Cat breeds with large ears and elongated muzzle: list and description

Big ears: why do cats need them?

Apart from some extravagance, large locators in cats are a useful and even necessary thing. Most cats have ears that are not perfectly proportional. And for good reason.

Oriental cat

The quality and acuity of the musk's hearing does not depend in any way on the size of the ears. In any case, the animal is able to hear prey at a great distance. For example, a furry huntress can smell the squeak of a mouse even at a distance of half a kilometer. At the same time, neither walls nor any other obstacles interfere with her.

And even in their sleep, cats are on alert. Even in a half-asleep state, Murka continually turns its locators towards the sounds occurring around it. It is interesting that in order to move the auricle in a cat, more than 30 muscles come into action.

But besides excellent hearing, there is another secret of big ears. This is heat transfer. Thanks to its ears, a cat can regulate its body temperature. And just cool down. For this reason, the true record holders for the largest “hearers” are the oriental breeds.

The hot climate of the east influenced the formation of rocks and gave the murks the opportunity not to overheat on particularly hot days. Blood passing through the thinnest blood vessels in the auricle is cooled due to the ambient temperature. In other words, cats literally “catch the wind.”

No. 2. Scots charm

Scottish Fold cats or Scottish Fold are one continuous bundle of fluffy childish spontaneity and touchingness. And all thanks to the large round eyes, filled with naive surprise. Add here miniature ears folded in a couple of rows and that’s it, you want to squeeze this creature and be touched endlessly.

The entire color scheme of the iris depends on the shade of the coat. Different subspecies of Scots have their own. Let’s say that harlequins will have beautiful tea-colored eyes, and black lop-eared ones will delight you with orange lakes. Consider this nuance when choosing a breed. And watch the animal’s diet, food is their weakness, and obesity is a common disease.

By the way, there is one important feature when breeding Scottish Folds. It is strictly forbidden to cross two fold-eared Scots. This can lead to severe genetic mutations, such as rigid tail syndrome or serious problems with the spine and joints. What to do, you ask?

Some cat litters occasionally produce kittens with straight ears. They are called straights and they are used for mating animals. So if such a creature appears in your family, do not be upset - this is not a culling, but a very valuable shot that can bring the owner not only pleasure from communication, but also good money.

Eared record holders


The Abyssinian was and will be one of the brightest eared record holders. Beautiful and strong, this cat remains cheerful in any weather. Thanks to huge locators, Murka feels good even in the most exhausting heat.


Not many cats can boast such an original appearance. The Abyssinian breed is distinguished by its oriental “shroud” coloring, strong build and cat-like “makeup” - black eyeliner. The exterior is complemented by the famous ears: wide-set and large.

The cat itself is strong and muscular, its legs are long, its paws are neat. A special feature of the Abyssinian is the absolute inability to remain in place for more than a minute. This is a lively pet, active and playful.


Descendant of the Abyssinian breed. Murka has medium-length fur, neat shape and, of course, beautiful ears.

The Somali cat is a real beauty. Her main “trump card” is a luxurious fur coat. This fur is reddish. A special feature of the fur coat is ticking (each fur has stripes of a different shade). The unusual color is complemented by a chic collar and wonderful pants. The whole outfit creates an extremely elegant image of a domestic predator.

In addition to the “suit,” the cat is distinguished by a neat physique and graceful gait. The Somali cat is the embodiment of grace and charm. And her character is so versatile and delightful that having met such a cat, you can hardly resist falling in love.

Oriental cat breed

Oriental cats are special. This applies to both appearance and character. This Murka comes from the east. Having become the progenitor of many modern cat breeds, the Oriental is a representative of the most remarkable qualities that nature could endow with independent cats.

This is a very friendly breed. The devotion of Orientals is legendary. Many people compare the temperament of these cats to that of a dog. And for good reason. Having chosen an owner, the oriental cat will be faithful to him in any matter.

Oriental cats have a bright appearance. Many people underestimate the exterior of these cats, considering them too clumsy in appearance. And in vain. The elongated body of the Oriental is very flexible and graceful. Long limbs are dexterous like a cat.

Eared Oriental

The ears of the Oriental deserve special attention. The breed standard clearly outlines the traits that should be present in the locators of a purebred cat. The ears should be pointed, triangular, and their line should continue the line of the cheekbones.

Devon Rex

The eared record holder is the Devon Rex. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at this pet is its ears. They are really huge. The wide base of the shell ends in a rounded tip. The ears are set relatively close to each other, but due to their size, the locators look almost to the sides.

Devon rex

The Devon Rex is often compared to a feline alien. He is so different from other cats. In addition to prominent ears, the Rex has large, expressive eyes. The “smile” complements the already curious mustachioed muzzle.

These cats come in a wide variety of colors. However, there is relatively little wool itself. At some time these cats can be almost hairless. Later, the fur coat grows back with a vengeance.

Siamese cat

Another famous bearer of magnificent ears. Old-style Siamese are distinguished by their rounded shape and stocky build. The new breed standard provides, first of all, a long muscular body, elongated legs and tail. And, of course, wonderful ears. Set wide apart and pointed at the ends, the locators give the Siamese a triangular face.

Siamese cats have a characteristic color. The breed standard requires dark markings on the paws, muzzle and tail.

A strong and robust cat is considered the progenitor of many cat breeds on the planet. This advantage allows the Murka to behave in an important and dignified manner. These cats are also extremely vocal. It is never quiet in the house where a Siamese lives.

Canadian Sphynx

The oldest breed of cats, the hero of many legends. The Sphinx is an informal figure in the cat world. There is no fur or arrogance in this pet. Nature was original and did not divide cat qualities equally. However, the sphinx apparently was her favorite, since he inherited the best character traits.

Canadian Sphynx

The bald creature does not particularly resemble a cat, but in temperament is completely similar to a dog. The lack of fur is complemented by a “faceted” muzzle with an extremely philosophical expression and large ears.

These cats require special care. Lack of fur does not relieve owners from responsibility. Such a cat needs to be fed well. The owner's daily responsibilities also include cleaning the pet's skin and, in cold weather, dressing the cat in clothes.

American Curl

One of the youngest cat breeds. Her story began with a natural genetic mutation that first appeared in a stray black kitten with long, silky hair and ears that curved back in a strange way. According to geneticists, this trait was caused by a dominant gene. Cat lovers began breeding them, and in 1986 a new breed was registered.

Friendly and affectionate, American Curls are known for their love of children. This is a rare case when a cat itself seeks communication with children, and does not run away from annoying hugs. American Curls are often called the Peter Pan of the cat world. It's not unusual to see adult cats running around the house with the same joy as kittens. Males and females are equally active. Curls can learn to fetch objects, they are also able to open doorknobs, and while resting the cat will happily settle on their laps.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Another descendant of the sphinxes. This is a hairless cat with an elongated body, graceful and agile. This mug should be counted among the “eared ones”, if only because of the presence of a cute fold of ears. The ears are large, located high on the top of the head, set apart. A third of the auricle is lowered down. Sometimes there are cats with erect ears.

Levkoi have a flexible character. They are not inclined to be mischievous and do not remember evil. All this hairless cat needs is warmth and pleasant human company. Like all descendants of sphinxes, Levkoy does not like loneliness.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Levys are a bit spoiled when it comes to caring for them. This is due to their nature. The cat must be regularly wiped with warm water, and the condition of its skin must be monitored. Any irritation and peeling require lotion and creams.

Otherwise, these Murki do not differ from ordinary immigrants from the east. They are smart, friendly and do not like to be alone.


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The Ocicat is a domestic breed that has the mentality of a wild cat. However, he has no recent wild DNA, and while his spotted coat certainly gives him the appearance of a wild animal, his calm and docile temperament betrays his domestic nature within minutes. It gets its name from its resemblance to the ocelot, a small wild cat native to the Americas.


Breeders crossed the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx, giving rise to a wonderful breed of hairless cats - the Elf. The breed borrowed the best qualities from its parents and quickly began to conquer human hearts.

The Elf is a small cat, with a well-developed body and correct proportions. The breed is characterized by a slightly protruding rounded belly. Another outstanding feature of the cat is its ears. Not only are they large and protruding, but they also have tips that curve back. This gives the already curious face even more surprise and tenderness.


Cats are hairless and often lack whiskers and eyebrows. The breed's skin is warm and feels like cashmere.

Such a pet requires special care. Elves are terribly afraid of drafts, so you need to be careful. So that the cat doesn't get too cold. It is also necessary to be careful with the musk in the winter. If she likes to relax, looking out the window, then it is best to insulate the window sill.

Despite the difficulties in caring for an elf, such a pet becomes your best friend from the first days of meeting you.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes appeared relatively recently as a result of a random mutation. The first kitten of this breed was born to a mongrel tortoiseshell cat in England in 1950. In addition to Kallibunker - that was the kitten's name - there were four more kittens in the litter, but they, like their mother, were born outbred. The world could be left without this wonderful breed: when the owner brought the pet for sterilization, the veterinarian drew attention to the unusual appearance and recommended contacting a geneticist. On the advice of a geneticist, Kallibunker was crossed with his mother. As a result, two kittens with wavy fur and one smooth-haired were born. These first kittens were then bred with Siamese and Burmese, as well as outbred smooth-haired females. So the breed began to grow.

Cornish Rexes come in a variety of colors. This breed is distinguished by short, curly hair.


Appearance. A distinctive feature of the Cornish Rex is their smooth, soft, wavy coat that lies close to the body. Sometimes future owners mistakenly believe that these cats do not shed and are hypoallergenic, but this is not the case. They shed, although less compared to other breeds. In addition to its coat, this breed is distinguished by its egg-shaped head with high cheekbones, large eyes and huge ears. Cornish Rexes have a slender body and long legs. Despite the fact that these are small animals (weight from 2.5 to 4.5 kg), they have developed muscles and strong legs, they run and jump well.

Character. Cornish Rex cats are very active cats and love to play a lot. They need space to have somewhere to run. They are also excellent climbers, so it is recommended to install a tall climbing pole or a special cat tree at home. Friendly, suitable for families with children and families with other animals. They are not very talkative; they prefer to communicate with their owner through body language. Affectionate, loyal and not averse to sitting in the arms of the owner.

Health. In general, Cornish Rex dogs are in good health. Due to the fact that their hair is so short, in the summer it is worth making sure that they do not stay in the sun for long, especially white cats, otherwise they can get sunburned. The weak points of this breed are the heart and legs. Cornish Rex cats can be prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and patellar luxation. In addition, these cats have a good appetite, so you should monitor their diet and avoid overeating. We recommend feeding animals with species-typical natural food, which will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

White Cornish Rex dogs have heterochromia - eyes of different colors.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are giants in the world of domestic cats. These are massive animals, with thick, luxurious fur coats and a strong build. The weight of an adult cat can reach up to 15 kilograms. But don’t think that Coon is an aggressive predator. Every kilogram of the pet is filled with patience and calmness. This is a wonderful pet.

In addition to their luxurious fur, Maine Coons have a memorable face, the zest of which is, of course, added by the ears. The cat's locators are located at the very top of the head. They are pointed and pointing upward. The tips of the ears are decorated with wonderful tassels.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon in the house - the end of peace. This pet's antics never stop. However, they are practically harmless and cause trouble. These cats are friendly and loyal.

Somali (Abyssinian Longhair)

Beautiful animals with a muscular, flexible body, long, brightly colored hair and a fluffy tail. The large, alert ears have a wide base and moderately pointed tips, and the inner surface of the auricle is covered with tufts of hair. They are active, playful and sociable, get along well with other pets and love long walks in the fresh air.

The price of kittens starts from 6,000 rubles.


The Savannah was bred by breeders to create a cat similar to the African Serval. It was he who was used as the progenitor of the breed, crossing with domestic cats suitable for the parameters. As a result, the world received an excellent breed that combines a predatory appearance and a domestic temperament.

Savannah is a domesticated exotic of the cat world. This is a beautiful spotted murka of silver, golden or sand color. The muzzle is expressive, slightly elongated. And, of course, big beautiful ears. Their base is wide, the locators become sharper towards the tips.


The Savannah cat breed is actively bred in America and Europe. Thanks to its gentle disposition, this mug made it possible to shelter a small indoor predator at home.


The cats are similar in appearance to the Savannah breed, but are smaller in size. They have high protruding ears that take up most of the head, honey-colored eyes, a strongly built body with smooth short hair with a beautiful spotted pattern. These animals are very sociable, non-aggressive and prefer an active lifestyle, so they need space and a place to play.

The price of kittens varies between 30,000-35,000 rubles.


Kanaani is a small cat whose descendants included the Bengal, Abyssinian, Libyan Steppe and domestic Murka.

Animals of this breed have a wonderful spotted color, slightly reminiscent of leopard patterns. Kanaani's physique is neat and proportional. Murka's legs are long, like its tail, its body is elongated, and its head is small. The ears are deep, set high, and very mobile.

Caring for these cats is easy. Their fur is short, which does not cause any trouble. And the food is similar to other cat favorites. The only strict necessity for the Kanaani is regular walks. The hunting instinct for this cat is part of her furry life.

Hybrid big-eared cats

Hybrid breeds are those obtained by crossing wild cats with domestic ones. Among these representatives of the cat family there are many specimens with large ears:

  1. The Savannah, obtained from the union of the Serval and the Abyssinian cat, is distinguished by the largest size among its kind. Purchasing and maintaining such elite pets, similar in appearance to Servals, will not be cheap.
  2. By crossing the Abyssinian with a jungle cat, the breeders got Shauzi, whose appearance resembles a Caracal. These beauties, who have inherited the hunting instincts of their wild ancestor, are recommended to be kept in a spacious enclosure. The color of the animal can be black or ticked (silver, sorrel).
  3. The Caracat hybrid, which inherited the genetic material from the Abyssinian and the steppe Caracal, is only slightly different in appearance from its wild ancestor. Caracats have an even temperament, curiosity and large size. The tips of the pet's ears are decorated with black tassels.

Angora cat

Another name for the breed is Turkish. The cat differs from the previous “eared cats” in that it did not originate in the east. Another fluffy advantage of the Angora cat is its soft, silky coat, which is predominantly white and has no undercoat.

The snow-white beauty has excellent physical characteristics. This is a gentle, flexible pet. The body of the Turkish cat is elongated and flexible. A distinctive feature of the breed are blue eyes, sometimes of different colors. Angoras have a neat face with cute features. The ears are medium in size and decorated with thick tufts of fur.

Murki of this breed are quite popular all over the world. They are acquired not only by lovers of long-haired cats, but also by those who know: Angora cats are the embodiment of affection and concentration of affection. This breed is best suited for lonely people, because you won’t find a best friend among furry ones.


Cat fashion loves everything unusual and extravagant. Proof of this is eared pets, whose popularity is growing by leaps and bounds.


Small cats are distinguished by a strong muscular body and large cone-shaped ears. The ears are directed slightly forward, so it seems that the animal is constantly alert. This breed has an attractive coat, the color of which is called “safari”: the hairs have a double or triple color, which creates the impression that the coat shimmers in the light. They have a complex disposition, a curious and playful character.

You can buy an Abyssinian kitten for 10,000-40,000 rubles.

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