Several effective recipes for descaling a kettle with soda

Regardless of what material the kettle is made of, over time scale begins to appear on its walls.

This is nothing more than undissolved salts and other trace elements present in large quantities in tap water.

The problem of scale cannot be ignored, because it not only gives boiled water a specific taste, increases the boiling time, but also significantly reduces the service life of the household appliance.

We will tell you in this article how you can descale a kettle with soda.

Is it possible to clean, the pros and cons of the procedure

The cleaning properties of baking soda have been known for a long time. Sodium bicarbonate (also known as sodium bicarbonate or simply soda), dissolving in hot water, destroys limescale, removes unpleasant odors and disinfects the walls of the kettle.

Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent for glass, enamel, ceramic, and electrical appliances.

Pros of using baking soda to clean your kettle:

  1. It not only cleans efficiently, but also disinfects the surface.
  2. Absolutely safe for health, does not emit toxic substances upon contact with hot water.
  3. Soda diluted with water can be used as a mild abrasive that does not leave scratches on the surface.

Among the negative characteristics, soda is insufficiently effective against old limescale deposits when used in its pure form. In order to enhance the cleaning properties, soda must be mixed with other ingredients (for example, salt or citric acid).

What is scale and how does it affect the human body?

Scale is deposits of lime found in drinking water. It is formed during the boiling process and remains on the walls of the kettle.

These deposits pose a danger to both the condition of equipment and human health:

  • provoke overheating of the kettle material;
  • cause its breakdown;
  • when ingested along with drinking water, they can cause urolithiasis.

Reference. Lime is a dense formation. They cover the heating elements and do not allow them to come into contact with water. As a result, the kettle overheats to too high temperatures, which is one of the common causes of its breakdown.

However, if you wash the kettle in time, this can be avoided.

How often should deposits be removed?

Regular cleaning will help prevent excessive limescale build-up.

The surfaces of a glass teapot need to be cleaned at least once every seven days (tiny particles of limescale are visible on the transparent walls). Monthly cleaning will help keep metal or ceramic teapots clean.

The frequency of cleaning is affected by the quality of the water used . By pouring bottled or well-filtered water into dishes, you can reduce the number of cleanings to a minimum.

Removing scale from an enamel kettle at home

The enamel kettle remains the most popular, despite the advent of electrical appliances. It is beautiful and practical. To keep it in good condition, it is necessary to carry out regular descaling. They do this in the following ways:

  1. Place finely chopped lemon in the middle, fill 2/3 of the volume with water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Leave until cool.
  2. With the help of cleanings. Skins from apples, pears or potatoes are suitable. You can use one type of cleaning or a mixture. Fill the kettle halfway, add water and boil for half an hour. Apple and pear peels not only remove scale, but also restore the color of the enamel.
  3. A popular and interesting way to combat scale with soda. Coca-Cola or Sprite will do. The liquid is poured until it is full. Heat to boiling and cool. After an hour or an hour and a half, the scale will dissolve.
  4. Using soda and vinegar. Pour baking soda (5 tablespoons per 2 liters of water) into boiling water. Boil for 25-30 minutes. Cool and drain the water. Fill the kettle with 1/4 cup. vinegar essence and 2 liters of water. Boil for 25 minutes. Pour out the contents and use a wooden spatula to separate the scale particles. After cooling, rinse the kettle.

Currently reading: How to make laundry detergent from baking soda and laundry soap

Scale formation is promoted by excessive mineralization of water. Water must be purified using filters or purchased. Clean water is good for health and scale does not form.

Cleaning the boiler from scale is a mandatory procedure. Limescale periodically appears on the walls of all types of kettles, even those made from the highest quality materials.

Water filters improve the situation a little, but even with them, scale continues to slowly appear.

An effective way to get rid of it is to clean your kettle with baking soda. This substance is available and sold in any grocery store, and it does an excellent job of removing harmful plaque.

Features depending on material

When choosing a descaling method, it is important to consider the material the kettle is made of.

Enameled surface

It is not recommended to clean enamel coatings with citric acid alone or in combination with vinegar.

The thing is that acid thins the enamel coating , which leads to the very rapid appearance of pockets of rust and corrosion.

In addition, enamel surfaces are easily scratched by loose powders and other abrasive cleaning compounds.

The most suitable means of removing limescale from an enamel surface are:

  • sparkling water,
  • special cleaning tablets,
  • peeling potatoes or apples.

To prevent the enamel kettle from changing color during cleaning with carbonated water, you must use only colorless drinks (for example, mineral water).


Particular care should be taken when using citric acid . It's simple: an aggressive environment destroys rubber seals, thereby reducing the service life of a household appliance.

The best choice of cleaning agent for an electric kettle is lemon water, baking soda and salt.

Stainless steel

Citric acid and carbonated drinks will help you quickly clean a stainless steel kettle from limescale (it is not necessary to choose soda without dyes).

Particular care should be taken when choosing abrasive detergents . Small particles perfectly remove limescale, but unfortunately they leave scratches on the gloss of stainless steel, which are impossible to get rid of.


The main rule for cleaning ceramic dishes is that all actions must be extremely careful. Ceramics cannot withstand impacts, strong friction, or sudden temperature changes.

The optimal choice of cleaning method for a ceramic teapot is to use citric acid, soda and household chemicals.


You can maintain the original appearance of a glass teapot only with regular cleaning. Vinegar water or special chemicals will help remove limescale .

It is worth avoiding abrasive powders, as they leave scratches on the glass surface.

Why soda

The fact that soda is added to the dough as a leavening agent, it perfectly cleanses joints and helps with heartburn, is known even to the not-so-ideal housewife. Meanwhile, there are other useful uses of baking soda in the kitchen.

Sodium bicarbonate has a soft, crystalline molecular structure, making it suitable for corrosion control as well as surface cleaning. Crystals dissolve well in water without damaging the surface being cleaned, so it can be used to clean glass, metal and other sensitive materials from which kitchen appliances are made.

In addition, soda is completely harmless, biologically organic and decomposes at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius, so it does not pose any threat to the environment. Unlike commonly used household cleaning detergents and bleaches, baking soda is not harmful to the human body because it does not cause burns or toxic fumes.

Alternative means to remove plaque

It's easy to descale your kettle. There are a huge number of folk remedies and special chemicals that help to clean quickly and efficiently.

Top 3 most popular folk remedies:

  1. Sweet carbonated drinks .
    The composition of the soda contains citric acid, which corrodes any, even very dense layer of limescale. The kettle is filled with sweet carbonated water and brought to a boil. After the boiled soda has cooled, leave the dishes alone for thirty minutes. The last stage is to rinse the already cleaned surfaces thoroughly with cold running water.

  2. Apple and potato peelings . The container is filled with vegetable and fruit peelings, then filled with water and placed on the fire to boil. After the cleaning has been boiled for five to ten minutes, the kettle is turned off and left alone for at least three hours. This time is enough for the scale to become soft and can be cleaned off with a sponge.
  3. Aspirin tablets . It is enough to dissolve four aspirin tablets in 2 liters. water, pour the resulting liquid into the kettle. The solution with aspirin is boiled for at least thirty minutes, after which the walls are easily cleaned with a soft sponge.

Top 3 special anti-scale cleaners:

  1. Top House Cleaner . A liquid consisting of 5% organic acid will carefully and quickly clean limescale deposits from the inner surface of a kettle and coffee machine. The liquid is odorless and does not cause allergic reactions upon contact with skin. Manufacturer Germany. The average cost is 260 rubles. (500 ml bottle).
  2. Topperr 3031 , a concentrated product from a German manufacturer, will clean surfaces of limescale the first time. Topperr 3031 will protect the walls of the kettle and coffee maker from the rapid formation of plaque. The cost of the concentrate is 140 rubles. (250 ml bottle).
  3. SANO Antikalk Kettle Descaler gel is effective for cleaning ceramic, glass, and plastic kettles. Developed on the basis of phosphoric and sulfamic acid. Economical consumption and low cost make SANO Antikalk Kettle Descaler gel very popular among consumers. The average cost is 350 rubles. (700 ml bottle).

Removing large layers of scale

All kettles, except electric kettles, are cleaned of old scale with a mixture of vinegar, soda and citric acid. Complex processing in several stages will be required.

In a kettle, dilute water with a tablespoon of soda and boil. Pour out the contents. Fill with water adding 1 tbsp. citric acid. Boil and keep at low simmer for half an hour. In the third stage, pour water into an empty kettle and 1/2 cup of vinegar. After boiling, simmer for another half hour. Drain the solution. After the procedure, plaque may remain on the walls, but it has already softened and can be removed with a sponge. To rinse the kettle, bring clean water to a boil and remove. Repeat several times.

Soda and acetic acid. The product is effective for thick plaque. But it cannot be used for an electric kettle. Take 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 liters of water. Let the ingredients simmer for half an hour. Drain and fill clean, adding 1 tbsp. vinegar, boil for 30 minutes. The scale deposits will become soft and easy to clean with a sponge, after which you must rinse with water.


To make the descaling process quick and effective, experts recommend using some tips:

  1. The most effective cleaning products contain acid (citric acetic acid, fruit acid).

  2. If the scale cannot be cleared the first time, it must be carefully rubbed with a scraper, and then the cleaning must be repeated.
  3. After the limescale has been removed, the kettle is filled with clean water and boiled again. These simple steps will help remove any remaining cleaning products.

Experienced housewives also recommend using only filtered water for boiling. In this case, the scale problem will occur much less frequently.

Cleaning the teapot

Baking soda does more than just remove scale after boiling water. Baking soda will also help to easily remove plaque and get rid of odors in a teapot. In a saucepan large enough to immerse the kettle, boil water with 4 tablespoons of soda and a glass of vinegar. Lower the teapot into the foam. Leave for 20-30 minutes, remove and rinse. The peculiarity of the method is that it cleans the inner surface of the spout, which is difficult to reach with a sponge and other methods.

If you carry out the procedure regularly, you can always enjoy the aroma and taste of tea.

Other methods for cleaning a kettle

A large number of products have been developed to clean boilers from scale. They are manufactured using special technologies and do not harm human health. Even if a small amount of the modern drug remains on the walls of the dish, it will not cause poisoning.

Traditional recipes are still used: descaling with apple juice, whey, etc.

You can choose one of the equally accessible and effective anti-scale agents:

  • Antiscale agent based on two types of acids and sodium citrate - the powder must be dissolved in water and simply boiled, but the procedure can be repeated no more than once every 3 months;
  • cillit is a liquid concentrate: it is diluted with water and simply left in the kettle for half an hour;
  • Anti Calc is another effective descaling solution for coffee makers and teapots, which comes in a convenient tablet form.

Is it easier to use soft drinks or products bought at home?

  1. When boiling, vinegar emits a noticeable odor, and many folk recipes are not effective enough.
  2. Acquired substances may remain on the surface and get into tea or coffee, which can cause intoxication.
  3. Soda, in addition to its safety, is universal and suitable for all types of kettles.

Method number 2: Lemons

At home, you can clean the kettle with real lemons.

The instructions for “general” cleaning for the inner surface of the heating device will be as follows:

  1. Cut the lemon into 6-7 parts.
  2. Place the pieces of fruit in the teapot.
  3. Fill them with warm water, from the tap.
  4. Place the container on the fire or plug it in.
  5. Boil the lemon for 10-15 minutes on the stove or boil the acidic water in an electric appliance 2-3 times after it has cooled.
  6. Rinse the dishes.

The benefits of cleaning the kettle with lemon slices are::

  • Naturalness of the product. It is impossible to get poisoned by fruit acid, even if you do not wash the device well after cleaning.
  • Availability. You can buy lemons in the store closest to your home, at any time of the year.
  • It washes off the first time. It takes a long time to get rid of the remnants of the product; there is no need to smell it. You can use the kettle immediately after cleaning.

There are also minor disadvantages:

  1. Lemon juice is ineffective against old scale. It is better to remove thick layers of plaque using granulated lemon juice.
  2. Expensive. If you compare the price of packaged citric acid and the cost of natural fruit, it is cheaper to use a granular product.

Experienced fighters against scale in a kettle using improvised means share a secret: when the device with citric acid is on the stove, you need to make the fire strong until the first gurgles of water. Next, reduce the heat to low and boil the liquid for 15 minutes.

In this case, the effect of lemongrass will increase, and you definitely won’t have to repeat the procedure.

General recommendations

You can prevent the appearance of plaque if you properly care for the device. Necessary:

  1. First filter the liquid, and only then pour it into the kettle. Hard water destroys the coating and leads to scale formation.
  2. Wash the product daily. In this case, the water should be warm and the sponge soft. It is also important that the detergent lathers well.
  3. Clean every 2 weeks. This will extend the life of the kettle.
  4. Pour the cooled water from the kettle into another container. This way you can clean several containers at once.

Soda is harmless to take orally. However, it may cause skin irritation. To avoid this, you should wear gloves.

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