Review of VK 9 glue: instructions for use, technical characteristics, GOST

There is no area of ​​human activity in which it would be possible to do without the use of adhesive compositions of various types. Almost all man-made objects that surround us were necessarily treated with glue at some stage of their creation.

Glue VK 9

Organic and synthetic fastening materials, which are often used in everyday life, have been studied well by modern people. But questions still arise if there is a need to perform adhesive work on complex surfaces (glass, metal, ceramics, etc.).

Composition and quality

The kit includes two types of resins (epoxy, polyamide). The volume of containers depends on the manufacturer. The standard mixing ratio is 1:2.

Epoxy resin is a transparent mass with a yellowish tint and a soft consistency. The substance provides high adhesion to metals, resistance to chemical elements, water and heat resistance.

It is not worth using epoxy resin alone, as it does not provide a strong bond. The seam will be fragile and will not be able to withstand vibration processes.

To give the resin elasticity, a special hardener is added. The hardener is polyamide resin. It is characterized by increased elasticity, abrasion resistance, and waterproofing characteristics.

When combining resins, an adhesive with unique properties is obtained:

  • high strength connection to almost all surfaces;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • creating a complete seal of the seam;
  • moisture and temperature resistance;
  • The seam can withstand loads and vibrations.

Epoxy resin

The appearance of epoxy resin may vary depending on the manufacturer:

  • a transparent yellowish liquid whose consistency resembles honey;
  • viscous dark brown resin.

The photo shows its views.

Properties of epoxy resin:

  • high adhesion to metals;
  • chemical resistance;
  • strength and tightness;
  • heat and water resistance.

However, epoxy resin in its pure form produces weak adhesive joints. They are fragile and do not withstand vibration well. It is to give the epoxy resin plasticity that a hardener is added to it. The hardener formula determines the basic properties of epoxy adhesive.


VK 9 has high adhesion characteristics. Connects metal, glass coatings, polymer, clay elements and other materials that are exposed to temperatures. The product is actively used in the radio engineering field.

Thanks to its viscosity, the mass does not spread and evenly fills the bonded surfaces. When creating certain structures, the fact that there is no shrinkage is taken into account.

It is better to use the mass at room temperature; in industry it is permissible to use it at a temperature of 60 degrees. The average consumption is 150 g per m2. The resins do not need to be heated before mixing; it is enough to mix while maintaining the correct proportions.

Precautionary measures

During the polymerization process, VK-9 releases phenols and formaldehydes that are harmful to health. Even minor fumes can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash, and rhinitis in people with weakened immune systems. Glue that gets on the skin, if not removed, can cause a chemical burn, which takes a long time and is difficult to heal.

Splashes of epoxy that get into the eye cannot be removed on your own. You will need an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist. The manufacturer's instructions indicate that it is not recommended to work with resins for persons under 18 years of age.

To protect against fumes and skin contact with resins during mixing and operation, the following is required:

  1. Respirator. Type: anti-gas. Filter element: activated carbon, oxygen cartridge.
  2. Safety glasses.
  3. Workwear.
  4. Gloves.

This degree of protection is necessary when filling large areas, when harmful emissions can have a pathogenic effect on the liver, heart, and stomach. When doing minor work, latex gloves and goggles are sufficient.

Instructions for using VK 9 glue

According to the instructions for using VK 9, you must complete the following points:

  • The surfaces to be glued are cleaned of dirt to give better adhesion; it is also recommended to clean them with sandpaper.
  • Steel and metal surfaces are treated with petroleum solvents to prevent the formation of rust.
  • Degreasing with alcohol and solvents.
  • The resins are mixed in appropriate proportions; to speed up drying, more polyamide resin is added.
  • The glue is applied to the two planes to be glued with a spatula or spray, depending on the type of surface.
  • The elements are connected and fixed, placed under a press, yew for 24 hours.

To speed up the polymerization process, the product is heated to 60 degrees.

Required storage conditions

The finished glue must be applied no later than 2 hours. VK-9 components have a shelf life of up to 12 months. Epoxy resin requires special storage conditions, failure to comply with which will deteriorate its quality:

  • use of factory packaging;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • cooling and overheating.

Do not mix unused components during storage. If one composition has run out earlier, it is recommended not to use the second in the future.

Safety precautions when working

When working, you must observe safety precautions:

  • VK 9 glue is toxic, so it is not used when gluing food items.
  • Work cannot be performed by persons under 18 years of age.
  • The room in which repairs are being carried out must be well ventilated or have a working ventilation system.
  • When working, IZ products are used, hands are soaked in cream.
  • If the mixture gets on the skin, wash it immediately with running water and consult a doctor.
  • Disposable containers are used to dilute the glue.


  • Provides reliable grip.
  • The viability of the mixture lasts 2.5 hours at t=+20 °C.
  • VK-9 is a two-component adhesive, so the package contains two tubes with different resins.
  • Before use, both types of resins are mixed.

After application, the glue sets within 2 hours, after 5-7 hours it can withstand a pressure of 10-12 atm, after 18-20 hours the figure increases to 150-160 atm.

The working qualities of the adhesive joint are maintained for a long time at t = -60...+125 °C, and at 200 °C the functionality of the joint is maintained for 500 hours, if the temperature rises to +250 °C, then the joint retains its properties for only 5 hours.

Areas of use

VK 9 brand adhesive is used in various industries, as well as in everyday life, the list of areas looks like this:

  1. In construction.
  2. Aviation industry.
  3. When creating radio components.
  4. At the time of construction of the ships.
  5. Production of solar panels.

You can work with almost all popular materials that are found in people’s lives; they are worth examining in detail. The joint can withstand temperature changes, pressure, and humidity.


Products called VK 9 are most often used for joining plastics, from kitchen utensils to buildings and ending with fixing decorative elements. Often, with the help of the mixture, craftsmen repair water supply lines, install windows, and seal cracks on building facades.

Crafts made from epoxy resin are loved by all connoisseurs of handicrafts; things and interior decorations turn out beautiful, captivating the eyes of guests.


The seam is invisible, but very strong, the connection can withstand significant loads, and the products last for a long time. The wood does not need to be pre-processed; it is enough to trim the edges and adjust the parts to the desired size.

It is important to clearly and correctly select the amount of substance applied so that the excess is not squeezed out, which will ruin the appearance of the item. It is problematic to remove smudges from figured elements; such excesses should be avoided, otherwise the created masterpieces will lose their presentable appearance.


The composition of VK 9 does not include solvents, which has a positive effect on the structure of iron blanks; over time, the master will not notice unnecessary chemical reactions between the fixed planes. It will be possible to attach one of the popular materials to the metal, plastic, wood or glass; this possibility of a mixture has made the model popular.

For volumetric sections, it is necessary to provide for the purchase of a sufficient amount of solution, and the 2 components must be mixed directly on the spot, distributing the layer evenly over the entire plane. Without preparing the base, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result; corrosive deposits are removed, the part is degreased with acetone, gasoline or kerosene.


Products made from small parts are in demand today; the fixing mixture for creating such elements must have good technical performance and also set instantly. VK 9 glue is supplied to store shelves in tubes convenient for such work; some samples can set in literally 20 seconds. The list of materials acceptable for manipulation will pleasantly impress even the most skeptical connoisseur of needlework.

Since the process can safely be called painstaking, it is not recommended to forget about personal protective equipment; vapors over a long period of time can cause pathogenic reactions in the body.

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Additional tips and tricks

To mix the two components, it is necessary to provide a separate container in advance; disposable tableware is an excellent option; after work, it is no longer recommended to use the utensils.

To thoroughly stir the solution, it is better to take a metal or glass rod; wooden blocks will create an abundant amount of bubbles, which can negatively affect the finished joint.

The order of infusion of substances is very important; to achieve a good result, the polyamide resin should be added to the epoxy component, the mass should be mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

To speed up the hardening process, it is allowed to preheat the surfaces; if the temperature is maintained at +50 degrees, then complete polymerization is achieved in 1 hour. When performing manipulations in a room with an indicator of no more than +18 degrees, you will need to wait 2 days for the parts to be securely fixed.

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