Feather and down pillows for sleeping in 2022

A cozy, pleasant to the body, soft bed is the main condition for a comfortable, healthy sleep. And the pillow plays an important role in this process. For several centuries now, people have been using products with natural filling - from bird down and feathers. Such pillows are hygroscopic, light, fluffy, and sleeping on them is a real pleasure. The abundance of innovative synthetic materials that have appeared on the market has not reduced the popularity of the classic down pillow. She still finds her fans. However, in order to find a truly comfortable, “your” bedding, you need to know how to choose a down pillow and what criteria should be taken into account.

What is a feather pillow

The model consists entirely of natural material – bird feathers.
The resulting raw materials must be disinfected, cleaned, washed, dried and sorted. The feathers in the filler do not come into close contact with each other; there is an air space between them, creating excellent thermal insulation. The pillows easily adapt to the human body and take the desired shape. But the products are flat and a little hard. They come in rectangular or square shape. The cover for them is made of dense fabrics so that the feathers do not penetrate outside. The most commonly used are teak, twill, cambric, satin, jacquard, tencel, and silk.

Types of pens used

Goose . Its feather is very curved and has a wide fan. It takes up a large volume, so the pillow made from it is lightweight. The accessories have excellent thermal insulation and water-repellent properties. Quill feathers can be white or gray, both types have the same quality. Various cases are made for them. Gray feathers are placed in darker, denser and coarser accessories. White ones - in a case made of less durable fabric. Light, resilient and elastic filler is often used for premium models. Due to its naturalness, the development of pathogenic flora and the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible.

Duck . The feather is slightly smaller than a goose feather, it is more dense. The raw material has a specific odor, so it is processed using special means. Feathers come in white, gray and mixed colors. Duck feathers are smaller, stiffer, retain heat less well, clump together, and contain less fluff. They are not as light and airy as their goose counterpart, and they last much less. The material is highly hygroscopic. Needs disinfection and cleaning more often. Cheaper analogue.

Loon . Exclusive, expensive material. Collection of raw materials and processing is done manually. The plumage of the sea duck, which lives on the coast of the Arctic and Antarctica, is dark gray in color. The fluffs adhere tightly to the feathers, and it is almost impossible to isolate them. It turns out to be such an openwork mesh filled with air. The filler is incredibly light, airy and very warm. The material successfully competes with artificial swan down.


Any product can lose its characteristics if not properly maintained. To maximize the life of the pillow, the following procedures must be implemented:

  • whisk after each use;
  • expose to frost twice a year;
  • dry in the sun once every six months;
  • sometimes beat out;
  • replace your pillowcase frequently;
  • submit to specialized cleaning at least twice a year.

The measures will not only extend the life of the product, but also eliminate the appearance of mites and allergic reactions in humans.

Note! A down pillow that is not properly cared for can be harmful. All procedures should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations.

Why is bird down added to feather filler?

The pillow should provide proper support and be comfortable to use. Single feather models are dense and flat. Sleeping on them is completely uncomfortable, the sensations are not very pleasant. The usual airiness, plasticity and lightness are missing. At first glance, feather pillows appear soft, smooth and pleasant. But during use, they quickly lose their original shape, and even through a very dense cover, the pointed ends of the feathers can often be felt.

These models are quite heavy in weight. Therefore, manufacturers practically do not produce 100% feather pillows. A certain amount of fluff must be added to the products. It improves the performance properties of pillows and increases their service life. Sometimes the tag indicates that the model contains 100% feather, but the cover is quilted with down.


You can order a pillow of any shape and size online. Their standard width and length vary from 30 to 80 cm. It is important to pay attention to the height of the product.

The most common dimensions are products (in cm):

  • 40x40. They belong to decorative pillows and are intended for interior decoration;
  • 40x60. Corresponds to the size of a child's sleeping place. Ideal for round cribs;
  • 50x70. Popular standard size, which most often comes with bedding;
  • 60x60. An ideal option for an adult, providing maximum comfort while sleeping. Suitable for single beds;
  • 68x68. They are in demand due to their compactness and ease of use;
  • 70x70. Standard option, suitable for single and double beds. They are the easiest to find pillowcases on sale.

For those who prefer to sleep on their back, it is recommended to choose high pillows. And for people who prefer to rest on their stomach or side, low models are suitable.

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Down to feather ratio in pillows

They produce models with different proportions of down and feathers:

  • 90% feather/10% down – hard, short-lived, itchy;
  • 70% feather/30% down – comfortable, moderately elastic and pliable;
  • 50%/50% – classic products of category I, softer.

Feather pillows are sleep accessories containing more than 50% feathers. The more it is contained in the filler, the cheaper the product.

Boris Yeltsin

Photo: Anatoly Zhdanov, Kommersant

In the early 90s in Russia, both branches of government and the emblems and constitutions they prepared competed. In particular, the Supreme Council in 1992 proposed returning to the country the imperial black eagle on a yellow background (the proposal was rejected by the Congress of People's Deputies), and the presidential project was based on the idea of ​​a golden bird on a red background. On November 30, 1993, gold won, and in the version of the drawing proposed by Evgeny Ukhnalev, People's Artist of Russia and a former prisoner of the Norillag. Read about how our country chose a new coat of arms in issue No. 29 of Ogonyok for 2009.

Who exactly is suitable and who is not suitable

Feather pillows do not have orthopedic properties, but they are quite well shaped and adapt to the human body. It is better not to use feather pillows for those who suffer from:

  • allergies . People with hypersensitive immune systems may have a reaction to a specific protein found in bird feathers. Poorly processed raw materials become a habitat for dust mites. Saprophyte also becomes the culprit of allergies. Sometimes raw materials are treated with ozone and are not dangerous.
  • pain in the head, neck and shoulders . Feather pillows should not be used by those diagnosed with osteochondrosis and other spinal pathologies. The high feather content in the product does not provide a person with elastic support during sleep. It is better to choose a pillow with an orthopedic effect.


Down is a type of feather that covers the body of birds and acts as thermal insulation.


A feather is a formation on the skin of birds with a shaft and processes extending from it.


Customer reviews: advantages and disadvantages

  • Good thermal insulation properties. In hot weather they create a pleasant coolness when in contact with the skin, in cold weather they warm.
  • Breathability. They have excellent ventilation properties.
  • Hygroscopicity. Excellent absorption and repellence of moisture.
  • Resistance to deformation. Elastic (applies to down and feather models), elastic, quickly restores its original shape, does not form feather clumps.
  • Life time. Lasts over 5 years with careful care.
  • Dust mites, bacteria and mold appear. Not recommended for use by allergy sufferers.
  • Not suitable for those who have serious pathologies of the upper spine.
  • Careful care is required, including special cleaning of feathers and down. It is very difficult to wash at home.
  • They are distinguished by their heavy weight.

Basic properties and features of goose down

Geese are migratory birds; in order to stay in the air and not freeze, they must have soft, lightweight insulation. Bird down is a unique material; there is no other material like it in nature. The fluff fibers are adjacent to each other and an air chamber is formed between them, so the fluff weighs little. The fluffs are easy to bend; after deformation, they quickly restore their shape. This is a soft and at the same time durable material.

Duck down has a stiffer, heavier frame and smaller downy appendages compared to goose, so it is inferior in quality. Chicken down is not used for the production of pillows, as it quickly loses its shape and becomes unusable.

Life time

With careful care, feather pillows last over 5 years. The shelf life of models with duck feather filling is shorter (about 4 years) than that of goose and eider counterparts. Be sure to replace the pillow if:

  • feathers became brittle;
  • there are dust mites;
  • an unpleasant odor appeared;
  • the volume of the product has decreased.

The service life of feather pillows can be quite long; they used to be used for decades. But it is advisable to change models made from natural fillers more often. Restoring the pillow will not be able to return its original hygienic characteristics.


Down and feather pillows require a high-quality pillowcase that will securely hold the contents inside. Most often, thick cotton or satin is used for the bedclothes. In expensive models with a double bedstead, the top one is made of silk or cambric.

The best bedsteads today are produced by German and Austrian companies. Their products are made from high quality material and undergo additional processing. The most common option is dust mite prevention treatment.

Low quality napkins are distinguished by their roughness to the touch. They also usually rustle and are made of synthetics; spillage of contents is detected at the seams.

How to choose a feather pillow: my tips

1. Study the information on the tag . Pay attention to the ratio of down and feathers and their types. Conscientious manufacturers indicate all the characteristics of the filler and cover, operating rules and service life of the product. Check the quality of the filler, do not buy products from dubious points of sale.

2. Case . Durable materials are used for manufacturing: cotton, teak, satin, cambric, silk. The smooth fabric has a dense weave of threads and is treated with wax impregnation. The sharp ends of the feathers should not penetrate the material of the case and be felt when the accessory is compressed.

3. No sounds . Twist, remember the pillow in your hands. If the filler rustles, rustles or creaks, discard this model. High-quality products made from down and feathers, unlike the same pillows made from buckwheat husks, do not make sounds during operation.

4. Smell . Smell the product. A high-quality filler will not emit an unpleasant odor. The presence of an odor does not indicate the naturalness of the filler, but rather the unfair processing of organic material or improper storage of the product.

5. Filling the pillow . Take the product by the corner and shake it. If the filler is in one direction, it means that not enough material was put in. The pillow will be uncomfortable during use. It is better to choose a model with a larger filler - it will last longer.

6. Restoring shape . Place your hand on the product and apply pressure. The pillow should recover at least one third in 30 seconds. A high-quality pillow will straighten out within 1-2 minutes and take its original shape.

7. Weight . If the pillow quickly returns to its original form when shaken, it means it is filled with high-quality small feathers. A standard model measuring 50 × 70 cm weighs 1.3-2.5 kg.

8. Kant . It is advisable that the pillow be edged around the perimeter. Thanks to him, feathers will not penetrate through the seams.


They are most often produced in the form of geometric shapes: rectangle or square.

Round copies are also produced. They look original and are often used as decorative decorations. There are products of low and high thickness.

The first option is undesirable for people who snore at night. Tall specimens are suitable for people with broad shoulders, those suffering from blood pressure, and the elderly.

Note ! Good pillows (in height) should not exceed the width of a person’s shoulder (14-15cm).

Rating of the TOP 5 best feather pillows

German Grass Optima Family Down

5.0 Rating

Type: classic Size: 68 × 68 cm Filling: goose feather 50%, down 50%

Cover material: Down-containing twill, 100% cotton. Level of support: medium

White pillow made of durable breathable fabric with blue satin piping. Thanks to the twill weave of the threads of the material, the feather is firmly held inside the filler and does not penetrate through the cover. The optimal down to feather ratio provides comfort and medium support. Consumers like the pillow for its fluffiness and softness.

Dargez "Standard"

4.8 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Filling: goose down 50%, feather 50%

Cover material: percale, 100% cotton Support level: medium

A feather pillow is filled with feathers and down in equal proportions. The filler is moderately soft and provides support for the head and cervical spine. The pillow can be easily adjusted to fit your head in the desired shape. Comfortable and pleasant to the touch model. The padding of the product is sufficient. Consumers respond well to the quality of the pillow.

Louis Pascal Julie

4.6 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Filling: goose feather 70%, down 30%

Cover material: teak, 100% cotton Support level: elastic

A feather pillow combines goose feathers and down to provide good support for the head and neck. The model is elastic and retains its shape well. The bedstead is made of teak with a floral pattern. The perimeter of the pillow is trimmed with white piping, which prevents feathers from penetrating through the holes in the seams. The model has proven itself well. There is only one drawback - there is no removable cover.

Light dreams of Araks

4.4 Rating

Type: classic Size: 60 × 60 cm Filling: goose down 50%, feather 50%

Cover material: teak, 100% cotton Support level: elastic

The pillow contains the optimal ratio of down and feathers. It is moderately elastic, easily compresses and adapts to the head and neck during sleep. The model is made of blue teak and has roses on it. The edges of the pillow are decorated with white piping. Some consumers are not satisfied with the low filling capacity of the pillow.

Belashoff Silver "750"

4.0 Rating

Type: classic Size: 50 × 70 cm Filling: 100% goose feather

Cover material: cotton with down Support level: elastic

The pillow is made entirely of feathers. The white cotton cover contains down and is decorated with a silver square pattern. The edges are finished with thick piping. The goose feather is treated with silver. The pillow has a high degree of rigidity. Consumers note that feathers penetrate through the fabric of the cover.

Prices: summary comparison table

Pillow nameCharacteristicsprice, rub.
SizeFillerCase materialDegree of support
German Grass Optima Family Down68 × 68 cmgoose feather 50%, down 50%Down-containing twill, 100% cotton.average3 400
Dargez Standard50 × 70 cmgoose down 50%, feather 50%percale, cotton 100%average2 030
Louis Pascal Julie50 × 70 cmgoose feather 70%, down 30%teak, cotton 100%elastic1 030
Light dreams of Araks60 × 60 cmgoose down 50%, feather 50%teak, cotton 100%elastic1 100
Belashoff Silver "750"50 × 70 cmgoose feather 100%Cotton 100% with downelastic1 956

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How to wash

Prepare a wide basin, liquid product and gauze. I advise you to wash like this:

  1. Remove the filling from the cover, carefully opening the seams.
  2. Pour warm water at a temperature of 30-40°C into a basin.
  3. Add liquid detergent and dissolve thoroughly.
  4. Place a double layer of gauze around the sides of the pelvis.
  5. Pour out the feather and down and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
  6. Collect the gauze and contents and squeeze lightly.
  7. Rinse the bag thoroughly in several waters.
  8. Dry on a horizontal surface, beating the product.

Perform the final rinse in ice water to maintain volume after drying.

Alexey Mikhailovich

Photo: Wikipedia.org

The second tsar of the Romanov dynasty worked hard on the Russian coat of arms. In 1654, the bird takes the scepter and orb in its paws and lands on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, and in 1667 the sovereign officially explains what the three crowns above the eagle mean: the conquered Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberian principalities. At the same time, the first “Decree on the Coat of Arms” in Russian history arose, giving a description of the bird. In 1672, a colorful Russian “Titular Book” was compiled, containing a color picture of the Russian coat of arms - a golden eagle with raised (and not lowered, as was customary) wings.

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