Rules for organizing space in the toilet according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a set of rules that came from the East and is designed to bring prosperity, health and wealth into the life of every person. This teaching extends not only to the principles of positive thinking and visualization, but also to the proper arrangement of an apartment or house. A lot depends on the arrangement of furniture, decorative items, and even the choice of colors for each zone. Arranging a toilet according to Feng Shui (according to the rules of Eastern sources) will help you avoid troubles in your career and personal life.

Feng Shui requirements for a toilet room

In those distant times, when the main set of Feng Shui rules was created, there were no toilets within the house, and this was considered a good sign. For important courtiers and wealthy people, their “toilets” were brought to them by servants, who immediately cleaned everything up, as a result of which the sewage never lingered within the living quarters. In poorer houses, the latrine was located outside the house.

Today, every person has a bathroom, and the bad Feng Shui of this place needs to be compensated as much as possible. The accumulation of a large number of pipes and drains is an extremely negative, from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, a place through which beneficial Qi energy flows out of the house. Therefore, the approach to organizing bathrooms requires special attention. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Always keep the toilet lid closed so that the energy of life does not leave the house through the drain pipe.
  2. Ensure good ventilation in the toilet: it does not matter whether it is forced or natural. This will help the energy circulate fully and not stagnate.
  3. The bathroom should be as simple as possible; luxury items are not allowed in this place. An expensive painting in the toilet can not only worsen the feng shui of the house, but also bring bad luck to its inhabitants.
  4. You can hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom or even install large mirrored doors that will reflect energy and create the illusion of the absence of this room.
  5. The toilet door should also always be closed.
  6. It is not recommended to make an additional open drain hole directly in the floor.
  7. The plumbing must be in good working order. Any leak leads to a deterioration in the financial condition of the family.

Toilet opposite the front door

The last mandatory rule concerns the ban on placing a bathroom or toilet opposite or next to the front door of the house.
Looking through modern construction projects, you can notice an unpleasant pattern in which the most unfortunate layout is made, when the toilet is located directly opposite the entrance to the room. This takes all the energy as soon as it enters the house, essentially down the drain. It is often impossible to correct the negative impact of the toilet room, because it is not always possible to simply redesign the house. In such cases, it is recommended to paint the toilet door or cover it with the same wallpaper as on the wall, making it as invisible as possible. This will reduce energy destruction in the home. If a corridor or large room leads to the toilet, you need to hang curtains to cover its walls, which will also create an additional barrier to the destruction of incoming energy.

Favorable and undesirable colors and shades

It is not recommended to use colors that are considered dominant, such as blue and black, when decorating a restroom. Any shades characteristic of the element of Fire, as well as images of the sun and sunny landscapes, are strictly not suitable. This will create dissonance with the dominant element of Water in the room. When choosing a toilet, you should give preference to the classic white color, which is as neutral as possible from a Feng Shui point of view.

To decorate the room, use any neutral shades characteristic of the water element: blue, light blue, turquoise, silver. Such a bathroom will be easier to keep clean, and its impact on people's lives will be reduced.

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The element of Water goes well with the elements of Wood and Metal, which allows you to use their shades. The main thing is that they do not dominate and disturb the natural balance. These include natural brown, terracotta, gray and their shades.

Selecting the color of the toilet

The science of Feng Shui also teaches how to choose the right colors for rooms. Choose snow-white toilet models. This is considered the best option and there are no exceptions to this rule. Both the sink and the bidet when installing them should be snow-white. The design of the room itself should also be dominated by white. This does not mean that the room will become like a hospital ward. Additional colors will help make it cozy. Cold and muted shades that belong to the element of Water are preferred. Among them are the following:

Layout location

The location of the toilet according to Feng Shui is of greatest importance. By choosing the right location, you can reduce its impact on the Qi energy in the house. But it is important to consider that the toilet room creates negative vibrations, regardless of which side of the world it is located in.

The worst option is to locate the toilet in the center of the apartment or house. This leads to constant quarrels, depression and even heart disease.

A bathroom in the north harms one’s career, interfering with promotion prospects, and worsening relationships with colleagues and superiors. To avoid such influence, place a large stone or a seven-level pagoda in the toilet.

If the bathroom is located in the east, it deprives the family of good luck and spoils the relationship between parents and sons. In this case, you cannot place plants and flowers in the room, as they will increase the negative impact. Instead, it is better to place a wind chime made of five sticks there.

The toilet located in the western part has a bad effect on the health of children. You can get rid of this influence by painting the door of the room a rich red color. The walls of the toilet should not be white and placing wind chimes there should be avoided.

On South

Toilets and bathrooms located in the south can cause gossip that discredits the good name of the family. You can reduce the negative impact of this factor by placing a bowl of clean water there and reducing the lighting level.

In the southwest, the toilet harms marital relationships and threatens family prospects. First of all, the woman who will suffer from this will face health problems, indifference of her husband, excessive amount of work and fatigue. If you can’t move the room, you can reduce its negative impact by placing fresh flowers or other plants in ceramic pots, as well as decorating the room with natural crystals.

In North-west

In the northwest, the toilet reduces the influence of the family and negatively affects the reputation of its head. You can correct the situation if you hang a bright lamp in this room.

Feng Shui rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: location

  • When you think about a bathroom, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Most likely, it is purity, a state of relief and renewal. That's right, this room symbolizes cleanliness and order.
  • The toilet also symbolizes cleansing, renewal, getting rid of the old. However, if the location of this room is incorrect, it will not be the old and unnecessary that will leave you, but, for example, money, health, etc.
  • If possible, the toilet and bathroom should be separated so that the energies of these rooms do not overlap.

First, let's look at the issue of the location of the bathroom in the house:

  • Under no circumstances should the bathroom be located in the center of your house/apartment. This arrangement will disrupt the correct flow of energy throughout the house.

Cannot be placed in the center

  • Also, if possible, give up the idea of ​​building a bathroom above your bedroom and workplace (applies to private two-story houses). If this room is located in this way, you will risk your success, health and luck.
  • Not the best home layout option is a bathroom opposite the front door. This risks losing your financial success.
  • If you have the opportunity to choose a non-rectangular bathtub, be sure to take advantage of it. Semicircular, round and oval bath shapes will help you improve your financial situation.
  • Another point that needs to be taken into account when locating the bathroom and its improvement is that no matter what you do in the bathroom, you should always be able to see who might come to you.

Now let's look at the Feng Shui rules for the toilet and toilet:

  • In no case should the toilet room be opposite the front door, this will bring you troubles and failures. It is believed that in this case, a person entering the toilet immediately ends up in a garbage pit and is filled with its energy.
  • It is also impossible for the toilet to be located opposite the living room and dining room, since such a location will adversely affect the general atmosphere in the house, as well as the digestive system of the household.
  • There is also no place for a toilet opposite the bed or resting place. This arrangement is dangerous to health.
  • And never place an aquarium , especially if it is large. In general, an aquarium symbolizes prosperity, brings money and good luck to the house, but if it is located next to the toilet, everything can go differently. All the money and luck will be washed down the drain.
  • As mentioned earlier, it is best if your bathroom is separated from the toilet, however, if the bathroom is shared, then you need to do the following. Separate the toilet from the bathroom with at least a screen, or better yet some kind of stand.
  • Do not allow sewer pipes to be visible in the toilet or bathroom. If it is not possible to completely remove them from visibility, we recommend at least decorating them with something.

It is advisable that the bathtub be separate from the toilet.
Here are the main rules for the location and arrangement of the toilet room and toilet in the house according to Feng Shui:

  • The toilet should not stand out too much from other rooms.
  • The room itself and the toilet should always be clean and tidy.
  • It is best to keep the toilet closed, that is, the lid should be lowered when leaving the room. This will help keep positive energy, luck and money from going down the drain.
  • This room should always be well ventilated, this will help ensure that there is no stagnant energy in it.
  • There should be no faulty equipment in the toilet, just like in the bathroom. It is very important that the taps and drain barrel do not leak, since your opportunities and money will flow away along with this water.
  • Remember, your toothbrushes and combs should not be near the toilet. It is best if there are several meters between them, but if this is not possible, then store the brushes in cases.
  • A trash can, dustpan and broom also have no place in the toilet. Pay special attention to the bucket, it symbolizes the abyss, a black hole into which your money, good luck, and health will go.
  • The toilet and bathroom should be as simple, comfortable and practical as possible. You shouldn’t make a lot of shelves, clutter them with a bunch of jars, etc.
  • Try to always have good lighting in these rooms, otherwise there will be more negative energy than positive.
  • It is best to locate the bathroom and toilet in the northern zone.

The toilet should be well lit

What should be the lighting in the toilet?

The toilet room should have a minimum number of decorative elements, with the exception of those that will soften its negative impact on the energy of life. The choice of lighting directly depends on the zone in which the toilet is located: bright lamps are recommended in the northwestern part of the apartment, and as dim as possible in the southern part. If the restroom is located in the direction of any other part of the world, the lighting should be approximately the same as in other areas of the apartment.

If it is possible to provide natural sunlight into the toilet, it is worth taking advantage of it. It is better to choose artificial lighting that is warm and as close to natural as possible. You can check this by taking a closer look at the color of the white earthenware: when the light is on, it should not appear yellow or blue.

Since bathrooms and toilets create many problems, from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is recommended to make them as small as possible so that they do not occupy the entire sector, but only partially.

It is important to keep your washroom clean and clean it regularly to reduce negative feng shui effects in your home. A positive effect can be achieved by using salt-based cleaning products - a substance that neutralizes any negative energies.

“Toilet Sha” line

The practice of Feng Shui is designed to influence different types of energy, attract beneficial ones and neutralize negative ones. Sha is black negative energy. When planning a house, there is the concept of Sha lines. Finding such a line for the toilet room is quite simple; to do this, you need to draw an imaginary line in the direction you are looking when you sit on the toilet in front of you, and the same back.

It is strictly prohibited if this line crosses a bed, dining table, refrigerator or work desk. When this happens, Feng Shui masters often see very negative results.

So, if the Sha line crosses the bed, then there is a high probability of conflicts in the family, which can sometimes lead to complete disagreement in relationships and divorce. If you are single, then this moment may interfere with your personal life.

There is an example when the mistress of the house was sleeping, and the Sha line of the toilet crossed the pelvic organs. At the same time, she had several miscarriages in a row. We also know about a man whose neck was cut - he was in a car accident and critically damaged his cervical vertebrae. In this case, Feng Shui masters came to the conclusion that the Sha line worked as an additional stimulus for these incidents.

Solution: turn the toilet, choosing the safest direction, or remove all critical and important objects from the line of the toilet Sha.

The location of the bathroom is in the south in the southern part of the house. What is the danger

If the bathroom is located in the southern sector of the house or apartment, then a conflict between two elements arises: Water and Fire. Water is the natural element of the bathroom, and Fire is the natural element of the southern sector.

The conflict between Fire and Water often manifests itself in people’s excessively seething emotions. This can lead to their quarrels.

In order to remove the conflict between Fire and Water, it is necessary to strengthen the element of Wood in the bathroom. Wood is an intermediate element between them and relieves tension.

In order to strengthen the element of Wood, it is necessary that there is a lot of green in the bathroom, primarily on the walls.

If you do not have the opportunity to change the color of the walls in the bathroom, then add green in whatever way possible. For example, hang a green curtain, put a green rug on the floor, use green towels, and so on. The more green there is in the bathroom, the weaker the conflict between Water and Fire will be.

Does money get flushed down the toilet?

Yes, water leaves in this place, but water loss in itself is not an unfavorable factor. There is no “money flush” here, as some books or articles say, which recommend “keeping the toilet lid closed.” Everything is much deeper!

For some reason, many who begin to study Feng Shui believe that the loss of water itself is bad in any case. No, my friends, this is not true! When our house is located classically with a mountain at the back of the house and a facade on the decline, having “embraces” on the left and right, it a priori already “looks” at the “retreating water”. And this can be a very favorable factor in some areas of the façade.

But if the outgoing water is located in inappropriate directions, then yes, then money can leave the house, since the outgoing water represents the Yang factor in the San He formulas, and therefore represents money.

Moreover, if we are talking about ordinary toilets and bathtubs in our houses and apartments, then most often there is no “Water Outlet” at all in the meaning as it is understood in classical Feng Shui San He. These are only a certain type of bathrooms, which are most often found in Southeast Asia. In our territories this is extremely rare.

Is the toilet sha or not?

Of course, first of all, the unfavorable location of the toilet in the house is associated with unpleasant odors, which in Feng Shui are called “smell sha”.

When we were in Central China, I understood why Feng Shui pays so much attention to this space. You can only go there wearing a gas mask and overalls, which must be disinfected before you take them off, as they show in movies about mega viruses! Horror. You can’t even imagine what it is and how it works inside!

But in other places, especially in modern European interiors, sometimes you go into the toilet and it seems that you are in the Queen’s boudoir or in a Thai elite spa salon - it is very beautiful and the smell of citrus, lavender or patchouli.

If you keep your toilet constantly clean and take care that the smell of sewerage does not penetrate into the house, you don’t have to worry about “sha”.

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