What happens if you drink or sniff gasoline - the consequences of poisoning

In the modern world, gasoline poisoning is a fairly common occurrence. At the same time, the risk of inhaling toxic fumes is present not only for gas station workers, but also for people who have started repairs using any of the gasoline-containing solvents. Poisoning can have extremely serious and even irreversible consequences. For this reason, it is necessary to identify the problem in a timely manner, provide the victim with medical assistance and call an ambulance for further treatment.

Substance abuse and drug addiction

Doctors are increasingly registering cases of people (usually teenagers) becoming dependent on toxic substances. Doctors do not distinguish between substance abuse and drug addiction: both diseases develop according to the same scenario and require therapy. The medications they take differ. Substance abusers “indulge” in non-narcotic substances. Drug addicts use psychotropic substances, the free circulation of which is prohibited and regulated by the state.

Reasons for inhaling toxins

Young people are addicted to consuming toxins. There are many reasons for this:

  1. Neglecting your health. It is a misconception that all addictions can be cured.
  2. Curiosity, the desire to try everything for yourself.
  3. Striving for originality and thrills.
  4. Surrounded by peers, the need to imitate them.
  5. Excess free time, boredom.
  6. Escape from reality, using them as antidepressants.

What do sniffers use?

Their “menu” includes more than 15 volatile substances that lead to toxicological dependence.
All solvents are popular. Drug addicts also like gases in hairspray. They did not ignore painkillers, for example, ether, which is more intoxicating than alcohol. In the past, “Moment” glue and the Vietnamese balm “Golden Star” had narcotic popularity. But gasoline is the leader among drug addicts. This is understandable: in highly developed countries there is a car in every yard, so fuel is available. There are no age restrictions for the sale of gasoline.

Methods of use

Externally, the drug Fen looks like a white or yellowish powder. The drug can be manufactured in tablet form, which gives illicit manufacturers the opportunity to add it to chemicals used by addicts.

There are several ways to use it:

  1. Intranasally, through the nose. The effect of taking it occurs within a few minutes, and has a long-lasting effect.
  2. Oral: taken orally, through the mouth. The substance dissolves in the digestive tract, but the effect does not occur immediately compared to the first method. It takes about 15 minutes to achieve the state of euphoria that a drug addict seeks.
  3. Intravenously: one of the most dangerous methods. A hematoma forms at the injection site. Drug addicts are not known for their neatness. Sterility is not a requirement for them. Dirty syringes lead to blood poisoning, HIV infection and hepatitis C. These dangerous infectious diseases aggravate the difficult situation of the drug addict.

In all cases of use, the effect of the drug is different: it can last for several hours, but it can also “keep” for days. It all depends on the composition of the injected substance.

Gasoline drug addiction

It exists among young people. Children breathe gasoline to get a momentary buzz. Fuel quickly penetrates through the skin, respiratory organs, stomach and mucous membranes. You get used to inhaling toxins from the first session. The central nervous system is affected with irreparable harm to mental abilities. If such “fun” is not stopped, the child will turn into a disabled person.

Gasoline as a drug of choice for drug addicts

It is a light transparent liquid with a yellowish tint. A flammable mixture of hydrocarbons has a boiling point of 30–200°C. When burned, 1 kg releases 10,500 kcal of heat. Freezes at −60°C.

The most dangerous thing is that it is toxic. Sometimes workers in the oil industry, painters, and gas station workers are poisoned by it. But more often, intoxication occurs in drug addicts, who are so attracted by the characteristic smell of gasoline

. It is he who is the reason that gasoline has become the favorite perfume of “sniffers”.

The result is sad. This is acute or chronic poisoning, akin to alcohol (bliss, dizziness, nausea, weakness, vomiting, redness of the skin, tachycardia). In severe cases, there are hallucinations, fainting, convulsions, and fever.

Signs of substance abuse

Indulging in flammable water quickly turns into illness. It is important for adults and parents to know its symptoms:

  • an irresistible desire to smell every day;
  • constantly increasing dose;
  • aggressive attitude towards interrupting inhalation;
  • characteristic odors from a teenager’s clothes and body;
  • carrying rags soaked in gasoline in pockets;
  • burns, unclear redness of the skin, rash;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cough due to irritated mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • avoidance of communication with family;
  • incoherent thoughts and slurred speech;
  • rapid pulse;
  • red face;
  • dilated pupils;
  • lack of coordination;
  • euphoria with visual and auditory hallucinations.

After 2 hours, dangerous vapors no longer affect the central nervous system. Agitation is replaced by migraines, vomiting and aggression.

Social rehabilitation

10,000 pcs.

    6-8 bed rooms.
  • 3 meals a day.
  • Common room for group work.
  • Dining room.
  • Laundry.
  • Bathhouse.
  • Group classes with social media employee.
  • Information sessions.
  • Sports events.
  • Occupational therapy 3-4 times a week.
  • Mutual help groups for loved ones.
  • For patients 18-55 years old.

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The clinic “Narcologist-24” employs highly qualified specialists - narcologists, psychologists, therapists and psychotherapists. An individual approach is provided to each patient. Only a carefully developed program for getting rid of amphetamine addiction helps to get a positive result in a short time.

The effect of gasoline on the body

In addition to the fact that gasoline is widely used as a fuel, it dissolves varnishes, paints, fats, and rubber. Evaporates at medium temperatures and does not mix with water. Its vapors are denser than air, so they collect at the bottom of the room. Its toxicity depends on how many hydrocarbons it contains and what type they are. The most powerful drugs are aromatic ones.

Gasoline is volatile, so it causes poisoning primarily through inhalation. Another way is through the mucous membranes and skin, because it dissolves fats. Possible entry into the gastrointestinal tract.

How to use a hairdryer?

How can you use a hair dryer? Is it smoked or snorted? The drug is most often produced in powder form, but it can also be found in tablets, as well as in the form of a solution for intravenous administration. Depending on the introduction into the body, the way in which the hair dryer is taken differs. How to use it correctly: sniff it or inject it into a vein, the addict decides. Most often, when starting to sniff the powder, sooner or later the effect weakens, and the person begins to use the drug intravenously, which leads to his rather rapid death.

What happens to gasoline sniffers?

If 25-40 mg/l of liquid fuel is inhaled for 5-10 minutes, it causes intoxication. To get a kick, you soak a rag in it or pour it into a bowl. Breathing like this for half an hour is enough for the body to become poisoned. The following symptoms appear:

  • the respiratory tract is irritated, coughing, dry mouth and nose appear;
  • blood flows to the head and face;
  • the sclera of the eyes turn red;
  • speech is disrupted, it is confused, incoherent;
  • the person has difficulty navigating.

The harm to the body from such a high is enormous.

Outpatient Rehabilitation (Basic)

60,000 pcs.
For patients over 18 years of age.

  • Clinical and psychological individual diagnostics.
  • Drawing up and adjusting an individual recovery trajectory by psychologists and the program manager.
  • Monitoring progress in the recovery program, adjustments to the patient’s dynamics of change.
  • Individual therapy with a psychologist.
  • Group classes and seminars.
  • Individual support by a personal consultant.
  • Work on 5 workbooks of the “Health Resort” program.
  • Maintaining self-analysis and a diary of observations of changes.
  • Library of specialized literature.
  • Program for codependents “12 basics”.
  • Mutual help group for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”.
  • Thematic webinars for loved ones of addicted people “Healthy family”
  • Online course for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”. Independent study at a convenient time.
  • Testing a program participant to determine sobriety (at the request of relatives).
  • Family therapy.
  • Order service

    Mechanism of gasoline poisoning

    Gasoline addiction is based on the harmful effects of toxins (xylene, benzene and toluene). When they evaporate, they cause intoxication and undermine the body. Leaded gasoline, to which tetraethyl lead is added to increase the octane number, is especially harmful. Once in the lungs, the vapors enter the bloodstream and penetrate all tissues and organs, accumulating in the central nervous system. Toxic substances act primarily on the brain. The liver parenchyma, kidney tubules and respiratory lining are also damaged.

    If you inhale gasoline vapors (even for a short time, in small quantities), the result will immediately affect the body, including deterioration of memory, mental abilities, and complete breakdown of the central nervous system. The consequences will also affect the children of the drug addict.

    Important. In terms of the degree of harm to health, this fuel is more dangerous than drugs.

    Effect of use

    Amphetamine has a strong stimulating effect on humans, which is caused by an increase in the functioning of neurotransmitters. This is norepinephrine, which mobilizes the body in stressful situations. An increase in its level causes an increase in heart rate and respiration. Metabolism accelerates: a person feels a surge of strength and energy, but eliminates the need for sleep and eating. In addition, the drug enhances the effect of dopamine, which is responsible for mental processes occurring in the body. Dopamine is present in human blood in small doses, but taking Amphetamine stimulates its release. As a result, mental disorders may occur.

    Symptoms of poisoning

    The manifestations of gasoline intoxication are varied and depend on how long, in what doses and how often the body was poisoned with toxins, and how the poisoning was obtained. Let's look at them.

    Brief inhalation of weak concentrations

    Mild or moderate intoxication occurs with symptoms similar to being drunk:

    • excitement, bliss, laughter, joyful upsurge for no reason;
    • impotence, red skin;
    • dizziness, unsteady gait;
    • irritation of the membranes of the nasopharynx;
    • vomit;
    • tachycardia.

    Severe poisoning

    Has serious consequences:

    • the victim has fainted;
    • heat up to 40°C;
    • cramps, increased muscle contraction;
    • perception disorders.

    Lightning form

    It happens when there is a large accumulation of gasoline, in emergency situations, spills, or when cleaning fuel containers. The victim's condition is dangerous:

    • suddenly loses consciousness;
    • breathing suddenly stops.

    Without timely assistance, death is possible.

    Gasoline pneumonia

    It happens when a person accidentally swallows fuel while draining and sucking it in with a hose. It penetrates into the lungs. There is a risk of getting pneumonia. This is the most dangerous complication. The patient is stable and severe, with characteristic symptoms:

    • pain in the area of ​​the affected lung, the skin turns blue;
    • shortness of breath with any movement, even at rest;
    • cough with phlegm and blood;
    • deterioration of health with rising temperature.

    Accidental swallowing

    When gasoline enters the gastrointestinal tract, profuse, long-lasting vomiting, indigestion, and abdominal cramps occur. The risk of non-infectious hepatitis is high. Its signs are hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), pain in the right hypochondrium, icteric skin and mucous membranes, weakness.

    Chronic poisoning

    In people exposed to liquid fuels, poisoning can become chronic. It is characterized by:

    • disorders of the central nervous system, neurasthenia, irritability;
    • hand tremors, migraines, instability;
    • a sharp loss of strength (adynamia), fatigue, decreased ability to work;
    • low blood pressure, disturbed sleep;
    • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
    • olfactory receptors do not recognize odors;
    • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea alternating with constipation, flatulence, yellowness of the sclera, enlarged liver;
    • irregular periods in women, decreased potency in men;
    • skin inflammation or eczema due to prolonged contact with gasoline.

    Who can go

    Gasoline poisoning is a common situation. At risk are:

    • Employees of oil refineries, as well as those working in any other industries related to the production and refining of gasoline - they may experience chronic intoxication due to constant inhalation of vapors of the substance in low concentrations. In case of accidents or safety violations, acute injuries may occur.
    • Those who use gasoline for domestic purposes - inhalation of gasoline vapor occurs when performing repairs, using it as a solvent, or pouring liquids in a cramped, enclosed room. Solvent vapor poisoning is also common, with symptoms similar to those described below.
    • Car enthusiasts - the problem of swallowing gasoline is often encountered by car enthusiasts who use the hose as a siphon, sucking gasoline in order to drain it from the car tank.
    • Substance abusers—teenagers who “puff gasoline” or use it to make drug mixtures—are also not uncommon today.

    Emergency care for poisoning

    The victim requires professional examination and treatment, but first aid should be provided before the ambulance arrives. It is important not to get confused (although this spectacle is not for the faint of heart) and take the following steps:

    1. Take him out of the room into fresh air.
    2. If the patient is in a coma, is not breathing or his breathing is impaired, lay him on his side so that his tongue does not sink in and he does not choke on vomit. Perform artificial respiration, give an oxygen cushion.
    3. Give plenty of warm drink, no colder than 40℃, so that toxins are eliminated faster. Wrap yourself in a blanket, as the body needs warmth during intoxication. It is useful to put jars and mustard plasters.
    4. Rinse the stomach with 2–3 liters of water. Introduce 70 g of sunflower oil or activated carbon solution through a probe.
    5. If vomiting, give 3 glasses of soda solution (0.5 tbsp per 1 tbsp of water). If the victim drank gasoline, do not induce artificial vomiting: the vomit with fuel will enter the lungs and cause pneumonia.
    6. To relieve intoxication, give enterosorbent - activated charcoal (crush up to 30 tablets). Polysorb, enterosgel, smecta are suitable.


    You can avoid gasoline vapor poisoning by following basic safety rules:

    • When working with gasoline, the room must be well ventilated and access to fresh air is required.
    • All petroleum products must be labeled and stored out of the reach of children.
    • People working with gasoline must follow personal safety rules - wear goggles, a mask, and also undergo regular medical examinations.

    In order not to think about what will happen if you breathe gasoline and how to provide first aid to victims, you must follow all safety rules and try to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

    When and what kind of medical care is needed

    Specialized medical care is required in case of severe poisoning, when antidotes and intensive care are indispensable. To do this, call an ambulance and take the victim to the toxicology department of the hospital, where qualified treatment will be carried out. It is as follows:

    1. The patient will be prescribed bed rest.
    2. Oxygen therapy will be administered.
    3. In case of serious breathing problems, artificial ventilation will be performed. Antibiotics and corticosteroids will be prescribed to prevent inflammation. They will administer analgesic therapy to improve breathing (caffeine, cordiamine, camphor).
    4. They will support the work of the heart with drips of corglucon with glucose. The pain will be relieved with an intramuscular injection of promedol.
    5. They will put in IVs for detoxification therapy with isotonic solution and glucose.
    6. As a symptomatic treatment, they will restore the functioning of the affected organs (liver, kidneys, lungs).
    7. Balance the diet, enriching it with vitamins C, PP, B1 and minerals (calcium, iron).

    Mild poisoning after examination and positive tests does not require hospitalization and goes away in 2-3 days. Chronic cases take a long time to treat.


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    Order service

    Stages of amphetamine addiction

    There are 3 stages of development of amphetamine addiction:

    • First

      . There is a desire to take the dose again, you lose interest in what is happening around you, insomnia develops, and weight loss occurs even without a decrease in appetite.

    • Second

      . The euphoria from taking the drug weakens, aggression, irritability, and sweating appear. Withdrawal syndrome is painful, and there are often cramps and chills.

    • Third

      . Sustained addiction to the stimulant increases, use is systematic, and the frequency of use increases. Memory problems begin and speech functions are impaired.

    At the last stage, a person experiences exhaustion of the body and mental disorder.

    Possible consequences

    Substance abuse has profound consequences for individuals and society. When you consume toxins, there is a need for bliss. But the body gets used to it and does not respond, so the dose has to be constantly increased. Therefore, substance abusers switch to drugs and join the ranks of drug addicts.

    Inhalation of harmful substances destroys the body. If you consume toxins for a long time, you develop:

    1. Burns of the respiratory tract and diseases caused by them (rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis).
    2. Lung abscess, pulmonary hemorrhage, loss of functionality of its tissues.
    3. Tumors of the lungs and kidneys. Gasoline fumes are carcinogenic and promote the growth of cancer cells.
    4. Pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system. Harmful fumes lead to heart attack, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, which often end in death.
    5. Liver destruction – cirrhosis – is a common cause of death among substance abusers.
    6. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
    7. Damage to the bone marrow, leading to leukemia and a weakened immune system.
    8. Toxic encephalopathy of the brain inhibits mental and mental development, and intelligence decreases. The child has one goal: to breathe in toxic fumes. There is fear, panic attacks, visual perception is impaired. Ideas about the size of objects are distorted. The teenager perceives life situations inadequately, cannot concentrate on school, and fails in many subjects.

    As a result, the brain is destroyed within six months, and in 2 years the toxic substances, if they do not kill, will turn the “sniffer” into a feeble-minded disabled person.
    Even one-time use of toxins leads to addiction and drags the child into the pool. He is far from reality and ceases to control his actions. The consequences of substance abuse are irreparable! Unfortunately, even after therapy it is not possible to completely restore brain function.

    Outpatient rehabilitation (Standard)

    70,000 pcs.

      For patients over 18 years of age.
    • Clinical and psychological individual diagnostics.
    • Drawing up and adjusting an individual recovery trajectory by psychologists and the program manager.
    • Monitoring progress in the recovery program, adjustments to the patient’s dynamics of change.
    • Individual therapy with a psychologist.
    • Group classes and seminars.
    • Individual support by a personal consultant.
    • Work on 5 workbooks of the “Health Resort” program.
    • Maintaining self-analysis and a diary of observations of changes.
    • Library of specialized literature.
    • Program for codependents “12 basics”.
    • Mutual help group for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”.
    • Thematic webinars for loved ones of addicted people “Healthy family”
    • Online course for loved ones of addicts “Healthy Family”. Independent study at a convenient time.
    • Testing a program participant to determine sobriety (at the request of relatives).
    • Family therapy.
    • Analysis of tasks for independent completion.

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