Removing old paint: How and what to remove from concrete, metal and wood

The name by which this coating is defined comes from the merger of two words “alcohol” and “acid”, which indicates the synthesis of complex alcohols with acids. Removing alkyd paint from a surface is most often not so easy, and this is mainly prevented by film formers that contain glycerin for GF or pentaerythritol for PF. However, in the question of how to remove alkyd paint, a solution exists, especially in different variations, that is, you can use different means and methods for this.

Surface cleaning

Before you wash off the alkyd enamel, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The sooner you start removing the stain, the better the effect will be, and ideally the stain should be removed immediately.
  • A large stain should first be wiped with a paper napkin or natural cloth.
  • Cleaning should be done from the edges to the center of the stain so as not to rub it, increasing the area.
  • If a stain is being removed from a fabric, then it is advisable to test any product on the tip of the material.

Vegetable and butter

To clean the contaminated area, the oil is mixed with washing powder and applied to the surface for half an hour. Source
First, remove the alkyd paint from the material with a cloth or paper napkin so that the layer of dirt becomes thinner. Mix vegetable oil or butter with washing powder to obtain a gel consistency, apply it to the stain, extending 2-4 mm beyond the perimeter of the stain, and leave for half an hour. After this, water or sprinkle the area to be treated with dishwashing detergent and wash. At the end of the operation, it is advisable to wash the fabric completely.

This recipe is good for removing paint from any areas of the body that you were careless to stain (hands, face). The algorithm of actions does not change, only instead of leaving the gel on the skin for half an hour, it is advisable to rub it, diluting the contamination, and then wash it off with washing powder or laundry soap.

Important! This recipe should not be used for concrete and wood products, as they absorb oil. This means that after removing the paint, a greasy stain will remain.

Acetone and other solvents

This component is suitable for removing alkyd paintwork materials, including old stains from paint or varnish from clothes Source
Alkyd paint stains can be removed with aggressive compounds such as acetone (C3H6O) or a solvent such as P-645, P-646 or P-647. The advantage of such liquids is that they can dissolve dried paint materials that are several days or even months old. However, in order to efficiently clean the contamination, it is advisable to carry out such a procedure as early as possible. To clean stains from alkyd paint, you will need a paper or cloth napkin - you just need to wet it and wipe off the dirt - continue until the operation is completed.

Attention! Acetone and solvent cannot be used to clean synthetic materials, as these are aggressive compounds that dissolve synthetics.

How to remove oil paint from clothes?

Oil paint

  1. Fresh oil paint can be washed off using sunflower oil. ...
  2. In addition to sunflower oil, you can use drying oil, margarine and butter. ...
  3. Turpentine and acetone are excellent for removing fresh oil paint.

19 Feb.
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How to remove a paint stain? How to remove paint stains from clothes?

White spirit and nail polish remover

Suitable for removing solvent-based paintwork from almost any surface; nail polish remover and white spirit are suitable Source
White spirit (Stoddard solvent) and nail polish remover are not as aggressive materials as acetone or P -646, so they are practically harmless for dried pentaphthalic (PF) or glyphthalic (GF) enamel. But, if such paints and varnishes have dripped onto clothing or some other surface and another 1-2 days have not passed, then you can try to remove the stains, although it is best to do this while the paint is still wet. For the cleaning process, you will need a cloth or paper napkin, which should be wetted and rubbed off the stain until it disappears.

A mixture of turpentine and ammonia

Such turpentine is obtained by distillation from resin, wood and needles of coniferous trees, such as spruce, pine, fir, juniper Source
To wash off old glyphthalic or pentaphalic paint from clothes or any hard surfaces, you can use a mixture of turpentine ( turpentine oil) and ammonia (ammonium hydroxide, ammonia hydrate - NH4OH). The components in the mixture must be present in a ratio of 1/2, respectively. You can remove the stain by applying the mixture for 20 minutes. After the specified period, use a paper or cloth napkin soaked in this liquid to wipe off the stain. But this mixture has a serious drawback - its pungent odor, so this procedure must be performed exclusively in a ventilated area.

Required condition! It is not advisable to use such a mixture for cleaning alkyd stains from synthetic materials - they can be destroyed under the influence of these aggressive solvents.

Using factory paint removers

Designed for removing paint coatings based on nitrocellulose (NC), pentaphthalic (PF), oil-based (MA), glyphthalic (GF), polyurethane (PU), alkyd-urethane (AU), acrylate (AK), epoxy (EP), melamine (ML) ) and other paintwork materials Source
Various factory removers are also widely used to remove stains from pentaphthalic or glyphthalic enamel:

  • removing old paint SP-6;
  • ABRO PR-600-R;
  • Prestige gel;
  • etc.

All of these paint removers, which also include accidental stains, are labeled according to the type of surfaces from which they can remove stains, therefore, you need to pay attention to the text printed on the container. But, despite the fact that such products are intended not only for fresh, but also for old paint, your hopes may not be justified - a surface painted with several layers of enamel does not always lend itself to such influence.

How to remove Primer enamel?

Most primers, paints and enamels are washed off with R-4 solvent. This is a very harsh solvent. Before starting work, make sure that it will not dissolve the base from which you are washing off the paint. Work with gloves, safety glasses, in a well-ventilated area, or better yet, outdoors.

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Mechanical methods for removing alkyd coating

Home remedies and factory removers are not always practical for removing any paint coatings from the surface of walls and ceilings made of mineral materials such as brick or concrete, as well as metal. In such situations, mechanical impact methods are used.

Metal brushes

A device with a pile made of wire, varying in hardness and diameter, allows you to perform a wide range of procedures for mechanical processing of products Source
Metal brushes of different hardness, the pile of which is made of thin steel wire, have long been used to clean surfaces from paint and varnish coatings. Such brushes can be manual, and they are also produced for angle grinders (angle grinders) or electric drills. Of course, carrying out such work with a manual device is too long and physically difficult, so it is used exclusively for small stains or splashes. Brushes mounted on an electric drill or grinder are much more effective and are used for cleaning large areas, for example, for removing alkyd enamel from a metal frame. But for cleaning concrete or brick walls, this is not the best tool - the brushes wear out and become clogged.

Turtle disks

Such discs are a flexible circle made of an elastic base, on which diamond chips applied in segments and a strong polymer binder are located. Source The
turtle disc, well known to builders, or in professional language AGShK (diamond flexible grinding wheel) is an elastic disc with diamond coating, which is fixed using a polymer adhesive. The direct purpose of the turtles is grinding mineral surfaces, such as brick, ceramic/porcelain tiles and concrete. Such a circle will be very good at removing alkyd paint, but not for long, as it will quickly become clogged, therefore, AGShK can only be used to eliminate minor contaminants (splashes, stains).

Cleaning alkyd paint with chains

Clamp the rod (bolt) in the chuck of an electric drill, as shown in the photograph, so that the chains are at least 3-4 cm away from the head Source
The most effective way to clean brick and concrete walls from alkyd and oil-based paint coatings can be called a homemade device made from pieces of chain, as shown in the top photo. To do this, you will need a bolt 100-150 mm long and 10-12 mm in diameter, two nuts and three or four pieces of chain with several links (depending on the thickness, so decide for yourself). Place these fragments onto the bolt under the head, and then tighten them tightly with a nut and locknut. That's it, the device is ready - all that remains is to secure it in the electric drill chuck

To remove paint, turn on the drill and bring it to the surface of the wall so that the chains can hit the layer monotonously and at high speed (they will simply break the frozen paintwork). Since the drill chuck in the normal working position rotates clockwise, to beat off the paint you should stand with your right side to the wall - this way the fallen off paint particles will fall from top to bottom. If you turn your left side to the wall, the chains will break the coating from bottom to top, and all the small fragments will fly into the air, and some of them will settle on your head and shoulders.

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