“Rat Death”: pros and cons, assessment of the effectiveness of the drug

Who loves rodents? No, we are not talking about cute, decorative bunnies and white mice, but about big rats. These creatures leave traces of their presence in your home, gnaw everything that gets in their way, and spoil food products. In addition, rats carry a large number of dangerous diseases. These are plague and rabies, hemorrhagic fever and much more. Of course, rats rarely come into apartments; the private sector suffers much more often from their attacks. Rodents especially love those houses where pets are kept. This means warmth and plenty of food.

Rodent control

Today, there are numerous rodent control products on the market, but defeating them is not so easy. Often, buyers note that rats eat the poison stored for them, but the next day new holes or other signs of the presence of uninvited guests appear. From this we can conclude that most drugs are not very effective.

Today, a new generation of rodenticide has appeared on the market, which differs from its predecessors in its highest efficiency. This is "Rat Death", the reviews of which are very impressive. Consumers note that it is attractive to rodents and leaves no chance for the latter.

Why are rodents dangerous?

Pests that appear on the territory of a house or household pose a threat not only to the harvested crop, things, electrical wiring, building materials, but also to the health of the inhabitants of the house and their pets. Rats are dangerous to humans with their bites. They can cause dangerous infectious diseases, such as:

  • leptospirosis;
  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • trichinosis;
  • tularemia;
  • streptobacillosis.

Rats are well-organized animals. They multiply quickly, adapt well to changes in living conditions and the environment, have good sense of smell, intelligence and are able to transmit information to each other about impending danger. They recognize rat poisons and can even adapt to radiation, so it is difficult to choose the right rat poison and poison them.

All these features of pests force people to look for a more effective remedy for rats, which they cannot recognize by smell as poison. Specialists from the Italian laboratory Dr Tezza have developed a specific poison for rats, the use of which gives very good results. The drug is called Rat Death and is a powerful poison.


Sellers often claim that this is an Italian drug. Reviews “Rat Death” is sometimes called “Italian Death”. This is not entirely accurate. The product is produced in Ukraine from drugs purchased in Italy. In fact, this is not one drug, but two.

  • “Rat Death No. 1” is a blue-green granule that has an attractive odor. The basis of this drug is brodifacoum. This drug reduces blood clotting and causes bleeding. Another effect is suffocation. This is often mentioned in reviews. “Rat death” causes rodents to rush around in search of fresh air, and if the room is open, they will leave it and die on the street. Moreover, death occurs in about a week, during which time the poisoned creature will go far.
  • The second drug has even more attractive reviews. "Rat Death #2" is shaped like pieces of meat. The filling is an even stronger poison called bromadiolone. It causes multiple bleeding, as well as disturbances in the respiratory system. It is also not a fast poison, and the death of rodents usually occurs on the eighth day. It's worth noting that a poisoned rat will stop feeding, which means it will have no reason to stay near your home.

What makes it attractive?

Rats carefully study a new type of food. If he scares them with something, the rodents will refuse to try, and all efforts will go to waste. Attractiveness is ensured by its unique shape, not a tablet, but a dough-like mass. To date, there have been no similar preparations, so your guests will have no reason to refuse the feast.

The second important point is the quality composition. Earlier generations of rat poison were poisoned grain or meat. Today, most rodents recognize such baits well and refuse them. And here the basis is aromatic sunflower oil, flour and sugar, that is, sources of clean energy that are very valued by all living beings.

Why make a “time bomb”?

Rodents have amazing genetic memory. If one of the rats returns to the nest and dies, its relatives and descendants will never take this poison. It is thanks to this that populations survive in conditions of constant destruction. Therefore, today you have to choose a poison with better characteristics, such as “Rat Death 1”. Reviews confirm that, depending on the number of rats, fighting them takes from a week to several months, but it is effective.

Since poisoned rodents do not die immediately, their relatives do not develop a connection with the food they find. She continues to consider it completely safe. When the first individual falls in a week, the rest may also be poisoned.

Characteristics of the drug "Rat Death"

The poison, reviews of which are so encouraging, has no analogues in our country yet. Moreover, direct deliveries are carried out not only to Russia, but also to Europe.

  • The basis for the drug is natural ingredients.
  • To make it more attractive, specific flavors are added to the composition.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal substances are also elements of the dressing. It is due to them that the shelf life of the composition is extended to two years.

Even with a single use, the drug causes death, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. The “Rat Death” instructions recommend placing it in its original place for at least another week. If no one touched the bait, then perhaps the rodent was alone.

Another important point is the unique packaging. The mass is distributed in portions of 12 grams for each filter paper bag. The packaging perfectly allows odor to pass through, but at the same time protects the contents from moisture. This allows the product to be used with great success even in sewers and other damp places.

Release form

Poison Rat death
The effectiveness of the poison largely depends on the form of release. Rat Death is produced in the form of a gel-like substance. It is given the appearance of a briquette and packed in filtered paper. Placed in a polymer film. Poison in bags is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

On a note!

A special gel base prevents the product from losing its properties while remaining on the floor surface for a long time. Sun rays and high temperature do not affect the appearance of the drug. The recommended period for using printed briquettes is 2 weeks.

An effective rat repellent can be purchased at any specialty store at an affordable price. The package contains 8 briquettes weighing 100 g, or 16 pieces with a total weight of 200 g. The active composition of the rat repellent and the successful release form have made the poison in demand on the market for similar products.

Instructions for use, reviews

“Rat Death” is a toxic drug that must be handled very carefully. It is recommended to always wear gloves. Then follow one of the following points:

  • If the poison is laid out in dry places, then it is enough to simply select places inaccessible to children and pets.
  • When working in damp places, it is recommended to use a substrate in the form of thick sheets or bags. Packets of the drug are distributed throughout the territory.
  • The placement zone is the areas of the house most visited by rats.
  • Be sure to monitor the condition of the baits and place new bags in place of the eaten ones.
  • If you stop touching it, but the presence of rodents remains, then try another drug with a similar active ingredient.

It is important to remember that the integrity of the bag packaging must not be damaged. In this case, the bait will smell like a person. Be careful when placing individual bags. It is best to do this with gloves and tweezers.

Mode of application

The “Rat Death” product is a ready-made drug and does not require any preparation before use. To carry out deratization, it is necessary to cut the cardboard into squares measuring 10 by 10 cm or prepare nylon covers. Then put on gloves and open the package with the product. After this, arrange the filter bags 1 piece at a time. from mice and 2 pcs. from rats onto prepared substrates and place them in places where rodents may move and live, namely in corners, under furniture, near burrows, along baseboards. The distance between baits should be 2-5 m. Putting poison on the floor is prohibited.

According to the instructions for use, the “Rat Death” gel should also be applied in a continuous line 1-2 cm thick on cardboard, plastic or other material with a smooth surface.

You should check the presence of baits every day and, if they are eaten by rodents, re-lay them out. The first results of the drug become noticeable after 4 days. If rodent corpses are found, they must be taken outside and buried in the ground to a depth of 50 cm. The maximum result is achieved after 8 days. Unused filter bags must be disposed of.

Disposal methods and precautions

This drug can be classified not only as one of the most effective, but also affordable drugs. It has one more advantage: the drug is completely biodegradable. If you don't need the leftovers and don't want to endanger your pets by keeping it at home, it's recommended to simply burn it over an open fire. In addition, disposal by burying in the ground is recommended. In about a month, it will disintegrate into its simplest elements.

  • If poisoning with this drug occurs, it is necessary to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. After this, we take saline solution and 20 tablets of activated carbon. You definitely need to see a doctor.
  • If the drug gets on your skin, rinse it thoroughly with water. The antidote is vitamin K.

If your pet is poisoned

It is necessary to carefully hide the rat poison “Rat Death” from cats and dogs. Reviews, however, suggest that even if you take all precautions, you may face disaster if your cat eats a poisoned mouse or baby rat. Of course, it will also have a destructive effect on his body. If you don't contact the veterinarian in a timely manner, you can lose your pet.

The poison leads to extensive internal bleeding and the blood stops clotting. Signs include blood in the urine and discolored gums. At the clinic, the doctor will determine the extent of the damage and most likely give a blood transfusion. Coagulability is restored by injections of vitamin K. Not everyone can be saved, but even in this case, it will take several more months to take vitamin K tablets.

Safety regulations

Rat poison is not harmful to humans when used correctly. When working with a toxic product, you must wear rubber gloves and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. After work, throw away gloves and wash your hands with soap.

The active components are not released into the air and do not affect the well-being of people or pets. Negative consequences are possible if Rat Death enters the stomach. If the minimum dose of the drug is accidentally injected, the liver will deactivate the effect of the poison on its own.

A threat to life occurs when the product is purposefully consumed. This situation is typical for young children who are left unattended by their parents. Rat poison is not excreted through the kidneys, so there is a risk of internal bleeding.

Symptoms of poisoning in humans:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • increased or slowed heart rate;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nose bleed;
  • blood on the gums, red urine, stool.

The antidote to Rat Death is vitamin K or Vicasol. It is administered intravenously on an outpatient basis for 15-30 days. The complexity of the situation depends on the person’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, immunity, liver and kidney health. Providing timely medical care can save a person from death.

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