How to properly freeze broccoli for the winter in the freezer

Broccoli is the closest relative of cauliflower; these vegetables benefit the human body and have approximately equal shelf life. You need to understand that the product is useful only when it is used for fresh cooking. If storage conditions are not met, broccoli loses its quality and becomes less tasty. The main thing is to buy a quality product; for this you need to know the key selection criteria. How long can broccoli last in the refrigerator? Is it possible to freeze cabbage for the winter, what methods should be used? Comprehensive answers to the above questions are provided later in the article.

  • 5. How to defrost a product
  • 6. Useful recommendations
  • 7. Conclusion
      7.1. Video: The healthiest cabbage is Broccoli. We freeze it and retain its beneficial properties.
  • 7.2. Video: FRANCE. HOW TO FREEZE BROCCOLI. 7.2.1. Related articles:
  • How to choose broccoli

    The maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients is contained in mature broccoli. Such heads of cabbage have a rich green or blue-violet hue, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to dark varieties. Light green varieties are most often early ripening; they also contain useful components, but in smaller quantities. Cabbage of these types does not store well in the freezer, so it is not worth using it to prepare semi-finished products for the winter.

    Attention! A light green color may indicate that the vegetable has not ripened naturally and was removed from the garden early.

    A vegetable is considered overripe when its inflorescences turn yellow. This product does not cause harm to the human body, but it is not beneficial either. Taste characteristics are also reduced. Varieties that ripen in the cold season, in late autumn, starting in October, have special nutritional value. Asparagus cabbage cut in summer may not reach the required degree of maturity, and therefore will not be as juicy and tender.

    Cooking methods

    Broccoli is an integral part of many dishes and can also be used as a separate side dish.

    With healthy inflorescences you can prepare:

    • vegetable or chicken soup, puree soups;
    • casserole or stew;
    • pasta sauce;
    • omelette with vegetables;
    • pie or pizza.

    The taste of broccoli goes well with butter, cream and sour cream, garlic and lemon.

    General shelf life of broccoli in the refrigerator and freezer

    This cabbage will bring maximum benefit to the human body only if its storage conditions are strictly observed. So, if you plan to eat a vegetable within 1 week, you should not freeze the product. Under the influence of low temperatures, it will lose some of its beneficial qualities. Freezing broccoli, in turn, is the optimal solution for storing the vegetable fresh and blanched for six months.

    Attention! Ordinary white cabbage, especially late-ripening cabbage, is well stored during the winter in glassed-in loggias or in a cellar, but broccoli should not be stored this way. It may retain its appearance for several months when refrigerated, but the taste will be irrevocably altered.

    The optimal shelf life of broccoli, depending on the conditions provided, is presented in the table.

    Storage methodRecommended period
    In the refrigerator compartment, in a layer of waterAbout 10 days
    In the refrigerator without waterNo more than 5 days
    In the freezerAbout 6 months
    In the cellarFrom 2 weeks to 3 months (depending on conditions)

    The most profitable option, ensuring the longest possible storage in the refrigerator, is to place a forkful of cabbage in water. This method allows you to preserve the freshness of cabbage and does not lead to a change in its structure. If all conditions are met, the beneficial properties will also be preserved.

    How to store broccoli in the refrigerator

    In order for a product to be stored well in the refrigerator, it needs to be provided with a favorable temperature. Optimal indicators range from +10 to +5 degrees, in conditions of high air humidity. If the head of cabbage is freshly harvested, it can retain its qualities for 2 weeks.

    There are several options that ensure high-quality storage of cabbage in the refrigerator:

    1. The cabbage is wrapped in a perforated plastic bag or cling film and then dipped in a container of water. The inflorescences should be located on top, and there should be little liquid in the vessel. The water needs to be changed every day, then the product will retain its freshness for 10 days.
    2. The broccoli is wrapped in a paper towel and then the resulting bundle is sprayed with a spray bottle. Place for storage in a container for vegetables. If this condition is met, the product will retain its quality for 1 week.
    3. Broccoli is divided into inflorescences and wrapped in small portions in cling film, and then sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product is no more than 4 days.

    Under the influence of moisture, the shelf life of the product is significantly reduced, because the processes of rotting and deterioration proceed much faster. Due to this feature, you should not wash broccoli before placing it in the refrigerator. If the fork is very dusty, it should be thoroughly dried before storing.

    Safe proximity to other vegetables is an equally important criterion that allows you to preserve the freshness of the product longer. Broccoli should not be placed near foods that emit ethylene. This feature is distinguished not only by vegetables, but also by fruits, namely: apples, pears, carrots, tomatoes.

    If the listed rules for storing broccoli at home are not followed, the inflorescences may turn yellow prematurely. Such a change indicates that the cabbage has deteriorated and should not be used for cooking. Most likely, the taste and beneficial properties are lost. You should not store broccoli in the refrigerator longer than the allotted expiration date, as the product will lose its positive qualities.

    Kitchen tools

    To reduce the preparation time, you need to make sure that all kitchen equipment is at hand. For the freezing process you will need:

    • sharpened knife;
    • cutting board;
    • paper or cotton towels;
    • several enamel bowls of different sizes and a large pan for blanching;
    • bags for placing broccoli florets or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid;
    • cling film;
    • colander.

    When all the tools are prepared, proceed directly to the freezing process.

    Freezing for long-term storage

    To keep broccoli fresh until the next harvest, it is better to freeze the vegetable. For this purpose, late-ripening varieties that have a dense structure and bright green color are used. For long-term storage, vegetables with a large central inflorescence are used. There should be no brown colors or any damage on its surface. Spoiled vegetables are not suitable for long-term storage. It is better to buy cabbage during the natural ripening season. Between August and September.

    Freezing broccoli is a lengthy but not labor-intensive process that does not require skill or special skills. The housewife should simply carry out the processes according to the given algorithm:

    1. Vegetables are cleaned of soil and dust and must be washed under running water. This is an important point because broccoli must be cooked immediately after being removed from the freezer.
    2. To get rid of various insects that may be in the inflorescences, the cabbage is soaked in a saline solution for 30-60 minutes. The parasites will die and float to the surface.
    3. Broccoli is washed again and the leaves are removed.
    4. The vegetable is divided into inflorescences so that their diameter does not exceed 2-3 cm. If the central shoot is too large, it is cut into several parts.
    5. The trunk is cut into small pieces, and the hard part of the stem is thrown away.

    Helpful advice! To ensure that the bright green color is preserved after freezing, before freezing, the cabbage must be soaked in a solution of citric acid or lemon juice for 5-7 minutes.

    The mass of cabbage required for one-time use should be calculated and the product packaged in separate bags. Broccoli, like many other vegetables, does not tolerate re-freezing and loses its color and shape after thawing. The packages need to be marked; the note should indicate the date of freezing and weight, as well as the method of preliminary heat treatment.

    With pre-heat treatment

    Before freezing, cabbage must be subjected to heat treatment. The vegetable is blanched or steamed until half cooked. When exposed to heat, enzymes in broccoli are destroyed that can lead to spoilage of the product, so processed cabbage is stored in the freezer longer.

    The work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

    • the prepared cabbage is placed in a colander and immersed in boiling water for 5-10 seconds;
    • the process is repeated 3 times;
    • lay the vegetable on a clean towel and wait until it dries completely;
    • Packed in bags in the required volume and placed in the freezer.

    The duration of cooking in a double boiler is 10 minutes, during which time the half-cooked state will be reached.

    No heat treatment

    You should not freeze broccoli without first blanching it. If they remain in the freezer for a long time, the cabbage inflorescences will turn into dust and completely lose their structure. You should not worry too much about the fact that the vegetable will lose its taste; heat treatment enhances it.

    For use in baby food

    If you plan to use broccoli as a baby food product, it should be frozen as a puree. The preparation is made according to the following algorithm:

    • the product is separated into individual inflorescences;
    • rinse well under running water;
    • place a pan of drinking water on the stove and add a little salt;
    • after boiling, lower the inflorescences and cook them over low heat under a closed lid for about 15 minutes;
    • puree using a blender;
    • laid out in pre-prepared sterile containers and sent to the freezer.

    The product prepared according to this recipe should be kept in the freezer for no more than 4 months. After thawing, the product should not be re-frozen.

    Where to apply

    Broccoli is rich in various vitamins and microelements, which is why it is highly valued.

    In cooking

    This type of cabbage contains a minimum of calories and a maximum of nutrients. Broccoli is consumed fresh, boiled, stewed, baked or fried . It is especially useful in its raw form, and frozen inflorescences are close to fresh in value.

    Boiled cabbage is used as a side dish and for making salads, blanched cabbage is used as an ingredient for casseroles, and broccoli soups have a delicate taste and low calorie content.

    A hit is a puree soup or fried broccoli florets in a batter made from a mixture of eggs and breadcrumbs. If you serve this dish with cheese sauce, it will acquire an exquisite taste.

    For baby feeding

    Broccoli is indispensable in baby food, as it has many beneficial properties :

    • The hypoallergenic nature of the product allows it to be used for complementary feeding of babies from 6 months;
    • the presence of fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, eliminates constipation and promotes digestion;
    • vitamins A, C, K and folic acid increase immunity;
    • phytoncides protect the baby from viruses and bacteria;
    • The vegetable protein contained in broccoli can replace meat if the child refuses to eat it.

    Useful tips

    The list of recommendations that ensure high-quality freezing of healthy vegetables includes:

    • The product is frozen dry, so after blanching, washing or boiling, the vegetable must be dried on a paper towel;
    • In order for broccoli to retain its natural color, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice or place it in a citric acid solution for a few minutes;
    • It is better to use a double boiler as a method of preliminary heat treatment; this is a gentle method that allows you to preserve the bulk of the beneficial qualities;
    • broccoli is a porous vegetable that can absorb foreign odors present in the freezer, so it should be placed away from meat and fish;
    • For cutting vegetables, use a separate cutting board and tools; it is unacceptable to use equipment intended for cutting meat.

    Compliance with the tips listed is the key to high-quality storage of broccoli in the freezer; the product will retain not only its external qualities, but also its beneficial properties.

    Defrosting rules

    Do not defrost cabbage before cooking. Broccoli is removed from the freezer, placed in a baking dish or thrown into boiling water to boil.

    The product is considered ready if it can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

    If the cabbage is intended for frying in batter, defrost it at room temperature. Speeding up the process in a microwave oven is strictly prohibited. This will not only destroy all useful microelements, but will also negatively affect the appearance of the product.


    Freezing broccoli is a simple process that requires following some basic rules. The main task of the housewife is to choose a high-quality product that is fresh and contains a maximum of useful substances. You should not freeze the vegetable fresh, without preliminary heat treatment, because it will lose its structure and will not be able to decorate the dish. Broccoli, like other vegetables, should not be re-frozen; after thawing, it must be consumed in full. Also, do not forget about the shelf life of the product; it is recommended to keep it in the freezer for no more than 6 months. It is during this period that the concentration of nutrients remains maximum and then gradually decreases.

    Video: The healthiest cabbage is Broccoli. We freeze it and retain its beneficial properties.

    The healthiest cabbage is Broccoli. We freeze it and retain its beneficial properties.

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    These tips will make the freezing process even easier:

    1. In order not to forget the freezing date, indicate it on the package with the inflorescences.
    2. Broccoli can be frozen along with cauliflower. These vegetables last the same amount of time.
    3. You can increase the shelf life in the following way: make a small hole in the bag, insert a straw into it and suck out the air with your mouth. This will create a vacuum.

    The process of freezing broccoli does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to follow simple rules and recommendations, and you will be able to please yourself and your family with delicious, healthy dishes made from this vegetable.

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