle is in fact only one of the representatives of the large myrtle family, which also includes feijoa, cloves, and eucalyptus. By the way, most of these plants are also used to produce essential oils.

    It is interesting that this is the only member of the family that is widespread and thrives in Europe; the rest of the myrtleaceae are Asian guests.

    What does a myrtle tree look like?

    It is a shrub reaching approximately two meters in height. The crown is easily formed, so the bush is often stylized as a bonsai (this is called “on a trunk,” that is, the crown is cut so that a thick trunk remains at the bottom, and branches and foliage form a ball at the top).

    The leaves are large, bright green, oval, leathery, glossy. The berries are round, dark blue or black, sometimes white (depending on the variety), and contain small seeds inside. Often used to make decoctions, they are tasty and aromatic.

    Homeland of the plant

    Mediterranean countries. Wild myrtle grows in southern Europe: in Italy, Cyprus, France, Spain, and also in Asia.

    How and when does myrtle bloom?

    The period from buds to flowering is mid-spring. It begins to bloom directly at the beginning of summer and ends at the end of September - October. Making it bloom is quite simple, just take care of it and also provide the plant with fresh air. It is also important not to prune the bush while it is blooming, but to cut it only when flowering is over.

    The flowers are medium in shape, the number of petals is from four to six, warm white-yellow, fragrant. Sometimes they are terry.

    How quickly it grows at home

    Slowly: it adds only ten to fifteen centimeters annually.

    What smells

    A characteristic, recognizable smell that is difficult to compare with anything else, except perhaps with eucalyptus, a relative of myrtle. The smell is fresh, herbaceous, soothing. It is often used in men's perfumes, as well as for the production of calming essential oils.

    What does myrtle symbolize?

    The plant is closely associated with Christian culture, although it is also present, for example, in Ancient Greek or Old Norse. According to Christian tradition, Adam and Eve took myrtle from Eden when the Lord allowed them to take something as a souvenir of the Garden of Eden, of a blissful, cloudless life. Adam and Eve decided that a branch of a bush from Eden would remind them that a person’s soul should be pure, righteous, and also protect their home.

    Another biblical legend says that during the Great Flood, Noah sent a dove to find out if there was dry land nearby. One day the dove returned with a sprig of myrtle in its beak - which means the Flood was over.

    In the ancient Greek tradition, the myrtle wreath was worn by Aphrodite and her companions, the beautiful Graces, personifying fun, feminine attractiveness, and the pleasures of life.

    It is even believed that it was in such a wreath that Aphrodite appeared before Paris when he was ordered to judge the dispute between the three goddesses about who was destined for the famous apple of discord, which became the beginning of the Trojan War. As you know, the goddess of love won, so from then on she fell in love with myrtle, and people often began to plant it around her temples.

    Hymen, the god of marriage, and Erato, the muse of erotic poetry, were often depicted with a myrtle wreath.

    Since myrtle is associated with the goddess of love, a wreath of it was often adorned on the heads of brides at weddings in ancient Greece and Rome. To this day, brides sometimes choose this type of decoration. Such a wreath symbolizes eternal love, marital fidelity, but besides them, it also symbolizes success, youth, health, strength, and even victory in war.

    Is myrtle poisonous or not?

    Absolutely not, it is a medicinal plant that is used for medicinal purposes, for example, to calm the nervous system or strengthen the immune system.

    Myrtle in nature

    Not particularly different from domestic varieties, only wild myrtle is less decorative, because decorative varieties were purposefully bred to please the eye. It grows in Mediterranean countries, for example, Italy, Spain, France, and Cyprus.

    Magical properties of myrtle: signs and superstitions

    Since myrtle is primarily associated with love and marriage, as well as the goddess of love (see the section "What does myrtle symbolize"), it is considered a feminine plant, and most superstitions and omens associated with myrtle, as well as its magical beneficial properties, are based on this.

    • Myrtle jewelry attracts sincere, faithful love to its wearer. Also, myrtle jewelry helps maintain presence of mind and strong will, so they are given to shy, timid girls so that they show character.
    • If you carve your name on a piece of myrtle and give it to your beloved man, his feelings will become stronger.
    • Myrtle helps maintain beauty, strength, health and youth.
    • A fragrant sachet using myrtle is placed in the bedroom to improve marital relations in bed.
    • Since once a sprig of myrtle brought people news of the end of the Flood, myrtle to this day can signal both bad and good. For example, it is believed that if a plant blooms, if it is healthy and makes you happy with its bright greenery, it means that everything is calm and prosperous in the life of your family. But if the myrtle withers, gets sick, doesn’t bloom, pests appear, it drops its leaves - it means trouble is coming to one of the household members.
    • The energy of the plant is purely positive, warm, it makes the atmosphere in the house calmer, more joyful, improves health, improves intuition and even promotes the conception of a child. You could say he has a healing aura.
    • Please note that the myrtle tree loves to be looked after, taken care of, given words of gratitude and compliments, and told about the successes of the household.

    But if you scold the myrtle, do not take care of it, and do not comply with the growing conditions, then it will wither. It will not harm, after all, it is an absolutely “positive” plant, but it will lose its medicinal properties. It is even believed that myrtle is capricious when choosing a pot and can wither if the pot is ugly. Therefore, if your myrtle suddenly, for no reason at all, begins to wither and wither, perhaps you should transplant it into another pot - it might help.

    Even if you don’t believe in the magical properties of the plant, myrtle really pleases with its bright greenery, it has very beautiful flowering and an absolutely positive meaning, therefore, from a purely material, psychological point of view, the myrtle tree is really capable of pleasing and calming.

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