The 12 Best Home Remedies for Bed Bugs of All Time

“Sharing” in the same room with bedbugs is exhaustively described by the title of the old thriller “In Bed with the Enemy.” Such a “neighborhood” provides the owners of a house or apartment with persistent psychological and physical discomfort, not to mention the real risk of contracting dangerous diseases (hepatitis B, tuberculosis, smallpox) and the possibility of a strong allergic reaction to bites. It is easy to understand that life with bed bugs is completely unbearable, so they are fought with in every possible way. Along with special chemicals, folk remedies also give a good effect. But in order to achieve the desired result, you need to study in advance all the nuances of their use.

Bagul or wild rosemary

This plant has a second name “bedbug”, confirming that its properties as a natural insecticide have been known among people for a very long time and have successfully stood the test of time. It has a strong aroma (this applies to both fresh and dry herbs), intolerable to bed bugs, which have a developed sense of smell. Therefore, the plant does not kill them, but forces them to leave the room.

The effect applies only to adult individuals; accordingly, wild rosemary cannot be removed for at least 2-3 weeks in order to get rid of not only the existing population, but also new individuals hatching from eggs and larvae at different stages of development.

When choosing wild rosemary to combat bed bugs, you need to take into account that the specific aroma affects not only them, but also people and pets. A high concentration of phytoncides often provokes persistent migraines, constant bouts of coughing and sneezing, and a sore throat, even in those who are usually not particularly sensitive to odors.

How to prepare an apartment before pest control

Many people think that if a sanitation worker comes and treats everything with chemicals, there is absolutely no need to prepare the room for his arrival, because chemicals penetrate everywhere. But this is extremely untrue. The exterminator must have access to all the nooks and crannies of the house. Excessive clutter, clothes, and chaos will be the main obstacle for him and will interfere with the high-quality destruction of bedbugs and larvae.

What to do to prepare your apartment for disinfestation against bedbugs:

After the specialist arrives, children and adults should leave the premises. Chemical fumes are harmful to health. You can enter the apartment no earlier than three hours after the completion of sanitary work and through ventilation. Preparing the premises for disinfestation should include washing the floors, vacuuming the carpets and immediately throwing out the garbage collection bag, replacing it with a new one. Wipe the dust, put things back in their places. Take care of pets. Close the aquarium tightly with a lid. Ensure the absence of cats, dogs, and ornamental rodents. The issue of the safety of the old mattress is agreed upon with the exterminator. Place all kitchen utensils in plastic bags, close them tightly, and put them in a closet. The treatment agent is very toxic; it is undesirable for it to get on cutlery, mugs, and pots. Preparing your home for pest control should also include cleaning the bathroom. Pack all hygiene products in a separate tight bag: toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, cotton swabs, razor. Disinfect common areas. You also need to prepare for processing in the kitchen. Place food in the refrigerator. Wash the bread box and wrap it in cling film. Cover household appliances with polyethylene. During the spraying process, the disinfestant may get inside the devices and subsequently cause them to short out. Therefore, preparation for destruction involves turning off the power supply to the entire house. Wash children's toys, wash soft ones in hot water and put them in bags. Bulk and large soft toys must be processed. Carefully examine your home library, literally flipping through every page

If you notice small black dots, ask a specialist to pay special attention to bookshelves and books. Preparing an apartment for processing should include moving furniture from its original places

Move all cabinets, bedside tables, tables away from the walls so that the master can process the back surface of the furniture, baseboards, and walls. Place the keyboard and remote controls in bags. Wash things from the closets and put them in sealed bags. Open cabinets, mezzanines, bedside tables, pull out drawers so that drops of solution can penetrate into the most secluded corners.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for disinfestation, because the quality of the work performed will depend on this and will guarantee the absence of bedbugs.


Another powerful natural insecticide that has been successfully used to combat insects, including bed bugs, for centuries. In Russia it grows almost everywhere, so there are no problems with collecting grass.

A significant advantage of wormwood is that it “works” against bed bugs in any form. You can simply place fresh or dried herbs in the room and treat it with alcohol or water infusion. Store-bought sachets and essential oils will also be effective.

The smell of wormwood is quite sharp and bitter, but with rare exceptions, people tolerate it normally. To “drive away” bed bugs from your sleeping area, just put a sprig of wormwood under the mattress or put it on the bed linen. Or spray the frame of a bed or sofa with the tincture from a spray bottle.

The effect is achieved instantly - you can sleep peacefully this night. Then the procedure is repeated daily or every other day, creating unbearable discomfort for bed bugs. Therefore, they go in search of a new habitat.

Folk remedies for bedbugs

Folk remedies are one of the most accessible, safe and effective ways to quickly get rid of bedbugs at home. They can be used both to prevent the appearance of parasites and to destroy existing insects.

The main advantages of folk remedies:

  • you can use it yourself, at any convenient time, without contacting a specialized service;
  • the composition does not contain toxic substances, so they can be used if there are children or allergy sufferers in the house;
  • do not require thorough general cleaning after use;
  • extremely rarely cause an allergic reaction;
  • do not cause addiction to insect pests.

But home remedies for bedbugs also have several disadvantages. Such methods help to remove parasites only in case of minor infestation of the apartment. If there are a large number of bedbugs in the house, it is better to use more powerful and aggressive methods.

In addition, folk recipes most often do not destroy, but repel bedbugs, forcing them to go in search of another home. That is why the treatment of the room must be repeated periodically.

Table vinegar

One of the most common ways to effectively remove bedbugs at home is to use ordinary table vinegar, which is found in any kitchen.

To prepare an insecticidal agent, vinegar can be used in its pure form or the following components can be mixed:

  • table vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • naphthalene.

Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, pour into a spray bottle and treat all places where bedbugs have been noticed. This product effectively repels insects, forcing them to leave the apartment.

Vinegar also has several disadvantages. This remedy will not work if there are a large number of bedbugs in the house. In addition, it has a sharp, specific odor, so after treatment you will have to ventilate the room for a long time. Acid should not be used if there are children, asthmatics or allergy sufferers in the house.


One of the most powerful and aggressive ways to remove bedbugs using a folk remedy is to treat the room with turpentine. It has a pungent, repulsive odor that effectively repels blood-sucking insects.

To get rid of bedbugs, treat all places where parasites were noticed with turpentine. It can only be applied to hard surfaces, away from sources of fire. After this, close the room for 24 hours, then thoroughly wash the treated areas.

Turpentine leaves difficult-to-remove stains on furniture and surfaces. Its pungent odor can cause severe headaches and dizziness. These nuances must be taken into account before processing.


Ammonia helps remove bedbugs from an apartment, regardless of their number. The product cannot be used in its pure form, since after this it is almost impossible to stay in the room. It must be properly diluted - 3 tablespoons of the drug per 3 liters of water.

Using diluted ammonia, thoroughly wash all tables, floors, and surfaces where bedbugs were noticed. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the room, opening the windows in advance. After that, leave him for a day.


Kerosene is one of the most effective and fastest-acting remedies that helps not only repel, but also completely destroy bedbugs. It affects insects at any stage of their development - both adults and eggs.

Ways to use kerosene:

  1. Treat the floor, walls and all hard surfaces with kerosene.
  2. Soak several sheets of paper in kerosene and place them in the habitats of blood-sucking insects.
  3. Mix kerosene with turpentine and alcohol in a ratio of 2:14:1. Spray the prepared mixture onto all surfaces, being careful not to get it on furniture or upholstery.

After the treatment, close the apartment for 24 hours - it is best to go spend the night with relatives or friends. After this, thoroughly wash all rooms and ventilate for several hours.

Tea tree oil and camphor

Tea tree and camphor oils will not help completely destroy blood-sucking insects, but they will scare them away from the room for a long time. The method of using them is very simple - soak cotton pads in oil and place them in places where parasites live. Change the cotton wool to fresh one from time to time, as its smell weakens.

You can also dilute 20 drops of oil in 2 glasses of water and spray on all surfaces, repeat the procedure every day. Oils are added to washing water to prevent bed bugs from appearing in clothes and linens.

As confirmed by user reviews, the use of oils is most effective in preventing the appearance of bedbugs, as well as as an additional control measure after treating the premises with insecticides.

Alcohol tincture of valerian

An alcoholic tincture of valerian helps repel blood-sucking insects without destroying them. Apply the product to all hard surfaces and spray indoors.

Valerian tincture cannot be used if there are animals in the house, as they are attracted by its smell. The product has a persistent, specific odor, so after its use the apartment must be ventilated for a long time.

Tansy and wormwood

On the Internet you can find many videos on how to use tansy to fight bedbugs and many other insect pests.

Ways to use tansy against bedbugs:

  1. Place bouquets of fresh or dried tansy throughout all rooms - this will quickly repel blood-sucking parasites.
  2. Mix a glass of crushed leaves, stems and inflorescences of tansy with the same amount of wormwood and chamomile, pour 7 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 60 minutes, then filter and use to wipe all surfaces in the house.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of dried tansy flowers with ½ cup of alcohol, leave to infuse in a dark place for 15 days. Then treat all rooms with alcohol tincture.
  4. You can rub the fresh plant on your skin before going to bed - this will protect you from bedbug bites at night.

Tansy has a less pungent odor than turpentine or kerosene and has an equally effective repellent effect. Wormwood is used in a similar way.


Pyrethrum is a powdered pharmaceutical product obtained from the flowers of a perennial plant of the same name. Pyrethrum is the main active ingredient in many insecticidal preparations.

Pyrethrum only affects adults and larvae; it has no effect on bedbug eggs. The product does not have a distinct odor, so it is excellent for use at home.

The powder can be sprinkled in insect habitats or diluted with water and used to clean surfaces. The only drawback of pyrethrum is its rapid destruction when exposed to light, so the treatment must be carried out several times.

Boric acid

Boric acid is harmful to bedbugs. It penetrates the chitinous covering of the insect, causing its paralysis and subsequent death. Sprinkle boric acid powder in the corners of the apartment, under furniture, behind cabinets. After touching the drug, the insect quickly dies.

Denatured alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a solvent that can also be used to kill bedbugs. Mix a glass of the product with a teaspoon of naphthalene and spray all surfaces in the house. After 4-6 days, repeat the treatment.

Naphthalene can also be mixed with other ingredients - turpentine or kerosene (a glass each). Such a remedy will not only reliably repel, but also destroy parasites, preventing their reappearance.


To combat household pests, you can use alcoholic drinks - alcohol, moonshine, vodka. Mix ½ cup of alcohol with the same amount of turpentine and a teaspoon of camphor.

Use the prepared product to treat flooring, walls, wooden furniture frames and other surfaces.


In all respects, a “worthy competitor” for wormwood. In any form, it successfully “drives out” not only bed bugs, but also any other insects with a sensitive sense of smell from a house or apartment. It can also be used to prevent the appearance of unwanted “neighbors”.

The main advantage of tansy in the fight against bed bugs is the persistence of the odor. At the same time, it is practically imperceptible to humans. In addition, tansy secretes specific substances that affect the nervous system of insects when inhaled, causing convulsions and paralysis.

Alcohol with ammonia and hangover

After a feast or a noisy party, the next morning, as a rule, a hangover makes itself felt. How to alleviate the condition? Regular ammonia will help cope with the symptoms of a hangover. It can be used both externally and as inhalation. Ammonia leads to stimulation of the brain centers that are responsible for breathing and vascular tone. Therefore, when you inhale the smell of ammonia, your heart pressure increases. If you have epilepsy, ammonia is not recommended to be used, as it can provoke seizures.

How does this solution affect the human body? For a hangover, ammonia has:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • irritating effect.

After a feast and drinking alcohol, it is quite difficult to return to a normal state the next morning. In this case, you can use the simplest and most effective method. Ammonia comes to the rescue. The solution has analeptic and antiseptic effects. Even if a person is in a semi-fainting state, ammonia can bring him to his senses. In addition, the solution helps improve the regeneration of tissue trophism. During a hangover, ammonia can relieve spasms and reduce pain.

However, it is necessary to use ammonia with extreme caution, since a large dose of the solution can cause side effects. In this case, vomiting, cutting pain in the stomach, cough, loose stools, swelling of the larynx and loss of consciousness may occur. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


A product from the “two in one” category. Firstly, it acts as a fairly powerful natural insecticide and “antiseptic”, repelling bed bugs with its characteristic odor and helping to get rid of the pathogens of the diseases they carry.

Secondly, valerian has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a person, who inevitably experiences severe psychological discomfort and stress due to daily repeated “encounters” with insects at night and chronic lack of sleep. It helps to quickly restore peace of mind.

Valerian in the form of an alcohol tincture is used both to prevent the “migration” of bed bugs from neighboring apartments and to combat them. The entire room needs to be treated, paying special attention to potential “paths of entry” into the house: ventilation ducts, any gaps and cracks in the walls, windows, entrance doors, baseboards.

Furniture must be sprayed with legs, bottom, as well as all places suitable for nesting - drawers, hard-to-reach areas of the frame. We must not forget about the mattress and bedding.

The treatment is repeated daily or every other day for 1-2 weeks. After this, leave the room for 1-2 hours, then thoroughly ventilate.

Important! When choosing valerian as a means of combating bed bugs, you need to take into account the specific reaction of cats to it. If it is not possible to temporarily “rehome” your pets, it is better to look for other options.

How to use it correctly?

Ammonia is a necessary aid in any area. This folk recipe helps remove insects with virtually no risk to plants and the human body.

An important condition for working with solutions is the use of protective equipment.

You should remember the safety precautions and use the solution only in well-ventilated areas, wearing gloves, goggles and a mask

What will you need?

It must be remembered that ammonia concentrate can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. It is also dangerous to breathe in the fumes as they can cause lung problems. The first thing you need to do is acquire the protective equipment required for safe use. Skin, eyes and respiratory tract should be protected.

Depending on the scale of processing, you need to prepare:

  • gauze bandage;
  • gloves;
  • spray bottle (watering can or bucket);
  • water;
  • soap base.


As a rule, it is needed when there is a fight not only against ants, but also against aphids, which they actively spread. With its help you can poison insects on the foliage and trunks of tall trees and medium-sized plants.

Gauze bandage

When using an ammonia-based product, the first step is to protect your respiratory tract. A gauze bandage can prevent steam from entering the body.


Also a mandatory element of protection are latex or cotton gloves with rubberized palms and fingers. It is best that their height is maximum.


It is best to use plastic containers to prevent ammonia from interacting with metals. The use of buckets will be needed when fighting parasites that destroy the root system of plants.


Typically, soap is intended to help the product stick to foliage and other surfaces. The use of “adhesive” allows you to protect the garden and other areas from uninvited guests for a long time. Any soap, shampoo or dish detergent can be used as “adhesives”.


If you plan to add more than just homemade ammonia to the solutions, you should use boiled water. In this case, ammonia will not give any extraneous reactions.

Cooking methods

In the fight against ants, ammonia must be diluted immediately before processing. This is due to the rapid evaporation of ammonia vapor, which insects are afraid of. First of all, all the ingredients are mixed in water; the proportions are always different. When the mixture is ready for use, you can pour in ammonia. The destruction of uninvited guests is carried out using an aqueous solution of ammonia, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

Against ants

The following proportions help rid the area of ​​pests:

For 8 liters of boiled water you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia. This solution should be left to sit for 15-20 minutes. When the mixture becomes uniform, it can be used to treat areas with insects. Such a weak remedy can be used during the flowering and fruiting period, since it does not harm the plants.

Against aphids

To save plants from aphid attacks, it is also recommended to treat them with an aqueous solution of ammonia. The following recipe is used:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 2 tablespoons of tar soap shavings and 10 liters of water. Soap can replace fairy or shampoo. At the same time, gardeners say that tar soap enhances the effectiveness of the solution.
  2. All components dissolve well in water. All affected plants are treated with a spray bottle. Healthy trees can be treated for prevention.
  3. During the spraying process, you need to especially carefully treat the lower part of the foliage, where the parasite lives most.

Sugar solution

The soap in the spray can be replaced with a sugar solution. To treat plants you will need 3 tablespoons of alcohol, 5 tablespoons of sugar and a bucket of water. Mix everything well and spray using a spray bottle.


You can use ammonia against ants in the garden for preventive purposes. To do this, you need to prepare the following mixture: dilute 10 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water and water the plants with this solution weekly. This way you can not only get rid of pests, but also scare them away forever.


Spraying with ammonia helps fertilize plants and fight parasites. To do this, it is enough to use a weak solution - 1 spoon of alcohol per 8 liters of water.

Tea tree oil

Natural insecticide and antiseptic. At the same time, it “drives” bed bugs out of the apartment with its sharp, pronounced aroma and disinfects the room after them.

Most people find the smell of tea tree oil to be specific, but not unpleasant. Therefore, treatment is not a reason to leave the premises. The exception is people with special sensitivity to fragrances (the smell often causes persistent migraines) and allergies. They will have to go somewhere for 2-3 hours and then undergo thorough ventilation.

When bed bug nests are found, place a few drops of pure tea tree essential oil near them. For preventive treatment of an apartment or “general” spraying, an emulsion (18-20 drops per half liter of water) is sufficient. During the process, the liquid must be shaken frequently and intensively - essential oil does not dissolve well in water.

How to look normal even with a hangover

So, you can already keep your head straight. It's time to make an effort and get to the mirror, get scared and take care of yourself.

  1. Have another glass. Water, just water. First of all, not all the hangover has gone away yet. Secondly, you look so bad precisely because your skin lacks this very water. Forward.
  2. Wash and shave. Especially if after returning home you did not have the strength or problems with coordination prevented you from carrying out hygiene procedures.
  3. Take a bath. Soaking in a warm bath with sea salt for 20 minutes is priceless.
  4. Make an oatmeal mask or use a ready-made scrub. You need to remove dead skin cells and increase blood circulation a little.
  5. Make a compress with green tea. Brewed tea bags are a good remedy for bags under the eyes.
  6. Apply light makeup. The key word is easy. Even out your face tone with transparent products, no sculpting. Mascara is enough for eye makeup and gloss for lips.

Diatomaceous earth (diatomaceous earth or diatomaceous earth)

“Industrial waste” remaining after seaweed processing. Diatomaceous earth is a fine white or almost white powder. It is widely used in industry as a “raw material” for many insecticides, including those intended to combat bed bugs, but can also be used in “pure form.”

For humans, diatomaceous earth has virtually no odor - sometimes only a faint aroma of algae can be detected. Therefore, room treatments can be repeated daily. But bed bugs smell very well - they almost completely lose their sense of smell, which deprives them of the ability to navigate and search for food. In addition, the fine powder “irritates” the integumentary membranes made of thin chitin.

Instincts are triggered, forcing insects, faced with a real threat to their own lives and the lives of their offspring, to look for a habitat with more comfortable conditions. You can get rid of bed bugs within 7-10 days.

The only drawback of diatomaceous earth is that it is rarely found in ordinary stores. Most often you have to order it online on sites specializing in the sale of household chemicals.


A popular industrial “raw material” for the production of bio-insecticides, obtained from the flowers of common chamomile. You most likely won’t be able to purchase it in stores; you’ll have to order it online.

This powder is completely harmless to humans and pets. But in adults and larvae of bed bugs, when they enter the body within a few hours, paralysis occurs; the insects cannot breathe or move, and as a result, they die.

The processing procedure is extremely simple. Pyrethrum powder is scattered near the discovered nests of bed bugs, places potentially suitable for their habitat, along the “routes of movement” of the insects. The product is suitable both for combating them and for prevention.

Precautionary measures

Turpentine should not be left in areas accessible to small children. The essential oils that make up the substance are toxic and can cause allergies and dermatitis. If you drink a small amount of turpentine (about 15 ml or more), you can be poisoned.

When you work with the substance, take the following precautions:

  • wear rubber gloves;
  • In case of contact with skin, wash off with warm soapy water;
  • do not allow ingestion;
  • do not inhale fumes.

Be sure to use a respirator and gauze to protect your airways. Wear glasses, as essential oils have a strong effect on the eyes. If you decide to use turpentine against insects, then buy purified raw materials and do not use sulfate turpentine, as it is highly toxic.


Found in any housewife's kitchen. Apple and wine vinegar have a characteristic odor, but practice shows that ordinary table vinegar with a concentration of 6-9% helps get rid of bed bugs the fastest.

Having prepared the solution, it is sprayed on the bed and other places that are potentially suitable for the construction of a nest by bed bugs. The liquid is transparent, so it does not leave stains on wooden, metal, plastic surfaces, fabrics (with rare exceptions).

After finishing the treatment, you need to leave the room for at least a few hours, tightly closing the doors and windows. It is convenient to do it, for example, before leaving for work. Upon return, the room is well ventilated.

The procedure is repeated daily for a week and a half. A constant unpleasant, pungent odor forces bed bugs to go in search of a more comfortable habitat.


A remedy that gives a guaranteed effect, but is not very popular, used as a “last resort”. The problem is its intense smell - it is completely impossible for people to stay indoors after treatment and even unsafe for health.

After such an “aroma attack,” bedbugs also leave the house or apartment within 24 hours. Turpentine not only negatively affects their sense of smell, but also “dissolves” the chitinous membranes.

The solution is prepared in advance by adding 10 ml of turpentine, 15 ml of kerosene and about 40 g of fine soap shavings to 100 ml of water. It needs to be allowed to brew for at least 4-5 hours so that all the components “combine”.

All identified and hypothetical habitats of bedbugs are sprayed with the liquid. Then they close the windows and doors tightly and leave for the day. After 7-10 days, it is advisable to repeat the treatment in order to get rid of individuals that during this time managed to hatch from possibly retaining the viability of the eggs.


A slightly less toxic analogue of turpentine. It was created specifically as an insecticide, so it is guaranteed to cope with bed bugs. Not only their sense of smell suffers, but also their chitinous shells.

Approximately 10-15 g of mothballs are poured into a glass of water and left for 8-10 hours. Treat the room with the prepared solution, leave for a day, then thoroughly ventilate.

This is interesting

The process of industrial production of resin is called tapping. It occurs in several stages:

  • tree preparation;
  • applying special wounds to the trunk - reworkings;
  • collection of resin.

Comparative table: Composition of oleoresin turpentine produced in different countries

A countryb — pinene, %a — pinene, %3 — Karen, %Dipentense limonene, %

Important! The most favorable period for collecting ingredients begins in May and ends in September.

Habitat destruction

In most cases, bed bugs make their first nest in close proximity to “food sources.” Accordingly, if the problem is noticed quickly, and they have not yet had time to “spread” throughout the entire apartment or house, it is necessary to carefully examine the “sleeping area”, disassembling the furniture as much as possible and even removing the upholstery. The procedure is quite labor-intensive, so it is used infrequently.

When the presence of a nest is confirmed, heat treatment is necessary. Both high and low temperatures (below -25ºС and above 50ºС) are destructive for bed bugs, so in winter, if the weather is suitable, you can simply take the furniture outside for two days. In the warm season, if you have a special hair dryer or steam generator, you can blow hot air.

Critical temperatures against parasites

The most effective folk remedies for bedbugs in an apartment are freezing and heating. Bedbugs are not so sensitive to temperature changes, but at a certain temperature they die.


To get rid of bedbugs, their eggs and larvae, the air temperature must be minus 20 Celsius. Freezing an apartment to this state can be dangerous. This method is good for eliminating insects in pillows, clothing, and those items that can be taken outside.

High temperatures

You can rid your living space of bedbugs using folk remedies even at high temperatures. At +50 the parasite and its offspring die. Artificial heaters, irons, and boiling water are used, but treatment with a steam generator is most convenient.

On a note!

The most savvy people put the car in the sun on a hot day, the car heats up, the temperature in the cabin reaches the desired level and the chamber for killing blood-sucking insects is ready. Clothes, pillows, and everything that can fit in it are placed in the car.

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