How to fold jeans, fold pants, and pack snow pants

We store jeans in the closet | About jeans

Every item that a person wears must be stored correctly. Jeans in the dressing room also need to be placed correctly, because the further appearance of the item depends on this. If you have several pairs of jeans in your closet, then some of them are probably worn every day - to work or school, while others can be worn during weekends.

Those jeans that are worn every day are best hung in the closet so that they do not lose their appearance and are always at hand. The rest of the jeans should be put in a closet, and if there are several of them, then in a stack, packed in a box. When you need the jeans in your closet again, you can grab them and put them on without worrying about an unnecessary crease or crease appearing on them. Before folding your jeans, you need to remove the straps from them and check each pocket, removing everything that is there. Next, inspecting the trousers, check if they are dirty or wet; in case of such problems, put them in order before putting them in the closet. Then shake the jeans and pull each leg down, straightening them.

There are jeans that wrinkle after washing; after ironing, such a thing must be hung on a hanger, catching the jeans by the loops on the sides. You can also roll up your jeans, and if the roll is not quite uniform, then unwind it and roll it again. Such packages can be placed in boxes.

It is recommended to store jeans in a ventilated place. Jeans should not be stored in a closet while folded and damp, as red stains may appear due to oxidation of the metal buttons and snaps.

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How to properly stack folded items

Knowing how to fold your pants correctly is not enough to simplify your search and keep things organized. If the jeans are not lying correctly, over time the interior of the closet will return to chaos, and the jeans will again become wrinkled, and sometimes forgotten.

To avoid a mess, jeans should be folded in the closet, following the rules:

  • pants must be alternated with the side of the fold so that the “slide” does not fall on its side;
  • the stacks should be located next to each other, without blocking access to the necessary things;
  • laying jeans so that only one fold is visible to the eye while pulling out the pants, this will avoid grabbing an unnecessary pair:
  • arrange products by color;
  • thick pants down, thin pants on top.


All clothing placed in the closet must be clean. The folds of the jeans must be straightened and the contents of the pockets removed.

How to store them

This clothing also needs to be stored correctly. Yes, some people use hangers, this is the right way, but it is not always practical.

So, you've folded your jeans and now you need to put everything on the shelf. Here, in principle, there are no important aspects; they are increasingly aimed at ease of further use.

Fold them alternately with different sides. This will keep the stack level and save space.

It is also advisable to sort them into horizontal rows, as this will make it easier for you to choose which ones to wear in the morning.

Well, in the end, you can distribute everything by style or by day of the week, as is convenient for you. A completely optional condition, but convenient.

In general, as you understand, it’s in vain that many people don’t do this, it looks beautiful and makes life easier. Use this method and share it with your friends.

How to hang your trousers neatly so they don't get wrinkled?

Hang your pants on a hanger

Install hangers in your closet or secure a clothes rack to the wall with nails. Hang your pants on a hanger using the belt loop so you can easily see which pants you have.

  • Place hangers high enough to prevent your pants from dragging on the floor.

Use trouser hangers for convenience and to prevent wrinkles

Fasten the left and right sides of the pants so that they hang evenly on the hanger. Hanging your pants on hangers reduces creases in your pants and makes them easier to see when you're looking for something to wear.

  • Buy pants hangers from your local home improvement store or online.

Fold your pants in half to store them on regular hangers.

Align your pants so that one leg is folded over the other. Pull your pants through the hanger and place them on the rack so that your legs hang evenly on either side of the rack.

  • Balancing the trousers prevents them from accidentally sliding down.

Buy a trouser organizer to store your trousers.

Pant organizers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all offer a hanger that can be used to hang multiple pairs of pants, saving space in your closet. WITH

  • Buy a pants organizer that attaches to your closet door or one that extends from the wall.

Folding into a suitcase or chest of drawers

Today there are several basic techniques for storing trousers: rolling and folding. It is noteworthy that classic product models, for the manufacture of which preferably wrinkle-resistant fabrics are used, are best stored by folding. It is strictly not recommended to twist them, as this will lead to the appearance of many unwanted folds and creases. Cotton pants should also be stored by folding.

Since there are several ways to store pants, it is necessary to take a closer look at each method. To pack a product using the folding method, you must lay it out on a hard and flat surface located horizontally. It is best to do this on the floor or wide tabletop. Next, you should straighten the fabric of the product to remove as much as possible all possible folds and folds. The trouser legs must be bent strictly in the direction of the arrow, without any other creases or folds.

How to fold a robe without wrinkles

How to store socks

How to store tights

After the trousers are folded in half, pant leg to pant leg, they need to be folded in half again vertically. When the bottom edge of both legs has already been raised to the waist area, you need to once again smooth out with your hand all possible irregularities, creases and folds. And only then, fold the product in half again. With this method, wrinkles in clothing can only remain in the hips and knees. The appearance of creases and confusion in other places is reduced to a minimum.

The rolling technique differs from the previous method, primarily in that not every trouser can be stored in this way. It is preferably used for those products that are less susceptible to deformation due to the characteristics of the fabric. Sportswear and denim items are best stored in a rolled form, since such material is the least likely to become wrinkled. There is a certain list of models that can be stored rolled up:

  • thick denim trousers and jeans;
  • sports pants and shorts;
  • any other types of shorts;
  • tight models of pants, in particular leggings and leggings.

Thanks to rolling, things are not only convenient to store in your closet at home. If you pack your suitcase for a trip or any trip using this method, you can significantly save space. When rolled up, items take up much less space.

To properly roll your pants you will need:

  • lay the product on a hard and flat surface located horizontally;
  • smooth the pants with your hands to remove all possible wrinkles and unevenness;
  • fold the trousers in half, pant leg to pant leg, so that they fit perfectly on top of each other, and the seam clearly coincides with the bend;
  • Next, you need to smooth the item again with your hands to remove new creases and irregularities after folding;
  • After smoothing, you should take the bottom of the trousers with your fingers and begin to gradually twist the product, moving up to the waist, like rolling a roll.

There are several tips on exactly how to twist the product so that the fabric remains flat and does not break during the process:

  • first of all, you need to monitor the position of the fabric, hold it during the process and smooth out any wrinkles that appear;
  • It is not recommended to twist the product too tightly;
  • The rolled product is best placed in the bottom row of things, both in a suitcase and in a chest of drawers or closet.

It's also worth considering that classic-fit trousers are best placed on top of other clothing when it comes to assembling a travel suitcase. This way they will not wrinkle and will maintain a fresh and neat appearance.

Dear readers of the Tkan.Club website, if you still have questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your reviews, comments, share stories if you know how to fold your pants correctly so they don’t wrinkle! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Folding things using the Konmari method

When folding using the KonMari method, you need to take stock of your values ​​and figure out which jeans should be recycled and which ones should be kept. In almost every home there are pants that are not used for going outside, but throwing them away is not an option. Often, this is just a psychological attachment to objects with which there has been contact for a long time. Don't keep jeans that evoke memories. A clean closet is a byproduct of decluttering.

Video instruction:

After analyzing and making the right decisions about the need for this or that thing, you should move on to the method of folding the pants itself:

  • the method is based on rolling clothes, like a Japanese roll;
  • trousers are folded in half (trouser leg to trouser leg);
  • the resulting “triangle” formed from the back seam is folded over to create a long rectangle;
  • the edge of the trouser leg is folded towards the belt with a slight indentation from it;
  • the resulting rectangle is visually divided into three parts and bent to form a parallelepiped;
  • Store jeans vertically so they take up little space.

This is interesting: How to dye jeans at home: 6 ways, artificial and natural dyes

Methods for shrinking jeans

There are plenty of options to fix the problem.

It is important to choose yours. Before shrinking your jeans, check out the pros and cons described in the method

In addition to alternatives, the main thing remains washing and its varieties.

There are many ways to return jeans to their original size.

Hand wash

Pants can be made smaller by hand washing. To do this, it is better to use a hot water bath. Take enough water to completely immerse your pants, add detergent or powder. Then immerse the thing in water

It is important that the item of clothing is completely wet, you can press it down with your hands

Hand washing will help make your pants smaller.

After these manipulations, you need to drain the water, rinse (do not wring out), and again draw hot water. Let the pants lie in it until the liquid cools completely. Finally, start drying.

Water needs to be poured twice.

Machine washable

The method is distinguished by its ease of implementation and efficiency. Set the hot temperature to 90 degrees and maximum spin. This way, the item will sit in the hips and it is possible to eliminate stretched knees.

Machine washing on a hot cycle will help eliminate stretching.

Cold and hot water

The hot water method is described in hand washing. A similar contrast also works in reverse: first cold water, then hot. The nuances of the method: you need to first shrink cotton clothes in cold water, leave them flat in the bathroom overnight. In the morning there is a contrast with the temperature changing from cold to hot (hot water).

Contrasting temperatures also promote shrinkage in denim.

In both cases, drying is recommended in a horizontal position. The best example of this would be drying on an ironing board, using an iron with different ironing modes.


This is the same advice from my grandmother - boil it down. It is made on the stove in a large enamel basin, stirring with wooden tongs for 30 minutes. Suitable for those who are not afraid of losing the product in case of failure and achieving uneven color with a boiling effect.

Boiling is an effective but dangerous method.

Shrinkage exactly to your figure

No matter what methods you use, not a single powder or water will guess your parameters. Therefore, you can put your pants on yourself like this:

We put on our pants. Fill the bath with hot water. Getting into the bath with your pants on

Make sure that the water covers all areas, including the lower back. We wait for the liquid to cool down to room temperature... Immersion in water directly in them will help to fit the pants exactly to your figure. It is better to wash jeans on yourself in the warm season

Immersing yourself in water while wearing them will help you get your pants to fit exactly.

It is better to wash jeans on yourself during the warm season.

Reducing a specific area

Locally shrinking the area is possible with automatic drying and a spray gun. To do this, dilute the product in a 1:3 ratio from water and conditioner. Spray on the desired part and send to dry at maximum power. If you used dishwashing powder or gel, you need to be prepared for remaining white stains from the products. They can be removed by washing.

Using a spray bottle you can fix problem areas.

How to fold clothes compactly

To prevent clothes from getting wrinkled, it is best to roll them up or stack them in a special way. Lifehacker made a video instruction:

So we will not dwell on this method. But it’s worth talking in more detail about how to roll things up.

How to fold pants

Suit trousers need to be folded crosswise in half and, starting from the fold, rolled into a regular roll.

It's better to fold your jeans a little differently. Turn the top part out and place one pant leg over the other. Starting at the bottom, roll up the jeans. Then wrap the folded part around it.

How to fold sweaters, shirts and other long-sleeved items

Place the sleeves at an angle on the front of the sweater and fold them in the middle. Turn the bottom of the sweater out a few centimeters. Fold the right side of the jacket towards the middle and cover it with the left side. Starting from the neckline, roll the item and wrap it with the folded part.

Video: Go Experimental / YouTube

Shirts are folded similarly:

Video: Von Malegowski / YouTube

You can use a simpler method: fold the shirt in half, lay the sleeves lengthwise and roll it up.

How to fold T-shirts

T-shirts fold almost the same way as sweaters:

Video: Go Experimental / YouTube

And to save time, you can collapse them together:

Video: Go Experimental / YouTube

How to fold dresses and skirts

Simply fold the skirt in half lengthwise and roll it into a roll. You can do the same with dresses with short sleeves. If they are long, fold the dress in the same way as sweaters.

How to fold warm clothes

If you only need to take a couple of sweaters, sweatshirts or other bulky items with you, you can simply fold them neatly this way:

And to save space, it’s better to put them in a suitcase not on top of each other, but vertically.

A warm jacket can be rolled into a tight roll and tied with rubber bands for security, as shown in this video:

Or put it in a bag or case.

But if there is a catastrophic lack of space in your suitcase, vacuum bags will come to the rescue. It is better to choose bags without a valve - they are also called compression bags.

Place your things there, zip the bag and roll it tightly. This will allow excess air to escape.

Video: Love and London / YouTube

How to pack a suitcase

You can simply stack folded clothes on top of each other or put them in organizers. This will create order in your suitcase. And if you divide clothes into them by type (jeans in one organizer, T-shirts in another, and so on), this will also make it much easier to find the things you need.

Things rolled up and placed in organizers take up very little space. This way you can fit almost an entire wardrobe not only in a suitcase, but even in hand luggage!

Well, if you still want to fold things the old fashioned way, in a pile, use tissue paper and film. This way the clothes will definitely not get wrinkled.

Video: soniastravels / YouTube

How to fold things: detailed instructions, photo

Folding things seems like it could be easier, because we have been doing this since childhood. But comparing our house with the houses in the photo, it seems that we have never learned how to put things away, and also that we need a specially trained person to clean up the house.

The first thing you should pay attention to is where you put things. No matter how hard you try, if there is a minimum of space and a maximum of things, the mess will not go away from the house.

For example, select one shelf or drawer for bed linen and another for towels. Place T-shirts in one pile and T-shirts in the second.

For small items such as handkerchiefs, socks and panties, it is better to use small drawers or install space dividers, dividing one large drawer into several small ones. But large ones, such as rugs, blankets, etc. It is best to store on shelves, thereby saving space in the house.

So, let's start with bedding and bedding. To ensure that the bed is always in perfect order, we recommend using the space under the bed. This can be a box or drawers. Thus, it is enough to fold blankets and pillows inside, straighten the sheet and cover the bed with a blanket to make it look perfect.

We recommend folding replacement bedding sets according to the size of the pillowcases and placing them in one of the pillowcases of the set. In this way, in the closet on the shelf you will have filled pillowcases in ready-made sets, which will greatly simplify the change of linen, since you will not have to look for a duvet cover for a sheet, and everything will be in one place. This method is neat and time-saving. Here's how to fold a sheet with an elastic band in our photo instructions:

Fold the sheet in half so that the elastic is inside as in the photo;

We suggest you familiarize yourself with How to remove blueberry stains at home: what to wash from clothes

How to fold a fitted sheet: step 1

Now fold it in half again so that all ends with elastic bands point in the same direction;

How to fold a sheet with an elastic band: step 2

The next step is to straighten the sheet and divide it into three horizontal parts. Place the part with the elastic band on the middle part as in the photo;

How to fold a sheet with an elastic band: step 3

Place the third part in the middle;

How to fold a sheet with an elastic band: step 4

Now all that remains is to fold the strip in half or three times (depending on the storage method and the size of the shelf).

How to fold a sheet with an elastic band: step 5

Now let's move on to towels. To fold it correctly, grab it by the two ends so that the long part hangs down to the bottom.

How to fold a towel: step 1

Divide it into visual three vertical parts.

How to fold a towel: step 2

Fold the right half into the middle, then the left. Now divide the long strip into three parts and fold it as in the photo.

How to fold a towel: step 3

How to fold a towel: done! Now let's move on to how to fold things so that they are always neatly folded, and you can put them on right away:

  • There is a separate area for socks. After washing, you need to fold the sock into the sock, fold socks without a pair separately, and after the next wash, carry out an inspection and find a pair;
  • We put the panties in a separate area. Either purchase an organizer or take a shoebox of the appropriate size;

How to fold men's underpants

  • Hang trousers, jeans, shorts and breeches on trouser hangers. They come with both clothespins and a clamping mechanism, which leaves no marks and is considered the best version. This way they will remain perfectly ironed for a long time;
  • T-shirts are folded in half horizontally and, if necessary, again vertically, forming an even square;

How to fold T-shirts

T-shirts fold very easily if you know their secret. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo instructions;

How to fold T-shirts

Store shirts and blouses on hangers, but if you need to fold them, use this photo instruction;

How to fold shirts

  • For scarves, scarves and ties, buy one hanger and store it in your wardrobe;
  • Place sweaters, tracksuits and overalls in even piles so that the set of clothes lies together and does not need to be searched throughout the closet;

How to fold a sweater

Shoes on the shelf should be kept in place for the season, the rest should be washed, dried and packed in boxes, with paper or non-woven fiber placed between the shoes. For convenience, you can purchase a spacious shoe organizer.

Classic options for folding jeans

When there are no special hangers at hand, and vertical storage is excluded, you should move on to studying the question of how to fold your pants so that they do not wrinkle, while maintaining the order of your closet. There are several simple ways:

  • You need to fold the trousers according to the principle - trouser leg on trouser leg, the resulting rectangle is folded in half and put away in the closet.
  • The second method is based on the option proposed by the Japanese Marie Kondo, only in this case, the pants are not folded, but rolled into a tube.

Whenever manipulating your pants, you should carefully check the fit for folds and bulges. With experience will come the ability to quickly perform all of the above actions.

What to consider when packing your suitcase

  1. To avoid forgetting anything, make a list of necessary things. Then re-read it and think about which items can be replaced with more compact ones, and which ones you can not take with you at all. For convenience, use Lifehacker’s ready-made lists for different trips.
  2. Make outfits for each day of travel. Try to combine things so that you don't have to take too much.
  3. When choosing clothes, shoes and accessories, consider the weather conditions and how you will spend your time. Do not take things in reserve, otherwise they may remain in your suitcase for the entire trip.
  4. Do not take with you anything that you can buy cheaply at your destination. We are talking, for example, about toothpaste, soap or a beach hat.
  5. It is better to put heavy bulky items and things that will not be needed soon at the bottom of the suitcase. Accordingly, put at the very top what can be useful to you right away. For example, sleepwear or toiletries.

Here are some more useful tips:

How to fold shoes and socks compactly

Simply folding your shoes without putting anything inside is not a smart idea. After all, about 6–8 pairs of socks can fit into one pair of closed shoes.

Footage: Lifehacker / YouTube

We talked in detail about how to fold socks as compactly as possible in a separate article.

The shoes themselves can be placed in regular plastic bags and placed along the edges of the suitcase. There it will take up less space than at the bottom.

Video: Lifehacker / YouTube

If you want it to look neater, use special shoe covers. The free space in them can be filled with some little things. For example, the same socks.

It is better to place bulky cases with large shoes tightly on the bottom of the suitcase. Small cases with flat models will not take up much space. So they can be placed on the folded items at the very end.

How to fold pants

Chaos in the wardrobe is very annoying, because things lose their original appearance and cannot be worn without ironing. And the constant search for the necessary wardrobe items gets boring. This happens due to the inability to compactly use the interior space of the cabinet. It’s easy to learn, just put in a little effort and reconsider the organization of storing things. Modern life hacks will help you quickly sort out the rubble, fold your jeans compactly and put things in order.

There are many methods for organizing storage and folding jeans compactly, but first you need to master the simplest of them. Even an inexperienced housewife will be able to clean up her closet in a short time.

You can fold jeans beautifully so that they take up little space on the shelf using the classic method:

  1. To do this, fold the trouser leg to the trouser leg, and bend the edge to the knee.
  2. The upper part is wrapped onto the resulting rectangle.
  3. If your pants are made of lightweight denim, you can fold them again.
  4. The resulting compact stacks are placed in rows in the closet.

No matter how you fold your jeans, creases always form at the folds. The old-fashioned method will help you fold them quickly and compactly so they don’t get wrinkled. To do this, they are laid in the classical way, but cushions of soft fabric or towels are placed in the folded areas. They will prevent your pants from wrinkling and forming creases. Typically, waffle towels were used for this purpose.

This method is suitable for storing things in a closet or suitcase. After all, when going on a trip or business trip, it is not always possible to take a compact travel iron with you. This simple life hack will help keep your jeans looking presentable.

How to fold a roll correctly:

  1. Iron the jeans well, straighten the pockets, roll the trouser leg to the trouser leg. Align the seams.

The method is very good, but you need to be careful with stretchy fabrics. Especially if the roll is rolled from the waist to the bottom edge and secured with a trouser leg. It may stretch during the process, which is not suitable for tight-fitting models.

It is most convenient to compactly store rolled jeans in deep drawers so that all rows are visible. You can sort them by color, seasonality or model. It all depends on the preference of the hostess. In Japan, bundles are placed in laundry baskets, which are then placed on shelves in closets or chests of drawers. This makes tidying up easy and quick.

Things on the shelves in the store are always folded neatly and compactly

Many housewives pay attention to this and wonder how to fold pants in a similar way at home so that they take up less space

Products in their original packaging are always folded compactly, which allows for economical distribution of space on shelves. You can fold your jeans in the same way at home, but they don’t have to be stored in a bag. The method is very similar to the classic one, but differs slightly from it:

  1. First you need to iron the jeans, then let them cool, and compactly fold the legs on top of each other so that all the seams match.
  2. Fold the crotch triangle up.
  3. Using your hands, smooth out the pants, fold the bottom edge halfway down the knee, and then fold it again.

The first option is to roll them into a tube. In this form, a pair will take up minimal space, and a set of jeans and trousers can even be stored in a drawer. The second option is ideal for putting things in a horizontal stack. And the third idea will help you store your pants in an even vertical stack, using the KonMari method.

Try folding your T-shirts this way—those who have tried it say that even the fabric wrinkles less this way. And the stacks look even and neat.

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If you're a vertical storage fan, try this technique. Although the fabric will wrinkle much more, this option is suitable if the prospect of ironing before putting on the item does not scare her.

Useful tips

Knowing how to fold jeans compactly is not enough; you need to properly organize the space in your closet. First you need to go through all the things and remove those that are rarely used. Folded piles should be sorted by color and seasonality, access to them should be quick, and all details should remain visible.

When putting jeans away for storage, you need to follow clear rules to avoid such troubles as creases or contrasting stripes. It is not recommended to throw things into the closet haphazardly without folding them. Also, you should not fold damp, not completely dried wardrobe items, otherwise they will smell unpleasant. It is difficult to get rid of this smell, and it also attracts pests.

When folding trousers or jeans, you need to avoid folds near the seams, they cause contrasting stripes. It is better to fold the item compactly into a rectangle, so it is less deformed. Do not fold diagonally, otherwise creases may form that will be impossible to get rid of.

Features of denim

Since 1853, workwear jeans have become a favorite and practical item for everyday wear. There is no concept of right and wrong. It all depends on the composition of the fabric. Denim fabric is made up of cotton, a type of pants with different composition and appearance. Main differences:

  • Denim. They differ in density and light color from the inside.
  • Jeans. A distinctive feature is the monotonous color and diagonal weaving of the threads.
  • Stretch. Cotton fabric with elastic fiber that allows stretch clothing to stretch.
  • Natural stretch. The same cotton fabric combined with Chinese nettle ramie fibers. The fabric is stretchy (elastic).
  • Denim-silk. A distinctive feature is a glossy shine.
  • Broken twill. It has a high density, relief, weaving in the form of a herringbone.
  • Aykrew. The color of the fabric is pale or gray-yellow. This is cotton without dyeing.

Denim fabrics may differ from each other.

The quality depends on the origin of the cotton. In addition, they resort to the use of cellulose fabric - Tencel. It has advantages over viscose not only in appearance, production technology, and strength. It tends to influence the regulation of heat transfer.

Main types of cotton:

  • Barbadian. Looks and feels soft and shiny.
  • Mexican. Allows you to obtain smooth material without scars.
  • Asiatic. The most common. It is highly affordable.
  • Indian. Has the same characteristics as Asian cotton.

There are four main types of cotton.

Features include not only advantages and varieties, but also disadvantages. Alas, the disadvantages described below are not present in synthetics, but are inherent in natural fabrics. Cons: shrinkage, color loss (fading), slow drying process after washing.

For example…

  • A separate pile for duvet covers , a separate one for sheets, a separate one for pillowcases.
  • Storing in pillowcases. Each set comes in a pillowcase of its own color. Neat and compact. And most importantly, you don’t have to look for anything.

  • Each set is in its own pile, tied with a beautiful wide ribbon . Exquisite and for the lazy.
  • Rolls . This option is suitable for both towels and bed linen. Can be stored directly on shelves or in boxes.
  • In vacuum bags , if you have a shortage of space. But then don’t forget to divide the laundry according to seasonality (according to the density of the material).
  • In boxes/cases of the same style. Large – for duvet covers in rolls. Smaller - for sheets. And the third is for pillowcases.

And don't forget the lavender bags!

What is the best way to roll up your pants?

In my opinion, cuffs look best on dark blue selvedge denim jeans, slightly fitted but not skinny. Additionally, chinos or khakis look good with thin cuffs.

Slim fit Oregon Tapered Selvedge jeans from Mustang

Slim fit Oregon Tapered jeans from Mustang

You should definitely not roll up dress pants, sweatpants, linen pants, etc.

Rolled up jeans and chinos

Is it worth buying longer jeans if you plan to roll them up often? Yes and no. It all depends on your shoes which one you prefer and which cuff style you like/suit best. If you prefer to roll your pants 3-4 times and wear low boots, then yes, it is better to buy longer jeans. When buying new jeans, try making cuffs and imagine at what level the boots will be, so you can choose the length.

How to fold cosmetics and toiletries

It is better not to take full-size versions of care products with you. They will take up a lot of space and make the suitcase heavier. Shampoos, gels, balms, tonics and other liquid cosmetics can be poured into small bottles. And it’s better to put creams, lotions or masks into small jars, such as clean containers for lenses.

Photos: BuzzFeed Bring Me / YouTube

To prevent anything from spilling and staining things, use cling film. Unscrew the bottle cap, wrap the neck with film and screw it on.

Photos: BuzzFeed Bring Me / YouTube

As for decorative cosmetics, it is important not to break anything when transporting it. For protection, add cotton pads to blush, powder and eye shadow.

If possible, purchase mini versions of some products. For example, samples of cream, mascara or perfume. During the trip they will probably run out, and they won’t have to be brought back.

It is better to put cosmetics and toiletries in a cosmetic bag or special organizers.

Photos: BuzzFeed Bring Me / YouTube

Here are some very convenient options:

  • Spacious hanging organizer for cosmetics and toiletries →
  • Spacious travel cosmetic bag with several compartments →
  • Large travel cosmetic bag →
  • Compact travel cosmetic bag →

How to pack pants in a suitcase?

Situation: before traveling you need to pack your trousers in your suitcase.

1. It is recommended to put the heaviest things at the bottom of the suitcase: books, shoes, wrapped in bags or special shoe bags. We put a cosmetic bag with toiletries in the center.

2. It is convenient to transport ties in a special case.

3. We place the rolled straps inside the boots or roll them around the perimeter of the suitcase.

4. Align the trousers along the arrows, and then place them at full length so that the trouser legs remain hanging from the sides of the suitcase. If there are two trousers, we place them so that the waist zones fall in the middle of the suitcase and lie side by side, and the trouser legs hang down on opposite sides of the suitcase. Carefully straighten your trousers and move on.

5. Lay out the jacket, shirts, pullovers. It is better not to fold large items of clothing several times, but to distribute them along the bottom of the suitcase - this way you will save space.

6. Small items of clothing: knitted pajamas, briefs, socks, T-shirts and T-shirts - it is convenient to roll them into tight rolls and fill the voids with them. If there are too many of them, lay the rollers side by side.

7. It’s the turn of the trousers again: carefully cover the previously laid items with the hanging trouser legs.

8. To fix the structure, you can put a not too heavy object on top.

  • If you put polyethylene or tissue paper between layers of things, things will slide rather than rub against each other, which means they will wrinkle less.
  • Before putting your trousers in your suitcase, check the pockets: keys or coins may damage the fabric during transport.

Another interesting way to fold pants or trousers in a suitcase:

An ingenious option for packing trousers in luggage was demonstrated in the program “Live Healthy!” It is proposed not just to roll the trousers into a tube, but to fill them with “stuffing” from other items of clothing, thereby eliminating unnecessary folds and creases.

1. Lay out pants with creases or pants made of thick fabric on a flat surface.

2. Place a pullover and a T-shirt on top.

3. Roll the clothing into a neat, tight roll.

The tips probably made you smile. But rolling things up and putting straps in your boots is a time-tested way to save space in your luggage. And by wrapping the trousers around things, we will not leave a single fold line, which means they will not wrinkle.

Read further:

How to fold jeans - in a suitcase, in a closet (so as not to wrinkle) compactly

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How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket: beautiful techniques and folding methods

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How to fold a shirt, jacket, suit into a suitcase: how to properly fold a business suit for a trip

How to compactly fold a jacket: leather, winter, into a suitcase

How to fold a shirt - correctly, quickly and without wrinkles - into a suitcase

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How to fold men's underpants? ways to fold men's underpants. We pack panties for a gift.

How to fold a medical gown correctly so as not to wrinkle it? steps of the process step by step. ways to fold a robe.

How to fold a jacket in a suitcase without getting wrinkled, several ways

How to store without folding

The best way to store jeans to prevent them from getting wrinkled is to not fold them in any way. The pants are placed in the closet by hanging on an additional horizontal crossbar.

An alternative is to use a hanger with hangers, where the jeans hang freely. They come in several versions:

  • Classic, when there is a crossbar between the hangers for pants and skirts.

  • A hanger clip secures the pants at the hem of the trousers.

  • Hanger with two clips.

  • Jeans hanger by Stevel Sel Debas.

How to iron arrows correctly?

The devil is not as scary as he is painted. Whether this is correct or not, you will see by studying our rules for ironing creases on trousers:

  • Prepare your pants properly for ironing. First you need to wash them, after emptying the pockets and cleaning stubborn stains. Then turn it inside out.
  • Look at the label for recommendations - at what temperature can you iron?
  • Prepare gauze, a spray bottle with clean water and an iron with steam;
  • Ironing the creases on trousers begins at the very last stage; first of all, the product itself is ironed. They work using gauze and a spray bottle;
  • It is correct to start ironing from the inner lining of the pockets. Next – the waistband area, fly area, seams. It is convenient to iron the front part by placing a rolled towel inside. By analogy - the buttock area;
  • The final stage is to iron out the creases on the trousers.

In order for the latter to turn out smooth, without distortions or bifurcations, it is important to fold the product correctly. One more thing - you need to understand where the arrows should start from

  1. Turn your pants right side out and straighten them thoroughly;
  2. Next, on each trouser leg you need to connect the side and inside (step) seams. The resulting folds are future arrows;
  3. In classic trouser models, the arrows are a continuation of the darts on the waistband. If you have a model with two folds, the one closest to the codpiece will go into the arrow;
  4. On men's pants, the front creases almost always reach the waist (rarely ending 10 cm from the top), the back creases reach approximately the level of the pockets. In women's models, the arrows can start from the hip or knee.

So, men's trousers with arrows need to be ironed with gauze, first from the wrong side, then from the front. The final stage is to iron the arrows correctly:

  • Fold the trouser leg in the manner described above and carefully place it on the ironing board;
  • For convenience, the trouser legs can be secured with office clips;
  • Place damp gauze on the product;
  • The correct algorithm is to iron the front arrow first, then the back one;
  • The first step is to “outline” the correct arrow line. Apply the iron to the knee area, top dart and bottom of the pant leg;
  • Next, start stroking the entire arrow, moving from top to bottom, slightly pulling the trouser leg with your free hand;
  • Turn the product over and iron the back arrow in the same way. Move in the opposite direction - from bottom to top;
  • The second leg should be ironed in the same way;
  • When you're done, fold your pants leg to pant leg and go over your creases again.
  • Ready.

How not to do it

Many people make common mistakes when storing jeans. First of all, experts do not advise throwing things on the shelf as necessary. Despite the fact that such clothes are made of thick fabric, they can wrinkle. Improper storage of jeans can cause creases and stripes to appear. When folding the product, you should pay attention to the location of the seams.

Even after careful compaction, the seams may move, which will lead to the formation of creases.

Do not fold the product diagonally. When storing the item, it should be an even rectangle. Another serious mistake is storing the product in a damp closet. This will cause wrinkles and oxidation of metal elements. As a result, unsightly stains appear on clothes.

See also

How to paint suede shoes at home, the best remedies and folk recipes

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