How long does whey last in the refrigerator?

Whey is the cloudy liquid that is obtained when making cottage cheese. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Masks based on this product tone and nourish the skin well due to the high content of nutrients. The calorie content of this product is only 20 kcal per 100 g, which is why it is recommended for overweight people. In addition, it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins C, B2, B4, B5, B6, PP and various minerals, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus and molybdenum. To prevent the drink from losing quality too quickly, you should know where and how to properly store the whey.

Cold storage

The store-bought product is more sour than the homemade product, which makes it have a refreshing effect. At the time of purchase, always check the release date. A natural product that does not contain preservatives can be stored for no more than 72 hours. At the same time, there should be nothing in its composition except the serum itself.

The shelf life of the serum in a hermetically sealed bag kept in the refrigerator ends on the day specified by the manufacturer. But if the product remained there longer than the specified period, it can still be used: used for cosmetic procedures.

After opening the container, store the serum tightly closed in a clean glass container. The jar is placed in the middle part of the refrigerator (storage temperature +5C°), where the product can remain for 3 days.

Storing Homemade Whey

Anyone who makes homemade cheese has the opportunity to use homemade products. It should be kept on the middle shelf of the refrigerator in an enamel or glass container with a tight lid.

How long homemade whey can be stored will depend on its quality. But in any case, this time should not exceed 5 days. If the product has been stored longer, it can still be used as a cosmetic product, as well as for making sauce, soup, and dough.

The maximum shelf life of serum obtained at home is 15 days.

When there is no room in the refrigerator, it is best to store whey in a cool cellar. Under such conditions, the product will be protected from bright light, which is necessary to prevent fermentation.

Storing homemade whey in the cellar is possible for 3 - 4 days.

You can store the serum on the balcony only in a closed cabinet if the temperature there does not exceed +10°C and does not fall below 0°C. In such conditions, the shelf life is no more than 3 days.

What is the shelf life according to GOST?

GOST R 53512-2009 involves the classification of cheese products depending on technological and physico-chemical characteristics.

Depending on the stage of maturation they are divided into:

  • mature;
  • without ripening.

Based on the calculation of the mass fraction of moisture in a fat-free substance, the following types are distinguished:

  • soft;
  • semi-solid;
  • hard;
  • superhard;
  • dry.

The period and conditions of storage of cheese products depend on the content of fat, moisture, table salt, and acidity. Knowing what type of product the product belongs to, it is easy to imagine what requirements must be met so that the cheese does not lose its properties.

Manufacturers provide two storage modes:

  • temperature from minus 4°C to 0°C, air humidity from 85% to 90%;
  • temperature from 0°C to 6°C, air humidity from 80% to 85%.

The shelf life of cheese products of a specific type is determined by the manufacturer. Recommended shelf life before and after opening the package, storage conditions for different types of product are shown in the table:

ViewStorage temperatureShelf life (in days)
before opening the packageafter opening the package
Semi-hard cheeses (Russian, Dutch)from minus 4°С to 0°Сup to 120 (vacuum packed) up to 60 (without vacuum)
from 0°С to 6°Сup to 90 (vacuum packed) up to 30 (without vacuum)up to 8
Hard (Parmesan, Maasdam, Gouda)from minus 4°С to 0°Сup to 180
from 0°С to 6°Сup to 120up to 120
Soft (Adyghe, Brie)from minus 4°С to 0°Сup to 33
from 0°С to 6°Сto 10up to 5
Brine (Suluguni, Mozzarella)from 0°С to 6°Сup to 25 (polymer packaging) up to 45 (vacuum packaging) up to 25 (in brine)up to 5
Curdfrom 2°С to 6°Сup to 90until 3
unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer
Processed cheeses (sausage)from 0°С to 4°Сup to 75until 3
unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer

Before opening the manufacturer's packaging

The period of time when a food product can be used for its intended purpose is determined from the moment the technological process for its production ceases. It includes the stages of storage at the warehouse of the manufacturer, transportation, storage at retail outlets and at the consumer after purchase.

The shelf life in unopened containers under the right conditions corresponds to the periods indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

For popular semi-solid and hard varieties, while maintaining the integrity of the original packaging, GOST provides for a storage period of about four months. The duration of the period is affected not only by temperature, but also by humidity indicators.

Cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible, if temperature changes that lead to spoilage of the product are excluded. You should not move it from one refrigerator shelf to another.

  1. Soft and pickled varieties have the shortest shelf life;
  2. Hard types are stored better than all others.

For processed and curd cheeses, the manufacturer can set expiration dates and conditions that guarantee the safety, quality and safety of the product. They depend on the production conditions, the raw materials used, as well as other factors affecting the shelf life of the product.

After opening the original packaging

  • Having violated the safety of the container, the cheese should be placed at a temperature of no higher than 6 degrees. It is recommended to avoid freezing; it is better not to place the product near the freezer. The best choice is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • To exclude the possibility of absorption of foreign aromas and drying out, the product must be packaged in foil, cling film or parchment.
  • If storage in a plastic bag cannot be avoided, a few pieces of refined sugar should be placed along with the cheese. It will absorb excess moisture and reduce the likelihood of mold.

Freezer storage

Can whey be stored in the freezer? Yes, you can, but then it is advisable to use it only for preparing dough or for cosmetic purposes. The value of this product, among other things, lies in its high content of vitamins. But at sub-zero temperatures they disintegrate, after which the drink significantly loses its nutritional value.

This product should not be stored in the freezer in a glass container. If frozen, the container may burst. It is best to keep the product in a plastic bottle no more than 4/5 full. You can also fill ice molds, and after freezing, transfer the cubes to a thick plastic bag with a zipper.

The shelf life of whey in the freezer should be no more than 6 months.

Natural dairy products have a minimum shelf life. The storage conditions for whey (store-bought and homemade) are the same as for most milk-based products.

If you know exactly how long to store the whey in the refrigerator and without it, you will always have a healthy tonic drink in the house, which, moreover, is a therapeutic and preventive remedy. If you include this product in your diet, it can have a comprehensive beneficial effect on the body and will help with gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, problems with hematopoiesis and metabolic disorders.

Why whey is useful, composition and calorie content

The main part of whey is water, its content is almost 93 grams per 100 grams. In addition, it contains:

Calcium (47 mg or 5%)%

Protein (0.85 grams);

Carbohydrates (5.14 grams);

Vitamins: groups B (B2, B6, B12), C, A, E.

The calorie content of whey is only 27 kcal per 100 grams.

Its protein consists of alpha-lactalbulin (25%), beta-lactalbumin (65%) and albumin (8%). Proteins, as the main building material for muscles, are extremely important for humans. And in this drink they are contained in an easily accessible form.

Calcium strengthens teeth, bones, and nails. Magnesium is involved in many enzymatic processes and is involved in the functioning of the nervous system and heart. A lack of these substances often leads to many serious disorders in the body and diseases.

What is this product?

Whey is a milk drink that is a by-product during the production of cottage cheese and cottage cheese. During their production, a liquid is formed, which is decanted and used for food.

This drink consists of 93% water. The rest of it is often made up of:

  • calcium;
  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • lactobacilli;
  • milk sugar;
  • vitamins, etc.

The product is low-calorie, 100 grams contain only 20 kcal.
The rich composition makes the drink very useful, helping to strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition to being used as a food product, the serum can be used as a cosmetic product - to strengthen hair, whiten skin and treat sunburn.

Whey beneficial properties

The serum is able to restore the balance of water and salt, which helps relieve swelling. In addition, it allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It is enough to drink just one glass of whey per day on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to include this healthy drink in the diet of heart patients and those suffering from high blood pressure.

The substances that whey is rich in cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, which means that harmful plaques will not be deposited on the blood vessels.

The product is indicated for depression. It turns out that the serum contains components that negatively affect the production of so-called stress hormones and promotes the production of the “happiness” hormone serotonin.

The benefits for the digestive system have already been mentioned at the very beginning of the article. Since it contains beneficial bacteria, it is useful for those who suffer from gastritis and colitis, and frequent constipation.

For those who want to lose weight, you can also use serum to normalize weight. Because it can reduce appetite, and the rich set of nutrients can help you stick to your diet without harming your health.

The beneficial properties of this dairy by-product were appreciated by almost all beauties. It has an excellent whitening effect and is useful for oily and normal skin. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it and its whitening effect will increase.

The serum will help remove dryness and reduce pain from sunburn. You can apply it to your skin or add two liters to your bath when taking a bath.

Burdock decoction mixed with whey perfectly restores and strengthens hair. Try washing your hair once a week and you will soon see results.

Where is it used?

Due to the fact that whey was labeled a by-product for a long time, many cottage cheese or cottage cheese manufacturers got rid of it by using it as livestock feed. However, recently everything has changed.

From whey, which is rich in high-quality proteins, powdered milk and baby food are obtained using ultraviolet radiation. And the lactose extracted from it is widely used in the production of medicines.

Whey is often used to prepare first courses, pancakes and any other baked goods. It will also serve as a good substitute for kvass if you decide to make okroshka.

Whey is used by many lovers of homemade beauty recipes. For example, you can use it to wash damaged hair. But it should be remembered that this requires a decoction of burdock. If you have problems with oily skin, just mix the serum with lemon juice and wipe the areas that bother you with this lotion. This is the kind of whey that brings benefits and harm.

Whey benefits

Whey, which many people discard after making cottage cheese, can actually provide great benefits to our body. It contains not only a complex of the most necessary minerals, but most importantly – protein. Whey consumption:

  • Creates muscle strength; • Provides vital energy; • Improves immunity; • Prevents diseases such as cancer and HIV; • Reduces blood pressure to a healthy level without side effects, unlike blood pressure medications; • Reduces the risk of thrombosis, thereby helping to prevent heart attacks and strokes; • Improves prostate health and prevents prostate cancer; • Promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria and suppresses harmful bacteria; • Cleanses the bladder and helps prevent bladder infections; • Corrects hormonal imbalance; • Slows down aging; • Promotes weight loss; • Improves digestion, like dietary fiber; • Supports healthy kidney function.

Whey harm

The only reason not to use whey is individual lactose intolerance. People with this problem may have an allergic reaction, swelling, diarrhea, and flatulence.

People who suffer from frequent diarrhea may have an intestinal disorder.

Another danger is improper storage. This is still a natural product with live lactic bacteria, which means it is a good environment for the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria, which can cause poisoning.

Despite the contraindications, whey is a very healthy and tasty drink that can be used in dozens of ways. Don't forget to include it in your diet!

How and how long to store whey

The remaining whey after preparing homemade cottage cheese or soft cheese must be stored in the refrigerator. The best container for storing it is an enamel or glass container with a lid. The shelf life of such serum is a maximum of 5 days.

But you shouldn't throw it away. It is not suitable for drinking, but is quite suitable for cosmetic procedures, making dough, sauces, and soup. The maximum shelf life of the serum is no more than 15 days.

There is no need to freeze the serum. When frozen, all its beneficial properties are lost, and it no longer provides any benefit to the body.

As for whey purchased in a store, when storing it you need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition of the product. In general, there should be nothing in it except the serum itself.

The timing and temperature conditions are usually indicated on the packaging. There may still be a deadline for implementation. These are different things. The closer the end date of sale, the less useful substances it contains and the greater the likelihood of poisoning.

How to make whey

Whey can be made from fermented milk, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

To make whey, pour raw milk into a clean glass jar. Cover the jar with a lid (coffee filter or clean cotton cloth) and leave it at room temperature for 2-3 days until it sours. To speed up the process, you can add a little lemon juice. Then the milk will sour overnight.

Pour the sour milk into a suitable pan (not aluminum) and place on the lowest heat. Heat gradually without letting it boil. Otherwise, the cottage cheese will be very hard, like rubber.

You will know about the formation of curd by the separation of whey and the formation of a curd mass.

To separate it, place a colander on another pan and cover it with gauze. Drain the curd.

Take the gauze and twist the edges. Hang it up with a container into which the whey will drain. As soon as liquid stops dripping from the curd, put it in the refrigerator and pour the whey into a jar or pan.

How to store whey in the refrigerator

When you buy whey in a store, always pay attention to the production date.

A quality product without preservatives should have a shelf life of a maximum of 72 hours (3 days) and should not contain any foreign ingredients. The shelf life of the serum in the refrigerator in a closed bag expires on the date specified by the manufacturer. If you missed it and the product becomes stitched, it can be used for cosmetic purposes.

After opening the package, the serum should be stored as follows:

  • pour into a clean glass jar with a tight lid;
  • place in the refrigerator on the middle shelf;
  • store at 5°C for up to 3 days.

Dry concentrate

In addition to fresh, liquid whey, a dry product obtained by evaporation is also produced. In this form, the product retains all its beneficial qualities .

A similar concentrate is used in sports nutrition, for the production of animal feed, food additives, and cosmetics.

Commercially prepared dry whey powder should be stored according to the manufacturer's directions .

Even in its dry concentrated state, whey has a limited shelf life. It is regulated by the manufacturer, and cannot be more than one year.

How to store homemade whey

Many housewives prepare this product themselves. It remains after making homemade cheese. The question arises: how and where to store the whey from cottage cheese?

In the absence of a refrigerator, the best place to preserve the quality and nutritional properties of the product is the cellar. Optimal conditions are observed here - humidity and temperature, there is no sunlight, which is important to avoid fermentation processes. The length of time to store homemade whey in the cellar is up to 3-4 days.

If this is not possible, then whey can be stored on the balcony, at an air temperature no higher than 10°C, but not lower than zero. To do this, pour it into a clean, opaque container and leave for up to 3 days.

At room temperature, the product spoils quickly, but there is a way to keep it fresh a little longer. To do this, cover the whey with clean gauze so that it sinks into the liquid. Moisture will evaporate from the fabric and thereby cool the contents.

The length of time the curd whey is stored in this way at room temperature is up to 2 days away from direct sunlight. It is best to take the container to the pantry.

In the refrigerator, on the middle shelf, the homemade product will be usable for 3-4 days.

Is it possible to save the cleaned ones?


Let's look at how to store peeled potatoes step by step below. If you are going to use potatoes in the near future, then place the peeled product in a saucepan with water and place it in the refrigerator.

The temperature of the section should not be higher than 6 degrees. With this storage method, potatoes will not lose their taste.

Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse it well under water.

When wondering how to store peeled potatoes in a cool place, remember that when left in the refrigerator for a long time, the product becomes watery.

That is, it is better to use fresh product in the volume needed to prepare one serving.

Onion and garlic

Can onions be stored in a refrigeration unit? You should not keep onions in the refrigerator for a long time. It should be placed in a plastic container or wrapped in plastic. This will prevent the onion smell from permeating other foods. You can leave the product in a cool place for up to several weeks.

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Onions are kept in the refrigerated section for up to one week. Otherwise it will spoil.

How to keep peeled onions in the refrigerator for as long as possible? Use salt. Pour salt into the bottom of the container and place the onion, cut side down. This will keep the product in the refrigerator for up to 8 days.

As for garlic, it is recommended to keep only healthy cloves, without rot, in the refrigerated section. Do not leave garlic in the bag as this will cause fungus to form. Place the product in a paper bag in the farthest section of the refrigerator. Garlic can be kept in this form for no more than a month.

Cut up pumpkin

Before putting it in the refrigerator, the fruit must be peeled, cut into slices and placed in a container.

It should not be kept open. The temperature should be 3-4 degrees.

You can store peeled pumpkin in a cool place for up to 10 days.

If the skin is damaged, it should be completely cut off to preserve the freshness of the fruit.

If the pieces are wrapped tightly, the skin does not need to be cut off. Vacuum film can be replaced with cling film.

It is recommended to store it wrapped for no more than 14 days. You can wrap the slices in foil, which will extend the shelf life of the product up to a month.

Information. If the pumpkin will be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, then to prevent the slices from drying out, they are treated with vegetable oil.

Boiled egg

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is 5-7 days. If the product is hard-boiled. If the shell cracks during cooking, this reduces the shelf life of the product to three days.

Important! Easter eggs are stored for the same amount of time, unless natural ingredients (onion peels, beets) were used for coloring. They can be consumed within one week

Thermal film as a decoration minimizes storage time, as heat transfer is disrupted. If the film is not applied correctly, water may collect under it and an unpleasant odor may appear after 24 hours.

They can be ready for consumption within one week. Thermal film as a decoration minimizes storage time, as heat transfer is disrupted. If the film is not applied correctly, water may collect under it and after 24 hours an unpleasant odor may appear.

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If a boiled egg is shelled, you can leave it in a cool place for no more than three days when stored in an airtight container.


Nuts can be kept in the refrigerator for up to one year. Ideal temperature: from -5 to +10 degrees.

In other temperature conditions, the product will begin to release oil and quickly deteriorate.

Before putting them in the refrigerator, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the kernels and bake them in the oven at low temperature.

Dried nuts can be stored for a long time. You can also heat the kernels in a frying pan instead of roasting them in the oven.

It is best to store nuts in an airtight glass container on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator.


The easiest way to store herring in the refrigerator is to fill it with brine and place it in a glass container. The fish can be either sliced ​​or whole, but must be completely immersed in brine. Without it, the fish will be tasteless.

If there is not enough brine, then make a filling for the fish. Boil the beer, add black pepper and add bay leaf. Wait until it cools down. Pour the liquid into a container with herring, add sunflower oil on top and cover with parchment paper.

You can cut the cleaned fish into pieces and leave it in a glass jar. Pour in sunflower oil. You can store it in this form for no more than three days.

Is it possible to freeze whey?

When naturally made fermented milk products are stored, vitamin C accumulates in them, which makes them beneficial for digestion. At temperatures below 0°C, beneficial substances and vitamins are destroyed, and the product becomes useful. However, you can freeze the whey. The main thing is not to do this in a glass container, as it will burst when frozen. A plastic bottle (you can fill it no more than 4/5 full) or ice cube trays is best. When the product is frozen, you can pour the finished cubes into a bag and store in the freezer for up to 6 months.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Recipes for cooks

The acidic liquid has long been used in cooking because it makes baked goods tender and airy.

Healthy baked goods

First, let's prepare custard pancakes. Take 0.5 liters of fermented milk liquid, the same amount of water, 2 cups of flour, 2-4 tbsp. l. sugar, a little salt, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

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