How to deal with cockroaches in an apartment, the best remedy for cockroaches

Cockroaches are very tenacious creatures that are unpretentious to their living conditions. However, they are comfortable living next to a human home, but even better - inside. Uninvited guests love the comfort of cockroaches - warm, humid places with food present.

Variety of anti-cockroach products

Cockroaches are not an indicator of uncleanliness in the house. They can be brought from another home, a trip, even by mail along with a parcel. But most often they “come” themselves from the basement, entrance, from neighbors, or appear with new things in the house.

It is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness every day, and cockroaches will quickly find crumbs and water on the floor. Physiology allows them to survive for several weeks without food, or to feed on paper, leather, wood or even fabric.

They can pretend to be dead. If you find a cockroach that is not showing signs of life, do not rush to throw it in the trash. You should flush it down the toilet to get rid of the parasite for sure.

What types of cockroaches are there?

There are several thousand species of longhorned beetles in the world. In apartments in our country you can find two types: the most common is red (Prussian) and black (kitchen).

Cockroaches living in apartments and houses: Prusak and black

The Prusak has a size of 1.3 - 1.5 cm and can go without food for up to 40 days. The kitchen one is twice as large, up to 3 cm in length and can live without food for up to 70 days.

Everyone knows about their resistance to unsuitable living conditions. And the fact that they can survive a nuclear explosion is not a myth. Therefore, some kind of hunger is not a barrier for them.


This is a German-made anti-cockroach product, produced in the form of a paste. One drop of this paste destroys more than 500 Prussians. It is recommended to apply this product in dotted lines with distances between drops of no more than 5 cm near baseboards, sinks, hoods and other places where insects accumulate. Practice shows that when used correctly, Globol allows you to clear even heavily infested homes of cockroaches. The only disadvantage of this product is the speed of its work: the peak mortality of insects when using this chemical occurs only 2-3 weeks after application.


I tried both traps and chemistry - nothing helped. This remedy was recommended to us on the forum. I used it two weeks ago - it’s the only way Prussians die from it.


A good thing. After application, they only had time to sweep away the dead creatures.


We struggled with cockroaches for a long time, did everything, but there were only more of them. They tormented us until they bought this paste. The best remedy. We sprayed it around the perimeter once, and these pests didn’t bother us anymore.

How dangerous are they?

Cockroaches do not bite and are generally afraid of people. There is no visible harm, but the dirt they bring will not leave you in good health. They examine the garbage in search of food, the toilet in search of water, then they carry a bunch of different bacteria around the apartment on their paws, leaving them on children's toys, on furniture and, worst of all, on the table and cutlery.

For some people, the activity of insects may not have any effect, while others may be seriously poisoned. Bacteria are different, each body reacts to them individually, so you should not let cockroaches multiply and run wherever they please.

It is better to start baiting them in the first days, as soon as you notice them. Cockroaches live for approximately 6–8 months, and during this time the female can lay 320 eggs. The more of them there are, the harder it is to get rid of the brood later.

Combat superbyte

This product is available in the format of a cockroach trap. The principle of its operation is very simple: an insect enters such a trap, eats the bait, which contains the strong insecticide hydramethylnon, poisons itself and poisons its relatives. Using such bait will allow you to quickly destroy a large colony of cockroaches without having to evict the residents of the house for disinfection with aerosols.


They set several traps around the house. Two weeks after this, the Prussians completely disappeared, as if they had never existed.


We have household goods in the store. products recommended this item, since folk remedies did not help in our case, and we cannot use chemicals, since there is a small child in the house. With the traps in place, the house was completely cleared within two weeks.

How to find a nest of cockroaches in an apartment

Cockroaches themselves are timid creatures; they try to stay away from human eyes and direct rays of light. Strong lighting directly signals them about danger, so they try to stay in the shade and live in dark, damp, cluttered places.

There is clearly no fight against cockroaches

To find out if there are cockroaches in the house, go into the kitchen or bathroom in the middle of the night. If there are insects, at least one will still catch your eye. And where there is one, there is a whole colony. You can also find the products of their vital activity - feces, they look like dark brown small spots. They can be seen in different drawers, at the joints of doors, under the sink. When a colony of cockroaches grows, a specific unpleasant odor appears in the apartment.

Since cockroaches need darkness, warmth, water and food, the best places to hide are the bathroom, toilet and, of course, the kitchen. In the kitchen, they most often live under the sink, refrigerator, inside kitchen furniture and some electrical appliances.

Their flattened body shape allows them to inhabit cracks in baseboards, floors, behind hanging cabinets, in ventilation, near pipes, under bathtubs and even under wallpaper. If the house is old, then there will be several times more cracks and other defects suitable for living parasites.

Since the first time after the “housewarming”, cockroaches are very careful, you need to carefully inspect every corner (not skipping the bedroom, the passer-by) for the presence of them or traces of their vital activity.

To kill cockroaches in hard-to-reach areas, you can use a steam generator.

Start with cleaning!

Before you start chasing pests in your apartment, you should put things in order. During general cleaning, pay special attention to the following points:

  1. Cut off access to food and drink: carefully remove crumbs, turn off the water and wipe dry.
  2. Do not leave mugs with unfinished drinks on the table.
  3. Wrap food in cling film or hide it in containers.
  4. Wash the tiles and wallpaper in the kitchen from congealed grease.
  5. Remove leftover food from the oven and microwave.

Remember: the main ally of getting rid of cockroaches is cleanliness. If there is no garbage in the room, insects will not stay there for long.

During general cleaning, you will probably find places where mustachioed neighbors gather; from that moment, start taking action. Choose one of the methods convenient for you.

Types of poison

If you have to deal with such nasty pests as cockroaches, then your war may be long. It is important to take into account the fact that they multiply very quickly and, in search of a better life, spread not only throughout the apartment, but throughout the entire residential complex!

Before poisoning cockroaches, you need to talk with your neighbors about their presence in other apartments. If you poison only in your apartment, then later your neighbors’ cockroaches will crawl to you. Therefore, everyone needs to start poisoning parasites at the same time.

To combat small pests there are many different means, both professional and inexpensive folk. They may be in the form:

  • gel;
  • pastes;
  • spray;
  • powder;
  • liquid product;
  • tablets;
  • microencapsulated products;
  • chalk.

Each of the means is good in its own way. We will discuss all their advantages and disadvantages below, but it is important not to forget that cockroaches reproduce quickly and adapt to harmful substances.


Another pest control product, released in gel format, which needs to be applied in a dotted line around places where insects accumulate (sinks, cracks, ventilation shafts; they are also recommended to treat the entrance to the home). Its main active ingredient is fipronil. Provides long-lasting effect in the room in which it is used, and can be used simultaneously with other products, including aerosols, to combat large colonies of insects.


We had a problem with cockroaches, like many others. We used “Brownie.” The product is not bad.


My husband and I are forced to frequently move from one rented apartment to another. And in almost every one we encounter pests. That is why I know very well how to remove cockroaches. If there are not so many pests, I usually use “Brownie”, but if the colony is quite large, I have to use Dohlox.

Household products

There are many household products that are inexpensive but still effective. Before treating surfaces, it is important to fix the taps, remove food and wipe all surfaces dry at night, since water is the main source of life for any living beings.

Let's look at popular cockroach repellents and some of their varieties.


Paste is one of the best options of all cockroach repellents. It is not addictive to parasites and works 100% percent. The result can be seen in the first days, and the paste will do all the work in 2 weeks. It needs to be applied precisely near the cockroaches’ habitat. Most of all such products contain chlorpyrifos - this is an active substance that belongs to toxicity class 4. A good option is Globol paste.

Global paste is a proven effective remedy for cockroaches, and also very economical


Gel against cockroaches is the most effective in terms of time, which is why it is very popular. It can handle an entire colony in 7-14 days, which is a very short time considering the fact that it sometimes takes months. Available in special syringes, and more often in tubes. Its soft consistency, more liquid than that of a paste, and a thin tube attachment allow you to apply poison even into the most inaccessible crevices. The following gels have proven their effectiveness:

  • "Raptor" - kills the nervous system of the pest. When consumed, the cockroach remains paralyzed and quickly dies.
  • “Dokhlos” acts quickly and prevents a new generation from appearing. Belong to toxicity class 1 or 2.
  • “Killer” - it will not destroy an entire colony, but one tube is enough to treat a room of up to 25 square meters. m.
  • “Sturm” and “Fas” - contain 2 active ingredients (two different insecticides), which increase the strength of the gel on insects.


When treating an apartment with a spray, it is advisable to wear protective clothing and a mask to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in the body. Children and household members should leave the premises at this time. The advantage of sprays is that they act quickly and after 24 hours you can remove dead cockroaches, carry out wet cleaning and ventilation. Works well against small and medium-sized parasite colonies. The best sprays for cockroaches are:

  • "Raptor".
  • "Baygon."
  • "Raid".
  • "Combat".
  • "Gett."

Sprays to control cockroaches


Powder products have both their advantages and disadvantages. This is not the newest type of poison for cockroaches, but they are often overlooked, but in vain. They are very often used when cockroaches have just settled. Additional treatment is desirable, as parasites quickly get used to the drug. This is a completely safe cockroach repellent for pets and children. Powder is always much easier to treat hard-to-reach areas. The best powders are:

  • "Tornado".
  • "Clean house".
  • "Clean world".

Liquid products

Treatment against parasites with such preparations is considered the most effective, since the liquid gets into almost any cracks and nooks and crannies. Since cockroaches most often hide in cracks, it will be enough to simply douse their habitats. Before choosing a liquid poison, it is important to familiarize yourself with its mechanism of action to understand whether it is suitable for your case.

  • “Cucaracha” is considered a professional remedy and it is very important to study the instructions before processing. The second class of toxicity of the drug (destroys pests instantly) involves processing exclusively in protective clothing.
  • "Tsifoks" is an instant cure for cockroaches. The parasites either die or leave the apartment. One big drawback among all the advantages is the duration of action, due to which you cannot stay in the apartment for the next 48 hours after use.

"Cucaracha" is a powerful remedy against cockroaches. Available not only in liquid form, but also in the form of spray and tablets


The tablets are not only an effective poison against cockroaches, but also a bait for them. Often manufacturers themselves call them lenses. It should be noted that they are quite effective and easy to use. There are tablets that are safe for both children and pets. The most popular are the following tablets:

  • "Delicia" - from a German manufacturer. It kills not only adults, but also young animals, as well as eggs.

    Boxing bait "Delicia"

  • Dupont Advion - may be hazardous to children and animals. These are traps of medium toxicity. The insect crawls into them and then dies.
  • "Adamant Tab" is considered a professional remedy for cockroaches. It has a moderate degree of toxicity - it can be used independently only if the instructions are fully followed.


Another type of very effective means is the strongest chemicals against cockroaches. The beauty is that after the liquid dries, it will not leave annoying insects alone. The most lethal means are:


This type of poison was used several generations ago. In the fight against a large colony of parasites, it is practically useless, and in comparison with more modern methods of control, the crayons are significantly inferior and losing ground. The most commonly chosen crayons are from the following manufacturers:

  • "Mashenka."
  • "Clean house".

How sprays work

The aerosol from any of the companies has an important feature - a high rate of impact on the body of pests. The first victims after treating a room with it appear within a few hours. The insecticide tends to penetrate into the lungs of insects along with the air. It even affects those individuals that are hiding in nests.

From the lungs, the toxic substance enters the bloodstream, having a detrimental effect on the central nervous system of cockroaches. All this leads to their inevitable death.

Before using cockroach spray in a residential area, you should put on a mask, respirator, or at least a gauze bandage, gown or other protective clothing, and put rubber gloves on your hands. Children, pregnant women, and animals must be removed from the premises. Be sure to hide and seal all food products. Remove pet bedding and cover terrariums and aquariums with glass.

When processing, the cylinder should be held in a vertical position at arm's length. It should be at least 20 centimeters from the surface to be treated. During work, windows and doors must be closed. Spraying is best done at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.

The pest locations are thoroughly treated, then the product is sprayed throughout all rooms. At the end of the treatment, be sure to leave the apartment or house for the time specified in the instructions. Upon return, ventilation is carried out for several hours and wet cleaning is carried out.

Do not be afraid to enter the treated room upon return - the active ingredient in most sprays is cypermethrin. It quickly disintegrates in the air and is not capable of having a detrimental effect on human health.

The aerosol has the following advantages - it gives a quick effect after starting to treat the home and is low cost, easy to use, most often odorless, and safe for human health.

Folk remedies against cockroaches

In the case when cockroaches are replaced in small quantities, you can also resort to effective folk recipes in the fight against them. There are a large number of them, but the best home remedies are the following:

  • Boric acid is a very effective substance and works quickly from the first attempts. You can make the product yourself using the following recipe: Hard-boil eggs. Grind the yolk, add boric acid. Stir. Roll the mixture into balls and spread around the apartment. The cockroaches will feel itchy and will soon leave the apartment.
  • Vinegar. Many parasites do not like it. Ammonia and vinegar are often used in spray form. You need to dissolve a little liquid in water and wipe the surfaces every day.


One of the most effective, but also the most toxic drugs used to control insects. Used primarily by specialized teams. While spraying this product, you must leave the apartment and take your pets away from it. With all its shortcomings, Tetrix has an undeniable advantage - one use is enough to rid even a heavily infested apartment of pests.


The best on sale. Checked by our hostel. Helps against bedbugs and cockroaches.


I poisoned insects with this drug at home. There's still half a jar left.

Cockroach traps

Traps are often used for prevention. Small houses are placed in dark and warm corners of the house. Cockroaches, having eaten plenty of poison, return to their brothers and also infect them.

Some traps have an adhesive base inside, from which parasites can no longer escape. This method helps to get rid of a colony that is just emerging.

Top brands:

  • "Raid".
  • "Raptor".
  • "Foresight".
  • "Combat".


The most powerful pest repellent available in spray format. Allows you to get rid of not only Prussians, but also bedbugs, as well as other pests. To get rid of parasites with it, it is enough to treat surfaces in the house with it. The drug, unlike other insecticides, has a pleasant aroma of lemon and mint, and does not affect the human condition at all.


One treatment with this spray was enough for me to get rid of the creatures for good.


I have used various products from this series against pests. Everyone helps.

Ultrasonic repellers

In some cases, such devices can be the most effective means of controlling cockroaches, for example, in grocery stores and apartments. Ultrasound has a negative effect on them. The use of ultrasonic devices has its pros and cons:

Pros and cons of using electronic devices

The characteristics state that humans and large animals do not feel any effect on the body. However, low-quality devices can negatively affect the human body, causing unpleasant symptoms such as headaches and/or insomnia.

Advantages and disadvantages

Toxic substances against cockroaches have proven their effectiveness for centuries, and especially recently, when you can purchase products in any form, convenient for use.

The advantages include:

  • Rapid destruction of insects.
  • Residual effect.
  • Mass destruction of pests.
  • Possibility of use in hard-to-reach places.
  • The result is obvious regardless of the number of cockroaches.
  • The product does not repel insects, but has a detrimental effect on them.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Most drugs are highly toxic to humans.
  • When working with toxic substances, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.
  • When using aerosols, toxic components are present in the air.
  • The use of such means requires the evacuation of apartment residents.

Kitchen tests reveal the perfect cockroach killer

Professional products

Highly effective products include concentrated liquids, such as “Tsifoks” and “Xulat-25”. They are considered professional products and therefore must be used strictly according to the instructions. They are designed for use over large areas.

It is beneficial to contact specialists, since they can always qualitatively assess the situation and select a drug that is suitable specifically for your case.

Cockroach repellent "Tsifoks"

Liquid repellent for cockroaches Skulat-25

There are situations when, for various reasons, it is impossible to call disinfectants. In this case, you need to at least consult with them about the required drug and subsequent actions, and treat the apartment yourself.

In very difficult cases, when insects literally fall from the ceiling, you need advice from knowledgeable specialists. Professional workers know how to act correctly in such situations. After all, sometimes it may turn out that not just one family needs treatment of an apartment, but all the neighbors on the floor or in the entrance.

Clean home universal aerosol

Insecticide, sold in 600 ml bottles. Designed to kill any crawling or flying insects. The main active ingredient of the drug is cypermethrin, which paralyzes the nervous system.

The composition also contains tetramethrin, which blocks the limbs of cockroaches.

One can is enough for a room of 20 m2.

Application technology:

  • shake the can;
  • holding it in a vertical position, press the sprayer, directing the stream to all places where cockroaches can live (cracks, crevices, damp, dark places);
  • ventilate the room (30 minutes is enough).

This universal drug is classified as low-hazard.

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