How to iron jeans correctly: useful tips and little tricks

Jeans are an indispensable item of clothing that is used to create a casual style or an original fashionable look. And denim fans often have questions: do they need to iron jeans and how to do it correctly. Our tips will help you understand the features of ironing such clothes.

Ironing will help restore your jeans to their original appearance after washing. Follow the basic recommendations to avoid the appearance of shiny streaks, arrows or creases

Denim - history and features

The fact that the first jeans began to be worn in America at the end of the 18th century is world famous. Denim owes its appearance to the acute need of the predominantly working class for durable and comfortable clothing for all occasions. In those days, jeans were worn by field workers, miners, and loaders. At the same time, they were also worn by office employees and civil servants.

Today, pure denim, like in the first years of its appearance, is a rarity. Modern models of jackets and trousers are inferior in density, stretch, and are too light. However, you can still buy real jeans. Let's talk about whether they need to be ironed and how to do it.


Frequent ironing is contrary to the composition of real denim material. The product loses its visual beauty and numerous creases appear on it.

Freshly ironed trousers wrinkle quickly, so the product must be put on when cool. The use of moisturizing procedures to ensure better ironing requires drying. A wet product may lose its shape and stretch.

The material may shrink or stretch due to improper care. You can benefit from this feature, for example, trousers can be easily adjusted to a new size.

An iron or steamer can help correct the situation with trousers that have shrunk after washing:

  • treat the product with steam;
  • place in a damp towel for 5 minutes;
  • Continue using as usual.

You can stretch the belt in the following order:

  1. wet the top of the trousers;
  2. expand as much as possible with the help of any objects;
  3. leave to dry.

Material composition is the main difference between denim materials. The degree of temperature effect depends on the density of the fabric:

  • Thick 100% cotton is used for sewing standard men's garments. Treatment with temperatures up to 200 degrees is allowed - this allows you to soften the fabric.
  • Medium density includes additives. Washing increases the roughness of the material and promotes the formation of folds and creases. You can iron jeans with a hot iron, but you should not exceed 150 degrees, as this can deform the fabric.
  • Pants made of silk and similar thin fabrics do not tolerate temperatures above 110 degrees.

Gauze must be used when caring for fleecy surfaces. The canvas will maintain external aesthetics.


Zakharova Nina Afanasyevna

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