How to properly clean ugg boots outside and inside the product

Suede Ugg boots are fashionable and warm winter shoes that have remained in trend for several seasons in a row. Natural products are made from sheepskin and sheep's wool, and therefore keep your feet warm for a long time. In order for them to last more than one season, you need to know how to put them in order, clean them, and sometimes paint them. Suede is a capricious material that requires special handling and care. All the rules regarding the care of suede boots are also relevant for UGG boots.

How to properly care

But all cleaning efforts will be in vain if you neglect the rules for using UGG boots. It should be remembered that:

  • UGG boots should not be worn in wet weather. These shoes are very poorly resistant to dirt and water. As a last resort, if the situation is unavoidable, then purchase a water-repellent spray. It is sprayed on the surface of the boots, and as a result they do not get wet.
  • UGG boots should only be stored in a dark place. Exposure to the sun will cause the structure of the material to be damaged and the service life will be significantly reduced. And, of course, we cannot exclude the factor that the shoes may simply fade or become stained.
  • After the season, UGG socks are wrapped in fabric or paper. This is necessary so that moisture and sunlight do not accidentally fall on them, in order to protect them from moths and other insects. It is prohibited to use newspapers, as they may print on light-colored shoes.

Of course, ugg boots purchased in specialized stores and manufactured by a well-known and reliable supplier show the best performance. But we should not forget that their durability also largely depends on proper care and regular cleaning.

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If the inside of your Uggs smell bad?

If the inside of your UGG boots has acquired an unpleasant odor, disinfection will not harm them. First, let the shoes dry thoroughly. After this, carefully sprinkle the inner surface of the ugg with a mixture of corn flour or starch and regular soda (take 3 and 2 tablespoons, respectively). Shake your boots. After 10-20 minutes, shake out (you can also use a brush for this) the mixture of flour and soda.

If you purchased real UGG boots made from natural sheepskin, then you should know that this material absorbs various odors well. Including pleasant ones, so you can spray the inside of each boot with a perfumed spray or product to freshen your feet. You can also leave dry lavender, aromatic soap or tea bags in dried ugg boots overnight (or when you put them in a box until the next season) (the latter will also absorb excess moisture).

especially for

Which mode to choose

Ugg boots must be washed in the “wool wash” mode (for woolen versions) or “hand wash” (for regular ones). Delicate washing minimizes risks to shoes. A low temperature (up to 40 degrees) and a low speed are set. The spin mode is excluded.

A special bag for washing shoes reduces the risk. You can buy it at any professional shoe store, which has various useful accessories for it.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is the best option, after which the UGG boots will not become unusable. Its convenience is that it is always possible to control the process at all stages. If a certain method is not suitable, then they immediately switch to another.


The easiest way to get rid of dirt and dust, but, alas, stubborn stains cannot be removed. UGG boots must be well dried, otherwise the stains will only smear and spread on the surface. It is more difficult to deal with stubborn dirt. Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  • dry the ugg boots;
  • remove dried dirt using circular movements;
  • if dirt remains, it is removed with a stationery eraser;
  • small particles are removed with a suede cloth.

It is important not to rub the surface too much. This will lead to fading of the fabric and damage to the fiber structure of the material, and, as a result, loss of beautiful appearance


For this method, the boots are also dried. The stains are sprinkled with talcum powder so that it completely covers the stains. Wait up to 6 hours, then wipe with a soft brush, as in the first method.

Potato starch

Potato starch is diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with gasoline. Mix slowly until a thick paste forms. The composition is applied to the contaminated surface for half an hour. Be sure to rub into the stain, and after it disappears, wipe the area with a dry cloth.

Bread crumb

Contaminants of any nature are perfectly removed by ordinary bread crumbs. Rub it in in a circular motion until the stain disappears completely.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning is used in cases where dry cleaning does not help. There are several methods, but choosing a specific one depends on the material and color.

Liquid detergent

The detergent used is non-aggressive, without abrasive particles that can damage the structure of the pile. Prepare a regular kitchen sponge (new), and after that:

  • the edge of the sponge is soaked with the product;
  • rub the area to be cleaned in a circular motion;
  • the surface is rubbed completely with the composition (diluted with water);
  • ugg boots are left for half an hour to absorb;
  • remove with a damp microfiber cloth.

You should wet the lining only in extreme cases - it will become soaked and the boots will take a long time to dry.

Water and table vinegar

Removes grease-based stains and heavily soiled areas. You will need to dilute 4 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Rub the resulting solution with a rag onto your ugg boots. Wait until it dries completely and only then carry out normal wet cleaning.

First, the stains are wiped with ammonia (undiluted), then pre-crushed chalk is placed on the stain. Wait a few minutes and then wipe off with a damp cloth.

Removing unpleasant odor

Long-term use of shoes threatens not only a change in appearance, but also a change in the smell directly inside the shoes. Improper storage can also cause an unpleasant odor. But whatever the reason contributes to the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to get rid of it - the shoes themselves will need to be treated with scented products:

  • The most important and first assistant in this matter is a spray that needs to be sprayed inside. You can use perfume, special sprays for shoes, which can be found in any shoe store, or deodorant that does not contain talc.
  • If neither one nor the other is on hand, you can use a bag of salt and soda. You can simply put it inside and leave it overnight, then remove it in the morning - the smell is gone.

Ugg boots are very practical, warm and comfortable winter shoes. The fashion for them came from Australia, where winters are cold but dry. Unfortunately, our climate is far different from Australia, and the dirt and slush that appears periodically makes the owners of such original shoes think about how to clean ugg boots at home. Caring for such products requires care, because if it is done incorrectly, they can become rough, deformed, and covered in stains that no product can remove later.


  • Heat the milk a little - one glass is enough;
  • Thoroughly dissolve a teaspoon of soda - stir so that no lumps remain;
  • Soak a cotton or gauze swab in the solution;
  • Try cleaning the dirt on your shoe;
  • Wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth;
  • Leave the light suede pair to dry naturally.

After processing, leave the products to dry for several hours. Therefore, it is advisable to have at least two pairs of shoes for the season so that the products have time to completely dry and soak. And then we’ll look at how to wash off serious dirt and stains on light suede.

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Cleaning methods depending on the type of dirt

Even with a great desire to keep shoes in their original form, it is not always possible - there is a regular need to clean your UGG boots at home. The method should be chosen depending on the nature of the contamination. Most often, shoes suffer from dirt, salt reagents, water, and greasy stains.

Mud and salt

After a walk through a winter city, traces of salt remain on shoes, which are used as reagents. At the slightest thaw, dirty and wet spots appear on the surface. When you get home, you shouldn’t immediately clean your shoes of dirt. You need to give it some time to dry. Next, the dirt should be carefully removed with a soft brush designed for suede. After this, only those stains that have already been absorbed into the surface remain on the shoes.

The first way to clean ugg boots from salt is to use ammonia and vinegar, which can be found in the medicine cabinet and in the kitchen. There is no need to immediately pour these chemically active substances onto the surface, otherwise you may be left without shoes. First you need to prepare a solution. To do this you need:

  1. Take dishes (not metal). It can be a ceramic or plastic cup or jar.
  2. Pour in table vinegar. The quantity depends on the area to be cleaned. For several small stains, 1 tablespoon is enough. Standard table vinegar contains 9% of the substance. For cleaning you need a three percent liquid, so for every spoonful of acid add 2 tablespoons of water.
  3. Add ammonia in the same amount as vinegar. If it is not at home, you can use a medical one.
  4. Prepare a foam rubber dish sponge or a small brush with soft bristles, such as a toothbrush, and moisten it in the resulting mixture.
  5. Wipe away dirt stains.
  6. If you accidentally get too much solution on your shoes, you can blot the wet area with a kitchen towel or thick napkin. There is no need to use old pieces of fabric or loose toilet paper, as when wet, threads or pieces will remain on the boots.
  7. Leave the shoes to dry.
  8. Acid and alcohol evaporate on their own, so there is no need to remove them.

Prepare cleaning liquid

Moisten the brush with the resulting mixture and wipe away the dirt stains.

Dry your shoes
If your shoes are not too dirty, you can remove the stain on your ugg boots with lemon. It is usually recommended to wipe the surface with cut citrus. You can simply squeeze lemon juice onto the stain; this is a more gentle method that will not damage your UGG boots made of natural suede.

At the site of acid exposure, suede may become lighter. Before you put your Ugg boots in order for the first time, you need to check the strength of the paint. To do this, soak a light cloth or paper towel in acid, wring it out and wipe the shoes in an inconspicuous place (on the inside). If a colored spot appears on the napkin, it means the paint is fragile, and cleaning your UGG boots should be as gentle as possible.

Shedding surfaces can be cleaned with hot steam. For this purpose, dry cleaners use a special device. At home, you can use an iron with a steam function. Also, keep the boots over a pan of boiling water or a kettle (not electric) for several seconds, without waiting for the steam to begin to settle on the surface.


Urban dirt is not always of natural origin. It usually contains a lot of chemicals left behind by cars, industrial emissions, and so on. You don’t have to worry about how to clean your suede ugg boots if they have greasy stains or stains of unknown origin - you can always use gasoline.

Since gasoline is too strong, it is not used in its pure form. Pour a couple of tablespoons of starch into a bowl and pour a few drops of liquid so that a thick paste-like mixture is formed. After this you need:

  1. Dip a brush or sponge into this mixture and wipe the stains.
  2. Let dry at room temperature.
  3. Remove dried starch with a dry and clean soft brush.
  4. If the stain has become smaller, but has not disappeared completely, repeat the procedure.
  5. After the stain is completely removed, take the ugg boots out onto the balcony or into fresh air to let the gasoline smell ventilate.

To remove greasy stains, instead of gasoline, you can use hydrogen peroxide mixed with a neutral liquid, such as milk. However, this recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces. For them it is worth using more gentle means.

Be careful with salt!

Uggs are shoes for cold weather conditions and are mainly worn in winter. It is no secret that the sidewalks of Russian, and not only cities, are treated in winter to prevent the formation of ice with special reagents that contain salt. This, of course, will save pedestrians from unwanted falls, but the shoes suffer greatly. After exposure to reagents, whitish salt stains appear on shoes, which are not so easy to get rid of.

UGG boots are no exception - unpleasant white stains may appear on the suede surface after a walk. In order to remove them, the UGG boots should first be dried. You should not do this near heat sources - a radiator, a heater or a stove, as the ugg boots may lose their shape or become rough. We dry them exclusively at room temperature until completely dry. After the boots have dried, wipe the stained areas with a damp sponge soaked in a solution of vinegar and ammonia mixed in equal proportions. Then use a clean damp cloth or sponge to remove the remaining vinegar solution.

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INTERESTING: On the Internet, as well as in specialized stores, you can find thin boots that look like shoe covers, made of thin rubber or silicone. They look quite nice and come in a variety of colors. Such “shoe covers” do not take up much space; they can be put in a bag and carried with you. But the main thing is that they protect shoes from moisture and dirt. If the snow suddenly melted by lunchtime or it started to rain unexpectedly, then putting them on over your UGG boots will protect them from excess moisture and dirt.

Cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean these shoes, depending on the type of dirt. Mostly products that are easy to find at home are used. The main goal of this procedure is to preserve the original appearance of the shoes. This is not as easy to do as it seems, because Ugg boots are very “capricious” shoes. The simplest method is using water. This way you can clean your ugg boots from street dust and small stains. It is better to do the procedure immediately after arriving home, so that the dust does not have time to get into the shoes.

First you need to clean the surface with a regular brush. Only after this can you wash your ugg boots with cold water. The main thing is to prevent water from getting inside the shoes. Therefore, you should not clean ugg boots under running water or dip them in a basin. It is better to use a soft sponge for this. You also need to ensure that no streaks remain on the surface of the shoes. To do this, you should change the water frequently. After the procedure, the shoes should be stuffed with newspapers and left to dry.

More serious cleaning can be done with vinegar. The composition is prepared as follows - 4 tbsp. l. table vinegar diluted with 5 tbsp. water. Then the surface of the shoe is wiped with this product. After the vinegar dries, wash it off with water and a sponge. The smell can be removed with a freshener.

You can get rid of greasy stains using starch and gasoline. To prepare the mixture, add 2-3 drops of gasoline to a small amount of potato starch. The paste is applied to the greasy stain and left until completely dry. After this, it is enough to remove the dried starch.

Often salt remains on the shoes, which can be easily removed by simply washing the ugg boots with water. But salt tends to quickly eat into the surface. Such stains can be removed, but you need to prepare a special product. You should take vinegar (3%) and ammonia, and then mix them in equal proportions. To apply to shoes, use a soft brush. After this, you don’t need to wash your shoes, just dry them.

The fur inside the boots is also cleaned. To do this, you need to prepare a special composition from improvised means - soda and starch. Mix them in a ratio of 1:2. The composition should be applied to the fur and left for half an hour. Then carefully remove it with a brush and air the shoes. If the specific smell from the product remains, you can use shoe freshener.

For more thorough cleaning, you can use chemicals. These are special compounds that are produced exclusively for cleaning this type of shoes.

You can buy them at any store, but it is important to know that you should not save on such a purchase. A low-quality product can irreversibly damage the material and ugg boots will lose their appearance

They should be used exactly according to the instructions.

"Water procedures"

After the ugg boots are cleaned of dust and dirt, you can begin wet cleaning. It should be remembered that you cannot completely immerse your boots in a basin of water or hold them under running water. Too much water will deteriorate them, they may fall apart and lose shape and color. You can simply wash them with a sponge soaked in water at room temperature, but the water should be changed several times to avoid streaks. For more effective cleaning, you can make an aqueous solution of vinegar, prepared at the rate of 4 tablespoons of vinegar to 5 tablespoons of water. But after this, the ugg boots still need to be wiped several times with a damp, clean cloth.

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Then you should put old crumpled newspapers inside the shoes and leave them to dry in room conditions, away from the sun and heating devices, until completely dry. If you need to put on your boots urgently and they are still damp, you can gently dry them with a hairdryer for 15 minutes. In this case, the air stream should be cold and the hairdryer should be kept at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from the surface.

IMPORTANT: You should not use washing powders and detergents to wash your ugg boots; they may contain bleaching agents, which will lead to their discoloration, loss of brightness and the appearance of streaks. An exception to this rule may be special shampoos for sheepskin products, which are sold in branded stores.

How to wash ugg in a washing machine?

Manufacturers do not recommend washing products made from natural suede, leather, sheepskin or nubuck in a machine. After such cleaning, the boots will lose their softness and shape, and the fur may deteriorate and acquire an unpleasant odor.

UGG boots made from artificial materials can be washed in a machine, following the rules:

  1. Before loading into the drum, the sole of the shoe is cleaned of dirt. The top and bootlegs should be removed from heavy dirt and dust by brushing or using a porous sponge. It is better to wash models with unstitched soles by hand to avoid the risk of leaving the boots without a base.
  2. Instead of washing powder, it is better to use washing gel, liquid soap or shampoo. No need to add conditioner.
  3. The temperature should not exceed 40o C.
  4. The boots are placed in a special washing bag (as an alternative, small old pillowcases can be used) and washed in the “delicate fabric” or “hand wash” mode at low speeds.
  5. It is necessary to rinse at least 2 times so that no streaks remain on the fabric.
  6. The “spin” option should be canceled; shoes may become deformed during strong rotation of the drum.
  7. Do not machine dry, ugg boots must dry naturally. It is allowed to place wet shoes near heating devices or radiators, if they are not made of genuine leather.

You should not put shoes made of natural sheepskin into the washing machine, especially those with fur or decorations. Inexpensive ugg boots washed in a washing machine will become unusable.

If the boots are wool or not made from natural suede, then you can safely throw them into the drum. But you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. UGG boots should be placed in fabric bags.
  2. The temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees plus.
  3. It is better not to use spinning.
  4. The washing mode is “delicate”.

Important! You cannot wash your ugg boots with washing powders and detergents, because they contain bleaching agents that discolor the boots and leave stains on them. Shampoos are used for sheepskin products

For example, “UGG. Australia"

Shampoos are used for sheepskin products. For example, “UGG. Australia".

It is possible to understand whether ugg boots can be washed in a washing machine after you have studied the instructions for caring for these shoes. You can actually find instructions either on a label sewn into the boots or on the packaging.

If no information is found, and the ugg boots are textile or knitted, then most likely they can be washed in the washing machine. If there is any decoration (this can be various embroideries, rhinestones, appliqués), it is not recommended to wash it in the washing machine, because the Ugg boots will become unusable, and the fallen parts of the shoes can damage the washing unit.

To wash ugg, you can use a chemical such as Disana.

This is a shampoo for wool and silk. Before washing the ugg boots, shake it up. For hand washing, dissolve 5 ml in 4 liters of water. shampoo (0.5 cap), with machine - 15 ml. for one twist (10 ml in a cap).

The most popular UGG care products:

  • conditioner “UGG Australia Sheepskin Cleaner {amp}amp; Conditioner" for manual cleaning;
  • dirt and water repellent “UGG Australia Water {amp}amp; Stain Repellent";
  • set with three products “UGG Australia Care Kit”.

Drying shoes

Do not dry your ugg boots with a hairdryer, under the sun, or in close proximity to a radiator, heater or other heat sources. They should dry naturally, this will take 1-2 days. To keep your ugg boots from losing their shape after getting wet and drying faster, fill them with clean newsprint (printing ink from regular newspaper can transfer to damp fabric) or paper towels. To speed up the process, it is recommended to add silica gel (moisture-absorbing) bags to each boot. At the final stage, you can use a shoe dryer.

Once the boots are dry, you can use the suede brush again. It will help remove pellets and “lay” the pile. It is recommended to apply a special dirt- and water-repellent spray or a simple protective spray for suede. This will help keep your ugg boots clean longer and will allow you to resort to cleaning them much less often.

How to clean stains from UGG boots

Quite often, owners of winter shoes are faced not only with salt solutions and dirt, but also with more difficult to remove stains. However, you should not get upset in such situations. Let's look at several proven methods that experienced housewives use to clean ugg boots from difficult stains.

Using gasoline

If you need to clean a black paint stain or sticky residue, you can use any solvent. However, it is best to give preference to gasoline. In order for the cleaning of the UGG to be successful, you must perform the following steps sequentially:

  • pour a little cornstarch into a glass bowl and dilute it with gasoline until you get a paste-like consistency;
  • Apply the resulting mixture pointwise to the stained area;
  • wait until the paste dries completely;
  • Use a special shoe brush to remove any remaining product;
  • put your boots on the balcony or ensure good ventilation in the room to get rid of the pungent odor.

How to remove a grease stain on ugg boots

It’s quite unpleasant when brand new UGG boots have an untidy greasy stain. However, there are several life hacks that can cope with this problem. To rid your shoes of grease, clean them using one of the following methods:

  1. Any adsorbent substances can easily clean ugg boots from grease stains. These include, for example, starch, chalk, talc, baby powder. All you need to do is apply one of the listed powders to the problem area and leave for seven to eight hours. Then clean the surface from any remaining adsorbent with a soft sponge.
  2. To eliminate greasy stains as quickly as possible, you need to mix baking soda and potato starch in a ratio of one to two. The method of application is similar to the previous one, only the exposure time can be reduced to forty minutes.
  3. You can clean your ugg boots from grease using a mixture of water and table vinegar in a ratio of five to four. The active liquid will need to be applied to the stain and wait until it dries. Then walk over the cleaned boots with cool water.

Is it possible to clean them yourself?

The more unique and non-standard the color of the ugg boots, the more delicacy you need to show when cleaning them. The simplest and most accessible means for bringing a soft surface layer is clean cold water.

To remove more serious contaminants than light traces of dust, use a vinegar solution. Grease stains from suede products can be removed using purified gasoline. A mixture of ammonia and vinegar will help get rid of traces of salt. Internal disinfection for the purpose of cleaning and preventing fur from unpleasant odors can be carried out using improvised means.

Easy cleaning with water

After a walk, it is better to clean such boots immediately, preventing street dust from settling in the pores of the velvety material. First of all, using a suede brush, you need to brush away all small dust particles and dirt, moving the brush in one direction. Once all dry particles have been removed, you can wash your shoes with clean water.

Carefully! UGG boots can only be washed after dry cleaning. Otherwise, dirty stains may appear, which are much more difficult to get rid of. It is strictly forbidden to place sheepskin boots under running water or dip them in a container of water.

It is strictly forbidden to place sheepskin boots under running water or dip them in a container of water.

Folk remedies

Method number 1. Cleaning with vinegar.

The mixture for removing dirt from the outside of the ugg is prepared as follows. In a convenient container, add five tablespoons of water to four tablespoons of vinegar (7%). We use this mixture to wipe the surface. Just as with regular washing with water, a sponge is used to apply the vinegar solution, and the surface of the shoes must first be cleaned of dust. After the vinegar composition has dried, the pair should be washed with ordinary cold water, avoiding getting the material too wet.

Method number 2. Cleansing from greasy stains.

A very effective, albeit labor-intensive method is cleaning with a mixture of purified gasoline and starch. A few drops of gasoline are added to the starch to obtain a slurry. Apply the resulting paste to the greasy stain and leave to dry. After drying, it is enough to simply clean off the dried mass, which will completely absorb the fat from the shoe material.

Method No. 3. Removing traces of salt.

Fresh traces of salt can also disappear with regular cleaning with water. But if the stains are ingrained, then you need to resort to the tricks of folk remedies. And again we prepare a solution based on vinegar. Ammonia and 3% vinegar are mixed in proportions of 1/1. Apply this liquid to the affected areas with gentle movements using a soft brush. Usually, after such a procedure, it is enough to dry and air the sheepskin shoes.

Method number 4. Washing in a washing machine.

Do not forget! Under no circumstances should natural sheepskin boots be washed. This will lead to their permanent damage, after which only a trash can awaits your cozy couple.

Important! Drying such boots with any cleaning method should be done away from direct heat sources to avoid uneven drying. Uneven drying of shoes can lead to deformation of the shape, disruption of the uniform color of the surface, and loss of softness of the material.

Special cleaning products

You can also successfully use special liquids for the care of natural products, manufactured in factories, which can be purchased in stores. You should not approach the choice of such products with thoughts of maximum savings, so as not to encounter a fake. Low-quality preparations can irrevocably ruin the appearance of capricious material.

Shoe stores and places of sale provide information on the correct selection and use of these products. All recommendations for cleaning using special purchased products are described in detail in the instructions for use of each individual composition. After reading them carefully, you will be able to apply them without making mistakes.

Dry cleaning

If you are unable to clean your ugg boots at home, you can contact a dry cleaner for help. But you need to be prepared for the fact that not everyone undertakes such a difficult task. And, unfortunately, a dry cleaning station does not guarantee a positive result either.

What's that smell?

When worn for a long time, shoes may develop an unpleasant odor. It does not always depend on the individual characteristics of the human body and the cleanliness of the feet of the owner of the shoes.

An unpleasant odor can appear from improper storage of shoes, exposure to high temperatures or various substances. Sheepskin, for example, is a natural material and quickly absorbs odors.

You can get rid of the unpleasant odor using a spray by treating the inside of your UGG boots. Your favorite perfume and body deodorant without talc are suitable for this.

If you don’t have shoe deodorant on hand, you can get rid of the smell with improvised means. You need to mix equal parts cornstarch and soda, treat the inside of the boots with this mixture and leave for several hours.

Afterwards you need to shake the ugg boots and remove the remaining mixture. You can also use a narrow attachment on a vacuum cleaner for this.

You can put a bag filled with a mixture of salt and soda, or a sachet with lavender, inside your boots and leave it overnight. Salt absorbs unpleasant odors and freshens shoes.

Advice: Any shoes, especially UGG boots, should be aired in the fresh air as often as possible. To do this, you need to put your boots on a frosty balcony or outside. In summer, shoes can be dried and checked in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight, otherwise the shoes may fade or stain.

The impossible is possible: ugg boots and a washing machine

As already noted, ugg boots are currently made from a variety of materials, not just sheepskin. This in turn allows you to use various methods of cleaning and washing them, including using a washing machine.

However, it is immediately worth noting that if the question concerns the classic model of sheepskin boots, then the option with a washing machine is not suitable. You should also not wash cheap UGG models, as during the washing process they can tear, fall apart and become completely unusable.

In order to determine whether it is possible to wash your boots in a washing machine, you need to study the instructions for caring for them, which can be placed on the box or on a label sewn into the shoes.

If there is none, and your boots are made of textiles or yarn, then they can be washed in the machine. You should choose a gentle washing mode for wool or delicate laundry, maintaining a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees. It is better not to add detergent.

You should not wash your boots in the washing machine if they have any decor on them, as the embroidery may fade, and the rhinestones and appliqué will fall off, which will not only ruin the appearance of the shoes, but may also lead to damage to the washing machine.

Material options

Uggs are products made from different materials. Classic models are made from sheepskin, as well as merino skins, using double-sided processing technology. Such products are very expensive.

More often there are options for the production of which other materials are used. The outer surface is made of natural or artificial suede or nubuck. The inner part may consist of sheep wool or synthetic materials. All this is reflected in the cost of shoes.

Classic Ugg boots traditionally do not have any decorations. However, today designer shoes are in fashion, generously decorated with buckles, embroidery, laces, chains, ornaments, mosaics of rhinestones and sequins. UGG boots are available in various shades.

Caring for UGG boots depends on the characteristics of each model. You can find out what materials the shoes are made from on the box. Sometimes this information is not true. For this reason, when choosing shoes, you need to take into account not only its appearance, but also the reputation of the manufacturer or reviews of other consumers.

Prevention and disinfection of suede felt boots

After complete drying, it is important to disinfect the boots, which during cleaning absorb the unpleasant odors of the products used. Internal materials not only absorb, but also retain them for a long time

There are many reasons for its appearance. Among the most common:

individual sweating of the lower extremities; low quality of product materials;

poor storage of boots; location of shoes near substances that emit a strong odor.

For prevention, you can prepare a solution: corn flour - 50 grams;

baking soda 20-25 grams; salt – 20-25 grams.

Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl and pour inside the felt boots. After 3-5 hours, carefully shake out the mixture.

At night, it is recommended to place special bags with salt and soda inside the felt boots. You can use lavender sachets. It is better if you spend the night on the balcony; the frosty air eliminates unpleasant odors and kills bacteria.

It is recommended to periodically treat ugg boots with special deodorants and suede shoe fresheners. Such products not only eliminate unwanted odors, but also protect shoes from dust contamination.

How to clean suede UGG boots at home

How to clean ugg boots from dirt and salt stains

  • rub a little chalk into the shoes and leave it like that overnight, then shake it off and clean the ugg boots with a special brush for caring for suede;
  • sometimes you can remove grease by rubbing the dirty areas with an eraser;
  • a mixture of ammonia and vinegar helps in the fight against stubborn old stains.

How to clean ugg boots from stains It is important to pay attention to the fact that after drying the shoes, you need to periodically disinfect them. This is especially important for ugg boots, which are made from natural sheepskin, which has the ability to absorb aromas.

How to clean suede ugg boots at home How to clean ugg boots from dirt, salt and dust

Special cleaning products

Manufacturers produce a lot of suede care products. Owners of natural UGG boots should purchase:

  • Water repellent spray;
  • Professional wet cleaning product. It contains carboxylic acid, which effectively removes dirt. It is poured onto a damp sponge and foamed. The foam is applied to the dirt for 5 minutes, then removed with a damp sponge.
  • Cream paint that can be used to mask stains that cannot be cleaned and to neutralize shiny areas. The main thing is to choose the most suitable shade of dye.
  • A deodorant designed to eliminate odor. The product should be sprayed inside each boot after drying and cleaning.

Another necessary accessory is a stiff brush, with which you can lay the suede pile in a single direction.

An alternative option is to take your UGG boots to a trusted dry cleaner. There they can be cleaned according to all the rules, coated with water-repellent impregnation and even painted.

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